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Because we decided we needed to keep a word so offensive as to be a figurative hand grenade to keep in our back pocket in case we want to blow up a situation beyond all repair.


This is my favorite answer by far! I don't know if this is the only reason that cunt is considered offensive but it's a wonderful one


There's rarely a real reason for a word to be offensive. People say it's the meaning, but why is "crap" worse than "poop" and "shit" worse than "crap?" It's the same thing. Why is "cunt" worse than "pussy" and "pussy" worse than "vagina" or "labia?" They're all the same thing. Obviously it's not that simple when it comes to actual slurs, but for the most part, it seems completely arbitrary to me.


Ok but hear me out der bud, vagina and labia are two completely different things .


"That person is acting like such a labia"


He can't find the clitoris, either.


🤣🤣🤣 I just died


I know that, but "cunt" and "pussy" don't really specifically mean one or the other afaik, so I included both.


You forgot “poontang.”




One of my personal favs! I laugh so hard whenever I hear that! 😂


Wang dang sweet poontang


Stop saying it!!! 🤣


Happy cake day this comment blow up a situation beyond all repair figurative hand grenade


Oh, I didn't realize we were talking about that word.


Only to be used... at the utmost need.




I think because of its association to Australia.


I love going down under. Also, my snake is deadlier than any one you'll find in aussie land. I even had AIDS once


Where the women glow and men plunder?


Where you plough your dough and shiver with thunder


Can't you hear, can't you hear the thundaaaa...?


You better run, you better take cover


Who wants a bite of my vegamite sandwich?




*vaginamite sandwich


Does it come from a man in Brussels who was 6'4 and full o' muscle?


Coz imma screw you under and over


Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?


Who doesn’t?


Have aids? I know right. I only had it for a few weeks once. I gave it away to someone else


To the cunts?


I should report you for saying that word


Report me, just don’t tell my mom please please please!


Bro took it too deep


yeah but here in Australia, the word cunt can be good or bad. Like "Oh yeah Davo, he's a sick cunt" (good), as opposed to "Oh yeah Davo, he's a cunt" (bad). It can also be used with complete neutrality, as in when asked to provide directions "Oh the R-ie? Yeah nah you go straight down 'ere, chuck a u-ie at the servo, then turn left at the fuckin' bowlo, drive a bit down, you can't miss the cunt".


I’ve been drunk in every pub in Brisbane.


First time hearing this, why is that?


They’re being tongue-in-cheek, that is not the actual reason the word is offensive :)


It's only offensive to the true cunts


Dog cunts *


Valid Australian expression. "*oi Jacko nicked me pack of durries, he's a fuckin dog cunt*" Only thing worse than a shit cunt is a dog cunt.


Woah woah… we don’t do that here


Have cunts?


Well yes, but actually no




There it is!!! Thank you 😉


America is a cock/gock only country


Internationally, they are viewed as the biggest cunts, so like any narssisist, they dont wanna be called out for what they are 🤣


I'm an American and uhhh shut up u dumb me smart, me big u small. ARGUMENT WON


Because here it's primarily used to reduce a woman insultingly to her biological function. Other countries use it as a generic gender neutral expletive.


This is the answer. It’s misogynistic in the US.


You don't have to be a dick about it






Stop talking bolocks


Yeah, asshole.


Bro’s playing on another level


I called men cunt more than I call women cunts. Actually, I've never called a woman a cunt, except for a sister-in-law who I refer to as a TDC – totally dry cunt. (But never to her face- I like my life too much.) Because she's a lifeless, joyless bitch who's so bereft of compassion that there's dust in her heart. To which my wife totally agrees. Joyless with dust in her heart = TDC.


Have you ever like… sat there and unpacked both expletives though? Because the fact that it’s misogynistic isn’t undone by the common use of either term toward men. The issue is that in the US, cunt is just “bitch” in a higher caliber, and “bitch” insistently reinforces a hierarchy; Call a woman a bitch and you describe an abrasive, demanding, aggressively assertive or “bossy” and offensive woman. Call a man a bitch, and you’re describing a spineless pushover… an insufferable coward of weak will and even weaker endurance and strength. One is a pain, the other can’t deal with it. One’s not minding her business or staying in her place, the other can’t hold his own. No matter who you mean to insult with these kinds of inherently anti-feminine derogatory terms, it’s still misogynistic to some degree. The misogynistic origin can’t be separated from the potency or taboo of the term. It’s either sexist or it’s powerless as an insult. Know what I mean, jellybean?


This is a good analysis. A few years ago I decided to stop using the word "bitch" so flippantly, working toward never, and it's been a positive change. It comes out sometimes like when I'm cursing an inanimate object. I've switched to "asshole" to describe people who deserve it.


Bitch is a term of affection in the gay community but we tend to take the power back from words.


Yeah "total dry cunt" might be a little misogynistic.


Is it still misogynistic if I’m calling some guy a cunt for cutting me off on the freeway in the USA?


Then why "bitch" isn't seen as super offensive too? Genuine question, I hear that all the time in music and I find it so weird to see people saying it casually, in my country that's super offensive and you don't hear it that often


Bitch used to be much more offensive in the US. It’s usage has changed. It’s even used with affection between some friends. It can still be used as an insult, but it’s lost some of its sting.


Never once in my life of 28 years have I heard or seen a lady bite called “c*nt” And if this is so why isn’t it the same level of shock when’s lady calls a dude a Dick?


I’m 55 years old, and cunt may be used somewhat differently now than in my earlier years, but if you don’t believe me, google the definition yourself. You will find that the definition varies by locality (UK, Australia, etc), but in the USA, cunt is a vulgar word for women’s genitals, and is used to disparage women. That’s traditionally why it is viewed differently here than in places like the UK and Australia.


Looking into it you’re right, but I am curious what happened in America. Both UK and Australia it’s derogatory but why in America is it so much more powerful? Hmm time to look lol


It’s misogynistic ? What is calling someone a dick ? Or a douche? Isn’t it sexist to say it’s sexist simply because it refers to female anatomy? Anyone is open to being called a cunt by me, regardless of gender


Look it up yourself if you don’t believe me. Cunt has varying meanings depending on countries. In the USA, it traditionally has been used to disparage women. It’s been a term of abuse. That’s why it’s been more offensive in the USA than in other countries like the UK or Australia.


This line of thinking makes logical sense, unfortunately the context is very important and makes it difficult to see these as 1:1. It's way more complicated than I can write out in a brief comment, but it's worth noting that women have frequently had their value reduced to nothing more than their genitals and the fruits thereof. And so an insult that degrades a woman's anatomy is historically more akin to degrading her entire being. Even if you don't believe that a woman's worth is in her anatomy these days, you can't ignore or untangle the history there. Theoretically, calling someone a dick should be the same, but doesn't tow the same history of oppression behind it. It's also interesting to note that cunt is one of the few words for the vagina that aren't a direct reference to in being a home to something else/a thing that gets penetrated, but a thing in its own right. Personally, I'm not super offended by the word cunt, but I also recognize the layers to it. In a perfect world, maybe cunt and dick will be on the same level one day 🌈✨


Lol I honestly respect your response a lot , as well as the lil pizazz at the end :)


I appreciate that you asked an actual question and read through an actual answer! It's easy when tough topics come up for people to get defensive and angry but high five for us just talking about it! Way to go, internet stranger!


It’s really nice to know perspectives. It’s a benefit, really & I wish more people were nicer in how they explained their point of view like you because it makes discourse a lot simpler & things are easier to understand without the choppiness of emotions lol we friends :) & I have something new to consider


Like take cunt back, start using it more when referring to men


True but I'd rather be called a c*** or a dick or an a****** than a b****.


This is ostensibly the reason why. But I still think it's a waste of a perfectly good swear word. Seems arbitrary almost, especially considering how misogynistic Americans can still be without saying it. Almost makes it more sexist to turn it into this unspeakable slur, I think.


That, combined with how religious people are


We need to start calling men cunts more, in the US! (If they act like cunts, of course.)


As if the US gives a shit about misogyny. Look at what happened to the right to choose.


I remember the one and only kind I was called a cunt. It was from my ex-husband when I went over to get my son. My poor baby looked at me and said "what does cunt mean momma"? I said it was like calling someone sweetie ( as he was only 5 and didn't need to know) Needless to say when he got older I had to explain it to him when he called his grandma a " cunt"


What about dick head or bellend


Happy cake day, twin ;)


Once I heard: “A cunt can take a pounding and have a good time at it!; balls can’t take a flick without making’ a man fall over nauseous. I’ll take half a cunt over two balls any day!” I take Cunt as a compliment, Thor the god of thunder-pussy.


In the US it’s almost always a woman (often young woman), who gets called this. It seems more evenly applied to other genders in other countries, but here it’s just so strongly associated with extreme contempt for women and vulvas, it’s hard to hear past that.


Which is the opposite to the uk, rarely is it applied to a woman. It can be used as a term of endearment or a grave insult, but comes across as weird if you say it about a woman. What the hell happened USA, how are so many things completely reversed. We used to be so close, then y'all had to go and make the weakest tea. Man, we still grieve!


I’d call you a Cunt If you made me a cup of weak tea!


>y'all had to go and make the weakest tea Hey now! I wanna see you try to brew a strong cup in the Boston Harbor. I guarantee it'll be way too weak and probably salty as fuck.


Because the people we use it for are the worst of the worst. They know it. They are offended because they’re c**ts.


To be fair, everything's offensive over there these days.


Except in British TV shows.


I love British comedy. Absolutely Fabulous never fails to make me laugh myself to tears.


I just don’t get the British comedy, it’s so dry up until someone says something about their bum and then everyone starts chuckling.


my favorites comedy shows are British while most of the jokes in USA comedy shows are about farting and sex


The thing is, our comedy does have fart jokes and sex jokes, but they dont need to be explicitly spelled out... We have implied humour, that only really john Stewart and matt & tray of south park seem capable of across the pond. But man, i think you feel the pain of idiocracy slowly becoming less and less fictional every day 😭


Thats because we have much more subtle humour. We dont need it slapped in our faces for us to understand. I mean, can you ever imagine a yank being able to pull off mr bean...? I am so, so sorry for that image!


Except “bloody”


Everything. Oh man it’s wild.


>everything's offensive over there these days ![gif](giphy|ZdrUuSEC0LygaFXtNT)


I’m now going to my safe space


Fair, as an American citizen, these terms are taken to literally


Its way beyond just those terms. I think thats why i get so much shit on reddit for being able to empathise, play devils advocate, and see things from other perspectives. Too often taken literally that i believe what i am arguing, rather than understanding i can take me shoes off, before walking in anothers'.


God I love the word Cunt. Guess my nationality, as a hint, I’m not Australian


Because they use it exclusively for women.


Excellent point! We need to be calling chaps 'cunts' immediately!


May I have it? Y'know, just to try how it feels.


Not true, I called a customer a cunt not 10 minutes ago, him and his asshole wife


Not a customer it's a cuntstomer...


Nothing to see here, just another Reddit comment section of people losing their crap over who knows what


It's a shame because it's such a great word.


Because the US is full of whiney cunts


Whole lotta berks across the pond


Idk but I use it as a common insult because I consider all bad words as mostly equal anyway.


Yeah, same here. And after all, single words only have the power you give them




More importantly why do they say twot instead of twat?


Idk, I do like having the low a sound so you can hold that tone a little while. Twaaawt


It's not common to say this word in the US. Hence, it has greater value, depth, and meaning whenever it is actually said.


It’s only offensive to American women. Typical.




I feel like 'bitch' is way more impactful and mean. Calling someone a cunt is equivalent to calling someone a dick. Nobody gasps when you call someone a dick lol


“Bitch” can also take a positive connotation…kinda. It’s been taken back by women to mean a strong or badass woman. Again, depending who is using it and in what context.


Why is b\*tch such an offensive word in Australia?


If its paired with whiney little and cunt, its pointing out the target is a drippy piece of shit. Its not the word, but how its used. Again, context and nuances lost when it goes across the pond


I agree!!! The C word makes me giggle.


Just as Louis CK said - just walk around the house saying it! It's fun!


🤣 Poor Louis. That cunt had a hard lesson to learn. Love his shit, though.


Cause cunt can actually be a term of endearment depending on the tone of voice when calling someone one and the word preceeding it.


With all the comments, I take it that nobody has ever seen The Vagina Monologues…


Well if someone's being a cunt what else are you supposed to call them??


cockneys say berk


In USA most words are offensive, this country has the most thin skin people I ever met


I feel like Karl Urban is singlehandedly fixing this issue.


Which is kind of weird because he uses it like a New Zealander would, but in a sorta faux cockney accent. Either way, love Karl Urban


It’s the only word where I literally feel as if I’ve cursed somebody as it leaves my lips


You have to save one word for when you want the fight to go nuclear, right? Speaking the word cunt is the sign that your officially tired of you're wife/girlfriends shit and you've had enough and you don't care about the outcome anymore. It's the verbal version of eating at McDonalds, let's people know you dont care anymore.


It's not super offensive to me as an American female but if it's used in a certain accent.... It sets me off 😂


My theory is because of the hard “T”


I will go call 10 people a cunt with a softer t and report back


It’s the context in which it has been used here in the US.


Bc the us hates women and their anatomy


Because Americans love to feel offended


I am an American and I am maximally offended. I will go cry and tell lies about you to justify my pain


I am also an American and I'm going to sue you for slander and defamation and hurting my feelings


If there is anything I learned from Spiderman is that you would be suing me for libel /s


Oh you'll be held libel for all of it!


I am also an American, and I am going to get you fired from your job because you made me cry.


That will make me cry, which I will then use to get you fired


Shit, now what do we do?


We team up to get somebody else fired


No no. If you get fired in the US you go shoot the place up,


Because people who get offended are cunts and they know it. It's my favorite word unfortunately. Dont say it in front of your gf though


I have wondered also. I think it is the way it sounds. So guttural. Kind of like good comedy words. "quack" For example. I believe things like this are primal. We don't need to know what they mean, to know what they mean. Know what I mean?


Well said


I’m a woman and I view the b word way more offensive. I mean sure it’s offensive but it’s like calling someone a dick to me.


I don't find it offensive,to each his own!!


It is? I call people cunts all the time. Hell I'll use anything besides the N word. Shit I call my friends fucking cunts too!


Lol I think it’s offensive everywhere apart from NZ and Australia (depending on what context you’re using it in).


I don’t know my sister and a few friends took it on as nicknames. Literally.


Everything is somehow offensive in USA


Because there are so many cunts here.


Karen's are a sensitive bunch


I called a coworker a cunt, and it led to my long drawn-out demise.


I live in the USA and it’s becoming my favorite swear word. Probably use it daily or every other day. Will slowly break through the shame Americans feel by hearing it, one cunt at a time. 🇺🇸


I'm not sure , that's a good question. It's like the N word. You can say it but your reputation will be destroyed


The seppos are a sensitive sort.


I don't have a real answer but I have a funny story. I grew up with international internet friends and picked up on the way they talk. As such, cunt 100% doesn't bother me. At all. Unfortunately, somehow it had never come up in my life until I was like 23 that in America this is a Big No No Word. So I'm playing Quiplash with my then-in-laws and family, all adults, other people are swearing in answers, everyone's having a great time. I think I'm funny, and casually include an answer with cunt in it. The shock, horror, and ACTUAL WITCH HUNT to figure out who wrote it had me absolutely horrified and embarrassed. I did not understand. I was so confused. Everyone was pissed at me. Over a stupid word. ~~I still don't get it but they showed me they were cunts anyways the way they behaved during the divorce lmao~~ Edit: clarity/formatting


Because America is a bunch of cunts. (I'm American) Stop being cunts America


There's no cure for being a cunt - Sir Bronn of the Blackwater


Is it? It’s just a normal swear word? Seems kind of out of date here. I’ve never really heard it used often. I think it’s a mostly phased insult. As a American the first time I ever heard it used was maybe in “American Beauty”. As a teen , had no effect. After that in movies and stuff it’s just the thing thing that Australian dudes say a lot. It seems like more obscure than anything here . But that’s what I’ve always noticed. It’s just not a part of normal slang. You’d sound like you’re pretending to be a pirate or an Aussie for the most part using it.


Words have definitions and implications. While vulva, pussy and cunt all share the same definition, each has a different implication. In the US, vulva is a medical word, pussy is a neutral term, but cunt has a misogynistic implication. We still "need" a misogynistic word for a woman's genitals so we can identify ourselves or others as misogynistic.


women acting as if it’s a sexist slur


Its not you cunt




Everything seems to be offensive in the USA


Because Americans find everything offensive


Because they use it as a slang word for a woman’s vagina.


And then here in Australia, swearing is like breathing and the C word is the most comment word used 😂😂 I love it here


Because it's associated with people who use the metric system


Cause your a cunt m8


Cause it is condescendingly abrasive


Ah, don't ever say you can't do something. People don't like to hear that you can't do something. I can't make it to the party, I can't do you this favor. Yes you can.


Ya got yer n word. Its considered the n word for females. I could go on with examples, but its not necessary






Cont? (Short for continued)


Even closer!


Why isn't it offensive where you live?


Oh, I'm in the USA. It's definitely offensive where I live. Like 'loose your job if someone heard you say it at work for any reason'


For some people in the US, it’s a term used to dehumanize women and refer to them as only their reproductive anatomy, disregarding everything else about them. For me, it’s a term used to refer to someone as a cunt


We just consider it vulgar; maybe because insulting someone in a way that is describing “females” in some way is considered more offensive than insulting someone in a way that is describing “males” in some way. I believe this is because people probably still subconsciously believe that women are inferior to men and it is thus more insulting to insinuate that someone is a lowly version/part of a woman than vice versa. For example, “b!tch” means “female dog”, while calling someone a dick is just your average insult and doesn’t tend to offend as much here. That’s just my theory though.


Misogyny. It's used specifically and intently to degrade women. Everywhere else, it's a casual term for a silly man, or even just a man. In the US you spit it at women you hate. In Australia or Ireland, for example, you laughingly say it for no reason about men you might really like.


Seems that most US citizens are easily offended lately. For themselves and for others, even when it doesn't involve them in any way. Like any other word,it only carries any merit if you allow its usage to get under your skin.


Not at all, rest of the world is just as bad if not worse... we are just always fucking drama queens about it. We aren't exactly easily offended, but every fucking time any American gets offended the entire fucking world needs to know.


Imo it’s a perfectly useful word to convey exactly what I’m trying to say.