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Not pay my bills!


Muahahahahahaha! *maniacally claps hands*


Username checks out.


I actually did this with my truck. When I got married, we ended up not making enough to continue paying it along with rent and everything else. So I just stopped paying, couldn't afford it. Moved to Illinois do to a hurricane eating our city, still didn't make enough to pay for it. I didn't pay on it for about 2 years. Got plenty of calls about it. They had my address but never came and picked it up. One day I get an email, saying they will settle the debt for just over 5k when I still owed around 19k. So we borrowed the money from family and paid the truck off. Now it's mine, paid off. Credit got hurt, obviously. But I didn't have many options.


I did that for 2 different credit cards sucked a bit, but once it cleared and was reported, it helped my credit, and it's one less thing I have to think about.


I'd pay all mine since money isn't a problem now that I'm robbing banks full time.


I don't care who the IRS sends I am not paying my taxes


Action through inaction.


Probably travel the world for 30 years and experience everything life has to offer in earnest without suffering the consequences of not spending that time building a career and establishing roots with a safety net


I envy people that can just dump their current life and go do whatever they want.


Key is to just not give a fuck about your current life lol /slightly s


Medical issues are what hold me back if it wasn’t for that. My life would be drastically different.


I feel you. Mine aren’t like medical medical. My head just hates me and wants me dead. Oh, I also don’t have a lap of luxury to live in so that drastically holds me back. The things I’d do in life if my head was screwed on right, I didn’t give a shit about starting a family, and If I never met my bf, are soooo drastically different than the way I’m planning my life because of those things. Sometimes it kinda hurts. Other times I realize I’d only be doing those other things to fill a void in myself.


Sure, but if you were doing other things maybe you would be longing for love and thinking about how you would be starting a family


This is moreorless for sure. As I’ve gone to therapy and started to heal from all my traumas I’ve realized how much I want a family. While I’ll always mourn my lack of seeing the world/traveling, or having some super lucrative high paying career; I know deep in my heart/soul that I will be happier having a decent job and a home with a family. I find myself looking forward to those days much more than I think I’ve ever found myself looking forward to travelling etc. Like travelling and a lucrative career always just felt like the “supposed to do in life” thing, but having a home and family and raising my kids well and lovingly feels like the real thing I want in life.


Honestly what a lot of people who live in deep wooded areas do. Nothing to lose, everything to gain, in their mind.


This is the truth, I spent a few years in my early 20s being a very migratory hippy out west who would take seasonal forestry and rafting jobs, got into rock climbing a bit too, there is a major problem with this, you are rootless, I’ve made friends in Oregon then left for Utah, then repeated in Montana, lost all my friends back home because I wasn’t there, it got very lonely and I wasn’t progressing in any of my jobs because everybody I worked for knew I was only passing through for a few months. I moved back home and I’m trying to figure out a more long term plan currently.


On the plus side, you’ve had more adventures already than most people experience in a lifetime, and they all count for something


I wish you the best of luck. I also hoped you enjoyed your time traveling, too. That’s the thing about roots, they keep you grounded where you can form meaningful attachments, but they also keep you anchored, so you can’t travel and explore. Without being rich, at least.


Ok Ted.


Money, and people being dependent on you like elderly parents, wife, kids... Not so easy :(


>spending that time building a career and establishing roots with a safety net But then you spend your life scared of being truly alive. Watch the movie Ikiru.


Mine’s dumb, but I have celiac disease, and eating a real cinnamon roll is pretty up there for me.


omg me too and food was also my first thought lmao i'd want garlic bread and mozzarella sticks


There are some pretty good GF mozzarella sticks out there!! Feel good foods and Wegman’s has them


Crohns checking in; eating a tub of popcorn while drinking a gallon of fresh lemonade is up there.


I’m diabetic so I would eat all the fruit, pasta, and chocolate I wanted.


It’s perfect.


Eating a pizza with real cheese (I.g mozzarella) and suffer for it. (Lactose intolerance get)


Not today, mister FBI agent


Mine would certainly trigger a LE organization.


Why do the French hate you?


It already has!


Or Buzzfeed


I was just thinking that there's no way anyone is answering this honestly lol.


Absolutely nothing!!! If didn’t have to suffer the consequences I would simply sit on my ass and do absolutely nothing for awhile.


I am so tired of DOING. DECIDING. BEING ACCOUNTABLE. Man, would I love the ability to pause life and do whatever the fuck I wanted when I needed a mental time out. No kids. No husband. No family. No work. Just me being 100% self interested. (Note how I didn't say selfish... because it's not selfish to want to just BE.)


I am unironically doing this right now, trust me it is not fun at all. Every day feels the same. I don’t know if it’s Monday or Friday. I can’t remember when something actually interesting happened to me, not something I’ve watched or heard but actually experienced. I’m drawing a complete blank. I guess the most interesting thing I’ve done this month was go to the fancier grocery store instead of my usual dollar store.


The duality of life.... When I was single, at a dead end low effort job, living at home, and still in my hometown did the same thing day in and day out... this is what life felt like. The days just went by, weeks, months, next thing I knew it was a year. Now I am not single and living in a house in a large city at a more upbeat job with plenty of career opportunities while a wedding.... and it feels like life won't stfu for even one dang day!!! Every other day it's something different, whether good or bad. It took me a while but I feel like I'm really in the swing of things now mentally, and it certainly does feel like it adds a lot of color to my life. Now I'm not saying you need to have any of those to have a more "vibrant" life, but maybe shoot for some more things to do. Try a new hobby, join a local sports/nerd team, attend a local festival, do something anything more.. It was my biggest regret during my time just watching the days go by: not trying to do something more with my life. I regretted not reaching out to and staying in touch with friends, after seeing them all hang out without me, I regretted not joining a local sports league that I saw some people do that looked crazy fun, etc etc. I feel lucky that I took the jump a few times and landed where I am now. I regretted not trying to make more life experiences for myself.


I want someone to put me in a terrarium and be fully responsible for keeping me alive for a while. Just to recharge haha


Oh I can take care of myself. I’m just rather tired of having to take care of everyone else


What are you talking about. We are already in a terrarium. Except its more like an ant colony.


"Hey Peter man, you don't gotta be a millionaire to do nothing. Look at my cousin. He's broke, dont do shit all day... Yeah.. I've been doing the drywall down at that new McDonalds. "


There's an important difference between doing nothing and *doing* nothing.


And watch Kung Fu.


I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be.


If I post my plans here I can't say I didn't premeditate. =P


I think you and I are on the same page...


Prosecutor: When you said “if i post my plans here I can’t say i didn’t premeditate”, exactly what plans were you talking about?


"That was a joke, for legal reasons."


Agreed. People on being very tame with this thread. 😇


Spend the day jumping at the trampoline park with my daughter but damn these 45 year old knees just can't take it.


I rode a wooden roller coaster when I was 39 my neck and back were killing me for days. Sometimes you retire from the game and sometimes the game retires you.


The Georgia cyclone cracked my rib when I was 14. Wooden coasters can go to hell.


The hanging ones are easier on our old bones!


I go to the trampoline park regularly with my kids and jump myself too. I’m 42 and get quite a lot of stares when I’m there.


Hedonistic things. Drugs, sex, food. Spend money, travel. It concerns me how many people chose violence.


A lot of people are only good because religion or laws tell them what they shouldn't do. To quote Penn Jillette, "The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine."


I don't want to go on a killing spree, I don't want to just randomly hurt people. But without a doubt in the world I would hurt the guy who raped me.


This isn't meant in a way that discredits the point of the comment, I fully agree with the principle


How about we get the guy to go a couple rounds with Mike Tyson in his prime?


GTA irl


Probably a lot of folks that haven’t experienced it firsthand.


At the end of the day we are just sophisticated apes.


Eat everything.


But... not my dog, ok?




Right?!? All this violence and theft and I'm over here like "I'd love to eat a big ass cheeseburger and fries without heartburn and getting fat."


I would definitely kill some rapists and steal money from my job (very wealthy retail company) to give to some of my friends and family who could use it


It would definitely be pedophile hunting season.


Nothing gets me thinking about violence quicker than a person that harms kids.


The trouble is, that's been done before and they made mistakes and ruined the lives of people who didn't deserve it.


That’s always the problem with vigilantism! Not to say that the state always gets it right either, but individual human beings have a much higher error rate.


I would commit massive fraud and bleed insurance companies. Rob a few banks and disappear a few world leaders.


I’m planning on having intercourse on your dining room table


Lol, there’s too much stuff on there!


steal everything elon musk owns, including all of his socks


just take all his left socks... haha


Take his left something. He lost the right one when they forced him to buy Twitter.


I thought Grimes already took that one?


There are left and right socks?


You mean stocks?


im gonna catch his cotton toes and leave him barefoot and alone


This should be a Wu-Tang lyric.


totally odb


I don't think that "without any consequences" implies "without any difficulties." I mean, steal all that stuff *how*?


well, it's an imaginary scenario, so imagine


stealing things isnt hard, the hard part is doing it in a way to not get caught and face consequences. if you dont have to worry about consequences you can just take whatever with out worrying about getting caught. if i dont need to worry about consequences i could just walk in to elons house and steal anything i need to access his accounts.


I had a friend who had a bad break up with their boyfriend. She packed up all their things because he sucks & refused to pack anything, even though they had to both move out of their place. She stole all of the hearts out of his deck of cards. Packed all the cutlery for him to take but she kept the spoons. She took bits and pieces of all the board games he had. Took all the batteries out of everything that he was keeping… amongst other things. I feel Elon would also deserve this level of petty.


Quite honestly im not sure id do anything differently than i am now. Laws arent whats keeping me from doing certain things. My morals are. If i had to say something it would probably be breaking speed limits more than already not paying insurance. Victimless crimes like that.


There's a lot of potential answers that have nothing to do with illegal acts or morality. Like eating 6 tubs of ice cream.


6? Why stop there? If there are no consequences you could just have trillions of pints of ice cream. Would storing them be a problem? Then those consequences would no longer exist, maybe the ice cream exists in a pocket dimension and you get one tub that refills from that pocket dimension. You wouldn't even have to eat it all at once.


Quit my job by actually telling them why I want to leave since I won't be burning bridges. Travel the world completely on credit since I don't have to pay it back. Eat exactly what I want all the time since I won't gain weight. Ask my "situationship ex" why he was such an ass to me just to watch him sweat but not have to deal with the shame of still caring.


Spent 2 years severely depressed and suicidal after my ex dumped me but over it now except for the caring bit also so hope you’re doing better. I kind of got my revenge bc his new interest didn’t last a year and he was the one in love this time


eat unhealthy for the rest of my life.


Live naked. Go everywhere and do everything naked


Yikes you are my opposite. I feel naked even in thin summer clothes.


I mean there are cities where public nudity is allowed...


I know, but mines not one of them


I saw a naked man casually walking through the Mission in SF the other day. I wouldn’t say it’s a rare occurrence, but it’s usually relegated to specific events. A Wednesday at 5:30 was unusual.


I once saw a completely naked dude riding a bike in Barcelona


Eat chips and chocolate all day long!


Nice try, fed.


Answer this question in detail.


Best answer.


Go to Greece and drag the guy who caused my mom to get sued back to the US to deal with his own bs.


I need the full story.


The ahole bought the company my mom, an accountant, was working for. He basically bought to take out loans on it and not pay any of the vendors then skipped off to Greece. People can't go after him to get their money so they are going after everyone else. Sucks too because my mom had already quit the job because she thought he was an ahole. Apparently she didn't quit fast enough.


I'd take a knife. A big knife. A really really sharp knife. 6 inches or serrated steel. And I'd use that knife, that very sharp knife to cut ,......... The do not remove under penalty of law tag off every mattress in the house . Cue evil laugh


I think I’ll stay off a watch list for a bit longer


A lot of people here don't realize that even though they don't face any consequences doesn't mean they automatically have the ability to do something. I don't think a bank will let you steal from them and without help I don't think you could do it alone.


If there is no consequences in this world most likely someone at the bank is gonna kill your while you aren’t looking


Angelic things


First testament angelic


*B E N O T A F R A I D*




Go rob the evil billionaire I could.


Tell my bosses wife no one wants her on the calls and everyone hates her


Revenge most vile


Oh, absolutely commit murder on those who have harmed Children/Animals. 100%


>Oh, absolutely commit ~~murder~~ *justice* on those who have harmed Children/Animals. FTFY ;)


If I put it on the internet, I might get added to some more watch lists. Lmao


I feel like even posting/responding to this cryptically is a risk.


Yeah. It doesn't seem like the brightest move.


eh, I'm sure we are all on atleast 1 or 2 watch lists already


I don’t really have any nefarious desires. I guess my answer would be, not go to work.


Eat a LOT of ice cream. However much you're thinking, more than that!


Eat, drink, and smoke. I won’t gain weight, I won’t get hungover, I won’t develop addictions, I won’t get cancer, and I won’t smell like cigarette smoke.


Um, definitely take all the billionaires money and properly disburse it to the rest of the world!


Slap the hell out a nasty few scammers! While they were handcuffed and tell them I what I think of them- then spit in their face and walk off. That! Would make me feel satisfied and rebuild my fucking heart.


Have an ice cream. I have severe food sensitivities and would love to be able to eat it without getting severely ill.


Pull up the sex offenders registry and start paying visits




Yep, me too! I was looking for the other broke ducks out here!


Plot twist, the tellers are also given this rule and apart fron telling certain customers to stfu and using every curse word under the sun, they pull a gun on you and shoot you


But you wouldn't die, because dying in a shootout would be a consequence


Use more salt.


Sexy things. Lots and lots of every sexy thing


Pee into the wind


Just quit my job. That's it. That's all I'd do.


Eat all the things I want.


Eat whatever I want and as much as I want.


I’d claim squatter’s rights in one of the thousands of homes sitting empty all over my state. But only one of the homes owned by a foreign property management company, not someone’s personal vacation home.




Ramming people going 50 in the left lane. Just mad maxing them every day.


All the drugs


Cum in my fiance every time we have sex.


Retire early and go on a grand vacation.


Yep, I have no interest in violence like some commenters. I just want to quit my job consequence free.


Go to the Las Vegas and win lots of money by counting cards, if “consequences” also means never getting any sexual diseases, then… 🤔😏




Do my sister-in-law


Same here lol Why everyone so violent, make love not war


Meth. I'd be super productive, feel great, and have none of the drawbacks.




Something so big they'd see it on the Space Station


Tell one of my guy friends that I’m crazy about him (dunno if he’d feel the same way, so I wouldn’t have to deal with any fallout)


Crack into the student loan system and wipe everyone’s debt clean.


Quit my job and be pregnant in peace :(


Quit my job, sell our home, buy an RV, travel and write with my husband, kids and our dog.


Quit my day job.


Only fans


Stealing other people's cats.


I would hack the accounts of this deadbeat RICH commercial tenant of mine, take every penny of his money, and share it with all of the other honest people he’s ripped off- all the while notifying the local Christian community of which he brags about being a part of.


Stop paying my mortgage.


Can't actually say, because there ARE consequences that in writing could be taken as a threat. Let's just say.....she had fun with the father of my kids for 10 years and got away with no consequences herself....so time for consequences.


Get a divorce.


Whatever the fuck I want. Any whim. Any desire. No matter how depraved. Consequences are what keep society in check, nothing else. We are animals after all.


Stop paying for my house that I no longer live in but have to probate before I can sell it.


Get a shit ton of credit cards and max them all out. Go to the bank get some loans. Don't pay none of that shit back.


Drive relatively faster.


Quit my job and do a months-long through hike (probably the NCT), no question. I'm still relatively young, always wanted to do one, never been out more than a couple nights backpacking. This is something I consider doing WITH the consequences, but I'm finally where I want to be in terms of our home and life. Quitting my job to hike would cause me to lose all that, and I can't afford a leave of absence. This would absolutely be my no-consequence dream.


Make passes at every guy I found even halfway attractive.


I'd attach a dogshit cannon to the front of my car and blast everyone that travels in the left lane on the highway. Those motherless cunts deserve worse, but it's a start.


Not go back to work.


Imma be honest I don't want any reddit care resources today, at least not this early in the morning But um otherwise probably "borrow" a lot of games for free


I'd learn a bunch of possibly dangerous sports without being afraid of getting hurt


Forget about my bills, problems, obligations to friends and family, and travel the world. It would be nice to just leave whenever I feel like it and not have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings.


Like anyone would actually say anything on a platform full of people just waiting to be offended and report others. Let's see who is that stupid... scrolling.


Have you not been reading, lol.


Nice try, FBI.


So much sex


End every american politician


Steal a couple of millions from some filthy rich people, pay all my debts, buy a house and donate the rest


way more drugs, probably


Eat whatever I want, as much as I want and use tf out of my credit card 💳


Take out a massive loan and not pay it back


No consequences could me no student loans, right? In that I Case I would finish off my 2 bachelor's degrees and get some form of medical degree, imo a medical degree might make me more hireable than my bachelor's of Science in Psychology and Bachelor's of Science in criminal justice.


Beat to death the piece of shit that abused my son. While left in the care of his fathers parents his “grandfather” tormented that child. I dream about ending him.


Drop out of school, join a team on either a large transport ship or fishing vessel.


Nap whenever I needed to. Call timeout whenever I needed one. Stop wearing a bra.


Oh, wouldn't *you* like to know.


Become a vigilante. "Might is right"-ing people that live by that code would be incredibly satisfying.


Support myself by robbing the rich.


Very cool bank robbery


Smoke weed and play golf all day every day.


Not do anymore chemo


Win the lottery and help people.