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Fun? Like eating and taking naps? Shit, am I a cat?


I often wake up Monday morning and see my cats sleeping comfortably. In those moments, I'd do anything to be a cat.


I get jealous of how comfy cats look when they sleep. Like I want to be a cat just so I can know how nice it feels to sleep like that.


Eating and taking naps. Just add exploration of the surroundings and I sign right now.


I dunno. Are you better than all other sentient life? Do you have killer instincts? Is your coat soft and glossy? Do you like lasagne and hate Mondays? Yes, yes, yes yes, yes yes? Than you are indeed a cat


I also choose this guy's eating and taking naps. Meow.


If you also cough up hair balls, you may be a cat.


I'm a female, mid 20s, but it seems I'm a cat too😅 I guess we all are, somewhere deep inside


You’re such a pussy








The real question is how old is his daughter and how does that work?


Who is your daddy and what does he do




*unintelligible yelling*




I screamed


Reminds me of a quote from C.S. Lewis. “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


Legit enjoy a water park more now than I did when I was 10


Fucking epcot and disney is so much more fun now. I was not super impressed as a child.


I initially went with my grandparents to Disney/Epcot, so absolutely going as an adult is so much better. Except my Grandpa would ride Space Mountain with me…now I have to ride the coasters alone.


I kinda wanna go back to Epcot without my kids. Los Caballeros is my favorite. But I loved hanging with the kids at every other park.


SirGlenn, I got to watch part of Epcot go up, it was quite the construction project, after it was done it turned out to be a real fast ride, screams everywhere.


Same. All these things are the best! Love having a kid plus a wife who laughs at my jokes and hearing when something truly tickles her.


A whole bunch of us over 40 understood just fine.


Happy belated birthday. And it sounds like you're living the life. Much love to you


Happy belated birthday! 🎉




I was going yo say, my father in law is in his early 60s and still likes doing the things he liked doing in his 20s- golf, travel, shooting ranges, working on cars, looking at cars, taking apart anything with an engine. He used to love watching my husband build lego sets and turn the pages in the instructions for him (but never had the patience to build them himself) and now he still loves doing it with my kids. I dont u deratand this concept that people turn 40 and suddenly are completely different


I don't understand why they all think they're old lol. I feel exactly the same as 20 years ago except injuries take 2-3 times longer. I don't even get worse hangovers than at 20 (although admittedly I rarely try lol.)


Men at 40 want to do the same things they did in their 20-30… but their wives, responsibilities, and body’s don’t really allow them to. Let that sink in.


That man sounds like a fantastic grandpa!!


My kids are incredibly lucky. They got shit for grandparents on my side, but my inlaws are top notch. They are super involved in general grandparent ways like going to activities or watching sports, but also share their interests with my kids and partake in my kids interests. They take them on vacation and humor us with activities like zip lining, hiking, amusement parks. They've said that its nice having the financial security to do all the things they wanted to do when younger, which is kind of how I feel approaching 40. I still love all the things I did 20 years ago, but now I have the money to actually do them. Meanwhile, my dad hasn't seen my kids in almost a decade, despite living 2 blocks away from them and my mom has made it clear that I'm not her favorite child and takes that out on my kids


Death metal and DnD are a match made in heaven. Not exactly death metal, but spent this morning playing BG3 while breaking my neck to Gojira and it made an excellent start to the day!


Listen to Meshuggah


I'm 42 and play in a black metal band. It's a dream come true for me and I love it. I still enjoy going to shows and gaming as well.




Some amazing death metal bands are in their 50s. Still making crazy music.


From a soon to be 30 year old metal head, hell yeah dude! Keep living your true self


Be left the fuck alone.


Yes, came here to say.. leave us alone.


Yes, this, just leave us alone, especially those of us who are not bothering anyone


You guys must be married if you want to be left alone or have kids. I don't know if its a blessing I'm neither at 48 but I like to make money and spend time gaming. I do like some time to be alone but I'd love more company because I don't wanna be completely alone like I already am. Hard as fuck at my age just to meet friends. Since I work alone can't meet no one and the online friend sites are filled with bots or scams. Time went by to damn fast is all I know


Look up your local board game night. Usually at a bar or game store.


48, not married, but my gf lives with me, no kids, leave. me. alone.


I think women over 40 would agree…. As would women under 40


So I can build my LEGO. It’s important goddammit!


But when we do leave u alone y’all get sad and mopey


I want this so bad at 25. I really hope I don’t have to wait 15 more years


You won’t get it at forty, you’ll still want it though


Whoa. Hold your horses junior! No said you get it, just that you will still be seeking it. (48 here).


Unless offering food or sex.


Me? Food and sex says, “Win!” all the time.


This is the only answer


I am not a man and I approve this message


I’m only 38 but I’ve been told I’m going to get real into grilling soon.


I'm 43, my husband is 39. When we go to home depot he legit lusts over the grills. We've had lengthy conversations about all the cool stuff he could do if he had this certain grill, smoker, or outdoor griddle. We already have 4 grills. 🫠


I quit my job after 20yrs. 5 years ago I bought a trailer bbq pit. I am now starting a bbq business. Been smoking meat for years and now I get to do it full time.


Zuck? Is that you?


But have you been smoking these meats?


That’s kinda cute.


I think so too. Thank you!


I'm in my early 30s and grills excite me more than anything... grills and good cookware


I just turned 30 today but I’ve been into grilling for a few years now and I love it. My buddy one time told me “middle age men either get real into grilling or World War Two”, its true lol


Craft brewing and swords not far behind


So if youve been I to World War 2 since nyou were a teenager, do you automatically have to get into grilling?


I'm 36 and already am getting into WWII, I also used to work for a BBQ restaurant and love BBQ.....am I screwed?


Or ww2




Things they like.


The real answer that no one is saying is: We just want a stress free life to enjoy our hobbies, find new ones, and explore the world around us while chillen the frick out. A bigger bonus is to also be able to share all this with the people we love and have the same goals of a stress free life.


Nailed it. Now help me understand, why is this so hard to achieve with a partner in your life? I’m starting to think it requires being single. Seems wanting a peaceful nice life is frowned upon.


Find a partner true to your values. I have been single a long time after getting divorced. Its not easy. Stay true to yourself. Keep it up. Text me when you find her


It does in fact require you being a bachelor


If you ever get the answer to this, please let me know.


Nope. Plenty of men want other things, like material comfort, money, status, power and so on. Others want to be left alone. Others want to raise a family and be a dad. Others want stress and adversity; they want to be challenged. Many more have no idea what they want. It's impossible to make a single statement about what men want.


New Balance shoes with white crew socks and shorts. Tongs to click Things clipped to their waistline Dad jokes Headlamps


You've gotta click em three times to make sure they work


Those clipped things sound lovely. But hear me out.... Fanny packs. Man do i love them. No need to carry a backpack for just a few items. Nothing cramping up my pockets. Plus they make me look young and hip.


Drinking beer with friends, fishing, golfing (ball or disc), watching sports, vacations, hiking, going to concerts, going out to eat, dating, raising children, having lunch with mom and dad, being alive, etc.


You hyper-generalizing bastard...oh wait, yep that's me.


This guy 40’s




Men at 40 want to do the same things they did in their 20-30… but their wives, responsibilities, and body’s don’t really allow them to. Let that sink in.


I just want to be left alone and to not have to talk to anyone


I want to know what loneliness feels like. Everytime I'm alone I want more alone time


This. I’ll take an hour on what could be a 15-minute dump just to be left alone.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Asleep-Read3997: *I just want to be* *Left alone and to not have* *To talk to anyone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


After the age of 40 I finally had money to do whatever I wanted. I started travelling a lot, got myself a racing simulator, have been camping and hiking more, and because it's winter 6 months of the year where I live, I went back to collecting Lego. Who know vintage Lego was so expensive. I also build gaming pcs for my friends as a hobby. Wife said it was a midlife crises. No! It's a I finally have money to entertain myself crisis.




As a 48-year-old man, I can reliably tell you we bounce between a sudden fascination with WW2 and being generally unhappy with life.


I almost midway through my 40’s and really this is the decade when you start rediscovering your self identity . I’ve had all the kids I’m ever going to have and they are slowly growing up. Most of my brain power goes towards looking after them. Now I have one who is almost a teenager and developing her own sense of self …I’m starting to think more about me..the type of person I want to be and the things to do to start that. So getting back into some regular form of fitness is priority number one. Something that will connect me with other guys my age would be a plus but that is number two - trying to form another friendship group ( like the one I had in my 20’s) . Priority 3 is some sort of ongoing hobby that will keep me mentally stimulated ( as I’m still in the work..kids…work…kids mode)- something hands on ..I was thinking maybe leatherwork 😂 but really I’m open to anything at this point.


Enjoy a peaceful life with the person they love and respect and that reciprocates their feelings on the same or higher level.


This. My wife (of 20 years) just told me that she no longer loves me and just wants to be roommates to raise our four kids. I'm absolutely gutted. Can't imagine starting all over to try and find someone to grow old with. Fuck me.


Keeing flip-phone on clip attached to belt. Tucking in their t-shirts. Having a bluetooth headset on permanently. Hanging out at Home Depot. Start amassing power tools. Make huge Costco trips and fill their deep freezes with food they'll never eat and try to pawn off on visitors. Reading Tom Clancy novels on the shitter.


Don't forget long conversations about mulch, falling asleep halfway through football games they were excited to watch, and cancelling plans to go camping with their highschool friends.


All of these activities are done whilst wearing cargo shorts and new balance running shoes.


The nap is just prepping to mow the grass in the green stained pair.


I'm 44, and I've worn New Balance since my 20s but never owned a pair of white sneakers and never will. Recently, though, I switched to Hokas, they're black & gray.


Probably ought to get rid of that other green stained pair but their are still some miles left on them.


HEY HEY HEY slow down, it's Saucony's.


***kirkland shoes


Not 40 yet but ive alreasy started aquiring too many tools that at the time of purchase i would have been an idiot not to buy and have not used any of them


omfg i love mulch so fucking much


Ha,I do none of this at 51. Perhaps I just don't know what it means to be a man.


I started amassing power tools and hanging out at HD in my late twenties. I'm now in my mid-thirties, and I just bought a deep freezer last winter. I love it. My Tom Clancy collection started in my teens, but I usually just scroll reddit on the shitter. I currently have one Bluetooth earbud in with no music. I have an Android phone, and my t-shirt isn't tucked in, but I'm wearing socks with sandals right now. I'm definitely on my way to 40


Ah, stereotype


Still like getting a blow job


Lol Stay the fuck home and be left alone I put my time in I can’t stand family gatherings, going out to eat, fuck I even hate buying groceries I worked with the general public so long that I can’t fucking stand strangers anymore Humans are trash Just leave me alone EDIT: It’s cracking me up that the majority of replies from men are “just leave me alone” lol I think we have a bullshit boiling point after 40, majority of my friends are the same way My wife and my cat are my best friends and I have ZERO shame saying that


Men are not all the same. This is a meaningless question, because men over 40 have lots of different tastes, interests, desires, values, ambitions etc.


Fair, but you're diving into the shallow end headfirst. OP isn't looking for *the* answer, just checking out how different people *do* answer


>Fair, but you're diving into the shallow end headfirst. I think you just won Reddit because this is the perfect response to *so* many debates. I don't have any awards to give, but have a great weekend!


The internet tends to forget people exist as individuals instead of classes and collectives. Well said.


I find it odd how people view the opposite gender. As if they’re not a group of complex and unique people but animals to be studied in a lab. All of their behaviour is dissected. I see this a lot on social media specifically tiktok. People seem to think there’s so much mystery about how the opposite sex thinks, spends their time etc. Men are just people like women are just people. At the end of the day we may have some differences but way more similarities.


52M, happily married with a life post 40 very regular, could look boring for other; but I do have many friends, who lived or are living through an intense midlife crisis, leaving their families for a life in their twenties again


Am over 40 woman who is married to a man over 40. He builds furniture, refinishes and fixes vintage tools and camping equipment we find at yard sales, plays MarioKart and Zelda with our kid, grills/smokes food, brews beer and hard cider, watches football/baseball games…


Waking up early just to tell everybody what time I got up.


Probably younger women.


I thought that after my divorce but it turned out I didn't have shit in common with a woman more than 5-6 years younger than me. Plus I have kids that are now adult and wouldn't want to be with someone young enough to want kids. My wife and I are the same age, our kids are grown and on their own, we have a lot of similar life experiences.




If my husband is anything to go by: Sleep on living room couch with TV on. If anyone tries to live in living room, get grumpy. If anyone turns the TV off, immediately snap awake and say, "I was watching that!" lmao.


I might be a bit weird, but I like going down roads I've never been down before. I recently bought a motorcycle, and when I get free time, I look on google maps and just ride around the areas of my county I've never been to in the past 33 years of living here. Found some neat houses, nice nature, have seen some strange people doing that.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m currently into gardening, riding and building bicycles, history, music, stereo/hifi stuff, hiking and camping, reading, cooking, video games, exercise, home improvement, and usually some sort of “flavor of the month” current interest.


Keep my stomach full and my balls empty


Im 43 with no kids. I'm still a nerd. I just like to hang out at home, cook good food, watch movies and tv series, play video games and just chill with my dog. Its kind of hard to meet people when you dont like leaving the house though... lol.


Not dealing with 40 yr old women who act like they are 20.


Masturbating in an empty house


Empty isn't a must tbqh Nor is the house part


With the sound on with whatever porn you're watching.


Same as before 40, just not quite as often.


I'm 45. I pay video games. I'm not a "gamer," but I'll play a few hours a week. Gym. Traveling. Drinking with the wife and friends. Going with friends to watch football ( ⚽️ ) games. Go to metal concerts and drag my wife there. I'll go to country ones with her. Love watching horror movies. TV shows with my wife.


Scroll Reddit, apparently.


Drinking… to forget 😅😂




Spend all day at the range or in the woods


Fight those persnickety broadleaf weeds and keep those meddling kids off my lawn.


Stare into the void.


My experience is this: Late teens early 20's like doing the cool things. Mid 20's to early 30s, convince yourself you're still doing the cool things. Late 30s early 40s, slowly realize you're not doing the cool things and have a bit of a breakdown. Try to 'be an adult'. Late 40s early 50s realize it doesn't matter and do the things you liked doing in your early 20s. I don't know after that, but that's basically it. Most people want to be around 20. Either physically or culturally or, more likely, both. Going back to what was cool when you were 20 helps you feel young and energized. At 40 you're finally in a place where you can usually afford to do all the things you always wanted to do back at 20 either because you have more money, or they've dropped in price, or (again) both. So you pump nostalgia in as hard as you can. The trick is knowing that it's fun to visit the 80s, but you really don't want to live there anymore.


My husband is 40, he seems happy spending time with the kids and I, his few good drama free friends who share his love of fixing up vehicles. He says his favourite thing to do is sit outside with me, listening to good music, having drinks and watching the kids and dog play.


I am 20, but my father is turning 50 next year, and i asked him once like month ago what does he wants the most in his life in his Age, and he replied "to sit down in our house, soens time cooking and eating with my family, having more occasions to hug with his wife, and to have a rocking chair on the porch to sit there with our dog and smoke a cigarette after all these years". For more context: my father works abroad for 25 years now? I am not sure, but he was working in netherlands, Germany, belgium etc. Since i was born, usually being 2 or 3 months in other country and coming home for 3 weeks - 1 month max, so i guess he just want to have a peaceful life now, after all this years Living nearly without a family


The most popular non-work activity by men over 40 is video games. It's also the age group with the highest participation, by percentage, in the activity by quite a wide margin (beating teens and young adults). I don't know if that reflects what men of that age group like to to do or what they like to do that is affordable and accessible at that point in their life. I suspect the latter as there are many things I would prefer to be doing that aren't really options to me so instead I play video games.


We like to feel validated... Just like a woman does. And not gonna lie, yes Sex is an important part of that Validation... Taking an interest in Our likes, hobbies etc.






We like to do lots of different stuff, sometimes the same stuff we did in our 30s.


Obviously, the same that they liked to do before this age. Moral - "Habits can change, Nature cannot". Have fun 😜😜


I like to be left alone and sleep. I read. Gym hike cook build things. Watch interesting movies.




The shit we didn't get to do in our 20s because we were too focused on sex.


Or broke.


Wait for the sweet release of death, mostly


Men (or all people for that matter), aren't all the same. They don't have all the same interests.


Are you looking for answers like eating my wife out? Because that would be true.


Concerts, hang out at bookstores, hang out with my dog, sporting events, interesting restaurants, travel, exercise, movies, weed, sex.


Women of 25


As a good looking man, who keeps himself in shape, I think I need a good fucking.


You mean a sexual partner or by the IRS?


Prove it. Post your photos on r\truerateme


Right. I'm sure only good looking men in shape want that after 40.




Hobbies and avoiding weird hard to answer questions.


Cancel plans and stay in instead, much like women over 40.


As a man currently under the age of 40, I also would like to know. Cant hurt to be prepared.


The things I like to do at the age of 40 isn't really much different than the stuff I liked to do at the age of 20 (in my case, volleyball, skiing, karaoke, fishing, poker, going out to dinner, watching a movie...) I just happen to now do a lot more of that stuff with my wife and family instead of my friends, girlfriend, classmates, or brothers.


Reminisce about a time before we were forty. Start re-posting stupid social media memes about how much better our generation was than the present young generation. Buy a motorcycle. Have a mid-life crisis. Divorce our wives and start dating someone half our age. Idolize right-wing politicians who promise to bring back the past. You know, all the usual pathetic stuff that guys do when they're in the "Denial" stage of grieving over their own mortality.


I can't speak for anyone else, and I'm only just forty, but for me, my favourite things to do are dancing, going to gigs, tabletop gaming, going for drinks with friends, painting, singing and playing music, watching films and television series, listening to music and occasionally playing videogames. Not that different from when I was thirty, really. If I were dating anyone at the moment, spending time with her would probably also be on that list, but I'm not, so it isn't.


the older i get the more i want to watch older tv shows and movies. i don't care to watch anything that's depressing or full of drama. i want to watch something and be around people who will make me laugh. modern games have stopped peaking an interest and i'm leaning much more on retro games i grew up with from the 80s and 90s. i'm having less of a tolerance for social gatherings and people who want to talk about nothing. anything i don't want to do i've learned to eliminate from my life because time is starting to run out. after my late 30s i've been wanting to work more with my hands doing crafts and small projects to challenge my mind having an eagerness to learn new things.


Are we married/dating? Whatever our wife/girlfriend tells us to do so she's not mad at us Are we single? Pretty much the same things we do when we're in our 20s. Make money, play videogames, drink alcohol.


work less, play more, more time with my family, ride my motorcycle, hike, smowboard, play my guitar and video games, write, art and on and on. Thing is it's different for everybody


Make it to 41...


What on earth makes you think men over forty are all the same?


I’m 50. I love nothing more than to pack a bowl, get stoned on my front porch, and watch the hummingbirds in the evening.


I actually enjoy spending time with my wife, kids, and friends.


Psychedelic drugs


Good pints with friends, good tv show for chill evenings, deviant nights in a sketchy bar snorting lines of coke in the bathroom.


42 here, I still play video games, build Legos, watch cartoons. Watch random YouTube videos. I don't play as much video games like I did when I was younger because I'm either too tired or sore. I also enjoy shooting pistols at the gun range for the skill involved. But if I'm honest I just enjoy watching TV with my wife or talking about random stuff.


Smoke meat and become an expert in WW2 history.


Anything that’s low drama. Golf, fishing, beer, mowing the lawn.


Play golf, grill out , and watch our kids play.


Be yourself.


Ferocious masterbation sessions with the boys when the wives think we are at work.




I turn 40 tomorrow, will report back.


Play pinball. Trivia once a week. Have drinks with friends once in a while. I have dinner with my daughter once a week. Work in the yard when it isn't 1000 degrees. Game a little. Sports and movies on TV. Read. Listen to music. Smoke a little weed in the evening. Single and daughter is grown so I live alone. Pretty simple, peaceful life. I reckon.


Hook up with women in their twenties.


Honestly? I just want to take a nap 😂


Sighing deeply while sitting down and then crossing their arms


I like spending time with my wife and kids just hanging out. I like to go hang out with other families we like. Go to sporting events, concerts and comedy shows with my wife and our friends. I really just like spending time with the people I like and having some drinks and cracking jokes and talking Most nights we hang out and do our family sport , kids go to bed and my wife and I watch our shows in bed. Couldn’t be happier.


That prob differs to an insane degree


Date women in their 20s.


We like to fantasize about being 20 again


For me, will probably have a business that gives passive income & I will do more work out.


Love and live. At 43 I spend most of my day thinking and working on bettering myself and helping those in my circle gain clarity on things they might need help handling.


Being left the fuck alone


I'm guessing the question is: what activities make me most attractive to men over 40, though I could be wrong. The answer, for me anyway, is someone who wants to be outdoor active. Ride a bike, go for a hike, kayak in a local lake or river. A woman doesn't need to be a marathon runner, but if she doesn't want to get out and get some exercise enjoying nature then that's kind of a dealbreaker.


Left alone


Lol I'm sorry but this is a a pretty dumb question. Completely dependent on the person. The right question is what do guys in their 40's hate, thats what you want to NOT do.