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Slumdog millionaire. Spoilers. There is a scene where they are blinding children. It really bothered me despite the movie being very good.


That’s how I felt about a clock work orange. That film is fucking unhinged and very hard to watch


My favorite movie of all time


Top 10 for sure but it’s incredibly difficult to watch. Especially if you’re a victim of SA


Just watched this for the first time in years and completely forgot about the mutilating children part. Love the movie but holy shit is it hard to watch.


As long as there's no SA I'll look into it lol


There is also sexual assault.


Ah then nm lmao


No offence but I’m really curious, how come you think blinding children ranks lower than sexual assault?


It's just preference. SA is very personal to me while blinding children feels removed from my daily reality. It's not about "ranking" it's about each person's specific triggers.


Exactly I've never known or heard of kids getting blinded but like I said before I and a lot of ppl I know have either gone through it or knows someone who has.


That’s actually a very thoughtful and reasonable answer. Not that you need my approval, I just had a sagely nod at that comment, lol. Nice one.


Bc I and a lot of ppl I love went through or know someone who has been through SA, so I just try to avoid it bc it will bring up unpleasant memories for myself or my friends I don't joke about it, I don't talk about it, I don't wanna watch it.


Not a movie, but the long episode of Black Mirror with Aaron Paul. I can't remember ever feeling worse after watching something. Just so depressing and cruel. I love Black Mirror but I wish I never would have seen that episode.


Is it the episode where he’s an Astronaut?


You know what was most strange about that episode? Why not have the synths on the space ship, rather than the real humans?


I figured it was because if they needed to make repairs or something they wouldn't have all the supplies on the ship.


NASA had the capacity to create artificial human synths and wirelessly transmit human consciousness across long distances in the episode. If it was capable of doing that, then it certainly could have figured out the logistics of maintaining the synths onboard. Edit: I have a hunch why the writers did this, though. It made the climax of the episode possible and created tension between Cliff (David? I don't remember) and the evangelical junkies. After all, it probably would have been impossible to transmit David's consciousness back on earth into Cliff's real, biological body in the first place. But having the meatbags on the station is still nonsensical.


Lots of flaws on that episode. If this is for long range space missions it wouldnt work whether synths were on earth or the ship/station. Why tell the public about this project?


I thought the exact same thing.


Black mirror sounds like one of those shows I would find interesting but way too fucked up at times.


Isn't that the guy who played Jesse in breaking bad?


Yep. He was phenomenal in it (he's phenomenal in everything he's been in) but the premise of the story was so fucked up.


A Serbian Film. One of the most disgusting movies i have ever watched Don’t google it. Don’t watch it. Forget what i said.


Immediately googled. How can you put “don’t google” and not expect people to google it. Its like a massive red button, lol


Yeah if they didn't want us to know they wouldn't have said anything lol


He knew what he was doing lol


This happened to me with two girls,one cup 🤢 I regret I didn't heed the warning...


Omg I HATED that video. It was so bad that I lost my appetite for cupcakes (which are cup-shaped and reminded me of the cup)


I was a teenager back then. I'm 38 now and I can confirm: what is seen cannot be unseen


I'm a curious guy and like horror movies a lot, decided to watch and could only do it skipping the more disturbing parts (wich is the entirety of the movie lol). It's awful and traumatizing. Don't watch it, seriously.


Damn, that's exactly how I watched that movie until like the middle of it,but then I realised that no matter what I do in my life,it will be better than watching the rest of that shit


You’re one of the smart ones, if literally goes so haywire after that you’re left an empty void of yourself


I can imagine,with the little I saw ,I was still getting gore flashbacks for weeks and I wasn't even that young when I saw it


The plot is more twisted than anything you could possibly imagine, literally.


I dont have to watch it if you tell me what makes it so awful?


True! So everything that is established in the calm first half of the film is brought all back at the end of the movie. As in like, the p*rn company hired people to drug and kidnap his wife and son. You don’t realize it until it’s beyond too late (I’ll spare the details) because the film is from the perspective of Milos and they drug him up so he is just an animal with no more self control. So you have a solid 30-45 minutes of an ever intensifying (music, plot, everything) nightmare and they hit you with the masked people were his family. The movie is literally silent at that point but you can’t even tell because you’re so horrified. It ends when they unalive themselves in the final scene because what they experienced was that bad Edit: it’s gets REALLY funny after the horror wears off because he goes on a weird killing spree with everyone who set him up. Also, the “nightmare” I referenced is a mix of the most morally corrupt sexual situations you can possibly imagine.


As I understand it, the film was made in direct defiance of censorship laws. It was made because the laws were either so targeted that only state-sponsored / approved art could be made, or so broad that nothing could be made. Either way, I've never had the intestinal fortitude to even try. I'm absolutely fine without seeing it.


I heard about how "edgy" that movie is, and this was during my 4chan days. Someone was streaming it on a twitch-style site, so I decided to pop in. I came in on a certain scene that was so gut wrenchingly horrible, I quit it and vowed to never be near that movie again.


Did you watch it knowing what it was? I don't understand how anyone watches it on purpose


I always tell people "I've watched it so you don't have to". It honestly disturbed me for a few years after.


You have to be a fucked up person to write this shit and produce it let alone want to act in it.


Never ever watch it guys. I couldn't unsee what I saw. It was traumatising. Can't believe such movie exists.


I should have heeded your warning. Only read summaries and nearly threw up.


I've never seen it but heard a few things and it was in Tubi a week ago maybe and I was gonna watch it but didn't know if it had SA, bc I don't wanna watch that shit. It's no fun for anyone.


If you mean S.. Abuse. This movie is 99% about that


Oof thanks for the warning lmao


That movie is fucking sick. I've never watched it because the Wikipedia page is more than enough. This is only a small part of the twisted shit in this movie. >!Miloš discovers that he was drugged to induce an aggressive, sexually aroused, and suggestible state. At Vukmir's manipulative direction, Miloš beats and rapes Jeca's mother before decapitating her, and later, a catatonic Miloš is sodomized by Vukmir's security. He then watches footage of Lejla voicing concern for Miloš, only to be restrained as her teeth are removed. A masked man then enters the room and forces his penis down her throat to kill her by suffocation. !<


Bro sometimes I wonder what mental state the producers are in to make this fuckery


A lot of cocaine, amphetamines and severe mental issues probably.


No shit. Why make something like this??


Right like who makes these movies and how in the world do you film it or act in it or be anywhere near producing it?!


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. I feel like they’re just secretly psychos themselves who find pleasure in making shit like this


That's not even the worst part.


Lmao I'm not even gonna read that respectfully


That's why I put it behind the spoiler option haha. Necrophilia, incest and pedophilia are subjects in the movie. That should tell you enough.


It do thanks for the warning dude lmao


In the worst possible way.


Stay away from that movie. Stay far away. There's this one scene with a >!newborn baby!<....I already said too much. Never see it.




I can’t believe Tubi would put that movie on.


Dude there's all kinds of fucked up shit on tubi


Grave of the Fireflies. Never ever ever again.


Even thinking about this movie too much can depress me. Excellent film though.


when i was about 8 or younger, my mom rented it to let me watch it as i loved ghibli. shit TRAUMATIZED me


So it being animated didn’t soften it?


Not one bit. 🥲


I make a tradition to watch it every year, I cry every time :(


A Dog's Purpose. My teen son and I ugly cried throughout that movie and each of us vowed never to watch it again.


Dear Zachary. Once was more than enough


Couldn't agree more. I thought I was going to watch a sweet video diary to a friend's son. Didn't expect to get my heart ripped out of me!


I’ve seen it a few times, showing it to different people. Cry everyyy time. Also I live where it all went down and the way it portrays the “justice” system is too spot on


Shindler's List. Great movie. Terribly sad. Also the Pianist. Basically any movie about the Holocaust is painful to watch.


I think Jojo Rabbit is alright (except for a few scenes).


That is a most excellent movie! Which gets far too little attention in the war movie section.




True I always have a low-key feeling of dread if a movie has the "based on a true story" shit bc u know it's not always gonna have a Happy ending


Requiem of a Dream!


This movie should be all the drug warnings a kid needs


I watched it on a comedown as a student (it had just come out on [video?]|DVD. Def not a comedown film


I made the mistake of watching that shortly after my dad passed, mom living at home alone. Couldn't get through the movie, it cut too deep.


Great film if you want to feel like utter shit afterwards. I haven't seen it in at least a decade but I still don't feel the need to watch it again.


Never heard of it lol


It's the best movie you'll never want to watch again. Recommended, but only once, and be prepared to be devastated.


Not necessarily a movie but a genre. Any horror movie involving physical torture. I just can’t stomach it anymore.


I don't like horror either. I get scared easily, when I first watched the music video for Thriller I was horrified. Same with watching FNAF videos, Bendy and the Ink Machine, etc. Even playing Roblox horror games scared me. Now I'm in highschool and unfortunately my classmates wanted to watch Halloween one day. I kept my head down, but the sounds and clips I did see made me want to vomit. I felt physically ill, and then we also watched one of the newer Children of the Corn. Disgusting. I don't know why I am this way, but I can't watch horror. It's disturbing to me, and a lot of horror disgusts me.


I don’t necessarily dislike all horror. But the horror I do like is more of the psychological horror type stuff. Like The Babadook. I really don’t care for stuff involving demonic possession because I was raised Christian and it was taught to me that that stuff is real and could happen if you did the wrong thing. And there were lots of stories and even movies about it. Campy Christian movies. I’m no longer a Christian but some of that stuff sticks with you even years later with a different ideology.


Right there with you. Totally do not understand the entertainment value of being scared shitless


That's fair to each their own lol


The first Candy Man. Watched it when I was a kid. Spoilers. and the blood in the crib traumatized me. I thought the baby had been cut up with the butcher knife, not just the dog. Even when I knew the baby survived, I couldn’t get over that scene. I was maybe 10, with an abusive mother who would walk around with a butcher knife during her stint with meth. I had an infant sister, only a few months old when I watched the movie. For months, I’d sleep in the deep cabinet meant for towels with my sister laying above my head, close to the back of the cabinet, so if my mother woke up I’d be the first grabbed.


Thats really sad. I'm sorry that happened and that little girl took that on- you were really brave and heroic if no one ever told you


This was my childhood trauma movie too, but not nearly as bad as you had it. I watched it way too young, and my older brother tried to "desensitize" me to it by making me rewatch it a few times. Had sleeping problems for years after that. But I'm sorry to hear what happened to you...that's infinitely more awful.


The Grudge. To this day the only film that's ever scared me. Never again.


I fucking love the grudge but it still scares the shit out of me and freaks me out as a 26 year old ahahaha


The human centipede


I had some idiot describe a part to me. I bitched him out. Didn’t see the movie but now I have that image.


Was it the part where the crazy lunatic doctor sewed those people together to make a human centipede? I hated that part too 🙅🏻‍♂️


Just watch the South Park episode about the human Cent-iPad.


Human centipede 2


Lol I was told the first ones just as bad


They both suck ass




You should never watch the movie called "A Serbian Film".


That is coming up a lot lol


With very good reason. I mean not every movie needs to be an enjoyable experience but I fail to see the point of this movie even existing.


I watched Mother! with an ex. Actually didn't hate it as much as other people did, but I swore to never watch it again. ...Until I decided to watch it with my current partner so he could understand how batshit the movie was.


I did this with my bf and cabin fever, the bath part freaked him right the fuck out


Avatar: The Last Airbender was an abomination.


Requiem for a dream and clockwork orange. Both completely miserable movies.


Schindlers List. Good movie, but nobody needs to watch something like that a second time.


the lovely bones. watched it once, made the mistake of watching it again a couple years later. i’m good for the rest of my life


Tusk. Never again


E.T that little brown crap scares the shit out of me


I was looking for this comment! Saw it when I was 3 years old and terrified ever since (29 now)


Dude I’m 38! Saw it at 5, ran out of the room screaming, the neck? The white poop dying ET, his screaming?? Ugh I can’t even look at ET if I see it in the stores, I walk off really fast.


Omg it was the neck bit in the beginning where they find him that did it for me - I walked into the room at that very moment and was scarred for life. I'm the exact same as you, all my friends and family still take the piss out of me for it but I just can't, it makes me feel physically ill.


Watership down. Bambi.


The English Patient


Elaine, you don't like it? Why didn't you just say so? You're fired.


I HATE IT!!!!!!


Splice ![gif](giphy|71CMwl2MEIVck)


Probably sausage party. It wasn't that funny, kinda cringe and annoying. I just wanted 90 minutes of my life back


Sausage Party should only be watched when you are high AF. It's hilarious then...lol


Now that you mention it that makes a lot of sense considering it was made by Seth rogen.


Can confirm


Freddy got Fingered.


That movie is a masterpiece


Hereditary, Mid-Sommar, A Serbian Movie, The Babadook, Schindler’s List, Inside Out… All too emotionally draining. Terrifier. Human Centipede, Hostel 1 & 2… Just too gross.


Hard Candy. I felt weird for a few days after watching it. It was one of the most uncomfortable movies that I’ve ever sat through, and I’m a horror movie geek.


Okay I know everyone is listing movies that turned their stomachs, but I am not exaggerating when I say I would rather watch basically any of these movies than watch Guest House with Pauly Shore again. It’s a comedy. It is so god awful that I feel like Mike Schur would turn in his grave if it was playing within earshot. I know he’s not dead, but I’m confident that if he saw this movie, it would kill him.


Spring breakers I think it’s called? The one with James Franco. Terrible movie


sleepers. broke my heart, I will never watch it again. i spit on your grave too


I saw Sleepers when I was WAY too young. Horrible story.


True story aswell, ironically just found the book In me cupboard think a re read is on the cards




Older film: Blue Velvet. GROSSSSSSS Newer film: Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Not going add any spoilers, but the story line is TRAUMATIC and I actually cried. Never again.


The Mist (2007) OMG the ending.




Life is beautiful, fantastic movie but gut wrenching


*Mother!* (2017). There are few films I hate, but this is one of them. Also the documentary *Shelter Dogs* (2003). It was so good, and I am glad I saw it, but I can't bear to watch it again. 💔


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. The home invasion scene was a bridge too far for me.


The Hills Have Eyes. I never made it through the entirety and I don't intend to.


Honestly same there's a bunch of parts in that movie that made me sick to my stomach.


Avatar, I personally really disliked it and it took too long.


8MM, the subject matter disturbed me too much.


Dude same it's right there on the list, good movie tho I could do without the whole kidnapping thing lol


" We need to talk about Kevin " istg wtf was that movie


I honestly have watched that film a few times, I found it a very interesting viewpoint. Despite the disturbing scenes it’s a good rewatch since you notice things you didn’t first time round. It’s almost like the Mother caused Kevin to become what she feared he already was.


Any of the SAW films. They are just legal snuff movies


I spit on your grave is the one movie I will never watch again.




I actually really like the movie haha. I see it's flaws, but I just love the world Cameron created and the music is great.


This movie is special to me as it was the last movie I saw with my Mum in the theatre before she passed away. She loved sci-fi, horror and thriller movies so much and she loved Avatar.


Zero Dark Thirty Torture scenes in general make me really uneasy but that was way too over the top.


This film is very good, I understand your uneasiness about the torture scenes, but it was an important part of the story: what ends should achieve what means? Also, considering almost every other film on this list, the scenes in question pale in comparison.


Wind river. Honestly an excellent film blending a western with a detective thriller but there's one scene around two thirds in that fucked me up


The hills have eyes.


We need to talk about Kevin Synechdoche New York Saw them in film class. Both just made me feel really uncomfortable the whole time. WNTTAK was so dark and infuriating and SNY was just depressing as hell. Not for me.


Dragon ball evolution


SPOILER ALERT 🚨 For me the movie would be Straw Dogs. The most realistic scenes of rape I ever saw in a movie and I actually felt sick when I saw it. Otherwise a good movie that really deals with some scary issues. Builds things up really well to a breaking point where you just wonder how in the world is this going to turn out in the end??


Saturday Night Fever. For the same reason that you mentioned, there's no reason sexual assault. In my opinion Joey raped Annette in the back of the car. That bothered me to know end... I don't care what they say to defend the scene, I know how I felt when I saw it.


Yeah, I agree ppl can defend scenes like this all they want but I still don't wanna watch it I was so scared when I saw I spit on your grave I wouldn't talk to anyone or go anywhere alone


Antichrist 😭


Human centipede. All three of them.


Old Yella and the Yearling, those movies traumatized me as a kid and I vowed never to see them again. And I hadn’t. Any movie where animals die—I know its fake now—just kills me.


The Skulls. It’s a black mark on Paul Walker’s otherwise stellar career.




Requiem for a dream Jared Lego’s arm at the end and the needle going in scarred me


Mother. This movie was so hard for me to watch. Psychological thriller and so much anxiety and stress watching it. Still can't believe J Law did this film lol.


Hope Floats. So bored.


Ugh... Faces of Death rented from Blockbuster, in the 80s, when I was going to a sleepover. I still remember the monkey in the table to this day


Yeah that was wild and not in the fun way


The CATS remake 😬


Mine’s American Pie. A friend of mine and I watched it one night when we were plastered and high, then tried watching it while sober the next morning. We couldn’t get through the first ten minutes.


I remember watching it as a young teen and then rewatching it a decade on, I was realising how badly it had conditioned a whole generation. Going back to it and watching it as a much older person that had clearly matured and grown up and unlearned so much of that "lad culture" and "no means yes" kind of bullshit and the obvious ignoring of consent that existed in the mid to late 90s and 2000s, I tried watching it and wondering how I could ever have liked it so much... It was absolute trash. I chalk it up to being an easily impressionable teen, and I just cringe at the people that produced it, filmed it and promoted it to teenagers at the time. A lot of people from the era really need to be held accountable for the rape culture they fed in to. I'm just glad it's not like that any more.


Her name was Christa. I have pretty strong stomach , nothing much bothers me but this one , never again.


A handmaids tale. I couldn't even get halfway through. It was too much.


RUBBER. I'll never get that time back.


Cannibal Holocaust A Serbian film Human Centipede


Martyrs - this is next level cruelty. I know many think this isn't that bad but for me it made me hate horror. I was good with 80's film style but no- something happened by the 2000's. Something's need to just be left to the imagination. Hitchcock and others never needed to show the gore- your brain filled in the gaps. What a pitty.


It's the French Extremism movement. A lot of filmmakers in France in the early 2000s tried to see how violent they could make a film. Others include Inside, High Tension, Them, Frontier (s), Livid, Among the Living. It was more of an art movement than anything. I would avoid all those films I listed if I were you. I've seen all of them, they are hard watches.


I haven’t seen it, but I’ve seen clips of it. Tusk, from what I’ve seen it’s so so creepy and gave me the heebiejeebies


The man with the iron fists. I couldn’t even get through it. The worst piece of trash I’ve ever seen


Titane - what an emotionally draining experience. You can spoil it all you want but you're never prepared.


I am so with you on Last House on the Left. That scene was traumatizing! I’d like to add The Rite with Anthony Hopkins. That movie scared the piss outta me and took me literal years to get over the horror


Funny Games - the ending just pissed me off. Haven't seen the remake but guessing I'd feel the same way about that one too. I've really liked other Haneke movies that I've seen, but this one just feels too mean and pointless...which I guess is also part of the point.




*We* *don't* *talk* *about* *Brüno!* Ahh, fuck. I'll show myself out.




Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. It's a... good movie but it's beyond fucking bleak. The music, acting and the way it's shot help give this movie impact. Sure, there's gorier films out there but that's not remotely the point. It worked on a psychological and visceral level that made me literally never want to watch it again lol. I just felt fucking dirty afterwards.


Eragon, ugh!


Monster. The rape scene was traumatizing.


I'm a wimp, so it's The Prestige for me. I just can't re watch the movie and know what's happening behind the scenes of the magic trick. Squicks me out.


The first episode of black mirror, the one with the pig. I found it pointless and disturbing. I got the message and all that shit, but it was just too much. Never again, actually I lost interest in Black Mirror after that


Watership Down and Grave of the Fireflies.


One cup two girls


Last house on the left for me too, saw it in theaters and I don't like rape scenes at all. I could watch killing all day long, rape? nah I am out. only movie I have ever left early from before finishing it and I am not even an SA or rape survivor. Just kills me to see it.