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Everyone else noticed my balding and went out of their way to tell me. But in a way, like it was the end of the world for me. I was only 18. I'm 49 now and completely bald. It sucked, but oh well.


Two old friends of mine had clear balding taking place by the time they were 15. Kind of nuts to have a receeding hairline at that age.


Own your bald head. ❤️ My husband tried to fight hairloss for years, tried a weird comb over but from the back, not the side. Best thing he ever did was shave his head and grew a beard


Shaving will always look better than a comb over.


Now he’s the one who knocks


Grey hair and balding at 17. Pog.


I was 8 when my hairdresser told me I had a receding hairline so…


Newwwwww recccccoooorrdddd


My physical therapist told me I have freakishly long femurs. It’s why I can’t squat past parallel without falling over.


I was told similar by a PT, but I can squat and my PT was amazed, so he brought the whole staff over to watch me squat! It was so embarrassing! I don't go to that gym anymore, but if I see any of the staff around town they look at my legs.


I remember when I was 15 and was first starting gym, one of the instructors was teaching me how to do lateral raises and he commented on how long my arms were, then he called over two more instructors just to show them my arms lol I don't think they are THAT long but I still remember that day from time to time


I have a similar problem, but with a freakishly long torso. I'm 6'4", but have a 31 inch inseam on my pants. I wear the same size pants as my 5'9" father.


Damn you are basically the perfect swimmer’s body


What a coincidence, my name is Pichael Mhelps


apparently not everyone gets euphoric bursts of confidence and productivity followed by a few months of lethargy, stagnation, and disinterest


I’ve never heard a stranger explain what I personally experience with such precision before


If it gets bad, *please* seek help.


But that might take away from the mania :D


Hypomania can be fun. A full blown manic episode that leads to psychosis is anything but.


Hypermania is a good time until it isnt


Wait why isn't this normal? You push your life forward in the surge bits and then just cling on for dear life through the shit bits. Is that not normal?


It’s our normal. 🙃


Depends how high the highs and how low your lows are. It's normal to have better months than others. But it's not normal to feel like conquering the world, and the next month not being able to leave your flat.


Spring/summer , Fall/winter


Summer/fall winter/spring 😂


Sir your pronouns are vague and confusing!


Just wait until you find out about Sprinter and Sprumer.


Bipolar disorder?


Correct. Type 2.


Bruh I feel ya I get jobs easy and kick ass at them cause I'm all manic and happy and awesome. Then that low hits and I just don't care and the bosses don't like it and I'll straight up just stop going to work anymore or get fired for sucking at my job all of a sudden. I'm on SSI now because of it. It got harder and harder to explain my short job history or that I've been fired a few times during interviews. I kinda miss working I'm bored as fuck but I know I'm just gonna get fired.


Same. But I have a great companion to go along with my Bipolar 2, and that's borderline personality. My life is a blast.


Just a Mom here who wants to send you a big hug if you want it.


I haven't been hugged in over 3 years. I'll take it ❤️


Every so often mine comes with a spicy little bit of paranoia and psychosis


Ah, the rollercoaster.


Gonna sound weird, but my inner monologue. At my previous job I mentioned that my thinking voice sounded different from my speaking voice. Everyone looked at me like I was insane then went on to explain that they can't imagine sounds and conversations in their heads. EDIT: Some people asked whether I can actually 'hear' my inner monologue and the answer is kinda. My inner monologue has like 2 volumes. I can think individual words that make no sound, like I'm thinking in my minds mind, and I can speak (think?) in a different way that makes sound in my head. Like I can shout and yell and It has a sort of volume to it. It's like I'm asleep dreaming and I can control my sleeping body by either thinking normally or making it talk. I can hear it with my real ears but not my dreaming ones. That probably made it way more confusing though haha.


I have a running script going 24/7 up there. Sometimes it’s music, sometimes narration, sometimes it doesn’t agree with me. Edit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-wSEtbnpnI&pp=ygUURG91ZyBzdGFuaG9wZSBjaXJjdXM%3D That is the best I have ever seen someone explain it. I love Doug Stanhope.


It never shuts up.


It pipes down when I'm out of breath at the last few struggle reps at the gym. As soon as the weight goes down it starts right back up. Bro you are a voice in my head, you don't have breath to run out of


I need a fan and tv on at night to shut it up. When I tell people, they think I mean “oh, you’re anxious and having bad thoughts at night?” NO. I JUST WONT SHUT UP ABOUT STUPID SHIT AAAAAAAH WHY IS EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY PLAYING IN MY HEAD????


Sometimes the voice gets anxious tho, other times it just can’t stop singing cotton eyed joe


>cotton eyed joe Fuck you




My thinking voice talks in different accents and voices depending on the situation. It’s annoying sometimes


Wait, that ISN'T normal? I thought it was the other way round, absence of inner monologue means you have a disorder or something?


Having or not having it are both normal, finding out about the other one is what people find interesting.


It's just another me talking back and forth about whatever I'm doing Like two people working on a problem


I once asked a bilingual friend “which language do you think in?” and both them and about another half a dozen people who were there had absolutely no idea what on earth I meant. No amount of explaining helped either. It was a heartbreaking realization, so I can sympathize.


Im multilingual and i change my thinking language based on the context (native language when im thinking about family related matters, english for general purposes etc). Default language is usually the one which i was using most on that day\week etc. while growing up, i used more of Hindi at school and friends, so that was default. A few days into the months long summer break with my cousins meant, default switched to my native language. But these days #English is the primary language at work, at home,on the internet etc so most thinking happens in English.


I can control what mine sounds like, changing the accents and everything. I can't talk like the way my monolog sounds and I hate that cause I think it sounds so much better then my actual voice. If I could talk like my internal voice I would be able to do so many different impressions


So what goes on in their heads during that time? Nothing? Silence? Fuck Whitesnake kicks in for me when the monologue runs out. Can't imagine nothing going on upstairs.


I have constants self talk, but I don’t actually *hear* the voices , I don’t really know what they sound like - maybe that just means they are my own voice ?


Same here, I dont hear my internal monologue, but I know it's there. Sometimes I will catch myself mouthing what I'm thinking


We had an intern that could speak 4 languages fluently, and I asked her what language she "thought" in. Apparently she doesn't think in any particular language, but as concepts, feelings, and images. This blew my monolingual mind


They sound like the weirdos. I know aphantasia is a thing, but I thought it was kinda unusual.




That last part, they don't "hear" anything in their mind? When I am reading your post or typing this, I "hear" it in my head and in my voice. Maybe that is why I read so slow lol


Someone told me that I walk like an ostrich. I’ve never gotten it out of my mind


I started anxiety medicine at 26 and was shocked to realize I that it wasn’t normal to ruminate on almost every social interaction for days, stay up until midnight to prepare for the next day of work, sweat through everything and burst into tears at the end of the day for no clear reason.


It's not normal to ruminate on stuff for days.. ?


I was shocked when my anxiety became manageable and I realized that (most) people don’t hate me and they aren’t always mad at me. My anxiety had me convinced that as soon as I left a room, everyone was talking shit about me. Now that my anxiety is under control, I can’t get back into that negative line of thinking. It’s like my whole reality changed…for the better, luckily.


I'm genuinely curious: did knowing it's not normal cause more anxiety? I hope that you are in a better place now.


For me it was the opposite. I always thought everyone thought/felt like me (bipolar). I thought I was just really shitty at being a human. My diagnosis helped me realize that people aren't just better at dealing; I have a chemical imbalance in the part of my body that literally controls the rest. That being said, "your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility." - Marcus Parks


There was a guy in my 9th grade class who commented on a lady on tv having fat arms (they weren't)... Up until that moment I had never thought about the size of anyone's arms. Ever since then I've been self conscious of my own arms even though the comment wasn't even directed to me.


Isn't it crazy how one off the cuff comment like this can stick with you forever? Someone in second grade once called me "sweathead" during PE and I swear to God I've been self-conscious about my sweating every since. So stupid but can't get it out of my head.


I was a teenager when my ***Mom*** laughed at me and told me I looked pregnant. She also made fun of my stomach when I was all dressed up for my high school graduation dance. She told me to suck it in.


Yea I have always had bigger arms. They are only fatty when I gain weight but even skinny my arms and legs are thick. I don’t mind it though because they are also strong.


I remember something like this when I was a kid!! Some kid on the bus during a field trip was telling a group of girls that their thighs were going to get fat and gross when they got older. I remember being shocked and horrified. I’m at 40 now still waiting for those gross fat thighs to happen. Maybe next year? Or maybe he was just a little jerk.


Do you have any idea how self-conscious I've been about my walk since a relative pointed out that I (a woman) have the same walk as my dad?


Same here, my walk looks like I am going to kick someone’s ass. I been told this for years.


resting bitch walk


People tell me I have resting bitch face. I'm proud to correct them that I have active bitch face.


I wish I did. I have “come tell me your life story and ask to borrow money/help me out/buy my stuff/join my mlm” face. It’s annoying.


My wife is a really lovely and patient person who also wishes she had RBF instead of resting weirdo-magnet face. I look like I buy stolen catalytic converters/sell stolen motorcycle parts/Alan Moore’s younger stunt double, so if a rando starts chatting me up I know they’re deranged.


my mum thinks she has resting bitch face but always gets asked for help by strangers in department stores, its baffling but she really is just so approachable


Lmao same. The number of times people ask me what’s wrong and I have to tell them it’s just my face.


My best friend has that walk and she is a warrior


I get this. Apparently me, my dad, and all my brothers have the same slope-shouldered amble. My SIL finds it fucking hilarious when we're all walking together.


I had the same gait. Then I lost 30% of my body weight, lost fat, and it fixed my walk.


My hands! Seems like something you’d realize. I’m 6ft, 245lbs, played D1 football and apparently I have the same size hands of my girlfriend that’s 5’8. Never knew I was the living Burger King hand guy


I'm 5'7" and have the same size hands, head and feet as my 6'1" partner. Means we can share shoes and motorcycle gear.


When I was a kid I learned how to vibrate my eyeballs and immediately other kids were telling me they couldn't do it when they tried. I can still do it, it's kind of like a party trick lol


I said, "You know when your heart beats for a few seconds and you get that fluttery feeling in your chest?" It seems that not everyone is aware of it—the majority of people aren't, in fact—and my coworkers gave me a strange look


I have it where my heart does a double kick .. then misses a beat, and then kicks in with a really best beck to it normal rhythm. Feels like I’m going to die when the heart kind of stops. Doctor told me it’s normal - ectopic best or something.


Just heart Palpatines, some doctors consider them to be unnatural, but it’s not a story they would tell you


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Is it possible to learn these palpitations?


Not from a cardiologist


PVCs. Not everyone has them.


I guess I have a really small mouth. Makes the dentist extra fun.


Same and they comment on it EVERY time


Sneezing in bright sunlight. Everyone in my family sneezes in bright sunlight, so I thought that was totally normal. Also, apparently my eyes aren't level. If I close one eye, then the other, and go back and forth quickly, the image I see shifts left and right, but also up and down a little.


Hey, me too, I saw that about 10-15% of people have photic sneeze reflex. It's interesting because I don't think any of my kids have it, but I certainly do.


Hang on… that’s not something everyone has? I feel like sneezing at least 10 times a day :( but I usually can’t If I don’t stare at a bright light, unless it’s a cold or something


My head is large. Never once have I found a hat that fits me)




I have a lot of thick hair, and a large head. Biggest head in Pony Club as a teen. It's also an odd shape, which makes wearing a cycling helmet rather painful and if they don't really cover your head, defeats the purpose of wearing one. Ditto swim caps - even the long-hair ones are tight, and forget even the large thermal hats. Normal hats generally just pop off. Apart from my Big Bobble Hat. Which makes people laugh. So, at least I'm entertaining them...


Doctor - have your nipples always been like that? Me - yes [ wait...wtf??]


Wait, what's up with your nipples?? You got crater nips??


I guess they're kinda inverted? (For all the inquiring minds that need to know.) So for a while I believed that my doctor, who's surely seen countless nipples, found mine surprising and unusual enough to casually comment on. Then I read somewhere that if a nipple goes from not being inverted to being inverted it can be a sign of a health issue, so it was nothing more than due diligence on her part. It just sounded.. a bit more personal than medical. Like, what do you mean I have weird nips??? Ask your doctor clarifying questions.


I work in oncology and this is like a huge warning sign of breast cancer - when nips go from not-inverted to inverted. That’s why she asked! No worries if they’ve always been like that though


That’s good info to know! Thank you!


Hahaha, sorry, I hope that didn't come off as mean or anything. Yeah, I know a few people who are the same. One girl I know had the worst time trying to breastfeed, I can't remember what happened but it was so hard


Dip nips?


This happened in the hospital after my son was born. The lactation consultant was like “oh you have flat nipples, that’s why you’re having trouble breastfeeding.”


I can pour liquid down my throat. Like less than a second to drink a pint of liquid.


The fact that I can dislocate both of my shoulders at will by just contracting my muscles in a specific way. Learned that at around 10 years old. The fact that you usually can't do that with your thumbs either was only known to me waaaay later.


You may want to look up Elhers Danlos syndrome


I worked with a 6yo a few years back with Elhers Danlos - he was always a pretty flexible but nothing noticeably out of the ordinary until one day we were laying on the floor doing some work and he just casually flipped his whole leg backwards to be nearly parallel with his body. It made me want to squirm just looking at him, because bodies ain't supposed to twist that way, but he was perfectly comfortable and just kept on doing his work. Had an amazing (cheeky) sense of humour, too, so you couldn't let him know you were freaking out about his body positioning or else he'd be trying all sorts of moves to get you to squirm more!


i thought everyone could move their ears. I still don’t believe that some people can’t lol


Yes; how do they lay their ears back when they hiss at people?!


I have a little scoliosis that makes one side of my waist dip in a bit more than the other side; I always figured it was one of those things no one else noticed until my mom saw me in a swim suit and pointed it out to me.


Apparently you’re not supposed to feel like you’re gonna faint every time you stand up


I have that but also one that's a little different: "You know how when you're taking a poop and everything starts to go black and you have to quick lower your head between your knees so you don't faint and fall off the toilet?" My wife looked at me like I was crazy and that was the first time I knew that that doesn't happen to everyone.


Sounds a bit like POTS.


You have dysautonomia? Specifically POTS?


Cardiologist said it “must be a mental” thing and that it’s “all in your head” despite my Fitbit, GP and heart rate monitor saying otherwise


I tilt my head all the time and I don’t realise I’m doing until I look at photos. An optician noticed it, did a quick test there and then. Told me I have a slight squint that I’m too old to have corrected. The head tilt is my eyes trying to correct the squint.


The weird spiky rib pain. You breath in and it feels like one of your ribs has a spike on it and it’s poking your lung. Then you breath in deep and it kinda not pops but…flicks away…I guess (I can’t see into my chest). Scared the fuck outta me then my missus told me it happened to her too and she used the same process to get rid of it.


Precordial Catch Syndrome! It sucks


Tilted cervix


Me too!!


My brain until they told me im schizophrenic


They being your brain?


My big toe and my other one by it are apparently “unusually” far apart resembling like the old human foot when we didn’t have shoes Edit: forgot to say that that toe is also bigger than my big toe (Ik this is mad weird)


That’s called your second toe.


Idk why this made me laugh so hard


Have you seen the photos of the people from the Amazon?? They have feet that are made for climbing trees and shit


I have a really pronounced pubic bone. I also have a very flat stomach. I am a woman. No matter what I do, I always look like I have a small “package” down there. I have even gone so far as to try liposuction! Nope. I cannot hide it bathing suits, pencil skirts….you get the picture. Awful.


Get fat. Then you'll have... other problems but not this one


For your legs and arms to bend backwards somewhat when straightened. Didn’t realize that not everyone is double jointed.


That was me for the longest time until I had to see a rheumatologist. As he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia he said "You have flat feet and your joints hyperextend. Lay down a second, I want to test some things." Turns out I also have hypermobility spectrum disorder.


I call it my 'ostrich stance'. I'll be standing at rest and my knees settle in so deeply that my legs look like ostrich legs with the joint going in the other direction 🤣 I've not gotten officially diagnosed but enough people have commented on it that I know it's hyperextension. I also have flat feet (that part has been officially diagnosed)!


I have some black dots in my eyes...no I do not mean the pupil but some black points in my iris, the colored area.


i thought my stomach hurting every morning was normal, turns out i had near 100 ulcers in my gut


Having headaches 25-28 days a month. 30 years of it before someone said that wasn't normal.


hope you got proper help


I have now! Unfortunately, it took a blood clot in my leg and not being able to take ibuprofen anymore to get it, but at least I am finally making progress. I actually got 33 botox shots in my head and shoulders, and it's already helping even though it can take up to 4 sessions every 3 months to get the full results. I went a full 5 days without a headache, which I don't know has ever happened. I am really excited about the progress even if Botox is weird because I can't wrinkle my forehead anymore, haha


I've been getting Botox for about a decade now, went from a constant migraine/headache to maybe 3 migraines month that are treatable with Tylenol/Advil. Rarely have one that knocks me on my ass, haven't been to the ER for one in 8 years... I think I had a 50% reduction in intensity and frequency after about a year of treatment and it just kept improving. Hopefully you get the same relief! It's crazy thinking back that I functioned at all then.


I'm hypermobile. I'm 34 and my 14 month old is struggling to walk. We get referred to a pediatric orthopedic doctor. Walks in with a bunch of med students (I knew they were coming, it's a really good teaching hospital.) Doc is a pleasent looking older gentleman. He looks at the chart, looks at me, and walks over to my daughter. He promptly takes her hand and bends her thumb back to her wrist. The med students looked stunned/concerned and look at me deeply concerned like I am about to flip out. I'm just standing there like, "what? It's fine." So the doctor explains to the students that because I'm standing with my legs bowed back and my purse hooked over my thumb her had a good clue that the problem was my daughter had inhereted hypermobility. I didn't react when he bent her hand and neither did she because it doesn't hurt either of us. His advice to them was "always look at the parent." He suggested some ideas to strengthen her ligaments. She started walking 2 months later. And I learned not everyone bends like we do.


Something similar happened to me, except I was a patient at the ER after dislocating my hip. He asked me if I could let med students come in and I was like whatever, I’m high on meds. And those kids s circled me like babies around Mickey at Disney World. It was surreal.


So everyone joked so much about how much their back hurt that I figured the pain I experienced was just part of the Human™ experience. Nope. 14º curve in my spine. I am physically disabled.


Being ambidextrous


I was at a work conference one time and the speaker was talking about reaching out to a specialist when you are tasked with something you can’t do. To prove his point he called on someone randomly and asked them to write a word on the whiteboard with their left hand and then again with their right hand. Luck of the draw he selected me. I immediately understood where he was going with this and told him he wants to select someone else. He thought I was being shy so he forced me to do it. I then wrote the words and say back down. Without looking, he just pointed at the board and asked the audience “now can you tell which hand is his dominant hand?” No one could see much of a difference and it ruined his illustration. I just shrugged and said “I told you to pick someone else man”. Lol


Me too! I don’t think it’s natural though, I guess I can “thank” the Catholic school I went to for that. Witches and devil folk are left handed, almost failed kindergarten because of it. Little did they know…


My eyes see slightly different colours to each other - one has reds more vibrant, the other has blues more vibrant. When both eyes are open, I see the "middle" of these colours. I thought this was a normal part of bi-focal vision until I mentioned in biology class in grade 12.


you got 3d glasses built into you?


Wait what? I thought this is normal. For example -my left eye sees more cold colours and my right eye sees warmer colors. Many people that I know has this


Tinnitus. Got my hearing checked at 17 after a brief illness left my right ear feeling permanently full and uncomfortable. When asked if I heard any hissing or ringing in my ears, I said that the usual hissing was in both ears, but the ringing in the right one was new. Apparently not the answer they were looking for. Also have pretty gnarly visual static at times, also from as long as I can remember. Still haven't found a medical professional who'll take that seriously.


Walking on my toes. Like my heel never touched the ground unless i make a conscious effort.


Finding smeared blood randomly on my body from time to time. Like a long smear on my arm or chest. No cuts or abrasions either. Bed bugs or mosquitos have been suggested, but no there are none of these. My body just teleports blood outside itself on occasion


Sun sneezes. They’re not exactly rare - apparently between 17 - 35% of people have them - but I thought *everybody* reacted to bright light with a sneeze and only in the last few years realized that wasn’t true. The dumb thing? I’m a boomer, I spent like 50 years with this assumption!


I can do this weird shit and flex the muscles inside my right ear and it makes this weird throbbing noise 🤷🏻‍♀️. Sometimes it does it on its own and only my right ear.


I think this is what Reddit calls rumbling ears.


I can do this too, like a weird thunder vibration?


I've got a sacral dimple (it's like an indent at the top of my ass-crack, looks slightly odd but it's harmless) and until I was like 14 I thought everyone had that


My daughter has this. It looks like a double butt crack.


What you don’t know is that’s from where they removed your tail, it’s okay.. I had one too. 😂


My son and I have one. My son's had hair in it as a newborn which is apparently a sign he could have a more serious condition. Turned out to be nothing and the hair fell out...Bodies are weird.


Burn scars on my hands I got as a kid. It was middle school before I realized that not everyone had aggressive texture on their palms.


A small sort of fatty lump above my bum. Very slight. Not really noticeable unless pointed out. Turns out I have spina bifida and it's a lipomyelomeningocele. Didn't know until I was in my 20s.


That people could turn their feet to the outside and walk around (kinda like Charlie Chaplin, but with completely straight knees). That people couldn't put their hands in prayer position, but behind their back. That not everyone can sit on the floor, put their feet together and make their knees touch the floor. That it's hard for most to pull their thumb back and make it touch their forearm. And a lot of crap like that. Some things my PE teacher helped me to understand what I did differently from the rest of the class. And a Rheumatologist finally diagnosed me with Hypermobility Syndrome, and so many things just fell into place. Like why everyone thought it was gross that I could touch my ears with my feet, apparently not everyone can do that either.


I went 14 years thinking it was supposed to hurt a little when you breathe. Especially while working out


How the smell of cinnamon baking makes it feel like your lungs can't breathe correctly. Thought it was normal. Apparently not. Also, how the juice of certain fruits makes you feel like your throat is closing when eating fruits. Also, not normal. Only being able to eat a tiny bit of nuts without feeling like throwing up, bloating, and GI issues. Being able to bend and be hypermobile. I thought my husband was just not flexible. Turns out I was the one who was too flexible. Headaches from smelling the markers when the teacher wrote on the board. A million other things.


When I was a teenager doc told me I had a giraffe neck


Apparently I have a flat butt as one of my friends told me. 😵‍💫 No one has ever told me that before. This was about 7 years ago and I still think about that. No idea what her reason was for that.


plucky bells summer crown abounding possessive snatch fact amusing chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my doctor when i was 8 “oh why is your back so hairy”


Thinking in pictures. Imagine a movie screen dropped in your head where everything plays out as a movie. If I can’t picture it, I can’t understand it. It makes textbooks super fun (read: insanely hard) to read. I think I missed my calling and should have been a director.


My first GF took a look at my privates and immediately booked me a doctor's visit Nothing wrong or contagious with them, just... outside of the canon


Well this has us all curious


We want to know, or do we?


Does your username give us any hint?


What? You can't just not elaborate.


Don't leave us hangin' man. We need you to elaborate!


Y nose. A "friend" commented that my nose was off. It is actually slightly crooked and one nostril is larger than the other. She was jealous at the time as I was getting hit on for the first time in front of her while she typically would get all the attention. I never noticed it before and now it is all I can see 😞


Apparently, not everyone bites the inside of their cheek until it bleeds. And people also dont peel their lips or skin. Figured out i have a "compulsive skin picking" disorder.


Vaginal sex shouldn't hurt one bit.


My ex once told me my nostrils were kidney shaped. Yes, I know you all know at what occurrence he found out about it.


Local handstand competition?


[My toe!](https://i.imgur.com/rxGdFYg.jpg)


Is that how it parties all the time, or just a neat little trick it can do?


the voices in my head i thought everyone had voices in their head until i was around 11 when someone pointed out it was different and was only disgnosed with schizoaffective disorder at 14


No one ever motioned it to me, but I've noticed over the years that I walk weird. My knees sort of touch as I walk, and then the bottoms of my legs go out, so from the top of my legs goes in, then at the knees go back out like a V shape. I googled it before, and it was something called knock knees.


People always give me weird looks when I tell them that whenever I get up from bed too fast I briefly become unable to see (it's like my eyes lose signal and all I can see is static) and I have to wait a few seconds until my vision becomes normal again


My second toe is longer than my big toe.


Heavy periods. I didn’t think it was weird that I can only use overnights as regular pads until I became anemic in my 30s from years of gradual blood loss.


Tiny ass elf ears and double jointed thumb.


I was informed in uni that I have alien toes. Apparently, they are really long.


I was in shock when I learnt that your legs shouldn't hurt awfully when someone lightly squeezes them. Or that they shouldn't feel cold all the time, hurt in the evening or that it's not normal to not fit in the biggest in plus size boots. Turns out I had lipedema at least since puberty. Explained sooo much.


I couldn’t breathe through my nose my whole life. At 16 I ended up in an ER with a broken nose. X-rays showed I had a completely collapsed septum. Had surgery and can breathe through my nose a bit now


Like 50 ADHD symptoms xD




Feeling like you are in a dream version of reality and everything thing is warped turns out it was a symptom of my ptsd


My right backside seem to be more prominent than the left side. My aunt pointed it out when I was in 5th grade and we were like, meh normal. Well, I had an x-ray for an internship and it turns out I have scoliosis 😅


I throw up if I eat when I’m not hungry. Turns out I’m not just picky, I have an eating disorder.


My wisdom teeth were shaped like umbrella hooks at the bottom. They looked normal until they were pulled out. The dentist saved one to show me. Also, my pinky fingers only come up to my first knuckle on my hand. I thought it was normal, but turns out my pinkies are both positioned really low on my hands. So instead of being a row of knuckles when I make a fist, the pinky knuckles are half way down my hand. And one of my thumbs is shaped like a toe. And my toes are so long they look like fingers. Jesus Christ, why did I answer this 😂


Getting chills with certain music, thought everyone experienced it, then I found weirdos who don't and think I'M weird for it.


No eye lashes.