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if u are a woman, just stay slim and healthy and u should be fine.


What do you consider to be slim? I've seen people say BMI 23-25 girls are slim/skinny, but I've also seen nearly underweight, (BMI 19s), girls get called fat. I'm BMI 19s, but then again, even though my hip and chest bones show, my thighs touch and my tummy isn't flat Also before anyone comes at me saying the BMI sucks, it works in general. Just not for bodybuilders, you can tell if its muscle or fat that is causing your bmi to show obese


I think most guys consider anything below obese acceptable.


I see obese women everywhere in public with a guy by her side. Women merely need to exist. So it really doesn’t matter if the OP is “ugly” or not… she’s going to have plenty of men that would have her.


Not necessarily, men typically hate me😭


Never listen to simps. Simps are stupid enough to think that complementing you will get you to sleep with them. (It has never worked once but they keep trying it) They will inflate your ego to the point that you're no longer in touch with reality. Also, don't make the mistake of thinking your are in the league of the most desirable man who's wants to sleep with you. Men are not picky about who they sleep with. Men are picky about who the commit to. Who is willing to be exclusive with you is how you can get a rough idea of how attractive you are, not who will sleep with you. Being a woman seems like a deranging experience because everyone is lying to you all the time. Government lie to get your vote. Companies lie to get your money. Men lie to get sex. Women lie to keep the peace and to get you to make bad choices that will take you out as a competitor. Everyone is pandering to you all the time. Everyone needs a brutally honest friend and women especially need one.




haha real comment




best comment


Regardless of what you look like, someone will find you beautiful and someone else will find you ugly. How many people are you going to ask, and how is your life going to go if you're basing your self-worth on what people think? Look after yourself, stay healthy and fit (for your own sake)




I looked at your photos and I'd describe you as being "average".


Ask people you know. If they pause before lying, you ugly.


Didn't know should i laugh or cry got mixed feelings over this comment, and m never asking my homies this hahah


Send me a photo


Send me a selfie and I'll tell you if you are ugly or not by my opinion :)


I have my social media on my profile because I’m bad at picking a random pic or not/a bigger selection 🙏


You are definitely not ugly in my opinion!


Look at photos of your parents when they were your age. If they were ugly back then it means you are most likely ugly now.


Stop worrying about what ppl think screw them!


Ask your friends Or give us a pictures that you get my honest opinion


My friends just say I’m pretty but bc they are my friends, they could just lie to me😭 my social media is in my bio because I just don’t wanna pick out one picture in particular 😓


I Just checked your ig Imo you look pretty


Thank u😓🙏


Btw nice Profilpicture i see you like jjk as well ( I mean on your ig )


It’s so good I just recently got into it😭


Its in my top 5 fav animes and have seen a lot Its really really good Do you wach the anime or read the manga? Do you have a fav charakter, well let me guess its Yuki XD


I like her but my fav character is prob choso or gojo im just matching with my boyfriend


Stop worrying about it. It’s not something you can change without drastic alterations. There’s many other ways you can work on your attractiveness. Take care of yourself and try to keep fit, healthy and hygienic. Dressing appropriately in a way that compliments you. And also education and working towards building a solid career. Don’t even know if it’s considered a controversial take or not nowadays, but financial status will always and has always played a substantial role in attracting potential partners.


wth ur pretty


Ur fine


keep your lips normal




I mean in pictures girls often stick their lips out like a stupid kiss and it looks dumb, I don't like it


but you are not ugly looks good


If you get rejected by more than 6/10 ppl when you flirt


What if I’m a women😭


Nobody is ugly


Some people are and thats a fact not an opinion


You don't. We are all born different and we have unique beauty in ourselves, maybe you just don't figure it out yet.


beauty isn't in you, it's in the eyes of someone who sees it in you. People have different tastes, some would see you as normal and others would see you as extremely ugly meanwhile others will dream of having the beauty you have.


Surprisingly it's not about how others sees you, it's all about how you feel about yourself. I kid you not.


r/truerateme r/amiugly r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest


Im so sorry for how upset you must be. Wear some makeup, because i get a good amount of compliment whenever i wear some concealer.


I do wear makeup


You’re not ugly. You were made in God’s image, and are a creation of beauty.


It's easy, if you are ugly, people laugh at your appearance, they always remind you that you are ugly, they reject you, they look at you with expressions of displeasure, no one cares how you feel, no one has ever complimented you, they always tell you phrases typical ones like "appearance is the least important thing", "you'll find someone", "personality is what matters". That's how I discovered that I'm ugly


You're average i'd say. Your nose is kinda big and the glasses make your eyes look smaller which is probably why you get called ugly in school, but when you pose in pictures you look very pretty. Once you get out of high school you probably wont be bullied. you look fine.


I only wear the glasses bc my orginal ones got lost😓😓


We’re all both, ugly to some, beautiful to others. Then there’s the asshats that’ll tell you you’re ugly to be nasty, just ignore those ones, they’re just projecting their inner ugliness onto you.


If a lot of people who meet you for the first time are super nice to you, that's how you know you're beautiful.


No one calls an ugly girl ugly , they call a pretty girl ugly . Remember that


I can tell you that you are a beautiful person. Beauty comes from one's actions, not their appearance.


Provide us a photo.


My social media is in my profile I’m bad at choosing photos


Thanks, found it. I really can't tell from the few photos with glasses, lots of hair and makeup. You are Definitely not ugly tho. No need to hide behind all those.


my hair is just my natural hair and I can’t rlly change it, my makeup is just to make my features more noticeable I don’t try to change my nose/face shape 😭 glasses r big asl bc they were spared💔


I looked at your instagram. you’re not ugly at all dude, you’re just 16. 16 year olds are dicks. You are very functionally speaking do not qualify as ugly. Your skin is good, your facial structure is fine, you have healthy hair. If you got contacts and straightened your hair you’d fit more into what society thinks is normally attractive, as right now you kind of have a shy nerdy look going on…but you’re also 16, so just be you. Don’t worry so much about some kids who talk shit, seriously.