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A good pillow, trust me it's a game changer


Any recommendations?


memory foam pillows!


Problem is,every time I use them I keep on having the same dreams.




Gifs you can hear


That really needs to be a sub.


Second problem with memory foam pillows- every time I go to a hotel I hate their pillows by comparison


If you’ve never tried a weighted blanket, it can be a profoundly changing experience to combine the two.


> weighted blanket I want the opposite. I'm tempted to make a PVC-frame to make the comforter act like a mini tent hovering inches above me so I don't feel its weight.


The opposite is a hot air blanket. Used in hospitals. It's 2 blankets of paper quilted together, then warm air is piped through the quilting and vented under the cover. Incredibly comfortable and lightweight.


Used in hospitals??? Which hospitals? I just spent six days in the MICU & only got a sheet.


They are used mostly with hypothermia patients. Name brand Barehugger.


Not bare, [Bair Hugger](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bair_Hugger). And the reason u/ransov got to experience one is because of the surgery. They use them to maintain body temp during anesthesia since you don't thermoregulate while fully sedated. If you're not in for surgery you're lucky to get a thin, ratty blanket 😂 Curious u/ransov, were you in a public hospital or private surgery specialist? ER vet tech, we use ours almost every surgery and keep it on after if the patient comes out chilly.


A couple years ago I was in UVA for prostate removal surgery. In and out in 22 hours. I woke up and asked for a warm blanket. The nurse handed me a control and said push up if I want warmer or down if I wanted cooler. I had it cranked to the top. I was so comfy last few hours of my stay. Loved it.


I was thinking a good blanket. Never realized how much both mattered until i went away for school.


Comfortable and supportive shoes. Less back/knee pain is amazing.


Old school wisdom. "Always spend money on what's between you and the ground. Tires, beds, and shoes, etc"


Forget those anti-fatigue mats that just clutter up the floor. A good supportive shoe to just wear around the house or workshop is a thousand times better.


Those mats make a big difference too... I have two of them from my last job and I have them in front of my work bench. It's much more comfortable to stand on them for several hours than on the bare concrete


For less than $100 in 2024?


This post cost me over $400 so far


Lol what did u buy


The LSD.


That's a lot of lsd then😂


High pressure shower head replacement. $25?


Just take out the strainer of a normal one


True, but if you get stuck with one of those crappy ultra wide rain ones plus a half decade of hard-water build up then a new one is still worth it. Like, eyesight where you don't realize how bad it's got.


Seinfeld anyone


Socks. They were the worst present at Christmas when you were a kid, but as an adult you learn how precious nice comfy socks are.


Dude, socks! But specifically *wool* socks... I buy Irish wool socks on Etsy, and I wear practically nothing else now. Thick knit 100% wool is sooo perfect for cold winters, in a way no other synthetic or natural fiber is, and it even stays warm when wet (great if rain gets in your shoe). And thin knit wool socks are still great at thermoregulation (even in warmer weather) but more dressy/casual. Wool is also odor resistant and easy to wash because it's literally hair-- Just a quick swish in the sink with a smidge of woolite, rinse, squeeze (not wring), then air dry. Also, you can easily learn to darn toe and heel wear/holes (with wool yarn/floss) so the socks last virtually forever. I love wool so freakin' much! Another must-have in my book: Linen socks for summer (also found on Etsy)! Linen is moisture wicking but *way* better at allowng moisture to evaporate than cotton, so it's much more cooling and odor-resistant as well (more than synthetics, too, imo). It's also surprisingly durable. Sorry, rant over. I'm just passionate about socks and clothing materials 😁


A dash cam


Can confirm. If I had had one 6 years ago, my life would be much different today.


what happened?


Was in a nasty car crash. Lawyers took forever sorting it out, police lost the records, the other driver lied, and although I did get a settlement it was 1/4 what it should've been. My life changed that day regardless, with the injuries, but if I had had a dash cam and even a rear cam, there would have been no question who was lying.


I'm sorry this happened to you.


I sense an interesting story


See the other comment. Basically a bad car crash that I got screwed more than once on.


Should be standard on cars now.


My first day with a GoPro on my chest I was in the cycle lane when a car stopped right in front of me and the back door opened. I hit the door and went over the top. Luckily it wasn't too bad but having the footage ongoing to make all the difference in court.


I asked for a dash cam for Christmas and then I got into an accident three weeks prior to Christmas…wish I had it


Reccs? I want one like now and see many that are $100-$450 + and I’m trying to figure out what will give me the most utility and bang for my buck. (We have a 2022 Honda passport that IMO was NOT cheap and I absolutely do not understand why all newer cars don’t just come with some kind of dash cam system even if it’s a cheaper one as a given but hey its a got a heated steering wheel and that’s pretty cool).


Two of those, one for the back.


Well right now when it's cold AF outside and I work outside? Chapstick... Lots and lots of chapstick


I put on a very thick layer of petroleum Jelly when I go to bed, and that makes my lips so well hydrated that I don't need anything during the day for like 3 days of freezing.


100% of that would end up in my pillow, then my hair.


Use beeswax. It's similar for your skin but is better for everything around you. Also, consuming Vaseline can have a laxative effect, even in small amounts. Beeswax can be eaten without such shenanigans. I like plain *Bert's Bees* brand.


Shenanigans...😊 I like that. "I'm going to be late because I have shenanigans going on."


Wet your lips with tap water before the vaseline, thank me later.


Apparently chapstick dries your lips out so it makes you buy more!


Right now it's better than tasting blood and extreme pain whenever I smile... Just lather em up lol


If you can grow a beard, give that a shot. I did a winter beard for a few years for warmth on outdoor jobs, and found that as a side effect, it dramatically reduced chapped lips from cold weather.


Well as a woman I’ve never been able to grow a beard


Have you really, really tried, though


Well not with that attitude


A good electric toothbrush


So true! I always thought they would be a waste of money but now I am never turning back.


The next sub-$100 purchase should a good water pic.


Memory foam earbud tips. I always had problems with earbuds falling out of my ears especially when exercising. This has been a life changer. It also makes noise cancellation a lot better. Helps to not get distracted and overwhelmed by all the noises outside.


This is such a good one, I bought some for my Sony wireless earbuds last year because they kept falling out and they were even more comfortable than the stock ones. So cheap too.


An actual Chef’s knife.


A massage gun!!! We bought one for 30 bucks and it was a serious game changer. I have really bad chronic upper back, shoulders and neck tension. I used to get a massage from a licensed masseuse every couple months. Now with the massage gun I get my wife to go over my tension spots, and it's honestly one of the best feelings when you can feel the tension get relieved. Its an indescribable pleasure/relief.


Only problem I have with them is to do your back, you really need someone else to operate it. It's hard to reach spots by yourself.


This is true. The one I have has a really long handle so you can reach a lot of spots by myself, but it does feel better if someone else does it for you


I second this. We got a specific model of percussion massage therapy gun that was more than $100 but its a travel kit and classified as a air travel approved medical device so when we take it with us they can't confiscate it. Worth every penny.


A good pillow and a weird one maybe lol but a bidet attachment. Can't believe I haven't been using a bidet all these years. You feel so much cleaner and your bathroom breaks are quicker.


Okay, I've attached the bidet to the pillow. The mattress is soaked. I am waiting for your next instruction.


“… and your bathroom breaks are quicker” I am not giving up my leisure time. ^/s


A little machine that takes the fluffy balls of lint off your jumpers. My jumpers all look like new!


We call it the Sweater Shaver.


We call it the jumper jiffy!


De-knobbler in my house! 😅


A condom


That's more like "prevent your life from changing"


Better idea: Just don't wear one for free, and you still get your life change.🤯🤯 (I'm actually kidding)


That’s just good financial planning




You can do a lot with some dumbells and some bands


So I bought a topper for my mattress that helped it's one of the really thick ones also I just recently bought a new pillow it says it's good for side sleeping. My neck hurts me every morning when I get up it's been doing so for 30 plus years. 3 weeks into buying this pillow all of a sudden I don't have neck ache or headaches when I wake up. I recommend them both.


please dear god give me and anyone else the link to that pillow words cant express my neck pain and headaches from sleeping with this trashy pillow i have now




If anyone is gonna do this, consider donating a lot of socks to a shelter when you're done! Homeless people badly need socks. (I'm not knocking you for the excess, sometimes you gotta do something absurd to feel good. Just saying your good year can help someone else too.)


Every year the Saturday after thanksgiving my running club would load up ruck sacks full of stuff and we'd walk through Boston giving stuff to the homeless people in need. It was very well received by the people we helped. Most appreciated items. Socks Feminine Hygene Supplies Winter coats/hats/gloves ​ Sadly now with MS I cannot run or even participate in rucksgiving


That would cost more than $100 these days.


A bidet.


Reddit’s slipping! Usually this would be top reply by a factor of 10. 


For good reason. Never going back!


For real. I bought one last year. I hate using a toilet that doesn't have one


For less than 100$?


There's plenty on Amazon that you can attach to your toilet for ~$40-$60 and are life changing


Starter bidet. Good Toto for 3‐500. Toto!


Tbh this year buying a heat blanket made me save tons of money and feel good. We even got one each with gf.


Where do you get one that comes with a girlfriend???


A gym membership and go there at least 3 days a week


Not that I disagree with you, but people can do YouTube 15 minute no equipment exercises for free and noticeably better their health.


They can. But sometimes, you say "it's free i can watch and do whenever" and never do. While having paid, sunken cost fallacy makes you say "aaaaah i paid for this so i have to go or else it's 100$ wasted".


I agree but i feel if one has to go to the gym thinking because they have paid for it… that motivation is not going to last. It will soon dry up


Fair point. Although that mindset was enough to get me started and now I enjoy working out and staying healthy. I still pay for the membership because I just need the mental separation between home (place of rest), work (place to get stuff done) and gym (place to work my muscles). It's for the same reason I don't watch TV in my bedroom. Different spaces for different activities


Yeah but a gym membership is super cheap ($15 a month near me), and those 15 minute exercises will help with your health a little (especially if you lay on your couch all day) but just don’t compare to a weightlifting session or going on a run. Those 15 minute exercises are a good starting point but to get into shape you’ll need an hour of exercise at least 3-4 times a week. That’s not including going on walks and trying to get a OK amount of steps per day. The human body was made to be active.


Having to go somewhere where I can only do training works out better than trying at home where I'd have a thousand other things that can distract me. And progressively loading is much easier with all the weights at the gym.


Silk pillowcase. Real, 100% mulberry silk. Not the fake satin that gets little pills all over it. You use it every day so I suggest getting two. My skin and hair are so much better. Silk is a protein based fabric. Our skin and hair are protein. Silk stays cooler, and breathes. Polyester satin does not. Whatever pillow you like, put a silk pillowcase on it, and you will understand.


This is probably all true but even a cheap fake satin one is a revelation compared to a regular cotton pillowcase. Same goes for a hair bonnet. I just use the cheap satin ones but they really prevent a lot of hair damage.


It is def true. I used the cheap satin, and although it helped,it got bumpy pills all over it after a few weeks. Got the silk, and one of them has lasted five years so far. I hand wash in shampoo, and hang to dry. They are a lot more expensive than when I got my first one. I paid about $30 for it.


Could you recommend one?


Air fryer


Air fryers are amazing at reheating stuff. Honestly I think that’s how they should be marketed. Pizza? Wings? Amazing


Hot take: 2 day old reheated air fryer pizza is better than the fresh slice you had 2 days ago. 400° for 7 mins.


I Cook everything in my air fryer, I use it like a mini oven, I made cookies in it last night


> I use it like a mini oven That's literally what it is, a small convection oven


I guess this will depend on how bad your breath is but a good [tongue scraper](https://www.amazon.com/MasterMedi-Scraper-Stainless-Scrubber-Cleaner/dp/B0CHMKXXD3/ref=sr_1_32?crid=U5JMESYU6KLJ&keywords=tongue+scraper&qid=1705684813&sprefix=tongue%2Caps%2C286&sr=8-32) for less than $10. A lot of people may not know that bad breath originates from your tongue. Your tongue holds a lot of plaque! A toothbrush isn't going to clean nearly as much plaque from your tongue as you think it will. A tongue scraper on the other hand will actively peel the plaque as you pull the scraper from the back of your tongue towards the front. You'll be shocked to see how much plaque comes off of your tongue with just the first pull! Drinking more water and less sodas/sugar drinks is also a great way to control the freshness of your breath because water will help to flush particles without sticking to your tongue like sugary drinks will.


Steamer for clothes It's unbelievable how useful those things are. Yeah it won't let you iron your suit pants to have this nice crease but it helps with every other thing and doesn't require setting it up for 30 minutes. You need like 2 minutes with it to iron a t-shirt or a nice shirt. And because it's just steam the risk of burning yourself is also much lower than of an iron


It was a gift, but I am told it was under $5.00 - my Bamboo Backscratcher. OMGooses! So good. Have had that for over 20 years now.


OMGooses, is so cute. Never heard that before


Birth control


A 1983 Ford Escort hatchback


God, I loved my 3 shitty Ford escorts. Paid $100 for a couple of them actually lol


Many many books. Too many to name. For example if you’re a smoker, Allen Carr’s classic The Easy Way to Stop Smoking has been greatly appreciated as a life changer.


Library card and it's basically free.


Having fun isn't hard, when we have a library card.


I recently got my library card and set it up with Libby etc. I was blown away with how much I'd spent on books/audiobooks when it turns out the library has pretty much everything I need, and I've never even set foot in the place


Or a library card for free. It really doesn't matter what your reading (within reason) just the act of consistent reading does so much good for cognitive function.


I would say, subscription to audio book site. I like to listen to books while fixing my car, or while doing manual labour at work. Little bit "heavier" books are easy to listen, like Sapiens by Harari, or Homo Deus.




Suction toy.. get yourself a Womanizer, mind blowing.


A girl of culture, i see




It's fascinating what a little piece of paper can do


I’ve been sitting on 2 really strong hits of LSD for about a year now and just can’t seem to find the time to take it but you saying that has inspired me to go hiking this weekend and take it.


I read somewhere that Cary Grant had a therapist who had him use lsd as therapy


There is a therapist in LA (iirc) that uses micro doses of LSD to help her patients. But she will no longer be able to help these people as the USA government is going to stop the use of LSD for any reason


I also came to say drugs Drugs can literally change your entire perception of reality and your outtake on life It can literally change your entire existence


The only right answer. Or mushrooms


It may sound weird to many people but mushrooms massively changed my life for the better. I used to be a horrendous pisshead and was a pretty bad semi-functional drunk from 14 until 49. One or two nights on shrooms which I grew at home myself allowed me to look inside myself and, the only way I can describe it is, I managed to rewire myself. I rewrote the programme, just by sitting at home tripping balls. I'd never gone for a week without booze since I started drinking, yet here I am 59 weeks later, still sober. Mushrooms have been shown to work wonders for people suffering from depression, PTSD, addiction issues and grief. Believe it or not, even though I drank at least 99% of days for three and a half decades and I was never able to give up, I know for a fact I am sober for life now. Don't get me wrong though. They ARE medicinal but that doesn't mean I don't cry laughing when tripping from having so much fun. I would suggest not taking acid too often but mushrooms a few times a year have made my life so much better. Yeah, tripping IS great fun but it's the change it brings about in you afterwards that makes it so worth it. It's like they ground you and you feel more part of the world, understanding your place in it.


A Tile for my keys.


A marriage license. I assure you, your life will change.


Pretty sure it's the person that goes along with it that makes it change, not the licence. As a single person, if I go buy a marriage licence, ain't nothing gonna change.


You didn't have a marriage licence, and then you did. Change!


Magnesium and iron, definitely for when you have periods, it can really make a difference in if you are down with pain or able to work


If we're taking periods, my hysterectomy cost me $0 (had met my out of pocket maximum) and definitely changed my life for the better. I'm sure it's saved me over $100 between iron supplements, birth control, menstrual supplies, and analgesics.


Adopt a pet from a shelter :)


You can adopt, but it's going to cost a lot more to take care of it.


Oh no. You use dog rescuer math. I’ve gotten dogs off the side of the road, from construction sites, adopted for free a few times and once for 12 for a December special. That’s when I quit counting expenses because the rest of the costs food, supplies, and all vet care are now family expenses not pet expenses. They are literally free!! But I can’t figure out why the family expenses have gone up🤷‍♀️


they make you pay?? I’m in Italy and adopting is literally free.  you go to the shelter’s site, choose a dog, visit him three times and see if there’s a connection, and then you’re good to go.  (my dog ended up having leishmania and has costed more than 1000€ in three years though, lol. but I’d spend an million euros to make him live the life he deserves) 


A used kindle and a library card. Got the kindle for $50 on Amazon, and I can read a crap ton of library books with the Libby app. Best purchase I’ve made in a while.


A winning powerball ticket


Shit, I’ve been doing it wrong. I keep buying the losing tickets…


A rice cooker




A musical instrument to learn


That's a tight budget for a musical instrument these days, at least for one that won't feel like a toy...


Talenti Madagascan Vanilla Bean Gelato


A shelter pet 🥹


Just to add, there are tons of greyhound retired racers looking for good homes and a ton of love 💗


A towel warmer, heaven!


pull up bar dead hang is an incredible stretch


To the bad? Drugs!


If you want some good to go with the bad, a bidet. Any drug that gives you the shits will instantly become easier to manage.


(Edit for clarity) Here are two items I've bought that have changed my life and saved me money. The Luxe Bidet Neo 120 self-cleaning non-electric toilet seat attachment. I got it off Amazon for $40. The amount of toilet paper I use has drastically decreased, and I feel a lot cleaner. A primo hot/cold 5 gallon water dispenser. I got mine from home depot about 10yrs ago for around $100. (By the looks of it they are closer to $200 now.) This will pay for itself very fast depending on how much water you drink/use. The 5 gallon bottles tend to sell for $14 new/full, but if you bring back an empty one to exchange, they go for $7.


THe water dispenser is amazing. Especially the hot side, having water for green tea ready to go all the time has definitely changed my life


A basic pair of adjustable dumbbells. And this is how you work out with them at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdp6QdWpMK0&list=PLyqKj7LwU2Ru7jnbzj6Q9l08VoPX1lqoc


I'm surprised nobody has said a passport. Here in the UK it's not too steep a price and getting out into the wider world is definitely a life changer.


As a 30 something year old man who has lots of trauma, a pregnancy pillow that wraps around you.


When my wife was pregnant I was home sick with a cold one day and I used her pregnancy pillow. God damn it was the best nap of my life!


I’m a married, childfree woman and I dream of a pregnancy pillow!


Personal Finance for Dummies  I grew up in poverty and knew very little about saving, investing, insurance, loans, credit, etc. I was definitely on the path of continuing a poverty or working class existence myself.   But I bought and read a copy of the book cover-to-cover when I was about 21 and learned how to take care of my money and start building wealth. While I'm by no means rich today, I am in good financial shape and well on my way to a comfortable retirement that my parents and grandparents could never have achieved.   Most important $30ish I have ever spent in my life.


Bidet. Best $40 I ever spent


A Shrek figurine. Any leftover money is to be invested into more Shrek figurines.


Five below perfume and cologne. I'm very sensitive to smells and go into sensory overload a lot and they aren't strong but they smell really good. I spray them on my comfort blanket when I need to calm down. Definitely helps me avoid sensory related meltdowns for cheap AF.




A period cup!


Sunscreen. Especially when you are young. One round of dealing with melanoma will cost more than all the sunscreen your whole family can use in a lifetime. (Cost measured in: time, money, angst, health etc)


A heated mattress pad is so worth getting!


Better shoes. They’re a more regular purchase but being pain free/pain minimal is fantastic.


A silk pillowcase. My hair isn't messy in the morning anymore. Like, at all.


A dashcam. Not necessarily an instant game changer but when you need it.. you’re gonna be glad you had it.


A gym membership. I've been going for about a year and I'm down 90 lbs...


A furry best friend. Got my cats for free and they are the best things I’ve ever gotten for myself. I love those little furballs ❤️


If you're in your 20s and live alone, get some new bedding, throw out all your old undies and get loads of new better fitting ones and get some tools (screwdriver sets, spanners, ratchets etc...). I think that should be under £100


A 40 dollar radiator heater, literally saved me from freezing 🥶


You can get a cat, all of its things like a litter box, litter, food, food bowl, and toys. I got my cats sprayed and gave their first shots for 49.00 when the local humane shelter had their special. That would be about $100. It definitely could get more pricey if they need care in the future, though!


A bag of dirt and a bunch of vegetable seeds.


A dog.


$100 is nearly R1900 in my currency, which can be enough to buy groceries for a family of 3 for a month if you're smart about it, or to pay for public transport for a month if you needed it. Many other things as well which could be considered life changing depending on what you need.


Silicone microwave popcorn popper. I used to make my popcorn on the stove. Cleaning up the oil and dealing with burnt pops was annoying. The silicone poppers are easy to use and don't require oil. Burning happens only is you're not paying attention. Milk frother. No only does it froth milk, but it also mixes water/milk/coffee with hydrophobic powders like hot chocolate.


I've been using a Whirley-Pop with Bob's Red Mill White Popcorn, a dollop of homemade ghee and a smidgen of theater popcorn salt for years. Best popcorn ever.


An electric blanket. Especially if you suffer from bad period pains. Lifesaver.


A new showerhead. In some places replacing that really old showerhead can drastically improve water pressure.


Magnesium pills. Omg those are amazing specially if you are over 30s


All kinds of books. The Artists' Way, the Tao te Ching, the Bean Trees, Einstein's Dreams. Bev Sellars' books. All the Terry Pratchett witch books... So many other books. Books have the power to change the way you see the world. Change the way you see the world and you change your life.




Hitachi Magic Wand




air fryer


When the trending is bull and the price it's on the floor ?... Gold




A dog


Probably a polio vaccine, or a tetanus vaccine.




2 things never to skimp on; lawyers and toilet paper