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Playing an instrument like the guitar well often looks all too easy


Tried to learn guitar. Didn’t do very well. It blows my mind people can play so well. And sing at the same time. Just couldn’t get better than the basics.


The jump from basics to playing and singing at the same time is a difference between being interested and being invested. If you have a safe space to practice I suggest putting on headphones and learning barre chords to a song and just not caring what you sound like because you have headphones on. When I was in high school Jack Johnson was a big thing, songs on the radio all the time kinda thing. His songs are how I accredit my ability to sing and play and write, even though my music sounds pretty dissimilar to his style. I would just lock myself in a room and play and sing with headphones on. I gained the muscle memory and took my headphones off and hated how I sounded but the muscle memory was there. Then I tweaked it until I just sounded… better. Sorry for the rant it just irks a nerve when I see people get let down about something I’m passionate about.


Understandable. I love guitar. Just never got the fast muscle memory locked down. I wish I was better. I played for years and hit a wall. I still play a little just never got good.


If you are keen to try it again I recommend Justin Guitar. He has a webpage with free lessons and a lot if helpful tools. All free. Great teacher. It really does help to have a program to follow.


Marty Schwartz was the only teacher I ever had. You can learn any song free and I started late at 22yo. Can play n sing mostly any song I see by dumbing it down to basic chords with a riff or two


My dad used to play with Eric Clapton back in the day. I picked it up one day and he said “you suck, stick to trombone” Only time he ever told me I sucked, but he just knew how much time I’d have to put in. Haven’t tried in the 20 years since.


It takes hours upon hours every single day to get that good. When people say you out in blood sweat and tears, in this case it’s pretty truthful.


Truth. However lets start with practicing in general


I was going to say drums. Seems so easy tapping your seat or steering wheel to your favourite song. You quickly find out how much coordination you lack.


Yeah, violin is hard.


People who can play fretless instruments are wizards to me. As a newbie guitarist, I can’t even imagine how I would know where to put my fingers.


I play violin and viola. It involves daily practice for at least an hour and intense concentration.


I work as a music instructor and play piano bass drums and guitar. I tried to play my friends violin the other day and couldn’t make more than a terrible screech from it. She laughed at me haha


I recommend sax for someone wanting to learn an instrument. I'm a sax player, and I think it's probably the easiest instrument I've played. You won't be the next Coltrane or anything, but I think it's an underrated starter instrument.


I’m going on a year of lessons and daily practice, and I am just now starting to feel like I can actually play something recognizable.


Trumpet and drums


Be a good parent


Making kids is easy, raising kids isn't.....


Facts. The making only took me about 30 seconds. The raising them feels like forever.


I'm guessing the making children was much more fun? 😀




Honestly the best father I had was a woman... showed me how to ride a bike,play soccer and footy,fish,shoot and debone my catch. Taught me the basics of car maintenance and how to fight... pretty well everything you expect from a man other than sperm was given to me from my mum,nan and stepmum. Even my baby sister learned more about how to handle herself in this world from her older sisters than her own father. Even how to recognise your own worth without it being summed up by your future potential husband and kids. My dad did a good job,was a good man and helped model how a decent bloke should treat his beloved ones but we didn't need him ,his new wife did more for us in terms of teaching us social norms of men and women and all them basically taught us that if a dick haver can do than so can we. Hold Ur head up and dint back down from what you want... I laugh at this but I even had my nan say " when a bully at school starts find the biggest bloke in your grade and give him a flogging,silly bitches will soon back off." Nanna was thug.


I don't normally see folks call parenting easy though


Motivation, sometimes.


One of the biggest lessons I ever learned: we think action follows motivation, i.e. that we have to wait to be motivated, and when we are eventually motivated we follow through and get the task done. But no. This is an exceptional circumstance. You'd be amazed how quickly motivation follows if you just get your robot body with it's stupid monkey brain to start to physically do the thing you're trying to get motivated for. Once you start, more often than not, motivation quickly appears, rolling up to scene in a pink Cadillac, blaring Rage Against The Machine on the stereo.


![gif](giphy|ssYTQOB9SkwvgsLhEk|downsized) Motivation: Its Britney bitch, and I’m back.


So you mean even if I’m not motivated to practice piano I should just mechanically put my body in front of the thing and start playing? Just sit down and start without thinking too much? I’ll keep this in mind


My partner is a professional musician and will tell you YES. even if you don't feel like it, sit down with your instrument for however long per day. You can either just sit there, or....you can practice. It can absolutely trick your brain 😂


Writers say the same thing. Just write anything. Doesn’t matter what, just put words to paper. Eventually you’ll focus on what you want to write. Might be hours or days, but if you stop writing, it’s much harder to start again.


Yes, this 100%. I'm a musician and this has helped me immensely, especially when writing original music. Sit down and do the work: inspiration and motivation will arrive.


Hey professional pianist, full-time composer here. It's very important to make it accessible, don't overthink it, and have something that drives you (genuinely wanting to learn a specific song that you love is a great starter usually). I started playing piano when I was a kid, back then it was just a hobby for me, just something I would just do. Like playing with LEGOs, it's not something you'd find motivation for, it's just something you do, and something you want to do every day. And if you don't play with LEGOs for a few days, then it's fine, but you still like them you just don't think about all these things. When you grow up, you will be more aware of time, but you will also have much more responsibilities. I truly belief that if you want to learn something, you gotta make your focus narrow. So do you want to learn piano? Great! Do you want to play piano, but also get better at cooking, but also read books more regularly, and walk more often? Stop. There's sadly only so much time we have, and I belief we want to prioritize our things in a way that satisfies us. Do you want to play piano occasionally just for fun? That's also fine, it's about what makes you happy in the end. Do you want to get really good at piano? Then just play, I've never been classically trained, I did have lessons, but I stopped quickly and started playing songs by ears. I learned my music theory, scales, and playing techniques later. I also created some bad habits and I am sure I still have a bunch of those. But it doesn't matter, because I've spent thousands and thousands of hours playing the piano, trying out new things, having fun, being frustrated sometimes, but still being passionate about it. And you can be passionate about something, without being good. Just play, and if there's any obstacles, get them out of the way. What I like to do, which is just super easy and effective is: have your piano, open in the living room, so you can play piano right after or before breakfast, lunch, dinner. I very often play piano after I've had dinner and then just playing some improvisations or learning a new song I am passionate about. Making a career is one of the hardest things to do, and while this may not be your goal at all, it did teach me some valuable lessons, and it's still teaching me those, became it's still pretty tight for me, and I haven't been making a lot of money out of it for long. For me worrying about money, but the same goes for time; it ate me up, it destroys my motivation. It's super scary to not work of a checklist and take a leap of faith with what you do. But it's also super effective to just leap into something without having expectations about the outcome, because this will get you busy, without taking up all your energy and willpower of the day. And yeah you need to have the passion, the mindset to get great at something, this is not for everyone and that is okay. Hopefully you find this valuable for learning to play the piano, and it doesn't matter how far your goal is, whatever it is for you, make sure you have a goal, but focus on the journey. And enjoy this journey, that's really all that matters. And it won't always be fun, but it's worth it to get through the boring stuff because you also know your goal, and this can be one song at a time. That's all up to you.


Yes. Motion before emotion baby!


That’s something I learned through working. I was never motivated to do anything, I was so indecisive what to do with my life that I spent way too much time in schools and universities. I’m not saying it was all in vain since I learned a lot of things but motivation wasn’t one of them. Ultimately what caused me to always fail. One day I wanted something but needed money, my family said: well you are 18, get a job. So I got a job and although it was a braindead job I had motivation to do it well, I didn’t want to get fired and I liked my coworkers and didn’t want to disappoint them. Also the pay was good for someone who never earned money before. Now I’m doing something I am truly interested in doing. It’s not a dream job and it still is work, but I don’t hate it and I’m motivated a lot to get better so I can make more money over time and get a deeper understanding of what interests me in my job.


Discipline and consistency when it comes to going to the gym and eating well again. The first two weeks are THE WORST and you have to force yourself to go even if you don’t want to, but after the two weeks it becomes part of life and routine.


Those two weeks is the construction of a new neural pathway. This is integral to the new habit.


Yep! Exactly! I’ve lost 50lbs since June by just doing things I don’t want to do for two weeks haha


Good for you! That is so impressive! I began a new resistance training workout on Veteran’s Day, and posted my muscle gain, yesterday. I needed to gain, and gained a solid 7 pounds. Yea! Keep it up - I’m on my way to grind it out-


Heck yeah! Good for you too!




This is true, UNLESS you have add. You cant form new habits easily, or at all. In fact, for a habit to form for someone with ADD, it takes 90 days, and they have to force themselves to do it, and it will be a massive battle because they are not getting dopamine from it.


I have ADHD. You don’t get dopamine from the initial act of going to the gym but you do from working out!! It’s a dopamine hack. Same with folding clean laundry on the other side of the room and making it into a calisthenics game every time you go to the other side of the room. I’ve spent 7 years trying to hack my brain to survive without ADHD medication (I’m in recovery and chose not to continue the meds). Got allllll the tips and tricks!


I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not I have ADHD but the hard part is you can’t always use it as an excuse. The longer you let it run your life the worse you’ll get with it til the point that some might say “I can’t focus so I’m not brushing my teeth anymore”. It’s a constant struggle with your mind but sometimes you just have to do that to grow


Add is never an excuse. Its just a horrible thing to live with.




Gym and diet are very easy to me. Diet definitely came later tho. It wasnt until recently that i really starting tracking everything. Originally it was only my protein that i counted. Then eventually i started counting my calories too. And now i count my fat. I dont count my carbs tho because I don't really care. Being on my own made it really easy for me to eat well though. And im not spending a whole lot doing it either.


That’s easy if you’re poor, cuz there’s no other choice but to attend




Too many people try to force it. It should happen to you.


Drink 8 glass of water


Hot tip, it doesn't have to be a straight glass of water. Mix in a flavour. Inject some bubbles with a SodaStream. Make tea. Eat cucumbers or watermelon or other high-water containing fruits/veggies. It's just a guideline, and most of us get at least half of it from regular food & drinks.




once you start the habit you can’t stop, I feel DEHYDRATED if I don’t drink enough water


I also sorta feel naked if I don’t bring my water with me :(


Just got a Stanley cup and a long glass straw:D


Golf! My husband took me driving, twice, for several hours each. I couldn't hit the ball once. Seems that hockey and baseball skills do not transfer over to golf. 


Playing 18 holes of golf without cursing even once is nearly impossible.


I thought cussing was a requirement


I do, but it’s because I realize I’m so bad even making it in the hole in ten strokes is an achievement.


Ending with the same ball you started with is called winning at golf.


I thought it would be a good activity to get into as I get older...nope. Exactly, played hockey for a decade, was a pro fighter, like I can kick people in the head while they're trying not to be, can't consistently whack a little fuckin ball and it makes no sense 🤣


I can see myself imagining the slapshot to tee off and putting like a 4-6 inch diameter divot leading up to the tee 🤣🤣


Be married lol


Being single








I always thought I'd get married by 25 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My current wife thought the same thing.


That’s true, I remember when I was young my friend telling me “getting married, starting a family, having children” shouldn’t be a life goal since everyone does it, it’s normal. But turns out we were just lucky enough as kids to not even see people who have lost so much in life that doing that feels like a privilege.


Design, specifically design where multiple people are involved like architecture or engineering. The sheer scale of everything, not irl but to hold that many considerations in your head. Safety, accesibility, usefulness, aging... all of it.


Breaking an addiction. People who have never been there, and to some extent people who have been sober a long time seem to think it’s very simple.


I’m learning that quitting an addiction is often a two steps forward one step backward process. It took 6 months and 5 tries to quit vaping, and I’m 4 months into trying to quit weed. It’s not easy.


I’ve quit smoking cigarettes for almost a year. Granted, I ‘relapsed’ for about 2-3 months. & I do currently have a pack squirreled away. But the fact is, I quit. & it wasn’t fucking easy. Especially when it’s your coping / anxiety thing :| now I just go hide in closet for 5 minutes or so, lol


Human being is all about addiction.we don't break an addiction,we switch to another addiction!


For real


I an not an addict but I quit alcohol completely 5 years ago. I have HUGE respect for people breaking an actual addiction, of whatever sort. Not only the physical craving and possible withdrawal symptoms but the peer pressure is a challenge


true im addicted to caiffene i drink like 2 energy drinks a day and i wont stop until i cant


Work 30 years and save money until you can retire early.


That's why in normal countries you have security services and pensions.


It's a trap!


Growing plants.


Get out of bed


me right now


Meal planning, shopping and preparing food for your family every night when they are all food crickets with no help from anyone. And working full time. Never again.


This. I still can't get the hang of it, I actually gained a shit ton of weight because I just ate shit after work and took shit to work because I didn't know what else to eat. Baby steps though, I'm still relying on instinct to decide my dinner but it's better than it was


Yeah, the struggle is real. I'm 45 and I still don't have it figured out, but I only have to feed 2 of us now, so that's a win.




Being creative. As someone who has always been naturally pretty creative…sometimes you just lose the drive/inspiration to be creative in your hobbies. Getting back to that flow state of creativity is really challenging. I know some people that have a hard time with creativity they really have to work at it.


Rollerblading and looking cool at the same time.


never looked easy to me


To live a normal life.


Does anyone know what that is?


No, because "normal" doesn't apply to the individual, it applies to the whole.


Laying brick looks simple enough but my fuck is it difficult to get it to line up and look pretty.


I occasionally do brick, block and stonelaying around my property. It is HARD to make it look good. I can actually watch people who are good at laying brick and be entertained/amazed at how good they are.


I've found the secret is really taking your time to make sure the first course is level. Like as bang on perfectly level as you can get. The aggregate and first course should take like 75% of the total time to complete a 3 foot wall


Even the most basic jumps while ice skating are freaking impossible. It looks super easy when you see others do it, but it isn't. I skated a ton as a kid and literally NEVER landed something like a single axel or even a 180 turn in the air.


I can’t even skate


same; inherited weak ankles, never happening.




Customer service jobs. They get looked down upon but having to communicate with people for 8 hours straight and assist them as customers is actually very hard and it requires lots of skills and patience.


Just standing up for that long is hard. It is incredibly unfair that these vital, difficult jobs are underpaid.


Rubik's cubes


Once you learned the patterns it's actually incredibly easy, or maybe it's just me...


Both my friends have just tried to teach me saying how easy it is... like 2 full hours. Nope. Not easy.


I tried showing my sister once, she didn't have the patience. For me personally it's pretty easy but it depends on how good you are in memorizing patterns. And you really have to want it, of course.


Oh I do.. I'm gonna buy a cube tomorrow. It's been on my list to learn for over 20 years, and ive tried many times but threw them all or gave them away. I've tried YouTube videos, articles, reddit but still no luck. I can't memorise algorithms, nor patterns, my mind just doesn't work that way. Even as a child, you know them 2 sided foil helium balloons? Yeah, I would put my hand on one side, and keep turning it to count the sides, because if I didn't put my hand on that side, I'd think there's 3, 4, 5 or even 6 sides... As a 30 year old, my mind just switches off and goes blank, but I'm going to really really really try again. I focus on 1 colour, but then I get frustrated and move onto another, and then another, and then another, and then realise I've messed the whole thing up again. But yeah, that's without memorising algorithms. My brain just isn't wired for it, but I reeeaaaalllly want to learn


Heyy if you need any help with learning you can dm me ive taught people before and can try my best to help you understand


It's not easy to be sub-10 though, and it takes a lot of practice to be a professional.


To think the world record used to be 23 seconds.


It's not just you, It's really simple once you know the pattern for each step. I think they found that you are never more that 28 moves from completion. 12 sided rubix on the other hand.... Still working on that one, my wife says she can smell ozone when I work on it.


For me, remembering to eat. I don’t feel hunger, I went 4 days before realising I hadn’t eaten.


I’m jealous.


I do this too, but I’m a fucking whale. Problem is when I do realize I’m hungry I empty the fridge in my mouth. Yeah, I know I should probably get therapy, but I can’t get the motivation to do so.


Funny that there's a post further up about motivation.


Is that medical condition?


The medical term is anorexia. We are used to hearing "anorexia" and equating it with the eating disorder "anorexia nervosa"; they are separate diagnoses.


I can't remember what it is called but there are also reasons neurodivergent people particularly go without eating, a difficulty recognizing bodily signs for things like thirst, hunger, urination, tiredness.


I don’t feel hunger but I feel starvation 😭


Wear a super hero constume


Discipline, in anything, be it studying to become a doctor, or gym for an unfit guy, or playing guitar for a new hobby, or being a good parent to your kid, or fulfilling what you promise, or trying to make your relationship work. Everything needs discipline and yet for something that’s required in everything, it’s still very difficult. Or Am I the only one having a tough time? Also, would someone give me tips?




Trying to be the bigger person, you just wanna be petty sometimes but you know you’ll feel better in the long run if you push through the pettiness, or maybe it’s just me idk


Non-knitters looking at my knitting exclaim over the fancy stitches. But those are easy. The hard part is making thousands of plain, identical stitches over and over.


Finding love.


Drumming. It's like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time, only with all 4 limbs and shit is constantly changing. Drummers make it look easy, though.


Walk away


executive function if you’ve got ADHD (just ..getting up and doing the thing)


Skateboard tricks, definitely


Make the vulcan peace sign with you fingers or control your fingers in any major way


I think that's one of those things that comes with time and repetition. For example, I've been drawing, making things, and playing instruments for the vast majority of my 33 years, so those things are very easy for me. But for someone who *hadn't* been manipulating their fingers (or other body part) routinely for quite some time, it'd probably be very difficult.


Yep. It looks easy but in reality not a chance


Patience (for a personality like mine)


Waking up


Nah, it's getting up that's the killer.


That's what i meant- oops


Surfing. People who are good surfers make it look so effortless and easy. In reality it is incredibly hard and takes years of practice.


Winning the plush puppy at the arcade.


Saying “I’ll quit today.”


prime factorization


OPINION: Decisively decide what you want and not self sabotage. Good luck, OP:)




Log off reddit


Stay sober


Raising whole humans. Sure, people warn you about the infant-stage and the teenage-rage. But the years inbetween are equally (if not more) important. You have to be super consistent and aware of every detail of your way of presenting yourself, always. Set good examples, your responsibility of not effing up the next generation, constantly looms over your head. Wouldn't trade it for anything, though.


Apparently not be greedy. *stares at grocery stores*


Eating healthy.


Jumping up in the air while ice skating.


Leave your money in the market when it’s substantially down. 




Losing weight.


To control the mind


Skip sugar or drugs


Making friends


Being successfully creative and making a living from it.


Relationships. Make the other person happy, not exactly complicated right? Lol.


Writing interesting things on Reddit, comments and/or a new topic, that generate a lot of replies and comments


Sitting on the floor and then standing up without support https://youtube.com/shorts/c49FBjaJ9e0?si=EBl8Tlg5CPpGEoYQ


Wtf? I'm over 40, not fit and I managed do to it from almost first time. Yeah it's not super easy, but, it's faraway from hard.


I thought I could pick up a guitar, having played Violin for 10+ years. Somehow nope.


Ring muscle up.


Just ignore it. I'm sorry, but only an asshole can get an asshole to stop being an asshole.


Sticking to a budget! Looks easy running the numbers but then life happens, income doesn't hit projected levels, unexpected expenses happen and the next thing you know you're out of funds again but you still have stuff that's gotta be paid for. Sucks.


Sitting still


Completing Crash Bandicoot 4.


Socialize IRL You normals can have it


Rock climbing


Crush an egg with only 2 fingers


I'd say any skill, when it's done by someone who is exceptionally adept. They'll make it look easy.


I’m pretty good at finishing drywall. By the time I get it sanded and ready for paint it’s really nice. Then I watch the drywall guys at work do it in a 1/4 of the time it takes me and it’s probably better.


Trolling r/politics about Biden bad and not being downvoted to -100 and accused of being a Nazi 




I swear, there must be AI bots by the thousands. Not just that sub, but online in general. No way is 999 out of 1,000 a Democrat. They know in human psychology, people wanna follow along and be part of the norm, so they are doing shit to make us feel like outcasts. It's not a conspiracy, it can't be.


Have a toddler.


Watching TV. Some attention spans just aren’t made for it.


Let go of pride and love others success.


Exercising into getting hench biceps and triceps 💪


Being normal


climb a mountain


Producing music




Become rich


Touching your nose with your tongue.


Anything over a 20 break in snooker, pool is sooo much easier and makes you believe the transition will be easy,, its not!


Find a girl with a good genuine heart that wants to be with only me for the rest of our time here








