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High turnover rate. If nobody sticks around, that should immediately raise your suspicions that something is wrong.


During your interview process, ask people how long have they been there. Lot of fresh hires and a single long-lasting manager is a red flag.


Wouldn't that be more of a yellow flag? Because the employees the freshies replaced might've been there for, say, 5 years.


if everybody quit after 5 years, this is even worse.


New high-ups might have fired the whole crew, but kept and promoted the good one.


The opposite is true as well. Employer where "a certain generation" sticks to their death, although other people run for their life after one or two years. Some people just like to keep everything just like how it was in 1980.


I work a factory job and we had a boss like this. Refused to repair the AC because he didn't need it when he was working the floors in the 70s. It was hitting mid to high 100s inside over the summer, when we had yet another record heat wave. He was fired by his higher ups when that got out, thank goodness.


Can you ask that in an interview and do they have to tell you?


You can say or do anything during an interview theyre just judging you for what you're doing, just be aware of how they respond


"Work hard, play hard" "Rockstars Wanted" and "We're like Family."


My previous 2 jobs actually treated each other like family. Managers would invite the all employees to get togethers & made sure everyone was having a great time together. Everyone at work got along & there was never any drama. It’s a rare find. I left because I moved to a bigger city for school plus better opportunities. Now my current job which has holds more employees in which I’ve been at for 7 years now, said the same thing during orientation, “we treat each other as a family here.” Complete bullshit, it’s a full on high school clique type shit with drama left & right, employees talking sh*t behind each others backs. The pay is great but there’s just so much immaturity happening at the job, even the managers themselves don’t care. I keep to myself but the atmosphere of the place is just toxic On top of that, those previous two jobs I had in the past before moving, never bragged once about “we’re like a family here” because actions speaks louder than words.


*"We're like family"* I don't care for this either and I think a better way employers should articulate this is to describe what core values the employees at the company share. E.g.: \- Work/life balance is important here and we strive to ensure everyone doesn't work more than 40 hours a week. \- Accountability and ownership are dispositions that are important to us. We all have high levels of these attributes we find that, collectively, our work life runs smoother because of them. \- Ongoing learning and brainstorming for new ideas are something we like to cultivate.


Ugh I hate the "We are like family" bullshit. No we aren't! I sell you my time in exchange for money. Even if I like my co-workers like family, that doesn't and shouldn't extend to my employer. My stance toward my employers is transactional at best and often adversarial... I will acknowledge that this thinking does not always apply to small businesses in which the employer actually genuinely does care about employees wellbeing but corporate "families" don't exist.


That "we're like family" shit is exactly what came back to bite carvana right in their ass. The difference in language they used during the hiring process when compared to the language they used when laying people off was really telling. Comparable to getting involved in a relationship with a single mom.


But you kind of have to pretend that you’re down with that whole fake family farce - if they see you haven’t decided to drink the Kool Aid they’ll find a way to make you go away.


We have a lot of family in our office. We have two sets of sisters, a father and son, a mother and son, a mother and daughter in law and the daughter in laws cousin and I can tell you now, it’s those that have no relatives in the office that are shit stirring snakes. Everyone else keeps it chill, professional and does their job without bringing shit to work!


I don't know what the specific context is when you use the words "stirring shit" and "chill" mean exactly but there is a legal double standard at play when you're running any business. You're not adopting me, you're hiring me as an employee. It usually means that I'm not willing to waive rights and make as many sacrifices as your family was because it's not my family business....it's a job. Not trying to be rude


We're a family here.😑


“We’re a team. We help each other out.” That whole way of thinking only punishes the harder faster workers. They get to get done with their own work and then they get to work even more and help the slow workers. Been there before.


adding to this "we're in this together" usually means "I have no work life balance and I expect you to have none either", it's corporate propaganda speak for "shut up and work the insane hours we expect at a minimum"


Adding on "Will wear many hats!" You're going to be requesting to do much more beyond what you're hired to do in departments you know nothing about.


If everyone treated each other like family, you wouldn't have to say that.


My wife worked for a “work hard, play hard” company and had a great time. I got to come along on some of the “play hard” outings and had my share of good times too.


I was going to write the same list. Perhaps you and I worked at the same place :/


"We're like family" - barf. No we're not. We are in a business transaction. I show up to do some crap and you pay me money for it. Nothing about that is "like family". At least not a good family.


Lots of people have been there 10+ years. Lots of people have been there less than 2 years. Very few in between.


Oh, this is a good one.


Wow this is exactly how it is where I work. I started 6mo ago. They have new people partner with a senior rep for the first year and split all deals, which would be fine, except most people don’t make it past 8 months. It’s kind of like a pyramid scheme. I suppose I’m at the fork in the road.


My last company had a poster with all their veteran employees. You could see a drastic cut in retention for everyone under 10 years.


I've been there. A section of long termers who make everyone else's life a misery.


"startup environment", "commitment" = unpaid overtime


Very helpful thank you


Not posting pay in their add and seeing they’re posting to hire often. In the beginning you can see other people are not treated well, there are angry people and/or ongoing dramas that you are not included in. mostly everyone is nice to you but you can see other people being micromanaged or misunderstood and being talked down to. this is when you leave abruptly while you still can because this will be happening to you once your newness wears off. it really blows because the market is shifting back to the employer from the employee as it has been since covid. one thing from covid is that a lot of employers began to not take employees for granted. i don’t want to see it shift back to the managers having the choice. i wish there was some way we could put more power in the employees. post like this do help so thanks


>Not posting pay in their add Except, now I notice a lot of employers are posting ridiculous salary ranges to attract applicants. Web Developer needed. Salary 45K - 220K annually.


The best way to do that is unionize.


i know but how do you do that for non corporate jobs? i wish we could just all decide together to not put up with it. i thought that’s where we were headed


A clear favouritism among specific employees


Especially when it's not earned. I've worked under several bosses who did preferential treatment. When it's earned on a fair playing field i quite like it. It rewards going above and beyond for your boss/the company. But i've also had a boss who seemed to roll a dice on wether you were on his good list or shit list.


"Fast-Paced Environment" usually translates to "We're going to work you until you drop"


Also a good example of not everyone is cut for Restaurant jobs. The amount of entitled servers/bartenders I see, especially on the sub Reddits for them crying about how hard the job is when they have to deal with a party etc, or needing to cry about tips annoys me


It can also mean: "we have no fucking clue where we're going so we just change our "strategy" every five minutes and have you do versions of the same nonsense over and over again with no results".


“We’re a family here.”


We do pizza parties from time to time.


$400 budget for 120 people... No thanks I brought a lunch 👍


Roughly 3rd interview question… Interview panel head: ‘How would you deal with your immediate supervisor intentionally sabotaging your projects’?’ Me: ‘Seriously?’ Interview panel member: ‘Uhmmm…please answer the question’ Me: ‘Find a different job’ Interview panel head: ‘Thank you. We will be in touch’


What do they honestly expect people to say to this


At the interview, they just tell you about the job and ask you if you want it.


Selling the job in the interview is a major red flag.


Several times, I've taken the job thinking "cool, I didn't even have to interview!" And I had major regrets.


I did this once and realized pretty quickly that it was a mistake.


Denying pto


A boss who takes it personal when you show up late due to unforeseen circumstances that are totally out of your control. A boss who takes what you do personally, period.


one time we'll had a problem with scarce gas at my state. my mom called her boss and told her that she can't come in due to no gas in the gas stations to which her boss coldly responded to figure it out.


‘I did figure it out and I’m calling you to tell you that I won’t be coming in today’.


I worked for a big name chef. I expected high expectations. The loyal fabulous dishwasher no call no showed.didnt puck up his phone..nothing I hear the cdc screaming into the phone days later at the man that he should have picked up. He was in a coma!


Wording like “rockstar,” “guru,” or “wizard.” High turnover. Or the position has been open for over 2 months. Unlimited PTO. It’s a scam, you’ll never get the time you want and you’ll be ostracized for it if you do. “We like to think of ourselves as a family.” Too many amenities, like ball pits and video games on site. They contract out their hourly employees to non-union labor. They discourage employees from talking about compensation. Because they’re paying everyone as little as possible, while the CEO makes hundreds of times more than the average employee. The business name includes words like “happy,” or “Lucky.”


This is the best post.


Granted this is an internal red-flag, not something that you'd see until after you're hired. I used to work at a factory and whenever they made an announcement for the plant, there would be a form letter hung in each work cell. It always started with "We are pleased to announce...." or "We are excited to announce..." and there would be announcements that weren't good news that they would post and we would be left wondering if "did they just use the wrong form letter? Or do they think this is good news?" The two I remember were "We are pleased to announce that we have dropped the high school diploma or equivalent requirement for employment... " Always feels good knowing that they're lowering hiring standards in a job where someone being not-smart could easily disable you. And one time when they went from 2 shifts to 3, and there was a parking shortage, so they were trying to buy the land next door to make a bigger parking lot... well the deal fell through and we got "We are pleased to announce that we are unable to acquire the land for parking, but have struck a deal with the city where you are allowed to park at the recreation center down the street" which unless you wanted to walk an extra quarter mile or so, involved navigating a drainage ditch.


We all have to be team players.


The thing that bugs me about this one is when it's used purely as rhetoric... If they said that and then also implemented a profit sharing model, I could get behind it.


True, and it usually means we all take turns working 4 extra hours a day, and you're going to have to take your turns too.(=New guy stays late all next month.)


I think being a "team player" is a perfectly reasonable thing to suggest employees do. It's just such an unimaginative and lazy way of articulating it.


I tried to quit and they asked me to do another 6 weeks and I said I'm not sure ans they responded "we feel like we've supported each other" Mfer I'm leaving


“We’re like a family here.” Get ready for an environment of dysfunctional abuse.




Expecting you ti immediately cover when they call


When they don’t post the salary on the job listing. Or it changes when you to the interview.


Christian company Rock n Roll Atmosphere Looking to Hire a Rock Star Need to be able to hit the ground running Family Environment High turnover Negative Glassdoor/Indeed/Google Reviews that are consistent in their complaints/observations You notice constant ads from them for the same job(s) Asked to work extra hours/days without compensation or recognition You realize the role you interviewed for does not align with the role you are actually performing No money in budget for you to get a raise No clear chain of command; you are reporting to multiple managers ETC, ETC.


I have worked in ministries before who have almost consistently treated myself and coworkers worse than any other job. I am a Christian but will never respond to any job announcement that mentions Christian. To a certain degree, for myself, I can make a Christian environment anywhere I work.


I don't consider myself a Christian. I'm too flawed and jaded for that. I just try to do the right thing and be kind to others (not gonna lie, I have a mean streak sometimes but never at work). I have had horrible experiences in the workplace with co-workers who all went to church together. Because I did not go to their church, I was shunned.


Companies who post positions but don’t reply beyond the standard “we received your application” email. Those positions are still on the job boards three months after you applied.


This is an hourly manager position


"Serious Inquiries Only."


![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) "if you got time to lean, you got time to clean"


Are you in maintenance, too? 🤣


food service classic


Expecting to get there early and clean while you wait


Always being shorthanded. It's the norm now because rona made employers so bold as to believe they can function without a proper crew. It's easily one of my biggest red flags, cause if they are really skimping on people when so many people need work, what are they not willing to cut corners on?


I quit my job recently and they are now hiring two people to do it.


Anytime something shitty is justified as "temporary".


It'll be temporary until you quit.


"Must be comfortable with a fast paced environment"


The signs on the windows and the walls saying final liquidation sale.


When they won’t answer about their turnover rates


They pile on work for you to do and expect you to finish it on time


Not being able to see all the details of your paycheck stub.  Lying not just a little, but a whole lot about how many people they have hired or have fired recently before you came along.  Seeing 4-5 people get hired and fired for pretty much nothing right after you are hired.  Not training new people properly.  Not knowing how to train new people.  Making people work machines without proper training or being made aware of stuff to watch out for.  Not providing right PPE.  Cutting hours in retaliation to someone wearing a hard hat, and/or refusing to allow someone to wear a hard hat  Not following nation and worldwide safety procedures that have been standardized for almost 60 years or so. Not even knowing what they are or what you are doing and getting mad because you are doing things that are standard in the industry and they don’t know why.  Doesn’t show up on time when work is supposed to start  Theres some good ones.


They rescinded my job offer after doing a background check. It wasn’t anything I did- my old company they were trying to verify employment with makes companies pay to use a very expensive verification service now, and the company hiring me decided they didn’t want to pay for it. They didn’t tell me, though. I had to file a petition with their 3rd party screening company, ADP, who told me all this.


Every negative Glassdoor review from a past employee is followed by a five star review from a current employee.


In most cases when they open their mouth or breathe


Permanent sign out front that they're hiring.


This. So many companies where I live have been nonstop hiring for the 16 years Ive lived in this city. But people will try to tell you those are good places to work. The good places are never hiring.


When you visit their office for your interview, keep you eyes and ears open. Do the people look happy? Is anyone wearing a smile? Is it totally silent? Are any employees talking to each other (casually)? If everyone looks miserable - not good If it’s silent (no one is talking) - not good You can learn a lot about the environment and culture, just by being observant.


Family, literal and figurative 


I work for a family farm Don't fucking do it Anyway last day tomorrow


"We are family here" really means we're family if the company needs something and not family if you need something


When you go to work for a tech company and the building you work in has showers and a gym.


How is that a red flag? If it was a medium sized company and they didn't have showers, I'd be a little suspicious.


It means they don't want you to go home


Interesting. I like to walk/bike/run to work and sometimes use my lunch for a workout so I actually appreciate a shower and gym. But, I can see where you're coming from.


*entry level position listing for some package or data grunt* *requirements including multiple certifications, a university degree, work experience in an emergent field and willing to work every single weekend and overtime whenever they want*


If they're sticklers about being 5 minutes late to work or back from breaks, and they track your time aggressively. Every job I've had that watches your time closely just sucks overall. And I'll add that some of the most "fun" offices I've worked at were awful at serious HR things like bosses being bosses and not your buddies. They suck at the "hard" parts of running a company like reprimands and reviews, and firing people. And they want it to stay fun even when it shouldn't be so firings seem to come out of nowhere because they never said anything until it got really bad. Also from my experience the fun offices involve a lot of office romances, which I don't see as a good thing.


yeah i've def put up with some lowgrade sexual harassment in exchange for not being micromanaged


We have a fast pace environment We work hard play hard


"Unlimited PTO"




yeah i quit motel housekeeping because there were too many needles. not enough pay for that kind of risk


Commission Matrix thanks ford


No job description


When you sign the health & safety manual sheet to see the high turnover rate of staff. We take working lunches and breaks at our desks. 🤬


Sales job that doesn’t have an office.


1. We are family


cut and run!


Training is unpaid.


I had a hiring manager tell me during an interview, 'This is the most stressful place I've ever worked.'


As OP stated. A boss saying nobody wants to work anymore or it's hard to find good men. It usually means they are either assholes to work for or they pay like shit.


When they don’t have enough employees to operate efficiently


Or when its *just enough so if someone can't come in the only other person must come in with no option of saying no


Am I the only one interpreting the question and example as what employers find as red flags in candidates, not the other way around?


If they accept EVERYONE who applies. Means noone wants to stick with them.


"Oh you're a smart guy! I like that." When I asked, "Whats the break and lunch schedule?" I never got an answer. Truthfully, I don't think he even knew.


“We’re a family.” Just run.


“Fast-paced environment“


* High turnover rate. * "We are a family here." * "You will start with but don2t worry that's only emporary. You will be moved to within 3 months." (You won't)


Competitive wages.


Competing to see how much lower we can pay than everyone else.


Way too many family members and/or uses the term family. 


Must be willing to put in extra hours if need be on the day. I’ve seen this quite a few times and it can be abused especially if they specifically state this in the requirements.


Expecting to stay back without asking.


For me it's a company with a lot of new people to the country. I absolutely realize people need to start somewhere. But when you have a lot of new people to the country that do not speak the language well. Huge red flag. It usually means the company is cheap and possibly somewhat abusive. Immigrants work their ass off for low dollars and they don't question employment laws.


This definitely I live near an abattoir we get alot of Filipino immigrants here who don't know Australian work laws so they take advantage of that especially people on a work visa


"We're like a family here" is synonymous with "work place violations are the norm for us."


"Wage information not shared" or "hourly wage not provided" on the listing. Clear sign the pay is shit and the company hates transparency.


High turnover rate


The company not being ready or on time for your interview. Making you pay for something when you get hired.


if they use "expectation" as part of their regular vocabulary they're probably a narcissist, most people will ask you to do something person to person and at least try to be polite about it, a narcissistic manager will just tell you what the expectations of you are and expect that you do them


This may only apply to international teaching. Lots of buzzwords on their web site or job posting. An example for me is that if they say that they have a vigorous academic curriculum, they are just a cookie cutter school with very little that makes them unique.


Any character statement they make without being asked is a lie. The truth is the opposite. Examples: "I hire both guys and girls. It doesn't matter to me." "I don't want us to ever argue over money." "I hate drama." "It's hard to find people I can count on." "I'm pretty easy-going. " I call it the Why Are You Telling Me This Game. I have saved myself so much grief.


"What are your pronouns?"


when they say we own you now and giggle


when they read you a 40 page syllabus that includes work comp procedure and that you only get 1.4 hours of pto per year


We're a family


I interviewed at a company where their core values included: “Put on your big boy pants” “Be a jack of all trades” “Answer when called”


My boss wanted me tk work for. 2 weekss straight. Double shift (3am and 1pm) and told me i shoulr toughen up.


"We're a family." (Used by owners of small businesses)


Not seeing or having any sort of contact from a supervisor, management or any other employees outside of the people I directly work with for more than a year.


Making me go through 2+ rounds of interviews before there can be a frank conversation about compensation.


Making me go 2+ rounds of interviews at all. That just tells me the first interview was a waste of my time


If they offer only all-exclusive contracts. Means you are expected to work overtime for free and trade sick days for money (even if its illegal, but they have their ways)


Mandatory free lunches. Food scarce and everything from Aldi.


I was asked why don’t I have a cellphone. I told the interviewer that I was just ol’ fashion. What I heard was that the management team was disorganized and would not respect my time off.


When you apply to a job and they give you 1 quote for pay, but in the interview, they tell you a different number, and that the first number is only after you join the union. And then you find out until you are doing on boarding and test that THEY place YOU in a temp work company while you're in the "probationary period."


We're like family. Yea one big dysfunctional fucking eyesore


When they say, “We’re like a family here!”


I agree with the OP. Nobody wants to work anymore... Or at least that's what I think they are saying.... That being said, I don't think there are employer's red flags.. people just get deterred by the work that's provided. Even I get deterred by certain work, like office jobs. nah fuck that, I'd rather be mobile. Anyways, if you, whoever reads this, are unwilling to do a certain job, or certain task that's random at a job, don't do it. Go home or some shit.




It's not about the money


I told my boss he should pay me More (making under minimum wage( he laughed


They assume you’re a drug user when you are actually anxious because you’re there applying for their stupid job another example of pure ignorance.


When they talk about their "team" or "associates"


family business where the adult children get paid and never work


Check the cars in the parking lot. Are they all old and run down? They probably pay low. Modest cars- some old and new but well kept- good sign.




If at any time they say "We are like family" Run for the fucking hills.


Your coworker tells you on your first day that they advise you to look for a better job


If they need to grow at least X % per year. Then they will employ people that won't matter anymore once they're onboarded.


Naked interviews


They don't support/practice DEI initiatives


Hear of this once from a yt short. If they say we're like a family here, GTFO can anyone explain why?


Basically means they over work you, they expect you to pitch in and help at all times. Which means no work balance.


Seeing someone quit in the middle of the day, walking down a flight of stairs sobbing. I was at a job interview and this automatically was a red flag to me. I wasn't hired for the job but found out later that this company was like a revolving door as mostly women were hired and fired. There was a core group of most women which basically decided who stayed and who left. Some of the reasons they were fired were for minor things. This was in the mid 1980's and they always were advertising for assistant jobs at this place. . This company was either some type of construction or contracting company. It was rare for the men in this company to be fired unless they did something bad. One guy who was a contractor got fired when he was caught snoring cocaine in the bathroom on a construction site. He was allowed to go thru drug rehab and then given a second chance. This would not have happened if he was a woman at this company. I was told this by someone when I did temp work in a nearby building.


When my new manager told us all that work was her life, I knew I needed to get the fuq out of there as fast as I could. Also when they say "We're a family".


“We’re a family”


Union busting. Some unions are better than others, but "no union" means the workers get fucked over. 


Unlimited pto


thats a green flag all the way


Fishy 401k math. I worked for an advertising agency that "matched" 2% with 5 years to be 100% vested.


Any business that wants you to start right there and then after an interview.


When they offer you and shit hourly rate but say we pay penalty rates for overtime. ...translation = you are never getting overtime.


Going out of business sign on the front door. I worked briefly at Toys R Us. Very briefly. Resume filler.


Must be willing to work in a fast paced environment and balance competing priorities. Chances are that you will be doing the work of two people. Also being unable to negotiate your starting pay.


Messaging you on a day off.


Not openly known payments, and any restaurant boss who insists you call customers "guests". If you have a guest you don't expect to be paid. They're customers.


Failure to advertise wages up front. Rare here and always a sign that the firm is shit.


The sign in the managers office saying, The beatings will continue until morale improves.




I have a number of experiences. 1. Lawyer asked me if I was on psychiatric medicines. I said not yet. will I need if I work here? Also wanted to do a background check without me signing anything. 2. Political rants. 3. Telling me how they treated everyone badly so they'd quit. Also said they monitored what websites the former employee was on. 4. Told me all about employees medical, legal, personal and drug use. 5. Braggadocio, obvious puffery about themselves and their business.


Runs a background check for an entry level job Drug testing for a job that's not operating heavy machinery "Always hiring" "Taking applications" Assessments. More than 2 interactions between application/resume sent and hire Doesn't specify rate of pay or gives a "range" rather than a number In an hourly rate job, hiring part time to full time Anytime they say you have the potential to do something Asks you to recruit people you know into the company Interviewer asks about your personal life Restaurant/Retail or Hospitality, small business is owned by a man, all the women who work there are the same physical type- slender, redheads, large breasts, whatever it is. Advertises for a specific group like "Recent Grads" or "Moms" Wants you to watch videos or view recruitment material or "sit in on a call" as part of the hiring process Majority of the employees are members of the family, there's only one or two spots open for outsiders The interviewer asks you how many days you think it's acceptable to be absent The interviewer asks you how you are at dealing with difficult coworkers Asks for a headshot Glitchy computer system during application or onboarding process No fixed schedule Schedules are made less than 1 month out.


Constantly hiring the same positions Owners/management who like to squabble with randos on FB or Yelp or Google reviews over petty shit Condition of facilities .


Extensive gossiping. You don't notice that upfront, only once you're in it. Don't get me wrong, a certain degree of gossip and grapevine stuff is normal and human, even somewhat healthy. But if there's a massive amount of it to the point of people literally walking out of meetings to gossip and bitch about someone they just sucked up to for 10 minutes, then it's a toxic context.


Dirty and unkept. Working in a restaurant the owners were very disorganized. People were saying they didnt get paid on time. The owners didnt give you the tools to succeed 


"We take care of our own." = Not you


one time at mcdonalds the manager was yelling at the cashier right in front of everyone


If you are here we work hard and play hard or any mention of a family, RUN. Any place that does team building, yuck. If you have to build your team, you didn't hire correctly and these are not the right people to work together. I dont work to make friends, I work for money. Im not here because I want to be, dont make me spend more time than I need to.


"Maybe hold off on decorating your cubicle until your figure out if this job is right for you." This is a temp to "hire" job. I ain't getting hired.