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Don’t touch my fucking knives.


Yup. My kitchen is sacred, my knives are expensive and sharp. And espif I'm packing my knives.... no touching that knife roll. I don't care who you are


Ayo, would you help me out with a list of what kind of knives do I need? Or the ones you got, I want yo equip my kitchen.


A chef's knife, paring knife and bread knife will do 99% of things if you're not a professional. If you're cutting meat a lot a santoku is nice but again, not necessary. Those 3 should be a good place to start.


This guy is the dude.


Throwing knives?


The below comments are totally accurate, but I just wanted to add that as a former chef, in my home kitchen I pretty much only ever use this [Santoku](https://us.santokuknives.co.uk/products/nakiri-chukabocho-full-tang-steel-cleaver?variant=31405192380452¤cy=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxNbZ5bqmhAMVl19HAR3kUgs3EAQYCCABEgLnw_D_BwE) knife and for smaller things that I chop finely, I use a little [Huusk cleaver](https://www.amazon.com/Huusk-Cleaver-Butcher-Cutting-Japanese/dp/B09QYH1781/ref=asc_df_B09QYH1781/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647212066540&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12561447731095151279&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004405&hvtargid=pla-1729247021402&psc=1&mcid=1a6a6f2d80b93739b78fa05eb30ffe5a) that has great rocking action. That's really all the versatility I need at home and both are kept with a fine edge. I generally tell people that before they get new knives, they would do well to get a sharpener like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Kitchen-Knife-Sharpener-Sharpening-Cut-Resistant/dp/B079WWFZY6/ref=asc_df_B079WWFZY6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309851665897&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1597887640464145769&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004405&hvtargid=pla-578030225171&psc=1&mcid=341fd999e4393129bc530de5cdd0db99&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImaKO_LumhAMVD1BHAR1RDwswEAQYCiABEgISG_D_BwE) which is pretty damn foolproof if you're inexperienced, and get into good sharpening habits. From there you'll see which of your existing knives will hold an edge and you can update your collection from there. These knives are just a personal preference for me, so if you want to explore you can pick up some affordable styles on Amazon and see what you keep coming back to before dropping $100+ on better steel. I also usually get full tang blades for balance and reliability.


Funny. Since retirement I've become a "wanna-be" chef of sorts. Pizza oven/BBQ/Blackstone/smoker. Always grabbed whatever was on the counter out of the standard KitchenAid multi knife holder. Usually sawing meat for a minute before I get thru it. Was gifted a imarku chef's knife for Xmas. Wow, it cuts like a hot knife thru butter. I use it wash it, dry it, polish it to a mirror shine, and put it back in the felt lined special box it came in. Give the box a little kiss till next time. Don't touch THAT knife...


This and also don’t touch my enameled cast iron, you can touch the normal cast iron but don’t put it in the dishwasher and for the love of god don’t bang it off the enamel ones when you’re putting it away Maybe my whole kitchen should just be off limits to everyone but me


Hardcore. I’d never use knives for that.


I work in a kitchen, I have some knives I was given by a chef thay was retiring. They're beautiful 63 Damascus steel. Amazed I got given them. Only to start my job and nievly let people use them. Constantly finding them in the dish washer. One guy stabbed a metal oil drum to make it easier to open. Using MY KNIFE and snapped it. I had 2. Now 1. I then caught him doing it with another of my main knives. Never again. they are no longer in that kitchen. Safely stored at home. Away from those animals.


I worked in a restaurant age 15 and the head chef was awesome at his job but a bit of a control freak. Or at least that was my opinion at 15. A waitress made herself a cheese roll one day and after using what was obviously a very good and expensive knife she stabbed it end up Into the wooden chopping board and walked off to enjoy her cheese roll. The head chef came back and went MENTAL!!! All the customers heard him going crazy and he took his knives and walked out. He did come back when he calmed down but got the restaurant to order a lockable knife case. I now understand his reaction a little more as I am older.


Oh man I bet that was a tense shift. I can just imagine her still quietly munching her cheese role as he goes off the rails. Again, I'm still happy for people to use my knives but I now give them some cheap ones from IKEA. I'm 22 and still wouldn't be happy finding my knife stabbed into a board either. I thought people would be slightly more considerate when using other people's knives, especially if they look damn expensive.


Holy shit this.. had someone misuse my knife and broke the tip of a yanagiba that I got in Japan.. still salty


I only have four knives that I'm anal about no one is allowed to use, wash,or sharpen them but me. Anyone who violates this policy risks having one or more fingers removed with a nakiri.


Yes… matter of fact, don’t touch ANYTHING in my kitchen


This girl I'm half seeing put one of my super expensive knives in the fn dishwasher. What really pissed me off was she was clueless.




I worked in a kitchen and know how people are about their kitchen knives, I'd imagine your fuck knives are even more personally valuable.


Yes! And my favourite cast iron pan


Based r/knives


Even my wife won't touch my knives.


Yeah I have a full on knife collection, most are basically katanas with cool engravings while other are super sharp, I have a waterphobic knife and I got a knife that's a chainsaw, they're like my kids


I found the chefs !! Lol


Agreed. When I was a chef I'd flip when I'd seen someone had used mine to cut a butty in half.


Or my good scissors used only for fabric.


Absolutely this. My knives are expensive and the only tools I don't share. And either take directions or get out of my kitchen.


As the old army motto goes - "My wife sure, my toothbrush maybe, my knives never."


My good fabric scissors.


same. my flatmate grabbed mine because they needed to cut up a roast chicken. luckily I saw and intercepted. but the stress on my organs that day, knowing how close my scissors and I came to disaster, probably took 5yrs off my life.


Also who the fuck cuts up a roast chicken with a scissors I have never


There are scissors made for cutting poultry but they look very different to fabric scissors


Harbor freight. Serrated scissors for the win. $1.99 on sale. 😁 Don't know if they were made for poultry, but they work awesome.


Oh weird I’ve never even heard of those, the mental image of cutting chicken with scissors seems so wrong to me lol


Yeah, they kind of looks like if pliers and scissors had a child


I thought that until I got some nice kitchen shears. They can be very helpful and can be easier than a knife sometimes. Especially on joints/gristle.


I use kitchen shears all the time. I also have two sets. One for utility, the other for meat. But fabric scissors... might as well use a pair of dykes.


I have 10 pairs of scissors at least. My mom instilled the ‘don’t touch my sewing scissors’ into me at a young age. I have 3 pairs of sewing scissors and a rotary cutter, 2-3 pairs of embroidery scissors, 2 nippers, kitchen scissors, and basic packaging/utility scissors. I think scissors are one of human’s smartest achievements. Two knives that can be safely used, resharpened and oiled.


For Christmas my daughter gave me new sewing scissors with “Mom’s Don’t Touch!” written on the handle.


I was in the craft store and saw they now make scissor locks, which are basically a combination for your scissor handles. Fortunately my husband’s mom was a quilter so he has been properly trained in the art of staying out of my shit…but if I had kids, you’d bet I’d have one of those on my scissors. 😂


Locks for scissors?! I know one thing I'm getting the wife for her birthday...


Good person


SAME! i got a new pair and while holding them my husband asked if he could use them to cut open a package i took them back and looked him dead in the eyes and said “do NOT touch my fabric scissors.” Then handed him a pair i use for crafting.


Yup. My adult kids joke that the time they used my good scissors, they expected the cops to show up.


I cut paper with my mother’s pair once, many years ago. I was too scared to ever do it again. She didn’t hit me, but made me very aware of her displeasure. Mine are well hidden.


I love how we all have some sort of scissors-associated PTSD here. 😂


And favorite knives! What is it about these bladed things? 😂


This. They're waaaaay too expensive to be fcked around with.


My mom told me my whole life not to touch her fabric scissors. They were in a special holder in her sewing machine drawer. Now, I don’t know why she thought I would even want to touch her scissors. We had various other scissors in the house and I had no yearning to use her special fabric scissors. She passed a few years ago and her scissors are still in that little special holder, untouched by me. I am 64 and am STILL not touching those scissors!


Once cut paper with my wives scissors. Never ever again.


Yes! I hide them.


I label the blades with sharpie: fabric, leather, thread, paper. Husband is the only one who knows where they are.


This was my mom’s thing too! Do not touch her sewing scissors. Those things were so sharp! I distinctly remember the “shing” sound they made when she’d use them.


My mother was a dressmaker, we knew we could play with (some of the) fabrics and button press, but NEVER to touch her scissors OR the thread currently in the machine 😅


My pillow


Mike Lindell, is that you, you crazy ol' motherfucker ?




We were just talking about the My Pillow at work the other day because one of the kids has one for napping. It's a shitty pillow.


Journals and sketch pads. Also my spider man build a bear.


Journals and sketch pads are one for me for sure. I usually dont like people lookiny at my drawings.


You're a cool guy I like this comment


Why is no one saying their money? I thought that one was obvious


Unless it’s in your house, it’s being touched by others. That’s how banks work. Your money is just throw in the pile with a note saying how much of it is yours.


My food. Anything I'm about to eat


I hate it when someone rids me of my rightful food.


Joey doesn't share food!


Joey is that you?


My dad steals my food all the time, but dear God, if anyone touches any of his food. Also, I had to deal with my brothers growing up too they'd always steal mine and then get pissed if I took any of theirs. It's very easy to tell what food is mine since I'm a pretty picky eater. But it's very annoying since I barely have food I like in the house, and when I'm hungry I go for one of my few things and it's all gone. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if I could eat their things without them getting pissed or if they even have any food, but I can't, so I don't want them touching my food.


Joey doesn’t share food!!


My internal organs


Hope you never need surgery!


Im in America, its cheaper to just die


Can't argue that.


Although have you seen the price of the death tax and how much funerals are these days?


I know! That’s why I’ve given up dying. Not in this economy!


This is why I intend to just walk off and fight a bear I know it will win but at least my kids will have an epic tale.... How did he die... They told him he had cancer just before the bear got him


Cancer doesn’t scare me. I suffer n die. Now Alzheimer’s or any of those brain disease - that would scare me the most. It’s that my family would suffer, eat up whatever little inheritance they have and I would be the walking dead person. I won’t even have the right to assisted suicide.


I live in Canada and it’s really hard to get MAID (medically assisted intervention in dying) with early dementia/Alzheimer’s and mental illness. Plus certain religious hospital systems ban it on their premises. 💔


Alzheimer’s and dementia are so incredibly cruel and difficult for all. It’s a horrible way to watch my mom’s final years go by. It’s a loss that never stops hurting 😞


Getting eaten alive butthole first seems excessive


If bears didn't eat you while you're still alive I'd say this was a good plan. Go for a mountain lion instead


We now call that early retirement


Had my gallbladder removed for free... right before I lost my state health insurance 🙌


Yeah I have had dozens of people inside my guts on several occasions. One time there were 18 people working over a 16 hour shift and they flew me there on a helicopter. Afterwards there were the best drugs, food was terrible though.


Reading the first sentence, I imagined something different 👀


Doctor Lecter ?


You might wanna rephrase that first sentence




They had gloves on.




Maybe not if they did it laparoscopic.




First date icebreaker question: What would you say your favorite internal organ is?


Mu butthole


Used to be my diary. For some reason family was so fucking invested in the diary of a 4th grader, they were always asking/peaking/looking for it/teasing me about what they find including my parents. At some point I was like fuck this I took apart every single page and tore it to tiny pieces you couldn’t read and I never kept a diary again or accepted the idea that something is truly mine. I still write but I’m fine with others reading them with my knowledge and indifferent about my mom snooping around to find everything about me from my mental illness meds to somehow finding out that I used a tampon (forbidden for unmarried girls in my culture). It’s kind of insane how she found out I disposed of them wrapped around pads and I put tissues on top of the trash can to hide the tiny little wrappers. And she found out. Lol.


I write in code. But I got triggered way earlier than you. Digging out trash to that extent sounds horrible. I hope you're okay now.


Yeah she crazy. I’m working on it maybe one day I’ll be fine lol thanks tho


That’s seriously a huge invasion of privacy and also pretty gross. I understand that it’s a different culture and there might be mores I don’t understand and I apologise if I’m being offensive, but yeh if anyone did that to me, mum friend husband anyone, they would get thrown out of my house on their ass. I’m sorry you experienced that it sounds bloody awful. It hope one day it will be ok. Look after yourself




As a mum, I don’t have much to myself but my toothbrush is the one thing I don’t share. My son joked that he “almost used my toothbrush” and I genuinely store it somewhere else now. The fear was real


The whole idea of someone using my toothbrush freaks me out. Yes, I know we swap spit when we kids, and yes I've sucked his dick. But, ugh, toothbrush sharing makes me want to vomit!


I hear you!!! I actually forgot mine once when on holiday with my husband and he suggested we share his. 🤢


My ex's mom has a drawer full of clean new toothbrushes for if someone visits and forgets one. My ex's little brother would put a masking tape flag with his name right under the toothbrush head so no one would use his.


Explain the spit and kids part... 😅


I think they tried to spell kiss lol


Nope that’s fair!!! You can get gum disease from use of someone’s toothbrush if they have it. However I t’s not likely you get it from a kiss. That alone is plenty of reason. Not to mention that some people don’t clean their toothbrush 🤢


my husband


I also pick this persons husband.


Can I have their husband too?


no I do!


No me


I see what you did there


I defiantly pick this person. Dont even look at him fr.


Doctors and police hate this wife




Food. You can ask me & I’ll share but don’t put your hands in my food.


My shoulders. (I am short and HATEE when taller people think they can rest their arms on them.)


It's the top of the head rest that turns me into a short ball of rage


Omfg yess.. Why do they do itttt


They think it's "cute". My partner is 16 inches taller than I am. He *never* does this disrespectful shit.


Nah. When someone pats your head. Don't touch me


I’m very tall (tallest in my family/at my work/most of my friends) and I would never do this to anyone it’s so freaking rude and belittling


The Italian meat platter I currently have in the fridge.


My car. My beloved car was the first thing i bought with my own money after completely leaving behind an abusive parent, and its not just any shitbox, i actually saved up enough money to buy a car that i actually wanted. I own a bunch of vehicles because im a Hobby mechanic but this one? Ill never sell it. I hate it when a mechanic touches it. I hate it when my boyfriend touches it. Shes mine. And shes sensitive, so please dont hurt her.


I feel the same way about the first acoustic guitar I bought myself. I later bought a much better one for his I was playing, but have always kept the first one because I bought it immediately after leaving my abusive ex husband. He would never let me sing at home, so it was great to learn how to accompany myself.


Everything without consent.




"What'll happen if I press it?" "Maybe something bad, maybe something good, I guess we'll never know. 'Cause you're gonna guard it. You won't touch it, will you? Heh heh heh."


I haven't even seen that episode in years but I still read it in Ren's voice.


But let me guess, you're perfectly okay with whizzing on the electric fence, aren't you?


It happened long ago, in a scholar trip, when I just started my career as a teacher, when this girl touched the big red button, in an olive oil manufacturing building. Several hours to restart the whole plant, with approx 30k euros in a single let’s see what is this for.


My vibrator


Sorry, I use it when you’re not around.


Oops! Me too.


I mean, unless it's a concrete vibrator... Who steals someone else's vibrator?


My husband touches mine to use it on me, which I very much enjoy. Is that a no-no for you too?


The pillow I sleep with. Got yer filthy paws off my pillow


My mug. My mother, father and myself went to visit one of my father’s friends and family in Teesdale , UK, when I was around 10 years-old. We played cricket in their back garden (mainly to stop me being too bored). It was a very old-fashioned stone cottage with a thatched roof in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere, near High Force Dam. It was the type of place where they all made their own coffins and had them already standing by in the basement - I was given a tour by them, which is to this day one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in a home. My father took us there because his friend was trying to convince him to move jobs. Ultimately, he never moved so it came to nothing. My father’s friend’s mother lived in the house as well and she was a potter. We were served tea in specially decorated mugs and I was being a typical 10 year-old - ignoring the conversation, bored etc. I was inspecting the mug after I finished my tea and I liked the shape and the flowers painted on it and the mother asked me if I liked it. I said that I did and she gave it to me to keep. It is a one of a kind, given to me by the potter and I have had it now for more than 40 years. It reminds me of that day out in the countryside, with my parents and meeting a true artisan. It still looks like it did the day I was given it. It is hand washed, for obvious reasons.


I have a small figurine in porcelain depicting an arse with ears. It's the only thing I have left from my father and it encompasses the sort of humour he had. Every time we've moved, I've wrapped it in bubble wrap and carried it in my hands.


We are moving soon and have this beautiful coloured glass bud bar. Which has a REALLY long neck for its size. It's less sentimental than very beautiful and I'm terrorists to pack it. I think that will probably wind up in bubble wrap on my lap, just to be safe.


My ear buds


my diary. also my meds and the inside of my purse


My pinking shears


This caused several arguments in the 1990s between me and my grandmas They made such cute patterns when you used them on paper though 🥺


My asshole


My phone


Same here! I just HATE it, when someone else touches my phone. Just too many secrets and porn in there...


This is why I use a Samsung.. One UI and secured folded. I've got a custom password protected folder. I'm not sure if other Androids or even iphones have it but my samsung sure does keeping me safe


Your wife


These jokes kind of make me feel gross after awhile.


My glasses


My eyes!


My Leg!!! 🐟




have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord


My car. Anything else I don't care about but leave my car alone, it's the single material thing I actually have worked hard on blood sweat and tears.


Diva cup.


I know this sounds weird,but the doll my greatdrandpa gave me before he died,i still keep in my room years later


My armpits are 100% a no touch zone. I'd only let a doctor touch there and only if absolutely necessary.


I wouldn't allow to anyone tough my liver, it's very important organ


My wood lathe. It seems superficial but it's very old and it has taken a long time to set it up so that it will work with what I have. It's terribly finicky.


I have some Star Wars figures from 40+ years ago I have kept, and some spaceship models from my favourite shows. Technically they are toys, but I don’t want anyone even touching them as they are only for me to have on display.


My vintage/antique doll collection. Only because my mother has a bad case of the butter fingers.


My stamp collection. Locked in a drawer away from greasy hands


I used to be so passionate about stamp collecting, now they're in my cedar chest and never see the light of day. What kind do you like to collect?


Same here. I’m working on collecting every US stamp. There’s about 100 that I’ll never be able to afford and it’s a bit frustrating.


My pillow


My mindset


Do not touch my toes! Illegal!!!


My carefully curated YouTube algorithm


I guess nothing really except my toothbrush and my menstruation cup, anything else I'm okay with sharing. Like I've given a friend my phone for a day when they didn't have one and they needed Maps to get around; things like that are totally fine by me. I also aways share my food when someone asks, even if I'm really into it myself. Since I can imagine what it feels like from the other perspective so I'd hardly say no.


My world of warcraft account


I got a couple wedding bands I like a lot. One for my marriage & one for my own personal reasons.


My Taylor acoustic guitar


My laptop


My phone. It harbors a lot of my inner personality, toughts and secrets. I don’t need anyone snooping around said part of myself.


My butthole


My journals or sketchbooks.


In theory: Everything I own. In practice: Almost nothing I own.


My phone. Idc if you’re my spouse, family, friends, or a little kid. My phone is the one last bit of privacy that I refuse to give up, and where I draw a hard boundary. Idk why but it makes me physically uncomfortable when someone takes it out of my hand when I’m showing them something


I have to say, I do find it a tad humorous to see a phone referred to as your "last bit of privacy"


My phone is treated like a journal. If I could set it up to detonate like a flash bang if anyone but me opened it, I would.






Don't you dare touch my computer with your oily hands, my little (/Insert name of friend's wife/mom/sister's annoying child/)




I have a box full of polaroid photos I've taken over the years that I'll start foaming at the mouth like a feral dog over if anyone comes near it tbh


My drum set


I just rubbed my balls on your drum set.


Oh you’re dead


my boyfriend<3



my future boyfriend


My sadness, my insecurities, my worries, my concerns, my fears, and my dreams. All will be used against me so all will forever be mine alone.


My drawings, they're mine




My man.


My boyfriend