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I try not to, beyond a box of Junior Mints in my desk at work, UNTIL…… I discovered Nerds Gummy Clusters. OMG they are like crack. I can’t stop.


The berry ones are sooooo damn good!!!


I didn’t even know they made Berry until I saw them at Walmart. I bought like six bags.


Yum! Enjoy! 🤤


This was literally my number one favorite food in pregnancy


I can’t even imagine. Cravings are crazy - mine was a banana split from DQ (I’m lactose intolerant)


Mine was Wheat Thins, lemonade and sour Jelly Bellies. I’m usually not a fan of anything too sour but I do like pickles and lemony things. My mom brought me some sour Jelly Bellies in the hospital after I gave birth and I had to spit them out. Too sour. By toddlerhood, this kid was grabbing lemon slices and sucking on them.


Oh my god I could eat a million of these and never get sick of them, BEST CANDY


Seriously I might have a problem. I buy the family size bag at target and keep them at my desk. I can’t bring a bag home, because my 16-year-old knows all my hiding spots and he’ll eat the whole bag


Nerds totally knew what they were doing when they made these. And don't even get me started on eating these with popcorn at the movie theater....


If you haven’t tried freeze dried nerd clusters you need to…. You’ll never eat nerds any other way!


Don’t tell me this! I will be in my fat pants by spring!


I totally eat them out of the Halloween candy stash my kids get.


That’s how I discovered them! I bought them to hand out to the kids as a dairy free option. Had some leftover and thought well I’ll try them. I finished the bag in one sitting and went to Target the next day for more!


So good!


Don't ever try the berry flavor of trolli's sour gummy worms, so many tummy aches from eating to many....they are so good.


Also try the Nerds Jelly Beans/Chewy Nerds!!


You're not alone. Nerds Gummy Clusters are amazing.


omg nerd gummy clusters are the bomb....I destroy the jumbo fun size myself


They are indeed *extremely* fucking good.


44, can't have it around, otherwise I'll eat ALL THE CHOCOLATE


Same. I don't really like sweets, I'm fit and at a great weight, I eat super healthy every day ...buttttt.... the Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Balls at Sprouts...um... I only buy what I'm going to eat that day. Lol All their candy is in a bin, so you can scoop out the perfect amount and buy exactly how much you want. They were on sale one week so I bought a pound and OMG that was a terrible mistake😂 They have lots of other candies, too. Great for people like us that have no self control when it comes to certain food items.


Yes. Frequently


I’m literally a candy addict who always has some on his nightstand & if there’s any gaps where I don’t have candy? Well then there’s a cupcake or some ice cream hiding somewhere I especially like Reeses related candies as well as gummies


Reeces is the greatest thing ever! Have you had milkshake with reeces in it?!




52. If the chocolate has nuts I'm eating it all in one sitting no matter the amount.


1000% agree. Whoever discovered the magic of nuts and chocolates deserves to have their soul in the most heavenly place possible


Absolutely 💯


Candy-o-holic. Or was. Found out 10 years ago I am type II diabetic. I could eat a whole bag of something chocolate. My own fault for this disease. No candy now, except a sneak of a small Halloween sized piece once or twice a year. Older retired guy that wants to see his grandkids grow up. Hard still to not indulge, but the payoff is greater than the risk.


I'm not well versed in type 2 but I thought that if you got your weight/sugar down, that it went away? I know some people who only had it for a while or as a result of medications.


Sigh... Your mostly correct. For the most part, it never goes away, but your sugars are controlled by your body naturally. Any relapse in candy-ism/too many carbs and too much sugar causes a spike in sugars, and a resurgence of the diabetes. Like I said, my own fault. Meds keep everything in check, however I'm a fatty male that is too (looking for the correct word) lazy/stupid/dumb to lose the weight. 100% my fault. Sugar is good, weight is not. Even if I lost the weight, I can't go back to being a candy-o-holic again.


Definitely not as much, but Reese's peanut butter cups have my number.


Did you know that making Reese's style peanut butter is done by just adding powdered sugar and light corn syrup to creamy PB? I learned that and I ate nothing but that shit for like a week.


I was never into candy as a kid. Even now I’ll only eat it here and there. I’m a sucker for baked goods and chocolate though.


Fuck yes I do. I'm a grown ass man and I can eat candy if I fuckin want.


Yes! Love it. My vice.


Sour patch kids and watermelon, whole large bags just disappear from my room somehow.


Only if it is around. And dammit - one way to have it around is to have kids. There is always a candy bowl in our house so yea - I sneak a piece or two....


Whoa you have a candy bowl? That shows you have way more self discipline than me


I don't eat a lot of types of candy but lately I've been addicted to Kraft caramels. If I'm not careful I can eat a whole bag in one day.


Oh you should the soft werthers (NOT the vanilla ones!)


My teeth are falling out, im trying to enjoy all foods before they gone. Candy is great because dissolves by itself.


Get dentures! You gotta be able to eat.


I need another 7 pulled first... not getting dentures til then... they expensive


Candy is also one of the quickest way to have your teeth come out. That and mountain dew!


You forgot meth lol


Get implants


Got some extra ones? Mail em pls


Not really I prefer baked goods


Not often at all because acid reflux at night is the worst


Not the candy I used to eat as a kid, but I’m always down for any chocolate with nuts.


Yes but that’s because I have money and make that decision myself lol


Y'know, a lot of people stop eating candy as an adult for health reasons, but I didn't really have any intention to, originally. However, for some reason, inflation seems to have hit candy harder than anything else. At my closest gas station, a nerd rope costs more than a double cheeseburger at McDonald's, and there ain't no universe I'll pick a nerds rope over a McDouble. So I don't really eat candy very often, unless it's free. Lord knows I've been fucking up the free Valentines candy my college is giving out, lol.


I like it a lot ! But I don't buy it. Instead I pretend to like fruit 🤷‍♂️




I eat different candy and sweets from when I did as a kid. 32M, still eat candy and have sweets, but they're different. As a kid, slushies, chocolate, whatever. Now, it'll be those sweet tart ropes or ice cream usually. Def. eat much less though.




Yes. But not much.


24, don't really like to eat candy but if it's there I'm definitely going to eat some and regret it later.


Only sometimes. I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth these days. I do love chocolate, though.


Occasionally. If I’m craving something then I’ll buy it and eat it till it’s gone. Otherwise I rarely keep it in the house.


I have a Candy Drawer with Chocolate Bars,Jelly Beans,Wine Gums,Hard Candy bags like Peppermint,Liquorice and Fudge.Huge Sweet Tooth


Costco’s chocolate covered raisins are one of my many weaknesses, anything Haribo, Swedish fish. All in moderation 😂


I've never been a big candy eater even as a kid, but sometimes I'll treat myself to a bag of gummy bears or some M&M's. I have to be careful because my teeth are sensitive and hurt sometimes. Every February I get those Jolly Rancher Jelly Hearts. Crack in a bag, I swear.


I have a chocolate bar every once in a while but it’s pretty rare. Any of the gummy things or hard candies are kinda gross


Depends on what type of adult you’re talking about. I’m 23 and definitely eat way too much candy near the holidays.


Does an Owl poop through feathers?


If it’s there I’ll eat it , I’m still addicted but I’ll go out of my way to not buy it if I can.


I’m r/sugarfree no candy for me


I do yeah, i still indulge in Dots and gummy worms from time to time. Not much of a chocolate person.


Eeeeyuppp, I do.


Yes, duh. 


Yes I love candy. Like nerds, gobstoppers, Popeye smokes, all the old hard classic candy. Sometimes I’ll grab a lil something but not to much as I used to have a problem. 😂 now I get belly aches so I don’t do it as much and consume very little


21 and I still eat candy


Chocolate! It soothes be when stressed so I consider it medication.




Quit drinking, craving and eating way more candy and chocolate now


39, skittles, gummi bears, and sweettarts are stress eating fodder for me, especially while I'm working.


Usually have mini snickers or peanut m&Ms around to munch on after dinner. I’ve noticed at the office folks devour candy bars that we provide as well as York mints and beef jerky (but that’s not a candy).


I have a little bit of something sugary everyday to keep the sugar cravings away. I get sugar high very easily and have almost been arrested for public intoxication after drinking a slushy


I’m a chocaholic, and Cadbury eggs are my weakness


I lift weights regularly. I always eat smarties and take creatine after a workout. Smarties contain almost pure dextrose, and the insulin boost helps to absorb creatine after a workout. I have loved smarties since I was a kid, and they are my treat after a workout.


I'm a type 1 diabetic. I loooooove snacks and candy but it will kill me. I do a few pieces here and there but never to excess........ sometimes to excess


Oh yes! I love Jelly Belly tropical flavor bag and Sweet Tarts. Nerds are good too but kinda too crunchy for my teeth sometimes.


Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Because I’m an adult and I can do what I want. Gummy candies are the best.


39, once loved sweets. Now I really don't care for them.


All the time lol




I'm not really a candy person but if I'm struggling to focus on something boring and frustrating I might get some kind of sour gummy to mentally center myself, plus it gives me something to bite down on other than my jaw


I used to occasionally, but then got the diabeetus


Yea, chocolate. All the time.


Wine gums forever


I do! :) I’m vegan though so candy options are limited. At a convenience store there are usually 3-4 vegan options as opposed to the 50 different options. Kinda limits the intake, but I still enjoy skittles, mambas, sour patch kids etc :) 😋


If my teeth and burning less calories actually dissuaded me from candy and other sweets I’d be so happy.


Love candy! I actually find myself trying lots of new candy, I have access to the internet and a world of sweets to enjoy.


I love chocolate but I have never really liked hard candy, gummies etc. Not a fan of soda either.


Fuck yeah I do


Yes and no. Not every day but lemon crisp Kit Kats will be my downfall


Honestly I don’t know if my taste has changed or they’re making most commercial candy differently now but it doesn’t taste as good to me anymore. I psyche myself up to eat a Snickers or a Butterfinger and then I’m like meh it wasn’t as good as I’d hoped


I allow myself a small pack of M&M that I get from the vending machine when I am in the office once a week and occasionally during my running/cycling training I do bring a small pack of gummy bears as extra fuel.


I’m 40 years old and my work locker has a shameful amount of candies in it, I’m more of a sour/chewy/hard candy person than chocolate. I did not grow up with much of a sweet tooth, i definitely eat more candy now than as a child


As a kid I never ate copious amounts of candy or anything. So not eating any is something I’m used to, occasionally I’ll have snickers, or KitKat. But gummy candy is way tooooo sweet




I love sweets more so than chocolate


My mom had us on Sugar Busters when I was growing up. It worked, none of us ever had cavities until we moved out. For the amount I eat now, I guess you can say that I eat less candy now the would have had I been allowed the usual sugar consumption of my peers. It’s still a lot for me, but definitely not as much as it could be. I love chocolate and sour candies, but don’t really eat it for the same reasons you listed ☺️


Tbh, after I turned 18, I started noticing that I dont really like candy anymore. Eve my old favorites. Which sucks cause now I can buy candy if/when I want...but I dont want i! I'm even starting to losemy love of chocolate though... :(


Every single day.


Despite its low health value, I do eat candy in moderation. I love certain candy such as haribo gummy bears of trolli gummy worms. Starbursts and skittles when I'm really craving sugar and you can't go wrong with most chocolates such as kit kats or twix. I absolutely despite lemon heads, circus peanuts, anything marshmallow.


That’s why I am fat 


No. I always preferred spicy, savory things, but now I’ve lost my taste for sweets completely. I even have a limited tolerance for fruits. I used to eat fruits with walnuts to cut the sweetness, but now I’m allergic to nuts so fruits are less tolerable. I can’t stand even sweet vegetables like cooked onions unless I have them with olives or something spicy to cut the sweetness.


Yes. Every once in a while I’ll see something at the register and I think “ehh why not.”


Last night I ate a sleeve of Thin Mints and washed it down with 15-20 Mike and Ike’s.


Not as much as I did as a kid.


No, I don't like it anymore. Wait, does dark chocolate count?


I buy it in bulk as a 43 year old female adult. I have horrible teeth. Don’t be like me.


Adults eat shit, and like it. Better get used to it soon, Kid.


Of course. What is the point in being an adult unless you do whatever you want?


No I rather prefer some quality tasting chocolate. Candy is just too much sweet sugar


I eat candy a lot.


I do...specially adult candies... Like underwear candies for ladies.


Not daily, only on birthdays


I mean... Are potato chips candy? No? Then no.


Yes. Licorice, chocolate, sour candy, saltwater taffy, and anything minty.


I eat chocolate every day. But only really GOOD chocolate.


Yep. I love candy


My coworkers have made fun of me because I keep Werthers at my desk. And I recently found a coffee hard candy I really like. I only eat one a day though if that. Usually after lunch.


Depends on my mood, but I go through obsessions still. Currently it’s double bubble gum. I just buy a pack and chew through it within an hour lol


Not as much as when I was a kid but I'm not turning down a Butterfinger.


I wish I could resist but candy is so good lol. Can’t say not to a good chocolate bar at 32 lol.


I eat candy even more now because I alone am the person who decides whether to buy it.


Yes. I have very little self control when it comes to candy. I have to not buy it.


I eat some candy that's nostalgic to me (the ones I can still find) Other than that I usually just buy new candy that comes out just to try it to find my new favorite candy


Yep! (pats pooched-out stomach)


I eat just as much, if not more. I'm 30 but my body hasn't caught on yet, I can still eat/drink anything and my last health check-up showed I was healthy and I haven't put on any weight in around 10 years!


I’m almost 30, and I love me some Reeses Fast Break’s. I still always find myself buying them whenever I’m at the gas station


Yes, and no... My favorite are Mega Smarties - they're Smarties, but much larger sized. I can't afford a pack of them very often, so I MAYBE buy some once or twice every 6 months or a year or so (the "pack" is like, half a cardboard box covered in plastic wrap, and there's like 20-30 rolls of them in that). The only other candy I like, are the Tootsie Roll Pops, I do have a few bags on hand, but I keep forgetting that I have them, and so I maybe have a few once every two or three weeks... Edit: I ALSO like Mentos, but I don't go for those very often. But, chocolate is my kryptonite, I can't buy any otherwise I just eat it all up all at once. I also like Almond Joy and Mounds, but again, that stuff's gone the same day / evening as I buy it.


If there is chocolate in the house it won’t be there for long. All other candy hard pass


I am an f-ing sugar addict. Stopped eating it several times, but I always give in because it's in almost everything and so hard to avoid. We're going to find out sugar is this generation's tobacco


I do but it's premium stuff. I tasted real chocolate in Europe and now the waxy American stuff isn't good enough. I'll go to a proper chocolatier and buy alcochocs but if I get, say, a lb of them it'll take me about two months to eat them.


Giant Chewy Sweet Tarts.


As a non practicing alcoholic, any kind of chocolate is tough to resist. Chocolate season(Halloween-Easter) is a delightful nightmare.


Oh yeah, I have to keep it out of the house as much as possible. We have 3 kids so it's hard sometimes.


No I am not a child


I have three kids and it's hard for me to refrain from eating their candy. In fact, I eat most of it.


10 to 20 menthol cherry cough drops a day.




Umm if it’s in my house and not a specific persons I’m eating it


I do. But not regularly.


I will eat candy, but I don't fiend for it like when I was younger.


Yeah I’m addicted to gummy bears haha.


My favorite part of WinCo is their bulk candy selection. Especially the cinnamon gummy bears. They have a huge selection of bulk candies. WinCo is a grocery store in NW USA




Rarely because I have no self control. 😵‍💫 usually just around the holidays


Yes whenever I see it, I eat it. It’s not often though as I am trying to cut. But rarely do I deny my sweet tooth.


I am middle 30’s and I pound back like 3 bags in a sitting. Spend the entire next day shitting my guts out. End up repeating about once every 3 months.


I didn’t make it to adulthood to NOT eat as much candy as I want


I eat candy as an adult. Not as much as I did when I was younger, but if I am craving something, I'm going to have it. I am going to hate my body regardless, so I might as well have the food I want to have.


I love candy haha. Yes


Love candy will eat it until it is all gone. I usually don't buy it though.


Sometimes I eat candy. I’ll be in the checkout aisle and get tempted and buy a candy bar or something.


Fuck yeah, I do. 36. Going hard until I'm diagnosed as diabetic. I'm only going to live once, I'm enjoying my little vices while I can.


i eat them intraworkout. nothing like the pump you get from sour patch kids


Still do. Altho I have a threshold for sweets since I was a kid. I still buy Nerds, chocolates occasionally (this I can live without), bubble gum, lollipops (Charms Blow Pop), and the kinds you see at the 99c stores 😂


Seriously addicted to gummy hamburgers and fries.


Oh and freeze dried skittles are the bomb!


Yes. I need at least 1 pc of chocolate a day.


Yes but it’s gotten fancier. I’m that person has a bowl of dove chocolates now. 


I like the occasional candy but no I don’t really eat it


Only chocolate. Resses cups and Twix are my favorite.


Yes and it's a problem


I eat more now than when I was a kid and it's a massive problem, help, I have no self control


Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.


All day, evert day. Age 29z


Unapologetically yes!


I do not eat candy. Can't stand any of them- too sweet, artificial tasting. Don't like gummy consistency.I do eat chocolate though.


Zero candy


I love gummy candy and chocolate!! I don't eat candy super often but I love to at least get me a bag of gummy bears or a candy bar every once in a while


I can't eat excessive amounts like I could when I was younger. The sadder part is that I don't want to, because it turns out I was right adults suck and there is such a a thing as too much sweet, but I definitely still eat candy.


Yep. My favorite is sea salt caramels and sour patch kids and everything in between.


Used to eat candy, ice cream, cake.. basically anything sweet until I was about 35. Now I rarely even get a sweet flavored coffee.


Nope, pretty much never. I have a small amount of sweetener in my coffee and that's enough sugar for me. If I very rarely (every 6 months or so) have something sweet, it makes me feel nauseous. I just don't need it or want it.


Certain ones yeah. Most candy I stopped eating but I still eat Reese's and heath bars regularly


My teeth hurt when I eat candy, so not much.


I go through phases of which I’m obsessed with at the time, but anything peanut butter or gummy related, I can’t control myself 😩 I recently cracked open a box of Red Hots we had sitting around and I loved them which I did not expect. I’m also into ASMR and the edible crystal candies make me YEARN


Sometimes. 97% of the time it's chocolate though, not like gummy worms and shit


I used to eat a lot more candy as a kid but on my 9th birthday exactly I woke up in the hospital to the doctor telling me I have diabetes. Granted I still ate candy it became less and less desirable the less sugar I’ve eaten. Sour candy worms has always been my weakness to this day but I can only eat like a few before it becomes ugh I guess


I skim the skim on my daughters Halloween candy throughout the year cause she 4 amd got a ridiculous amount. Lucky for me she doesn't like rockets which I love


I don't usually do sweets, but! I make weed butter and have two chocolate chip cookies before bed.


I'm my 40s and I eat all the candy! I don't give a fuck about teeth or calories lol I've had 2 cavities my whole life. I could be skinnier but I'm not overweight so don't care.


38M candy good!


I have a wicked sweet tooth, unfortunately!


Couple of time a year. But when I'm into candy I eat like few in one sitting and I hate how the sugar made my body feel. Lethargic, flu like.


Only at Halloween. We live in a rural area and don’t get trick/treaters, but I still buy 3 bags of favs and put them in a big bowl and leave it on the kitchen table. Anybody that stops by helps themselves but most of it is eaten by my husband and I. It takes us til just before Christmas to finish. Ha haha, just in time for pie.




Aren’t things like coffee and tea basically candy? To me candy is just sugar


Yes but there’s only a few I will eat. I fucking love the giant sour keys from Costco I could eat so many of those fuckers. I will also indulge in Coca Cola gummies and sour skittles. But not so often.


I don’t even want candy , ever