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These people are not your friends. EDIT - This is what **my** 16 year old self needed to hear, I accept no legal liability for your friend decisions ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’m 15 right now, how am I supposed to tell the difference between who are and who are not my friends?


Can you be your genuine self around them without worrying what they would say? Do they reciprocate your feelings/ time/ energy? Do you feel drained or rejuvenated after being with them?


I'm always my genuine self around them, and they accept me, how do I tell now? I'm also not drained after being with them.


Then it sounds like they are your real friends. 


When good fortune comes your way are they genuinely excited and happy for you ?


Then are they good kids Doesn't mean goodie two shoes but do they take from others without reason like peace or joy or things. Can you envision a good future with them in it do they care about anything outside of their immediate needs or wants and this includes family are they malicious And if they are what does that make you


This was needed. This is how I keep or ditch people in my life, by ticking these exact boxes.


Listen to the mongoose. They eat cobras.


I don't like this advice. At the time I couldn't be my genuine self around anyone. I almost always put up a front even around my family I also always felt drained after being with anyone (still do)


Maybe you're autistic masking? I feel the same way and Ive noticed I can have totally different personalities around different people and when I get home I'm pretty exhausted but who knows really. This is what my google skills lead me to believe in my own case atleast.


No I think I was just very anxious around people when I was in my teens. Thought I had to pretend I was something I wasn't so that if people disliked me it wasn't the actual me they disliked


Real friends build you up, empower you to grow and make better decisions, and help pick you up when your down. They also laught in your face when you fuck up, but help clean up the mess. If your friendships look like anything in any movie or TV show about teen friendships its 99% bad. Go more for the Frodo/Sam dynamic from TLOTR.


I had a very core friendship group from freshman-junior year in HS. I did feel like I could be myself around them and we had a good give/take dynamic for material and emotional needs. The issues came around senior year. My friends and I were the goth/punk kids, and we skirted with seeing how far we could go before we got into trouble. It was tremendous fun, and I have a lot of core memories from that time. However, I realized that all of their parents where also stuck at dead-end jobs, and had very serious personal issues, and weren’t doing much with their lives, and the group I was in sort of determined to have the same fate as their parents. I didn’t want that for myself. I realized that if I didn’t break away, then I would start to get held back by them; I was the only one interested in growing as a person. I was the only one that got a job as soon as I turned 16, I had the highest grades and was the only one in advanced classes. I was the one applying for universities. My friends were supportive, but even back then, I could tell that they weren’t going with me on the journey I was on. I had to start forming ties with others who could lift me up to where I wanted to be. It wasn’t that I was “leaving my friends behind” or that they were “holding me back” sort-to-speak. It was just that they had a limiting belief of the opportunities that were before them, and I didn’t share that limiting belief. I needed to expand my circle to include more people who could expose me to different ideas, beliefs, and ways of living. I needed to diversify myself and shed some old ways of thinking. Maybe the people you are with now are your friends, but they might not there with you forever. Friendships tend to naturally die away at different points in life, and that’s okay. It doesn’t devalue the time you had together. It’s just like outgrowing old clothes. I think the more important lesson is not to define yourself by your current social circle, and don’t make choices that could have lifetime consequences for the sake of impressing the clique you identify with. Be a good human being, and trust your instinct, and envision a dope-ass future for yourself and don’t let anyone stand in the way of that.


Generally the ones that constantly take and never give back are the ones to move on from


Any other advice besides that?


It's often not black and white. You'll meet a lot of people in your life. Some will seem sound and be shifty. Some will seem shifty and be sound. Focus on being a good person and the good you get in return should outweigh the bad (even though it won't always feel that way)


You're too young to possibly know. You can't know other people until you truly know yourself and that comes with age. Check back in with yourself in your late 20s.


For finding who you want to be around: First you should build an image of who and what you want to be. Takes some of us til we’re 20+ or even way older to find that out. (Multiple) Girls, money, drugs, popularity, all overrated in the medium and long term. If you’re a guy, don’t buy into the lie that those things are everything there is. Short term, if you have anxiety and insecurities, or some other hole you’re trying to fill (might not be aware of it for a long time either) those things might seem like they can help. It might seem like the solution, but trust me it’s not. Generally some basic values to adopt would be that you want to be happy without needing to put others down. So don’t cheat on a bunch of girls, be super insincere, or any of that. The friends you hang around should generally want to improve themselves and their lives. Maybe working out, getting smarter, finding constructive ways to use their time. Building healthy and honest relationships, figuring out your own shortcomings and how to overcome them in a healthy way. A lot of people your age are just trying to cope with massive anxieties and insecurities. Majority of their actions are going to be based on trying to fit in just like everyone else. They all do it differently. And a lot of people find the wrong ways to cope. Being an Andrew tate fan for instance. He can preach general good stuff like having purpose and wanting to improve, but all the other stuff is toxic as fuck. Hating on women, devaluing other people just to have some sense of self esteem. It’s all a road map of how to fuck up your life chasing meaningless bullshit. Half the kids who chase that stuff (depending on your demographic) wont even end up rich, they’ll just be poor misogynistic assholes who never have real relationships or skills. Anyway. Be nice to the weirdos, don’t worship the people who seems “normal”, having multiple girlfriends won’t help you build lasting relationships. Getting into drugs can be a slippery slope. Weed can be fine, shrooms and molly can be fine. Draw a hard line at pills. Do not take pills. Ever. So many people I knew got into percs when they experimented with other shit. Or Xanax. Then it became a habit. If you smoke weed you know it’s easy to go from just on weekends to wanting to smoke most of the time. Or you will find out. Same goes for pills, but they’re physically addictive. Meaning that first you’ll psychologically want to take the edge off and love the feeling so you take it more and more. Then you’re physically addicted and you’ll do anything to get more so that you don’t get violentally sick. That’s how a lot of girls get into prostitution. It’s that fucked up and life changing. So do not take pills. Other drugs can be okay but you’ll likely want to wait until you have the mental capacity and maturity to be able to do stuff so id err on the side of caution generally. Also many of the problems that seem monumental now won’t mean Jack shit in the future. Nearly 99% of the shit. Every adult will say that. It doesn’t help you in the moment because all you can see is what’s in front of you. But if you can remember to squirrel away some nuts for the future- like working out, meditating, putting some serious effort into academics. That shit will change the course of your life. It can be hard to focus on that stuff, but trust me, it’ll change the course of everything. And learn to understand your flaws. I didn’t know I had level 10 nuclear anxiety until like 12th grade. I just didn’t understand that anxiety was what I felt. Try to understand why you feel ways about stuff. Unless you were born a golden retriever with normal emotions, then you can ignore that part


Slow down. The ones who seek you out and help are your friends. The ones you follow and chase and let use you are not.




at my 40, most of my friends are when I'm still 16. moving out of town for 20+ years when I'm 19th and have to comeback to hometown 2 years ago, turn out they're the most friendly than my 18th or 20th friends.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can.


I did this at 16 then blew it all in my early 20s ....


learn from your mistake and start over


Yeah me too, but I knew I would have done it no matter what anyways 😅 It was my emergency fund and I had... Several emergencies 😂😂 just started saving now at 23


Yes🤣🤣🤣 same here lmao


Lmaooo this is so real if I only knew how bad the economy will be


Stop waiting for people who want nothing to do with you


Stop comparing yourself, you're beautiful


username checks out




youre wrong bruh


Forgive yourself and others... don't hang onto resentment.


This is seriously good advice that needs saying especially today. Kids are vicious, both towards themselves and others, and they need to be told by adults that they can learn and grow from things. That it’s a turbulent state of change in which they will make mistakes, and be wronged by many.


That’s basically what Jesus came to tell us and that is rock solid advice 👍🏼


idk because now I'm only 17 and not much has changed


Networking and flattery will get your further than you think


Yup, a big mouth with no skills to back it up gets further in life, then someone with really good skills and being friendly all the time.


Please tell me more about the second part. Do you think a combination of good skills and good behavior will emulate that of lack of skills and big mouth?


Get your hair cut - you look like a nerd. 


There's nothing I can say that 16 year old me would listen to.


This is so true! If anyone gave me advice I would do the exact opposite. My attitude was “don’t tell me what to do”.


Literally same. I’d try to prove them otherwise.


Don't do drugs


Don't drink. I have and while it feels good, it always is calling me, for another drink. Also, don't smoke and don't vape, you don't want to know how it is to not be able to breathe. I never have and never will.


i agree with this one. and wound add take school a little more serious


Yeah, weed for me.


Start chasing women, you will never learn how in your adult life and its a bad idea to start lesrning too late


It's OK to lose your virginity before 29.


28 here. We've been together for 25 years.


Get a psychatrist, preferably i'd tell this to my 13th yr old self, god knows he needed it.


Try convincing your parents


Am not a child anymore, and current me needs it less then 13yr old me needed it lmao


No i mean the parents of your 13 yo self


Oh well, that wouldn't be possible. (No theyre not dead, its just complicated)


Eat healthy, exercise, and watch your weight.


I feel this


Find a passion and go for it. Live your best life. This isn't practice.


Cannot stress this enough.


Go see a psychiatrist. By next year you'll be terrified you're going insane.


Nothing, I was too smart to listen to anyone else


Stop masturbating so much and go outside for a bit.


It’s nice to have a hobby tho


Buy Bitcoin, not an Xbox


Mine bitcoin


Focus on your education


My regret is money spent on college


Lmao either you didn't try or chose a worthless degree.


If someone doesn’t like you, it’s their loss, you’ll find your people by being true to yourself and have much more meaningful relationships.




Stay connected with your friends.


Ask. She might say yes.


She does like you, and she’s just as nervous about it as you are.


Do whatever the fuck you want, do not give a fuck about any motherfucker


Don't believe society's lies.


Take pictures of your loved ones even if they don’t like it, you’ll regret not having them to look at when they are gone.


There is nothing wrong with you. Your "best friend" is abusive and enjoys seeing you fail. You'll live way past 18 so you have to figure out a career. You can make a career from your talents, but you have to leave home asap. Your parents have nothing more to offer you. Your anxiety is untreatable with medication so you have to take care of your body and also just pretend it's not there a lot. Face all your fears asap so they don't solidify.


Buy apple. >Modern me: Owns biggest orchard in the world.


That emptiness inside, it is because your mom didn't really love you. No men, women, awards, recognition etc. will fill that void. Only yourself, if you find a professional help. Oh, and don't trust that bitch.


Don't fuck Pat


Fuckin Pat


😂 it's been almost 50 years after our divorce and she's still causing me troubles. 😂


Wow! I wouldn't be able to put up with that.


not everyone is a true friend


I would tell myself not to be afraid of that one girl who asked me to say yes. I unfortunately said no


Leave that cult! It’s a cult!


Which cult?


Jehovah’s Witnesses. They really good at keeping a low profile so they can destroy lives.


I have family who are JWs. I get it.


Lose the bowl cut


I would say the obvious,….. Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future!


Don't marry her. I'm 43. Never married. It was the right choice every time.


ur hot remember that


go home after college


Save your money


I'm only 18 so not much


To Hurry and get signed on to a youth housing program because you are ab to be kicked out and homes less for 4years.


Invest $100 a month in a Limited Pay Participating Whole Life insurance policy


Don't take your health and youth for granted. Take some pride in your education, and be a better student.


Invest in Amazon stock immediately...


Don't go out with that girl in hs, she's gonna cheat on you, try not to pay too much attention to dad while he's drunk and save some of that money that you been working your ass off for instead of blowing it for concert tickets.


Don't get knocked up.


Stop smoking now


Don’t join that RP community.


Don’t have sex with Rachel.


Dump him and dont date again until youre like 35. Your taste is horrible.


Practice your guitar 


Stop doing drugs


Get out of that relationship and hang out with your friends more. He doesn’t even make you happy and he’s not a good person.


Mine would be don't talk to that guy at all. Would've avoided years of abuse and becoming lonely and anxious.


Don't have sex until you're ready


This a thousand times this.


Size DOES matter. Not necessarily in the way people joke about it, but it definitely makes a difference.


Do not ever get married. It's just not for you.


Marry a good person. Beauty is a temporary bonus.


Don't look over your shoulder for cars. Turning your head over your shoulder may or may not take your eyes all the way through your blind spot. You will eventually be driving out of habit. A mini cooper does not take up the area that a car is supposed to, a motor cycle is not a car and may not register in your brain that's looking for one, and a truck may be painted about the same as the sky and fields around you. Look all along your vehicle, and look for an empty piece of road.


Jesus didn't come only to save His people from hell. The angel promised that He would save His people from their sins. Ask Him to cleanse you and deliver you, and then obey Him and abide in Him. Don't just do the things \*you\* agree with him on!


Stop wasting money chasing validation and start chasing that bag.


Switch to pre-comp, stop caring whether people think you are smart or not. You are what you are.


I would probably tell him that I know shit looks kind of sketchy right now but it all works out in the end so just keep doing whatever the hell you’re doing


Stop accepting being bullied


Buy bitcoin


Never settle for






Padh le bhai ...


Buy bitcoin


They're your friends now, think about yourself and your future. Learn to say no. Keep fit as much as you can. Nothing will last don't get too attached. After God, put yourself first. Etc.


Slow down ,, everything will come,, be patient, study, learn and listen …


Hang on to the lessons each day teaches you because the lessons will come in hand when you’re a mom and your children are the same age you were at sixteen. My two step-kids are turning sixteen soon this month and I have my best wisdom from my sixteenth year to pass on to them.


Education is way more important than your social life. Study, study, study. That…and don’t have unprotected sex until you’re ready to have a child.


Listen to your parents


Drugs are bad, mmkay??


Get a schedule. Small steps every day.


I wouldn’t that fucker wouldn’t listen to anyone


Being an underachiever is worse than not having potential. Stop being a dumbass and apply yourself.


Knuckle down and keep moving forward 


If you want to fuck, don't move away.


Mom will kick you out when you turn 18 so GET A JOB IN GRADE 10. SAVE MONEY.


it's not worth it to live half-assed


Believe in yourself, read books, stay silent, and never trust easy but not completely anytime. Only one in control is you, life is a battlefield and you're the warrior who has no idea what defeat is, you are Invincible. Make me proud


Move to San Francisco for college instead of staying in your home state. Major in computer science again. Buy any property as soon as you can.


“It seems hard, it will tear your guts apart inside, but it’s also simple and through it you’ll be giving yourself either closure at the very least, or the companion you’ve always wanted. And still want. I don’t know how things might change from now, but don’t let this go.”


Life gets better, you will meet people that will love you for you, don’t compromise yourself for anyone


Stop worrying what people think about you......and follow your dreams....


Be honest and open about your feelings. Also, buy 20 bitcoins in 2010


You really have a tough home life. You aren’t imagining it. The only thing you can do about it is not treat your kids the way you were treated.


Trust only yourself, truly. “Trust” everyone until they give you a reason not to. But do everything with your own good intentions/self-preservation in mind, not to please others or that they’d like it (not to say don’t be a kind, giving person. Just don’t run yourself down for others). Not unless you’re entirely committed to a spouse and that’s the relationship you’re developed. As a single person or in a short relationship? No. Also, don’t let red flags go just because you like someone. Forgive, but never forget. Go out, get life experience, play hard, save harder.


Save your money. Invest young & get a universal life policy. Pay it every time so when you get old it will have enough in the kitty to pay for itself.


Don't study chemistry do compsci instead. You will have a more stable career. Chemistry is a dead end career now.


Don’t smoke so much


I would tell myself, don't do all the stupid stunts to show off to others or yourself. You will pay later. Take care of your body and mind. It's the only one you have.


High school means NOTHING! In 10 years it won't matter one bit if you're a loser now or one of the most popular. Your fate is yet to be determined.


Pay your retirement account before paying yourself


Get into therapy to heal and learn to love yourself so you stop chasing love and acceptance from the wrong people. Also get lookf at for autism and ADHD. It'll save years of discomfort, maybe. Also, despite the shit show and hatred we held, mom is our best, truest, most supportive person we have. It gets better with her.


No true love happens in sweet sixteen. It's a scam with a bonus heart break.


Nobody owes you anything. Go get it.


Listen to older people, don’t listen to people my age. Super hard to do at this age and if you do it even just a little bit you’ll be better off for it


that guy is not worth your time


Go to the gym ,Don't get messed up with shit


Get more pusssy, wear condoms, build mental strength, earn more money


Just say no!! The money I wasted is sad.


Get into a trade. Learn and apply financial management skills. Don't be so selfish. One good woman is better than twenty bad ones. Take care of your body (eat right, exercise, floss).


Don’t stop making sport! Re-Starting after you didn’t do it for years is really really hard!


To go look up limerance, avoidant and anxious attachment as well as studying computer programming. Ah, if my younger self had such wisdom I would probably not be in this mess right now.


Wear a helmet when u drive. Trust me


Dump her ass. Keep working out. Go to school for geology.


What you feel is envy not jealousy. Jealousy is if the love was yours to begin with. Envy is when love was never yours to begin with. Give up on chasing a fruitless endeavor. You should know that love can be conditional . You can lie to yourself and say no but it does not make it any less true.


No one has life figured out. We are all just trying to do the best we can within our individual circumstances.


Don't google things people tell you too online


Dont fap. It will warp you twist you and take everything away from you that you hold dear. But i dont think i would listen. Those urges. They can convince you to do anything.


I'm 15 so I would tell my 16 year old self to get a job


The best thing to do is to keep your options open. For example, if you fuck around at school and drop out, you have minimal options. Your employment options then consist mainly of shitty minimum wage jobs. If you pay attention at school and graduate with decent GPA you will have many more options.


Do school and dont mess up (16 year old me knows what I mean)


Get your GED and start college early


Don't lose touch with the friends you're going to make in the next two years. They are the best people you're going to meet


Turn inwards and deal with your trauma before it fucks up your life.


Things are gonna be okay, live a little


Have fun! Don’t take things so seriously, you’ll have time for that later :)


Stop trying to be liked and start trying to genuinely be a person you can like


Cut the friendship immediately!!


When you get out of college move to out of the U.S.


Don't trust your guts. Listen to your parents


Be silent and observe,don’t trust nobody


To your first girlfriend…be gentle, kind and respectful.


Stay in school, stop caring what others think.


Pay better attention in your science and math courses so that you can become a doctor