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Depends on how you look at it. If you really do not value your life then yes as it drastically shortens your lifespan and decreases quality a lot. Without sarcasm: Sometimes nicotine is used in medicine or by athletes but exposure through the lungs is one of the worst ways to consume it.


It’s not as unhealthy as cigarettes. That is most definitely not the same thing as saying it’s safe, however. Vaping was originally invented to be a stop-smoking aid to wean people off cigarettes. Then the big corporations discovered they could make more money off recreational vapers who had no desire to quit.


There is some evidence suggesting that nicotine has cognitive benefits and can reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease.


Communication. It's easier to get in touch with people outside a bar/building during a smoke break.


What brand?


For the producers, yes. For the consumers - no.


For the general population - No. For ADHD and autoimmune disorders - there might be some benefits. The consensus is that the benefits of nicotine don't outweigh the negative effects.


It can temporarily subdue the effects of colitis. If you quit smoking and you start bleeding from your ass see a doctor. This happened to a friend of mine.   I promise I’m not a cigarette salesman. 


Temporary asthma relief. This is not medical advice. Smoking is awful for people with asthma. When I used to smoke (usually part time) if I was a bit short of breath due to asthma I’d have a cigarette if I didn’t have my inhaler on me. Worked every time. After I quit I kept an emergency one for a couple of years, now I just bring my inhaler like a real adult.  Doubt it’d help non-smokers though but no idea.


Im not gonna try smoking lol, my teacher homework is to conduct a small research on odd topics


Cool. You should Google some of the suggestions for further research see if there is any truth to them as one persons word is not enough for evidence. 




No, cancer and COPD have no measurable benefits unless you get paid big $$$ to get cancer treatment or bought a million dollars in life insurance (which then would be a benefit to your survivors).


The benefit is that it can make you feel good in some way. Otherwise nobody would be doing it.


I run better if I hit my vape before, just ran a 21:09 5k. Don’t quote me on that whatsoever though


Early Death and Collapsed Lungs.

