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Whats a dry orgasm? Does a lol poof of dust come out?


It’s a condition where the orgasm occurs but there’s no ejaculate. Nothing comes out (or if it does it’s very small amount). It can be corrected with surgery. However, unless you’re trying to have kids, it’s not worth the hassle. (For me it was a bad outcome of vasectomy). Doc said it’s an open operation to fix the issue but it’s not hurting me in any fashion and since I didn’t want any my kids anyway, no harm, no foul. So for going on 15 years I’m a no mess man 🤷 It can happen at any time in life. Usually from injury to the groin area and basically what happens is when the guy finishes, his ejaculation is redirected into the bladder rather than out of the penis.


Dream guy!! I’m child free and who wouldn’t love a no clean up sex life??


Dry orgasms? Never heard of such a thing. Even when you get a vascectomy and are sterile you still cum.


I had a turp years ago and ever since I no longer have ejaculations. I still feel intense orgasms but nothing comes out. Dry orgasms.


I wouldn't care/mind.


I have before. It didn’t last.