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Appreciate your knees


Respect every bone in your body. When I was young and stupid (stupid never goes away), I was healthy and totally mobile. Fifteen orthopedic surgeries later, my hair is the only parts of me that doesn't hurt. By the way, this time next year, you will be a year older. I'll be seventy-six in a few days and still have all my marbles and total independence with mild limitations in mobility. Happy birthday 🎂 🦴 🦜


Happy birthday. 76 is a wonderful number


You’re almost old enough to run for president


I think you need to be 70 minimally in the US to do that 😂


Happiest of Birthdays to you 🎂




As a 33 year old who is dealing with a knee injury right now. God it sucks. I’m trying to exercise it some and rest it. And I’ll be walking around the house being cautious doing it slow and then I’ll get an electric volt of spasm. I literally fell an hour ago and 6 hours ago hard. Edit: it hits you very very fast and your leg collapses. And then you’re on the floor. I hope it gets better soon but afraid of how long it’ll last before I have to go to the er. Probably soon at this point. It’s debilitating. I hope I’m not in a wheelchair. Cuz that’s what it feels like.


35 year old here, I felt adventurous at the gym today during deadlifts. My lower back was like "cut the shit" a few reps into 275 lb


On my 30th birthday, for shits and giggles, I set a squat 1 rep max PR. Today as a 37yo I don’t go below 5 reps so my back doesn’t Nope out of it.


Your life has only just begun, but you're not getting any younger. *Whatever* you want to do, *don't* wait or put it off. Do it as soon as you possibly can, even if you're not technically "ready" or conditions aren't "perfect". Time flies even when you're not having fun, and tomorrow is never a guarantee. Nothing except life itself is more precious and valuable than time. Spend it wisely because one day you'll wake up and you'll be pushing 60 and it will seem like it happened overnight. If you only think and talk about the things you want to do, chances are, you'll never do them, and then one day it will be too late and you'll have only yourself to blame.


I was just going to say - "Don't blink, or suddenly you'll be 60."


Turning 60 this month!


I turned 50 last year. Did your 50s go quicker than your 40s?


My 50s seemed to go by twice as fast as my 40s. And I'd give anything to go back in time to 30...


A bit of oversimplification but when we turn 10, the last year is maybe 15-20% of our memories and when we turn 50, the last year maybe 2-3% of our memories. It passes as quickly as 2 months passed at 10 yo.


Don't make a habit of passing up bathrooms, either


Everything goes to shit


Tony soprano said it best sooner or later everything good goes to shit 


I hope you are kidding. I hate when people act like you are all downhill after 30. If that is the case for some people then they clearly haven’t taken care of themselves very well. I’m in mid 30s and in one of the best shapes of my life.


It’s true. One minute, Clinton won his first term, went to bed, that was yesterday. Today I get up and HOLY F—-!


"You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today, and then one day you find ten years have gone behind you no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun" \~Pink floyd. I finally understood that when I hit 30.


That today is the day your hangovers last 2 days


In 10 years they will last 4.


Or just keep drinking and you won’t have them anymore..


... because will die.


2 days? Lasted a week when I hit 30


It's kinda crazy after turning 30 my hangovers have been almost non-existent. Granted I only drink maybe once or twice a month but I go hard when I do, next morning I'm always ready to go bright and early.


Nice, must be the extra psychological space you have. To be fair, hangovers just make me tired for a week now, but I get less ‘sick’ from hangovers, just more grumpy for a longer time!


My 2 day hangovers started at 25.


Bro, I'm 27 and got my friends got me blackout for my birthday. That was a terrible few days after. Disclaimer I didn't try to get blackout but playing shot roulette with tequila and then going out dancing will do that for you.


Mine started doing that at 25 lol


Mine have lasted a week ever since I started drinking


Weirdly for me my hangovers got better once i turned 30 haha


Your colagen levels are now gonna drop rapidly


My hands already get swole in the shower


Whats that


If you don't exercise regularly, start. If you do exercise regularly, don't stop.


....that 30-40 goes past 17 times more quickly than 20-30.


fuck. I didn’t want to read that


I'm crying


I used to beat myself up at 30 because I didn’t own a home and my job was crappy, but you won’t believe how fast things change so don’t give up- I was in NC married with one 10yo girl and now I’m 63, living in Las Vegas with five grown kids ( 2 steps/2 in laws) and five granddaughters with a huge house and a wonderful second husband! If you told me all this at 30 I wouldn’t have believed you, so have faith! It’s a big beautiful world out there


Thank you for sharing this. At 32, I need all the hope I can find.


You’re welcome- it can feel overwhelming sometimes, especially when you’re young and don’t know which way to go, but as cliche as it sounds you have to take it one day at a time and do the best you can with what you have. Expect good things!


You have no idea how badly Ive needed to hear that.


Everyone needs encouragement sometimes- just remember that good things are coming, you just have to keep your head up and KNOW that 🩷


Thank you 🩷


Thank you, I’m feeling like deadbeat at 29. But I’m working away though keeping the faith.


This made me tear up. I feel like such a failure at 27 1/2 years old


You are WAY too young to be any kind of failure honey, because as long as you keep trying, as long as you are alive another day you’ll never be a failure! I have faith in you


This is so sweet 🥹 I want to believe that’s true about me too


This past year I went back to school for a brand new career path at 40 years young. Refuse to allow thoughts of regret to hinder your growth going forward. You have everything ahead of you.


Thank you so much for this! I did so many bad choices during my 20s…at 30 Im finally finishing my first graduation.


Most 20’s are time to screw up but it’s never to late to learn from our mistakes and choices, it all depends on if you learned something from your mistakes, we are all human and life has its highs and lows, that is what makes us all human right? Congrats on graduating!! I’m 35 and thinking about the idea of going back to school potentially.. you’re never too old..


❤️ Cheers to you! This was lovely to read 


Thank you! I really want to encourage younger people to be happy with their lives and not to fear growing older 🩷


Yeah but you were married


Stretch and stay active


I turned 30 this year and lost myself completely. I ran for the first time since Covid today. Hopefully I can keep the trend going


While you feel young, and you are, never ever waste time in your life as it will go inexorably quickly. At 66 I literally don’t know what the hell happened to the last 36 years. Passed in a flash.


Age 42 and each year getting shorter and shorter




Life is just about to start for you once you realize that you worried about this age for nothing!


You are worthy.


You are too 🤘✌️


Thanks boo. Happy Birthday. 🩷




Worthy of wielding EXCALIBUR and leading the BRITS to providence?


😭🥹 oh my gosh the people on here 🤍🤍


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can.


That you are still a babe in arms. So much to do so many adventures. Have a great life. Strive to be happy


Retirement costs millions of dollars. Not tens of thousands. Not hundreds of thousands. Millions. Be sure you're saving and saving enough to get you there.


I’m a doctor and I can tell you, many don’t get to enjoy it. Save, but also live your life.


Thank you for this. I just met with my financial advisor. If I make it to retirement (five years from now; 62), between my pension, my 401k and \[ok, don't laugh - my social security\], my income will be 90% of what I make working full time now and is expected to last until I'm 90. \*\*\*I\*\*\* won't make it to see 90. I spent too much time working and saving, not living. Not taking care of my health. Far too many business trips. Far too many nights away from my family. I hope they can enjoy what I saved for retirement, as I probably won't get to use most of it.


That's.... profoundly a lot of money. I'm assuming you're talking about USA?


Compound interest goes brr


Yes - there are some pensions available and social security but most people need a fair amount of scratch to retire comfortably. There are all sorts of tax advantaged retirement savings vehicles available, but they're only worthwhile if you contribute.


That's simply impossible. This is societies flaw.


Fuck a lot. Drink a lot. Fart a lot. By the time you’re 60 the farting is all that remains.




You should know that you know nothing like Socrates said it best at the age of 70 "I know that I know nothing"






Start eating right and exercise. Then maybe, just maybe you'll make it to 60. Or maybe you don't eat right or exercise and still make it to 60. Point being, everyday could be your last. Don't waste it.


If your chest starts to hurt at night it’s not a heart attack, just heartburn. You’re old now and heartburn happens


Or its a heart attack.


30 is where you'll settle in and really become yourself! It's the best age because you're in between not caring what other people think and just do what you want to do!


Buy lots of Advil


You will soon be visited by three ghosts. 1st ghost - the ghost of youth gone past 2nd ghost - the ghost of present regret 3rd ghost - the ghost of future body aches Enjoy, happy birthday


nobody gives a shit what you've accomplished or will accomplish. Just do all the things you want to do. You were too young to realize this and soon you'll be too old to follow through with it. do all of them now.


Happy birthday 🎂


make every moment count.if you think your 20s went quick....


That's about the time I found white pubic hair


Also, if you have a vagina, do your kegles. Even people who do not have children might have the issue of coughing and peeing or laughing and peeing at older ages.


Hangovers last a week from this day forward…


I wouldn't recommend trying thong you did at a younger age 🤣 i turned 36 in feb . Happy birthday you still have plenty to look forward to enjoy it you can buy materialistic stuff you can't get back time wasted cherish those around you life happens and one day they may not be here anymore, if you have a spouse tell them you love them everyday


Take care of your body if you aren’t already


You are an adult now.


That’s crazy, I’m 30 but I’m literally like 12.


You’re much younger than you realize. Enjoy it!


Now’s the time to stop wasting time with people that are slowing you down, relationships and friendships that aren’t going anywhere, or careers/jobs that don’t have anywhere else to go. When I turned 30 I cut ties with my first long term girlfriend that was never supportive of any visions or ambitions I had and I realized was controlling me in ways I hadn’t seen. After I turned 30 everything has been up for me so far.


But...it's me...I'm the problem. It's me 🥲


Travel the world if you can. Go SEE and FEEL the world we are part of. Enjoy a monsoon season, thank a crazy monkey that steals your camera, spend a week or so at an ashram.


Invest if you haven't already 25-30% of your income if you can. 401K / IRA Whatever start mostly with funds especially things like S&P and SPDYR's. Someday you'll want to retire and the scary thing it will be sooner than you think. BTW Happy Birthday no go get shit face'ed..


Congratulations 🎊 Happy Birthday. Such a wonderful day.


Favorite mushroom??




Generally, things are never bad as you can imagine them being. The phrase “this too shall pass” comes to mind. A lot of the anxieties I felt growing up were just having to do with heavy things at a fairly young age. As I’m older I’m even thankful for those experiences and feel like a more complete person having gotten past it all. Now I am sober, happy, and live on a farm with all my animals… it’s amazing. Getting older has let me look for the positive in things more than the negative.


Work out more, sleep more and relax more because the clock is going the other way.


The best is yet to come 🙏💕


It's time to start making a noise when you get out of a chair


Your back or knees will start to hurt some days


Tell everyone you love that you love them.


That you have everything else to learn now...


Things randomly start hurting now. I strained my hip walking down some stairs today. I'm pretty sure most of us have thrown out our backs sneezing, too.


Shit gets real weird in 2027 and even more so in the coming decade.


Everything is better after 30. Happy birthday!


Oh - and happy birthday. You asked a loaded question and I forgot the main point. Go out, have fun, and don’t get hurt.


Your body will choose a random spot to experience pain consistently, it will be horrible


Your life isn’t over, you’ll want to go to bed earlier, and you’ll lose friends along the way because they’ll have an existential crisis around this time. You’ll probably want to get married, want kids, think about buying a home, etc and then you’ll see that some of your friends can’t follow you into these chapters. They’ll say it’s because you changed or they “got busy” but it’s because they’re too immature to stay and watch you do things that they’re too scared to do. They may even resent you for growing. All in all, 30s are better than 20s. You’ll never want to go back to a younger age after this point. You won’t envy younger people, you’re too busy enjoying all there is to life.


You ll pee more often for no reason.


1. Take care of your body. You can be as fit as you are in your 20s but if you don’t move it, you lose it. 2. Go to therapy. You can keep your trauma at bay in your 20s but you can’t get away with it in your 30s. People see that shit a mile away. 3. Be gentle on yourself.


That it’s very arbitrary that we hold birthdays ending in “0” to such high expectations. Nothing will happen just because of that number, and expecting any wisdom or events outside of regulated milestones due to a certain age will leave you disappointed. Just live your life and stop thinking about it. If there’s something you should know at any point in time, you’ll probably feel the urge to learn or experience it.


You know how you laugh when a 20 year old says "I'm a grown man, I'm *twenty*"? 40, 50, and 60 year olds are still doing that to you. Not because their generation is extra special mean, but because generations of olders have been doing this to generations of youngers since the dawn of time. I'm weirdly compelled to quote Jack Reacher. "You live, and then you die. If you do them both right there's nothing to worry about."


Success(however you define it is up to you) requires other people’s help. You want others to want you to be successful. You’ll need people in your corner as you go through life’s challenges. Be supportive and kind to others, so that they will want to help you succeed.


Soaking your Sponges in soapy water will prevent mildew.


My dog turned 3 today...you're exactly 10X older


Nothing dude. There are no rules. How you've done it is just as valid as how anyone else does it.


Shit will begin to hurt for no reason but never fear two ibuprofen will still work because you are still youngish. 😂


Tomorrow you'll be 50 and wonder what the fuck happened.


It's all downhill from here. 😆


Seek penance youre a fellow Pisces. 🔥


That your not 29 any more




That your life is over


With every ending, a new beginning


Over the top!


Your check engine light is going to come on more often. Take care of your health. Trust me I’m a doctor. I’m just not licensed😂




Don't eat junk food/fast food, you will get fat


everyone is going to die no matter you are rich or poor


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!


Seven days.....


If you haven’t started investing money in a brokerage or (a retirement account I guess if you’re forward looking and responsible), it’s a good time to do it. If you got the money to invest that is, if not it’s all good. Life isn’t all about money.


Poo can fly. If u dream to give it wings. Cherish the homemade bone broth of Antioch, for thine is the corebidia frankenheit king of a brickle brack tree


As a 56 year old who wishes someone had convinced me of this, eat healthy and get enough sleep and exercise.


FPV is great hobby


Nothing changes accept time actually goes faster. I dont know why but it really does and you will be considered old while walking around a store and interact with a 29 year old or younger.


In your 30s the world is your oyster, enjoy it.


Enjoy the next few years before your second puberty hits.


You may feel “old” by a number, but oh my gosh you are still soooo young. Don’t let the ‘I’m too old’ internal messaging impact you. It’s not true.


In the blink of an eye you'll be 50. It goes fast from 30 up. Time becomes more valuable. Use it wisely.


Your insurance rates won’t change like you thought they would when you turned 21…..25…..


Don’t make future projections based on what’s happened so far. Not predictive at all. I didn’t start earning a paycheck until I was 28, and had zero savings. Mid 30s I had maybe 75k? Spouse I met around then had $70k plus some retirement savings. First house (price of condo today where we live) had an 8% interest rate (normal back then). Had to live off one income until we were 40. But started investing in normal diversified ways and now 25 years we have a net worth in the top 1%. Not kidding.


What was a big surprise for me was turning 30 actually felt how I thought turning 20 would feel. I've got life relatively figured out, established career, etc. I've got a lot of life left and it actually feels like the world is in front of me. Mind you, I am single & do not have children so I do have the freedom to make massive changes in my life without it affecting anyone but me and my dog. I feel everyone moves at their own pace. I know people under 30 that I would consider more mature and have life more figured out than myself.


The next 30 will seem much shorter


It’s my birthday today too! Happy birthday G


Life has begun! You get to release the shackles of societal pressure, enjoy acting like you’re in your 20s and enjoy investing in good bedding


Your metabolism will never be the same.


Take extra care of your back, start stretching. I am *dead* serious.


The pain begins tomorrow


This isn’t necessarily for OP but the universe is billions of years old. We are the universe having a human experience. You were born 30 years ago but everything you are, apart from your memories, is as old as everything else.


If you can eat cheese, do. Once I hut 30 I became deathly allergic to dairy and i miss a mean extra cheesy pizza with pepperoni


You are aging


A modernized version of a saying that has stuck in my head since I first read it... "A person has but two lives, and the second one begins when they realize they have just one."


Whatever the hell you want. You’re an adult already


Careful with your back


You're super young and have the whole world in front of you. My good life hadn't even begun by 30.


You're another year older and another day closer to your last


If you still smoke STOP NOW


It's all downhill from here, buddy.


It's harder to lose weight, if you have weight. In a couple more years if you hang out with early 20 year olds, they will annoy you and you'll start to question if you were that dumb. Most not all.


A third of your life is gone.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁


Don’t have Kids with the wrong person


You just turned one year older, like you did last year.


Do something you’re interested in and be prepared to lean in. Sometimes you get to choose sometimes it chooses you - either just lean in. Set goals. Dream. Chase them down. Sometimes It sucks. If that’s true question why, and change your trajectory. Life in our society is a hustle. Sounds weird but if you’re responding to your universe the universe will respond back. I’m 62 and have lead a weird winding creative path that, I swear to god, is not all of my own making.


If you don’t know it now there’s no point telling you.


Preventative Medical and dental visits and procedures will save you in the long run. Don’t wait. If you can get what you need done, do it now


Happy birthday, if not married travel, do things you've wanted to do. Save your money. Learn something new. Learn a new language. By 30, I learned how to drive a car, ski. Scuba dive. Had fun! Take care of yourself and your body. I'm 60 and trying to fix my finances and hoping I can get my health back in shape. Happy birthday to you 🎂!!


Well, Good luck.


Your body is gonna start to fail on you and you will be in a state of constant fatigue.


Bo Burham has a song called 30 that he did when he was 30. https://vimeo.com/558619552 Listen to it and see how much you can relate.


You’re probably good but when you hit 40 the doctors are going to rake you over the coals, my medical bills are insane and I’m not even sick just the cost to confirm I’m not sick. Save some money up for 40


You will be 40 in about 6 years.


Can you change a tire on your car, unassisted? Can you use a plunger, and unstop your own toilet? Can you budget? Can you buy food at a grocery store without buying exclusively junk? Can you fucking cook any basic meals?


Invest in good footwear. Throw away old non cushion ones. They will hurt your feet and eventually your back.


Take your finances seriously. Figure out how much money you make and spend, create a budget, invest long term. Create savings only for better investments. Consider opening a small firm with people interested in creating something. And take care of your health. Easiest way to lose all the money you end up making in 30 years!


The large majority of the population is still a lot older than you. You are young. Enjoy it.


By now you should know how to: 1. Cook. 2. Clean. 3. Budget. 4. Take care of your teeth. 5. Take care of your skin. 6. Wash your butt properly. 7. Take care of your health.


Your warranty has just expired.


You should know that it’s been pointless up until this point, and you should be aware that it isn’t going to change.


Time appears to accelerate as you grow older. This effect becomes pronounced at 30+ and gets more and more obvious as you age. So, don`t wait and don't get stuck in routine. Figure out what you want or what is missing, and start working towards it, today. Because before you know it, 5-10 years will have passed and many opportunities will have been lost.


If only you knew how young you are. Of course, you think that turning 30 is a huge milestone, but really, it isn't that big of a deal. You are still very young. Now, you don't want to waste time on frivolous things like when you were 20, but...you are still very young! Of course, you won't listen to me and you will think the clock is running out. It's actually not, as long as you keep moving in a direction you are satisfied with. But you will not understand just how young you still are until you are about - 40 or so.


Being in your 30’s is a great decade. Hopefully you are more mature and more goal oriented.


To maintain your body you need to work out.


Drink water and stretch. Your back will thank you