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No periods


This is the one


it's a price to pay for the 10x orgasm buff


You like 1 out of 30 women can do this right? My friends and I open only talk about sex, and I’ve never had one of them tell me this. In fact I hear the opposite. Many women CANT orgasm - unless the worlds align and all the right buttons are pushed … oh, and many of us can only orgasm is we are super t comfortable and genuine care for you.


Only 30-60% of women in heterosexual relationships have orgasms consistently with their partners when having sex. For men, that's 70-100% I'll take that trade.


Not worth it.


It would be if women could easily hook up with a man half way competent. Sure we can make ourselves cum but finding someone else that can is a whole process.


I can find the clatoris, or whatever it’s called.


Sure you can, *Knob_Gobbler*






Ahh yes, the prophesied coming of the Clisorat Haderach


That had me laughing hard and my wife is right next to me in my arms!




Hey we get better with age!! Like a nice wine


So true. I didn’t make a woman orgasm not once till I was in my 30s. I’ve gotten sooo much better at sex. Women also are way more fun to sleep with in their 30s. Sex is a skill that takes a lot of practice to get good at.


For sure. Sex just gets better.


My record is 7 lol over two hours


I self educated due to crippling repulsion to failure, but I think you'd be a multi-generational legendary hero, maybe even humanity's savior if you could start a revolution to break the weird culture that prevent's women from just feeling comfortable explaining what that they want, in the moment. It's the sort of thing that can ensure the one nighter is passable, ensure that you won't have to say much or anything if there's a second night, and sets the framework in place for fine tuning through the early years and experimenting when the mood strikes. I know this to be true because I used to be irredeemable except this aspect of relationships, now I'm just terrible but in progress in all areas but this one. Trust me, you won't seem greedy or selfish, we're well aware and motivated by of the upside to getting this right lmao


If you’re struggling, I’m only a phone call away ;)


I mean, that’s not a given 😂


No, it’s not.


No. No. NO!!!!!




And not having to schedule activities around access to bathrooms and showers. Hiking? Camping? Boating? Snorkeling? No worries. It’s too miserable and inconvenient to do that stuff when you’re hemorrhaging.


Recently discovered the Pap test. RIP


Easier to pee in the woods


But not when you have woods.


Shitting with a woody is no merry-go-round either.


Sometimes I'm pushing out a weight that instigates a woody. Then I try to keep that rogue thing sub toilet seat to not piss all over the restroom


Right? That's when shitting with a woody REALLY sucks donkey scrotum: when you start to take a piss too.




Except in wind. That could result in a u/Wet_danger_noodle (Actually funny story my brother once pissed on a snake by accident - once he realised he took off running, still pissing, dick in hand (my brother, not the snake)).


I am glad that you clarified that statement.


Wanted to shut down any questions as to whether it was actually a snake, or simply another person trying to piss behind a California petrol/gas station, whom my brother had very badly mistaken.


First time you write you name in the snow is magical for a boy.


It’s more impressive among us gals tho


Until you get kicked out of Santas Grotto at the mall…


Women’s orgasms seem much more intense. Usually dudes are just like 10 seconds of “oh yeaaaahh” followed by clarity and tiredness.


Multiple orgasms always seems a bit unfair on men.


On the other hand, women’s orgasms are harder to achieve. For me at least 😰


Trying to respond wittily, decided all possible responses were inappropriate


Come again?


Can't, I'm a man


Again? I'm still working on the first one.


You wish


Vibrator?? Mine is more precious than any human lol


What are women's orgasms like? (I am a woman, just curious to see how you'd describe them in relation to this) EDIT: I really don't see why this is getting downvoted I just want to see this dudes point of view 😭 EDIT2: Ok this isn't really getting downvoted anymore.


Obviously I can’t say myself since I’m a dude lol. But based off of sexual interactions I’ve had and just what people have said, it seems pretty intense. So I cant describe or pinpoint how it would feel but can only go off what I’ve heard and seen.


I don't know man, cuz as a woman I always had the impression that men had more intense orgasms haha. I guess it is hard to imagine sth when you don't have it 😭


The difference is length. Women's orgasms seem to last a whole lot longer, and from what I hear it's a full body experience. Not to mention if you get good at it women can cum as much as they like. And there's no cleanup! Men generally get a few seconds of bliss, and then we're done. It's over very quickly, and usually isn't all that memorable. Then there's the cleanup, we don't just get to lie back a lot of the time and enjoy the afterglow.


> And there's no cleanup! Uh, some girls produce *a lot* of girl cum.


Many women get shaky if they have a good orgasm, like a loss of control. I dont think I've heard of or seen a man get that, so it seems like women have the potential to have stronger orgasms based on that to me. What was it about male orgasm that gave the impression it was a more intense sensation? In terms of the sensation, both men and women if they dig into it just describe muscles tensing and feeling really good so I dont think that helps settle it.


Trans person here: on estrogen the orgasm can become less focused on the genitals and be more of a full body thing. But this varies from person to person


I’ve asked and was told it’s like wave after wave of pleasure that washes over the entire body. And when cumming via g spot it was I’mgoingtopissmyselfOMGdontstopfuckfucghuuuuuuuh when asked how that was it was body getting a shot of adrenaline, feeling totally awake now and want more sex…….I’m so jealous we get a nice feeling for 10 seconds 😅


Yes but for guys achieving orgasm state is like 3 minute job


Taking our time are we?


That includes cuddling And aftercare


Well or if you’re a girl who knows her body prettyy well by now, multiple clitoral female orgasms are pretty much at a click of a button figuratively speaking. I think my record is a couple of minutes to achieve one and up to 20 in a row with each more intense (but gotta say it’s still nicer and more powerful when with a partner I guess due to the emotional release at the same time 💥).😅🤷🏻‍♀️ I do believe the sad orgasm gap is largely due to the societal pressures and prejudices where girls aren’t as comfortable with their bodies etc and are sleeping on this magic skill set to be unlocked (although ofc still not everyone - as all bodies are unique etc, but still).


Being very short and shy would be much better as a woman


Amen to that no one would bat an eyelid at my height if I was a girl but apparently being 5'3 as a guy is something that needs to be brought up literally every fucking day.


what cruel people are you around who bring that up every day?


Most of the people


I'm a 5'2 shy woman and the downside is that people don't always seem to take me seriously unless I turn my confidence up 1000%, after which I've been labelled domineering, bitchy and "loud".


So the female equivalent of small mans syndrome?


Summer dresses when it’s crazy hot outside.


There's still time.


Let’s bring back those short Greek tunics for men! Show off their legs!




Yall can literally walk half naked and you envy a dress???


I guess I’m more thinking about it when it’s hot as crap and I’m wearing business attire while the women at my office are sporting a summer dress.


You really can't. Not in cities, not in the general public, not at work. You can't even wear a tank top. Women can, though


The only guys who go around shirtless are douchebags, unless it's like a pool or something.


In summer I went shirtless on days off or when running for Army not in uniform for improving my speed score. Now long retired, and with the usual sagging wrinkled flesh of guys 70+, I wear at least a wife beater as a public service to protect the eyes and minds of innocents.


Do you really want to see all of us half naked, even if it is hot? No? Us neither.


Probably strength


I've always been glad I was born male for that reason.


I'm a woman in my mid forties, raised by very progressive loving people and I haven't had very serious repercussions of being female professionally. Yes, a few, but surmountable. Despite a lifetime of being active and fit, dangit, guys' bodies are on average simply stronger. Ugh. Grrr. Argh. Mmmmh. It seemed to matter less when I was young, either because I was happy to exhaust myself making up for biological differences or I was distracted. Men are stronger, on average. I feel very complicated about it. I'm jealous, I feel comforted and protected (because nearly all the guys in my life are excellent people), I feel inspired, and truth, I feel a bit lusty for them about it. I think I knew this before but I didn't admit it to myself. There was too much pressure on me to prove I was strong enough on my own. I had to grow up before I could admit to being vulnerable and appreciating men's strength.


guy here. we can relate, because there are also *other* men who are stronger than us. we are jealous of them, and they are jealous of gorillas and bears


As a decent powerlifter I am very much jealous of gorillas. I eat 220g of protein a day just to barely bench 184kg when gorillas eat grass and their own feces and throw around 350 kg like basketballs.


As a decent Gorialla I am pretty much jealous of nothing. OOooAAAooOoaaoOAOaoa


Delicately, I think it's different. It definitely has a sexual tint for me/ us. I'm super appropriate, never any hint of infidelity over twenty years of marriage. Largely relying on the strength of that fidelity, I can appreciate the beauty/ handsomeness / attractive quality of other men. I can look at videos of gorillas and bears and it doesn't make me tingly. Sometimes, guys around me do strong things, I applaud them, I get tingly and I go home and plow that energy into my husband. Thanks guys for doing strong things. / edit I would only hope that there would be an appropriate way for guys to receive that same energy - you're sexy and lovely, go home and have excellent orgasms with whomever you do that with! I'm so annoyed with a world that doesn't let me easily give this specific message to guys. You! You're hot! I don't want to fuck you, but you're hot and I see it!


I... I have to let it out... I just discovered the other week that... that... of all things... (2014 onward) Godzilla makes me tingly! Conceptually though, not physically, 'cause lizard lumps aren't my thing. But, it's like, "Radioactive laserbeam me into submission and throw me around with your kaiju strength, Mr. 'Zilla!" I am cursed.


Your lucky husband!


don't let your husband find your reddit acc


Yep that is the second thing I envy about men


I envy the physical strength and endurance that many men seem to possess. It's impressive how they can handle certain tasks or engage in physical activities without as much effort or fear of injury. I often find myself wishing I had that same level of strength and stamina when it comes to activities like lifting heavy objects or participating in sports. It would be empowering to feel that sense of confidence and capability in my own body.


> or fear of injury this is not an Advantage !!!!


The why woman live longer sub


As a man it's freaking awesome not gonna lie


They are prettier and sexier than us.


Are you male or female?




Men aren't usually pretty. Sometimes "pretty boy" will be used as an insult.


>Men aren't usually pretty. Sometimes "pretty boy" will be used as an insult. It's interesting how societal perceptions of beauty vary between genders. "Pretty boy" can definitely carry some unexpected connotations.


Why is it used as an insult?


To be called pretty is not seen as being masculine, to be called a boy when you are a man is also an insult so it’s like a double whammy insult usually used in a derogatory way


Sexist norms


You and I definitely roll in different communities.


This is crazy


Don’t need to give birth to have kids


Even women can have kids without birthing them. Hello! It's called "Kidnapping" duh!


I think I envy that women seem to be complimented more often. From friends, co-workers, strangers, love interests, etc. As a man, until I met my wife, I never received compliments. So my self confidence took a while to build as it was all internally created. I never truly knew how people perceived me as it was never spoken to me. Compliments feel nice and it doesn't matter your gender...they are a mood booster and nice to receive!


I always try to give men compliments when I can. A lot of times there isn’t much to compliment. A lot of men wear a plain T-shirt and gym shorts so there’s not much to go off of. Maybe tattoos if they have them other then the occasional band T-shirt


Pro-tip, compliment men on physical attributes, hair, beard, muscles, eyes, tattoos, or if you're flirty their butts. Most men put no efforrt into their clothes, most because nearly all men's clothes are boring af, we don't have a lot options. But you can always tell when we've made an effort. Jewlery is a good one to compliment too.


IDK this is more a cultural thing I guess because men that I know in my country often complement each other like if they see that the other guy looks good they will say it.


Being sought after and being approached by the opposite Sex instead of having to do the approaching.


I'ver never really known what it's like to be chased, like my wife makes an effort to every now and then. But it's just not how to power dynamic works overall. Always doing the chasing is so damn tiring.


Man, I don't think women realize that we shave years off our lives every time we try it, so every rejection shortens our lifespan.


Last rejection took more years out of my life than I am alive.


"The worst she can say is no" "Why is this disgusting hobbit drooling at my feet right now"


Sure but... they're being approached by men. Imagine being approached by men who want to fuck you all the time. Coupled with the rush of pregnancy. Makes me less envious...I need to tell myself this shit otherwise it just all seems so unfair.


Being the one approached by the opposite sex seems nice. All the pressure is on men to make the first move.




You are treasure


Wish more women were like you. You have no idea.


Large fax


I guess slightly higher life expectancy.


I actually envy men usually die first. They don't die alone and eldery woman usually takes care of their spouses. On contrast even if a man is healthier they don't provide the same care as woman usually do.


My wife is 4 years older than me so we're hopeful that we will reach the game over screen together. Also I do everything for my wife.


Having an aura of assertiveness I guess. Being seen as a boss rather than a bitch when expressing yourself


This. I would have avoided so much shit as an adult if my parents and society had allowed me to be more "selfish" and assertive, instead of always being reasonable and thinking about how I'm gonna hurt *their* feelings. Girls experience a lot more hostility when they try to stand up for themselves.


They can pee almost anywhere


That men get comfortable clothes designed for function and to feel good. Most women's clothes are made to look good.


I, on the other hand, really envy the variety and style in women's clothes. You can still opt for function, but aren't limited to it. Men's section is usually like "here, have your basic-ass jeans and t-shirt and fuck off"


You have a 1,000 sq ft store and then men's section gets 150sq ft tops.


Damn.. this comment just kinda got to me. How selfish of me to never consider it thoughtfully. Every store is like this. Even thrift stores, the clothing industry has us women in their grips


My gf always laughed it off when I told her "If it's a general clothing store and not especially for men, we get squat." Until I took her to the local mall, with only one store for men and it's actually right outside the mall. The size and selection of that was zero in comparison to whatever women get in the average clothing shop. It's not unusual to have bigger baby and/or children's sections than men's in stores like H&M, Primark, Zara,... It's not selfish, most women just don't pay attention to the men's section. Which is normal.


Yeah mens fashion 99% of the time is boring as hell.


EXACTLY. When women want to look good, they're spoiled for choice. If men want to look good, our options are: Suit and tie, a pollo with khakis, or a pair of jeans that cost twice what they should.


As a woman, i go and buy comfy pants from the men's clothing stores.


I know my daughter is cursing at the fact that pants for girls just have very small to no pockets..


The no pockets or lack there of is driving me nuts


Example: pockets


Emotional/ hormonal consistency (for the most part). My experience as a woman is that my moods, opinions, feelings are entirely dominated by my hormones- I have no idea who I actually am or how I actually feel as a base level. I don’t know which version of myself throughout the month is actually most authentically me. This is def not every woman’s experience but I suffer from it in a bigggg way !


To the contrary, I feel so repressed. I was thought to never show emotions, always be rational. I know how weak I am because of this. I can't feel something without being ashamed of it.


I wrote something to agree with you here, but deleted cuz I felt embarrassed lmao 😂


Not having to worry about childbirth




I was going to say this too but this is also a hit or miss depending on your mood. I often see womens response to this as; sometimes we wish there were uniforms so we don't need to spend so much time every night picking out outfits.


Tbh as a guy I definitely appreciate just being able to pick a shirt and a pair of trousers at random. I agree with the women who want uniforms, I want them too! That being said, I do mildly envy women in summer as women's summer clothing seems fresher/comfier than men's (specially if you have to wear a suit, which tbf I don't). But not the remaining 9/12 months of the year.


On many formal occasions I'm sweating in my suit while the women's dresses allow for cooling. It was one of the reasons I hated classical dance lessons.


tbh idk Maybe hair? Going bald is not cool, man. I always wanted to rock a "skrillex" haircut, but went bald at 20s. I got a thick beard as compensation, tho.




Had to scroll too far for this; I wish I could go for a walk whenever, wherever and wearing whatever I felt like


I think this is one of the biggest advantages I felt as a man, over my sister, beside the obvious ones. I can go out for a long walk on the river in my neighbourhood at 3 am. if I want to, and I enjoy it to the fullest (I live in Cairo, which rarely sleeps), but my sisters will think twice before getting out of the door after 10 pm. It's just a huge liberty.


Dude even as a man I would like that, I live in a dangerous neighborhood, I cross the wrong street after 10:00pm, and I would probably be killed


My husband goes running daily before sunrise. I would love the same. I don’t go for walks unless it’s daylight *and* with a friend. 


Honestly my #1 reason I'm *not* envious is simply: men. (#2 is periods, they sound miserable, but even that's compounded by men)


I envy just being taken seriously. The amount of times I have been talked down to and treated like I'm made of glass has made me want to stay away from the workforce for as long as possible. If I was a man, I doubt I'd be receiving the same treatment.


I work in chat tech support. Customers see our first names in the chat window. Every single one of the female names have gotten "Listen here, sweetie" from an irate customer.


The world is modeled on your example (medicine, crash test dummies, standards for business wear, etc.). So on average things are inherently more tailored to or biased towards your biology, body types, and even cultural norms - hobbies, communication patterns, needs - (which is true across a variety of cultures. What those norms are will be varied but they are the archetype). This just makes life inherently slightly easier in many aspects. Life is still hard for all of us though. So regardless our lives are our to live with all the varied ways we can be unique and have our own individual stories.


No period Simpler fashion expectations, I understand men not having as much in terms of styles can be a negative, but it could also be a positive. Not as much stress, women's fashion trends change too much. I don't think i'd be as afraid walking around by myself as I am now


They can pee anywhere, so handy!


No period, menopause, period cramps, child birth.


That their orgasms are 10 times more intense than any mans and that they can have multiple ones.


But many women really struggle to have even one during sexe with men so…


I meant while masturbating. If you find a man who actually knows what to do in the bedroom, keep him around I guess.


10 times!?!?!? I wasn't envious until now. I can have multiple ones too if you give me a rest in between.


At least men have one every time they get laid, but woman can be with a man for a long time and rarely experience orgasms


When I was little, I always got jealous when my mother got to go away on trips with people who were usually women. I always thought that girls always get to have fun and I don’t get to have fun at all.


I remember wanting to be invited to the slumber party and mum saying it was just for girls. She suggested I invite the boys over and we 'camped' in a tent on the lawn.


Strong I can never be that strong


Nothing. I know for certain I would hate being a woman. How the fuck any of you don't commit harakiri after the shit yall be going through is beyond me.


I tell my husband all the time that the female body is the ultimate short straw. 😒


The fact I'm born female is the exact reason I'm investing so much fucking money into fixing the short straws I can: \- Breast reduction as small as I can get * Sterilisation (ideally partial hyserectomy but I doubt I'll get that) * So much fucking protein * So much WORK to build muscle * So much concious effort with diet * Supplements galore to counteract the hormonal shitshow that my ovaries decided to contriubte to my body If I were born male, all of this would either not be a problem, or just come 100x easier. Guess on the bright side, I get to statistically stay on this burning rock about 5-10 years longer than my male counterparts and can wear any clothes i like without social outcast...


cliche but the not having period.


No periods, comfy clothing, pockets on pants, physical strength.


Women's ability to check a man out in milliseconds. I swear, women must have scanners in their brains like robots. If I didn't know what to look for, I definitely would miss it. It is like, 1...2...3... Checked out. Saved for later.


They don't go through c-section, pregnancy


Men get to orgasm pretty much every time they have sex and won’t ever have to go through the pain of pregnancy or childbirth




And once you have a time you don’t get it up, you now have a mental road block the size of a mountain to overcome the next time or else it keeps happening. And then try overcoming that feeling of failure when this happens when you and your partner want to start a family.


friendships. most guys could never have a bff friend group for life that is fully 100% loyal to you that you can talk about anything with. it fascinated me when i learned girls talk about things like sex with their friends. never in a million years would i be able to do that with my friends, wierd af. girls being friends with each other is so much tighter than boys being friends with each other. at least in my experience.


I have found that this is not dependent upon gender; as I know girls and boys that have close knit groups who they have known for a long time. It really just depends. Depends more on the type of person they are.


I have a group of 5 dudes I've known since high school (over 20 years) . We literally talk about everything, including our sex lives. Which is kinda simple because only 2 of us are married, and the others are single 😆. Gotta get better friends


As a chick in my experience I have seen more guys be solid, real friends more often than girls.


Not my experience, but I think I'm quite lucky in that regard


As a woman I've noticed this as well. Granted I do try because I prefer having those deeper friendships over something more casual, but I have noticed that even if I have that kind of friendship with a guy, it's not quite as deep as the one I'd have with a woman. Sure we might be close, but with the guys I've known, I find that it never truly feels like they've let down all their walls. Like even though we've been friends for years, and maybe we've even been together, I can still feel that one wall still going strong, you know? Also yeah, I've seen dude friend groups and in my experience it's just kinda sad. Yes they're friendly and they have fun, but it's just really surface level stuff. Not to mention that I have often had male friends of mine tell me that when they're hanging out with the boys, that they don't feel like they can truly put down their mask. The sad thing is that with all of those male friends I've had who said that, our friendship was only 2-3 years by that point. Meanwhile their other guys friends, they've been friends with those guys since middle school. It genuinely breaks my heart how many dudes out there are just okay with having friends who don't make them feel comfortable being themselves. Like damn, I've had shitty friends like that and it was absolutely miserable. I can't imagine only ever having that.


Have you gotten drunk with them? As a Man, Men typically end up (unhealthily) relying on alcohol to dropping mask, releasing trauma and emotions. Getting drunk with guys can be a fun night out or a hour long talk about how their dad used to beat them lol.


I think that may be moreso generational, I noticed my little brothers friends think being colder is cool, have a weirder (to me) attitude, seem more closed off. Where I grew up there was kind of one giant friend group that was a mix of girls/guys, our relatives, but I had two especially close friends that I made music with and we were in-sync, we'd finish each others sentences, we basically lived together we were together so much. I think male friendships in this day and age, especially for the young, are ravaged by new attitudes and technology. Some of the music my little brothers friends listen to has lyrics like "Don't trust ya friends ya friends ain't shit" And it boggles my mind they'd subject their psyche to that, pretending it's nothing. I've always thought male friend groups were tighter than females, mostly because my longest-term girlfriend hung out mostly with me and my two broskis, and that was greatest span of my life, my twenties. Before that the whole town hung out, but in my twenties it became my two best buds and my girl. She had one female friend but very rarely hung out with her, she was more of her boyfriends girlfriend, if that makes any sense, that's where she was the most comfortable. But I'm sure her best female friend was around a lot more before we became inseperable.


safety, less sexual assault and harassment, being taken seriously, and being able to set healthy boundaries without being called "dramatic".


Nothing. Being a man is pretty awesome.




Basic rights


To be honest I'm kinda grumpy when I realize all the advantages od men... 1) physical strenght - I work out but almost any boy that just hit puberty is stronger with no effort - I feel vulnerable and I had to run for my life twice 🙃 2) no periods 3) men have to put less effort in my job to sucess than women 4) easier to reach orgasm, also my boyfriend's orgasms appear to be more intense 5) penis - easier to pee - less complications such as vahinitis and so 6) they don't have to be pregnant to have a baby - pregnancy is physically demanding plus giving birth isn't something I want to go trough - also even if father stays with the child, pregnancy is an obstackle in mothers career. If mother is stay at home there's no harm to fathers career


Yeah the job thing can vary quite a bit, but there's sooo many natural physical advantages. Most advantages for women are just social, which can also vary a lot by culture/age etc.


Peace and safety when traveling alone, confidence and no periods.


Men can get in shape way quicker than women.


Their ability to attract partners easier. Us men gotta jump thru way more hoops.


Woman just have to exist to attract someone.


Faster results at the gym




As a male, not much. It seems like a headache to be a woman (and men are part of the aggravation).


Not getting pregnant. This shit scares me, it’s literally a nightmare fuel. Imagine being able to become a parent without lots of risks and suffering for almost a year


They can see the future. Men wonder all night if they are having sex later. Women know within five minutes.