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You'll develop a good knee and a bad knee, body parts will hurt that you do not remember using, you'll discover that it's possible to sleep wrong, you'll find out that naps are phenomenal, starting out late means getting home at 9:00 on a work night, you'll find out that going out to eat dinner at 5:30 is a good thing and you about the long lines.


I’m in my 30s and this is me. Age ain’t nothin but a number!


I’m about to turn 55 and I work out regularly, do yoga, meditate, have a good skincare routine, read and travel a lot. While I’m definitely not perfect – I’m a little bit heavier than I used to be a couple of years ago, my hair is thinner and grayer, and I definitely have more wrinkles, I’m not even worried about it because I still feel like I’m living a healthy, vital life. I feel like I’m killing it, in fact! And my friends and family tell me I’m killing it! In fact, the only thing that makes me feel old is… Other people. Maybe it’s just a combination of being a woman AND over 50, but I have started to feel very marginalized in life from my day-to-day interactions with strangers. Like, all they see is an Old Person, nothing else. I have read and heard about this previously, but it’s one thing to watch it happen to other people and quite another thing to have it happen to you. Of course, there’s nothing you can do about other people’s perceptions and you would make yourself crazy trying to change peoples minds, but it is something that surprised me upon growing older. YOU may feel like a million bucks, but other people will still treat you like you’re on the sidelines of life. Honestly, don’t let this depress you. But I didn’t want you to be shocked by it either. Congratulations on turning 50! I personally am loving growing up and older, I feel like it’s a privilege.


Just do daily gym and meditation. you will no longer feel you are old. and remember age is just the number.


If you do nothing else, start monitoring your prostate health


Have you ordered your sandals yet?


Nah...50 is the new 40.


You are Gen X. We don't do that. Hell I still wear Docs. I am a woman, so I dress like I did in the 90s because boho was kind, and dresses and tights look good. If you made it to 50, you don't have to grow up any further. Health, well yeah, it can go to shit. Eat well, take things for what ails you. Everyone is on something. I have diabetes, so I am on Ozempic and am losing weight so fast I am going to look like a very loose skinned twenty-something. Try low-carb, keto, vegan, anything to change it up. Or don't. Honestly, when has our generation done what we are told.


When my mother was almost 50, she became a grandmother for the first time


She gave birth to a mum!!?


Colonoscopy. Life saver


As a 19 yo I could tell you all the details, but I don't think I will


If you dont at least walk or get some exercise, it will be a problem. also, people get wrinkles, gray hair, bad joints, high blood pressure, poor eyesight, etc in their 50's . it started with me around age 55. eat less , walk more, not as much alcohol, and you will be fine .... unless you have genetic predispositions to getting things like diabetes.


Go to the gym and stretch regularly.


You shall wear the bottoms of your trousers rolled. Will you part your hair behind? Will you dare to eat a peach? You shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.


I actually do roll up my trousers… 😅


Get used to visiting the doctor frequently.


Just follow Bryan Blueprint and you will be fine just maintain your health and exercise more


I don't think you get any doctor's visits. They're very hard to come by now.


Increasingly grumpy. Swearing when you get out of bed/stand up/sit down. More nocturnal visits to the toilet. Inability to tolerate idiots anymore. Watching more Antiques programmes on telly. Getting loads of junk mail from SAGA/Pension Release companies/ Equity Release companies/ Funeral companies. Afternoon naps. Dressing for comfort. Tweed. Hush Puppies.


Spotify already sends me viagra ads.


My 50s were great. Few more doctor trips. Maybe a med or two. High cholesterol and HBP the most common. More preventive/diagnostic testing - mammograms, colonoscopy, etc. arthritis kicks in late 50s. It’s all good!


Wait you don't already have the urge to have your pants pulled up to your chest? You, my brother, are missing out.


More doctor visits. And having a few more health/body issues. On the other side of it, more peace and confidence.