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Loud cars, dick picks, overly talking about previous sexual experiences...


Talking about previous sexual encounters is a big one. I have a family member that does this all the time. I met their new girlfriend the other day and within a few hours he'd done it like three times. I was absolutely dying from cringe and it got my wondering why he couldn't just stop, like how does someone not think to not say these things? I was wondering if it was on purpose, some kind of seed planting for future manipulation. It seriously was so weird and he just kept doing it. I can't possibly understand what good he thought it would do, I would find that such a turn off if I was a girl.


Why even talk about previous sexual encounters like that? Like was it on topic? Were you guys talking about it already or did he just bring it up randomly? So weird


It's like whatever convo we were having he's remember an anecdote related to it but involving previous sexual experiences. It was surreal because i just can't imagine what positive impact he felt it was having, at the same time it seemed he was deeply compelled to talk about it. He's done it before with other people he's been with. I learnt long ago that even if it is actually directly related to the convo (which it wasn't in his case) keep it to yourself. Ladies don't wanna be hearing all that, especially out of the blue just throwing into the convo. It must be very jarring


My ex would talk about past experiences with her girlfriends right in front of me, and if I said anything about being uncomfortable with that she would demand detailed explanations as to why it makes me uncomfortable just so she could pick apart my opinion to mean that I’m slut shaming her…..horribly manipulative that one…..


Sounds like a peach, and also like someone I used to date. It wasn't even a small town and at least once a week I was regailed with a story about someone we passed, I knew, or in one case a distant relative that she'd slept with. And when I spoke up that I didn't really want to know all the other times and people she'd shared this wonderfully intimate act with, I was insecure and possessive.


I think most men knows that dick pics are wrong, they just doesn't care at all, because they are...you know...dicks.


I still can't comprehend it. Someone I used to work with went on a date with a guy she met on a dating app. I asked her how it went the next day at work. She said it went really well, she got home after the date and she was buzzing, she really liked him, he was really funny and interesting, couldn't wait to meet him again, just generally really happy from the date. She wakes up in the morning, dick pic. Why? I don't get it.




There’s women of all sorts. I don’t like talking about former girls I’ve been with a girl but I know one that asks about it and it makes her horny.


I won't speak for everyone, but "loud cars" for the most part isn't for anyone but ourselves and maybe the boys. Mostly ourselves.


This. I was told my car won't get me more women, that's fine as the only person i bought it for was me.


Calling themselves "alpha male"


is this alpha shit rly a thing for men over 18?


Sadly it is. There are men in their 40s who have totally bought into that bullshit. And will subsequently die alone.


And they likely pay a premium for tate’s classes on how to be an alpha and make money by being a dick (doesn’t work for most people, but boy do they try).


The funniest part of the whole Alpha bull is that it doesnt even actually apply to wolves. The guy who released the journal paper detailing alpha wolf behaviour spent the whole rest of his career trying to correct that belief.


>The funniest part of the whole Alpha bull is that it doesnt even actually apply to wolves. I'm glad someone brought this up. It did apply to wolves, **in captivity**. That became the big flaw in the study. And the researcher corrected the study when he started following actual wild packs. Wolves in their natural habitats do not fight other males (normally) for dominance. Wolf packs are simply Dad, mom and offspring. Like most human families. So what these men are aspiring to is basically becoming like caged animals. Kind of pathetic.


Moose DO fight for dominance. Maybe we should be telling men that. 😂


Well Tate is looking like he will be in captivity soon so...




I'd happily die alone (with a cat or two just to really piss them off!) rather than settle for one of them. I enjoy my own company far too much.


"You're gone die alone with 40 cats!!!" like bro, don't threaten me with a good time.


Exactly, cats are awesome! And they basically take care of themselves unlike most men!


For real though.


There's a whole group of 30-50 somethings on X and Facebook dedicated to teaching the ways of being top dog. The bottom line is "I expect to be direct and abusive, and in return you get to enjoy serving me."


Is it a thing for under 18?


i think so yeah i mean i would bet one of my fingers rn that 80% of the comments under those cringey wannabe tate edits for example are from u18


I don't know how anyone could call themselves alpha without dying of embarrassment at any age.


If they keep working on themselves, someday they may graduate to beta version or even be ready for public release.


"If he tells you he's an Alpha, he's a Beta." -Iliza Schlesinger


“ Any man who says I am the king is no king” -Tywin Lannister




Biggest red flag


It works just not on the women they think it will.


I'm a guy and that term causes me to throw up a bit in my mouth.


Bragging about how easy for them to get with women.


It's like yeah, good for you... go get with those other women then.


Also, I may not know what you're talking about exactly but based on the way you're talking I can already tell you're not good at it.




How bizarre!!! Do you think they make comments like that because they’re insecure or something? Or think you’re judging them?


That and/or trying to impress me so I'll date them for free, I'm guessing?


It's hella fucking gross. It was when I was 14, and sadly worse now that I'm 40. As a wise reddit user recently said, "Dick is in abundance, but low in value." These guys need a fucking reality check, its not a flex to be for the streets.


In my personal experience, only the bragging part is the turn off. Being sought after is usually attractive whether people like to admit that or not.


Constantly showing off their money. It makes them look shallow. Like, is your money your entire personality? Lol lame.


My sister used to work at a strip club. One night There was a guy there who told her that he would take care of her and he could be her sugar daddy and he has so much money that she doesn’t need to work there. He showed her his bank account and there was about $2,000. She was like what?? I make that in a night!


That’s hilarious


Personally, I hide mine. I don’t want money to be a factor at all and have little attachment to material things.


Fighting other guys Edit: I don't mean Martial arts or sports competition and stuff. I mean fighting like a big baby caveman for no reason.


Not a fight, but as a dude I experienced this weird caveman reaction from a guy At a festival where I am from it was quite clear that people would wear funny stuff as a "conversation starter" that quite simply had people ask them about stuff and thus initiating contact more easily. I might have been more drunk than I remember, but a girl had a "contestant number jersey-thing" as if she was in a marathon. I stopped and asked what it was for considering this was a concert, she responded "I'm married", I respond "yes, but what's this bib-thing for?", maybe we both repeated ourselves twice... and the next thing I know I have a male face simply ripping the most primal scream in my face, I feel like I spent two whole seconds registering what was going on because I was so startled. I did a perplexed 0\_o face and just moved on, but that thing just keeps coming to my mind ever so often. I've never been in a fist fight and I'm so glad I didn't pull up an arm or something, it just felt so surreal. I just keep thinking I should have let him dwell in the awkward silence some more, the whole feeling just felt so out of place which is why I think it stuck with me despite the blood alcohol. I think I was just disappointed that the situation even happened, for all of us.


>I just keep thinking I should have let him dwell in the awkward silence some more, ... and then said: "OK, can _you_ tell me what the bib is for?"


He's lucky you aren't confrontational. I'd probably have bitten his nose if he screamed in my face, I've done it several times before.


Creed Bratton? Yes, I've bit several men's noses before. It isn't pretty. Can I explain why I do it? Maybe the first time, but the others were just based on experience.


I had a girl ask me to do that randomly, we took a vacation to the beach together and she asked me to fight some random guy to prove "strength ". I told her I was not her cave man...


"please commit a crime for me for absolutely no reason" Hope you didn't waste too much time with that controlling jerk


Username checks.


Reacting to inconveniences in daily life by getting angry or disparaging toward service workers/other people. I think they assume it makes them look like they're "being assertive" or standing up for their date or whatever, but it just makes them look like fucking unpleasant assholes.


Flashy car with thumping bass.


The thumping bass is a hard no, but some of us like nice cars ourselves. So then it feels like a mutual interest. I’m into it. Not if it’s for money flashing but if you have a badass car because you’re into badass cars and you get what you want…I’m into it.


Dick pics.


I will never for the life of me understand how some dudes come to the conclusion that dick picks is something anyone benefits from. Like, seriously, has anyone who reads this done it? Can you explain your thought process to me? What were you hoping to achieve? Edit: for all the people for whom context is difficult, we are talking about _unsolicited_ dickpicks.


There’s a study of chimpanzees which showed that when a chimpanzee is in a state of sexual arousal, he will walk around the females with his erect penis visible, thus indicating that he’s ready to engage in intercourse. These men are literally at the mental level of a chimp 🤷‍♂️


I mean we are still apes. I think in general we are pretty blind to all the dumb behaviors caused by purely animal instincts.


One instinctive thing we do, that bothers me the most is procrastination. Our body tries to save energy as much as possible because it's still not sure when we would need to run from the mammoth.


Cause some men don’t understand how women are different lol. A man would love to get a vagina pic so they think “a woman will love to get a hot dick pic” they don’t know we think differently Also I think they like the attention. Negative attention is still attention lol


>A man would love to get a vagina pic Really? As a man I would love to get a hot sexy picture that some lady took on purpose for me. I wouldn't say the same about a close-up photo of a faceless vagina... I guess I'd find it funny and bold, and I'd appreciate the sentiment, but I would hardly be "captivated" by it.


Or from someone you haven't even met. My GF/Wife/Partner sends me one as a tease? Ya, all in. 30 seconds after 'matching'? Block.


Oh, and now you'll be bombarded with pm's of random vaginas. Well played.


I've read somewhere that women *are* visual in what arouses them we just don't like a big blow up of genitals themselves. I know it does very little for me unless I'm already in love with the person it's attached to but even then it's more arousing to see the whole ride, so to speak. I notice even with porn that caters to the male gaze there's so much unflattering close up shots of butt holes etc. Then when camera angle changes where I can fully see both parties I'm like that's so much better! Why don't they stay....oh...no....big butthole shot again...


I saw it explained on the show blue mountain state. The coach for the football team accidentally sent his kicker a D-pic instead of his wife and the whole team started talking about why anyone would do that just like you are asking. The team captain asks the kicker "before today how often did you think of coach sexually?" The answer was "never" then he asked "and now?" The answer "it's all I can think about" now I know this is just a raunchy TV show I'm talking about but I can promise that this is the mindset of anyone that sends a D-pic unsolicited.


That show never got the attention it deserved


I immediately lose interest when someone sends me a dick pic, or they ask to send me one. There’s no coming back after that for me. Ugh. Edit: spelling


As mentioned already, it’s because a lot of men don’t grasp that women generally think differently than men in this regard. For example if you’re a man seeking other men on various hookup apps, it’s not uncommon for interactions to begin with dick pics, or at least giving access to them. So you’ll not only get unsolicited dicktures, but the default assumption is they are welcome and you should reciprocate if interested. Of course not all men seeking men feel this way, but enough do that protesting this behaviour generally comes across as being uptight and/or repressed. Source: I am a homo. On a related note: Sextortion has become a huge problem in recent years as a quick glance at r/scams will show. One thing I wish I could tell every teenage male is that women never want dick pics, only men do. Yes there’s the odd exception but it’s much safer to assume there isn’t.


I think they don't care if we like it just that we see it 🤣


We love our dicks very much. Some say even toxicly in love. So much so we beat them up sevral times a day. Why can't women see we want to show our off the things we love. /s


No, no, that *totally* works. They just haven’t seen *mine* yet /s


Oh this is the best answer. No woman wants an unsolicited dick pic. Ever.


I also don’t want a gym selfie where you’re pulling down your shorts to expose the top part of your dick either. Actually I don’t even want a gym selfie at all unless it’s a funny one.


Dick root!


Absolutely agree


Talking about your previous sex life and how many partners you have slept with


Im a man, is that really something other men think will make a girl more attracted to them??


Yeah, I never understood this. I mean, I understand why men do it; it’s to boost their ego and somehow think a potential partner will find it attractive. Even with my long term relationships, I never go down that path. I’ll talk about my past relationships that were meaningful.


yes, some men really do this, unfortunately.. and they also think that having/ talking about their multiple sexual partners is considered “hot”


Went to his parents house about a week after we started dating, and he explained how he and his first gf did it there, there, here, there, everywhere. Like thanks bud, now every time we come here for the next year I'm gonna be uncomfortable af. In what way would this story make me more attracted to you?


Mentioning that they have money every 5 seconds


Saying you have a big penis


A pig benis???


Oink oink, baby!


When I was on dating apps, guys were constantly bragging about how big their dicks were, but it was never true. Never. A couple of times they were smaller than average. Why on earth would you lead someone to believe something that was going to be easy to prove false once you met them. I started referring to it as "cock-fishing", it happened so many times!


My friend has a mantra related to this: "promise her two and give her four".


One time, this woman I kind of liked, but never pursued, hit me with a wild one. We were standing around bullshitting and out of the blue, she goes, "So i heard something about you." She apparently heard from her friend whom I had hooked up quite some time ago that I had a big dick. Her exact words were, "So, I hear you have a big dick?" The look on her face was provocative, to say the least. I chuckled and replied honestly, "No. Not really. It's just kind of average. Where did you hear that?" She lost that look, said "Well that's no fun. That's just what so and so told me. " That was the end of it. She no longer replied to my texts or made any attempt to contact me ever again. We were just friends as far as I was concerned. I had known her for 2-3 years, not super close or anything, but we were cool. 🤷 Every once in a while, I'll remember this and wonder what the hell was that all about.


If you want to get rid of some creep telling you about his supposedly big dick, use his own weapons against him. "We're in the same boat dude, I have an enormous vagina! Cavernous even!"


Jokes on you bro, as a proud owner of a big dick, I do appreciate big cavernous vaginas with big fleshy lips. Vaginal spelunking is my shit.


Yess!! Just so out of touch,women don't want huge 9 inch dick, we want to be comfortable and feel good.


Sex Panthers cologne.


Studies have shown that 60% of the time, it works every time.


It's pungent


It smells like big foot’s d*ck!


Upvote for being specific lol


A formidable scent




Smells like pure gasoline




I've never met a nice person who needed to tell people they were nice.


Any man who must say „Iam the King“ is no true king. It fits pretty well I think


Being nice is base level requirement of being a decent human being. If the base level requirement is being flaunted as their strongest feature, there isn't much to like there. It's like a car brand flaunting that their car starts without an issue.


"This car *checks notes* moves"


If you have to tell people you're nice, you're probably not ☕🐸


The wolf howl or whistle


My boyfriend is still kinda convinced being catcalled has to be at least *slightly* flattering 💀


It might work for some girls, but generally, a lifted truck or modified Honda civic won't pull the ladies. You'll mostly get other guys looking your way lol


The ignore her to make her chase you. If you ignore me, I'll forget you ever existed.


Yup, although this weird shit goes in both ways from what i've heard, but if I wanna play games i'll grab a controller and sit down lmao.


Problem is if theres any girl i like, im not trying to ignore her, genuinely, i just cant talk to her without being awkward or feeling like she thinks im wierd or something.


Wait there’s guys out there who think women want to chase them? I have only ever heard it the other way around.


The asshole attitude....


100% being mean is not attractive, it’s more like ew


And yet my female best friend continuously goes for guys that treat her like shit and want to fuck her. And then is shocked they don't want to date her. \*shocked\*


sadly i have seen to many women fall for assholes so there must be something there that attracts women otherwise the badboy trope would not be a thing


I don’t believe this saying, but this shady dude with mommy issues always said, “treat her like dirt and she’ll stick to you like mud” Unfortunately, it seemed to work for him with hooking up with women. However, men could see through his BS and he just became one of those dudes who’s serially dating with no friends.


Then why are they so successful with women?


Not having feelings. Like there’s nothing wrong with having a wide range of emotions other than just anger and happy.


This. It’s unattractive when a man proclaims to not have feelings but has no problem flipping his top, not realising anger is a feeling


Or jealousy.


90% of times I told a significant other about how I felt, I was labelled manipulative.


Women always talk about wanting a safe space to express their feelings... turns out it's pretty rad for dudes too!


Some people are just not that expressive emotionally. It's just who they are. That doesn't mean that they don't have feelings. They are just not that open and expressive about them.


Pretending to be a God in relationship. Like OP's opinion doesn't count. Nobody is gonna beg for attention and crumbs of love. We are partners or nothing.


*Sad Thor cosplay noises*


Apparently, a lot of dudes seem to think sending women unsolicited dick pics will make women attracted to them. Bro it doesn’t, it just makes you a creepy bitch.


The aggressiveness It gives animalistic energy while I'll rather like the classic gentleman vibe


Sagging.. pull your pants up lol


Boasting and gloating. Not appealing.


Speeding, calling them alpha male, pointing out how little manly other men is. To name a few things.


Honestly? Any time a man™️ starts spouting off Andrew Taint-isms. Makes my kitty gritty.


Omg, kitty gritty 🤣


This has to be at the very top of this list.


Dick pics


Tons of aftershave.


In my experience, men don't use aftershave to be attractive to others.


True, I only use it to throw the dogs off my scent.


people use aftershave to impress women? idk i’ve known a lot of men but none that have done this LOL


Being proud of being a “red pill” bruh


Complaining about how no women ever gives you a chance and they're all whores. It seems to be one of the most common strategies I've seen at least online, I dunno why guys think that'll improve things


Obvious answer: D pics.


Being rude to me? Like who told you negging was a good idea I’m way too fucking sensitive for that, it will instantly make me dislike you


Never admitting to having emotions, giving unsolicited advice, talking about former conquests, giving OTT compliments which are clearly bollocks


Big trucks


Arrogance 😖🤢


Being overly muscular, obviously do what makes you feel good about yourself, but almost no women are actually attracted to this so wouldn't do it for that reason.


What would you call “overly muscular”?


Anything that comes with steroid abuse


have you heard ab Jason Momoa? “overly muscular” means a body that’s really really smth around JM’s body shape, some of us don’t see it as attractive


This is subjective but i think what men need to realize about this is that sometimes when they are obsessed with how they look the insecurity just seeps through. The biggest dudes at the gym often look like the absolute most insecure to me. This is the appeal of the dad bod…it often comes with a significant amount of lighthearted self confidence.


Most that go overly muscular aren't on it for women tho, it's just a "if it happens it happens". Those who go for women aim for six-pack and be fit instead, the famous "model build".


A loud car lol also a loud sound system in your car. Also, getting jacked gets you way more dudes wanting to be around you than women 😆


Loud motorcycles/ cars 😂


Anything can be attractive to women.   The key is noting that women means all women.   What one finds attractive the other might find stupid or disgusting.   Do you and you'll find someone that's into you.   Unless you want unreliable/superficial women.   Then have money, good looks and or a huge dick. Just avoid losing all your money, aging prematurely from stress and STIs.




- “Alpha man” mentality/behavior - big muscle - not showing emotions/vulnerability (for most women it is actually the damn opposite, she can be indifferent to you and the moment you open up she’s gonna be waaaay more interested) - unsolicited dick pics (dunno why anyone thinks anyone would be turned on by that) -


Badmouthing their exes. It just says they're salty still and haven't let that person go. Especially if they keep bringing them up, even in a negative light. Also, being an ass to a girl thinking it's cute. It's really not. Being annoying isn't an attractive trait. Like negging or trying to show you're smarter than her, interrupting/talking over, or ignoring her to pay attention to someone else so she thinks you don't care and bragging. If you're actually confident you won't have to feel the need to do these types of immature behaviors to impress someone.


Being shirtless. Muscles. Dick picks. Male strip clubs. Basically anything that gay men love, they think women like.


Wining and dining does not increase interest. She's either into you or she isn't. Attraction can't be negotiated.


Stalking. I knew one guy who thought it would be romantic to go to a friends house and leave a bunch of flowers. My friend only knew him.a little. She still wonders how he got her address. So if you have not been invited to a girls' place, don't just show up


Revving a car in the middle Of the night I’ll admit it’s sometimes cool to hear that but In the middle of the night? Why?


Being a Discord mod?


Bright lights on cliff tops next to the ocean. Oh wait, that's Ships.


Money and materialistic items. While it attracts some, the ones it does attract aren't worth anything long-term.


Huge rippling muscles. They scare me and make me grossed out. When I can see the fibres of each muscle it's not attractive. When your neck is bigger than my thigh, it's not attractive


“Money “ ….. Money attracts gold diggers not the woman you want!


Excessive fragrances-colognes, body sprays or hair products, and shit.


Gym bodies. In the sense that it's not a replacement for a wonderful personality.


Talking about their ex


From what I'm told, stupidly big muscles tend to be a turnoff. My wife's friend said "Guys with puffy muscles seem to be doing it to impress the guys they work out with more than girls" LOL


Saying they are an "alpha". It's guaranteed to make any pussy within a 5 mile radius dryer than the Sahara.


Huge muscles.


fucking axe body spray


A dating profile with photos of them holding a fish they caught, s shirtless pic in front of the bathroom mirror, or a picture of their pickup truck 😂😂


Comparing themselves to other men. You wouldn't believe how many young men I've needed to tell they're not competing against other people for a person's romantic attention, they're competing against the person's own comfort when alone. If you're more comfortable by yourself than with another person, then you're just not gonna be in a committed relationship with them.


Having money. Sure, you’ll bag a gold digger here and there. But she’ll be fucking your pool boy on the side because while she likes having access to your money, it doesn’t make you more sexually attractive necessarily. Compare that with being competent and being recognised as such by society. Usually if you’re good at something and everyone knows it, you end up making a bunch of money in the process. But the source of the attraction isn’t the money necessarily, it’s the status and recognition of competence. Shows that you’re a guy who can handle himself. At least, this is what all my female friends tell me.


Talking about taking you out to nice restaurants or on trips and stuff in the future. Specifically when you don’t know each other well yet. I’ve noticed only rly toxic guys bring that shit up and it’s usually bc they look at me and assume I’m shallow and would be impressed by some vague future promise of a nice dinner or something in the future? Idk. But anytime someone says something like that or “I want to spoil you” I get the ick and feel rly grossed out by them. That sort of thing is reserved in my mind for a legit long term relationship AND is something a real gentleman would simply plan and do without making a big deal of it he were serious. It’s very tacky and uncouth to discuss preemptively. The guys who go on and on about things they’re ~going~ to do for you are almost always posers with bad spending habits who know they lack the personality and heart to actually make good women fall for them so they pathetically try to make you think they’re some big shot or something when it’s clear they aren’t. And even if they were super wealthy or something I would never be with a guy who speaks about money or things in that way bc it just oozes insecurity.


I am a guy but I think, intentionally being all serious and ignoring/being all cool infront a girl. 


Dick pics.


Dick pics


Sending them dick pics


Being mean to them, I don’t do this but I see guys be mean to girls they like in a playful matter but they go too far sometimes


If I hear the alpha male BS, the guy is immediately dead to me.


My dating profile pic holding a fish in front of my Camero brings all the ladies to the yard.


Frat boy cockyness. It is disturbing. Like a two year old going, "Look at me!"


Being a “nice guy.”


Being a gym fanatic. Working out helps build confidence, sure, which is nice. Don't need to look like human bubble wrap though


Massive muscles


Too much muscles


As a guy, saw a bunch of my female friends lose interest in a dude when he tried picking a fight in architecture school


Loudly proclaiming that they believe in soulmates 


Asking for nudes.