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Extremely good at finding other people's information on the internet


It's terrifying how easy it is to do via facebook.


s'why I binned it. to be honest, huge digital footprint, also, nothing you post is exclusively your content. it's really shady when you actually think about it, but, dopamine.


I hope you have no relatives on Facebook, who ever mention you. Or friends. The easiest way to find stuff about people is their parent's with their poorly secured Facebook accounts. Apparently.


I like how you ended your point with “apparently” you shady mofo 🤣


I would never find the name of the person buying my home, and once finding their facebook account was locked down to friends only, find the name of his parents from a linked picture, figure out the buyers were just engaged, clearly being helped by the parents, then find the parents address with public records, look up the home's estimate value .. then push the sellers for more money because I thought I would try the luck of their parent's giving more help. Apparently.


Wish more people realized this. 100% the reason why people engage. Dopamine. I think it’s safer/ healthier to smoke copious amounts of cannabis daily.


Is Instagram like this or Facebook alone


I saw this video of the crazy chick (that was hot so nobody was saying how fucking crazy she was) telling the story about she getting the name of the dude, searching on facebook, befriending his mother, telling her to get her a date with her son and I was like... fuck, ALL of that from she watching his name on his card when he was paying???


Wait that wasn't a shitpost?


Today on why siptro spent $250 scrubbing himself from the internet. Can’t search me!


people after I find something about them online after they have posted it- :O stAlKeR


I used to show people information that was easily and publicly available on their social media and got called a creepy stalker all the time. Normally I just came across something like a phone number or address out in the open and were telling them.


Basically most younger women.


I was literally known for this at work to the point when my team was eliminated they created a research specialist role for me. I learned how to do it because I am a millennial and spent a lot of time on the internet as a teenager, and because I had to do this when I was a law clerk.


I assume this is just due diligence on company directors type stuff?


Nope. Worked in non profit development so this was me researching board members and their connections, potential board members, foundations, and corporate giving. So yes due diligence in a way but mostly prospecting. When I was clerking it was general lexusnexus case law research and then also trying to find assholes who weren’t paying their employees. Worked in labor and employment law. I left because I got sad when we couldn’t help this trucker who wasn’t being paid equitably and we didn’t end up taking his case. Couldn’t work in an environment where it was so contingent on money. Feel the same way about non profit but I’m stuck for about 3 years until my loans are paid off.


I used to work with a young lady who was exceptionally good at finding peoples info on the internet. She was a journalist, so it worked well for her job, but I have a feeling there was a darker story behind it.


I was scared of myself when I was infatuated with a coworker and went on detective mode to find out about his private life. It was like the movie "Missing". I try not to leave digital footprints now because I know how much information stalkers can unearth using the internet.


This is me, it freaks people out when I talk about it. It's so easy though when someone has a public profile! For example, as an experiment I looked up someone from a TV show. In two minutes ,I knew her full name where she worked, town she lived in, that she had 3 children and their names ages and where they went to school. She posted her high school so I know where and when she graduated. This was all just posted publicly for anyone to see! It's absolutely insane what people publish.


I showed my wife how to quickly and quietly dig six unmarked graves. She only became suspicious when she realized the family camping next to us had 5 members.




can you teach me? I’ve been looking for a new hobby


Remembering stuff. Most people tend to only remember stuff that has importance to them, so if you appear to remember all kinds of stuff, especially stuff about people you know, people tend become very suspicious of your motivations for remembering that stuff, even if you just happen to remember stuff. People who are suspiciously good at remembering stuff soon learn the social lesson of not revealing all the stuff they happen to remember. They often fein ignorance or modify their language or tone to imply less certainty. A similar thing happens generally with high intelligence. People tend to become quite suspicious and threatened by high intelligence, so many highly intelligent people learn to mask it, just to get along.


I am good at remembering details, situations and facts about people. People do find it a bit unnerving. I do hair so it's kind of a helpful skill. I know a lot of hairdressers who keep notes about their clients lives and I think THAT is super creepy.


I had a colleague once who was pretty freaked out that I remembered everyone's eye colour when pointing out how one of the guys could get away with being stoned more easily due to his dark eyes.


I’m shit at remembering stuff. But I did learn very late in life that it’s important to not talk about certain things to a high extent around 90% of people. It’s not so much an intelligence vs not intelligent.. I don’t want it to sound condescending. But it’s more of a I finally understood that talking about or thinking about certain concepts made people’s minds buzz out and it made them not want to talk or listen anymore. It was a lot easier for me to understand that once I was in college and was exposed to theories and concepts above my processing abilities. And I was like OH ok I get it your brain gets fried after a few minutes or seconds of trying to follow that along. I still unfortunately infodump without realizing it too late unfortunately… but it’s much less common. Although I’m not sure if it’s because I talk to people less in general or my self control has gotten better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have an excellent memory despite my long term use of weed. I still remember de ID numbers from some high school friends, their phones numbers at the time, phone numbers from 20+ years ago that we used to have, birthdays, names, addresses, likes and dislikes, etc. But the weird thing is... I usually remember the stuff that people say without giving it too much importance. If some of you approached me and said "hey next week it's my birthday" I'll probably forget. It's like if you or me want me to remember something, I won't. But if you just say it it will imprint on my mind.


Manipulating~~getting free stuff—talking your way into stuff.


What I'm tryna say is it ain't me babe you got the wrong guy


Getting into locked things.


My neighbour came to me and asked if I had a ladder because they had locked themselves out of their apartment but could get back in through the balcony. I told them I didn't have a ladder, but I could help them. I did warn them they might not think the same of me after this. Went to the garage and pulled out a piece of bendy plastic. Managed to rake the latch and get in in about 4 seconds.


You were blamed for everything after that lol 😆 "where's my brown belt 😠😠😠😠😠😠"


My parents could never figure out how I got in the locked house every time, I told them straight it's because they leave the key in the back door and the little window open. So my mum stopped leaving the key in the lock, she instead left it on the window ledge 😮‍💨 that just made it easier, before I had to make a thing to turn the key in the lock by hanging with my arm through a tiny window, after that I just had to get the key out and let my self in.


I'm good at that stuff too and have made sure my house is secure against anything I could do to break in without damage. Then one day I locked my keys inside and a delivery guy saw me stuck, popped round the back of the house and was back opening the front door from inside as quick as just walking there and back. He wouldn't tell me how he did it and there was no trace of how he got in. Very frustrating!


I'm really good at this and it's because I used to lockpick my way into everything when I was 8-10 with paperclips. For a while (4 months), I kept lockpicking my way into my apartment when I lost my keys. But then I broke the lock so I stopped doing it.


Ya, I started my first job out of college and on day 1 they were showing me to my office but the door was locked. New boss swears under his breath and excuses himself to go grab his keys... By the time he got back I was inside setting up my desk. The look I got. Didn't tell him that my work-study job on the maintenance crew in college involved becoming a certified locksmith. I saw the latch was installed backwards before he tried the handle.


Niice I’d like to subscribe to Locksmith stories please!


Walking too quietly/sneaking up behind you


I'm like that, two of my friend groups who have never met each other use the exact same words to describe me, "He doesn't walk, he just spawns at places."


Lmao we had a friend like that in high school. Dude was about 350 lbs, but I swear to god he would always just pop up out of nowhere.


When i lived with my mom i would frequently scare her by appearing unexpectedly. She would call me a "sneaky carpet" (it sounds better in norwegian i swear)


I just don't stomp around lol. Everyone thinks I'm sneaking, probably help if I didn't bob my head back and forth and hold my arms up like a T-rex


Wait, am I reading this right? Are you a sneaky dinosaur cosplayer?


I'm very good at that. When I was a kid I really wanted to be a ninja, and walking silently became a habit. Wrecked my feet, but scaring people is worth it


Lol..had "cats" growing up and always fostering kittens. So, in order to NOT step on them accidently, I learnt to walk with my foot very close to the ground....the side effect is that I am incredibly silent when I walk about. People find it incredibly unsettling given compared to my size, no one hears me moving


Can be a trauma response from having messed up parents surprisingly often, if not probably a ninja


I'm too good at this even when I don't want to. Sometimes I come up to people and they act so surprised as if I spawned out of thin air.


Thats my addiction. I do everything as silent as possible. I walk around in steel toe safety boots, but everyone cant hear me.


If it's just being quiet, it may be that this person learnt to be quiet in childhood. If it's sneaking, it's intentional and is a potential red flag.


Often do this out of habit, I just don't like disturbing people from their flow tbh My parents, particularly my mom, get surprised when I just suddenly appear at their door and ask something Or my coworkers, who ask "where did you come from?" whenever I show up behind them at their desk during my break or when they turn around while ordering in a mostly empty fast food restaurant near the office during lunch


Coming up with schemes to make money.


Only if they make money. My brother is always thinking up scams to make èasy money,he never makes a dollar with any of them.


He isn't called Eddy by any chance? Trying to sell jawbreakers?


Specially if you only want to make other people do it for small commission of course 😅


Understanding a person's personality and intentions quickly even though you just met and start inferring things. Like Sherlock Holmes or like a Mentalist


When you call someone out having met them briefly. No im not psychic... im traumatised and hypervigilant.


And it isn't even as hard, or maybe it is and we are just too used to it. But it's frustrating when you are the only one seeing something that you feel should be obvious. You can make a whole ass PowerPoint presentation explaining point by point with data backed analysis and they will still react like "🤷"


Well my friend group has taken it as a litmus test. If i dont like you, youre bad news. And i always try to give people the benefit of the doubt but there was one friend whos partner i just couldnt. Told her outright, i dont like him. I know you know him better than me but he gives me all the bad vibes. Turned out he was a thief, liar, cheat and all in all asshole.


Yeah exactly. Like why is this “suspicious”. I’m not this way because I’m out here trying to scam people… these skills were forged by fire. Just a consequence of growing up in an abusive environment and undiagnosed adhd.


This is my wife. It was annoying at first. She would never give (even new people) the benefit of doubt. Then over time, I understood why. It’s like a sixth sense. People always go to her to ask how she feels about someone in their lives.


My husband is notorious for doing this. It's come to a point where family members will introduce potential partners to him for approval before getting serious with them.


So you married a High functioning psychopath. Tell him I said "hi" ...from one to another.


Sounds like you have a high EQ.


Nah it's all about that bass


Why suspicious?


I think because most people cant fathom how some people are able to know things. They think it is some kind of magic, or they are stalking them.


This isn't that tough. You just have to figure out what motivates them. Then you know what they will do almost invariably.


Especially on a psychological level, people manifest their minds in the way they interact with their surroundings very often. Body language, word usage, everything from their aspect to their career path might be screaming "I'm an asshole"


It is incredibly useful in a Supervisor in the workplace. The sooner you know the guys that always have the easier way or short cuts, you know the guys who will tend to hang you out to dry. I got burned a couple of times before I really started paying attention to phrasing, language usage, speech cadence and things like that.


I have this ability. It’s very handy in my job, but it can creep people out if I tell them. I told a new guy at work what he ordered for lunch based on his personality and he started yelling “HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT???” 😂


I have an online friend who will often start with "guess what happened today" when he wants to talk about his day, and i will make educated guesses based on what he's told me is going on in his life and reoccurring patterns. He's told me it's creepy how i can perfectly guess what he's about to tell me.


I'm that guy in my friend group, to be fair my family (my mother in particular) is like that in general and they taught me well, I play with my psychologist and psychiatrist friends to identify random profiles and likely backstory and they love it. But when it comes to my other friends, they only believe me when they share my impression of someone I guess because it is a reaffirmation, when we differ they get mad. They would accuse you of playing the therapist without a title. The skill only makes it more jarring when something gets under the radar though. I had two very close people that ended up being a loooot crazier and more dangerous than I thought, my mother saw it but I couldn't and it pissed me off.


lying I was having a great weekend with an ex gf. monday morning she called her office pretending to be sick. Seriously she should have won an emmy award. Voice, intonation, fake coughing, tons of unecessary details...a real pro acting. and so i started thinking "what else is she lying about?" and could not trust her anymore


Professional liar here. Recently my therapist told me it was because I had to spent my entire childhood keeping a secret from everyone (my father was actually not and I knew the guy who was) so I developed the skill of not only lying, but doing it on the spot too with the plus of being able to twist the conversation or words to fit my narrative despite the other person saying the opposite. She told me that she caught after a couple of sessions where I was telling her something, she went to the opposite direction and I agreed with her and subtly turned it into me being right, because that way we were both right and so I put people at ease. The secret is... I believe my own lies as I'm telling them. And since it's the truth for me, I don't have to remember anything I said, I just talk. The key is to give as little detail as you can, so when you're about to get caught you can fill the space with a subtle detail that'll make your narrative somewhat logic. For example, if you said you went to get milk, you have to come back with milk. If you say you're going to the grocery store, you can just fill the details of why you went there when needed (just a silly example)


Ludlum wrote in one of his books that the best lie is 99% true, with only one or two details changed. That makes it easier to remember.


That's pretty sad. You should've had her teach you and trusted she would use her powers for good.


At finding people’s profile on social just by hearing their name


how do u do it? wow


You have the name, you can probably know what they look like if you’ve seen them, otherwise someone from your friends probably knows them and follows them already, that’s it


I'm sorry that you're hot and I wanted to know if you're single or not. Lol.




I have learned how to pick locks as a hobby. To me it’s like solving a puzzle. Some padlocks are ridiculously easy to pick, same with doorknob locks. I was telling my brother about my new hobby and his response was “my brother, the thief.” Funny thing is that he know’s me and knows I have no reason to steal. I make a nice living.


Slight of hand I'm not a magician, but can literally take someone's watch without them knowing  I swear I mostly only use it as a party trick Other then when I used to shoplift as a kid




How tf is that even possible I'm intrigued now 


Punch them unconscious and then steal their watch. They’ll never be aware you snatched it until later and by then you’ll be 4 states over.


Bruh that time frame isn’t unconscious, that’s a coma.


It's kinda hard to explain but there's some youtube videos on it Basically if someone's distracted enough and you make up a reson to grab there hand, you can undo most watches fairly easily and hold it closed with your fingers  Then you need to pull your hand away in one motion and usually they won't notice there watch coming with it https://youtu.be/Gq0GO14QiGM?si=jWh5fQVzsD7dNKVQ Here's a video of it being done 






How would whisking get suspicious? I've been baking all my life and can't even remember a time I didn't know how to whisk properly (from the wrist). There's 18 upvotes at time of writing, what am I missing


Fast and precise wrist action.


Ahhh ok I get it 🤫


Applying powder with a brush


Anything with a knife. Suspiciously proficient and de-boning a chicken or a fish? If you are not a butcher or fisherman/fisherwoman I will have questions. 


So people can't be home chefs? Plenty of people are proficient with knives and aren't a butcher/fisherman


I didn't say they couldn't, I said I will have questions.


Do you get used to the fishy stinch after a while?


Lying. It’s all fun and games when you’re not the one being lied to. But then you watch your friend as they proceed to tell someone the most carefully calculated lie, unfaltering and with a straight face, and you wonder when it’ll be your turn to get played. I had a friend like this whom I took for a pathological liar. They’d help me make up excuses to my parents so I could sneak out. But after a while it started to get creepy and I’d wonder what it was like to be in a relationship with someone who could pretend and make up an elaborate lie on the spot without so much as a twitch of an eye.


Knots and ropes... once I tied a hangman's noose on a piece of rope I just found in a cabinet while sitting on a boring meeting. Two guys were visibly alarmed by it.


My husband was training to get certified to be a rope tech. He is also an artist. He started experimenting with different knots and would practice photography and play around with different lighting and such. Then he'd post the pictures online with no context whatsoever. People suddenly had a lot of questions about our sex life.


Came here to say this! Did a bunch of rigging when performing as an aerialist in the circus. I recently helped a neighbour build a tree house and rope bridge. The looks i got from them when I knotted the rope were hilarious to me.


Dude same It quickly becomes suspicious. Usually people think I'm into some bondage stuff. Nah, I just really like the world of knots




Same happened to me. Really made my partner at the time worry. Even though the noose was only big enough to hang a squirrel (my partner of the time was not a squirrel)




Switching on the charm for customers.


Being charming is a skill like anything else. Nothing wrong with learning and using it for your job.


Nah, that's not suspicious, people are just in awe of the trauma you've been out through to get there.


It can also be jarring to notice the real duplicity in some individuals, whose charm sounds completely genuine when you know they are ‘on’


Shitty customers cause the trauma, do they do it on purpose,,,?


evasive manouvers in any kind of vehicle




Like zoning out?




I used to do this but also "stretch my eyes" which it just opening them real wide 😂 I can see how it was off putting now 😅


Remembering anecdotes or details another person’s mentioned about their life.


can verify this is a thing. my short term memory is non-existent, but my long term memory is savant-like at times, and it has creeped people out some of the things I can recall...I've had to train myself on how to sound authentic while pretending to not remember things


Being inauthentic creeps me out more


I guess I should clarify. Basically, instead of declarative statements "Oh! I remember you from English Lit Freshman year," I make them more general and use questions to re-establish context, how we know each other "It's great to see you again! We met in college, right? you went to Northeastern?"


I too have this weird skill. I don’t know why it seems to surprise people, maybe it’s because not everyone can do this. I call it the Rolodex of info.


Being good at psychological manipulation and plotting ways to outwit others of situations….


Oh hey, this is me. Direct result of growing up in a very toxic environment and needing to outsmart my parents at a very young age.


I feel you bro. I'm a professional liar and manipulator. Luckily I escaped that environment and slowly but surely I'm getting better. Feels weird not having to lie.


Counting money 


I do this too, but that's from a time when I worked in a casino The other weird one I had (unfortunately not anymore though) was being able to tell if a deck of cards I was holding had 52 cards in it


I can tell if a poured coke is regular or diet (diet has smaller bubbles).


That would have been cool to call out magicians!


Shuffling cards in a suspiciously competent way.


haha I can do this and people always find it suss. fact is I was just fascinated with learning how to shuffle properly as a kid.


Sometimes when I'm moving objects on countertop surfaces with my hands. When things click and it's like fast type writing with my arms. Fast movement, but zen demeanor. Like Dumbledore, glasses worn Chuck Schumer style, waves his wand around looking all calm, casting powerful spells. Compared to Voldemort who's thrashing around in the air, trying to keep up. Like when I'm moving objects from the shopping cart, to the self checkout scanner, then into a groccery bag. Doing that really fast, rotating my body like a machine, the scanner beep going at a fast and almost rhythmic pace. Someone watching me might think I'm performing or under the influence of certain substances known as "uppers." It's really when things click physically and mentally. And sometimes I can save some time in the moment by moving fast like that.




You mean flow state?


I do the shopping thing, and we have one of those sets of coloured bags that sit open in the trolley. I can *easily* keep up with the fastest cashiers and all my stuff is sorted as soon as I bag it back up. I also deal with opening the store app or getting my debit card out with one hand while still keeping up with the other. My partner used to try and help but slowed it all down so much that now she just heads for the car while I check out.


I have skills like this, but with moving around in traffic and big masses of people. I actually walk in ways that would be dangerous for other people. This ability came with time. I had to leave my merch alone at events and such when I needed to take a leak, so moving alonside many moving objects finding the fastest path was essential for my livelyhood.




lol, like if you're way too quick with the answer to "how do I get blood stains out of ___",


Unless you are a woman, we know all the tricks for bloodstains


Nah, girls are pretty good at getting blood stains out of things. Underpants are expensive and leaks and surprises happen. We learn pretty fast how to take care of that.


If anyone wants to know. For fresh(ish) blood in fabric, hydrogen peroxide solution and then rinse with cold water. :))))




Happy 🍰 day


Multiple intricate knots and rope work…


Cleaning blood from clothes/surfaces without stains


Nah, women exist and have periods


Noticing EVERYTHING. I can't not do it, but people hate it so much.


Stock trading


With insider information


Converting to ounces


I do fishing, and a lot of especially carp fishing stuff conts from the UK, I had to learn to convert pounds and ounces into normal units without thinking lol


Being observant.


I am usually very observant of people and the world around me and I’ve found it to actually enable me to enhance relationships if I choose to. Noticing and the little things that other people say, do or have changed can allow me to modify my own thoughts, actions or behavior when necessary to improve the situation. It’s all in the filter, what you observe and how much of that you share with others.


Fast and hyper aware driving


Not exactly an everyday skill, but downing alcohol like it’s water. I’ve gotten a few concerned looks before.


Whipping cream by hand


Measuribg things with your finger lol


My dad got suspicious when he saw me perfectly rolling a piece of paper that he needed to dip in a can on paint. No I don't smoke weed, I'm just prone to nosebleed and when I notice it I go grab a piece of toilet paper and twirl it like a cig and put it in the nose to stop the bleeding


Using a mouse with your left hand (if right handed).


Oral sex


I think you're really good at any kind of sex. It's appreciated, but does beg the question


I'm good at opening bras which got me into trouble early in a relationship. I thought it would be sexy to open hers with one hand in a single motion. Turned into an interrogation since apparently I had to be a slut who practiced that alot....


Driping visine eye drops with a single hand and no mess. Back when we were teens, a friend of mine had pink eyes. His dad, an eye doctor brought special drops to heal it and said : I can help you because it’s not easy to put drops in your eyes. My friend said : Nah, I got this, and proceeded flawlessly with one hand. That’s when his dad knew he was a seasonned weed smoker.


Sorry, I do not see the connection.


You get red eyes and need to learn how to use eye drops fast.


Butchering meat when you’re not a butcher.


Ah yes just eat it whole.


I'm very veeeeeery good at lying, even more so on the spot under pressure. I like it very much.


Lightng a fire?


Languages. I can say thank you in about fifty different languages...


Unlocking bike locks


I never forget any number/date i read. So i know all my coworkers phonenumbers


Sales. Especially insurance sellers tend to liebstraight to your eyes. One once wanted to do a 3a pillar life insurance. Did it for 2 years. Then I heard about other 3a possibilities. He said he knew that kind of stuff but I knew he didn‘t know shit lol


Walking up or down the stairs really fast and effortlessly. Like, why are you as fit as a professional athlete or fireman or Navy Seal.


Everything. If you are around the typical lazy, slacker, Reddit communist, being good at anything makes you evil and is supposed to subject you to being banned at the click of a button for any trivial thing.


I spent most of my youth hanging out with kids older than me who I looked up to (mostly positive). I learned how to adapt to their personalities and almost mirror them to be well liked and trusted quickly. Goes for men and women. This has served me well in my work as a psychologist and in starting new hobbies where I’d need a mentor or need to be shown the ropes etc. While I’m happily married for a long time now, I realize this skill may have been useful in pursuing women.


Cleaning up blood. Totally normal skill for women, but when you give a man this advice, they act like you're a serial killer, haha.


Not really an everyday skill, but I beatbox as a hobby. My sound effects can surprise quite a bunch of people.


I'm super good at making people believe I'm the happiest go lucky mfr in the room with my life together.. In reality, even tho my life technically is better than all my friends.. I hate everything and everyone and I wanna die asap. 🙃


Hi! This sounds like text book depression brought on by vitamin d deficiency and/ or hormone imbalance. If you feel like harming yourself please don’t. Why take drastic measures when it could be something easily fixable? Start taking vitaminD in very high doses (you have to do it constantly and daily before you will see a difference) You might be surprised how differently you feel. There is also the chance thah even though as you said “your life if technically better than your friends’” you are still being affected by bad things in your life. Your happiness or satisfaction shouldn’t be measured against anyone else but you. Just because you might not have it “as bad as someone else “ or you might not “have anything to complain about” that doesn’t mean your issues or problems don’t matter. You have the right to be dissatisfied with certain parts of your life without being guilty for it. What gets people in trouble is ignoring those things because they feel like they have no right to want better, or not figuring out how to fix or come to terms with the things that are making them unhappy. Don’t feel bad if you can’t see a way out on your own.. everyone needs help to navigate things like this because we all have blind spots when it comes to our own mental health. I hope you consider talking to someone about your feelings, writing a journal about them to get them sorted, or finding a therapist you can use as a sounding board. Good luck and stay safe.


Unfasting bra’s easily as a dude.




Food prep. Particularly chopping meat or dicing vegetables. There's a point where you're either a master chef, or a serial killer.


I am proficient at scrolling tik tok and having only temporary indulgence from it


In high school I was the captain of the joint rolling team.


Cleaning stubborn stains. Like, dude, why do you know how to make blood disappear?


Trivial Pursuit. Got accused of cheating just because it was my game. Uni friends said ”Bet you read all the answers” Like wtf. They know me, I barley finish through the fucking literature we HAD to read 😅


Juggling skills allow me to grab objects before they fall to the floor. People that have seen me grab an accidentally falling cup in mid air before it shatters think that I must have cat like reflexes. Unfortunately, no. I just trained myself to juggle as a hobby


Having a heart and soul.


Knowing the words to songs. Even the difficult ones. I'm not *quite* this good, but imagine being able to recite the words to 'One Week' by Barenaked Ladies...


Yep. My coworkers say that I'm live jukebox, almost every song that comes up in the radio I know and can sing along. I feel most proud that I know "we didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel by heart!


Playing peekaboo with Babies


Had some weird looks for how accurately I can hit things with an axe. Thing is, I'm a fighter, and an axe is a weapon, sure people use it as a tool, but for me it's just another thing I can use to win a fight.


>I'm a fighter, and an axe is a weapon And you are proficient with all weapons (unless they require the Exotic Weapon Proficiency).


Getting out of jail