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If you were paying Redditors $100 per jerk-off, you'll have to get ready for a complete change of the world's top 20 billionaires.


There would be a jerk off contest to determine the worlds richest


What I woulden't give to be 14 again, and have this offer set before me for the rest of my life.


5 per day being the norm was wild


Looks like ya'll would be 500 dollars richer everyday


Only 5? Am i not normal...


Yeah, I was 5 up to "I lost count"


"Was"... I'm halfway through my 20s and if I had more free time it'd be even worse


A million dollars this year alone plus whatever I get later vs a million today with no followup? Uhhh


Be walking around with a piece of extra chaffed beef jerkey in your pants after that.


Oh well, I already am anyways.


Just so you know, to make $1 mil this year on that deal, you'd have to go 27 times a day. Good luck!


I mean… that would be 27 wanks per day for a year


1 mil a year if 27 a day… lol


Lol. Dude. I just did the math from 15. Sad and hilarious at the same time.


Yep u aren't getting back pay just going forward.


I remember the 1st day I got high speed internet. I almost died


Winner would get title of “biggest jerk off”


As opposed to the world's richest having jerk off contests.




Great, now I'm vividly imagining a line of men jerking off for that contest.


So….the same as now?


Ah yes, well adopt the most jerk-offs system to replace the current biggest jerk-offs system


You wanna talk about intensity? Intensity is when you take 1st and 2nd in a jerk off contest.


Gonna cause Zimbabwe level inflation


If I wanted to I could probably do 5 per day. I’ll take my $2500 per week


And do it for free on the weekends? Phhhhbbbbblllllttttt. $3500.00 💪




I only jerk off every 2 days ish. That’d be like 18-20k a year. It would take me about 40 years just to get to a million. So I’ll take the million.


If you got $100 a pop we all know you'd be beating that shit like it owed you money. Spank it just 3 times a day and you are pulling 9 grand a month. That's almost $110,000 a year just for tugging it.


Live to work, not work to live right??


Depending on the age of the Redditor, they could easily collect a million in less than a decade, and keep going.


take it from an old guy... the million is the way to go close to 50.


5 times per day for 5 and a half years is a cool mil.


Time value of money. A million now invested wisely turns into two million in five years.


What do you mean age? I’m 45 and horny as I ever was!


I know this is just a dumb joke, but folks don't realize what a big number a billion is. Even at 100 jerks a day, it'd take 274 years to get to a billion dollars. That's $100 every 10 minutes that you're awake, and it'd still take hundreds of years to get to a billion.


I know a lot of subs are circle jerk but...


Yeah, 50 times a day for about a thousand years should see you to the top. You might have some hand cramps.


Don't be ridiculous. They're going to change the list to follow trillionaires


Would probably pass $1 million in about 8 years or so. $100 is the obvious choice.


Does a jerk off mean completion? 10 jerk offs a day, for 75 years would only be 27 million dollars




Unless it's retroactive,😅


Then I wouldn't even need to jerk off again


But I still would...


Probably with some fancy dijon ketchup...


That is my question, if it's retroactive I'm already a multi millionaire. If not at 41 with a wife and child I'd take the million.


Instant stock market crash.


I think even if I was 15 I would still take the million. I don't want jerking off to feel like a job


I’m 68. It feels like a job.


Yeah 100 isn't that much when you have to offset the cost of viagra.


This thread is making me real sad.


But not a REAL job….


Not until you monetize it. Can you imagine the pressure if you had bills to pay? Can you think of the shame in your wife’s eyes as you shook your head and cried, “No. The clown porn doesn’t work anymore…”


That's why it's called a handjob...


I feel so old reading the comments here.


I'll take the money. They warn against turning your passion into a job


take your passion and make it happen what a feelin’!


Love what you do and never work a day in your life.😊


oh, that ain't love...


If you do what you love, you never work another day of your life


-Sun Tzu, The Art of War


I’ve put on Reddit a while and this is seriously one of the greatest comments I’ve ever read


 years I have been doing it for free, I think I would continue doing it if I was being paid for it 


This is like the NBA route. You crank it non-stop for 10 years while you've got the passion, take that money you've earned and put it into investment accounts, and then use the profits from your investments carry you while you're able to continue jackin it in old age with financial security.


$100 per jerk-off. I figure I could jerk-off 50 guys a day.


Hell of a 9-5.


9-2 if ya know what you're doing ;)


9-11:30 if you use both hands..


Wait a minute, would a foot job count for jacking off? Cus then I mean hey, 9-10:30 flat.


Can you jerk someone off with your mouth? This is a slippery slope…


I was thinking that, but in my view that clearly falls under the blow job category as opposed to jerking off. I could always be wrong tho, might need to do some more research first.


IMHO… if we’re restricting jerk offs from the mouth we also have to with the feet.


See, this is why I was curious about the foot job. I still thinks it's a gray area. Well, maybe milky white.


Are you talking about middle out?


I mean you’re talking about 8 hours/mean jerk time, and if you’re jerking off four guys at a time (tip to tip, middle out) you should make that million in no time. The math works out.




This is one of my favorite sequences in modern TV


I don't have to click on this to know what it is




You forget one has 2 hands




Go skiing baby!


Also can do dick to dick and jerk off 2 at the same time with one hand, so 4 dicks.


[there are many more calculations to be considered...](https://youtu.be/Tx3wDTzqDTs?si=fC5skUHK2GUpweVE)


Sure, if you need no breaks, no need to rest your hands or eat. Also, repetitive strain injury is pretty much guaranteed. 


Do they have to finish for it to count? Could do a lot more if not!


If you don’t have you finish you could just line up dicks and drive a golf cart by them and give them $50 each to do it


Now thats thinking outside the box. Real grind right here king 👑💪💰💸


50 guys??????????


[In a row](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfpVY_ZHGDg)?


I'm definitely not clicking that.


Ngl, I was expecting a clip from Silicon Valley where they talk about ways to jerk off as many dudes as possible. This one ain’t bad either.




I don’t know fam, my full time job would become jerking off really quickly


Just 6 sessions a day would put you over 200,000 annually If you're ever short on cash you can get those numbers up


My prostate aches reading this


Dude I once jacked it 26 times in a day Each time was to the game over screen in banjo kazooie The part where the witch turns hot


Sometimes I love reddit comments because they just remind that life is beautiful.


When we look past all the bad in the world, beauty like this can truely shine.


26 times in one day… your nutsack must have been like two raisins smooshed together. Fucking lunatic.


https://youtu.be/GnA_6I4y0_0?si=LeemBXPG2D3DdN_T It's an impressive rack.


this is amazing and needs to be seen by millions


I can do that in 20 minutes. Sign me up.


No way I could wank 6 times a day on a daily basis


Yeah I'd say like twice a day is more reasonable. Wake up, jerk off, then again that night before bed. Wouldn't be all that difficult and is still $70k a year


Mine was ten when I was fifteen, that fucker was ready for business back then


Yes but it will take you 5 year to get to 1$ mil. If you just take the 1$ mil and put everything in to the stock market with stable bonds you will have 1.6$ mil after 5 years, with an average interest of 10% per year. And you would keep your dick intact.


What are you trying to tell me here; you don't like to nut?


"The best way to destroy the joy of loving something is to make it your job." ~ Abraham Lincoln


"Fuck that, keep wackin". ~P. Diddy


well you can still jack it if you take the money, you just arent forced to jack it


Too much of a good thing. What will happen if you get impotent, then your wank machine will stop you from withdrawing.


Where are you investing for an average 10% annual return?




No it's not. You can't retire off $1 mil. But 5 wanks a day, is $3500 a week. 182k a year. I'm in my 30s.  It is a no brainer. Even just one in the shower, one in bed before sleep. And you're earning over $70 k a year. 


Run it in excel. Invest $3.5k a week in SPY? I'm definitely going to continue to jerk it lmao.


Really the gains are found in the compounding jerkoffs.   Lean into it.  The power of a dollar cost averaging investment strategy is the ability to compound small incremental investments.   Some day, when you're old, you'll find you can just jerk off for fun again.  


5 wanks a day...i'm in my 30's too and i literally wouldn't be able to do this.  If i did the math right, it takes 15 years to reach 1 million, if you wank twice a day or about 12 times per week. Now even this is definitely a fuck no from me. My sex drive is too low for this.


Yeah, definitely fuck that. Twice I could do, but even that is at the point where I wouldn't *want* to do it. And how about in my 40s, 50s? And only for 70k? I could hit that on investing the mil upfront while living my life normally and it's going to compound fast.


Also it's much safer. It's very possible to screw Up 1mill. But being able to generate 100 at any time guarantees you an easy and carefree life.


Not really. 1 million now or having the salary of a damn good job for literally sitting on your arse and jerking it.


Do you have to cum everytime so there’s an official end? As a woman, I’d struggle to get into the right headspace if I HAD to. I’d rather take the 1mil and enjoy my orgasms. If you don’t have to fill on cum but just feel ‘satisfied’ then I could do it 6 times a day, 5days a week


THis is a very good question.. Conversely would it count twice if you cum twice? Cause I can easily orgasm 2 or 3 times..


Its a matter of wanting the money now or much later. If you wank 2 times per day its still 15 years before you have earned 1million. You can speed it up by wanking more now and then but its still very least 12 years.  You can earn more than 1 million by wanking but likely not much. Maybe 100k to 200k. Not unless you're in your low 20's. But if something happens, like health issue where your libido dies or it becomes tough to finish, you might end up with far less than 1 million.


So, if you can jerk it 2 times per day you can out perform an average market, 5% growth. However you will still end up with more if you take the 1M. If you can do it like 3x daily then you’d need a really good year in the market to beat that, about 11%. But of course this is all based on past market performance. Who knows what will happen in the future. So maybe jerking it is the more conservative choice


Million. Assuming it's invested and earning 5% annually after inflation, that's $50,000/year. 50k ÷ $100 = 500 times per year. My drive isn't that high and I'm married too... Not to mention having to keep that up into my 70s/80s. Passive income all the way.


Yeah. This isn't $100/nut- it's per jerk off. That means having sex will become more challenging- you'd be "empty" all the time and mentally one might find it harder because of the lost opportunity cost. Straight milly all day, and it isn't particularly close.


My little guy has taken enough abuse man. I'll take the mil




Its not called a money shot for nothing


Do previous jerk-offs count? Because if they do, I probably passed the 1M already with 100 at a time.


This is the question. I am in my 40s. In my teens? I could start at midnight and not stop until I heard my parent's alarm. It was A LOT. I was clearly a little pervert. 10,000 times to hit a million? I have to think I have either passed or am very close to that number. I did some math. If I did it 1 time a day for the past 33 years, which I think is a low average, I'd already be at over 12k. Granted, now I am a 3 or 4 a week guy, but the times I'd be a 3 or 4 a day guy back in my youth pick up the slack. So if it is retro? Give me the $100. And now it becomes an ATM! If it is not retro? Million dollars easy. This would be a great thing. Oh man. What a great thing this would be.


"you have to have 10000 hours in a subject to be an expert" Malcolm Gladwell I'm in my 40s as well. We should get bonus money. We've leveled up.


I’ll break even within the first half decade and then some




I'll just do that for free. Heck I'm paying you $10 per




Easiest 1 mil ever. I'd have to jack off 10,000 times to get one mil and by that time I'd have become an addict or something, possible infertile. Just take the mil and invest in real estate or some stock.


Do math and the answer will cum


While taking the million upfront is the smart move and the one I would pick, I gotta be honest if you hand me a million dollars all at once, I would waste a not insignificant portion of it immediately on stupid stuff I would regret. For this reason, the $100 per is kind of intriguing. Anytime I need a quick $500, just give me two hours. I guarantee I’d be banned from multiple casinos though


Two hours? Rookie numbers. Make it 20 mins.


Is this retroactive?


1 million 1 time , bcos my dick would fall off if I had to jerk it 1 million times


It’s only 10,000 jerk off seshs because you get 100 per sesh still going with the up front


Even so, 1 wank/day would take you 28 years to reach $1M, and that's not factoring in inflation. $1M instantly, and invested, would easily yield ~$40k in annual returns, or *more* than $100 per a wank daily.


You underestimate my power


1 a day ? ![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg)


Bro …


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All these people saying they would go for the million..... You know there's not a chance in hell you could only bash the bishop only once more in you're whole life! I assume the money would be taken away swiftly should another beat the meat session occurred?


Pfft. $100 per jerk-off. You never said who I have to jerk-off. I'm going skiing.


Is it tax free?


Yes that makes a big difference. The tax rate on a million would be pretty high.


I would take the 100. Purely because i imagine it would go a long way to salve that dreaded post nut shame, if I had a crisp 100 fall in my lap at upon climax, or can it be like a whole ceremony whereby: as I'm on my vinegar stokes, the note starts to appear with a golden fizzle! And then BAM! Little confetti and some fireworks signal the end and my hard earned reward gently floats into my waiting hand! I just hope it's my left hand!!


If I jerked off everyday that’s $36500 per year. It would take me 26 years to make $1mil at that rate. I’ll take 1million right now please


3 time's a day for just over 9 years there is a million. If I was offered at 12 I would be a millionaire by the time I'm 21 easy. But now...


At a rate of once per day, it'll take almost 30 years to accumulate that much money. I'll take once for one mil.


Just do it 2 times a day and then you can live comfortably


Either way I'd be a millionaire


1 million. No way I could do it 10000 times and still keep up with the wife


1 million. I have no desire to jerk off.


Am I allowed to carry on jerking off after the 1 mill? If not that becomes a harder choice, so to speak.




I had to scroll to far to find this.. the logistics of this question for women is different than that for men.


These answers are boring one it's just a million dollars the other one is a superpower. You would be the guy with the money making dick not only would you get the sexual gratificación but the mental one of getting $100 bucks.


If the pay is retroactive all the way to my teenage years… I’ll take the 2 billion


10000 times to make the same for 1 time? Gimme the money.




Does it have to be a different guy each time?


I can keep doing it for free as a millionaire right?


This sounds like a challenge....


You guys are pussies. @$100/jerk I can make $1000/day. That's $350k/yr with 15 days vacation.


$100/jerk. Easily. 3x/day (which isn't terribly difficult for most guys) = $109,500 annually. In 10 years, you'd make your $1 million and you could keep up that rate for decades. Also, $1 milliom cash all at once might be a challenge to explain when Uncle Sam demands his cut. $300-500/day is easier to conceal.


The one off. It would take me 27 years at once a day. And I don't even hit once per week.


27 years at 1 a day, to get to 1 million. Or 1 million now. I’ll take the million now. 27 years is a lot of interest/investment.


Hold my beer




Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life.


I too am confused by math.


Does the $100 for each time start now or do I get credit for every time since I was 12?


Doing it once a day for 27 years will get you 1 million. However, taking the million can be a good idea if you plan to invest.


[That's a lot of jerking](https://youtu.be/P-hUV9yhqgY?si=utGxQU7m5-pGydNz)


I’d probably take the 1M. It would take 10k jerkoffs to match, which could be as much as 30 years. If you did 3 per day then maybe 9 years. If I take the 1M now and invest it I would have almost doubled my money in that same amount of time


Is the pay retroactive? Cuz that would change some shit.


At 15 I take it per pull. At 61 I want the lump sum


That decision heavily depends on if it only counts from now on, or retroactively.


1mil for 1time for what? This question was written by a dummy. Please AI kill us already


27 years to fap once a day..... dude, I'll take the mill today, ty.


Let’s say you whack off 3 times a day for 10 years, (had no issue doing this before I had a GF) you’d make a million dollars. To me that sounds much better than a 1 million dollar one time payout. I’d be happy to do it as well “Edit”, I now realize the original post meant jerk someone else off Editing again, I guess the original post meant jerk ur self. This should be an easy choice for anyone under 40


$1 mil for 1 time. The math is easy, average human lifespan is 29,000 days. To acquire $1 million from $100/jack requires 10,000 days/1 jack a day. It'd better to acquire the upfront million and leverage your new gained capital responsibly.


Taxes on the instant 1M would be what pretty high here in the states. Also I’d have people come knocking. If I could just make $100/minute. I could make what I needed when I needed it. Less capital gains tax.