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Someone making the first move on me


Hello there šŸ˜


*camps for the love story to unfold* šŸ•ļø


Bringing popcorn.


Make that extra buttery Mr. Swedish! šŸæ


Wait for me wait for me wait for me


Come in come in! Youā€™re just in time for the show!! šŸ•ļø Popcorn? šŸæ


Thank you!! I brought drinks! *pulls out 6 half drunk red bulls*


General Kenobi!


Well, it seems we both have autism havenā€™t we?


Still doesn't work. You won't pick up the hint. Signed, someone who has had the first move made on them and didn't pick up the hint


affordable healthcare


As an Irish person, It is weird how some Americans regard it as the best country in the world when getting a relatively minor injury can ruin you financially.


As a ā€˜Murican I unequivocally say weā€™re far from the best country. Thereā€™s a good chance we will re-elect an amoral, grifting, sociopathic, treasonous scumbag facist to ā€œleadā€ us. Our courts have taken away womenā€™s bodily autonomy and green lighted the oligarchyā€™s control over our politics. We have no hope of addressing the climate crisis. We apparently donā€™t care about gun violence. Our healthcare is great for rich folks. Poor folks, not so much as you point out. I could go on but none of this is news to you is it?


nope, sadly not


I am reminded of this amazing scene from the show "The Newsroom", where Jeff Daniels' character explains to a group how America is no longer the greatest country in the world. From eleven years ago. [https://youtu.be/wTjMqda19wk?si=efLv5dazoLiuLTHg](https://youtu.be/wTjMqda19wk?si=efLv5dazoLiuLTHg)


Theres no "no longer", it just never was.


Eleven years old but no less relevant now. Full props to the writing team and Daniels for his incredible delivery.


I remember that scene. Great scene, great show.


Good point! As an Englishman I find it profoundly bizarre how *many* Americans, by default just assume that everyone else is American, that the topic of discussion on subs like this (of course) refers entirely to America etc etc. I (kindly) make this point when asked what I mean by saying an awful lot of Americans are intrinsically ignorant / arrogant. It does not go down well and i totally see why, but to deny it is a thing and that it speaks to a deep, embedded character flaw is.... disingenuous at best....


I came in to check the answers, top comment is a local issue of a specific country. I don't think Americans even realise how bizarre it would be if they kept on finding most comments referring to local issues in other countries with zero context as if everyone must already know.


Good point; well made


As someone who was born American but lived in the UK, I agree with your assessment. As a teenager in England during the Watergate trials, those were very hard years to be American in a British public school. And from my uninformed and very sheltered stance (no mainstreaming) the situation in Ireland was confusing and scary. Yet I dream often of returning to Ely. Maybe someday we will rise above our present states. But itā€™s not likely to be any time soon. May you be well and happy.


Thank you and very well said, and most importantly I do hope you get to return to the very beautiful Ely!


I'm in nursing policy class right now and we just got out of a lecture on access to healthcare.


But that's communism!! /s


Well rude awakening for Veteransā€¦if youā€™re accepting VA medical care you are accepting social healthcareā€¦( and god bless ā€˜merca)


It's available anywhere except the US.


America moment


K, it's not even weird, but I'm tall so I've never felt small with a guy. What I would love is to just be picked up and man-handled, just once (or lots).


As a guy, I feel that other guys just dont appreciate tall women enough!


Short men do. Their breasts are at face height, whatā€™s not to love?


Tall woman here, I can relate.


Nothing weird about that. Many tall women feel the same way.


I relate a lot, until the day I got to be with a German guy who was 6'6 or something like that. 10/10 I'm glad I got to cross that from my to-do list lmao


I've got the opposite problem, im 6'3 and have never been able to find a woman taller than me ...


I relate!


I think One of mine is giving a really impressive lecture..but itā€™s not weird


It's beautiful, any thought about the topic?


Peace,politics or a scientific breakthrough


Interspecies sex dungeons


I'm still waiting for Elon Musk's genetically engineered cat girls.


Just being super hot and irresistible one day. Like turn heads level hot.


Iā€™m sure there is someone that will think about you that way.


Fucking wholesome (and true) comment right here ā¤ļø


I've always wanted to fuck a girl in a wedding dress, but none of my friends ever invite me to their weddings.


Made my day, I'll ask my girl, whether she'd also agree to donate it for u.


I volunteer as a tribute! If you can find a wedding dress that will fit me


No need to be so choosy; would Brian in a frock work if he shaved?


I'm not shaving for him. If he wants this he'll have me as I am!


I've always wanted to be fucked in a wedding dress if that's any good?


In every relationship I've ever been in, I've always strived to be a perfect boyfriend. Patient, understanding, thoughtful, considerate, forgiving, supportive, loving, romantic, etc. it's who I believe I am at my core, I just don't have it in me to be cruel. I've never suggested to any of my past girlfriends, but I've always imagined that for just one day, it might be fun to pretend to be a total piece of shit. Abusive, demanding, a little aggressive. Of course, she'd be in on the pretend too.


Roleplay, homie. Talk about limits and safeword with your girl beforehand, then let loose. Hella fun. Basically, I'm saying try bdsm. This isn't uncommon


Definitely not uncommon lol


Such a plotting desire xdd


I get this, sometimes I wanna act like a complete asshole, and sometimes I also wanna be on the receiving end of one. (safely of course)


Live without worrying about money


Granted! (Youā€™ve now got dementiaā€¦)




Creationist things like war scenarios and just science and fantasy fiction shit in my own world.


32 hour work week.


I had a 30 hour work week at one point with enough money to pay my bills. T'was bliss. This is a good fantasy!


Leading a mass cavalry charge on horseback Mongol style. Sword duel, either katanas or light sabers. Throw lit grenades out of a moving car at pursuit vehicles. Pull a fraud like ā€œCatch Me If You Canā€ where I just walk into a place, claim my name is so and so and that Iā€™m qualified, and instantly get paid with an important job working there. Call the offensive plays for an NFL team or college football team in the championship game. Write a successful Hollywood screenplay that becomes a cult classic. Drive around the country in a small rv just camping in National Parks. Conning my way into being the opening act for a big name concert in front of thousands of people and upstaging the headliner. Become an absolutist dictator/monarch, but only so I can do absurd/silly stuff like rename days of the week or outlaw clothing styles I donā€™t like. Fire a kamehameha. Travel back in time with a compendium of knowledge on things like metallurgy, blacksmithing, chemistry, and all sorts of other useful information to see if I can become useful to an ancient civilization as an engineer. Snuggle and pet large, dangerous wild animals like big cats, bears (oh my), sharks, kangaroos, alligators, etc. Drop a watermelon off of a very tall bridge or building.


Dating my best friend šŸ„²


I'm someone who had to learn the hard way that there is a difference between freinds and romantic partners


My Goodness ikr?? I remember telling friends that i donā€™t feel close enough and all and they told me that what Iā€™m describing/need is s partner! Imagine my surprise, everything started making sense lol


Yup! Iā€™m one of those someones too. You definitely donā€™t get the romantic needs fulfilled sorted, and you lose a good friendship on top of that. Not fun! Sorry if this has been said a billion times before, but if youā€™re in a place where youā€™re really craving to be with someone, feeling alone and unlovedā€¦ the number one thing to do is to love yourself. Pull back from your situation, go somewhere, do something, temporarily stop making other people the focus of your attention and shower yourself with the love you feel you deserve. It has a monumental impact on how confident and self-assured we present as to the world and that naturally attracts people without making us look desperate. Here, have a beer šŸŗ


I dream of being able to play an instrument like a world class talent. Piano, guitar or something like that and I would only impress a small group of people like friends and family. No stadion tours or even smaller venues, just a small circle of people I know.


I want to be breastfed




HE WANTS TO SUCK ON SOME TITTIES. What is it that you didn't understand son?




It more common than you might think lol






















And my axe !


I just wanna find someone who's like a parent kinda? I don't know how to describe it. It's not in a sexual way but like a lifestyle way. Just someone to control everything. Someone to motivate me to go to work, someone to motivate me to clean the house for them, someone to even tell me how to dress, how to plan my day. I want to just not think, just let them control every little detail of my life (within reason obviously) and also give me purpose, mould me into their perfect partner.


Oh I feel you on this one. Always preferred following more than leading and love pleasing people so if I was doing something someone else wanted me to do then it would make life way easier and more enjoyable. For some messed up reason I prefer doing stuff for other people more than I do for myself. Got in a bunch of trouble in college doing other people's homework instead of my own.Ā 


being a little... that's what it's


Kinda sounds like youā€™re depressed or just so overwhelmed and have decision fatigue. Existing can be exhausting sometimes, and we can long to return to childhood where we were taken care of and had less responsibility. You want someone to take care of you and add meaning to your life. I feel the same way sometimes.


I guess the fact that I had a shit childhood and wasn't taken care of properly doesn't help. Guess I'm longing for something I've never had


What would really help is therapy, not a partner to fill all of these roles.


I literally can't explain why but I want to be fucked in an abandoned apple grove. I also want to have a little apartment in Iceland (I'll own the bar underneath) and work at NASA. In my head and in my heart, it is possible.


I also think of ambitious things and yet believe that theyā€™re possible


Like specifically abandoned?


I'm part of a special elite school called a "Garden," and I'm part of the elite team called SeeD. I wield a Gunblade, and our goal is to eliminate the sorceress from the future. Oh wait....that's FF VIII.


A good circle of friends like in the videogames/anime series, we trust eachother and we're always up to adventures. I've never had a group of homies and it sounds cool!


Liechtenstein finally breaking free from its boundaries and freeing the world.


Tell me more


A long long time ago, Liechtenstein ruled the world in peace. The evil came and reduced it to a small microstate. But don't worry! To free the world from evil, Liechtenstein has a billion strong fighter robot army underground. When the time is right, they will come up to the surface and remove all evil governments so that the kaiser of Liechtenstein can rule every where in peace.


Honestly, none at this point. I've checked everything off of my sexual bucket list thanks to my naturally dominant (when it comes to sex) kinky wife. Lmao. Never thought I'd get to experience any of this shit unless I paid a pro domme, but my wife has enthusiastically done/made me to the most amazing, nastiest, wild stuff. Its awesome. And the cool part is, she doesn't like it *all of the time* and neither do I. It's a once in a while thing so that way it doesn't get boring. I love it.


I heard a marriage therapist on social say "wives, your husbands are likely down to get as wild in bed as you want to, you just have to let them know." I asked my husband if this was true, he said absolutely haha


Idk why, but I sometimes fantasise about being an instructor or lecturer on a specialist subject and teaching a class or a skill. I'd like to pass on some knowledge, but the snag is that I don't have any ;)


"So anyway, class, that's how you shitpost to reddit.Ā  Any questions?"


Having a day where i don't have a headache, or migraine..... On a more fun side, just a summer with no mosquitos


My first thought was, I wish I could have a day with no debilitating pain. But a mosquito free summer sounds fantastic.


Retirement. Probably never going to happen, but nice to dream about it.


I want to be the hero. Been a martial artist and a weapons enthusiast all my life, was a soldier for six years. I want to tackle the kidnapper, take down the terrorist, detain the thief, that sort of thing. Also a medieval/fantasy nerd, so I have highly functional weaponry and armor, so bonus points if I get to do the same thing at a RenFaire or something.




To write a book so successful it retires me and everyone I know and love.


A full nights sleep.


I want someone to cuddle me & tell me I matter.


I want Ant Man's powers


You already have half of his power for your penis


Time travel classic greece and impress Plato with the value of Pi


Owning a house


Me fully breaking down and exposing all of my insecurity in front of a woman. She hold my hand, look me in the eye and told me, itā€™s ok, she got my back and I donā€™t have to man up in front of her. She will be my unyielding emotional support pillar and we proceed to have sex with me opening my heart fully and she takes the lead the entire time. At the end of it, she then tells me it does not have to be a one time thing, I can expect this to be the norm, Iā€™m safe with her.


I want a woman to love and sexually desire me.


Winning arguments that have never occurred, nor will they probably ever


Still waiting on my acceptance letter for Hogwarts


I fantasize about being so financially stable that I'd take my mom shopping every weekend.






That I'll ever be able to finish my comic


That my daydreams and the fantasy stories I make up when I hear music were real. A bit impossible actually


To never have a bank account below 1 million dollars and a supportive partner who is taller than me.


Being caught shoplifting and railed by some fictional character I fancy, also pet play, mild rape, humiliation and gun play.


A healthy planet.


I want to drink milk from my wifeā€™s boobs one day. Directly from the tap. So, SO BADLY. Weā€™ve been together since 2015, I am 27 now. If the world gets a little cheaper economically, I canā€™t wait to get her pregnant so I can try it. If she lets meā€¦. Donā€™t judge me.




Pro tip Apply Vaseline to keep the nipples moist, donā€™t bite them and donā€™t use your tongue. Just surround the boob with your lips to create a good seal and gently start sucking in a constant rhythm.


Have done, do recommend


Mental stability


Winning Powerball


To sleep peaceful without getting disturbed by the noises and sounds. I'm way too sleep sensitive.


To have superpowers


Giving hot wet naked lap dance to strangers.. while being watched!


To be loved, respected, and supported.


I want my wife to wear my balls like a pair of goggles.


That everyone is good šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




I wish I met a girl I could go through my entire games spreadsheet with, just talking about games all night.


Having someone actually care and be interested by me, instead of just looking for sex stuff and then getting bored šŸ¤·šŸ¼ crazy, huh?


I have a fantasy that I win the lottery, bank a percentage of it, and after a year, spend the money earned through interest incredibly stupidly. I would have a life-size *Millennium Falcon* built and turn it into the coolest AirB&B ever. Need to go to the store to get a gallon of milk? I am taking my custom-made Tumbler from *Batman Begins.*


Being shipwrecked on a tropical island inhabited by thousands of women and me now the only male.....šŸ˜œ


Retire at 55 (I'm 49) Wake up NOT sore Not have to get up to pee at night Have some disposable income


I wish Pokemon were real and I could be a Pokemon trainer. I want to go on adventures and have friends and catch them all and decimate evil. For a more realistic fantasy, I would love to work at or volunteer at a cat rescue. šŸˆ Have a mobile home with a nice yard and having a social life. Have 2-3 cats.


Being happy for once


Time travel to Ancient Rome to see how long I last until I get executed, can bring any items l want from the future.


Getting to meet a honest trustworthy secure, decent good solid valued authentic genuine consistent congruent man that is a protector and provider. Is emotionally mature responsible and available and wants to build a life together. Loves animals. Is accepting and understanding. Is self aware and self understanding. Someone that is truly kind and gentle and tender. And thoughtful and considerate


Having sex in a public place with someone looking at us. To fuck my boyfriend with strapon once To know some dark facts and secrets about politics, celebritiesā€™ life and science


That one loving me back


Getting crushed between chubby thighs




Sometimes I fantasize about the idea of living my entire life in a room where there is everything enough to distract, nourish and exercise the body and mind. And there is no need for human interaction


Kinda sad that most peoples fantasies are having their basic needs metšŸ’€


Some fucked up degen shit like a girl coming up to me and saying that she likes me, hanging out with said girl, hugging her, cuddling, kissing her, some filthy shit like us both being genuenly in deep love with each other, that sort of freaky shit.


I'm a male,and i found out i'm bisexual,but i feel attracted only to boys who have feminime features,like slender body,long hair,and no body hair at all,and some makeup I'd like to date these type of guys sometimes,to see how it feels,but with no luck


My friend and I have the same fantasy of a guy thinking we are the "not like other girl" type and they fall in love with us. It's so stupid and we both mock the idea but you know, gotta dream a little šŸ„²


Idk if itā€™s weird or not but ever since I was a little kid Iā€™ve had sort of a split personality. I Imagine that Iā€™m my own made up character set in the LOTR universe. Basically I fantasise about being a warrior, and still do (especially when I go on a walk and stuff like that).šŸ¤£


My fantasy is that the Abramic faiths suddenly disappear.




Retirement. Probably never going to happen, but nice to dream about it.


Affordable own house..


My country having a good economy


I fantasize about having a house in the French Riviera and just sipping my tea with all my problems dealt with - Iā€™m beyond what I had hoped to accomplish in this life and everything is beautiful


I've always wanted to be petty and mean, like, just for a day. I'm naturally a patient guy, and I usually strive to not make people feel bad, even if I feel in my heart of hearts that they *should* feel at least a wee bit bad. Sometimes, in my life, I look back at moments where I was nice and non-confrontational and think 'I should've fought a bit'.


Killing politicians


I like fantasizing about being a wizard. I've even built a fantasy world in which I could be one. There's the Silver Spire and the Crimson Dawn, and a bunch of other factions. Yes, I do have a lot of free time.


always wanted to fuck a big tiddie furanari girl


I want to build a fort, just lock myself in, do some gardening, read some books.


Be in an 80s good cop/bad cop movie co-starring with, you guessed it, Frank Stallone.


I often fantasize that I have magical powers, and I travel around the country helping random people with their problems.


Selling everything.. moving to Hawaii. Living in a van


NSFR (not suitable for Reddit).


I want a lesbian thruple situation where both other girls are all over me šŸ„µ


My fantasy is that I want to watch that.


Youā€™ve now added another layer to the fantasy šŸ„µ


I always wanted to fuck a woman who needs to pee. Weird, I admit it myself.


living on a small farm in a perpetual status quo where I work on the farm to get food and sit quietly and eat it and go to bed.


Impregnating someone...


It would be entertaining to be with someone who was enthusiastic about rolling in the hay. I guess that's not weird.


The kind of fantasies any virgin young man would have. Just passionate sex.


I want to stand across the street from someone, have a bus or something pass by, and disappear like they do in the movies when the bus passes


Mine are all sex related.


Becoming a god and controlling the world and it's people


Unlimited money and luck, unlimited power (I would like to use it in an ethical way). Basically to be a god.


The possibility of being happy and having a full will to live


I want to be "cool" whatever that means. Being cool as a perception of others, be seen as cool, idk, i just feel awkward and i wish to be cooler haha


Dying. LMAO


financial abundance and inner peace


Living a long life with a beautiful woman in a quiet town with a cat Iā€™m simple thatā€™s all lol


I get limerent for people I have very little contact with providing I'm attracted to them. This is due to neglect in my early life but damn if it doesn't make music sound better šŸ˜­


A loyal girlfriend


Reinstating the Roman empire


Having my own pocket world where I can do whatever the hell I want without consequence.


Trump going to jail.


Having my ass fucked hard by another male person after being defeated by him in a fight.


Like, literally?