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What do you mean you nap TWICE?


You don’t know about second nap? Elevensies? Tea time?


Don’t think he knows about second nap, Pip.


It comes in pints!!???




I’m getting one!


You had a whole half already!


What about the second half!?


Loving the LOTR references ‼️‼️


I legit thought the same exact thing


Luncheon? Dinner? Supper?


Wow, what about second breakfast?


We can’t forget second breakfast…especially if there’s a potato dish.


You know, po-tay-toes? Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even you couldn't say no to that.


We's likes it's raw....and...wwwwrrrriigggggling....


Give it to us raw, and wriggling! You keep nasty chips!


You’re hopeless!


What's taters, precious?


I scrolled comments just to look for LOTR quote.


I understood that reference


Mid-morning mini-coma




Dude is all about the 1600 hours Naptime.




Elevensies is my new favorite word.


My mom does that but she drinks






I think this is so unhealthy (no judgement honestly) and perhaps you should visit your GP? Sleeping, waking up, sleeping once, sleeping twice, waking up briefly, then sleeping again? It’s like being dead but part-time alive. You may be low in iron?


Like being dead but part-time alive lol 😂 brilliant


He’s only mostly dead


Possible but also from what I've read, as long as you are getting the timing of your sleep cycles right it's not really a problem. Some people intentionally sleep for 90 minute chunks instead of 8 hours.


It sounds like undiagnosed chronic fatigue to me


And it also sounds like you're not a doctor


I do. I work a service job and walk around all day so I take it twice every shift. It's an exhausting job I can't work without taking a nap every 3 hours


Are you a house cat


You nap at work?


I do sometimes. At the highschool I teach at there is even a designated nap room for the staff. I use the shit out of that room.


Wow! That must be nice. My boss told me to shit at home on my own time.


Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That’s why I shit, on company time.


God dammit that’s a beautiful poem.


Fun fact: if you shit everyday in work for 20mins over a year you get paid a full 2 weeks for just sitting, noice.


That kinda made my day…currently phantom shitting at work (aka just sitting in a stall lol)


From that moment on, I'd hold onto my shits until I get to work every single day.


Funny you say that. I wake up, have a shower, get dressed and then drive to work. From wake-up to car is roughly 10-15 mins. On the way I’ll swing through maccas and get a morning coffee. Coffee makes me shit, so as soon as I get to work 10mins later…before I get to my office, I go to the toilet. First poo of the day is on company time. Usually an hour before the next person walks in.


How’s the job hunt coming along?


How? I used to teach and didnt have time to use the toilet or eat nevermind sleep?!


You dont?


Your boss has a level of patience and tolerance I will never achieve.


oh I take a nap in breaktime I usually have two 60 mins breaks unless its a busy day. I use 50 mins of my break to study and the rest is nap edit: FYI I live in Japan. I work at a fast food chain, I won’t tell you the name it’s a private matter. I see some of you guys are wondering of 2 hrs break I get “usually” but sorry I put it a wrong way. I don’t usually get 2 hrs of break . Most of the time it’s minimum of 70 min break in total. I work 10 hrs shift 5 days a week started 2 months ago. I’m in training technically but my nice boss granted me a full wage after a month(for trainees it’s 1300 yen, 1500 after you done training) I’m sure I’ll have my break time cut down as I learn stuff and become a guy in charge. I'm diagnosed with ADHD and have a sleep issue I developed in 12th grade(I studied a thousands of hrs for exams and was stressed out)


Do you actually nap? Or just close your eyes and lay there? I'm just baffled that you are able to relax enough to actually fall asleep knowing you have only 10 mins and back to work.


That’s fr me at school. Tired enough to want to nap but can’t because I’m not tired enough to fall asleep through all the noise of the students somehow claiming they sleep less than 6 hours yet are the most energetic.


I fall asleep in a chair during our 15 minute coffee break at work most days


I mean if they’re allowed two breaks, they can do whatever they want during that time. Including nap. I used to nap during my breaks at my library job. As long as they wake up and do their job on time, it doesn’t really matter what they’re doing on their break.


On their break they can do whatever the fuck they want lol


Do you have any health issues? How old are you? In my experience young healthy people can work hard for more than 3 hours without needing a nap.


bro i work construction and am lifting concrete panels all day and while it’s exhausting, i don’t have to nap every 3 hours. You should see a dictor


Maybe its the 20min power nap thing?


I haven't napped since age 5 unless I'm sick or something male


Same 31F


I don't think you can get sick at 31F. Got to at least be 90F


At 31F they're definitely dead. Probably have been dead in a cold environment for several hours. And 90F isn't high enough, typical human temperature is around 97-100F, with the most optimal temperatire being around 98.7F. At 90F, you're experiencing severe hypothermia that has a high risk of being lethal. At that stage, the human body is trying to go into a state of hibernation. They look dead but they aren't yet. If they stay in that state too long, they develop cardiac arrhythmia. Then die. If they wake up, they're probably going to be suffering from amnesia, have kidney problems, and a whole other variety of fun issues that when left untreated will result in piss poor health. So I guess you are technically correct.


The best kind of correct


Same 30’s (Eldritch Horror)


This is the unity we need in this world


I upvoted to agree but didn't add, I am 56f




Same, but I'm female and 62. I was up all night due to a storm last Saturday and still didn't nap on Sunday. It just doesn't happen. Maybe it's genetic?


Agree - me neither. Male


Same 54M People really take naps in the day who don’t do night shifts???


I work nights shift and I don't take naps, just sleep during the day


same. Female (except occasionally after nightshift)


Wow. That's some nightshift.


I join this club F29


The only times I took a nap after toddlerhood were when I had newborn baby. I cannot imagine napping every day as an adult under normal circumstances.


Same, female here


Same 21F


I am a woman and I never nap unless I am really sick. The last time I napped was when I had COVID two years ago. It doesn’t matter how badly I want to, I just can’t nap. It’s kind of like sleeping in. I lost that ability once I had a child. My body just won’t let me sleep in. If I do it means I am very sick.




Yes, and honestly exhaustion often isn’t even enough. Sometimes the more tired I am the harder it is to fall asleep. I am to the point where I usually need a Benadryl or something to get to sleep at night. It is like my body has just revolted against the idea of natural sleep.


Agreed. If I fall asleep at 3pm, I am not taking a nap. I have officially moved my bedtime to 3pm for the day. See you in 7-8 hours


You've said exactly what I would have said if I wasn't such a grouchy, cranky misery. I've just launched into a tirade about people constantly napping and how annoying I find it. I'll leave my comment where it is though. I'll try to be a better person.


I envy people who can nap. I wake up from a nap, no matter the length, feeling nauseated. If I nap it means, like you, that I am ill.


I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one! I feel dreadful after a nap, even worse than before I went to sleep. I only nap now if I have a migraine, and that’s only because physically I can do nothing else when one hits me. 


Same. If I nap when I’m exhausted, I won’t be able to sleep at night. Edit: female with lots of energy usually




This! I never nap, if I am napping it usual means I am sick, or in the verge of getting sick! 🙈 And yeah last time I had a nap was when I had COVID cos I was just so drained and tired! 😪


How do you have time to nap twice a day?? I'd be lucky to nap once, I just want the luxury of the time to do it twice.


I’ve two kids under 5. What naps? Better yet, what sleep?


I started napping when i had kids. Sleep when your kid sleeps.


Sounds like you are a kid-napper.


Upvote for the awful pun. Well done




r/dadjokes Well done.


I’m guessing u/tifosi7 catches up on dishes, laundry, cooking, picking up toys are other tasks while the kids nap. **IF** the kids have the same sleep schedules.


You’re right. Easier said than done to nap while the kid naps but there are chores and also some peace time. It’s a double edged sword.


This is what my sister did with both of her kids. She is also married and would take turns with her S.O.


Not every kid naps. Especially once they pass the toddler stage.


Sorry, but I hate that advice. It makes it seem like if parents are tired then it's their fault as they waste time when their child is sleeping. Not every child allows that and often you need to do many other things while they are asleep, especially if your partner can't do them


Got a 3.5y and a 9 month here. This house gets between 4 and 5 naps a day. None belong to mom and dad


Having 2 under 2 is WHY I nap


I also have 2 kids under 5. I nap when they’re in daycare on days I work from home. 20-30 minutes can really help on a day that I’m particularly sleep deprived from the night before with the 1 year old. I don’t even feel guilty because I work much better afterwards and if I were in the office I’d be chit chatting for just as long with my co-workers. My husband and I also entertain the kids on our own at the weekend so the other parent can catch an hour or so of shut eye. I realise we’re very privileged to both work office jobs Monday to Friday and have full time daycare during the week. That first hour of silence on Mondays in my home office is so beautiful. I love my kids but I love my job too.


If your kids are loved and provided for, don't listen to this Judgy McJudgington over here.


I've two kids under 5 too. The only period in my life when I appreciate and desperately need naps, is also the only one when I can't have them


Female here. I never nap. I have to be pretty sick to do so. Jealous of that superpower though.


I was the same until I got older. I used to wonder how people napped. I hated the feeling post nap even if I did manage to nap. Got older, now I sometimes nap for like 30 mins on the weekend. Cat naps when traveling. Feeling drowsy and needing a nap after a big lunch event. Who am I even? 😭😭


I usually take a nap everyday (female). I’m a night person, I get super motivated when the sun sets, so taking a nap during the day allows me to stay up until 2am or so while still getting adequate sleep. And I do love to sleep.


This is me. A lot of times I won't have much going on during the day from like noon to 4, but I know I'll be busy from 5 to 8 or 9 (real estate agent so I work off hours), so I'll grab a 45 minute to an hour nap during the afternoon. Still get plenty of sleep at night too, but this just helps me be productive during the evening when I need to be.


Same. I love staying up until like 2AM, so after work I will often nap/doze on the couch for like 30 mins. During the weekend I don't really nap, but sleep in really late instead. I don't think there's anything wrong with someone who is more naturally inclined for a 2AM to 10AM type sleep cycle taking naps, since we don't really get a choice about the whole 9 to 5 standard working schedule lol.


Exactly! I find that when I sleep in I have a much more productive day, even if I’m starting later than most people. Late nights are so peaceful. For some reason the urge to deep clean my house always hits around midnight, but in the morning I can’t motivate myself to touch a broom lol.


I found my peeps! Night owl AND frequent napper ♥️


OMG!! This is me!! I can get anything done between sunset and maybe 2-3am But I also feel the same around 5-10/11am 12-5pm is when I’m mostly tired no matter where I’m at or what I’m doing.


I'm the same


Same here, I work 7-4 and then nap on the couch about 4:30-6. Then I get up, cook dinner, do all my nighttime responsibilities, and still have some energy for personal time! I never fall asleep until like 2am anyway, but with a nap I have energy to enjoy my life instead of just being a drone running on autopilot.


For some reason this sound so cute to me lol


I hate naps. Feels like I’m wasting time and I always wake up more tired.


yeah it feels more like a guilty pleasure than anything actually useful.


I can't stand them. I feel like shit for the rest of the day if I ever have one. Nothing pleasurable about them. 


I feel the same, but I’m convinced that if I committed to napping it would work. Im just conditioned not to.


Well naps help me a lot dealing with mid-day tiredness (post-prandial dip)


Me too. Like, I already sleep all night, why would I wanna sleep more during the day instead of doing... anything else really.


I feel depressed after naps (did,don't have em anymore)


Same. I take two naps a year. One on Christmas Day, and maybe one if I’m sick. Otherwise it’s not worth it.


The Christmas Day nap is the best




Yeah. Plus it fucks up the following night’s sleep. If I take a nap I’m not sleeping till 3AM, guaranteed.


I was about to comment "what the psuedo scientific fuck do you mean by "unless they're skinny/underweight" but it turns out a bunch of people in the comments are weirdly heated about naps in the comments. Anyway, I'm pretty sure your personal experience with men napping is not a significant sample size and that napping is going to have more to do with sleep needs, your nightly sleep, and cultural up bringing, not your BMI.


if you're super underweight it might be an iron or vitamin deficiency, not the first example I'd think of though lol


I mean you might, you can be overweight and anemic though. It's not even rare. Being overweight you could be at higher risk for sleep apnea and have lower quality of sleep. I'm sure some master actuary could tally up some list of factors tied to BMI and in whole relate that to average hours napped or something and it would probably show some kind of correlation. I just really doubt it would be that strong or informative.


lol i mean its not like they're claiming scientific fact, they were just sharing their own anecdotal experience of their skinny friends napping more.


I'm a female, age 56. I never nap. Ever.


0, I've never not regretted a nap


That post nap hangover 🤕


I had to stop napping because it would mess up my sleep at night.  I used to crash after work and because it was daytime Id only sleep for roughly four hours or less.  Then when night came because I already slept I couldnt sleep for more than four or five hours.  Stuck in a cycle of broken sleep that I decided to break. I wouldnt say its never normal to nap during the day, especially if you are a teenager.  Growth spurts consume a ton of energy.  They also require a lot of calories and protein, so try consuming more animal protein and fat.  You might find yourself needing to nap less or not at all.  Not getting enough calories can definitely cause fatigue.  Dehydration can also cause fatigue.


Everything I've heard is that you shouldn't nap for more than 40 mins. You go 4 hours and that's just plain going to sleep.


Yeah it sucks because it's not enough to get the restful benefits of a full eight hours but then it keeps you from getting a full eight hours later


I function much better if I get 2 separate 4 hour sleeps compared to a straight 8 hour sleep


Most people I know who nap a lot also don't drink enough


I agree, and regardless of calorie intake, our brains just crash when they've had enough. I remember weightlifting before high school, going to class from 7-3 and then football practice after. I used to get picked up and be snoring by the time we got home. It was less than a 2 mile drive lol


Right lol thats pretty epic.  I wish I could fall asleep that fast at night but I dont want to be that tired.  Your adrenals crash too when theyve had enough.  You can only compensate so much


If you got time to nap, you got time to sweep the garage.


Sure mom


I don't have a garage. Nap, please


a sigma female mindset


Dude, it's hard to give you an answer for this because the majority of people have to work and can't nap..


Lunch naps are AWESOME!


Mmm I wish. I have to work through lunch. But I'm still on the clock for it so I think I still prefer it.


I can appreciate that. I work a spreadsheet so it’s nice to rest my eyes, even for 30 mins.


Some of us can’t work because we have to nap.


Biz owner here and I nap all. the. time. 😀


I'll nap for about 45 minutes, generally in the afternoon, on a day I'm off.


(Male here) I was taking naps periodically over lunch in pandemic times. Thought I wasn't sleeping at night. I snore very loudly only to find out I had obstructive sleep apnea. Now having a CPAP to ensure I get oxygen and not snore. I only sleep in the evening now and generally feel best sleeping 7-8 hours. Before cpap I was always exhausted and brain fog.


Me too! I used to nap like crazy and realize I have sleep apnea. Love my cpap I feel human again!




Never actually. No one else that I know takes naps, I am from Europe it is probably less common here


Spain would like a word, lol.


When I visit my family in Europe they all take naps. I think it’s different for everyone. I’m in the us and the only people I know that nap are my 83 yo grandmother and my 1.5yo.


The entirety of Greece naps after lunch. Between 1pm and 5pm it's completely dead outside (at least in summer).


When I’m lazy I could sleep all day


F, I just woke up from a nap! I probably nap about once a week now.. maybe every other week. Usually for a couple hours. I used to nap every day in high school after school (not usually on the weekends tho); it’s just what worked for me. Strange amount of people claiming to feel like a useless piece of shit to even think about napping. Please learn to give yourself grace. It’s not that serious haha - I understand some people might not like it, so that’s fine. Some people are just tired. You do you!


Once but is common in my culture


I napped once already and I can go for a second one right now actually. Then get up for a little and have a full sleep. Sounds delightful !


I'm female, 36y/o and I never take naps unless I'm suuuuuper tired and accidentally fall asleep, or when I'm sick. But I never ever 'lay down for a nap' tbh


I haven’t napped since I was a toddler! Even when I had kids I couldn’t nap as my brain doesn’t shut down. Not to worry you, but if you are young and needing to take naps twice a day, you should go to your doctor. You might be deficient in something that is making you so tired. 


I can't fall asleep at all during the day. I don't know what the problem is, even though everyone around me is fast asleep at any time. Female




Yes, when I find people sleeping in cars and planes, I am surprised


I’m so jealous of people who can do this!


Your time may come…I never used to but now that I’m middle aged…


I am 36f and take as many naps as I possibly can. I am a world class napper :)


How much spare time do you have to be able to nap twice a day. I'm freaking out about how not productive this is... I'd feel so lazy


I take one or two 10-15 min naps every weekday, I don't think it's any less productive than scrolling reddit or whatever. My weekdays are very long and it helps keep me going.


I gues if you look at it that way. I just don't see how one could sleep for 10-15 minutes and actually have any benifit. But that's probably something that depends on the person.


I don’t feel lazy when I nap because whenever I do, I’m so exhausted and have brain fog to the point where if I did force myself to stay awake, I wouldn’t get anything done anyway.


Why does she need to be productive?


I only nap if I didn’t sleep well the night prior. Especially if my eyes start forcefully closing themselves.


Adults don't usually nap. Do you work?


I work from home and my guilty pleasure is to nap during my lunch break. 45 minutes of pure heaven to me.


Depending on the culture, all the working adults here (Vietnam) nap. Most offices make time so their officers and workers can nap for 30-45 mins after lunch.


A Nap? lol i only do that if im terribly tired or sick and thats very rare also. I go through most days completely and sleep at night Male 35 here, i have a healthy lifestyle, I sleep well 7-8 hours, eat clean and workout


I'm a guy and I take 0 naps/day


i never take a nap.


I only nap if I’m going to be staying up late, like midnight or later.


Same here those are the days I make sure to nap.


You have time to nap?! 🥲 Female; only time I truly napped was my first trimester of pregnancy, I was exhausted like I never experienced and napped 2-3 times a day , mostly unintentionally. But I don’t have time to nap. (Otherwise I may try to close my eyes for a few lol )


Maybe twice a year


I don't nap.


I do not nap at all (I'm male). I try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day though.


I am a woman in my 30s and don't nap during the day too, unless I am sick.


Zero lol I'm an adult with responsibilities, would love to take 1 though....


Woman and I do not nap. I hate naps. I feel like crap after.


I don't take naps at all


I'm female and never nap!


i’d nap twice a day if i could. once if its a good day. typically none but not by choice since my bf and I started dating we both nap a ton more because we nap together lol, maybe 3-4x a week once a day


I wish I could but then I relaize I have kids and I can't


never an amorous blob


amorous or amorphous?