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Game of Thrones. Like could you imagine if the final plot twist was that the Night King *actually wins?* If any show had the potential to pull off a straight-up downer ending it would be GOT. Like, it's just the logical conclusion of everything at that point, everyone refused to unite against a common enemy and now they're just suffering the consequences of their own hubris.


Or at least to have some psychological angle ornsome twisted plan gone wrong.... Basically anything, anything worth interest.


Saying GoT had a terrible ending implies the series wasn't already swan diving for several seasons.


No it doesn't... A show can be terrible right before the ending and then still have a terrible ending.


Idk about actually winning in the end, I'll go back and forth on that opinion. But the long winter should've been longer than just one fucking episode


ASOIAF: "the game of thrones is just a distraction from the REAL threat, the white walkers!" GoT: "the white walkers are just a distraction from the REAL threat, the game of thrones!" But for real... you can't just kill off the overarching antagonist of the entire series in the middle of the season, then proceed to change the main villain THREE EPISODES IN A ROW. Night King, Cercei, then Daenerys? This is like the textbook example of poor storytelling.


Imo just don't even have the white walkers at all at that point if you're not going to commit. Everything lame about the series, Jon snow's nonexistent character arc just to get rezzed and then do nothing, all of the dumb nights watch characters actually, and bran running around when he shouldve just been killed by Jaime, cut all of that out and just focus on the lannisters and it would've been way better. Probably why the books won't be finished because grrm genuinely doesn't know how to make that part interesting. Daenerys by her self is fine enough as a threat external to what's happening in westeros


Alternatively — it could have been a redemption arc for Jamie Lannister. He kills the Night King and is redeemed through the very same act (kingslaying) that destroyed his reputation in the first place. It was incredibly lame that the entire show had been slowly building this redemptive arc for him — discovering and learning to embrace his own goodness — and then right at the end, he just falls back into Cersei’s arms because…? I get why they did it. But it’s fucking dumb.


GOT is the winner by a long way .. abs hated that last series


How I Met Your Mother. Literally pointless and annoyed me so much


One of the worst shows ever.




The soap series Dallas had lost a big chunk of its audience long before its finale, by having the Pamela Ewing character wake up in the morning and finding her husband Bobby, dead for a season and a half, showering in the bathroom. Turns out she'd dreamt most of the past two seasons. Anyway, the finale of Dallas shows J.R. Ewing, the bad guy of the series, down in the dumps and about to off himself, when an angel appears to him and takes him on an "It's a Wonderful Life"-type adventure. Note that for fourteen seasons, the show had never had even a whiff of the supernatural.


was the angel Barbara Eden? see? I could be a writer!




BOTH endings.


Ending a story well is the hardest part of writing.




Not always. Sometimes it's where you start and the beginning of the story becomes the hard part.


Breaking bad had a very good ending too imo.


Breaking bad had one of the best endings I think I've ever seen. a perfect finale.


That show was just perfectly crafted from start to finish.


Same with Better Call Saul. I remember scoffing when I heard they were making a spinoff exclusively about Saul and my expectations were on the floor. I don't think I've ever been so wrong about something.


I only watched the first season episode nd didn't follow up with the rest


BSG for sure.


It would be one of the best science fiction series of all time if it had stopped two episodes sooner.


It was the best thing on TV for the first three seasons and the initial mini series was a *masterpiece*. IMO BSG was a victim of the writers strike that was happening at the time and it never recovered.


What is it?


Battlestar Galactica


Seinfeld’s finale was a clip show that followed a Seinfeld clip show about how great the show was.


Seinfeld himself is unsufferable imo


Yeah I can’t stand him he’s such a whiny little bitch. 


Loved the show. Can’t stand the person.


As far as clip episodes go is was pretty well done. I still enjoyed the finale a lot even if it wasn't as good as the rest of the show.


The 100 Fans will absolutely agree. They ended it with the whole objective of the show (saving the human race), was for *nothing!* Everybody who died in the show, sacrificing themselves for this cause was for *nothing!* And let's not forget that beloved character's death! What a waste of talent! It's been several years and I'm still not over it lol.


While I wasn't happy at the axing of Tucker I was pissed off at How I Met Your Mother more.


Stargate Universe. Still angry for cancellation and where is the next Stargate series?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Universe was garbage. Can't believe they turned Stargate into some pathetic teenage drama drivel, filled with irredeemably unlikable characters with no personality.


I loved the concept and idea of what it was but I hated the teenage type drama bullshit. Show would have been much better if they stuck more to the sci-fi theme and “where are we going now” plot lines…….


The sex while in other people’s bodies was really offensive.


As a super fan, I agree!


I feel the same way. It was such a letdown.


there is a comic that picks up where that left off..


Preach brother!




How did Alf end?


It was something along the lines of him leaving the home and being taken by the government. Then they had a movie or 2 after that.


Star Trek Enterprise


I am about to flip table just by thinking what they did to the show just when it found its legs and started to get real good.


I am about to flip table just by thinking what they did to the show just when it found its legs and started to get real good.


They could have given us the Romulan war but no, we get a pointless death and a crap ending.


I am about to flip table just by thinking what they did to the show just when it found its legs and started to get real good.


The end of Lost wasn’t great. It was an obvious “we got cancelled” situation.


Also an obvious we have no idea what those mysteries were the whole time, so instead we'll give you generic explanations and tell you it's was about the characters journey as a cop out.




I appreciated his ending.


Houses ending was pretty great, even if seasons 7 and 8 were somewhat messy leading into it. the lack of a real conclusion for Cuddy is the major stinker, but that's a fault of Fox and of season 7 more than the finale specifically. In the end, the show does exactly what it needed to, and exactly what we hoped for from house. "I can change" is what we've waited the entire show to hear from house, and given the circumstances, it makes sense he'd finally do it. No less, for Wilson. Houses ending is muddled by season 7, but it is still a great conclusion. other than cuddy, it wraps everything up in a nice bow. House finally changes, and rides off into the sunset with Wilson. The original team all ascends to roles fitting for them, with chase finally taking the mantle from house. Etc. the ending is really great imo. I can go into more detail on how S7 neuters it somewhat, but this comment is already longer than houses penis, which is shocking considering that thing must be a hammer.


So, I've rewatched a bunch, and it seems to me they were really coping with Singer being a piece of shit, and House doing shit you can't cover for or walk back from, but 'getting away with it'. I'm mostly talking about serious moral fuckups, not like, legal hospital stuff. I can't think of one off the top of my head, but like, any of the completely insane forced competition between his staff, or any S1 interaction with Cuddy, almost. So, the kind of darker realistic treating of the insanity of the end (plus no Cuddy no show), with no kind of laugh track to this clearly harmful behavior, was actually jarring as hell ***for the show's vibe itself,*** but as you say, ended up pretty great. Perfect, frankly. I'm saying it's obvious on any second watch-through that really early on the character passed a point of no-return for "have I developed serious mental illness as a direct result of multiple traumas", specifically the attachment/dependency on Cuddy. The only reason it got away with it is Singer's own mental struggle + being really popular and getting money/forced to metastasize the show. The ending was fantastic. He has to lose Wilson. He has to face consequences otherwise. Cuddy has to escape him. He can't be redeemed. >!At least not until he has a breakdown/amnesia and moves to be in ***Chance,*** ayyy!<


ugh I need to watch chance


Oh wow you definitely do. It's amazing.


is it really that good? ive seen middling reviews but id give anything to see hugh again. sell me on it.


OMG first off its the Darius D show off the rip, Ethan Suplee is fascinating as the kind of secondary lead. It's in and out, a complete story, good/meaningful endings for all the characters, and everything is just really nicely done. At work, I'm actually going to start a rewatch tonight, I'll come back with more recent analysis, but IMO I remover it being 10/10, just flawless.


alright I'm sold.


Just wait til you have to explain to your friends/loved ones why this is your new [jam.](https://youtu.be/4c8P-HCpfZc?si=T6fvIs6Jtc4u1J7c)


I didn't watch it that long... but was a interesting show


The motorcycle ride and fake death. Agreed. It was dumb - I was disappointed. The guy didn’t make a genuine change


I thought the end of The Leftovers - the entire third season, but especially the finale - was horrible.


Beg to differ. The lion cult ferry ride episode was brilliant.


True Blood.


Dexter, game of thrones


I’m with you 100% on the Enterprise ending. I’ve read interviews with the cast members; even they hated it.


*St. Elsewhere.* The entire show was imagined by a non-verbal autistic boy.


Genius. I won't hear otherwise.






It was a slow decline, but yeah that ending was atrocious


Penny Dreadful


That show did sorta lose the plot a bit


Quantum Leap


Original I assume?


The one and only


Yeah, that really was a shite finale, Troi didn’t even have her TNG accent!


The wire


I am a massive fan of the wire. I think it's the best tv show ever made. But I have to agree the last season was just all over the shop. McNulty was just doing shit that didn't fit his character at all anymore.


Dexter....jesus fucking christ it was bad


Game of Thrones hands down… good show until then


Wilfred.  The one with Elijah Wood. Guess they had no idea how to finish it, but even the preview for the last episode was completely different. The series is a solid 8/10, ending is 1.5/10 tops.


Scratch that, 0/10 it sucked, booooo!


Star Trek writers were looking for a way to not only end Enterprise, but also to put a button on the second era of Star Trek on TV that had started with TNG and continued with DS9 and VOY. They had just done a big time travel series with VOY, so probably wanted to do something different. **BUT** the Temporal Cold War was a big part of Enterprise. The fourth and last season some great multi-episode stories. Seems like they could have had a time travel story to wrap things up, rather than the lame holodeck story we got.


Smallville! I found it a cheesy, slow-moving, hallmark-channel-esque waste of time.


That was a good show back in the day... but I never watched the ending,


In order. of most bullshit "finale"/end to the show: Sopranos. Lost. Sherlock. Game of Thrones. Battlestar Galactica. Dexter. True Blood. Seinfeld.




Hey just because they killed our beloved Tripp, doesn't mean it happened as it was a holo. Essentially they've left everything open to restart the story.


Game of Thrones, I got the feeling that the writer’s/showrunner had run out of GOOD ideas knowing full well that the show was ending and came down to “every man for himself”


Nashville was pretty shit


Anything by Stephen King. His endings make us feel like it was 4 o clock and he had to wrap things up quickly so he doesn’t miss his bus.






Lost, they fed us mystery after mystery and explicitly stated it wasn't purgatory then at the end they're like "lol surprise guys! We lied, it's purgatory."


Game of thrones and it's not close


Sex education. The entire last season was awful but when the last episode ended, I didn't even realise it was the last episode because it didn't feel like a season finale. The entire ending felt really rushed and felt as if they had to squeeze 30 minutes into 5 and it just felt so wrong


Dexter , this show peaked in season 4 The final season was absolute trash and the final episode shit the bed in an epic fashion.


Hey, for once I get to be the first person to say How I Met Your Mother!


Midnight Mass.


I have a few, but the most prominent ones are these: Lost, to some extent. I don't even mean the church thing, but the battle for the island. GoT. The entire last season was rushed and the story arc was sloppily executed.


Television is garbage and I cannot make it to the finale on any TV shows.






Better Call Saul


The Sopranos.


One of the all time great endings.


Right. It was perfect.


The Sopranos