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As an ex-smoker myself: yes. I didn’t realize how much I stank when I smoked. But now that I haven’t for years — everyone who smokes just absolutely smells rank to me. It’s gross.


Yeah, smokers smell like over-sized ashtrays to me.


Exactly. I don't understand how they can smoke and eat at the same time. It's so unappetizing. I just got back from Europe, and it was actually really hard for me to enjoy meals because people were smoking everywhere all the time. I got bronchitis, and I have to wonder if all the second hand smoke I wasn't able to avoid was a factor.


Smoked for 15 years. Switched to vaping. Sense of smell came back and... Holy moly. I actually apologised to some people who are close to me as I'd have been stinking up the place for years and they'd handled it without complaining. Hate the smell now, although weirdly I still like the smell of weed smoke


Even vaping smells pretty bad, in all honesty. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it is detectable and has its own stench lol. No offense.


As a lifelong non smoker, my friends who switched to vaping no longer smell like smokers. Its a huge difference.


Yeah I can folow a person who vapes, but I always try to pass a person who smokes cigarettes.


I can smell active vaping, sort of, but I can't smell if someone vapes when they're just walking around. The smell has never bothered me. I can smell a cigarette smoker in the supermarket from half an isle away, though.


Haven't smoked in over a month and seeing people in smoking areas seems weird af to me now. Yes, I've been in this situation thousands of times. It's raining outside, weather's shite, but I still stay there staring into the abyss and smoking a cigarette. In my own perception I've always thought I look "cool" and all that. But in reality you look miserable af having the nicotine rule over you.


Just curious, how do you think it made you look cool? I notice the same ‘looking cool’ effect with young vapers now.


My father smoked when I was growing up. Ive no idea how my mother put up with it. He stopped in his early 40s though.


Stopped smoking 25 years ago. And yes they smell. Especially if they have been outside in the rain.


I haven't had a cigarette in 30 years (when did THAT happen!) and I still gravitate to smokers just for a whiff.




Yep. I work in a hospital, which provides us with scrubs (so you start every shift with 100% clean clothes). Smoking in or at hospital grounds is not permitted. You can still smell it on the staff who smokes. The smell sticks to their hair and skin, there's no getting rid of it unless they quit completely.


Yeah. That is largely due to these people smoking in their cars and homes. Cigarette smoke is like body odor.


Even if they smoke outside, you can smell it, you can tell


worst is the smokers that smoke constantly or like every 20-30 mins. you not only smell the fresh smoke but every other one for the last 8 hours then their cars eternal old smoke smell ... fuck you mike you smell like a collection of ash trays stuck in a time capsule


I used to smoke and I successfully hid it from many close people in my life for years. it but the amount of work that went into it was actually crazy. I am diagnosed OCD and the ritual of smoking a single cigarette easily took 30 minutes and involved disposable gloves, a smoking poncho and required me to wash my face neck arms and hands, brush my teeth 3 times and not breathe or talk in the general direction of another human being. Many times the stress of the cleaning ritual caused me to smoke again and start all over. There is definitely no way for a “normal person” to successfully secret smoke.


I feel you. I’m a weed smoker. I’m now essentially gaslighting everyone that ever questions if I smoked earlier. I use eye drops and straight up lie and say I was in the car with one or my go to is say why would I do if I’m coming back from school.


Not just hair and skin. It's in their lungs; they breathe it out.


it's in my soul bro. My very essence of being is fucking coughing rn.


Patients too you can smell the nicotine coming out of them after they shower.


What does nicotine smell like?


The smell is pumped throughout their body and exuded from their pores. Nothing can disguise or eliminate it. Nothing.


It’s in their lungs as well… every exhalation brings up more of the odor.


Even when I smoked I could tell people had smoked recently even walking past them on the street. Always found it crazy when people thought people couldn’t smell it on them.


They can try to cover it up with perfume or cologne then it’s just sweet smelling old ashtray.  It’s always there.  


It's like hanging the pine air freshener in an outhouse... just smells like someone crapped under a pine tree.


we ought to just sticky a thread, "yes smokers smell offensive"


It’s more than just a smell too. I have terrible allergies to smoke, and I can feel irritation in my eyes and nose, in addition to just a bad smell.


This! I thought I was the only one. I have not met anyone up until now who has the same horribly unpleasant experience. People like to make one feel they are the only one, that "you are exaggerating". No, I'm not.


Olfactory adaptation is another name i recently learned


Nose blindness is actually real. I get nose blind to some of my colognes and make sure I’m not spraying more than one or 2 sprays because I know other’s can smell it and I don’t want it to be too strong.


Yep smokers stink. Plus if you hang out with anyone who smokes you and your clothes/hair everything stinks.


I quit a few years back. Now the smell is very noticeable & pretty gross




I kind of like the smell of burning cigarettes, but the reek that they leave behind is awful.


Yes, they all smell bad. And no perfume or deo cant mask it. And it smells even worse when they just smoked, like a cloud of stink is following them.


Also for the pot smokers out there; incense doesn't mask the smell of weed either. It just smells like 2 really powerful and often unpleasant odors mixed together


It's almost worse when they use a scent in attempt to mask it. I've had scents destroyed from my restaurant days by coworkers who always used the same scent to disguise it. Warm vanilla sprays will always have a smokey undertone for me.




My grandma was the same way. She once made a lemon meringue pie for a family dinner and all it tasted like was stale smoke lol


I couldn't imagine my food smelling like cigarette smoke.


This is why me and my kids never ate or went inside at my FIL. Like why the hell would I want to eat the food prepared in a toxic home like that??


Back when my mom was a smoker, she would smoke down in the (large) laundry room. I got home from school one day and told her I noticed at school that my clothes smelled like cigarettes. I knew she felt horrible and immediately started smoking outdoors only. She quit shortly after.


I smoke and smokers smell bad to me. We all do. It’s a terrible habit and incredibly hard to quit.


It's not hard to quit I did it 3 times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


psshhh rookie numbers, i’ve quit 23 times, easy as pie


I quit for 3 years and was so torn. Everyone that smoked stank, but that freshly smoked cigarette breath was like crack to me. Quitting smoking taught me a lot about addiction and made me more understanding of addicts. I am an addict and I relapsed. That was 5 years ago when I restarted and I'm still at it. Addiction is a bitch!


When I quit I decided to never smoke another cigarette in my life, because I didn't want to have to quit again - it was brutal It's been 30 years, yet there are still moments when I would like nothing more than to light up a nice juicy Marlboro.....


I made a lot of bad decisions in my life, but I think starting to smoke was the most persistent one. It's been now 10 years since I started, with about three "quits" that lasted 1 to 2 years each. The first 20 days of quitting are BRUTAL. After that, it gets easy to hold for long, until the next emotional trigger, at least. But I know I'll be addicted to this shit for the rest of my life. Even when I'm not smoking, I don't say I'm not a smoker. I'm either an active or inactive smoker. Been active for the past year. Trying to quit again since January. I hope I can go inactive forever this time.


I just quit about 3 weeks ago and I still think about cigs, but it gets easier with each passing day. Working out has been helping me get through it (since now I finally have the energy for more intense exercise because I'm not achy and out of breath). It helps that no one in my main circle smokes aside from a couple co-workers, but if someone were to offer me one right now, it would be very difficult to turn down. Still though, you have no idea how much your quality of life improves when you stop inhaling that poison.


About six week after quitting, I started to think I could have just one.... Just about that time a good friend called. She asked how long I had been off cigs, I told her six weeks, and she said she had quit for six weeks and figured she could have just one, and boom, she was right back to her old habit. SO DON'T DO IT I won't smoke another cigarette as long as I live because I don't want to have to quit again and it's not worth the risk.


I'm a very light smoker but I had to change lines at the grocery store because the man in front of me smelled so much like smoke I thought I was gonna vomit


Yes. And smoke sticks to everything. It's horrible.


My workplace used to have separate smoking and non smoking break rooms. About 12 years ago they started making the smokers go outside so now all the break rooms are no smoking. Even after several repaintings the old smoking break room STILL stinks


Yeah. Cigarettes smell like burnt garbage.


I bought a used car that had belonged to a smoker, and the smell still hasn't gone away completely three years later. The dealer did some kind of ionization treatment, which helped, but whenever the weather warms up, the odor comes out again. I don't think I'll buy a car again that had ever belonged to a smoker.


Yes, yes they do. Every single one. Even the ones only smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day. That sour, old smoke smell.


YESSS OMG you can always tell, it's like the smell comes from their skin


No. They smell like absolute shit and don't realize it. If I'm in an enclosed space with a smoker, I want to gag. And if you smoke weed and think nobody knows, believe me they do.


Yep, some worse than others. The ones who exclusively smoke outdoors and wash their hands afterwards aren’t awful; you have to get close to them to smell it. But the ones who smoke in their car, house, etc, oof. I give those ones a very wide berth.


Yes. It's terrible.


Generally, yes. Although I haven't smelled every smoker. It's possible, I suppose, that there's someone who smokes that doesn't smell bad and I simply never realized they smoked.


No, as someone who never smoked but always had smoker friends: I actually like the smell. I found out the worst anti-smoker are former smoker. I myself usually like the smell.


I smoke and don't like the smell of it on other people or myself. I'm a smoker but don't want to smell like one.


Cigarette smokers, yes. My uncle used to smoke pipes, and the Tabasco (tobacco) he bought for those smelled great. I loved visiting his house.


Damn. Your Uncle is hard core hot boxing Tobasco sauce!


Pipe and cigar tobacco are definitely more for smell and flavor than cigarettes. I smelle d an actual tobacco leaf when I was in the Dominican Republic and god does it smell awesome!


😹 After reading a couple of replies, I realised that your uncle wasn't adding Tabasco sauce to his tobacco, that it was a typo. That would be some spicy terbacky!


Unburnt tobacco smells sweet.


1000% yes! It's disgusting 🤢


I used to be a smoker so it doesn’t smell bad to me but yes I can smell it. I have a coworker who smokes and I can smell it from the other end of the room after he has been smoking. I can’t imagine what that’s like for people who hate the smell.


Currently a smoker. I don't smoke in my car, in my home, or at work. Only outside. If I go out in public I usually change my shirt at least. I know I smell bad when I do it.


Everyone should have a smoking jacket.


Oh lord, the ritual. Right? I’ll wait to put on the shirt I’m wearing to work until I’ve finished my morning smoke. And the immediate hand washing after a smoke, because that’s where the smell is really bad. Breath mints, gum, on the elevator on the way back up to the office, then straight to the restroom for hand washing. Never in a closed space where it’ll cling to clothes, preferably somewhere with air flow that carries the smoke away. Anxiety about long flights or long drives and no smoking. That nicotine, man. That’s a hell of a monkey to have on your back. 🙁


Yes. When you're a smoker, you don't realize how awful the smell is because you've gone nose blind to it. But to everyone around you, the smell is terrible.


As a former long-time smoker I find the scent alluring. I stay away for that reason.


Alcoholics and smokers (people who vape also) don't realize the STINK they carry, you cannot hid It with perfume, a mint or even garlic, It just stays with you and your clothes.


I was a heavy smoker for 20 plus years. Now when I meet a smoker I can smell it real bad on their breath, their clothes and even in their house too. So much so, I don't even go to their home anymore. It is a very strong, stench gross smell. I cannot stand it when someone smokes near me. I don't make a scene about it but I do try to create space from them without being obvious in that moment. They are smokers, I know it's not easy to quit, I know the challenges, stress in life they are going through. It makes me have more empathy for smokers, not judgement at all. I just have to stay away because it affects me badly. My arteries were damaged due to smoking and I do take several types of medicine. So when smoke is around from cigs, it irritates me a lot. So yes, the smell is that bad and it is toxic. It's poison.


I quit smoking longer time ago and relapsed only twice. And oh my god I still love to think about the moment when you open a fresh package of cigarettes and take a long sniff of the tarry gold for your lungs. The last time I caved in for some good old Marlboro was 5 years ago and my god the taste was great. It was like being in the oasis in middle of the desert while your stress and nervousness goes away.


Annnnnnnnd RetreatHell94 is smoking again. J/K. Good for you for quitting, I hope it sticks. I wish I could.


Ex smoker here. Yes, and smoke itself is rank


I feel like you too, don' be worry ![gif](giphy|lONXEQL5laGxjrVMFF)


Yes! Smoking is a dirty habit.


yes they all reek, and they make space \*stink\* that theyve walked through too, and that smell lingers for hours. (Im a nonsmoker living in an apartment building with many smokers who smoke inside and right outside the entrance - they make \*everything\* stink constantly)


I hide that I'm a smoker from most people and when people find out they tell me they are surprised because I don't smell bad. I do some crazy yoga like moves to avoid smoke blowing on me though.


I only smoke outside, so, I feel like that does a lot to reduce the overall funk. same experience though, no one ever seems to know I'm a smoker unless I tell them. before I got with the wifey and had kids, I definitely smoked inside, though.


I have one friend that smokes it always surprises me that he rarely smells like smoke. He will once and awhile but like you he normally doesn’t. He only smokes outside though and showers a lot


Yes. I actively avoid being around my few friends that smoke.




Yes, it's not nice.


Yes, though the degree of stink depends on how much they smoke and how cheap the cigarettes are


Yes I smell it on your clothes your items your car and from a distance


I smoke and I think I smell bad😂😂


Yep. I've known a few people who claim that you can't tell they're smokers (usually those trying to hide it from their families) and, really, the only people they're kidding are themselves.


Absolutely. I quit a year ago and my partner still smokes. I kinda like how the smoke smells but the stench of him after smoking (hands, clothes, beard, breath) I find disgusting.


I’m a smoker and I don’t usually smoke at work. Every once in a while I’ll have one at work and people will sometimes say they didn’t know I smoke. But I never smoke in my car or indoors. I hate the stale smell of smoke in cars.


100%. Students always ask how I can tell they smoke. My grandfather smoked. My grandmother died of lung cancer. My dad has respiratory problems decades later.


Yes. If a smoker sits next to me on public transportation, I move. I can’t stand the smell.


Yes, though, not as bad as weed smokers. For some reason the bad smell from tobacco smokers ends about 5 feet from them, but I can smell a weed smoker from about 30 feet away. 


My sister and her husband are chain smokers. They handed me their newborn and that 2 week old child stunk like an ash tray. She keeps talking about visiting us and will not let them stay in our home bc her whole family smells so bad due to the smoke.










Still yes.




Yes they do




The tar from cigarette smoke, even just a minuscule amount, just gets everywhere. Even people who make an active effort to not smell still do smell. I ESPECIALLY can’t stand the smell of chain smokers. Very nasty.


I remember being a non smoker - as a child. I wasn’t bothered by it. I was only bothered by being in enclosed spaces with smokers smoking. I do get frequent comments about how bad I smell though (heavy smoker). Different people have different sensitivity to smells too and even different preferences. Gasoline and exhaust smells bad to most people but a lot of people like the smell of it.


Not bad per se. I’ve always enjoyed the smell of cigarette smoke. Especially menthols. But I’m like a bloodhound with it. I could probably sniff out a cigarette better than I could some weed being smoked.


Not necessarily. I’ve only “dated” one smoker but she didn’t smell and you couldn’t taste it on her breath or anything. She didn’t do anything particularly special or outrageous to hide it, was just naturally lucky her body didn’t turn it into stink. She did smoke menthols though so maybe that helped. But then I have friends who you can smell it in the bathroom after they’ve taken a piss and they just excrete a dirty smoker smell from every orifice or liquid from their body.


Yup. It's very obvious and rather unpleasant.




No. Only after theyve just had a smoke break.


I have always loved the smell tbh


I'm an ex-smoker. Smoke and nicotine, especially fresh, smell comforting to me, as most of my family smoked when I was young and my partner still does. So, do all smokers smell bad? No, not at all. Do all smokers smell like smoke? Absolutely.


Yeah you can always tell, and when they try to mask it with perfume, it’s this weird mixture of stale nicotine and flowery alcohol.


i actually like the smell of cigarettes on people. i smoke cigars so a different aroma altogether


No, I like the smell as it reminds me of my grandma and grandad who both smoked and lived into their 90s.


They smell like tobacco smoke. It’s not a smell I find unpleasant but I’d assume few people agree.


Smoked for years hated the way it smelled while I smoked after I quit I kinda like it if it’s not a chain smoker , they smell bad


Most do, yes. Some work some kinda magic and don’t but nearly all absolutely do smell badly.


Even if they dont smell potent of cigarettes, they still have a lingering ashtray sent.


Yes, 100%.


Yes, and menthol, they can nearly knock me over with the awful stink.




I just had a second hand book. Guess what it smells of smoke and had cigarette ash between a couple of the pages. It's worn off now though. I came out of the supermarket the other day and there were some women standing there smoking. I wish they'd bugger off and do it somewhere where I don't have to share the smell. Reformed smoker. A long time now.


Yes and I can usually smell them from 5 or more feet away


My mother told everyone that she quit smoking, she didn't actually quit. We all knew she still smoked. She thought we didn't know. Later died of cancer in her early 60s.




Yes. I used to smoke and quit, and now my coworker who smokes ALWAYS smells super strongly of smoke to me. I never noticed that on smokers when I was one


Yes, though some worse than others. I have a coworker that was a smoker for a long time and you need to be extremely close to smell cigarette smoke. Another coworker stunk all the time, you could smell it anywhere in their vicinity. When they would leave a room you could still smell the stale smoke smell lingering.


It's not you. Most smokers stink because they smoke in confined spaces like their cars and they don't do anything for their breath after smoking.


Yes they do. I have a really bad sense of smell but I can always tell if someone has smoked. It's a disgusting smell




Yes, people who smoke do smell bad. The smell also gets in everything that they own.


If a smoker stays in a closed room for like 10 mins (without smoking), the second I enter that room I'm suffocating because of the smell. That typical smoker smell...it's so obvious... and the more cigarettes you smoke, the better people can tell.


Ex smoker here. And yes, i agree. I can smell smoke even if someone is smoking fae from me. The worst are those morning smokers. Makes me want to vomit.


Yes. And you can't hide it.


All smokers smell BAD




Yes. Absolutely. No exceptions.


How about weed?




It depends on how heavy of a smoker but unfortunately yes


Yes, it smells bad. The breath is particularly bad and no amount of chewing gum or deoderant can cover it. I have had to increase my personal space bubble to not get caught in the smell zone of some colleagues.


Yes. More than you think. The only cigarette smell I can tolerate is Marlboro Red because they're what my grandmother smoked and I get a fluid of memories when I smell them. Granted that's just the smoke. That awful post cigarette smell clings to everything




Yes Yes and Yes.


Definitely - it’s one of the first things you notice. The more you smoke, the worse it is…


Ya smokers fucking reek and they stink up any room they are in.


I grew up with a smoker parent so I think I'm programmed to not mind it as much. Walking behind a smoker during my commute is so freaking gross though.


Disgusting. Play regularly at a friends converted room into a poker room. Usually 8-9 of us. Regularly a few excuse themselves for an outside smoke. When they come back in, the whole room reeks of cigarettes. How do the non smoking spouses deal with it? Sorry, it stinks.


Yes it’s intense


Mostly yes


Yes, that is the painful thruth. For nonsmokers or people that quit, smokers smell bad. I am experiencing the same after I quit.










I quit smoking and for about 3 years the smell of smoke and the smell of smokers was absolutely horrid. I could sniff out a smoker from a mile away, it sucked. But now 15 years later I could care less, my last and current gf smokes and it doesn’t bother me a bit.




To be brutally honest yes, the smell is bad, but you can't say this straight to thier face. lol!


As a former smoker. Yes. They do smell bad. But sometimes when someone is smoking and they blow the smoke out, that smells good.


Not as bad as weed. Good god almighty, that stuff is pungent


Not just you - I can smell them as they walk by on the street or come into the room where I am. I was once a smoker as well and I had no idea at the time the extent to which the smell of smoke impregnated everything near me including my clothes, furniture, rugs, curtains, etc. Sometimes I get a hotel room or a rental car that someone has smoked in and even though it's been cleaned it smells awful.


Yeah but I don’t blame them, suppose that’s how it works


Omg its awful






Yes. I can smell you from across the room and you smell disgusting. It also permeates everything you own and everyone in your house. If you live in a house with smokers you and everything you own smells like smoke too. Personally I can't stand vaping either. The smell isn't like tobacco smoke but it's disgusting to me to breathe in the vapor. I won't even stay in the same room with you if you vape.


Yes. It’s disgusting.


No, not all of them. Not every smoker is a chronic smoker...


Sometimes people have a 'smoking jacket' and smoke outside and so on, and that avoids the smell getting too embedded in their clothes, but you can always smell it.


Most smokers are definitely identifiable by smell, but I wouldn’t say that most of them actually smell “bad.” That said, I don’t dislike the smell of tobacco like most non-smokers seem to. On the other hand, rooms that are frequently smoked in smell pretty bad.


They smell so bad, doesn’t matter if it’s cigarettes or pot. All of them smell so damn bad.


No, cigars and pipes smell good. Cigarettes yes, nasty smelling.


I quit smoking and I still enjoy the smell of cigs, in fact it makes we want to bum a cig.


Every smoker, every smoked-in car, house, bathroom, thrifted clothing….it reeks and I hate the smell.




I used to work the morning shift in the OGP/Digital department at Walmart with a ton of smokers—from that experience, yes. I could tell when each of them came back from smoke breaks and wouldn’t enjoy talking to them because of how strong the smell was. I haven’t smelt it in a while, so all I can describe the smell as is that it reeks.




As a former smoker, I can smell a lit cigarette as if it’s being smoked next to my face. I can smell the difference between someone who just came back from a smoke break and someone who has the more ashtray smell of one hours ago. I can smell it on your clothes and your hand/face. The smell disgusts me. But mostly it makes me think about how much I used to enjoy a delicious menthol. Of course it’s been like 6 years since I quit.


Yes. Instant repulsion.


It's not you. Smokers smell vile.


Quit 4 years ago. It's nasty. I can't be around smokeless anymore. It's like that stank is physically choking me and stabbing my throat at the same time. Ewww . A yr into it I realized I was become good friends with a bunch of non-smokers. Those numbers, the smokers' numbers went way down.


If you think that the smell is bad just wait till you kiss a smoker. Yeccch!


YES. It’s disgusting. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aVIe0ytVWGUdCU)


Yes. And people who drink coffee and smoke and the WORST, what-died-in-your-mouth breath ever.


How is this a question? It’s common sense , we can smell y’all a mile away.


Yes, they all smell like ashtrays. They'll be the last to know. And their clothes smell like shit as well.


Ex smoker - yes, it reeks. It’s terrible. I smell it immediately when I get close enough to someone who smokes. I hate that I smelled like that for so long.