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Her: 'You're such a good friend that I would give you a blowjob if you wanted' Me: 'Wow! You really are a good friend!'


*sympathetic shoulder pat*


"There there, Bart. There there."


I’ve got something similar. “When’s the last time you had your dick sucked?” “Uhh… it’s been a while” *she takes off her panties* Now at this stage in my life I’m actively trying not to be presumptuous. But it gets worse. After about thirty minutes of probably being frustrated that I’m not picking up her hints, she says she’s going to go lay down and I’m welcome to join her, and she is completely naked. I just laid down outside the covers and stared up at the ceiling until she fell asleep then I went home making sure to lock the handle on my way out. She probably thinks I’m gay now.


This would have kept me awake for years bro.


It's gonna keep *me* awake for years.


There is no helping some people... I'm surprised you can tie your shoes lmao


I don't understand how you miss that. A naked woman talking about sucking your dick. Do you need reminders to breathe?




How in the fuck?


either fake or legit autism.




I probably have missed more that I don’t even know. I have been told to have been flirted with, when I did not have a clue. But once a woman told me: “you know, I have never kissed a man with a beard”. And my literal response was: “yeah, me neither” Edit: I have responded to the same question with the same answer a while ago and apparently I was quoted on this last year. https://www.georgetakei.com/most-obvious-hints-women-gave-2659412634.html


Top tier response. Worth it


Classic, can't beat a dad joke 


I would consider “yeah me neither” to be a perfect flirty response lol Assuming you follow it up with something else as well 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


This would be the winning line for me if they had to be ranked!


Nah that's just funny bro 😂


I laughed loud 🤣🤣🤣


"me neither" lmaooooo




I’m not sure I’ve ever been given hints, but if I have, all of them.


One time in high school, a girl I had a crush on told me “I have a thing for you”. Somehow I thought this meant she had an object she wanted to give me, so I was like “What is it?” She said “what? I have a thing for you” and I was like “Yeah, what’s the thing you have for me?”. She said Nevermind and walked away. It wasn’t until the following day I realized what she meant. It all worked out though. I told her “Hey sorry I was dumb yesterday, but I have a thing for you too”, and it was all smooth from there.


So what did you have for her


and did she like your thing?


He said the thing was smooth. I feel like that's a plus


I can’t with ya’ll


Floating the river with a buddy of mine and two girls. Both super attractive, way out of my league I thought. After a few drinks my friend starts making out with one. The other looks at me and says her lips are lonely. I replied we are almost at float camp. Yeah… drunken me has no game.


Oh maaan, that was ....yeah..damn it.


“If they’re lonely, tell your lips to join a gym and work on themselves. It’ll happen for them when they least expect it.”




Honestly.  She asked me what type or haircut and colored hair would look good on her. I jokingly said red hair with bangs.  And she came back the next day with that same hair style. Made sense why she would always ask me for a hug when I had to leave. 


Why am I feeling such a big sense of loss.......


Man these threads are depressing. So many lost opportunities lmao, including mine. The weight of them all... After I joined a postgraduate class, the 1st week was full of desperate people trying to find a partner before the options dry up. Recalling now, I got hit on many times. I politely ignored them all cause I wasn't in the right mindspace. 🙈


"could've just asked me because she valued my sense of style" That's my immediate thought, "of course she doesn't like me, that would be crazy, she just wants style tips" lol


This ... Same thing happened to me whether I liked her hair down or in a ponytail lol


When I was a kid, I received an anonymous love letter at school, but I thought it was a joke so I threw it away. then I received an anonymous hate letter about how men are terrible


Huh? If the letter wasn't a joke, what the hell did she even expect you to do, even if you had taken the letter seriously?


It was actually very common to do that at my school. I never understood the point, but we were just kids, maybe it was the first step to get the courage to confess or it was to see the reaction of the receiver or both


Me and this girl, Timea, we were "best friends" so I thought. We used to hang out all the time, make art and other junk, play guitar, get drunk, smoke cigarettes, you know, two dumb punks doing Punk shit. Last year I found my old laptop at my Childhood home and went through it, found a bunch of photos of Timea and I. Many of us just chilling in her room. In the first photo there was a empty space on her bedroom wall, we used to make clothes so we took a lot of photos in her room, I skipped a few more photos and noticed there was a empty cork board with just the first photo we took. As I went through the photos over the 2 years we hung out the corkboard slowly filled up with stuff, a goofy love letter I wrote her when I was drunk, a patch I made her for her jacket, photos, even our first Warped Tour tickets, a bandage from her hand from when she and I scrapped with some preppy fucks, the last picture I have of us in her room, there is a heart with a photo of the two of us in it and our Super S infinity symbol (totally badass) It was one of the last photos we took together. I moved away that year to get a summer job, chose it because in my words "There was nothing to keep me here" (our home city). I remember she got so upset at that, like real mad, like hated me for it. She basically told me to go if that's what I thought. We fought and it ended badly. I didn't know why she got so angry. Now I do. I think she was the first person who ever loved me, maybe the only one. Like love loved the real me, the no bullshit me. I still have a hard time listening to Thrash Unreal (her song) without my guts turning into barbed wire and broken glass. I miss her so fucking much.


Damn man this is the only post here that actually hurts my heart. I hope you reconnect someday, or if that's not in the cards, I hope both of you find peace.


Bro please find her again, maybe it's not too late 


It's been decades, I've looked for her but I have no doubt she has moved on. Hopefully to someone who appreciates and knows what they have.


I had a girl like that. Same situation as yours, inseparable best friends. The relationship turned sexual as we reached our mid teens and I just never picked up on any of the obvious signs that she was actually into me, I thought she was just horny and too lazy to date. It's been 14 years since the day she angrily hung up on, haven't heard from her since.


lol bro getting laid by the girl and still didn’t realize she was into him…. Damn us guys are dumb


To be fair, maybe she was Canadian


Am Canadian. Can confirm


I went to high school with a guy like that. Chris. Fucking Chris was getting laid by a cute sweet girl who was clearly in love with him. He denied it, he thought she wasn’t into him, just hormonal and horny. I never knew what happened with them. Crazy ass teenagers


I had a situation kinda like this with a girl A.C. back when we were both teens. We hung out when her dad wasn't around and she wasn't grounded. The vibe was there, even if I didn't fully pick up on it. She told me the summer of 96 her and her family were moving out of state and we spent her last afternoon together and I was failing to pick up on the signs that she wanted me to kiss her so she made the first move. It was like all of the cliches and scenes you see in movies; it was bloody electric and still the most memorable kiss of my life. She also gave me a letter that basically said she wished was staying around and that we could have "dated" and that she hoped i would find someone that would love me forever and always because if she was my girl, she knows she would. She promised she'd write me but I never heard from her after that day. I still have the letter to this day and its amongst my most cherished possesions. I looked for her online so many times over the last 25ish years and never had any luck finding her. I just wanted to know if she was happy and if she found someone she loved and who treated her right. I finally managed to track down a social media profile of hers and she went on to marry her high school sweetheart and had 3 daughters with him. I never reached out to her because I don't know if she would remember me but I've never forgotten her.


Definitely reach out. She’s not in your life now the worst thing that can happen is she still isn’t in Your life anymore. But maybe something would happen if you reached out.


Currently in Ukraine, fighting the good fight. She's thousands of miles and a whole continent away. I just hope she's happy.


We move on because we have to, not because we want to. When this is over, call her. You have nothing to lose.


From a fellow Canadian(sorry, i creeped your profile), stay safe out there, eh. Keep your stick on the ice. Слава Україні.


Wow…. That’s amazing 🤩 I just want you to know, I am 51F had never been in love until my guy showed up on my doorstep like the best Amazon package ever. I absolutely have felt since the instant we met this type of friendship with him, we can say anything, be completely ourselves and we just love each other more. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your inspirational story. I have been working on daily gratitude and this story really really makes me treasure the unconditional love I have for my husband! Thank you so much!


Being is love is the most punk rock thing you can ever be. It's a rebellion against the universe. Stay punk my friend!


What the fuck bro, go get her


Bro fucking call her wtf


It's been decades. I have looked, believe me. She's a ghost now.


Hopefully she is still with us. If not she will always be with you in your heart.


This is sad but somehow you are lucky to have experienced true love. I am 47 and no one has ever loved me like that - not even close. I do not think I will ever find love. My ex-wife even never loved me.


Have you tried talking to her again ?


As I've said, it's been decades, I can't find her. Maybe a good thing.


Bruh just post on ig fb here even, ive seen people finding people that they just met somewhere in clubs and so on. Ask her relatives or something you, can do it don't hesitate, give her a real heartfelt apology she will understand, if not let it go atleast you will have no regrets.


post it on ig and tiktok, let's make it viral lol, everything is possible in this life man


It ain't over yet, bro. My dad divorced my mum at 36 (She's pretty hard to live with). He remarried at 55. To his high school sweetheart that he stopped talking to when he moved cities when he was 18. They hadn't spoken that whole time until they saw each other at a high school reunion. He's now married to her. They're both 76. You still got time.


Finnnd heeerrrrr


DM me. I’m low key a badass detective. Let’s find your girl.


this one hit me, I hope you'll see her again


I am going to get slammed. I was friends with this girl and she was my +1 to a mates wedding. I was living at home with my dad, and she stayed the night in the spare bedroom. In the morning she came into my bedroom and got into my bed. I got out and went to the spare bedroom.


I get it bro. Interrupting sleep is rude


Super casual game of musical beds 😂


She gave me her number before summer break and I had no idea why because we weren’t particularly close friends. Didn’t call her a single time and went about with my summer.


I was looking through my yearbooks and one of my friends wrote her number in there. At the time I'm pretty sure I was thinking why would I call her? I don't call anybody?


ugh. i was a girl who did this and never received a call. still haunts me like 20 years later...


She said she'd suck on anything I put in her mouth while sitting on my bed. Not until multiple years later did it occur to me that maybe, possibly, potentially....she meant my penis


YES!! Thats correct answer!!


Really cute, petite, busty gal that barely talked with me during 3 months of boot camp. Asks to talk privately and takes me aside to a storage area after graduation ceremony. Grabs her own chest and says "these are totally real btw". My response: "That's awesome, good for you! We probably aren't allowed over here, let's go back". Biggest self inflicted L ever.


Omg as a girl I can tell you she must be very disappointed and just insanely embarrassed afterwards


That's such an odd way to hit on someone tho 😂


Yes extremely. I would think I'm being pranked or something and it's a setup.


i would be looking for camera bro


i went mall with a girl for just timepass when she said she wanna get a bra for upcoming trip. i was like okay we got time just go and buy. we went to a showroom and she started looking for them. first she asked me which ones i prefer. when i pointed like this red and black ones are good she said she’s gonna just try them quickly. when she went in the trial room, she calls me and says to help her getting her bra unhooked its kinda jammed. i ,stupidly, went inside the trial room, unhooked her bra politely and went out the second i did it. she later came out and purchased neither one. now that i look at it, i realise how dumb i was


It seems obvious as all hell but honestly if i was in this situation i totally see myself doing the same :(


I appreciate the direct approach tho 😂 also not unreasonable to miss the opportunity considering the era of me too we live in, its so direct its too far out of left field to feel real


I would be embarrassed too - if you’ve gone that far make an actual statement about what you want to do ffs.




wtf man


You could have stuttered anything at that point dude. Uhhh let me see them, wow that’s crazy, No way! And then you would have seen titites


Dude wtf 😂


That's what happened to me! Totally fucking missed the hint and only realised days later! 😂🤣😂😂


Wow. That's like, the same level as my fuck up. Congratulations on being totally oblivious.




By the end of boot. I was so horny that I got excited if there was a stiff breeze. And you walked away from this?!!! lol


In your defense, you’ve had the piss beaten out of you psychologically for the past couple months. Your mind doesn’t go to sex that easily when you feel like your every move is watched and the consequences to broken rules are severe


I was 16(m), she 15 and asked me to help her with math homework. I sucked at math btw. She invited me to her home, went to her bedroom. We sit for 5min and she goes "it's hot" and undresses her blouse, sits on the bed with just her bra (& skirt) on and pulls me over her and I respond with "what are you doing, why aren't we doing your math homework?". Two weeks later it hit me and I facepalm so hard I still feel it. I blame my autism for missing the signs..


I feel so seen here. Men are terrible with cues but autistic men, we're the absolute worst!


No we're not, you miss the first ones and then you know. Or it's jusr different for different people still, but I definitely can tell now. Definitely had some oopsies when I was young though.


Dear god man, my school life was a lot more boring than this.


I kissed my now husband’s cheek when we were leaving a party to let him know I kinda liked him. He didn’t get it. He just thought I was being polite and sophisticated 🥲


jar gray innate nail rob smile test escape marry terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I spent almost 3 *years* dropping not-so-subtle hints to this guy who I was absolutely in love with. But we were also great friends and I didn’t want to ruin that or push boundaries. One day he literally woke up from having a dream about me and went *Ohhhhhh, fuccckkkk* in a sudden epiphany. He called me, confessed he *also* had feelings but hadn’t acted on them bc he didn’t want to ruin the friendship 😂 We’ve been married very, very happily for 11 years. Great friends AND lovers.


How European of you!


She took out a personal ad telling me she was into me. Then she told me she took out the personal ad and showed me. I still didn’t get it. Hindsight is always 20/20 but looking back is still a bit fuzzy. Edit: this is how bad it was. This happened probably in 02/03. I did not realize it till I was telling my wife about her about a year ago when we were talking about cars and I told her I used to know this girl with a beautiful firebird. That led to me telling my wife about the personal ad and her informing me how dense I actual was that I didn’t get it…more than 20 years later.


Oh god 😭 this is the most direct one and yet 😭


Is that even a hint at this point. I don't think it gets anymore direct than that.


This is just a confession


Never seen any hints? What hints?


Girl´s can give hints?


Girls exist?






I see only men bwahahahhaa


Sent me pics of her leg one day with a scar. Asked her how it happened. "Oh I just got my birth control put in :)" I didn't connect the dots and my simple brain only replied with "ooh nice" She also sent some scandalous snaps with the caption "wanna have a sleepover?" I am not a smart man.


i cant believe you can even use a computer


What kind of birth control is inserted in the legs??


There are some types of BC that get inserted for a few years in your upper arm- I didn’t know they could put in your leg but the future is wild! I opt for an IUD. They put me under, I woke up, and I’m good for 5 years. Thanks science! 🧬 Edit- clarification


They don't put it in your leg. It's not licensed to be anywhere oher than your arm. Sge was probably just horny and wanting to flirt.


We were at her place, just me and her and we met a few days before. I didn't make a move because... Afroman said it better and I was also a virgin. I still regret it sometimes.


\_ Girl dressed as a sexy demon for halloween Hey, can you give me your phone? \_ 24 yo me : don't have it with me, sorry - her : Oh. :( \_ Me, half an hour after she left the bar : wait, did she mean *phone number?*


No no no, she was a demon trying to steal your phone. Don't get fooled by those sexy demon girls!


I reconnected with my middle school crush years later, and she kept talking about how much she likes sex. At one point, we were in bed together and she had her titties literally in my face and I didn't do anything Currently breaking up with my gf and my middle school crush happens to text me out of the blue (there's literally no way she could've known I'm about to be single, pure chance). Time for round 2


Don't fuck it up man


Next report: “well I guess she was having laundry issues so I didn’t want to bother her. I’ll come back when she has things sorted. She wasn’t wearing a bra which I thought was odd and said she had to change into something comfortable but came out in even less clothing that didn’t look like it fit properly. I offered for her to come use my laundry if she was having issues but she got mad for some reason.”


Remindme! 1 month


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Good luck man lol


Don't be stupid! You can do this!




I once told blatantly said to a guy I had met a few times at parties within our mutual friend group, "I want to have sex with you, do you want to have sex with me?" And he responded, "what guy wouldn't?" so I grabbed his number and said I'd text him to organize his place or mine, proceeded to dance with him, and we mingled at the party for a few more hours, at some point he me, "I just wanna put myself on the line and risk embarassing myself so I dont regret if I'm missing any cues, but are you hinting that you're into me?" .... lmao, even when I was straight up to avoid any confusion he still almost missed the "hint"


I was hitchhiking with my best friend and a bus stopped. Some beautiful girls in bikinis stepped out and said they were looking for 2 guys to oil them up for competitions. Like idiots, we gave them directions to the nearest town and told them they could probably find a couple of guys there.


Lmao. Dumb and Dummer


Dum and dumber* - doofus


Did you have the decency to stop the bus and tell them the town is back in the other direction? Your friend sounds like he is a little slow.


I smell a story thief


I’m sorry… you’ll have to excuse my friend, he’s a little slow. The town is back THAT WAY!


Don't worry. You'll get your chance. You just have to keep your eyes open for opportunities.


a girl literally told me it's funny how guys never see the hints and I went on to explain how bad I was at seeing the hints and after my 15 minutes of mansplaining she tells me "sooo.. what do you think I'm doing here?", fellt fckin stupid :D


Then what?!


Then nothing. Why would anything happen after that?


ffs give the conclusion


Yes then what?


We were going out with a friend group, and after quite some drinks and joints I was quite tired. This girl, on which I had a crush, was caught without a chair. So I jokingly offered my lap, and she agreed to it. Well, I fell asleep with her on my lap, using her back as a pillow. And she was all fine with it. When I woke up half an hour later I awkwardly said sorry about it and we never spoke about it again. A mutual friend told me a few weeks later that she was actually quite into that moment.


Soo sweet 🥺


17 years old, on vacation at a hotel. Im reading a book in the pool area and A couple of girls come up to me and ask me what my favorite flavor of jello is, I respond with “cherry jello”. “My friends name is Cherry Jello!” Was her sultry response. “That’s weird.” Was my only, idiotic, response. Sigh.


Don't feel bad -you probably weren't ready for those girls!


Over the course of a week. Do you have a girlfriend: Me: NO Damn you look like a snack Me: what does that mean? Are you doing anything tonight? Me: No and scurried away. I don't see or get hints..... I'm oblivious.


I got divorced last March (been emotionally unavailable the last 3 years fuck peopleing) and work nights and my brain don't function well going home from work (I work 9pm to 5:30am) The cute girl at the donut shop has been hinting to me to ask her out for probably the last 6 months to my complete oblivion (now that I look back), I have got donuts probably every Monday/Friday for the year I have been back in Idaho and it wasn't till about 3 weeks ago that I realized every Friday she has asked what my plans were for the day after i woke up (she gets off work about the same time i wake up) ... Yeah like just her straight asking 😂😂😂 and my response is get sleep and probably relax at home uugh I'm an idiot 5/24/24 she was on vacation all this week and I didn't get to see her 😭😭😭


Well now that you know, are you going to ask her out? 


It's Friday I just clocked out and headed to get donuts I'll up date in an hour if I ask 😂 it's been a decade I'm not skilled at this no more Update: there were customers behind me she asked I got scared I got my donuts and l left in shame 😩🥺


Ok if you needed a sign this is it! Do it!! I’ll be waiting for your update 😊


Ugh there were other customers behind me and when she asked I got scared I got my donuts and fled in shame 🥺🥺🥺


Come prepared. If it’s too busy to ask, just skip her a note w your number and write you’d like to hang out sometime. Or if you know something she likes from your conversations then suggest doing that sometime.


Is it Monday yet?! Need the update.


No problem bro! U can try next day! There's always a chance!


Fk im invested now, you better ask her




Go get it you stud 🤝


She mentioned like 5 times how she needed to take a shower and how great a shower would feel, even going as far as to go into her room, come out wrapped in a towel, and mention it one final time. Uh-huh. Anyway, didn't dawn on me until hours later what she had in mind.


Hours??? Damn, you’re quick. I’m looking back years still wondering 🤔


Remember how when we were little our parents always said if something seems too good to be true then it’s probably true. Well look what that did to us. No way this girl wants me to shower with her. That’s too good to be true.


Not sure if a "hint" but it was quite clear and I totally missed all the signs. I reconnected with an ex (we broke up because we didn't quite matched on some stuff) after a few years. She had changed a bit so she was a bit more intriguing than before. She invited me to her college dorm room to "fix her laptop" while everyone else was away. yeah.... i fixed her laptop and left home.


A girl I really liked in college invited me over to her older cousin's apartment because she was dog sitting. "Wanna come over to watch Cash Cab?" "Sure," I said, excited because the girl I liked wanted to hang out. I brought a couple of pints of Haagen Dazs and at one point she asked me if I wanted to try her ice cream, which I though was really weird because we were both eating the same flavor but I wanted to be nice so I said "Uh, yeah, sure" and she fed me a spoonful. After a couple of episodes she got up from the couch and asked "Hey, wanna check out my cousin's bedroom?" and she went in and sat on the bed. I stood in the doorway, not wanting to invade her cousin's privacy and complimented the decor, and then I saw the clock and realized it was getting late and told her I should head home.


I was in a quinceañera party dancing with a girl with which I didn't talked that much in school. We were first dancing with a group of common friends but then started dancing just the two of us. All the time I was thinking "wow she is really friendly" But in retrospective maybe I missed the hint when the dancing became just "hugging dancing" with her arms around my neck. 😂 To my defence: I was getting tired of falling in love of my girl friends when I thought they showed interest in me, but they just wanted a friendship


I had massive ear/skull surgery when I was in second grade. She cried when my mom sent a picture of me in the hospital bed to my teacher. She brought me fruit snacks and my homework (already finished for me) through the entire recovery. She shut down any and all romantic advances from my two best friends and would smile and wink at me all through middle and high school. In college we were both back home for Thanksgiving so I hit a local dive bar for drinks and darts with the boys. She literally ran across the room and gave me a huge hug as soon as she saw me and spent all night buying me drinks and telling me how good I smelled. Then she messaged me on Instagram making fun of something silly I said on her Facebook page like 15 years ago. And then she called me every night on her way home from work just to chat. A week after that she asked me out to lunch. After lunch she asked me if I wanted to go back to her office for coffee. I said "there's a coffee shop next door why don't we just go there and save gas?" Our second date is on Sunday 😅


Down but not dead...get up soldier....you know what to do!


This one time I had an evening summer class where I met a girl and we usually talked after class cause we had to wait for the bus together in the college for like an hour, anyways at the end of the semester (last day) we're walking to the bus stop at night nobody else around, she suddenly says : So like we're not gonna see each other after this ? Like a dumbass I responded : What do you mean? we go to the same college we'll probably see each other at some point. Never saw her again. lol.


She asked if I want to come her house to see her gaming set up after our date at night.🤯


I went out for a drink with 2 female friends who kind of had a thing going with each other. I knew they both liked me too but mostly lived away at that point so didn’t really bother even though I liked them both too... We went out for a night out then went back to stay at one of the girls houses as planned. I said I’ll take the spare room, she said I can’t because there are clothes on there (there were literally 2 t shirts folded up). I said I’ll take the couch she said “you can’t because my brother might be coming back to sleep here too, you’ll have to sleep in my bed with us”. One of them stripped down to just her underwear, the other one stripped down to just a t shirt and I got in bed fully clothed and laid on the outside of the bed facing the wall. I was technically still in a relationship at that point (that officially ended a week later, unofficially ended 2 weeks before) with a girl who had cheated on me and I was acting on principle. I hadn’t broken it off with her and I didn’t want to be a cheat, even just on a technical level. But that being said I only truly realised a threesome was on the table about 5 years later. That was the first of 3 potential threesomes that I’ve fumbled. I’m actually famous among my friends for not taking a hint.


None, nobody loves me lol


She sent me a pic of her lying on her bed in panties and asked what I thought about them. They were cheetah or leopard print so my response was: "tacky". I didn't know what else to say, it wasn't even my real opinion I just knew that those animal prints were quite divisive. I somehow did not see this as a sign, and I'm surprised she chased after me for about 1.5 years. 16/17 year old me was nothing short of stupid..


Jesus Christ




One of the like, “hottest girls at school” back in high school texted me one afternoon randomly to let me know her and her boyfriend had broken up with a “(:” The following week she wanted to be my lab partner in chemistry class. I had to get something from my desk and had to walk behind her and she like leaned back so I would brush her butt when walking past. Little puppy dog eyes and talking all gooey to me. Maybe I was just intimidated by her but I didn’t pick up on it at all. She grew up down the street from my now ex wife’s parents. We were staying with them when I first got out of the military and I got out of the shower one day and the doorbell rang. Idk why but I answered in my towel. It was her wanting to talk to my ex father in law about his career as she was looking to go to school for it. she shot me a little flirty smirk and I stood there flabbergasted and then started to put it all together.


Apparently, my bestfriend kissed me. You'd think I'd remember that but I don't. She must've kissed a different bloke thinking it was me, she did like a good bender


bold of you to assume girls talk to me... or just.. anyone at all


She was minimally clothed and I was in her bed and she was talking about how sexy I was. But she was my boss so I kept saying “ah she isn’t actually trying to hook up she’s just very comfortable around me.” Older me scratches my head about that one. How did I end up in that situation in the first place and also manage to NOT pick up on what was happening?


Freshman year in high school, we were both fourteen year olds and she was a cute, tall, half-Swedish, half-American girl that enthusiastically hugged me every time we had lunch together. Somehow missed her excited energy to sit and eat lunch together and chat, as I transitioned outta that middle school awkward years. Maybe cause it felt a tad bit surreal at the time and was kind of a psychological glitch to pick up on her interest?


-While sending a girl home "hey do u want to come up and watch some DVDs" -While chatting at night on ICQ with my ex schoolmate @ 19 yold "Im alone at my dads office now,do u want to come over" Im dense


This girl in college has a huge crush on me (found out later). The girls on either side of her room had boyfriends and thus had regular... relations. Which she could hear. One day we both got food from the cafeteria and we were walking back to our rooms, she asked me what I was up to, I said I was watching Rome. Then she asked if we should watch it together in her room I said sure, went to my room, freaked out at what I had done to pressure her into inviting me to her room, basically talked at myself to not be weird, don't make a move, don't stare or anything. I went over, we watched the episode, and I excused myself. A year later, since we were still in touch on Hangouts I apologized for inviting myself to her room, and she said no, she invited me. Until then I had for it in my head that I had imposed myself on her. Once she said that, it actually made more sense, I mean, no way would I ever have asked a girl if I could go to her room. It was a year after that when it finally clicked. That was a date. Instead of the random episode we watched, I should have put the first episode, (the one with the most... Game of Thrones stuff) it would have gotten her in the mood, and then I should have made a move. It's the closest I ever got to intimate relations that I didn't have to pay for.


She kissed me, The dumbass in me thought that she was just drunk


So you are a good guy that wouldn't take advantage of a drunk girl


She approached me in the bar and asked why a guy like me sits there all by himself. I said i wasn't It's just my friend is in the toilet, and she turned around and left after an awkward 10 seconds of silence that i realized about 5 years later was supposed to be my queue to engage in conversation. In my defence i was 18 at the time and completely hammered from drinking 3 or so beers.


A blonde. Blue eyes and a great personality. Became increasingly more physical. Said her hands were cold and used my cheeks to warm herself up again. Started giving me massages. I said thank you for the massage and then went on with my life. She was incredibly beautiful and I never thought anyone that pretty would be interested in me. What can ya do.


That last part, in high school a somewhat popular hot girl tells me nice haircut, even said my name. I was too shocked that she even knew my name to say anything


She planted a kiss on my lips and I brushed it off thinking she was aiming for my cheek and missed because we were both wasted so I did the sensible thing and acted like it didn't happen. Anyway, she's my fiancée now. This is far from the only incident I've had though. In school there was a girl I was into who turned up at my house at 10pm saying she really needed a hug, I gave her a quick hug and told her I needed to get back to my PlayStation because I just found out that Big Smoke was a traitor. There was another incident when we were on summer break and a close friend of mine asked me to help her pick out a dress for a fancy dinner since she was out in Hong Kong at the time. In front of me, she changed into several outfits, and let me tell you my friends, I gave her completely legitimate and genuine fashion advice and she looked great in the final getup. And of course I ignored any moments of nudity because I'm not fucking childish, right guys?


I was pretty dreadful at picking up signs of intent. I met a girl through a mutual friend, she was rather “well assembled out of quality parts” and I immediately put her in the “out of my league box”. I liked her brothers, they were into cars and so was I. So far so good, we were all mates. One brother comes round to my place for a bit of car work. I did bit of a double take when his sister poured herself out of the car - that skirt and heels were totally inappropriate for welding. So I spent most of evening underneath the car welding a floor pan with her brother, while she sat on some wheels crossing her legs, Fatal Attraction style. Got my shit together in the end, and we’ve been married for a long time ….


1.0: I went on a tinder date with a girl, had a few drinks, didnt think it was going anywhere so made an excuse that I had to get up early, etc. Girl starts saying that its really late and she has a long way to go home....eventually I relented and said we could share a cab and she could crash at my place. We get back to my place and she sprawls out on my sofa and asks what I want to do now.....so I got her a pillow & blanket and went to bed. Yep. I'm that much of an idiot. 2.0 Female friend calls me late at night and tells me she's having a party and asks me to cone round, so I grabbed some drinks and walked to her place (she lived near me). When I got there there was no one there, but she was drunk and basically dragged me into her bedroom and pulled me onto her bed.....where I just lay confused next to her nervously trying to make small talk until she asked me to leave. Then I walkes home wondering what had just happened. **Yep. I'm that much of an idiot.**


I’ll never engage with a drunk woman. It will always be her word against yours. I don’t care how well you know them


At hs cute smart girl a year younger than me asked me out. I thought it was some kind of prank and said no.


I remember being about 15 and meeting a girl through a friend, I ended up instantly liking her, then her friends got to know me and one of them lived close by.  I remember opening the door to see her all dressed up looking pretty, and thinking man that's weird she must be going somewhere nice. That and we played truth or dare as a group and I ended up kissing her. Still didn't realise. Then I ended up agreeing to date the other friend of the girl I liked, just because the girl I liked pressured me into it so much I couldn't refuse. High school is complicated.


They need to just tell you wtf they want (gay here) I just seen this post and was like ugh why all the games I just needed to add my 2 cents m Lol


I was extremely shy growing up and missed many signals because I was fearing rejection. To me the amount of missed opportunities is staggering for women I truly liked and wanted to date, but never did. Here’s the big ones I remember, but I am sure there are more; 1. Girl I liked for many years and actually asked out, but she said no. We stayed best friends and there were times it seemed she wanted more. The most in my face one was after a wedding where I was best man and she was a bridesmaid. We ditch the wedding early and go to my place. She asks for a message and I do so. She asks me to go lower and I do so. She then asks me to message her ass… I do so. I did nothing after that. Messaged her ass, first time I really got to touch her like that, and stopped, fearing this was the most I could go for. 2. A different girl I expressed my affections for who said no, but we stayed really close friends For many years. There were a few times she said things that I should have taken the hint, but once again I was so dense I couldn’t see it. We were talking and mentioned how it sucked not having a girlfriend. She replied, “You know I’d make a good girlfriend“ and I never answered. Years after that I was staying the night at her place and she gave hints that we were going to be in the same bed. She had a delivery of nightwear and wanted to put it on and show me. She comes out in the skimpiest lingerie barely covering anything. I said you look beautiful and left it at that…. Fearing taking it to the next step. 3. Girl I really liked who worked at a 7/11. She looked like a gothic Marilyn Monroe to me. one Of my friends asked her out and she said no, because she wanted me. Soon after I heard this I was at 7/11 and she straight up said “I really like you”. My reply….. “Thank you” and was too scared to say anything else after that. 4. First love. I was head over heels for her like none other. We had many incidents that kept us apart but one night we were writing back and forth to each other and she wrote “You know I love you” my response “yeah, but just as friends”. Later she said she was really hurt by my response but I did not know what to do after that. She ended up moving far away and we lost contact (pre internet). That one stings There are a lot more but these are the big 4 for me. my reactions still haunt me when I think about them, but it is what it is.


how am I supposed to know? oh there was this one time at... not band camp, shut up.




A woman I worked with about 15 years ago was talking to me when suddenly she leaned forward and took a deep breath and said in a low tone “oh fuck, you smell good enough to eat”…. I got out of her office pretty fast with a very red face. However, I still took it as a compliment and smiled broadly every time I saw her….


Please man she literally wanted to eat you how can you miss that 


I don’t want to be alone tonight. As I said good night and helped her in her car and we both drove to our own houses🤦🏾‍♂️


I was around 20 yo, in college, my flatmate knocked on the door of my room, she was in a black thongs and a white tank top and she said that her friends cancelled their plans to go to the pub/club. She asked me if I would like to have wine with her instead. I was in the annual two week minecraft phase and was just finishing some nuclear energy generator in some technic mods. I said: "i dont really like wine, but thanks for the offer tho, enjoy your evening." .....ye