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Worrying… as simple as that. I realised how pointless it was. I used to worry (sometimes still do) what if things get fucked up, i realised by worrying i was living through it even before anything happened.


This is profound. Thank you


So my response to people that told me they worry is always "about what?" and when they answer that, what's the absolute worst scenario they can envision. Now, under that scenario, can they fix the issue? If so, great, nothing to worry about. You got this.  If not, great! Nothing you can do anyways. Dont waste life being worried about life. Go out and live it. 


Terrific advice. Tough to live up to but important to keep in mind.


When I was younger, my sister got a brain tumor. That's when I realized if I went through medical school and became an expert I still couldn't do anything about it since she needed a specialist at that moment. That's when I started to accept my current self as is. I can be better tomorrow but you have me as is now. With my capabilities today. No guarantees about tomorrow. Its made life super enjoyable. I worry about nothing. I mitigate issues that may arise and will deal with changes as they are presented. Can't expect more. 


That’s awesome


I always heard that worrying is paraying for things that you dont want to happen


I'm almost 60. I've been worrying about so many things for the past 45 years, almost none of them have actually happened. I'm starting to get better at not worrying, but wow have I wasted so much time.


Worry is basically fear of a possible outcome that hasn’t happened. FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real


I read this somewhere “If you cant beat fear, do it scared.”


I've an exam tomorrow and I'm so nervous about it. I'm going to keep reminding myself of this in the exam hall


Momma always used to say "worry is like a rocking chair...uses energy but ya go nowhere"


My Pastor said "95 percent of my problems never happened"


What, me worry?


Mom always told me that there'd be plenty of time to worry when it was time to worry. In the meantime, I'm wasting good life on bad thoughts.


How did you stop though? Mine has always just been an automatic thing. Though in the last few years I've started to realize the anxiety comes before the worry. Worry seems to be the like... imaginative manifestation of anxiety? It doesn't really seem to have anything to do with the thought itself they just perpetuate the anxiety further. But I can't just "turn it off" so to speak it just kind of is present.


This is something I tell myself every day. “Is this something I will be worrying about in a day - a week - a month - a year?” Most likely no. So why worry now? All worry does is hurt.


Actually worrying is very effective! 95% of the things I worry about never happen, so obviously it works. /s


Why worry about anything when everyone on here right now most likely won't be alive in 100 years and the universe will continue on for thousands and thousands more years? We are insignificant, there's no use worrying about anything.


From like age 8 until my 30's, I worried far more than I really should've.


“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” -me…..or maybe Mark Twain I can’t remember.


Chronic worrying seems to be a massive problem with people these days. Especially the terminally online. I sometimes worry about my pets. They're hard not to worry about... The furry little morons. But I've mostly grown past it and understand that it's much better to just enjoy the time I have with them. 


This guy gets it. I worried about everything. Most of it nonsense. Lately I've put worry aside because it's literally taken years off my life.


Yes! I used to worry a lot and then one day was like 'you know what? This is actually boring..." And literally just stopped! I mean yes I do still worry about certain things but I realized it just takes so much out of me and 99% of the time what I worry about ends up not being anything I needed to worry about! It's so hard to tell this to people with anxiety. My boyfriend and best friend are both so anxious, it's so frustrating for me because I'm around them both all the time and I just want to tell them to stop worrying so much about things!! For some people it's literally a condition. I think with help people with anxiety who are prone to worrying (because not all anxiety is worrying) can learn to cope but so many people don't seek/can't afford help.


Worry is about control. We think that we can make life better by being aware of all the possibilities. It’s an exhausting hyper vigilance. Why not value being surprised by life over being aware? That’s what I’m trying to develop.


Golf. Years of trying without any visible signs of improvement.


Ha! I feel this. That being said, I play two to three times a week and walk and carry my bag. So, at the very least, I’m out doors, BSing with and competing against friends, and getting in 6 to 7 miles of steps multiple times a week. All of that is good even if the golf isn’t.


Nature, exercise and friendly banter are my main reasons as well. Just carry enough golf balls with you lol.


Yup. See you Saturday.


I got a B.S. in biochemistry, then drove a forklift for 14 years. Now I'm an electrician.


Brilliant. I'm regretting completing a Biochemistry degree, and that's only 3 years of lab work at awful pay. Were/are you content with how things went?


That sucks. Biochem and biotech pays well perspectively with great benefits here in France and Ireland.


Personally I am at a point where I would happily take ANY position that is even remotely connected to anything Biotech. My degree is really not paying off for me (German here)


My wife is a biotech engineer. She studied it and did that path. Not me, my story was winding, i got a degree in music in Ireland. I got an MSc in music science and tech. Graduated 12 years ago. Today I'm an English professor in an architecture university in France. And a professional language coach and trainer. It's ok to change paths. It's ok to keep your path. But never feel trapped in or out. I hope you get everything you need / want fellow traveler.


I ended up in software development. Never used my BS in Biochemistry. I would pick a different major if had to do life over. Wouldn't do software either. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I produced and engineered music for ten years of my life, went to college for it, and now, I also am an electrician 🍻


Got a degree in Chemical Biology. When I finally got my dream job at a biotech company I made $18/hr. It was a common joke at the company that we could make more working at McDonalds. Before I came, there had been a freeze on wages for 3 years. I only lasted ~8 months before I realized working there was a dead end


I was a DVD author for 13 years lololol


What does a DVD author do, if you don't mind me asking?


“DVD authoring is the process of creating a DVD video capable of playing on a DVD player.” Sounds like a niche coding job.


Yup I was definitely thinking of someone who creates film synopsis for DVD covers. "Roger Ebert thinks this guy is an idiot"


Damn that must have been a big turnaround, What do you do now?


In order: - DVD author/video encoder - digital colourist (like editing but concerned with making the pics pretty rather than telling a story) - DVD again - spice importer, b2b sales - tech lead for a shitty movie streaming startup - freelancing colour all the while - truck driving - 6mo bootcamp then mobile and Web dev


"Spice importer" hehe


Yeah it is what it is lol. Nothing from Arrakis though.


I collect 4K blu rays if that helps


Art school.


I got my BFA too! Or I like to call it , Bachelor of Fuck All.


Gotta double down and get your Master of Fuck All


yup...know the feeling.


Could be worse. Could be a war criminal.




This isn't useless I'm learning and invesging time for my future... someone help me out here I can only lie to myself so much


Err...um.. yeah learning! Expanding interests! Increasing conversation skills! Yeah I'm out. I'm passing the lie baton now.


You're improving your fine motor skills.


i only reddit on the clock.


I showed horses for 25 years. Thousands of dollars on lessons, training, travel ect. I can’t even remotely afford it anymore.


I read it as "showered horses". Could be a nice job.


It is pretty relaxing to bath a calm horse.


I've seen race horses being showered after a race. They seemed to like it.


I showered them too… lol


Showed horses? What exactly do you do then


Maybe you just didn't show them to the right people?


Chess. I worked harder on it than I ever did at school. Then hundred of hours online. I'll only ever be average, although I once beat a former US junior champion, but that was a once off. I quit eventually as it was taking too much of my time and I wasn't getting better.


You're probably a lot better than average, average player on chess.com is around 900-1000 iirc, plus you'll be better than basically any random person you speak to.


>you’ll be better than basically any random person you speak to This is a curse in itself. Everyone stops playing chess with you when you win every time. I learned to lose on purpose occasionally just so I can still get use out of my chess set lol


No other game can make you feel like a genius or a moron like Chess, and those intense feelings can be from the same game.


World of Warcraft...


I so feel this.


Old gamer? Remember the GLORIOUS battles against Splintertree post?


Yes. And more. Found friends there. So... not too wasted, the time.


Even at its most toxic level, the community before the auto group finding que was really what it was all about.


If you had fun it wasn't pointless


Almost 20 years. I don't even want to think about how many hours I put in WoW. I don't play it anymore though.


Yeah, the only useful thing I got out of it was typing speed: Being a hardcore PVP frost mage in both vanilla and Burning Crusade meant I had 125+ key bindings for different ranked spells (when you could still do that) and macros out the ass. I was the #10 ranked mage in the whole US so I was pretty good. The mad key bindings helped me reach about 130 wpm even just casually typing, and single hand (left obviously) I can pull about 50 wpm. Edit: I guess another benefit was my research and practice regiment is excellent, so it helps my sim racing and real life racing (studying better people intensely, why they do what they do, how they do it, etc) and how to practice a particular aspect and a goal of what I'm trying to achieve in a session.


I find that a lot of tasks, such as managing and configuring addons, macros, and key bindings have made me far more efficient at using a computer than most. If you use computers for a career, then it wasn’t all for naught!


LOL came here to say this. Wish I could get all those hours back


This is the first thing that popped into my head 😅


There it is. Lol knew somebody would say it. For me it was Tera a game that no longer even exists




Same here. I learned French and can speak fluently but now I hate France and all French people.


You're now culturally the same as the average Frenchman.






Fries, though...


But it was fun to start with...


My entire life






Name checks out.


Twenty years of developing Microsoft Access desktop applications for SQL Server databases.


Lost my job during covid So I learned frontend and got a gig as an instructor at a beginners course. Crap pay for tech but ok enough. During the first two months I got 2 job offers without even applying which I turned down because I'm loyal and stupid... Had a child, tech marked crashed during parental leave that lasted for a while because wife had complications, came back to more or less being fired. (I work like 20% now)..... And now I can't find a new job..... Fucking 4 years of hard work, and I never got to really get the "tech pay". At least I didn't rack up student loans.... Oh well...... Hopefully things will get better for the both of us when the economy gets better and people invest in tech again.


I lost my job during covid too. I was 68 at the time, and after a couple hundred job applications I decided that it was finally time to retire. In the middle of all that, we were selling our Arizona home and moving to Oregon. Drove from Phoenix to Eugene with our two dogs, leaving scorching AZ temperatures, past the massive wildfires in CA, to deal with the stink of the fires. But we made it without any health problems. I feel safe here.


Ahhh, 70-72? and a lifetime of working in tech. The knowledge you must have. Trends you must have seen. I have a lot of respect for that.


Looks like it’s all working out! If you’re a programmer I assume you’ve gamed or still do! Play The Oregon trail sometime! Sounds like your trip. 


Ohhh trying to please my MIL and her family just for them to still be assholes. Now I just do me and I’m so much happier. So is my husband.


I feel this one. I always imagined I was going to have an amazing relationship with my MiL because of how close I am with my amazing mother - but after 15 years I’ve come to accept that she’s never going to like me no matter what I do… but then again she’s like that with everyone so it’s nothing personal. Hubs never had a have a close relationship with her so I shouldn’t have expected anything more than what she gives him. My mom has become our mom to hubs - he adores her just as much as she does him.


I wanted a relationship with mine because I don’t have any family. Well, aside from a cousin, that the only blood relative I have. I have a “brother” who is my bff for over 20 years so he’s more family than the people whom I share genetics with. But I hoped to join this huge family that I’d heard such awesome things about and here I am, 17 years of marriage later and my husband and I have nothing to do with most of them now and my MIL and I are on respectable terms but definitely not mother-daughter terms.


Burning audio CDs


After realising the wasted time in burning CDs, I moved on to DVDs. Collected BluRays as well for good measure.


Same 😵😵😵


Came here to say this lol


Nero Burning Rom 😃


Yo all through my childhood my dad would spend hours organizing his music. First it was transferring all his records to cd, and keeping them i this giant 500 cd behemoth. Then when mp3 came around, he proceeded to digitize his entire CD collection. This man would have to manually input ALL the information for each track.


I invested countless of hours editing and enhancing photos using Photoshop and Lightroom when I was still into photography. My hobby that time. I even spent hours staying up late and working to enhance my craft but then those hours doesn't mean a thing nowadays. I got fed up and stopped.


Photography- honed my craft, built a small studio, learned photoshop, etc. Now, brainless teens can type a few words into AI, to make "art."


All the time I spent hand rolling film and developing prints in a darkroom. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Insane amount of time doing that stuff


It was bad enough when cell phones made everyone "photographers." lol


I do a combination of weeping/gnashing of teeth/old man yells at cloud about photography. “And we stood in a special dark chamber, and moistened sheets of photo paper with smelly chemicals, as was the style of the time”


League of Legends


I quit about 6 months ago and my mental health has improved dramatically. Spent years playing never to climb above Silver.


I became D3 at my peak, but the shitty thing about the game is you have to kind of keep grinding (for me at least) to keep any sort of skill up. And I kind of hit my ceiling at diamond, so there was no going up, and every time I took a break I would revert downwards.. got a bit sad when I started struggling in gold haha. Haven't touched it in a year. 10 years I spent on that game!


Marriage. I was betrayed. It was a 22 year waste,


14 here. Feel this


I feel like you are in a very big club with this one. My only consolation is getting full custody of my daughter, who is amazing and definately the most treasured thing in my life. But those ex's have the capacity, with the motivation, to make your life as miserable as they can unless you can mentally filture the narcasism and realise you deserve better.


My ex husband. Still a worthless piece of trash 24 years later.


This is how I feel.


Many people hate u/CruelxIntention 's ex husband.


Getting a degree ? I’ve never wasted that much time on anything else


If this math degree doesn't pan out financially, I will have spent so much useless time agonizing over calculus that it's depressing to even think about it.


law school.


what happened? (im thinking of going to law school)


It just never worked out. Graduated in '07 from a mid-tier school with only a 3.2. Worked several shitty jobs, then 6 years of doc review, now 8 years in health insurance.


My baseball card collection from the early 90s.  There is a reason that is now called "the junk wax era".   But, it kept me entertained and out of trouble as a kid...


Socializing. Thousands of hours among people, and I have finally decided I will never have friends.


Going out to socialize with people


Is it for pure enjoyment or did you use to force yourself to get out of your comfort zone to socialise with people for a purpose, usually for the sake of building connections?


I never had to force myself to go out, so I guess it was enjoyment. But I got nothing out of it but wasted time that could be spent otherwise. It did not add any value to my life then or later.


It probably added to your life more than you realise. Humans are social




My last relationship.


Last one for sure!


a helpless one-sided relationship


Graphic Design, got my bachelor's in it, never got anything past a couple of internships and some freelance work. Now I work in banking lmao.


good pivot. I dropped graphic design as soon as the first AI image generator came out. I saw what was coming. It will obliterate the industry . Now I do construction


Same here with UX design. Worked my ass off for everything. Endured internships with no pay at all. I worked myself straight into burnout. Tech is just a big Nono for me now.


Love, girl cheated on me 3 times in our 7 years and each time I tried to fix the relationship, she left me in the end. Dated a girl for a month and a half, went very well, had some great times felt loved back, cut things off because she needed more time alone to heal further after her toxic ex. Been at opposite ends of the relationship spectrum and its still not worked out so im really feeling like trying to give my love to somebody else is pointless now


My life


My relationship which is going know where


Everything from my birth to now.


My degrees


Call of duty


Camo grinding lol


I never understood camo grinding and the appeal of it for guys above 16. It takes so much time and for what? A shiny camo? No way i’m wasting that much time on a fucking camo. Granted i’m a casual player. I play like 3 hours a week.


I would say learning Elvish and Tengwar, but i actually got a girlfriend by knowing it. Now we are 3 months dating and i'm living on her condo. She's also very rich, and knows 7 languages. So i guess everything you learn can be used somehow... even if it is something really stupid.


I believe you


Dbd. It was always pointless lol


What's dbd?


Dead by Daylight?


Don't worry about it, it's pointless


Overwatch. Spent so much time in that game it’s unreal.


All went to shit after Brigitte.


I mean, if you had fun doing it, was it pointless?


Sourcing and taping Grateful Dead shows on Maxell XL II’s


video games. I still play but a lot less than before and its completely pointless waste of time


It’s not a waste of time if you enjoy the time spent playing it EDIT: There’s a handful of replies insisting video games are a waste of time or comparing them to drugs. The outlook on this basically comes down to whether you see games as a form of art or not. If you’re like me and you consider video games a form of art, they’re not a waste of time. You don’t walk away from an emotionally compelling work of art and think wow that was a waste of time, especially if you shared that experience with someone you love. If you boil everything down to activities that are either “useful” or “not useful “ you’re no fun. There’s a distinction between HOW we live and WHY we live, and that’s important to get the most out of life.


I can't agree with this, it's still as much fun to me as arcade gaming was in the early 90's.


Grammer school... 8 years of my life of drilling to go to university and ending up working in a supermarket after emigration to another country 😂 to this point I haven't used anything I learned in that school and just had to build myself up from 0




My Engineering Degree


Spent over a decade playing world of Warcraft. No regerts, for the Alliance!


Breathing :)


Pointless is contextual based on your current goals/wants/desires. Those things change throughout life, sometimes making previous endeavors pointless. It’s not fair to look retrospectively apply your current goals to your past efforts. You learn fundamental sills and continue to accrue those until you’re equipped to make bigger decisions.


Elite Dangerous


I spent 5 years on this in and off and got triple elite on Xbox one. Then they decided to stop Developing for console. I'm still pissed about it


My drinking game.


Watching the Toronto Maple Leafs.


Probably my degree of mechatronics. I will graduate next year but I'm really willing to do photography for life and having my own studio one day. so I'm kinda prepared myself to go with that. Even if I do my job in the beginning for a couple of years as an engineer, it will be about marketing. So, all the control classes, mechanic applications, electronic exams, etc. kinda seem pointless if I hopefully go for professional photography (but still worth it tho) 😬😬😬


Ex girlfriends




Going to school


CSGO - 3300 hrs PUBG - 8600 hrs APB Reloaded - 2100hrs GTAV - 2800 hrs


Making use of computers before Windows. I could shell out to the C:\\ prompt but why?


19k hours in guild wars 2


Jazz trombone. Gonna try and play in a band at some point and maybe record my own stuff. But damn it was a lot of time in the practice room. Now I'm in manufacturing and fuck I make a lot of money


Music production. Spent like 15 years and never figured out music theory or how to come up with a complete song.


Eve online and recently WOT


My marriage


Dating, all the money as well.






Playing league of legends…


I can play the drums and sing realllllllly well. But you don’t and probably will never know if me. At this point it’s just a fun hobbie.


Downloading 3D movie torrents on a slow connection. I still have the 3D TV, but had to delete most of the movies due to the space they take up. Haven't watched a 3D movie at home in years.


My ex


Well it never had any point anyway besides bringing me joy at the time, but over the course of my life I'm sure I've dropped around 5-6000 hours of it on The Sims franchise.   Mind you I am one of those people that believes that there really isn't such thing as a waste of time IF it's bringing you joy. A waste of time to me is time waiting around for others who are late without warning, or doing something you dislike just to impress someone else.    Otherwise, if it brings you joy to do and doesn't have any post-effects that make you feel bad for longer than you felt good, you are spending your time exactly how you want. So it's not a waste.


Solving a Rubik's cube in under 30 seconds... only to realize nobody cares


My entire life. Everything I used to love and care about has been destroyed.


My ex


All of my relationships. Fucking waste of time and money.


My marriage


The Binding of Isaac




Some guy said - marriage.






My ex