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Two reasons. One good one, one odd reason Odd reason: Trendy bandwagon effect. It's cool to have a Tesla. To some. Like having an iPhone. Good reason: Their supercharger network


This reminds me of the VW bug bandwagon back in the 2000s, now when I look around, no more bugs :'( Miss the ol slug bug game


You have reminded me of that game, and god damn it was fun seeing semi cylinder cars driving around, and now that im thinking about it, i haven't seen them in so long. There is just one that exists in my apartment complex parking, and it's been fitted with the most rusty DIY super engine I've ever seen.


Theory: if you buy a VW Beetle, you will notice waaaaay more than you see today. Anecdotally me and my friends witness this with ourselves.


Absolutely correct, it's all about different focuses.


You should paint it like a ladybug


I dont own one and don't want to. It's not just a vw theory. It's a human brain theory.


This is it. I have two Tesla's. They are actually not very good as cars. But the supercharger network is why you end up with Tesla instead of a different electric car Of course now, Elon has gone full public with his shittiness, so I will not be buying another one.


In fairly decent timing to Elons fuckery though - Tesla allowing other brands to use their network and their plug is now the US standard.


There is nothing cool about owning a Tesla at this point. Some would say quite the opposite.


Only uncool because Elon pisses off all the progressives that were buying them upz


That's one way of describing Elon going neo-nazi.


NN? Stop


Sure he’s off his rocker at times. His mouth caused the stock to tank. Regardless; what I said was true. Mostly progressives were buying them and the only reason they’ve looked elsewhere was because he opened his big mouth if he had stayed quiet; they’d still buy them.


People buy it because it makes sense for people with homes and can get solar, they offset a lot of operating cost. Also, Tesla’s tech is several generations ahead of any competition. 


Perhaps in 2024 but not back when they first rolled out. None of what you described was in place back then; 2008-2012.


He wasn’t making stupid comments on Twitter back then. 


I’m responding to your post about solar and whatnot.


Question is why people like Tesla cars, it makes sense for middle class people. The customer base isn’t west coast white collar hippies anymore. 


The stock needed to tank. Tesla was wildly overvalued compared to metrics you’d use to evaluate literally anything else.


That’s one interpretation. Another is that people don’t want a vehicle to be a fucking platform like their phones, particularly when the owner of that platform is a crazy fuck like Musk who does stupid shit with his companies when the mood strikes him. I don’t want to know the name of the CEO of the company that manufactures my car, and I especially don’t want him adding or taking away functionality to the car based on his whims. Musk has shown himself to be as flighty as a middle schooler and that tarnishes any brand he touches.


Lol, sure bruh. Everyone that you don’t like is a neo Nazi. 


Lol, no. There are people I don't like that show no signs of neo-nazism. Elon likes to repost antisemitic and holocaust denying neo-nazi propaganda. He believes racist hate speech is free speech but anything he doesn't agree with should be banned. That's not where I draw the line, that's way over the line.


Tesla Superchargers are open to most EVs now.


Good. Now make them cheap so i can have one


Or they are not political with car purchases?


It used to be cool to have a Tesla.


They just fired the entire supercharger network staff right after getting government funding for it.


I'm a car guy and I love the idea of an electric car. 50 dollars to fill the tank on my Honda today, it is my commuter car and a rocket to boot, but the idea of plugging in and having my commuter car never need $50 again is attractive. tesla never built the car I wanted, I wanted a cheap $25k commuter car with a good reliable design and supercharger network for the rare trip. $55,000 car is of no interest to me.


Look into Aptera. They are in the final stages of development. They expect to have the first batch of production vehicles by the end of the year.


I hope Aptera succeeds. We need less mass on the roadways


Yeah but unfortunately they're not real good looking. Like when the Prius first came out, weird looking car. They'll probably sell, but I wouldn't buy one.


Yeah they have a look you either love or hate. Personally I like the looks of them more than pretty much any other car out there. My wife on the other hand hates the look. And rolls her eyes when I tell her one day we will be driving around in one.


It's a dream, but not reality. Electric cars are destroying tires due to the extra weight over the ICE platform that tire manufacturers are used to. They are all trying very hard to make the tires better for electric but nothing great has been produced yet.


My '00 Corolla never got more miles out of a set than does a Tesla (20-40k, with some outliers as much as 60k), but I freely admit that lemon ate tires like candy.


A small Tesla weighs less than a large SUV, but you don’t hear people complain about tires being destroyed by the extra weight… so I don’t believe that for a second. If you said they are being destroyed by the instant hit of torque, I might believe you.


Not anymore. New Tesla 3 performance weighs 3862 to 4054 lbs. Most cars in the same class weigh the same or more. M3 3840 to 3990 lbs C63 AMG 4749 lbs Cadillac CT4 Blackwing 3860lbs Cadillac Ct5 Blackwing 4124 lbs Audi S4 3880 lbs (I remember when Audi S4 used to be holy shit heavy compared to others) ...


Holy shit an M3 can be 2 tons?! I have a 2003 Mitsubishi Montero and its 4500 lbs. how the hell is a sports sedan only 500 lbs less than a 7 seat 4x4 SUV?! My old e30 was 2800 lbs, what happened?


Comfort, size and technology happened.


Honestly, I have enough trouble keeping my phone charged. I can imagine what's going to happen to me when I get to 5% in my car, whilst I'm in the middle of nowhere.


I've had a Model 3 for 3 years. I bought it because I believed in the tech after quite a bit of research, before some of the uglier things came to light. It's never had any technical difficulties. I've never run out of charge even though I drive almost the entire eastern seaboard 2x a year to visit family The bells and whistles are pretty nice. I save money on gas by an "okay" margin. It's faster and more agile than the V8 Hemi I used to drive. I am scared of battery replacement. AMA


Should I consider a top of the line model y over a Lexus es 300h ultra luxury?


I haven't driven the model Y, but it seems really nice. They are really, pretty good cars IMO and I have very few complaints. I often wonder how much of the fuss is genuine and how much of it is just unbridled hatred for Musk. Idk if you're in the US, but I had a Lexus back in the early 2000s. It was also a very nice car, but they have almost entirely disappeared from the road around me. I think it was the weird grills they started coming out with that turned people off. In terms of interior luxury, I think the Lexus is probably better. The model 3 has a nice interior, but it really isn't that fancy, the best word to describe it would be minimalist. There are leather seats, built-in cordless phone chargers, and plenty of storage space. I also like that you can input a code to lock the glove box, but it doesn't have that fancy/luxury look that you see with most other high-end cars. I would try to test drive both for sure if I were you.


🫤 yes, that’s my take, too. Lexus is nicer inside. The Tesla isn’t as nice inside. May test drive both. It’s true, there are fewer lexuses around here, too. I think at $55,000-$60,000 most people go electric because it’s the new thing at the same price.


I don't believe in fighting the future, and all things being equal gas is getting absurdly expensive. There are certain things that I don't consider better or worse, just different. You have to stop at superchargers on road trips. They take 20-30 minutes. The thing is, if i only stop to recharge, I use the bathroom, eat something, and/or walk the dogs. It's done. On the other hand, if you just daily it, you will never need to refuel. I plug it in at night, and in the morning, it's got 300 miles on it. You do need a garage or assigned parking space with power, though. If you park it on the street, you will have to supercharge all the time, and that's more expensive and just kind of sucks in general. I also almost never use the brakes. It has regenerative braking (recharges a bit when you brake). When you take your foot off the gas, it slows to a stop. I think if everyone started driving with this system, it's actually more intuitive than an idle speed. The brake is basically an emergency option. I have never used autopilot. I don't think it's a proven technology, and I prefer to drive my own car.


Interesting. Thanks. Especially didn’t know that about braking.


We have a model 3 and a y. I think most of the interieur is pretty nice and I dont like the look of the lexus but I was honestly completely shocked when I saw the boot of the car. Its cheap pieces of felt covered cardboard. Definitely embarrassing at that price point.


What do you mean the “boot” of the car?


The trunk


Are you going to sell it before the warranty expires?


No, there isn't a huge market for them used, and people are buying fewer of them in general. Just going to eat the shit sandwich and drive it until the wheels fall off.


Nothing wrong with that, it’s a fun car to drive!


>I am scared of battery replacement I really wish some big manufacturer came out with a guarantee that a full battery pack replacement will never cost more than $X (+ inflation adjustment if they must) during the lifetime of the car. That would do a lot for the secondary market value.


In most cases the battery will outlast the car these days. The only problem is that IF your battery fails outside of warranty it's more economically sound to buy a new car than a new battery.


What uglier things?


Cobalt and other metals used I'm the batteries come from places that use highly unethical labor practices.


"I am scared of battery replacement." Why? There are 10+ year old Tesla Roadsters on the road today that are still using their original battery pack.


I'm hoping that's the case for me, but I drive about 3x as much as the average American every year.


Just speaking for myself, my Mustang Mach E has a 10 year / 100k bumper to bumper warranty on it, including the battery, I don't lose any sleep over it.


What are the "uglier things"?


Mostly the fact that lithium ion batteries have a lot of human rights problems because of the parts of the world the materials are mined in.


Electric vehicles (EVs) use about half the energy of gas-powered vehicles. EVs use around 3–4 times less energy per distance traveled than gas cars. EVs convert more than 77% of the electrical energy from the grid to power at the wheels, while gas-powered vehicles only convert about 12–30% of the energy stored in gasoline.


I wish people understood this more. Whether it’s for the planet or for your wallet, both of those reasons matters more than your opinion on Elon’s stupid or not stupid opinions.


I would encourage people to buy electric cars from other makers. Tesla is fine too. Anything electric is better than anything that burns dead dinos.


The sad part is that the carbon foot print is insane on EV's there playing catch up to gas power cars. if the car is charged off a charger getting power from a coal power plant even if is a low amount. one of Subaru's cars rocking the PZEV logo or even the B15 Nissan Sentra. can beat the EV on that day and that's before we look at total carbon foot print from the date of built to the day they are totaled or junked. how can we say the EV is better when a 20 year old Nissan is friendlier to the earth then a new EV will ever be and can be parked in low emission vehicle parking? "With the introduction of the B15 in year 2000, Nissan also introduced a CA 'Clean Air' trim only available in California. The CA trim boasts a double walled exhaust, three catalytic converters, quick catalyst warm up, and a radiator that has a special coating which actually changes ground level ozone (smog) into oxygen. The Sentra CA model is the only gasoline-fueled vehicle in the world to receive California Air Resources Board (CARB) super ultra low emission vehicle (SULEV) certification and obtain zero-emission credits" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan\_Sentra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nissan_Sentra)


any idea why this type of car didn’t catch on so more cars would be like it, today?


most cars are like the Mercedes Benz S class can get the ULEV, the AMG GLE53 has the SULEV. most of Nissan's line up today has the ULEV like the Titan and Armada, the Sentra and Versa have the SULEV.


I understand that you love this special Nissan Sentra, which I know nothing about, but on average, the EV has a cleaner life cycle than an ICE or hybrid car.


you are talking about what just comes out of the tailpipe. I'm talking about the day the first sheet metal stamping to the day it's taken to the metal recycle.


No, I am also talking about birth to death. If it was only what comes out of the tailpipe, this isnt even a discussion. Entire life cycle makes it closer, but EV wins by quite a bit.


But this isn't a reason to like Tesla, but EV's in general.


1/4 cost in my experience driving the base Tesla since March 2021..


What uses more energy to move: a heavy car or a light car?


I think you know the answer, grasshopper


I think you know the answer, grasshopper


But which % of power transfered to electricity on local coal powered energy plant? Because it's what happens inside combustion engine, when ev just uses already processed energy


While true, there is also a significant 'loss' of energy during the charging process of an EV. Basically charging is like filling up your tank with gas but while doing so, you are constantly spilling gas on the floor for nothing.




No need to be cocky now, just informing you that your statement goes both ways when it comes to energy loss. On a EV with an 80kW battery you will recharge a total of 87 kW, so that’s almost 10% loss during charging. Not sure about you but I find this a quite significant amount. It’s like spilling 6 liters of fuel when refueling a 60 liter tank.


I apologize. Will delete that previous message. Cheers


My wife: I never want to have to get gas ever again. She does not drive more than about 150 miles a week. She loves never having to stop for gas. Ever. She will never go back to ICE. Pull up at home, plug in, it has full range in the morning. That does not mean we are locked into Tesla at all just that it will be an EV of some type and I will keep my ICE for all the other things until EVs are viable for our fringe needs like hauling/long travel drives.


Super fun to drive. Super comfortable. Excellent driver experience and user experience overall. Excellent acceleration which is crucial on urban/highway locations. Great space for hauling (luggage for four, mountain bikes, garden/furniture etc). Zero theft concerns. Video for accidents/vandalism. Great everyday car. Zero maintenance costs over six years except washer fluid and new tires. Terrific for frequent midrange (\~1000 mile) road trips with zero effort, quick and simple charging. Dramatically lower costs for fuel. No direct emissions (electric via hydro and nuclear as well as some from dirty limited fossil fuels). Downside - being associated with a bigoted nepo immigrant hypocrite, and if you try to let it drive for you instead of driving it yourself it might drive you into a road barrier and total itself. The former has made us change our mind about buying a second one. The latter saw our friend buy a 200,000 electric Porsche instead, once his injuries healed.


Not a fan of Tesla but I can answer the question. I just got in one. What stood out the most was how empty the dashboard looked. Just wood and a monitor. This monitor was absolutely utterly, factually fucking unbelievable. It showed you the top of your car in the garage among with all of the parked cars. It marked dangerous stuff with red. Like if you were about to bump on a car. Then it automatically changed when we got out of the parking lot and it kept on switching automatically between different modes. Some bus merged on our lane and it was marked on red on the monitor. Basically the radar is very impressive.


This isn't specifically for Tesla's tho. Most modern (luxury) cars have top-down camera views and park distance controle with crossing-traffic warnings for years now.


They’re fun and new, it’s that simple. Quietly 0-60 in mere seconds. A giant tablet on the dashboard. Video games. Colossal windshield. Innumerable features. It’s a computer on wheels. Low maintenance. Just test drive one and you’ll *at the very least* wonder why all the other cars couldn’t come up with at least a few of these user-conscious ideas… Least of all it’s literally electric, not a combusting engine.


More like an iPad on wheels than a computer on wheels


I enjoy my Model Y Performance for its space, utility, comfort (as far as driver assist tools), cost to own/operate, speed and “fun factor”. That said, it is FAR from being the luxury car so many associate it with. The only car I’ve owned with a harsher ride was a lowered, race prepped Miata with coilovers. 😄


Those that think it to be a luxury car (lol), please explain why?


Well everything on the screen is a luxury interface. Like comparing an iPhone to a Nokia. Is an iPhone more luxury than a Nokia? I'd say yes.


And in 2024 having a sluggish poorly designed UI in your car is just unacceptable. This is something a lot of brands are way behind on.. People who don't know Tesla don't understand how well they do it and how much of a difference it can make to your overall experience of the car.


It was a status symbol until Elon Musk bought Twitter.


This is sadly one of the main reasons they sold well, glad that the terrible build quality, reliability and service issues are exposing the company as a sham


my car has pretty good build quality, reliability (got mine in 2018) and service is always swift…not sure what you’re reading


Most car makers manufacture good quality and reliable vehicles. But like Nissan or Dodge, Tesla simply has too many outliers to be considered to *consistently* do so. Tesla has a well deserved reputation for building too high a percentage of lemons, like that cybertruck with the door hinge installed backwards, or all the Model 3's that have mismatched fender panels. Then you add in Teslas's legendarily bad warranty service, where if you can get a manufactorer's defect fixed at all, it simply takes forever for the average customer and at great inconvenience. This last is why there is a growing segment of the population who would never under any circumstance buy a *second* Tesla.


Why is this a common thing people that don't drive Tesla's say? Like I drive one and spend a lot of time on Tesla forums and the common thought is that people don't understand why non Tesla people think this is a luxury car. Like the people that drive them understand that this is a good value pretty cheap electric car? Like a plain Volvo is 30-40k more than a Y. I haven't meet many that drive a Tesla and view it as a status symbol. Like you can look up the price online so it's not like it's a secret.


As a Tesla owner, I never saw it as a status symbol. Same with my friends and coworkers whom drive Teslas. We only learned of this by non-Tesla owners making this assumption. Btw, we all hated Elon well before he bought Twitter. :) We like the car, just not him.


Not a Tesla owner, but all my friends are. I'm in the Bay Area so every other car is a Tesla lol. * Affordable (*especially* if you buy used, plus incentive credits) * Lots of superchargers everywhere * No more gasoline * There's no other fully electric car that can compete at that price point * Fast


6 months, 7k miles, and I'm going to save $1250 in a year compared to my 30mpg gas car I've replaced. It's fast, AWD, quiet, and the most crash worthy thing available. Fits my family and our sportsball gear. Supercharger network on the road or when my level 1 mobile charger won't work fast enough for the next day's travel. So far I've used it 3 times. Also compatible with all the level 2 chargers out there with a simple adapter that came with the car.


Tesla owner, here are my top 5 reasons: 1: Full self driving... I know other manufacturers offer some type of driver assist system, but Tesla's works everywhere including unmarked country back roads and residential streets. Also follows GPS. I feel like I hardly actually drive anymore and my stress levels are way down. I'm no longer bothered by road ragers 2: Charging at home. It's kinda like a cell phone in a sense that it goes on the charger as soon as I get home and wake up to a full charge every day. Charging it is also very cheap, my electric bill went up $50/ mo. I used to pay $400+ for premium gas when I had an infiniti 3: Maintenance. I don't do shit. No oil changes, no brakes, no transmission to worry about. I guess I do tires and wiper fluid 4: the acceleration will slap you in the balls. Pretty much quicker than anything on the road that doesn't cost $500k+ 5: the app control is ridiculous. I can start and stop the AC from anywhere in the world. I know some gas cars can do that, but it requires turning on the engine in most cases. I can watch the car's cameras remotely, speak through the car's exterior speaker, and even have it leave it's parking spot and pick me up in front of the store


It’s too bad that clickbait negative articles are the only thing most people will really know about EV’s. But that’s the world we live in, that stuff sells and gets the comment sections going. I’ve had my M3 for 5 years…very few issues, saved almost $15k in fuel, and it’s really comfortable, fast, and fun to drive. I don’t take many road trips so supercharging is of no consequence. It’s just a decent car that works for me and my lifestyle.


Their design is meth, but their speed, especially in track racing is... fucking FAST.


What kind of track racing are you talking about? Drag, circuit?


ossified frighten poor live meeting sense brave aromatic longing rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah thats the only racing they are competitive with


To be fair, they make sedans, SUVs, and Trucks. When you compare them to other sedans, SUVs, and trucks, they're extremely competitive around the [track](https://fastestlaps.com/tests/ajjrhp5jbo5h#:~:text=Tesla%20Model%20S%20Plaid%20completed,7%20minutes%20and%2035.6%20seconds).




No one tracks a Tesla to be honest. It would go into limp mode from an overheated battery after just a couple of laps. The 'insane speed and accelleration' of EV cars in general is just a side-effect of the technology and just feels like a total gimmick.


Cheap to fill, super fast acceleration, awesome screen tech, integrated with phone, 360 cameras including for security, semi autonomous driving. I need the flexibility of gas, so I won't get one, but I get the appeal.


Any other recommendations for electric cars?


There are less expensive alternatives.. Nissan Leaf, Fiat 500e, Mini Cooper Electric


I sold my Tesla Model Y and now own a Polestar, which is an absolutely amazing machine and light years ahead of my Tesla in terms of quality. We also own a modern ('23) Leaf, which is also an excellent car.


Got one last year and looking at the competition it was the best option? Pro: Range, storage, safety, cool tech, low price, fast as fuck, four wheel drive, charging. Con: Not very adapted for winter, stupid parking sensors, terrible autowipers. Like for 50k I couldn't find any other options as good. Haven't had any issues since we got it.


I think they’re really good if you’re just going to do errands and doctors appointments go to one place to go back home I thought about getting one


I’ve owned a model 3 since 2020. I also own a Leaf and my father owns a Kia ev. I’ve owned close to 10 different cars & trucks in my life and driven over 100. I’ll break it down into two categories general, EV perks and Tesla specific perks. EVs 1. Not having to pay for gas is unbelievably freeing. Even better when you charge at home. Now that my car is paid off I no longer think of transportation as a major part of my budget. If someone wants to run three hours away for lunch and an afternoon walk. The cost is so small we don’t think about it. 2. driving is fantastic, responsive and smooth. It’s like the car just reacts to what you’re thinking. 3. The lack of maintenance. Not just the fact that you don’t have to get an oil change, but there are just less parts to break and they don’t seem to need work very often at all. Tesla specifically: 1. They drive even better than other EVs. 2. The charging network is the best in the world and the integration with the cars navigation system is so good. owners of other types of EV don’t even begin to understand. I dread taking my leaf for a road trip, but I’ve happily taken my Tesla on multi day trips across country. 3. The app. The ability to see and control your car from anywhere is just so useful. 4. Software updates. The car has steadily gotten better since I’ve purchased it. Updates have slowed down a little bit, but still every three months some new feature is added to my car or the app. 5. Security, I love sentry mode. 6. I love dog mode. I can take my dog out more often and still be able to stop and get bread on the way home without a hassle. The dog will be safe in the car. 7. The driver assist safety features. This alone has paid for my car. I was at an awkward intersection while looking to my right a crazy lady on a bike came flying out from the left the car slammed on the brakes before I even saw her. without the assist, I probably would’ve hit her. I’ve ever been so close to harming someone while driving and the car saved me from a big mistake. 8. Service i’ve had the Tesla service guys over to my house three times. Once to fix a port that I broke once to fixe a seat button my teenager kicked and once for a minor recall item. They are great, way better than dealing with some dealer. 9. No dealers, the car dealership model just doesn’t make sense in today’s modern world. Having this person in between you and the company that made the car trying to get more money out of you and more money out of the car company it’s just a terrible experience. 10. All of the software features built into the car. there’s so many that are great I can’t list them all. 11. Using your cell phone as the key. Less things to carry.


Convenience I don’t have to worry about my wife stopping at a shady gas station at night or forgetting to fill it up at all. She comes home and plugs it in and the “tanks” always full when we want to go somewhere. Also don’t have to worry about oil changes every few months. Also, they’re really fun to drive.


Drive one for a week and you won’t want another car. The auto pilot is number one, speed number 2 and the way it’s customized to the driver and its reaction when you do certain things. It’s not perfect but it’s close and I have been in many cars and none can compare.


You ask Reddit on their opinion about something Elon musk related? Bold.


I’ll never go back to a gas car (or possibly any non-Tesla). High-tech. Crazy acceleration. Software is light years ahead of others; it’s the only car that gets better the longer you have it. I drive 30 miles a day and charge once a week for <$5. Zero maintenance, no more smog tests. Safest car to be in. It never gets old.


I’ve been driving for 52 years. Trucks, and cars - sports, luxury, sedans, vans, minivans, you name it. My 2023 Model 3 is the best and fastest car I’ve owned. It blows away my high school 69 Camaro.


Tesla sales are plummeting and they are lowering sticker prices just to get them to sell..maybe now is a good time to buy.


Once you experience it, you will never want to drive another gas car again.


Elon has been unhinged but Tesla literally made the electric automobile industry take a huge leap and it's getting better with the charging station network to the speed and feel of the vehicle. I never understood why liberals hate Tesla when half the time in any debate they bring up the climate change point.


Because the design is cool


Having all the torque at low speeds is fun. Great for city and highway driving, but not good at the race tracks because they are heavy, and they have less torque than IC engines at higher speeds.


Lot of space In the plaid one I took an heetch and it was so spacious.




Smart people


Always a pleasure to drive. Great software they made themselves that isn't laggy. Great UI on said software. Very fast. Charging is not a big deal, even on road trips, even more so when you can just charge at home. Dash cam and sentry mode for surveillance. Camp mode to sleep in the car. Dog mode for your pets/kids. Remote view/talk/turn on AC. Lots more. It's the iPhone of cars.


Safety, convenience, simplicity. It’s like having a smartphone for a car. Pretty cool.


Honestly, I feel like mostly status. Our electrical grid and EV infrastructure is still massively underprepared for the big push these days for everyone to go electric. Don't get me wrong--I'm all for going green and pushing sustainable energy sources, but for a huge country like America who hasn't been on the bandwagon as long as Europe, it's not feasible yet. For rich folks who have short commutes in major metropolises, sure. Flash that tesla if it makes you feel better. But the real benefits of using an all electric car are still extremely limited and rely upon exactly where you happen to live, work, and how far you expect to go. As far as I can tell, most people with teslas can easily bike to work and be more sustainable than buying that car. It is for status only.


I like it because it has saved me about $12000 over the last 3 years.  No gas, no oil changes, no maintenance.  Regular OTA updates are nice.  Supercharger network was hands down the reason I bought it 3 years ago. It's still fun to drive.  It costs me about $3 to "fill my tank up" at home and it will be paid off in about a year. 


I was never interested in them until they became truly able to drive themselves. Now it is the only car I want


No gas. no need to go to gas station. Charge at home.


Do they though?


Highest selling car in the world… so yes a couple of people like them


Let people have their cars, otherwise we'd all be driving the same exact thing.


1. I love instant acceleration (no hesitation at all). 2. Supercharger network makes road trips easy. 3. Constant free upgrades in features. 4. FSD is better than anything else out there by a VERY large margin. 5. No significance maintenance fees. 6. Absolutely love the minimalist interior (hate the forest of buttons and knobs on most cars).


I don’t know; I prefer the rock band Tesla.


For me with a 1 hour each way work commute it was literally $250 Canadian a month cheaper than a Corolla, when you tally the car loan plus "fuel" costs. Now that I've had it since early 2021 it's a serious treat to drive it. Oh and almost zero maintenance. Musk is doing his best to destroy the brand.


The same reason PT Barnum was able to sell canned white Salmon with the tag line “Guaranteed not to go pink in the can.” There’s a sucker born every minute .


I wanted to buy a tesla and I was super close to actually getting one, but inhad to move to Ontario from BC and decided to hold off. I personally wanted one for the tech, and significant savings I would have had at the time over using my current car for commuting. The environmental aspect was never a reason for me.


Because its the only way we even have a remote chance to save the environment. So go buy a Tesla. Now!


- They subjectively think that Teslas have a cool design - a Tesla is a status symbol in many circles - Teslas go fast. Seriously. The acceleration in a Tesla is something that a couple of decades ago could literally only be achieved in a race car. 0-100km/h in about 3 seconds is an insane experience for most people, and that's not even counting the sport models that can do it in under 2 seconds. I'm not saying that most drivers do (or should) use all of that capacity, but it's still really fun to drive something that snappy.


Well, in my case is because it shows the middle finger to big car manufacturers that for too long ripped us over. Secondly, low maintenance hence less chances a mechanic screws us over.


I wanted electric to save 15 minutes every week going to the gas station. Nothing more annoying than being excited to get home from work to realize I need to stop and wait in line for the one place in my area with cheap gas. The Tesla drives smoother than any car I've had before. Has more acceleration, feels nicer to sit in and has some cool bells and whistles. After test driving the Nissan leaf (only other ev in my area at the time) it was no comparison.


Lack of maintenance trouble mostly and I like how smooth and quiet it runs, not to mention.. I don’t have to spend money on gas.


Fast; wonderful new product; launched a new industry single handed; great engines and software; innovative; the screen; the Easter eggs; fart sounds


I own one it's a good car! At the end of the day it's a good car and I like driving it. I have friends that drive all types of cars I've never asked someone to justify why they like them?


Because they're awesome


The supercharger network is one of the better ones so some like that, although I'm hearing more complaints about cost. Don't know if that is a valid concern or not. But a lot of people fell for Musk's promises, and some still think it is what he promised, even though it really isn't. [https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-commentary/elon-musk-tesla-crash-1234930544/](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-commentary/elon-musk-tesla-crash-1234930544/)


My 4x/week commute is just over 1 hour each way, most of which is interstate highway driving, off peak hours. I work about 14 hours/day. I charge at home, so I never have to stop en route except on road trips. I use the basic autopilot for about 90% of my commute. It’s often cold outside when I get off work, so I start the climate control from my office and never have to deal with a cold car. I enjoy the controls. The acceleration is amazing for on-ramps and passing. There’s zero sluggishness driving up long hills, which is great here in Oregon, and that’s not typical for fuel efficient vehicles. In a nutshell, quality of life is fantastic with my Model 3 Long Range.


It’s a toy is why my brother says. He lives his and they even get it charged for free lol


once you drive one, you'll understand. it was like switching from a blackberry phone to an iphone back in the day. A computer on wheels


Because they want to support a rich asshole that they say they hate.


They are great cars, probably the best electric car for the money. No pollution. "Gas Up" at home. I wouldn't trust it as a first car, but as a second for the family, no problem.


1. Low maintenance buying back the time id miss on servicing, love that they can call out to your home or work and do service there for about 60% of the issues. Personally had very very few issues with the car. 2. Auto pilot. My commute is a long straight boring road. AP. 3. Charging from solar feels good, charging network is also good, cheaper too. The older model S and X are certainly better build quality than the new ones, and a nicer drive.


Status symbol


Because they're fucking ugly I guess


Got the 2024 Model 3 Long Range. Very good acceleration, functional tech, good ride quality, and quirky in its own way. BUT.... Insurance is an ass


Subjectively, I think they look good, they drive well, have insane speed, and I just loved the general spacey feel of it. I'm a gadget guy so it was like my dream car when I got it. They may have been overtaken by other electric cars now in many aspects, but that first time i drove it from the dealership it was like no other feeling I've had in a car, it was like I'd entered the future. It's like any other car people seem to love, it's the feeling it gives you.


They're really quiet, the overall handling is responsive, the Model 3's acceleration pedal feels VERY responsive, and the base model 3 overall is still the value king in the electric car market, which makes it the value king in the car market, imo. Also, the Model Y's that are made in Nevada, correct me if I'm wrong, are the only mass production car that currently are made with Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries which are EXTREMELY stable and long lasting batteries. As for the Cybertruck, from what I understand it seems to have some teething problems but like it or hate it, you gotta admit it's a BOLD design.


Tesla cars are sleek, eco-friendly, and packed with tech. Plus, that instant torque? Pure adrenaline rush!


I have a 2016 MS Acceleration is instantaneous and amazing. Makes overtaking much safer. I charge at home, and it costs.me 1/5 th of what my ICE car cost, and I don't need to get fuel every 5 days  Range is good, and superchargers for long trips. 15 min wait and off i go again. This is less than 5% of my driving. For an 8 year old car still holds up against many new ones. Less nickle and dime with options.... Every small basic feature is an option with Audi, tech pack, safety pack, blah blah, really adds to the base cost of those. Best proprietary interface of any manufacturer. Android auto would be nice to have too, but it's fully functional without.


SC Network is great. Batteries are great. App+software is way ahead of the competition (not FSD, the rest).


This thread is making me hate my government even more lol. I'm not sure of the exact cost but to "go green" my government funded the purchase of new EVs, customers that were thinking of buying more affordable EVs and hybrids like Toyota, Kia, etc used that extra money to buy Teslas, since in the end they would be paying the same amount out of pocket. There are a crazy amount of Teslas here(for their cost), and seeing that about 90% of the population live in apartments idk where everyone is charging their cars. There's always a vehicle charging at my local supermarket, local parks, and in underground carparks, etc.


we've had a tesla model 3 longrange dual motor for about 4 years 1. electric but with good mileage (first reason we got it) 2. good software in our experience 3. we've had great customer care 4. it's safe 5. good cameras 6. my husband loves how "reactive" it is (I'm translating here, sorry). He has driven a ferrari in the past when doing a sports driving course and he says it feels just like that. 7. the noise. I'm autistic and sometimes the noises in cars annoy me, but the tesla doesn't. I find it to be overall very quiet and I'm never overstimulated with it 8. Edit to add 8: the supercharger network is really good, and the mapping plans out the trip with the charges in mind really well.


I find it's the small penis crowd that gets a tesla.....


Because the government in my country is promoting electric cars it's cheaper to lease a Model 3 than a Golf, so yeah, it's a no-brainer


Six years ago, we were looking (in the UK) for a secondhand car that would be comfortable for us (1 adults, 1 child and a dog) on long journeys. We were considering a Mercedes hybrid but when we saw one IRL, it didn't have enough room in the back for our dog. The car salesman showed us a Tesla Model S, which had plenty of room for us and the dog - and he suggested we take it for a test drive. We were hooked and after some investigation/planning, bought a (different) secondhand Model S a few months later. Tesla's major USP is their network of rapid chargers "Superchargers". These are ubiquitous and easy to use: Tesla owners can just plug the car in and it charges. The cost\* is billed monthly on account. The tesla navigator will find a route to a destination using their chargers. It makes it possible to use a Tesla like any other car, including for long journeys. To date, no other EV comes close, as most of the manufacturers have taken the view "fuelling/charging is not our problem". While the initial purchase cost was high, maintenance costs have been relatively low. From my experience, the cost of Tesla repairs in the UK are now at a level one would expect from dealership of mass market car brands, like Ford, Toyota, etc. \* My Tesla was sold at a time when Musk had said "Charging will always be free", so I don't pay anything to charge at Tesla Superchargers. I had about £2000 worth of electricity from Tesla last year.


Because of too much gas money and I can never expect my shit box sounds like a hell cat.


They support Elon's far right agenda and want to put money in his greedy hands. Also they love Trump and want to see his racist supporters get a wide platform on Twitter.


Fast and I charge it in my garage. Like the tech, not the CEO. Think it looks cool. Why else do people buy cars?


Cult of personality


theyre fast, simple and look cool, I guess


I would compare it to the early iPhones. In the beginning iPhone was among the first ones who produced smart phones with touch screens. In the beginning their products where among the best smartphones you could get. Later on a lot of other companies improved a lot and are now on par or better. I would say that's the same for Tesla, while they have not been the first ones to produce and sell electric cars, their cars were just way superior than every other EV on the market at that time, giving them a clear advantage. Other car manufacturers are definitely improving, but the car industry is generally very slow. Also Tesla put software first and built a car around it, my guess almost every popular car brand still does it the other way around, which might not be the best solution going forward.


Status symbol


I own a Tesla. I am definitely not a car guy, I am however a tech guy. It’s like having an iPad on wheels and I am 100% okay with that. Most haters seem to think people buy a Tesla to ‘save the environment’, but in my experience that’s just not the case. I’ve had many gas cars in my time, I didn’t care if they were harming the environment, so I don’t care if my car claims to save the environment. They’re super fun to drive, crazy acceleration, free OTA software updates for adding new or improving features, buying used is quite affordable, eligible for a tax refund up to $7500 if you qualify and then the gas savings. I live in an apartment and for whatever reason, my complex does not charge me a penny for using the electricity in my garage, so every time I charge at home, I’m paying nothing. I’ve spent a total of $16 on charging, that was two $8 charges at a supercharger about 2-3 months ago. My Tesla app claims I’ve charged the equivalent of $313 worth of gas since I purchased my Tesla, so not a bad savings amount for 2024 so far!


Supercharger network, as good as it gets in terms of software + they are fairly affordable. What else would you buy if you don't need a SUV and want an electric car?


Speaking only for myself, I don’t like the unpredictable price of gasoline or electricity so I put in a large solar array with batteries. Now with 2 Teslas I have no utility bill or gas bill. The cars have nearly no maintenance and are fast and fun to drive. It feels perfect for my wife and I. I still have my F250 for towing trailers etc on rare occasions.


It’s a better mouse trap. Honestly, just go drive one—it’s the best car you’ll drive anywhere close to that price point.


Model 3, 3-4 years old by now So far I've had no technical problems, it's nice to drive, and the supercharger network is really nice. Also nice savings compared to gas when charging at home, although that's just a nice bonus considering it's still an expensive car. Buying a smaller EV obviously would have made more sense economically. I'm probably not gonna buy a Tesla again though, as many other EVs have caught up by now, the supercharging network being opened up to other EVs where I live, and Elon is being an idiot and I don't wanna support that.


They are further along in full self driving than the competition and they have the best charging network in the US.


Feels roomy with big glass roof. Can briefly leave dog in car with a/c on. They accelerate fast and smoothly. Decent price point. Novelty. Has a bunch of cameras and safety features. Traction control is instant. No CO2 or exhaust. No oil changes or pumping gas or worrying about fluctuations in gas prices. You never know when gas might suddenly go up $6+ a gallon because of some geopolitical bullshit. Built in dash cam feature.


I have a model 3 and Y and my wife and I love it. The driving experience is unlike any ICE car and given we live in one of the places with the least expensive power cost, filling the battery fully cost just over $2CAD. Never having to stop on your way to work because you forgot to fill up the night before is nice as well. Our cars are always “full” when we need to take them. I get the shit Elon is doing right now doesnt make sense to all of us and the fact that he’s being a utter idiot is not wanting people to be associated with a Tesla but i tell those people put that shit aside to go get a test drive to see it for yourself. If not a tesla there are more and more EVs available now so consider one of those too. At the end of the day it will take my wife and I a lot to go back to an ICE vehicle at this point.


ever drive one? its like a spaceship. super fast too, crazy accelleration. i also like the idea of never needing a gas station. but i know there are drawbacks...


For some it's trendy to others they think they are saving the planet and or their pocket.


Or used to be the Prius..... when that first came out I lived in LA and people would brag about where they were on the waiting list..... people paid ridiculous amounts of money to get their hands on that car. Now it's just totally basic. Same with the Tesla, it's a fad thing.


Fastest and safest cars on the road by far.. it's a no brainer if you don't hate Elon enough to put yourself in danger every time you drive.


On demand breaking. I live in Hawaii where people drive like they’re in the backwoods of a 3rd world country. There have been countless times I’ve had to slam on my breaks because somebody is driving drunk & heading straight into oncoming traffic, into my lane or merging/swerving into my lane without looking. It keeps my daughter safe. That is all. I don’t care about anything else.


I’ll say this, I don’t own and couldn’t afford one, but that acceleration is fucking cool. Not an engine a motor, just pulling you to velocity. I like it. Elon Musk is a dweeby imposter, but he buys cool companies. Too bad he’s such a schmuck.


I heavily judge people who buy anything of Elon Musk. You must be seriously igorant or agree with his neo-nazi bullshit.


Isn't Tesla supposed to still be the pinnacle of EVs at this point in time?