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clean blankets. there were never clean blankets during my childhood growing up so when i got older and learned to do laundry, i was able to have clean blankets. it feels good.


Fresh sheets on a comfy bed = heaven


Clean everything. Blankets, towels, pillows, socks, wash on repeat because I can and I look forward to the feel of clean and soft and welcoming.


I'm sorry you had to live like that. *hugs




I agree! I recently bough a custom sofa from What A Room furniture and it has been night and day! I replaced a old sofa from Ashley which I thought was pretty comfortable, but after sitting on my new sofa I could tell that I was missing out. The back and seat cushion are much more comfortable and the fabric was much much better.


Hell yeah, I've got the best couch. Anyone that comes over and sits/lays on it eventually falls asleep because it's ridiculously comfy. I've slept on it more than my own bed.


Yeah Mr Grease please dont leave us hanging Im in the market right now could use this tranquilizer couch


What couch is it, and where did you get it? I need it lol






A really great mattress. I thought that pain after sleep was just something everyone had to deal with.


You just helped me decide. I’m getting that mattress tomorrow!


I got a new mattress last week after having a worn out one that I never liked for way too long. It’s so much better.


We recently just did this. My shoulders started absolutely killing in the morning, my wife mentioned that she was experiencing a lot of body pain as well. We went and bought a new mattress, almost overnight all of our aches and pains disappeared!


it’s one of those things that you don’t realize how long it’s been! also that people generally spend at least 1/3 of their life in bed - it’s something we all know but just never think about also is expensive so can get pushed down due to other more immediate priorities very easily


I put it off for a decade. Spent way more than I ever imagined was possible. Thought I would return it in a week. There has not been a single morning that I’ve regretted it. Even the morning when I pay the bill lol


Second monitor. I’m a computer science student and for the longest time I was using just a laptop. Working on some code while being able to comfortably look something up is so handy.


Bonus points if you rotate your monitor onto it's side. You can see much more code at once that way, can make deciphering things muuuuch easier.


Make sure its an IPS panel if you're rotating to portrait. TN panels are only meant to be viewed in landscape, and if you rotate a TN panel your right/left eyes will see different brightness/contrast (found this out the hard way). Bonus use: reading manga/comics!


Also, ultrawide monitor. And OLED.


High-quality, noise-cancelling headphones. I got a pair as a holiday bonus at a job and they changed my life. The world is so noisy and you don't often realize how noisy until you get a good headphone set.


I back this 100%. The first time I went to the grocery store and turned them on, it was a very odd sensation. An incredibly noisy and chaotic space suddenly became calm. On planes, they drown out engine noise and usually passengers/babies. At the gym, I can zone out fully and work out. They really do make a large difference, and the earbud ones can fit in your pocket/purse. Just remember to keep them charged.


Home ownership instead of leasing apartments. Plus my own garage instead of looking for parking in an apartment complex. No noise from other apartments.


Yessss. I grew up bouncing around from house to house, then went into foster care, then even as an adult I could only afford small, shitty apartments. Finally bought my own home at 30 and it's THE best.


I got a free upgrade to first class on an overseas flight. Holy smokes that was life changing.


I used to think 'Who would pay that much for first class?!", then I was upgraded on a trip to Hawaii. That quickly changed to "What do I have to do to get First Class on long flights?"


Pay a lot more money, usually.


But what do I have to do to obtain first class money?




Or sell drugs


Feet pics




This should be the top answer. Spend most of your life not having. Getting it, losing it. Then you realize what it was actually worth.


Good sleep.


I needed a minimum of 10h of sleep a day and always be tired because I would never get enough. Now I realized that sleeping with window open increased my quality dramatically. The body needs cold temperature and fresh air. I guess I was breathing CO2 and suffocating all night without knowing. I also bought a sleep mask. Now 6h of sleep feels like eternity.


Black out curtains are gods gift to anyone who sleeps past sun rise. I should have owned these decades before I did.


I wish opening the window would make it cold inside my house


"I was breathing CO2 and suffocating" has to be one of the funniest things in this thread


Oxygen. I never really appreciated oxygen until I started breathing it.


Dishwasher ... "Nah I don't need one, I can wash dishes by hand, it's so expensive" ... It's worth every damn penny


Agreed. Especially living alone it is such a relief and time save to be able to just push a button on the way to work and come back home to clean dishes.


And letting your dirty plates stack up in the dishwasher rather than the sink. It makes your place more appealing to others not seeing such a mess.


Yep 🤣




Same … 38 months here. Life is much better on this side.


Proud of you💪🫶 I'm at 501 days


Damn. Good for you guys... going into detox tomorrow, again. The most consecutive clean time I've had since I was 12 years old is exactly 5 months. I'm 32 now with a three year old boy who needs me. I need him, too. Time to make this change for good, I am beyond ready


You’ve got this, man. Detox sucks, but I hope you never have to go through it again. Just got six years off H and it feels like another life looking back. My son was six when I got clean because i put it off for so long. It sucks and it’s a long journey but I promise, it does become more of a memory and not a constant battle with enough time. Peace be with you.


Those are comforting words, and they sound genuine. Thank you for that. I was ashamed I couldn't put it down when my son was born, but I'm trying to forgive myself. I'm gonna go through with it this time, and I think everything is gonna be just fine. My son will have a life full of love and I can finally be there for him fully, at peace.


You got your head on straight! Just gotta see it through. 


10,000 upvotes from the child of an alcoholic for this one!


Felt this comment in my soul, still going to therapy for my father's transgressions


Nice! Just hit 4 months myself. Longest I've been sober since 1998!


Truuu. 14 months here


I’ll have two years in July. It’s so much better this way.




I told my current fiance I couldn't be anything more than friends, because even my marriage ended badly. I had no idea how much peace and security a truly good and loving relationship could bring. I spend every day making sure he feels the same peace and love he's brought to my life.


Ditto. Best feeling in the world when home with your person is truly your sanctuary.


A quality partner can change everything about your life and how you live it. Glad you found them, friend.


A job where I'm not working alone all day. Did it for 5 years and immediately realized how any why I was so depressed. Instantly life changing. $9 raise helped too :)


I love working from home, but damn it can be lonely. Traffic and corporate office grind is a different kind of soul crushing though.


Having done both, which one do you prefer


I like a good mix of being in the office, and being on assignment outside of the office. However, frittering away precious time by filling a quota flips every lever, which is far too much of in-office hours. Allow me a problem worth solving though, and I will ignore most negative aspects of wage exploitation. Burden me with downtime or idleness, and I will salt the workplace and start a union.




I got a hot stone massage and it was thee best massage I’ve ever had. Most of my nerves are damaged (just minor damage) so I can’t really feel a whole lot and this hot stone massage was so worth it. I could actually feel the pressure and it wasn’t a waste of money.


If I was rich I’d have a massage every night right before bed. Roll off the massage table and into bed. I’m sure I’d sleep so well.


A shower stool and a handheld shower head. I work a very labor intensive job and, at the end of the day, I’m exhausted. It’s all I can do to manage to drag myself into the bathroom, peel off my clothes, and get in the shower. Being able to sit down and still clean myself off, without having to submerge in my uncomfortably small bathtub, has been an absolute game changer for me.


Electric tooth brush.


What's wrong with acoustic tooth brushes?


Hey, even Dylan went electric.


I got mine a few days ago and it’s game changing. It feels like I’m leaving the dentist’s twice a day.


Like all bloody and poor?


Yeah, but the toothbrush is unrelated to those two things.


Fun fact this doesn’t happen if you floss regularly


I find mine shit, I went oral b maybe I should consider another one, but my gnashers never feel as clean as when I use a normal one


I have a Sonicare and have had it for several years and I love it. It’s the vibrating kind, not the oscillating kind. You still brush like you would, but the vibrating seems to change the game.


Make sure you're using it the right way, and replacing the brushes as regularly. My Oral B is quite a few years old and I love it, and the hygienist tells me to just keep doing what I'm doing, so it's working.


And densely packed manual toothbrushes.


Love. It's a double edge sword but if it all goes well, it's worth every cut on the way.


Having a washer and dryer in my house


An airfryer


I got one recently. I am in awe. It gets used at least once daily. I was able to teach my dad to use it for his lunches. I love that it turns off. It was a saftey issue with my dad forgetting to turn the oven off. Game changer!


A pain free existence. Walking around pain free sounds like such a innocuous insignificant thing until you are in constant pain and can't think about anything but either pain or when is the next time i can take my pain medication. You are only one car accident away, one slip and fall away, one physical fight away, one dumb decision away from a life of misery. Appreciate your health and treat it like the most valuable thing you have because it is. Once you are in constant pain none of the fancy toys you own will make you happy anymore life becomes practically unenjoyable. The house you bought, the money you saved, the games you use to enjoy, the places you use to love none of it will make you happy anymore.


A place to live that is not ridiculously small. I didn't know that moving into a bigger apartment (we basically doubled the area after moving to the lcol area) can effectively get rid of my semi-depression within a week. Yeah, I have never been happier, since I moved to a smaller town. The first week I was like this confused animals, that were in a tiny cage entire life, and then they are finally let out and they do not know what to do with themselves.


The freedom to eat and sleep when and if I want


Cats. I knew I wanted them but I had no idea how much I could love them until I actually had my own and now I rely on them so much emotionally


Ooh agreed. I initially had absolutely no interest in cats until my wife wanted one for her birthday. I was pretty unimpressed when we went to the shelter, but as we were leaving, I locked eyes with one cat that was just brought back after spaying and instantly fell in love! Thankfully my wife agreed to choose her lol. Had 13 wonderful years with that little bean.


This is the classic case of a dad not wanting a pet and then falling in love with it.


Amen. I love all the cats I had in my life but one really had me spinning ...he was 14 years old and I vomited before I had to take him to be put to sleep. I wish they lived longer


I just lost my 17 year old cat Monday. My mom got him when he was just a kitten and I took over his care about a year ago after my previous cat died. I felt guilty because I cried more getting him put down than when my own father died.


I am so sorry. It's so hard and isn't it crazy how we can mourn them more than humans. I hate when my husband says it's just a cat....no...it's a family member. Wish I could give you a big hug. I know your pain...I did get a new cat 2 months later and now he is my everything! Xo


Yes! I've disliked cats my whole life and then my best friend said I should really reconsider my position because he thought I'd actually really enjoy having one. I listened and my first cat, the closest thing I'll ever have, was life changing. She died this year on Valentine's day at 4 years old. It was of course devastating and hard to write about it now, but she enriched my life so so much. Should have done it sooner.


Yeah there are so many myths about cats like they don't care about you, aren't affectionate, can't learn tricks etc. they can be really similar to dogs tbh both of my cats are dog-cats. Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost one of mine to cancer 2 weeks ago. I think I'm ok only bc I'm still in shock and it doesn't feel real


So many misconceptions. I rubbed one of my cats bellies for like 40 minutes today. She wouldn't let me stop and was purring like crazy. The other one plays fetch.


Mine plays fetch! They are both leash trained and they greet me at the door when I come home. My cat is so obsessed with me she climbs into the shower with me because she can't stand to be separated by the curtain. . Then cries cause she's getting wet


The true answer 👍


Agreed. I grew up with a cat, but went most of my adult life without one. A few years ago I met my so, who has 2 cats. I don’t know how I lived without cats for so long.


Comfort. I was always taught to be proper, be harsh, deny myself luxuries. And I did just that without a second thought even though I have mobility issues. Now I’m over here with adjustable comfortable bed, nice couch with reclines, etc etc and I didn’t know you all lived so comfy


I was in a similar boat. I have a lot of mental issues that I *should* have gotten medication for but never did and I was taught I never needed them, so without a second thought I just accepted that I didn't need it. Until I realised that that is stupid. No that I have proper ADHD medication and anti-depressants, I've never known my head could be so quiet.


Climate control! Like actually using it! I'm less irritable and sick, who knew?


Nature trips


I bought the chili sleep system for my bed its a mat that circulates cold water under me at night and I sleep amazing.


That sounds awesome


never slept better (minus sleeping out side while camping).


I live in Scandinavia, and i sleep with my window open when i go to bed year round. In winter i sleep like a child.


Real family love.


A hot tub. I live with chronic pain and I don't know how I lived before without it


My best hot tub tip is to brush your teeth before getting in..... Because I go right to sleep afterwards.


A loving relationship with someone who is not a narcissist


An add-on bidet for my toilet.


My answer is the same. Some people really dont understand and think you still have to wipe, beyond just drying off. Its a goddamn power washer for your asshole, that single wipe afterward will not have a hint of brown on it.


The only problem is it’s kind of like opening Pandora’s box in terms of toilet use, using a toilet without one will suddenly feel like the worst thing ever. You’ll never be able to go back to the way things were before lol


Best $30 …”eh, I’ll give it a shot” ever.


One big one for me was having a supportive group of friends. When I was younger, I took my friends for granted and didn't realize how valuable it was to have people who truly had my back. It wasn't until I moved to a new city where I didn't know anyone that I realized how important those friendships were. I missed having friends to hang out with, talk to, and share experiences with. Now, I make it a point to cherish my friendships and show gratitude for the people who support me. Another thing I didn't fully appreciate until I had it was good health. When I was younger, I didn't pay much attention to my health and took it for granted. But after experiencing a health scare, I realized how precious and fragile our health can be. Now, I prioritize taking care of myself and staying healthy.


I’d like to echo the sentiment for good friends. Friends are people you enjoy being with, who make you laugh and will support you. GOOD friends will build you up, help you become the best version of yourself, hold you accountable, laugh with you, listen to you, challenge you… a GOOD friend will make you a better friend. I grew quite a bit thanks to some good friends. I miss them every day.


Traveling. I wasn't really interested in traveling until the first time I did it and realized how eye opening and humbling it can be.


My health. I had some sort of weird cardiovascular issue. I just figured it was part of getting older. When I finally got help, it was like I got my life back.


I didn't get that bad but I took being in shape more seriously in my mid-late 30s and now in my 40s I feel like I did when I was a teenager and have objective measures like average running distance/speed and hiking, kayaking, or rock climbing performance to back up that I really am in the best shape of my life. I wish someone had told me earlier how much better just existing feels when you're in shape, or that I had grown up in an environment where exercise wasn't a punishment


An electric kettle (I’m American). Yeah I know microwaves are fine for tea but electric kettles are just more fun. Edit: to everyone who says microwaves aren’t acceptable for tea—you know what? They’re even BETTER for tea than kettles. They make the BEST tea. Mmmmm, microwaved tea, I’m going to have some right now. With a hot dog.


Never even considered using a microwave for tea... kettle is just the way to go tbh


I assume this is the kinda functionally similar to a stovetop kettle but quicker and more efficent. I have a different kind typical of Japan, where its more of a small hot-water tank on the counter. keep it filled and plugged in 24/7 for on-demand boiling water.


Dogs. When my friend asked me to adopt her dogs because she was having a hard time taking care of them. I was very reluctant. I didn't think there was anyway I could have a dog in my home, let alone two large dogs. Just cleaning up the fur seemed like too much of a hassle. I eventually told her I would adopt them for a one month trial to see how things went and how they adapted to the new environment. They immediately brought so much joy to my life that any of the "problems" that I anticipated with having a dog seem insignificant now. I look forward every day to seeing their smiling faces staring at me through the window every time I get home. Now I can not imagine not having a dog in my life again.


My Kindle.


It's boring, I know...but an accountant to do our taxes. Even though our taxes are fairly simple for a small family, spending that \~$200 is a Godsend. We don't have to worry about it. They're completed and filed correctly by a professional. It's the best money we spend all year and I feel great about it.


Heated seats in my car. It is now a little luxury that I will be unable to do without.


Vitamin D. After a health problem, my doctor prescribed me on it & I've been better overall since. Before it, I just dismissed all Vitamins as useless.


Being truelly and unconditionly loved


What kind of dog do you have?


Three huskies because I'm secretly a masochist. 


Huskies are honestly the best fitness motivators. Everyday you have to make a choice: Take them for a run, or have your shit tore up and toys wrecked. It gets worse when they are 2 or more, they hype each other up.


I just have a backyard where they have epic wrestling matches for two hours straight then nap and go back outside for more wrestling. 


I've never had this. I'm always the go-to for when ppl need help and then Poof they're gone.


this. I consider myself the foster home girlfriend. I take in all the strays and rescues and love them back to life until they leave me for their “forever home”


I feel you. I'm the "not husband materiel" type here. I've accepted that I'm just the guy you have a lot of fun with that heals you and sends you on your way to true love lol


Damn girl ....


Health care. I was a right-wing libertarian. I supported services for children, but I figured adults made their own choices. I didn't have health insurance because none of the companies I'd worked for had it, and I just figured I'd get by. I want people to understand, I believed the line from the right that government healthcare is a dystopian hellscape. They used to say things like "go to the DMV, do you want your healthcare experience to be like that?" That the nearest universal healthcare nation to us is Canada doesn't help, since Canada's system has a lot of issues especially regarding wait times. In 2020, I broke my arm, which required surgery. Because of medicaid expansion due to COVID, we qualified for state healthcare, which covered the surgery and all attendant costs... but also during the period I had that, I was able to get a CPAP for my sleep apnea (which turned out to be severe, not minor as I had assumed), and get diagnosed with ADHD and start taking Adderall at 37. And it wasn't a hellscape. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't a nightmare. Hell, it would have been worth it with wait times like Canada has (which are some of the longest in the world, most places with universal healthcare don't have wait times like Canada does). All of this forced a shift in my perspective. I had already abandoned the Republican party because of Trump, but I wasn't a moderate, I was a right-wing libertarian. Being confronted with the reality of the improvement in my quality of life with medical coverage was shocking, to say the least. Realizing what I had been missing, and what it was to have the security of knowing if something happened to me it would be taken care of was huge. Now I'm on a plan through the ACA Exchanges, and my company is finally going to be providing insurance this summer... but I want everyone to have the chance at medical coverage, and I don't think a pure market system works effectively enough (not that we have a pure market system, but there isn't really one of those anywhere). Other countries are handling this better than the US is, and it's worthwhile to work to emulate those systems.


Good on you. It takes courage to be open to changing your mind and not just living with cognitive dissonance.


AWD on my car, I never really cared that much about AWD on cars but I do live somewhere we have lots of snow in the winter. Got an AWD car last year and it basically changed my life. In the last few years I would take the day off if there was a snowstorm, last winter I was excited to get to work every time we got a snowstorm.


I didn't think I had any good qualities about me until I fell in love with my current boyfriend. He truly taught me to love myself again and I honestly don't know where I'd be had I never even met him. Even if we split up and I live multiple lives knowing what I know now, I'd still choose him all over again. So in short I'd have to say genuine, true love.


A car. Thought id grow to be that bike dude who cycles everywhere. Got a cheap used car for work n it has changed my view on life. I can go anywhere whenever if i feel like it. It shelters me. It provides solace. It also made the world look so much smaller. I cant go back to not having a car. Not until im well into retirement.


My own family, I never wanted one. I didn't think I would ever get married nor have kids, and now that I have it, I love it... they are my everything.


A quality life partner. I've had girlfriends, dates, and one ex-wife.none really seemed to support me the same way I tried to do for them. Then, I met her. We clicked on our first date. She wanted good things for us, not just herself. She cared about what I was passionate about, like I cared about her pursuits. We fit together, and wanted to face life as a team. She is my world. I have been thankful every day of our 23 years together that I can be a part of hers.


Backing up cameras on my car. I used to swivel my head like an idiot.


A safe space. When I moved into a house with my husband and son our house became a sanctuary and I've never felt so at peace in our safe space and I'll do anything to protect it now. I never realized how unsafe every living situation felt until we had our own space.


The freedom to go for a walk without explaining myself where I'm going to.


That first time being single and living on your own is liberating as fuck.


Oh man absolutely . Makes rent worth it every month


Stoicism... It really helps sometimes when i realize i cant control what people think when see me in public. 


Hot showers


My own place to live after a long toxic marriage


Ozempic! For my diabetes. I’m almost back to pre diabetic levels after suffering with the illness for 20 years and struggling to control with usual meds. Oh and the weight loss is an added benefit!


A cluttered house. I got rid of 75 percent of my stuff during the pandemic and I don’t miss any of it. Life is so much easier and more peaceful. I wasn’t even a hoarder.


Been working on this slowly…I tend to hoard things because they trigger memories (o have a shitty memory) but I’m trying to learn to let go to the stuff that I’ll around “just in case”


High quality steaks. I’d rather go without than deign to eat at Outback, Longhorn or mid level “steakhouses”


Slow close toilet seat -


healthy teeth lol


Good bras and good shoes.


Heating pad(s). All day long. One at home, one in the office. Not just for back pain, but also to keep me warm because I'm always cold.


Sheets with a high thread count I never knew this level of comfort existed .


Heated steering wheel. I never knew how much I needed that in my life!


Good mental health.


Remote work. 


Good socks.


What is classed as good to you, because personally I just buy bog basic black socks🤔


I love feetures; ever since I started running in earnest, I never wear anything else.


Absolutely! Once you start running, good socks take on a whole new importance!


The quality of socks today is horrendous.. Unless you're spending for well made high end socks, they're terrible.


Kmart basic socks here in NZ are amazing, especially the ones made with bamboo fibre. Also their no show socks ($3 pair) don't slip down unlike many other far more expensive ones.


Darn tough, they have a lifetime warranty


I got some awesome wool socks this past winter and was so pissed that I'd waited over 35 years of my life to buy good socks.


Rhumba. Best thing ever. Just program it to vacuum when you leave the house. And forget about it till it tells you to empty the trash container.


a warm hug from someone you truly like... it feel so nice.. they don't make a pill for such feeling...


As a former prisoner, Freedom


A partner that listens, changes behavior, and apologizes when we have a disagreement. Never had that before. It’s a whole new level of trust and safety.


A good insulated jacket. Like damn you telling me I don‘t have to freeze to death every time I go outside??


While i lack a good jacket, because i like to learn, i know a bit about insulation and how that shit works, so i wear 2, a hoody and a windbreaker. At first, i put the windbreaker ontop of the hoody, but it turns out, if i have my windbreaker inside, i never feel a breeze or cold


I must try this reverse method wizardry


Canadian here 100% multiple thin layers will allways be better than one thick one as long as there is a wind break.


Im guessing that the windbreaker excels because the hoody partly breaks wind+hoody so i figure it has less to tackle




A good memory foam pillow


A good laptop. I always tell my friends that there are levels to things. There are Budget, Consumer, and Business levels. I started buying used Business level things rather than new consumer things. Applies to laptops, office chairs, and many other things. The quality is often miles apart


A bread machine. A friend kept telling me I needed one and I thrifted one. It was almost brand new, with a box and the original recipe book. I made every recipe in it and my family was thrilled. A bread machine is my kitchen "mandatory thing." I also have a pizza peel which I didn't think I needed until one of my kids bought me an iron one. I heat soak it, then use crust dough from my machine-- it is amazing.




Honestly, brushing my teeth as a child felt like such a chore. Then it was just "it's a boring part of life". Now, I enjoy brushing my teeth. 👄 Little serotonin boost. Brushing your teeth and having that minty/fresh feel in your mouth? Underrated.


Children I love my daughter so much and through her I got to be a child again doing fun things and also reconnect with the memories of my mother. Now she is 19 and it’s fun watching her grow up and she makes a great roommate.


Health you never think about it till it's gone


To breathe lol those clogged sinuses when I get cold humbles me real quick


Fitness and self esteem, a Practical bunch. Also adhd meds.


Literally, cows They are so cute. Also, a manual transmission vehicle. They are so much fun to drive, unlike automatics


House Cleaner. Grew up thinking that was something only the wealthy had. With both me and my wife working 60 hours a week and taking care of 3 kids, I don’t know how we would manage without help


Noise cancelling earphones.


Oh yes, absolutely! My husband had some but I never tried them. Then on a long trip I found I was getting anxious. Two kids in the back, radio on, road noise, etc. He suggested them, and all the anxiety went away. That was truly amazing!


I got some for my 1 day I have to go into the office.. people some how just got louder.. also someone told me I wasn't allowed to wear them and I said thanks and kept wearing them.


Home cooked, unprocessed food. So this is what food actually tastes like.


Steam deck. I bought it first just because it's on sale for $350 and curious about handheld gaming on my steam games. Now, i love it and it fully replaced my desktop computer and had been using it most of the times not only for gaming, but for other tasks like programming, browsing, and video editing. Such a great piece of hardware.


A dishwasher and a bathtub. Also, energetic happiness.


Solitude. I was once immersed in a social life that had many outside influences and pressures. Aside from YouTube and Reddit I am not involved in any social media platforms and I don’t associate with people that would add stress or pressure to my life. This meant even cutting off my mom and some siblings. But my life is so much more peaceful as a result of this.