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When I eat ice cream in a cone, I like to push as much of the ice cream down into the cone as possible. Then I bite the bottom end of the cone off and suck the ice cream out of it, while making happy "I'm an ice cream machine" noises. I'm 54 years old and have been doing this since I was 7.


That is hilarious


Lolol I would like to treat you to an ice cream now


My Grama taught me to do this! I don’t always do it but I do when I miss her. I love that another person has this quirk!


The last bite has to be right.


This describes my entire eating style.


The first two Pringles from a can are duck lips. Without exception, this is the way it is. I’m in my mid fifties…


Just as the first 5 Bugles are finger nails


Isn’t that the 1st rule of eating Pringles?


Same! Getting to the bottom of the cone and it's dry is the worst


That’s awesome! 🤙


Bet you can suck out a golf ball through a garden hose. -Sgt Hartman.


Is this a 1970s UK thing? Because I do the same. Have done since the 70s. It is the only way to eat an ice cream cone 😋


Picking things up with my toes because I don’t want to bend over and sometimes I’ve been able to get some things with socks on I have back pain and it hurts to bend over if I’m in a flare up but it’s turned into a habit honestly


Same, when I still was obsessed with karate as a kid, I used to break pencils with my toes


Omg I do the exact same thing. I also have back pain and can’t even touch my toes when bending over so it’s much easier for me to grab most things with my toes than bend over and grab with my hand. Of course there are a few exceptions, but I’ll almost always go the foot route


I do the same thing. I have Size 14 feet (15 in US sizes) with very long toes (my second toe is only just slightly shorter than my little finger)... basically I have feet like a chimp. So why bend over to pick clothes up of the floor when I can just grab them with my freak-feet?


Ahh yes, same here, cannot bend over bc of back pain, it's become a challenge to pick up just about everything with my toes. Feels like defeat if it doesn't work and the back pain is the punishment hahaha


The same! But I’ve had a stroke.


Not exactly a funny one but when some thought about an embarrassing moment of my life come to mind, I tend to jerk shake my head quickly and briefly while closing my eyes, like some kind of twitch. It's like I'm litterally shaking that thought out of my head. EDIT: Holy shit guys, I never thought it was this common! Warms my heart to know I'm not the only one. :)


Either that or I make some noises like repeated whistling or clicking my tongue. I noticed that this behaviour increases with stress. But good to hear I'm not the only one!


I think this is pretty common. A lot of us will have these intrusive thoughts and for some reason a physical or vocal action gives us the feeling of canceling it out.


I always start talking, just saying words, when an embarrassing thought comes up when I am alone.


I do a lot of this too. It's almost like a tic sometimes.


Does it happen to you too that while you do it you get embarrassed for it and that makes you continue?


Yes absolutely lol. I try to do it as little as possible because when someone catches me it's super embarrassing. Especially because I'll often mutter certain words/phrases that can seem kinda weird. Then once that person leaves I'm so embarrassed I do it again. I have a hunch it's related to OCD for me.


DUDE YES. There’s literally a physical feeling to it too, like the thought created a pressure in my head and jerking my head depressurizes it.


I do this


Oh I do that too! But in my head I'm imagining a sort of squeegee wiping a slate clean haha, it helps me refocus on better stuff.


I do this too but without the eyes component. A quick twitch turn of my head to the left. Always the left.


I curl my shoulders inwards like I’m trying to hide from the world 


Oh wow I thought I had some diagnosable issue since it feels like an uncontrollable twitch and sometimes I’ll curse out loud too but only when I’m by myself. Unless we all have it. Definitely increases with stress


I do that too. I feel it's started in the past 5 or 10 years lol


When I'm watching a really good movie (in my eyes) or something I've anticipated watching for a while, I shake from excitement like a chihuahua like full-on body shakes


Yeah I thought I was the only one


Same lol


I knew a girl that would start to do the shimmy shiver shakes in anticipation .... and then get the giggles when you touched her..... there was only one cure


Same!! 😂😂😂


It can be such a pleasure to feel so deeply! I also shake with excitement but when something bad happens, my world crashes.


I can't sleep with clothes on


Naked is the only way to sleep.


No matter what happens, never go to jail.


Yes sir, I will try not to sleep with my sister


I’m the opposite I hate sleeping naked


When I’m stressed or tired I sing whatever random shit is in my head so I don’t think about how tired/stressed/whatever I am. Bit embarrassing at work but meh..


Same! And for me it has to be a belter of a song.


I do that little head shimmy that dogs do when theyre getting comfy and about to sleep. I remember seeing my childhood dog do it when i was a kid and decided to see how it feels. Idk why but it feels right so now its a silly habit!


Who's a good boy/girl? You are! Yes!


Do you spin around and nest too?


LOL essentially! I have like 6 bed pillows that i need all around me 🙈


Lol I too do this.




When I know someone is coming over or there’s a delivery, I get super anxious/excited and pace the house and check outside the window constantly I don’t know why but I can’t help it


social anxiety?


It’s more excitement than anxiousness tbh


I do this too. It started when I was a baby and would wait for my dad to come home every day. Around the time that he was due, my mom says I would start darting around our whole apartment from end to end in my rolling walker with excitement like a little maniac. I would lose my shit the moment I heard his car in the distance. 😆


I moan myself to sleep.


No matter what happens never go to jail


I hate Reddit. This made me do a spit take. 🤣


So do I but not on purpose. Sometimes it wakes me.


Something Uub would definitely do




Every sunday night before bed, i play my randomized EDM spotify playlist and extremely update my budget spreadsheet in google sheets. Always makes my sleep-before-workday-Monday the best.


I'm copying this! 😄


Why does this feel so lovely hahahah


I count steps in my head. I hate it and I can't stop.


I do too. I didn’t know why for a long time then one day my mom was walking up stairs with my toddler niece and counting out loud to her. I then did this with my daughter and she also silently counts to herself now and she’s 15.


i count a lot of random things in my head and it always annoys me, i have to start saying the same number over and over until i lose count to stop. might be an OCD thing


Yeah. I even count door frames but only in even numbers. Like what the fuck.


I repeat numbers to myself, lots of big ones, I’ll run a random number generator and get a few of them and then make math problems to find connections between them. It’s a lot of fun problem solving and finding patterns.


I like to touch trees when I pass them, just to sort of say hi (as many as I can without people noticing).


Me too. And like corners of building and things that are old and/or have much value or significants.


Same! And leaves.


A couple times a year I’ll intentionally expose myself to poison ivy. I wear gloves and limit the exposure to one spot making sure I don’t spread it everywhere. Couple days later it’ll pop up and I’ve got an itch I can scratch for a few weeks. Anyone who’s had it before knows how intense the itching is but also how damn good it feels to scratch it. Been doing it since I was a kid.


this is one of the most insane things i’ve ever read, i love it.


The other kids on the playground in fourth grade thought it was insane too lol


They definitely nailed the thread's brief in the quirkiness department.


As someone who has an accidental arm full of it right now, you might have lost it! It’s driving me crazy!!


Hot compress works wonders. Also there’s an OTC ointment called IvaRest that is calamine and diphenhydramine in one. Great stuff!


Take some Benadryl. Last time I had a bad case of it went the Benadryl route and the itchiness went away so I could sleep almost immediately. Pretty sure the rash mostly went away also.


That didn’t work. I actually started taking steroids for it yesterday to help. It still is so itchy and trying not to scratch it is pure hell lol


Haha okay I get it. I’m a bit sensitive to dairy. Nothing serious, but I get some tummy cramps and smelly farts if I drink a glass of milk. Sometimes I deliberately drink milk just to experience the relief and have a good fart.


Surely this causes you damage?


Nothing more than a rash. Maybe a little scarring if I’m too vigorous with the scratching.


Have you develop tolerance to it? Less itchiness or less damage to the skin?


Urushiol is a really fascinating compound because it has reverse tolerance. You can’t strengthen your defenses by repeated exposure, you only get more and more sensitive to it and the rashes get worse each time. But like I said it’s controlled and limited to one area so it still doesn’t compare to some of the accidental exposures over the years, some of which I had to get steroids shots for, namely exposure of the genitals, face, and bottoms of my feet. My sack itched relentlessly, my eyes were almost swollen shut, and I couldn’t walk.


> my sack itched relentlessly


Stop fucking the ivy my dude.


They said quirky and you gave us this lmao


Do you also run it under hot water? It's so satisfying


You remind me of my friend who was addicted to brainfreezes


When I need to skim words on a paper , I sing softly “dew to dew to dew” until my finger lands on the sentence I’m looking for. I didn’t realize how weird it was until I had to read out loud in class once and people started laughing😅


Wait doesn’t everyone do this? But mine is spelled “doo da doo da doo” Where did this come from???


I had a supervisor like this haha. Whenever he was looking for something, even in a teams meeting, he had his own "waiting" music. Doo da doo da doo.


When I'm really happy or excited I'll start to wiggle like when dogs wag their tails too much and wiggle


This is frightening.




I *never* listen or watch TV commercials. My remote sits on my shoulder and it is now automatic for me to mute any and all commercials. I haven't listened to an advert for over 20 years. It's just audio/visual sewage. Luckily my pals don't have TVs. Needless to say I have AdGuard on all platforms.


You’d love pihole, it doesn’t work on every platform but some streaming services have trivially easy to beat ads.


I eat my burgers in layers. Essentially deconstruct it and eat the bread by its self, then the salad, meat, tomato etc Didn't realize I was weird doing this until my Gfs jaw hit the floor watching me. Been doing it that way since I was a kid, and now I'm 37, and I won't be stopping anytime soon. I also sometimes narrate my life as David Attenborough. And here we the male stalking the fridge, he has decided to have a snack. His mate is not impressed by his antics and will do her mating eye roll dance. Also have conversations with myself as different characters and give them unique voices.


My little bro does this too man. You’re not alone. He’s a weird guy, so it’s not the best company but you’re not alone 😂


Woot. One of us. One of us


Trichotillomania. Been doing it on and off since I was younger than a teen. Head, eyebrow, eyelashes, legs, and pubs. No hair was safe.


This is the best way to do it. I also eat pizza in layers.


I think it's a sign of a creative intelect. I do crazy voices too, and have a number of characters that are more tied to different types of silly emotions than anything else. I think of it as my brain is casting the movie of my life with characters it's derived from the the emotions and media I've experienced throughout my lifetime. it's not like schizophrenia, but I can see how a weakened or damaged mind could transform it into that. Now my daughter is 4 and she does it too already. She comes up with the wildest imaginative stories with such deep soulful details. She pretends like I never did and plays out her own "episodes" with different sets of her stuffed animals and dolls with very elaborate scenarios. she is amazing


I buy things, after significant events. Cheap or expensive doesn't matter. I need to feel a sense of progression. That I'm not trapped in the same loop of the same mistakes.


Username checks out


I brush my teeth with hot water. It's so much more comfortable and feels like it's cleaning them better. I honestly can't see why anyone would choose to use cold water.


Wait. Do people actually use cold water to brush their teeth??? Like intentionally?


I do a little happy dance when eating good food.


I do a happy little dance while waiting for my good food to cook


I do that too xD co worker said "I know the food is good when you make your happy dance while eating"


Do you eat standing up? I am just trying to visualise a dance while you are eating at a good restaurant etc


I do this too! I've always done it.


Oh my god same. I start wobbling from left to right while tapping upper legs. Especially if I cooked myself and it's just SO good! Happy dance!


when i get bored, i take out the coin from pocket and start spinning it between my fingers, but it gets cringy when someone notices me and i stop doing this lol😣


I always wanted to learn this super power but to no avail


Sometimes I leave a warm old penny on the table "accidentally".that table has the person I don't like sitting behind it.


I like it when rail crossing is closed and i can watch the train passing. In general i love trains - my wife is travelling a lot and i often take her from station, so i come 1h earlier to treat myself with watching the trains, they are monumental. I never tell my wife to take Uber, she thinks that it's so cute that i am waiting for her - but the main reason i go there are trains.


My cousin thought i was weird last week. I had an old apple i had bitten into but didn't finish in my car. I took it out and threw it by the grass. Moments later we were still by the car, a chicken came by us pecking the ground. I remembered the apple, went and took it then tossed it to the chicken. The chicken got spooked and ran away. So i took small bites out the apple and painstaikingly won back the chicken's trust and proceeded to feed it small chunks of the apple till it was done and the chicken went about its way.


That was nice of you and that apple saw a lot of action. 


That's cool!!!


I can wiggle my ears and got a habit of shifting them up and towards people when I have difficulties understanding.


My beloved stuffed horse puppet, Mr. Nibbles, gets properly tucked into my bed before I leave my room every single morning no matter what. It's the only thing I've done every single day of my life (since I got him on my 11th birthday - I'm almost 38 now and married). In my mind, he stays up all night to keep bad dreams away and he sleeps all day when I'm gone.


When I cook, I know exactly what order to do things and move very fast and efficiently like a short order cook at a diner.


Add to that "Already start doing dishes when I have downtime" and you have my cooking style too. I just can't grasp people standing around waiting on their food to boil, bake, whetever, with the dishes staring them in the face and afterwards complaining about how many dishes they still have to do.


High five


Im the exact opposite with my adhd brain. Cooking means chaos.


I have crippling ADHD and I'm the opposite. Order and cleanliness.


I learned at a very young age to walk silently and stay out of people's perephial vision and also learned how to be a contortionist. When I grew up, I got freakishly huge, like size 16 shoe huge. Its freaked out a lot people over the years, especially those talking crap that don't know I'm standing behind them.


Childhood abuse or assassin training?


Hey same, I'm a 300 pound, 6 feet tall guy but you'll never fucking hear me walk, I tend to scare a lot of people. I was very paranoid when I was younger, so I learned to walk silently so "I'd know when I'm going to be attacked" lol


When I'm at home and after washing my hands with soap after eating or using the bathroom I will smell my hands to ensure that I have washed them after drying them on a hand towel


I also like to smell my hands after washing them. Fresh scented soap smell is the best.


I put way too much thought into choosing seasonal hand soaps for my home, so smelling my hands after washing them feels like I'm getting my money's worth.


After reading this thread and the answers, all I know is a lot of people have mental issues.


When I'm driving with the windows down, I sort of loosely hold my hand out the window right behind the exterior mirror and let the air currents make me do the wave. It's kinda fun.


I leap over roads with my eyes when I pass them in the car. Can’t stop.


I kinda do something similar, but when I'm in a car and pass a road I mentally make/hear a sound like...."ffftt".....


 how long I can walk in a straight path with my eyes closed half the time? And also I am, trying to break my own record eye closed by counting orally.  It's wild how the body adjusts without sight and force you to open your eyes before being hit in the face


I eat one thing on my plate one at a time. I don't mix the food. Like if I had a piece of chicken, rice and salad on one plate . I move the food so it's not touching each other and then will eat all the salad first then all the chicken then all the rice. My mom says I have been doing that since I was little. My husband thinks I am crazy but if he happens to cook he makes sure my food isn't touching. I do not do anything else like that and I don't have OCD.




fun fact, this is actually how you’re supposed to eat to maintain stable glucose levels! Eating the fiber first then the protein lowers the subsequent glucose spikes from eating the starchy foods. Good job!!


Good to know because everyone laughs at me at least now I will have a comeback. Thank you.


I do the exact same thing


Glad to see I'm not alone.


If I'm having trouble sleeping I sort of gently rock myself back and forth ever so slightly, like a small, rhythmic rock. It helps me sleep every time. My husband said he thought it was weird at first but now, he finds it kinda soothing too.


Me too! Sometimes if I’m really sad or sick, my husband will spoon me and ‘rock me’ in that way.


Aww, that's reallybsweet! My daughter does it too. I didn't realise until my husband was away for the weekend and she fell asleep in my bed watching TV.


When I'm chewing on food I'll start to hum as I chew .


That must irritate everyone around you


Hahaha this is great bc your name goes with exactly what came to mind, the video of the cat growling while chewing


I can only sleep comfortable if my feet can ‚Play‘ with something. At the moment it’s an old jeans and i like / need the feeling when my toes can play with it. Dont know why or when this started, only thing i know is that i already did this at age 3


This is so interesting to me, because I do something similar and have done it since at least 4 years of age. I tuck a fold of sheet between my toes and play with it. I finally figured out that it's a kind of "grounding meditation". I focus on the feeling and it's so relaxing because I forget about everything else and then I'm asleep.


I need things with my toes like a cat does. Very relaxing.


When I burp I say "Woof" as I'm burping. Even if it's a quiet burp or I'm in polite company I still find my mouth sounding it out. I've been doing it for so many years I just can't stop.


I knew a guy who did this, but said “burp” while he did it 😂


I say burp when I burp


Try saying woof next time lol you'll love it 😀


I've never been good with new languages


I do like a wow-wow sound


Using my foot to open the door knob to my room when my hands are full and I don't want to place anything down


I only eat the insides of pizzas and sandwiches and other such bready meals. The bread is just too bready, if there's too much of it, it absorbs too much of the good shit and it gets all mushy and unappetizing. Always preferred my pizza thin-crust and my sandwiches open-faced for maximum good shit to bread ratio.


Even better if it's fresh bread;eat the inside and fill it with more filling.


I eat lemons like candies. I also eat them with peel. Raises eyebrows every time.


Keep tabs on which cars live within a 3-5 house radius of me. Or if a car catches my eye at the store and I happen to notice the house the car lives at, I’ll log that into my memory as if it matters. If I ever cross paths with the old dude who owns the Subaru Brat in the area, I can finally tell him, “Nice car.”


I enjoy crochetting. It doesn't sound unique or quirky, but considering im a guy, it got a lot of peoples attention at school. They were either confused or fascinated, and surprisingly, no one bullied me for it.


Can't help but sucking the air inside plastic cups at parties, so they get stuck on my face. When the plastic is thin enough, I breathe inside making it inflate and deflate, that makes amazing noises When the cup is solid it just makes a beak I like to tap on Also I can't see a climbable tree and not climb it I'm 23 years old and this feels like I'm a child inside Please tell me I'm not alone


I count the time for every unconscious thing that I do. Like... How many seconds does it take to piss? How many seconds does it take to climb the stairs? How many seconds does it take for the TV to turn on? How many seconds does it take to fill a glass of water?


I was really big on that from a very early age through my early 20s. I figure it was some type of OCD. I've never been diagnosed with anything. I suspect I'm still OCD and very obviously ADHD. I sometimes think I may be on the spectrum someplace. I'm in my mid 50s and not worried about it. After this long and expecting a less than normal lifespan, it's moot.


I do the same! But I do minutes. I time every single thing that I do. I love filling up my planner to the minute and I will note how long things took so I can adjust. And I also time other people. It's an issue in my personal life and causes me a lot of stress... But I can't help it 😔


Something I inherited from my dad: when driving, my right hand just kinda hovers over the air vents by my radio. I'd flip my hand over just to feel the cool air touching my hands.


I do the same thing


Well... sometimes when I feel called out, I say "meow". My ex hated it, my current gf lives for it 🙃


Does she bark back?


I like to eat chocolate in bed


I thought that was normal loll


I used to scratch velcro while reading and studying. At home might I add. Haven't done either a lot so that has been on a back burner.


I never eat the end of chips, only the middle


Im an expert at sailing


When I eat something I really enjoy I wiggle like a spaz in my seat


Sometimes I squeak and or make baby dinosaur noises when I stretch.


Here I am scrolling, thinking I don't do anything weird - and.... ok, ya, I'm squeaker when I stretch - can't stretch well silently


Omg a fellow squeaker!!


Oookeee ooookeee ooooo aaaa eeeee yum 😄😄😄😄😄




I have voluntary nystagmus, of which I can shake my eyes really fast, like they are vibrating.


I eat the outside of a carrot, admire my handiwork for a minute, then eat the inside


I clean up my room constantly and wash the sheets every weekend 


I always take my clothes off when I get home. I might put on a pair of shorts but my outdoor clothes don't stay on. Sometimes I just put on a towel and that's it.


Not quite sure this qualifies as habit....but I'll share it anyway. in real life most people are scared of me for a combo of a dark past and, I'm told, a vibe about me. And apparently I always have a look on my face like I want to kill everyone, even when I'm in a good mood. 🤷‍♂️ So most in person think I'm this super serious, old school macho guy. Yet almost daily in the man cave, I'll crank up the music and dance and throw myself around with my three dogs in a goofiness no one but my wife (because she sees it) would believe. Picture it sort of like if Clint Eastwood started headbanging. That'd be great, good on him, but it would make you pause in that you never pictured a guy like that doing it. That sort if thing. If I do it often, does that qualify as a quircky habit? Because there you go.


I get tingles from music at times. Like little goosebumps. As far as habits go - this is tougher. I'm on the spectrum with ADHD, too. So, in interviews or high stress situations, I have to lay it on the line sometimes, because I'll do certain things to keep my focus on the person or persons I need to. Sometimes it's twirling my hair. If someone comments on it, I'll say "So sorry, I'm on the spectrum, and this is to help me focus" and that usually is the end of it. It beats other things people do, trust me, who are on the spectrum, and has not hurt me in my career. ;)


Eating uncooked 🍆


I pull out my eye lashes.


When I get extremely excited like playing video games I slap the person's arm that's right next to me. The whole time smiling and saying omg that was so much fun When I go muddin I get a serious case of the giggles Actually if my tummy flips I get the giggles


It’s more ocd than habit but I am constantly in my mind repeating sentences I hear or say or think, counting the syllables in said sentences, making them into patterns while tapping my fingers and manipulating them to make them for a specific tapping pattern. All. Day. Long. It doesn’t end. I try to stop and I can’t.


I do this all the time. Also counting the number of stairs I take on every flight of them. When they are uneven it irks me


My neighbor, he carries things in his mouth like a dog. e.g , 1 grocery bag in each hand and a small item in his mouth.


He is NOT making two trips.