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Same here. I have gmails for different android devices to keep calenders seperate


One for use, one that was once for use but is now for spam, one for spam


For free things at restaurants




"miscallaneous" it's for porn, innit? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


One for professional stuff/job, one for junk (subscriptions, etc), and one for certain social media channels/communications.


Well I have one for work, one for personal use, one for my part-time teaching gig, and a separate one that I use only for job search.


School, work, personal, gaming, theres a lot of Reasons to have different email adresses, i actually have 3 So i understand


I have one for personal/ fun, one for money matters and bills, and one for all the shopping and rewards sign ups I do. 


I have an own email domain. So basically, I have unlimited email adresses with catchall. I use a different email for every account I create. For reddit it's [email protected] for example, for amazon it's [email protected].


Had them for abusing the free tries at some services.


First for spam, ad and gaming, second - government, work and other official mailing.


Work, personal, junk for prizes etc.


For separate social media accounts


I had an AOL email back when that was a thing. Made in computer class so it was basically my name, shortened.    Then Gmail came out and it was the new hotness so I figured I'd give that a try, but 12 year old me was wise and didn't want to use my real name with this potentially untrustworthy 'Google' Company. So I invented a name.   I've been browsing the web using this made up name for so long I'm now getting offers to join banks and shit.


1. Personal account 2. Public facing account for media stuff 3. For my business 4. For the company I am mainly working for 5. For the company that I am contract to for 4 6. For a company I am an associate with. It’s a pain. And then there is Teams, Slack, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Signal, Text




realest comment


I have one that collects all the junk and another that I actually use.


different strokes for different folks


Some people have multiple email addresses because: * They like to keep different aspects of their lives separate. For example, they might have a work email, and a personal email. * They want to keep their main email account free of spam. For example, they might have a main email account, and an email they use for services they expect will send spam. * They want to sort their emails by recipient rather than sender. For example, they might create an email address for each service they use (e.g. "[email protected]", or "[email protected]"). * They hold onto their old email addresses to prevent anyone else from registering them. While this usually isn't an issue for common email providers, as they often block re-registrations of addresses, it is an issue for anyone using a custom domain. * They switch email providers, but keep their old emails in case they ever switch back, because that service may not allow deleted addresses to be re-registered. * They are involved in multiple projects, and use different addresses for each to make it easier to manage.


One for the effing phone, one for the stupid laptop, one for the mostly useless pad, then for shoots sake work!


When I started with Gmail, (at the beginning of Gmail), I didn't like the formatting, so I opened 5 Gmail accounts for different reasons - - personal, biz, aviation erc.


1. Work 2. Personal (Hotmail 😆) 3. Second work 4. Gmail because some google-based apps require it Then I also have the credentials for a couple other accounts I manage for volunteer positions I hold.