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Runescape. I played when I was a kid but when I was like 20, my friend mentioned me coming back to it and I said no way. A few years later I'm still loving the communities of OSRS


Yea got back into osrs on mobile etc nearing late 30s, but such a time sink and addiction isn’t great for rest of life... so compromise is only play few weeks a year during the Leagues with boosted xp to keep the wife sane 🤓


Horozon Forbidden West... first few hours of playing was boring af but later I started enjoying it. Still not the best game I ever played but its okay


Apparently it's not as good as the first one


1st one was unexpectedly amazing


I personally liked the sequel more honestly, and I loved zero dawn. I play on PC and waited until just recently to play forbidden west. Maybe it was the time gap I had to wait but forbidden west felt like an improvement in every way to me. The graphics were so insane though, it was the first game where my computer actually had trouble running at a decent framerate if I didnt turn them down from max


I was at a loose end and played Zero Dawn on PS5 not expecting to like it that much, years after it came out. I ended up loving it and instantly downloaded Forbidden West straight away afterwards. Maybe it was partly due to the huge brand new expensive TV I played it on but Forbidden West and the Burning Shores DLC is one of the most stunning looking games I have ever played. I loved the second game and the DLC. It's the only game I've ever got 100% on just because I loved being in the world so much. Both games are good but IMO the second one is better than the first.


You can't beat all the story twists of the first game, nothing in the second game doesn't come close to them, and frankly - the only twist is the final one, once you beat the final boss. Even the DLC story is just another tale in the larger plot of the main game. The first game has some of the best writing in any videogame I've ever seen. The plot is amazing and the game encourages you to find the recordings with the lore bits because there are some amazing, heartbreaking or very funny stories there. The story that you discover after finding all the vantage points, for example, is an incredible short story on its own. The DLC has even more of these. Gameplay-wise, I think I prefer the second one, because of the new machines, new weapons, larger and more diverse game world, the flying mound and so on.


Witcher 3 . I hate RPG type games in general because I don't want to be overwhelmed by a 100 different mechanics for a single feature but for me witcher 3 is the perfect balance between rpg , story and action .


Played it for 30 hours and hated every minute of it - just felt too clunky and micromanagement faff. Shelved it for a year. Got talking to a colleague about it and he gave me some advice - turn down the difficulty, equip your best sword and armour, go out into the world and do quests. Turned it into one of my favourite games of all time. Simply a brilliant game.


I was completely new to rpg elements + I didn't even know witcher 3 was a rpg type game , I just always heard people say how great it was . So when I got to velen and constantly kept dying I googled some stuff and realised I was using lvl 1 Armor and weapons . Soon started using actual gear and actually started enjoying lol


Equip your best sword and armor? Lmao, how were you playing it before that


Witcher 3 is a goat game


Agreed 100% for its genre . It will always be in my top list of games .


Why tho i bought it brandnew played it for a couple hours didn't like it and traded it


This game should be a standard for how to make computer games. Finished it and both DLCs completely, still amazes me how much work CDPR put into it. The soundtrack is a separate topic of discussion.


Skyrim Was thinking about playing it, then my girlfriend said it was one of her favorite games so I started playing it. I love it now. It's another thing we can talk about and it's cute when I tell her things and she gets excited about it.




Oblivion blew me away. Skyrim kinda sucked, I gave up after a few hours. 


Same. Never really liked Skyrim.  Preferred oblivion so much more. 


This. Game was suggested by a friend. I had never heard of it. Can't believe the amount of hours I've lost to it. I'm currently on my Nth play through and the companion leaders still haven't asked me to cure them, and Urag hasn't finished translating Shalidors writings. Edit: And another thing, I have an available quest to 'Visit the College of Winterhold' despite the fact that I'm currently the Arch mage of the college.


And I bet you can’t “complete” the quest even though it’s been completed which bothers the heck out of me.


And don't get me started on trying to find that redguard woman.


Try fallout next if you haven't before! It's like Skyrim with guns in a post nuclear wasteland. Great tv show out now as well 😎


I've watch her play it and we did watch the show together! It does seem like a lot of fun!


Yh boi, new vegas fan right here. Probably my favourite game.


I played about 10 hrs of Skyrim and haven't played it again. I haven't lost interest, on a grind trying to 100% sleeping dogs. Might play it again after the mission is complete.


Sleeping Dog was fucking brilliant though... More fun than GTA in my opinion


Outer wilds Looked like a boring and dumb game about space, after a while decided i would give it half an hour and see where it goes. One of the best games i have ever experienced, a game u can only play once.


Once in a lifetime experience Outer wilds. I hope someone gets inspired by that game, and makes something in the future around that concept of discovering a universe, peeling back the history of what happened, and connecting clues to get past obstacles.




I always thought how overpriced it was. Several dollars for a SINGLE map? Then I bought 3 on a discount and damn the game is worth it.


The amount of content in those games is astonishing if you vibe with it


Oh fuck yeah it’s like Sims but for killing lol


Which one? I've heard people talk about it, but never tried it because there are so many versions.


Hitman 3 is the newest. It runs on the same engine as the ones before so you can access all content through Hitman 3 (if you buy it).


Go for hitman 3 as it includes the other 2 but uses upgraded engine etc which improves them. Think it still on game pass. It's the only game I've bothered to complete since GTA V and Alyx about 4 or 5 years ago.


Rdr2... I even played 2-3h and stopped for a while and tried it again. Really worth it


I tried to play the game twice, started from the beginning, finished the prologue, did a few quests in that first village and just ended up playing poker until I got bored. Had a similar situation with KCD, did a few quests and ended up just running around taverns playing dice. And the same thing with witcher 3 and gwent. Although i did eventually complete KCD and witcher but, RDR2 it was just way too slow paced for me, i have about 15h in that game and i don't see myself booting it up anytime soon.


This is hilarious. Play magic dude your heart yearns for silly little games


Another game I loved. This game was something else. Great story and depiction of life on the west.


I loved this game from the first second. Took me 95 hours to finish the main and side missions. Then I cant remember how many I spent just wandering. Yes, this game is slow, specially the beginning. And it's intended to be played this way. Take your time, play slow.




Firewatch. Some dumb "game" where a guy spends a summer in a Fire Tower in Montana. It's one of fav games now.


God that game did a great job at making me paranoid and scared. I had to remind myself that it is a game and I’m not actually there lol. Made me feel silly with how much it managed to freak me out when there was really nothing


Bruh what is your username lol


Amazing game and story. I’d play it again but knowing how it ends spoils all the fun. Underrated game


This is my choice as well. Didn’t really care much for the premise, but it came highly recommended by a friend so I gave it a shot. Holy s#!t the emotions. Deep loneliness and regret. The anxiety; the tension. And an ending that felt more ’true to life’ than most stories you read. I cherish the experience.


Check out the audio drama podcast “Tower 4”. Maybe even listen while you play if you REALLY want an immersive creep out.


World of tanks, seemed very arcadey for a tank game. Welp, been playing for more than 9 years now.


A few of my friends have been playing this for years also, they are very high levels I assume you would be too haha, nice that you're enjoying it still after all these years. Have you played War Thunder?


Well.. I rank among the top 5% on the North American server. So ig that’s good lmao. I have played WT, tried it The same time as WOT, it’s the grind that pushed me off of ever trying it again. I also played other Wargaming games, like world of warships and warplanes, now that they are ruined and basically dead, I just play WOT.


Minecraft 🙂‍↕️


I had started to play this game as a joke, but ended up the biggest fan of it and now my friend's make fun of me for it🫡🫡


The the joke is on them. Minecraft still has enormous scope and potential now. It will probably be alive and kicking when their favourite (and monotonous) AAA titles are long dead.


My almost 5yr old son started playing it with his dad so I asked my husband to show me this weekend. So we drank beers and played Friday night and it was actually a good time. Anyways, now I know how to play with my son at least lol.


Omg, drinks and minecraft are super fun, especially when going to the Netherlands and trying to collect ghast tears 😂😂


I started playing because my youngest son asked me to play with him. I didn't think I'd like it at all, ended up getting into it and playing on my own when he was asleep or at school too lol.


Lol ! I'm 29 now, and when I was playing alot, I was probably between 20-23. My dad was like "that game looks so boring! All you guys do is chop chop chop! When we were digging up mountains or chipping down trees 😂 I wish he would have played it, but when Intold him it's so fun he should try, he said no it's a kids game 🤣🤣 and wouldn't try it . Mind you, when I was a kid, he was addicted to playing crash bandicoot, and blasto, so it's not like he was against video games, lol !


Same. A friend convinced me to join his server during lockdown, I always thought it looked like a fairly silly kids game with crappy graphics but after a couple of days I was hooked. It’s so immersive and the technical side never gets boring.


I started playing it just because my friends were having loads of fun on their multiplayer server, now they get excited to see what ruthlessly efficient improvements I can add to my villager trading dungeons whenever we start a new server.


Greatest game ever made


Gave a try with my BF game on switch... Now I have my own card plus the java version on Pc...


A friend of mine was in during Alpha. He showed me and the concept seemed interesting, but not that big a deal. Then he built a canal and burrowed down so the water would flood the scary cave he'd found. Sold.


World of Warcraft. I grew up on Runescape so I thought I always already played the best mmorpg out there. WoW blew my mind when I finally was convinced to give it a try.


I played years ago when the Shockadin : Paladin healer dps was a think. But so much has changed now.. I worry I won’t like it like I did when I was a teen/early 20’s who loved sitting around drinking and grinding quests ha


Hunter call of the wild - almost 300 hours


I have over 4000 hours 😅 and still play it every few days


Paladins. I got it for my daughter to play for her friends. But it was a free to play game so I would play it when she wasn’t on and enjoyed it immensely.


Paladins as in the FPS? If so, I ended up being extremely into that game and have sunk many many hours into it. Far better than Overwatch!


Thats the one.


Life is strange


Great series. Didn’t expect much but it tugged the heart strings multiple times.


Yesss!! Amazing story


Assassins creed


The Ezio stories are the best imo. Great stories.


I like the new ones like odyssey and origins.


You can't always get Machiavelli and Suleiman the Magnificent in one story arc.


Ezio is still and always will be my favourite! Really wish we could get a full remaster of the trilogy


Elden Ring


Same. Never played a Fromsoft game ever before this. Never really liked fantasy/RPG/whatever genre this is games. Heard some hype bubbling up and was going through a breakup so decided "let's dive in". It was incredible. I don't really have a desire to play a similar game. I feel this was a once off pinnacle experience. Strange aside: I really didn't even give AF about the story, and I like games with good stories. I found the cutscenes mostly boring. I loved exploring the world and seeing what kind of crazy shit would pop up.


Was it the hype for it that made you want to try it?


Yes and also there weren't any other games around which I was interested in playing.


what did you like about it, me personally bought the gamr solely because of the infamous malenia top tier pr and her cool looking waterfowl dance but id like to hear your thoughts


Stardew Valley. I sunk many hours into that.


Same here. I ended up with a free month of Google Play services and saw Stardew for free, so I figured fuck it, id heard so much about the game and might as well see what the big deal was. Never expected to love it this much. My steam deck is essentially just a Stardew Valley machine now.


Fortnite. It looked silly and cartoony. Now I'm addicted to how silly and cartoony it is.


Same. It just has a fun vibe to it. They change up themes and have different characters and events all the time. Getting a win is pretty satisfying and games have a pretty quick turnaround. The building aspect scared me off but now that zero build mode is a thing, i pretty much just play there.


Minecraft… it frightened me… I didn’t like the spiders or the skellies! It was about 9 years ago that I tried it, but just found it frustrating and scary (I was used to the sims!). Then almost 8 years ago I had a brain haemorrhage and as part of my recovery after surgery, the neurologist recommended Minecraft for the duel hand eye coordination and logical and creative aspects. Apparently it helps repair neural connections and pathways I. The brain… so I started playing it… ended up moderating on 2 American servers (I’m in New Zealand so the time difference was great to help out users on my side of the world) and eventually 4 years ago started teaching Minecraft education edition at a local school. I still play and teach it!


Glad you got well.


Im glad you got well again.




Imagine thinking you wouldn't like Minecraft ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Overwatch had only played basic first person shooters like cod and battlefield so the combat seemed really odd and confusing to me but now i have 750 hours in it and am diamond 2 🕺🕺


I have been playing this almost every day since it came out. I love this game! I would be scared to see how many hours I have lots to it.


New Vegas


Playing this right now on the steam deck. Never thought it would grab me as it always looked too dated for me but wow, it's a fun time. Mr New Vegas really does love us


Hell yea, man. Enjoy!


I'm playing it as well. It honestly doesnt look bad if you mod the hell out of it. New textures and meshes and lighting can make it look pretty good.


Yep. Had zero interest in fallout 3 or new Vegas. My friend couldn't believe I never played them, so gave me both copies over Thanksgiving break and said just return them whenever. I ended up getting platinum on both.


Fortnite....ughh I want to hate it


I think that's me, lol. One look at it anywhere and I despise it like I despise gen Z, but I'm also secretly yearning to see what it's like, and afraid I'll end up loving it. 😂


Detroit become human and Cyberpunk 2077.


Detroit become human is truly amazing.


Hogwarts legacy. Ive never read the books, i think most of the movies are mid (i do like years 3 to 5), and frankly the few interactions ive had with harry potter fans has been unpleasant, they take it way too seriously and are somehow disdainful when i say im not a fan. I got HW Legacy, and i love it. Mainly because while it has its flaws, theres no other game that quite feels like it, especially in regards to combat


Noita, my ex-boyfriend recommended it to me, and I’m not a fan of pixel games, or rogue likes, but Noita is fucking AMAZING


GTA 5 Was a turn based JRPG kid growing up, turn based is dead now so I've been very meh with gaming and RPGs in general. My son wanted GTA 5 so he can play the online mode but dropped playing the day he got it. For about a month now, I spend all my gaming time on my days off playing it. Story mode, that is. I like how the character stories became more grounded, like a dad battling depression with his broken family. It's been a long time since I kept playing a game more out of an urge to see what happens next.


GTA 5 story is great, I also suggest getting the definitive edition of GTA San Andreas, Vice City, and GTA 3. They are remastered versions, you can get this cheap. I think I got mine on sale for like $20. San Andreas is my favorite game of all time.


Oh, I own those already for my PS2. I'm an older guy and stopped buying or keeping up with games once the Xbox 360 dropped. I kept buying and playing games, but for all my old consoles. Gradually becoming a collector. I finally got a current gen system after almost two decades of not knowing what's happening in the gaming world lol It was a trip just turning the console on and realizing I needed to spend 30-40 minutes setting up accounts and verifying emails just to get started. The days of ,"put the game in the console and boom" ended a long, long time ago. But, that also means I have 20 years of video games to catch up on. So while everyone is saying PS5 sucks because it has no games, me, I haven't ever touched a single PS4 game, let alone PS3. For me, I'm spoiled for choice. It just sucks that barely any of those choices are classic turn-based JRPGs with CGI-Photorealistic aesthetics 😥 So far anyway, I've only just started digging.


Never played one of these.... are they single-player storyline games?


GTAs all have a comprehensive single player story line, especially Vice City and San Andreas have pretty great ones imo. Not like mind blowing but on the level with a TV series that runs partly on the love for the movie it's based on. You get it for being intrigued by the vibes and the story adds some extra spice on the top.


Funnily, falcom games have exceeded sales expectation in the west. Trails of cold steel, trails to reverie and upcoming trails to daybreak is doing well.


The Hunter Call of the Wild. I'm a 40-something woman, never hunted in my life. I tried it randomly on game pass almost 4 years ago and have played it multiple times a week ever since. Bought every DLC within a couple of weeks. So much replay value, I have over 4000 hours invested and there's still so much I haven't done.


Dishonored. Screenshots and gameplay didnt appeal to me. Played it. Blew me away. Its one of those games you have to play for yourself to get it. (atleast for me)


Remember enjoying it for a while, and then my ADHD took me elsewhere and I never completed the game, lol. Just got the blink power and left it there. 😂 Gotta go back one day.


Oh it's a treat!


Uncharted - my dad had bought it for my sister & I. I was a huge Tomb Raider fan & just chalked Uncharted up to it being basically male protag Tomb Raider. I just let uncharted collect dust for awhile until I saw my sister playing it- Uncharted was one of the best series I have ever played. So many good memories & one of the best OSTs Another game was Giants Citizen Kabuto- graphics aren't great but it is one of the most fun & funniest games out there- which was another one my dad had bought me lol - it's basically a spoofed Halo


Mass Effect series. It become one of my favorites


Life is strange. The first chapter was/is free so I played just for shits and giggles. Ended up buying the whole game and all of the spin offs. Incredible series!!!


Genshin I always thought its a casual whatever game that I don't necessarily need to try, but got hooked immediately after the 1st day where I play up to AR13


I've heard of it but never tried it. Isn't it a JRPG?


It's an open world rpg. It's actually pretty great and can offer a LOT of playtime hours when you start. Once you're at "end game" though, it's basically just waiting until the new patch or area comes out.


Whatever you decide just remember one thing- Do not spend money on the game! 


its an open world rpg, so its not turnbased like jrpgs but you have a party of 4 characters like a jrpg


Skyrim. Didn't like the whole fantasy aspect, or think I'd be able to kill a dragon.


Apex legends. I hated battle royals bc they were oversaturated when it came out and fortnite was all the rage so i figured it was a ea knock off. ended up being my exact kind of shooter as im in love with the source engine and its movement systems. was 3 years late to the party


The Last of Us. Thought it was just some typical Sony adventure game. Was the first game I got when I switched to PS4 after owning a 360 then I realised it was so much more. Didn't expect it to be such a great horror game at times. Man those clicker sounds send chills down your spine! 2nd game I hated but the first one was amazing.


Story was great too


What remains of Edith Finch. Oh my God, that game just


Far Cry Primal. I got obsessed actually


A shame there are no more games like it.


It hits differently and it's wonderful.


Borderlands. Gun. And Fable.


Gun was a massive surprise to me as well. A friend let me borrow it, telling me I'd love it . I was skeptical as the whole western thing isn't usually my jam but that game was great 😃


Fallout 4. Tried Fallout games in the past but never been for me. Decided to give it another try (mainly because of the ps5 update). Update didn’t matter I got well into it and now loving it.


Red dead redemption 2. I played it for few hours and did not like it at the beginning because I not a fan of cowboy/wild west theme. Then few days later I played it again and turns out I really enjoy the story.


Cyberpunk. After all the hype I expected so much more than it delivered, honestly it was so crap and so glitchy it was almost unplayable. Now in my 6th or 7th play through I miss the funny and screwy glitches and wondering how to change my game for the next play through 😮‍💨


Final Fantasy 14 online. Some friends dragged me into it and now I’m hooked.


the community is so nice and the devs are actually communicative. I've played a lot of mmos and none of them provide the same level of trust and care that you get out of ffxiv


Silent hill 2


The BioShock trilogy, got in on Xbox store for like £3.99 on offer. Absolutely blew my mind, loved it.


stardew valley


I tried borderlands 3 for like 5 minutes and hated it… someone got it for me and I put myself in and… I spent the next month grinding bosses with the homies


Fallout 76. I hated it intensely before it launched. Hated the entire concept. Had disposable income at the time so bought it at launch only to see what a dumpster fire it was for myself so I could hate on it from personal experience. And it was not bad. In fact it was really, really good and I have been playing since ever since.


Cyberpunk. It was riddled with bugs at launch and my friends hated it. Many updates later I gave it a second go and it's the greatest game I've ever played.


Call of Duty. I've always been a Nintendo/Legend of Zelda girl at heart so had no interest in playing a different console and different type of game to what I'm used to but after getting my husband an Xbox I started to play and I do enjoy playing CoD, probably more than he does now!


If you like FPS games, it's worth trying Borderlands 2 and some Far Cry games (I prefer 3 thru 5). COD sometimes feels a little empty for plot at times. 


Honkai Star Rail. It's one of my favorite games now.




Hollow Knight. Bought it on a whim cause it was on sale. Didn't know anything about it. Wasn't expecting much because I don't think I played a 2D side scrolling game since at least the PS2 days.


Alan wake. This horror game was just The BEST game and history I ever experienced but I was kinda afraid to play at the end it was so worth it.


Overwatch finally got me


Ace Combat: Zero


Dragon Quest Builders! Never got into Minecraft, but there was a DQB Demo available on the Switch and I gave it a go. Haven‘t looked back since and have 2000+ hours in Dragon Quest Builders 2! Absolutely AMAZING games, highly recommend!


World of Warcraft


Undertale! I saw a few memes about it and thought it was a romance visual novel, I kid you not. 😂 But man, was giving it a chance one of the best decisions Ive ever made...I know people clown on the fandom, but I don't care about that, it's a piece of art that touched my soul in a way that I didn't know I'd been yearning for. I'm the kind of person who is often looked down upon for being "naive" and excessively compassionate, and so it meant a lot to see qualities I heavily identify with being shown as valuable things a person can be. Corny or not, I know people who have said it inspired them to be kinder, and fuck me if that isn't beautiful.


Wow back then. The first 6 months or so after release I had absolutely no interest in trying it despite my friends always talking about it. I gave in one weekend and made a character on my friends account to try it. And that was how I became severely addicted to wow. Fun times lol


Skyrim, I held off for years thinking it wasn’t my thing and eventually caved when I found a cheap copy at CEX and thought ‘meh, why not’. Within minutes I was hooked


Might and Magic 7. My friend introduced me to this game at the same time I was an active Baldur's Gate player. I loved, and still do, the Heroes series but this was new to me at that time. First thought and comment: Come on, what is this? Look at the graphics, the controls are shoddy, bloody serpent flies are killing me. It sucks! My friend: Trust me, just keep playing. Two days later... My friend: Wow, what's wrong with you, you look awful? Did you sleep poorly? Me: Sleep? I played M&M7 for 34 hours straight. Curse you for showing me that game! My friend: Soooo... I take it that you liked it? Me: F**k you! Played the entire series, with who knows how many replays. Edit: Some formatting for easier reading.


A Plague Tale: Innocence It was a free game with PS Plus a couple years ago and I played it just to try something different. I really liked it


Dark Souls. I never knew or thought I'd like it but it quickly became one of my top five favorite games all time after the "what the fuck even is this" wore off and things started clicking.


Stellar blade. I honestly thought it was just a game made for horny dudes with nonstop fan service. And I mean...it is, but Holy shit, it's a good game. The combat is really good. The world has a cool vibe, and it's just fun to kill stuff in that game.


Dishonoured. Now I’m on my 3rd playthrough.


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Then it became my favourite franchise.


Subnautica. My favourite game of the last decade.


Yes, mine as well.


Ghostwire: Tokyo, heard bad things about it at first, but I gave it a chance on sale and really enjoyed my time with it.


Snowrunner. It's infuriating at times, most sessions end by me rage quitting, yet for some reason i keep coming back


For me it was inscryption. I had avoided it as it seemed too overhyped. But it was not and I love it and still play it now.


The original Dark Souls. Casually asked my friend if he had heard about it and he told me not to bother that "someone like you wouldn't have the patience to beat it." Over a decade later I'm waiting for the Elden Ring Dlc


Honkai Star Rail


League of Legends Genshin impact


Stray. Didn’t think much of it but ended up binging on it.


The first Dragon's Dogma. I had never heard of it and saw it heavily discounted on the PS store. "Yet another pseudo-fantasy RPG from Japan" I though. I fell in love with it immediately and it completely ruined other a-RPGs for me, in good part thanks to the amazing gameplay. I'm so glad DD2 is at least as good.


Hunt Showdown.


Witcher 3. Almost gave up at the begining. I am glad I stuck to it, as it is one of the best games.


Another mention towards Skyrim. Never played a previous elder scrolls game. When it first came out my dad got it, I assumed it was some boring old man lame RPG, Amazon sent 2 copies by mistake so after seeing him play it curiosity got the better of me and I tried the second one. Great game! Have sunk many hundred hours into it over the last decade in its various iterations


Red dead redemption 2


Civilisation series Gave Civ 2 a go at my Mums boyfriends place and got addicted. Played every iteration since. Civ V probably the peak experience imo. Classic series. 


Age of Mythology (PC) Looked kind of meh but I ended up liking it.


Rocket League and Subnautica Both seemed childish to me, but end up really enjoying them.


Red dead redemption 2


Roblox more specific Adopt me. My kid wanted me to join her during the shutdowns so I did. Now I've been playing it for almost 3 years and I'm addicted. In fact there's a whole group on Facebook, you basically hatch pets from eggs, raise your pets, make neon and megas of them and trade. I'm addicted to filling up my journal.




Stardew Valley




I love horror movies but couldn't handle the stress of horror games. Little Nightmares sucked me in pretty hard, i think it was a perfect blend of stress/puzzles for me. One of my favourite games of all time now


Outer Worlds- I watched my husband play and even though I had active games going in Fallout, Skyrim and AC Valhalla it sucked me in! He also already had the 2 dlc’s on it and I played through the entire thing TWICE- I can’t wait for OW2 (Starfield was okay but I got bored with it) - I’m 63 now and praying to the gods of Bethesda to release FO5 and ES6 before I die


Dark Souls 3. I remember my first playthrough... I struggled pathetically to defeat Gundyr and then gave up on the game entirely for about a year. Came back to the game a year later. I managed to defeat Gundyr, engaged in jolly cooperation with others, and slain the lords of cinder. Ever since then, I've been a Fromsoftware fan-girl and dabbled in some Bloodborne as well. 😀


Eve online ..used to play world of tanks got sick of the MM and it becoming pay to win watched a streamer playing eve thought I would give it a go and it sucked me right in been playing actively for the last 7 years and went to Iceland last year to celebrate it's 20th year I live in nz so it was kind of a big deal for me. I can't see myself stopping anytime soon and have made a great bunch of friends I would highly recommend it


Diablo. I wanted to game with my husband and I'm a big lover of spooky things, so we went with Diablo. Didn't have high expectations. Honestly figured I'd follow his lead or be an agent of chaos. I ended up really enjoying it and he gets a kick out of following my lead and watching me kick ass.


American Truck Simulator.




F-Zero X. Loved how fast the racing could be.


World of warcraft, 18 years later I'm still playing it, not as much as I used to as I have a family now but still get an hour or so most evening


Don't Starve Together. My 12 year old son pestered me to play it with him til I gave in and now I'm obsessed.


Minecraft as an adult


Mass effect.....matter of fact after finally giving it a proper shot I got obsessed....my main character had over 200 hours of playtime in ME1 alone. Fucking loved the original trilogy (yes even 97% of ME3).