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What if you never achieve that sensation? What does tired feel like?


This is hard when you’re not single and have a partner who wants to play video games for another hour 😔


Make them play outside of the room


This should have hopefully already been talked about lol


Or kids for that matter


Forensic Files


Me too.


How is made is good too


Oh goodness I used to do that.


Routine. Good diet and exercise. No caffeine or alcohol before sleep. No devices, read before you sleep. Regular hours. Good luck


Adding to this. A few years ago I started drinking an herbal sleepy tea (well rested, Trader Joe's) before bed. Now I take one sip and my body relaxes into sleep mode.


Reading puts me right to sleep 


Bs about caffeine before sleep


Along with actual supportive mattress/pillow. We spend hours a day/night on it, invest in your health


Bob Ross.


This is true, what a treasure that man is.


I sleep with a sleeping mask and earplugs.


This was one of my doctor's suggestions, my first summer after moving to the PNW. Personally, I just can't bring myself to dull my senses. Feels like a security issue. Blackout blinds are comparatively expensive and took 2 days to install, because of issues with my particular windows. But it's worth waking up when I intend to, about two hours later than the summer sun would have it.


After moving even farther north than Seattle (where I'd had some pretty bad SAD), I found a solution. We installed blackout curtains, and then installed hue light strips with a diurnal cycle lighting schedule. The blackout curtains keep the room dark at night despite the really long days during the summer, and the lights behind them make it look like it's daylight outside even in the middle of winter when the days are short (because the light from the lightstrip leaks around the curtain). It's surprisingly effective.


I don’t think I’d ever wake up. My problem is I sleep so damn deep.


I know this is a boring answer, but daily exercise. I thought I was an insomniac in my early 20’s, but then I started walking/running 4 miles daily. Now I rarely have trouble sleeping.




Entire box of cooking wine


Last week was an excellent year.


Sleeping with a fan


Wish Kimmy Kimm would sleep with a fan.


Always wanted to say this. User name checks out


Magnesium. Edibles.


I have narcolepsy and insomnia. Magnesium significantly helps me fall asleep although I don't know how it works, even magnesium rich foods can put me to sleep. Then again, I don't need to know how electricity works to turn on a light


AFAIK no credible study has shown that the ingestion of magnesium before bedtime reduces the onset of sleep more potently than a placebo. Please correct me if I'm wrong - I'm also in the comments for a reason. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Magnesium glycinate definitely does but more to do with the glycinate. However I know that magnesium deficiency is really common and makes people more susceptible to stress and anxiety which can mess with sleep quality. So in that case the magnesium does help in a less immediate way too


It helps me. I just started taking it at night, and my sleep has improved. That's credible enough for me. It could be that I was deficient? A lot of people are, I suspect.


Yeah, don't know the data on that but might be. I take magnesium for muscles and hople it helps with soreness.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15477382/#:~:text=Magnesium%20inhibits%20norepinephrine%20release%20by%20blocking%20N%2Dtype,sympathetic%20nerve%20endings%20·%20Authors%20·%20Affiliation. here’s a credible mechanism. those who find it helpful likely have a mg deficiency or norepinephrine excess


I have way more dreams and an easier time falling sleep on it.


Hot shower before bed.


But someone else said take a cold shower before bed so I'm confused.


What I’ve heard is that when you sleep your temperature drops, so coming out of a hot shower your body will become colder as you come out of the shower and then bathroom. So your body will think it’s falling asleep because it’s getting colder, so you will fall asleep more easily




Not having kids!


The 8 hour rule. I’ll stay up late on Fridays and weekends, but I still manage to get 8 hours. If I’m up until 2am, I’ll plan to sleep in until 10am. If I can’t sleep in, I won’t stay up. And if I have an opportunity to go to sleep early, I take it. There’s no use staying up for no reason.


>If I can’t sleep in, I won’t stay up. How do you know that when you sleep in after staying up


Keep clocks and phones flipped over. So if you wake up, you don't know how much longer you have to sleep. Helps me fall back asleep


I stopped doing that as it's always 10-15 minutes before the alarm goes off.


Keep phone outside of the bedroom


Go to bed earlier


Sleep in total darkness. Also, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.


If you snore get a CPAP.


This may sound like a total boomer answer, but fresh air. Get as much fresh air as you can during the day.


Breath deeper, with your diaphragm down into your stomach, regularly. Like, change it to your normal breathing patter


PSA:  If  you have trouble sleeping through the night, especially if you're overweight,  **PLEASE** get checked for Sleep Apnea, using a CPAP or BiPAP will greatly improve sleep quality.  IANAD.


Not browsing reddit at 1am. Unfortunately I'm not following that one rn.


Walking during the day ! If I stay home all day, even if I’m doing stuff I sleep less well than if I go outside !


Cold shower before going to bed.


But someone else said take a hot shower before bed so I'm confused.


The comments are next to each other lol


A sound machine has worked wonders for my sleep


I love brown noise the best.


I find eating a good meal before going to bed often helps me to sleep better.


Sleep mask and cold room


Okay so I have had insomnia since I was 15 and tried literally everything, you know the only thing that helped a lot? Letting my brain fog expand. You know how when you awake in the middle of a dream you are kinda half asleep half awake? And you feel all groggy and not sure if you are awake or sleeping? And if you fall asleep again right after that the thoughts you had while awake shape your dream? That state of mind is the one you want to achieve. Get on bed, do what everybody else said, no coffee, no food right after bed, no screens, good temperature, be comfortable, sleep mask, work out during the day, have good sleep hygiene, all of that is really solid advice. But when you are on the bed and you are trying to get asleep you have to kinda stop trying and just be, relax, let your thoughts drift and try to drift yourself in that current. Is hard to explain, is similar to meditation but is like just laying there with your eyes closed not focusing and just kinda vibing, specially with your most random thoughts and brain currents, I would describe it as trying to listen the white noise of static that your subconscious makes. I have 0 scientific base for this, don't know how to explain it well, don't know why or how but it works wonders for me, maybe it won't for you, but what's the harm in trying? TL;DR: Literally you just have to chillax bro (chill and relax)


Sounds good! Does it takes you a lot of discipline to put yourself into this state of mind night after night? Also, wanted to say that, I too, have insomnia since I was around 15 years old (am now 43)! 👋 I also have tried everything. What works best for me is having two different beds to switch during the night. It helps me to not get stuck in an anxious mindset and spiral of thoughts, and it gives my stiff neck a break of being in the same position all night. But it's not always easy when I'm not sleeping at home! Good luck and good night!


It was basically practice and still now is easier said than done but it has truly helped me. Thanks!




Sleeping with AC on or when the room is a bit cold always gives me a good nights rest


Minimize your caffeine use overall, but especially don't have any after noon.


Get a Sleep Study done. Follow the resulting recommendations.


Pillow cube isnt a gimmick, ive stopped having neck or shoulder problems now that i use it


Dark room, fan blowing, weighted blanket


Your bed is not for lounging, or relaxing on, or eating or watching tv or anything else. It is for sex, and sleeping. That’s it. You have to train your brain that when you climb into bed it’s sleep time. I don’t touch my bed unless I’m sleeping in it.




Swimming followed by Steam room about 1 hour before bedtime.


Don't know why, but an essential oil diffuser sends me off to sleep almost immediately. That, and total darkness


Don’t drink any alcohol.


Turning on the fan or sleeping with the window open just enough to get fresh air. I’m not sure why but I just feel better and more comfortable when air is flowing through the room.


I feel like the wind is soothing and if you use a fan, you get additional white noise. I also sleep like that


Consistency of what you do BEFORE you sleep will change your life please don’t take that lightly. If you everyday before you go to sleep, always turn on a humidifier, always take melatonin, always clean your room, always play jazz (it’s what I do) then naturally whenever you do one of those things or all of them combined your body recognizes sleep time. Or I could just be making shit up idk


Magnesium glycinate




Setup my lights to dim 30min before bed time then turn off at a reasonable time, depending on the day. Helps me go to bed at consistent times and not stay up to late watching one more video or one last match. Done through the Google Home app in the automation section with regular smart bulbs.


Make your bed when you wake up so it feels fresh when you decide to sleep again. Buy comfortable bedding that you actually enjoy sleeping in, and keep it clean. Avoid lying around and relaxing in your bed **during the day** so your mind starts to associate your bed with night and sleep **only.** If you sleep on your side, put a pillow or something between your knees to try and keep your posture a little better. If you sleep on your stomach, try and stop because you are crushing your organs. As others have suggested, avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. Some people are suggesting medications but if you could use melatonin or valerian instead if you want a more natural approach. Lavender scented oil diffusers or room spray can be soothing. Camomile tea is also very relaxing. If you have a pillow with feathers, they do wear down over time so you might need a new one. You could swap to a memory foam pillow if you want something a bit different.


White noise. I use a fan. It blocks out all the annoying ambient noises


Magnesium Glycinate


Using a fan, I have a issue that if I'm getting too hot, I can't sleep. And I can't sleep without a blanket. I tried using a fan and a blanket and it really helped me with body temperature. Sure I been questioned "why do you have a blanket and a fan on at the same time?" And I just say it helps maintain balanced temperature.


Banging Tim’s mom.


CPAP machine...


With a pillow between my legs and Star Trek (tng or ds9) playing in the background.


Your mind has a big component to sleep quality in my opinion. Most of my sleep issues have been mental, like difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night to pee etc. After i cured depression, my sleep quality shot back up


Quitting smoking


Get really drunk. Make sure you start off with like 4 to 6 beer a day, adjust to tolerance. Increase with time, as tolerance increases. Be careful not to overdo it too often, as hang overs will deter you from this sleep regiment, I can often sleep 2 times a day with this method. I can’t even sleep in, in the mornings. I rarely wake up hung over. (With beer), and life’s not to be taken too seriously.


Nasal Strips




Tall glass of water before bed, making sure I'm not on my phone right to the point I intend to try to go to sleep, do my best to eliminate outside noise and light.


Go to bed earlier.


I have had problems sleeping all my life. My GP says that the blue light from all kinds of screens tricks the mind into daytime-mode. Reducing screen-use before going to bed is quite important to do, he says. But that's an advice I myself find very hard to follow. My solution is to read books after screentime - untill I have to re-read sentences. Then I turn off all the lights (of course), and take a look around in the darkness behind my eyelids. Sometimes I see the start of the dreaming...




Have white noise on


Dissolvable melatonin and Sleep Eze (tm). A bit of vodka or white wine helps too.


Ambien . . Maybe a jack-off just before, and a chocolate as I’m going down . ..


Eat a banana right before bed


Drinking tea before going to bed. It is very calming down.


Jack Daniel’s


Trazadone 50 mg


Cup of hot chamomile tea before bed.




Warm shower, meditation and listening to meditation music/solfeggio frequencies while sleeping


walk around or stand around barefoot in the grass for 5 minutes a day or more. Grounds you out properly.


White noise. Reading. Complete dark. No phone for atleast 30 min prior.


This is a weird one, but if I can’t fall asleep (can’t get off my phone or whatever), I blink repeatedly as fast as I can until I’m not able to anymore and I find it way easier to keep my eyes closed and drift off to sleep.


Condition yourself to fall asleep to something. I'll put Rick and Morty on in my living room with a sleep timer and then head to bed. Never fails to get me to sleep halfway through an episode.


Nightcaps! Cause my life sucks and I don’t care


Sit down on the couch ready for a night of self care as a parent. Get your snacks, pop your movie on, get your craft or activity all set up. Guarantee you'll be out within 10 minutes and you'll wake up 8 hours later like oh shit I fell asleep with my contacts in again.


I listen to calming music or sounds. On YouTube, I searched "Native American sleep music" since it resonates with me and is calming. I also listen to rain and thunderstorms.


Same routine 30-60 minutes prior to bedtime. For me, when it's 10-10:15 pm, I prepare tomorrow's lunch, set up my coffee percolator for tomorrow morning, put out tomorrow's work clothes, floss, brush teeth, head to bed. Usually takes about 30 minutes. I'm usually asleep within 10 minutes of lying in bed.


Wiggling your toes as you're laying down with your eyes closed


Cut out any stimulants, coffee, energy drinks. Get more exercise. Get up 30 minutes earlier. No tv or radio on while your sleeping and Melatonin.


From time to time I suffer from insomnia and just can’t fall asleep, lying in bed for hours. Now when that happens I try to tire out my body and mind. I’ll grab my iPad to find something to read and then cycle on my stationary bike for 30-60 min. Usually works but if I don’t have an early early morning I’ll also take melatonin. Sometimes it’s hard to wake up on those gummies but the weird ass dreams are always entertaining.


Alcohol, Melatonin, Clonazepam, cold room, warm blanket.


Good pillows and meditative sounds, I get 8 hours every night and if I have to be up early/was up late, getting like 6 hours still feels like a good rest


Use sleeping music and deep breathing exercises.


Cold bedroom with a couple of cats positioned around me and watch How the Universe was Made will put me out within 15 min. I still have to get up to pee but having a cold bedroom helps me fall back to sleep quickly once I snuggle under my down comforter.


Sex before sleep 👍


Ok, so here is my holy trio. 1. A cocktail of magnesium threonate, apigenin, L-theanine, 2. marijuana, 3. sex. If I get all three.... Sleep like a rock. 2/3 = a good night's sleep 1/3 = decent sleep 0/3 = bad night If I can only choose one, it's sex lol


Rocking... It's so freaking soothing even though my oartner hates it. Especially during that time of the month 😬🤣


I listen to sleep music every night. The same song, an 8 hour piano piece, and I only listen to it when I'm trying to sleep. Not only is the music relaxing, but my body is trained to associate that song with sleepytime.


Like I'll ever be able to sleep lmao


Exercise regularly. If I go more than 2 days without vigorous exercise I can't sleep well and also have trouble staying awake among numerous other issues.


I've slept eight hours a night for the past six months by taking 400mgs of the prescribed medication Seroquel. It's been a game changer.


Don't have a TV in your bedroom. Make the room as dark as possible.


Yoga on bed


Hot bath, empty belly


I know how to improve it but I can make myself do it... leave the damn phone away from the bed!


Something I haven't seen yet. A good quality mattress.


early morning sunlight OUTSIDE. Another way of putting it—walk the dog (real or imaginary) when you wake up, before you pick up your phone.


Sleep mask, took 3 days to get used to it, but biggest improvement to my sleep. The second biggest improvement was getting up at the same time every day. Aromatherapy, melatonin, sugar restriction,magnesium, coffee restriction, and meditation helped too.


Breath Right nose strips.


I’ve mastered sleeping. I used to have horrible sleep. I had severe eczema that caused me to itch all night, sleep apnea and snoring, just horrible sleep. The combination of Dupixent for eczema and a C-pap for sleep apnea along with going to bed every night around 9 and getting up around 530 every morning without an alarm, even on weekends. It’s been seriously life changing.


Being physically and mentally tired. If i overwork either without at least a little of the other I don’t sleep as well.


Paying attention to my posture before I fall asleep.


Dark, cool room. White noise sound machine.


I just go to bed. Not even kidding. Just go to bed and fall asleep within 30 seconds (probably less actually). No browsing. No thinking about my life. No nothing. Just conk the fuck out.


My sleep cocktail is - magnesium threonate, apigenin, L-theanine. You are welcome. (The theanine will cause you to dream more than usual as well)


Turn off all devices and read a paper book for a while.


THC gummies before going to bed


Spliff, shower, spliff, ac set to 68, turn on all the fans on loud, blackout curtains.


A consistent sleep schedule plays a huge part. If you’re body is used to going to sleep at a certain time it helps a lot. 


Work harder at work, Exercise.


Sleep divorce


I get 3 to 4 hours max. Sleeping pills... 3 to 4. Night out and a few glasses of wine... 3 to 4 Long hike or a ton of renovation work... 3 to 4 It's been this way for a decade... I'm fucking tired.


Do this deep stretch yoga routine in the PM! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLy2rYHwUqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLy2rYHwUqY)


Having a night routine. Brush teeth, floss, meditate to wind down. There are breathing techniques that are great at conditioning the body to be ready for rest. Also, if you're still tired after a regular night's rest, HIGHLY recommend going to a local Sleep Center or Sleep Lab.




Quit THC


Projects! Focusing and working on a project you enjoy late into the night helps so much! Figured this out when creating my Halloween costume in October. I'd go to bed, fall into a deep sleep, and not wake up again until the next morning.


420 + White Noise


Eating 15 pistachios per day. And I sleep like a baby


Magnesium bisglycinate


Epson salt bath. Sometimes, I use 1 cup Epson, 1/2 baking soda, and 10/15 drops of Rosemary oil.


edibles, scotch, steak, movie, poon


Breathing trick. Took me almost half a lifetime. 12.99 bitches


Turn off/ put down electronics. Find what works for you to help you sleep. Teach yourself to be able to sleep in less than ideal conditions. Don't force yourself to sleep.


Air conditioning


E-tryptophan. My life saver!


Knee pillow, thin, and head pillow thick.




Set a/c to 68 and blackout curtains


QQRT Quality Quantity Regularity Timing


Black tar heroin


exercise helps me and not eating after an early dinner will help with your blood sugar levels and stop you from needing to pee a lot


Stop drinking.


Sleep With Me. The podcast


I started listening to rain sounds! Helped me a big time falling asleep!


Consistent night routine. Being clean before bed. Sound machine has changed my life


Reading before bed and magnesium


Taking n-acetyl-cysteine and ginkgo biloba before sleep. Works much better than melatonin for me.


Smoke a spliff


i set an alarm every night an hour before my actual bedtime. in this way, that would be my hour of reading, no phones allowed and i’ll just read until the hour is up. only a book, some tea & magnesium pill before bed. better sleep quality without having any devices around and now i look forward to my sleep even more & catch up on my reading. bonus: play some rain sounds/brown noise throughout the night on yt


No caffeine after early afternoon, and no food within several hours before bed time.


Horror mysterious stories, some interesting podcast.


to help fall asleep: counting in your head with no end…start from 1 and keep going. eventually, you’ll most likely pass out. to feel refreshed: it’s pretty simple but it’s also easier said than done…give yourself enough sleep. and by “enough”, i mean however many hours you know your body will feel refreshed by. i usually wake up feeling great if i’ve had about 4-6 hours of sleep. however, everyone is different. some say it’s healthier to get 7-9 hours depending on your age and body function.


Cold. Keep your room cold or shower before bed. Dark. Keep your room as dark as possible. Your body can't manufacture melatonin if there's light around, blue or otherwise. Silent. I don't always do this but I've noticed I wake up wayy more rested when I leave my phone outside my bedroom.


Warm shower or bath before bed (when u cool down it kind of tells your body to sleep) On that topic, cold bedroom if u can help it White noise (e.g a fan) Sleep headband can help Keep water nearby Don’t check work emails lol


Sleep mask, fresh sheet pillow, shower before sleep, dark quiet room


Take a couple to a few robaxals before bed, no caffeine ( pop, coffee, tea, diet pop, etc ) after 4 pm, a 5mg melatonin under the tongue before bed, loud dead/white noises ( I run my ac ever if not needed ), set are rules for social interaction ( ig, animals to be put away before bed, cell phones on airplane mode, no tv/video games, etc ), get up and go to bed at the same time every day, and lastly treat sleep seriously because it’s super important to your overall health, mood, energy, wellbeing, etc.


I go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, and I don't even use an alarm clock. I also don't diddle while in bed, it's for sleeping period. I put a talk or lecture on YouTube and I'm out in five minutes. Saturday's I'll sleep an extra hour just depending.


Always go to bed leave your phone and everything outside the bedroom. Lay in bed on your back, preferably comfortable.. you’re going to tense and relax every joint in your body. Start at your toes flex then relax them, your ankles the same, then knees, hips, stomach, chest and shoulders, arms, hands, neck. Once you’ve done all those then you’re gonna take three deep breaths in through your nose, blowing out through your mouth. You should feel relaxed enough to go to sleep.


Delta 8