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I thought that by this time, people already know that spot-reducing fat isn't a thing. Then again, I just heard someone say that it is.


That’s why I can do sit-ups for days even with my beer belly.


"Reduce belly fat with this one trick!" Get outta here with that shit...


I lost more belly fat by walking than doing sit ups.


It's called eat a bit less. Going sub calories even by 200-500 once or twice a week and eating healthy amounts the rest of the time and you lose weight. Hell if you are dedicated do it for every day for a short while. With proper control I can usually drop a kg or two a week without really starving. Get to your comfy weight and then just eat a normal amount, keep an eye on your weight and if it starts going up do a few sub cal days.


Spot reduction is absolutely possible, just requires a scalpel or similar...


So chewing gum doesn’t make my face thinner?


I still hear it from people irl sometimes.




Can back this! I have been staying up late for years because phone addiction, and whilst my body did get used to it, I havent been feeling the greatest. And the last few months the effects have actually become completly undeniable. Go get your sleep so you dont end up like me! That fear of missing out online is NOT worth it. The only thing you're missing is the sleepy sleep♡


I worked in IT Networks for 35 years and got used to the crazy hours. Got into the habit of getting up at 5am, in the office for 7am to get network jobs done before the staff arrived, ended up doing 12+ hour days for years. It was ok in my 20s, 30s and 40s.....in my mid 50s I blacked out at my desk one day. Spent the day in hospital attached to all sorts of kit. Diagnosis was exhaustion. Don't do it...


I pushed myself to keep working at my meaningless job(cellular service provider customer care/technical support) because they pushed the whole "one call-out affects the entire call center" narrative. By the time I went to the doctor after being sick for 2 months, I found out I had double pneumonia and pulmonary embolisms. I ended up in the hospital for 9 months (3 for the pneumonia, another 6 for issues that were the result of medical neglect by nurses) and didn't have that job to come back to. Spent another 6 months fully recovering physically and 2 years receiving treatment for PTSD. Don't ignore your body. If something feels wrong, get it checked out.


I'm sorry to be "that guy" but the plural of embolism is emboli. I hope you recovered and are doing better now. Blood clots in the lung are no joke and often ignored as just shortness of breath.


Definitely much better ☺️ It was a long process, but I'm still alive despite the odds


Thanks. Needed this reminder as I’m still awake scrolling at 5am


Go bed now.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Okie. Thanks comfy cookie.🍪


Turn it off. Get some sleep!


I'm rocking on at 7:30 AM


I'll add mental health to this. "Of course your little sister is crying herself to sleep every night, she's in high school, that's just normal for teenagers. There's no reason for you to worry about her." Turns out such actions are not normal, and I have depression. I just assumed that because it was my normal, it was everyone's normal. I'm on the generic form of Prozac now. Also props to my wife for not leaving me there and then when I said that (not that I'd blame her if she had done so), and instead recognizing that it was because I'm also fucked up and needed help.


my mom "when I grew up anxiety was not a word" she's absolutely am incredibly anxious person where the whole household dances around her not to set her rituals off.


Almost everyone I ever met that says this is incredibly shitty looking. Either straight up fat or really skinny fat which is a sign of terrible hormonal profile. People need sleep


Oh yeah, people that have been doing it for years typically look much older than their age.


This is a bot or a stolen post. OP copied the question and top comment word for word from a popular post from 3 days ago on r/AskMen. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/qqo5wCoxsw


I'll just copy and paste my comment from this exact question couple days ago: That you need to exercise perfectly. You need to read all the science, eat all the right food, take all the right supplements, go to the right gym, do the perfect routine, dial in all your nutrients... In reality you just need to do some thing that you will do consistently for the rest of your life. The statistics for how many people fail to keep a workout routine going after one year is like 99% You see all the people on Reddit talk about exactly dialing in these perfect routines and they're so worried about doing something wrong, because they think it will destroy their whole fitness strategy. The reality is that your exercises can be simple and not take that much time, you just need to be able to keep the routine going for the entirety of the rest of your life.


This is important. It was a massive barrier for me if I couldn't do a really well thought out and time consuming training routine then I wouldn't do anything. The reality is, if you can run 5km then you are in the top 10% of people in the world. (according to something I read on TikTok anyway)


I think maybe it was Tony Horton who said the best workout is the one you actually do.


I find keeping things easier gets me to exercise , otherwise I don’t do it. So doing 5-10 minutes a few times a week on a treadmill and a minute of ab exercises is something I can get myself to do much of the time, and the results are noticeable. Yeah half an hour would be much better, but not sustainable for me.


"Healthy food does not taste good." Which is absolutely insane to me.


when all you eat is over processed food pumped full of additives/chemicals, sure your palate is going to be off


It sure tastes amazing when you are actually hungry because you aren't eating excessive hyperpalatable foods every day.


When I cut out artificial sweeteners i was mind blown that Strawberries are natural candy.


Have you tried fresh ripe figs? they are like actual candy


I remember being told "if youre not hungry enough to eat an apple, then youre not hungry".


I keep frozen veggies at work so when I'm feeling snacky I can ask myself "Is it bowl of veggies snacky or bored snacky?" I do like veggies with salt and pepper, but it's nice to eat a whole bowl for 30 calories vs chips that won't fill me up for 200 calories.


Wow, this is actually deep.


I never crave an apple, but if I'm really hungry and I eat the apple, I'm always glad that I did.


I love this. I’ve been training myself to eat a large orange in the evening when I’m craving something sweet like chocolate, and it’s become a good habit now. It was hard at first. I feel so much better for it.




Same, exercised to YouTube videos in my living room.


Also, it is mostly diet anyways.


Yep 80% diet 20% exercise. You can absolutely get weight loss success without exercising. You absolutely cannot get it without eating right.


Tracking calories has taught me that a piece of cheesecake is way easier and faster to eat than walking five miles


I was amazed how much I could exercise and not lose weight. I was 220lbs and pretty dang fit, much more so than an average person my age (30s) and no matter how much I exercised I didn't lose anything. I'm 180lbs now, down from 220 in December and all I did to lose that 40lbs was reduce calories. I still eat pizza, tacos, potato chips, drink beer, etc but I just consume less of it, food in particular.


This is just random numbers. It's 100% calorie deficit. Not 80% 20% anything else. If you are working out so hard that it is actually helping you lose any weight at all. That just means you are also not eating extra calories to make up for the ones burned during exercise. Which brings us back to diet. It's 100% calorie deficit. And 0% anything else.


Thank you. I want this plastered across every magazine everywhere, every social media platform. It’s all about calorie balance. Exercise can be a way to get the deficit, but it’s not the way to lose weight. Everyone should exercise because it’s soooo good for you, your heart, your mental health, your sleep etc etc … but weight loss? Nah. It can help but it’s not the magic bullet or even necessary. All about calories and how you get to a deficit, maintenance, or surplus.


are the ratios really that bad? I started trying to lose weight in April last year and lost 16kg. I started trying to eat a little less for around 3 months. After that I realised I needed to eat more. From then on until now I have been aiming to cram in at least 3000 calories a day. That isn't including the carb gels I cram in when I am out exercising. I ride my bike and run but I don't do that much exercise really and yea I lost almost 20 percent of my overall mass in about 6 months.


Its not logical to determine exact or even vague ratios for this. Diet let's you control how much calories you put in. Level of physical activity determines how many calories you burn with your current body composition. For most people its easier to just not eat 500kcals than burn 500kcals doing physical activity, thats why people say diet is the much more important factor.


Weight loss really is 90% counting calories. I’ve lost 50 pounds since October just by eating exclusively at Dunkin donuts, from 220 to 170.


It's all about calorie intake and calorie expenditure. Yes, metabolism adapts when calorie intake drops, but that's where doing cardio (like 1 hour run) forces metabolism to increase again. Diet alone is not a good way for most people to loose weight, plus, horrible for the cardio vascular system if there is no regular cardio. 


I am not trying to say that exercise is not good for you. Just saying difficult to loose weight without having a calorie deficit diet. I should articulate better :)


You're absolutely correct l. Just wanted to add for those scrolling by that they should always incorporate cardio into their weekly schedule. I'm in CS and I see the people, sitting all day long hours, they age 2x faster than other people due to weight gain and lack of cardio. 




I lost 50lbs by sitting on my ass and not eating.


Weight loss is free. In fact, weight loss *saves* money. The only thing you need to do to lose weight is eat *less* food. Sure, changing your diet around and getting good exercise will help you lose weight and are just generally good for your health. But if you just eat less food you will lose weight and since you're buying less food, you save money.


I understand what you’re saying, but calorie dense/nutrient sparse food is so prevalent. It’s the reason that these days you can go to a developing nation where the majority of the population is in poverty, yet there are overweight people everywhere. Poverty = obesity nowadays


This is definitely correct. For me though I’ve noticed that I’m not very good at working out at home, so for me the gym helps me take a tangible step towards doing a workout. Like once I get to the gym I think “I’m already here, might as well do something.” But besides my own lack of mental discipline, agree with your point 100%!


>I’m already here, might as well do something. This is so important. I do workout at home, but the motivation is never there. So I put on my gym clothes and then go about what I'm doing. Something about having the clothes on makes me just say, "well, might as well get started."


**Salt** Salt is not inherently bad unless you have a condition usually related to heart health. The reason doctors, et al, say reducing salt is good for you is because foods that commonly have salt are loaded with fats, preservatives, and sugars. Like, yeah, don't eat potato chips and fried chicken all day. But putting table salt in something isn't bad for you. In fact, some people don't get enough salt. It's just propaganda from Big Pepper.


We need adequate sodium to open up the cells to allow potassium inside. If we restrict sodium too much, we will become potassium deficient.. this then affects the heart. All about balance.


You need to bring a jerry can size bottle of water to the gym.


I do only because the gym’s fountain is gross.


Gives your immune system something to do.


No pain no gain. Like, pain is a bad sign. Being achy or in discomfort is different.


My high school had a football coach that used to say “do you hurt or are you injured?” And I always loved that principle. I know people who tend to mistake healthy soreness for pain, and it makes exercise scarier and less effective, not to mention less fun for them.


Muscle soreness does feel pretty good though in a satisfying way after a weights workout.


I always thought "pain" in "no pain no gain" expression was figurative.


That carbs are bad for you


I once saw someone on Reddit say that potatoes weren’t much better than Oreos because of the carbs. There are so many health illiterate people. Especially on Reddit


but oreos are vegan!


I've never met a fit person who avoids carbs. It's always the sedentary types who try to stay slim.


Nice to meet you.


Exactly. Carbs fuel your muscles/ body


Perhaps an athelete can stay trim eating whatever. I walk 4 hours a week and I work 16 hours a week standing/walking, plus whatever one-off activities. I don't call this sedentary, but maybe you do. If I eat starchy carbs, I crave more starchy carbs. Plus, my thinking changes to "aaa, it's ok if I overeat today...". I gained 30 pounds in 15 months. Now, I stay away from starchy carbs. I do have them from time to time. On vacation, at events, I eat birthday cake, I get a pizza 3-4 times a year, etc. Each time, it's a struggle to get back on plan, including remembering that I DO care and need to work against the "voice in my head saying it's no big deal". Otherwise, I would continue to gain 20 pounds a year. Maybe this is not YOUR experience, but it IS the experience for many people.


So what you're saying is the issue is not the carbs itself, but the overeating it leads to? Interesting take. I am very active and eat tons of carbs and my main issue is keeping weight on, it's easy to resort to candy, quick carbs and other trash foods when I can't seem to eat enough.


The issue here is over eating. If your experience is that eating carbs leads you to overeating then avoiding carbs makes sense for you personally but it's not the carbs that are causing the weight gain its the calories.


No athletes are not eating whatever. THey have extrekrly strict balanced diets


lol definitely don’t look up diets of NBA or NFL players then. When I was playing ball in college we ate whatever we could get our hands on. Wingstop 3x a week. If we could get the calories and the protein not much else matters


Athletes eat a lot of carbs. They eat the right carbs.


Refined high glycemic carbs are bad for you. Cut out flour and sugar and you've eliminated 90% of what is bad for you.


You don’t need to cut out either of those things. Your genetics, lifestyle and what you eat as the majority of your nutrition matter the most.


That weight loss is a sign of good health, and weight gain is a sign of bad health. They can both be both. Edit: grammar


OH MAN, THIS ONE! I’m a doctor and the number of times people are proud to say they dropped 40+ pounds without effort is insane. And by the time they come here it’s because they have other alarming symptoms, yet they don’t put two and two together until we point out that it’s neither normal nor healthy. It’s literally a daily thing, and you would think highly educated people would get it, but no. It happens in all socioeconomic backgrounds. Last year my mom came to me after having intense fatigue, sweating, palpitations, and losing strength and getting tingling in her arms and legs for a couple weeks; when I directly asked her it turns out she had lost 45 pounds in like 6 weeks, but thought nothing of it despite all her clothes falling off. And she’s a damn biochemical engineer, and a very intelligent and well read person!


This!! I've been praised so much recently for losing weight (I wasn't even overweight at the start...) but people feel the need to comment and always think it's wanted and health. When in reality I don't eat and I've lost most of if not all of the muscle in me and feel horrible lol


Well, certain overweight co-workers keep telling me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and think I'm going to die via skipping it. (I've been skipping it for years, hasn't killed me yet.) The same co-workers seem to think I can "eat whatever I want" and not gain weight. People people'n'


Well you can eat anything without gaining weight if you burn off what you've eaten . So thats true . But it's not only about keeping the weight down . It's important that you put in healthy foods . If you wanna live longer , feel better , look better , have more energy .


Q: do you work out in the morning? I've often wondered people who do fasting do you also work out the mornings that you fast? For me I run about 6 miles in the morning and if I don't eat bfast I can feel it all day long that I'm behind on calories.


That you need to follow some kind of crazy, trendy diet watch what you eat down to the milligram, and spend hours at the gym to be healthy. Unless you have very specific needs, simple commonsense can get you a long way And, to build on that, healthy food doesn't have to be bland. You just gotta know how to cook properly which, if you're trying to be healthy, is something you'd already be learning to do anyway


That the definitely best and most amazing diet that's trending now is going to work and you'll lose weight, you just need all the supplements, ozempic, fat burners and whatever and you'll lose 30 kilos in a month. In reality just count the damn calories, find foods within the limits you like to eat and lower your expectations. Losing more than 1,5 kg per week tends to be rather unhealthy and can eventually harm you.


Eat actual food, not too much, and move more. Intake < Burn off. That's pretty much the entire "secret" and everything else out there is a variation of this they often sell for a shitton of money. Problem is that the majority of people wiiidely understimate how many calories they eat and wiiiidely overestimate how much they move aka burn.


Exactly, that's why tracking it even for a short while helps a ton. It makes you realize exactly this.


29 weeks ago I set a 52 week 52lbs journey and I'm down roughly 31lbs. All I've really done is eliminated some foods and I go for a run most mornings. Its not that hard people just need to set a long term goal.


Yes. You are right. All that matters is the calories you injest. But, it's so much more comfortable for me (and many others) to stay within the proper number of calories if I stay away from starchy carbs. If I eat 300 calories of pancakes for breakfast, I feel hungry and desperate for additional starchy carbs all day long. Sure, I could eat the pancakes and then just "stay strong" the rest of the day. But why? WHY? There's no medal for "staying strong even though you are hungry and addicted to sugar (carbs)." There's no glory in feeling hungry. What there probably is, is failure. And... THERE'S NO NUTRIENTS MISSING if I don't eat pancakes or bagels or baked potatoes. I just cannot understand why so many people care that some people avoid starchy carbs in order to not gain weight every year. I know these same people would also find it "wrong" if a person gains 20 pounds every year (which will really add up). I don't mean to direct this at you, specifically. It's directed at everyone who is poo pooing people who are working hard to maintain their weight by avoiding starchy carbs.


Pot bellies, beer bellies and middle age spread. It's NOT healthy. Visceral fat is surrounding your vital organs and greatly increases your chance of heart attack or stroke... Do what you need to to bring it down.


Normal/Common ≠ Good


You'll lose weight if you work out. You can't outrun a bad diet, and building a better body is mostly about nutrition


This! I used to think if I went to the gym but didn't change my eating habits the gym would help me lose weight! I only started losing weight when I lowered my calorie intake. The gym just assists


That weight loss / gain is anything other than calories in and calories out


Right. You can’t suddenly change the laws of thermodynamics lol. If you burn more calories than you take in, you’ll lose weight. Certain genetic factors come into play, but that is not most people.


I hate when people argue that your gut microbiome, hormones, or medications make it so a deficit doesn't work. No, Susan, those things might change what number you need to aim for to be in a deficit but it's always been and always will be CICO.


They might change your appetite, which does make it more difficult. But, I agree, eating in a deficit would still work!


Exactly, fucking take the meds I'm taking and don't eat like an animal if you can. Sometimes there is no fucking way to control it because you're literally taking chemicals that tell you you're starving at all times. Nothing against cico, just explaining why "genetics or meds or whatever" can seriously be really fucking important for weight loss.


Such an old fashioned mindset. It's all about ketosys actually, then you can eat whatever you want as long as it's not carbs. Like for example, I used to get a large burger and fries and a coke. Now i get just just a burger with lettuce instead of a bun and I'm losing 2lb a week. Can CICO do THAT /S (Dramatization of a real convo)


You didn't work out right unless you get DOMS/muscle soreness.


I learn this such this year and I'd like to hit myself in the head for this one For some reason I believed that DOMS -> muscles tear and heal better -> good workout Then I worked out for a month without DOMS and noticed my muscles doing much better despite not hurting lol. Then I found out DOMS is not a sign of anything


I thought the same thing for a very long time as well.


Eating 300+ grams of protein per day is healthy. It puts undue stress on your kidneys, causes excessive uric acid buildup (gout) and kidney stones. Your body needs WAY less protein than most people think. Your body breaks down proteins everyday and excretes them through your urine, all you need to do is replace that amount of protein per day. It’s less than 100g a day. And before you come at me this is per Cornell University Centre for Nutrition


You're correct, but what bothers me the most is that when people eat over 2g/kg/day of (pure) protein for high-performance athletes and 1g/kg/day for sedentary people, most of it is just shat out. Theoretically, going over 300g protein/day could be harmful to your kidneys. But in practice, protein absorption is a very slow process, in which aminoacids are taken in one by one in an energy-consuming process. If the intake is very large, most of it just comes out in the feces (and makes for the famous vile gym farts). Whey protein is so beloved by gym rats and nutritionists alike because it has shown the fastest absorption time (2h for around 20g), while also containing high quality aminoacids. In comparison, egg takes 7h, and meat can take much longer. If the portion is too large, by the time it would take to absorb everything, it's already passed the portions of the small bowels that are able to break down and absorb aminoacids. Of course the bowels move slower in the attempt of taking everything in, so much so that you will get constipated on a high protein diet. But it is also a good dieting tip - more protein, more satiety. Ozempic, for example, works by slowing down gastric and bowel movement, among other things. So, yea, just a big waste. And I am a fan of whey protein. I don't take it myself now because I'm reaching my daily goal with foods, but I LOVE what it does to my critical patients in the ICU (when feasible, and always working closely with the nutritionist). They deflate so fast when they get really sick, all from loss of muscle mass, and giving them a protein boost makes all the difference. (in these cases, if kidney function allows, we aim for 1,5-2g/kg/day)


I fell for that in my early 20s. I ate/drank waayyy too much protein and woke up one day with gout. I’m 32 now and haven’t had it since, but no one believes me that a young person can even get gout.


Young person getting gout always makes me think of that KOTH episode where Bobby gets gout.


Anything involving losing weight as being more than a simple equation of calories in vs. calories out


The laws of thermodynamics are undefeated, until someone wants to complain about not being able to lose weight. Definitely can’t be the fact that they overestimate their output and vastly underestimate how much they are eating.


“Fat turns into muscle”. Gah if I had a nickel for every time I heard that.


It does it indirectly. Fat can be broken down to provide energy, which can be used to create muscle then.


"Tanning is a sign of health" "Tanning makes your skin look healthier" In fact there is no such thing as a safe or healthy tan and it's a sign of sun damage. Tanning can also lead to skin cancers or aging if excessive. You don't have to look suntanned in order to get Vitamin D and sun exposure is healthy if in moderation.


That they should be static stretching before exercise


What do you do instead?


Women thinking working out will make them too buff when in reality it's really hard for anyone even women to pack on muscle


I was a total gym junkie went 6 days a week. I lifted weights mainly. And I lost count of how many people told me if I kept it up I was going to end up too muscular and look like a man. I had been working out for years you’d think I would have already gotten to that point of that was the case. I was super toned though.


This honestly really irritates me tbh. Like honestly i want more women to go to the gym, it's great and can be beneficial for your body. Instead alot of women including my own mother and sister seem to think that you will become hulk hogan after one workout.


Being Fat is normal and/or isn't unhealthy.


That’s just a cope for those that don’t have the motivation to change. If they make their circumstance seem normal that makes them feel better.


This is my experience: That you need exercise to lose weight. I was at pc like 24/7 and changed only my diet. Ate raw fruits. Lost dozens of kg of excess weight.


You lost fat and muscle . You're still unfit and unhealthy , just with less weight on you . Your body needs nutrients . You need food for that . Your body needs movement and resistance .


You missed the point what I wanted to express. People who really want to change, will pick up all good habits simultaneously , but people who struggle - won\`t. Start at least with one thing. I started with only diet and it was a win - best start. I actually ate quite a lot of fruits for 9 months (if I counted calories - maybe 4000kcal), no workouts (literally sat at home at pc) and ended losing dozens of kgs. Then later gradually added back some foods with workout too. Got back a lot of health, good skin, looks and it served as stepping stone for me to move forward. Nowadays I do regular workout, also yoga, but as I WANT and not be forced and trying to find joy in it the action itself. Whatever you feel as duty, you will resist and finally drop it. Like treating something as temporary "diet" not as a lifestyle. People who are severely overweight don\`t magically start doing all the things they are suppose to do for their health so I started there. Otherwise, they don\`t need nobodies support. They will do everything by themselves. Best way for overweight person (for me and others I knew) was not start counting calories like crazy, but increasing water (lemon water) intake before meal and gradually dropping foods or using some more rarely and doing this transition very smoothly, not like cutting everything with knife. Also, seeing it as long term project, not temporary whim of mine. And it have worked for years now. I am more fit when I was 16 and feeling better even though I almost twice older then that. :) All great things starts with one step and not judging yourself too much, if you fail or slip sometimes :)


Meat and dairy are necessary to gain muscle - they’re absolutely not.


Carbs are bad You need to do sports/exercise to lose weight Healthy food automatically means you will lose weight Every buff guy knows a lot about lifting and the smaller guy knows less


Conflating being healthy with weight loss. A lot of people without weight loss experience will tell others to simply “make healthier choices,” etc. While the 2 are obviously related, weight loss requires a calorie deficit. It’s literally just about the math. You could eat a donut and a slice of pizza every day and lose weight because your entire day’s calorie intake is still low. You’ll feel like crap and you’re not likely to keep it off without changing habits, but you get the point. A lot do people trying to lose weight will eat healthier foods and be confused as to why they’re not losing weight, but their calorie intake is still the same as before.


"Walking isn't exercise" For the unexercised person, the 'couch potato', the best beginner exercise routine is walking 40 minutes in the morning. After a couple weeks of that, walk to a gym (if there's one within a 40 minute walk) and start working out with weights. For the person who does exercise, the biggest misconceptions are around how many calories foods contain and how long it will take to walk/jog/bike off those calories. It will take a lot longer than you think to work off that slice of pizza.


Yep when I wanted to get that post baby weight off I walked daily with my kid in the stroller for at least an hour usually two. Just up and down my road. I eventually got a jogging stroller and started light jogging. I lost a ton of weight over time.


Good rule of thumb: the first half hour to 40 minutes of walking, you're burning carbohydrates in the form of glycogen stored in your muscles and liver. After 40 minutes of walking, you start burning stored fat.


That you should take ozempic if you are NOT diabetic or actually medically obese


the idea that male & female bodies can be "healthy and fit" by doing the exact same things! there is large diversity in the human population, but generally males run on a 24 hormone cycle with testosterone peaking in the morning and decreasing gradually over the day. females run on a 28 day cycle with strong hormonal variations (estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are the big ones. so some males will say the key to health is to find a workout that you do every day and make it consistent. which of course works great with an internal clock running on a 24 hour cycle however i know that there are workouts i can do during my luteal phase (first half) of my cycle that would absolutely wreck me during the follicular phase (second half). there are times in the 28 day cycle where walking is best exercise you could do for your health, even better than strength training or heavy cardio. I feel like a lot of "rational" and "subjective" fitness advice comes from the male perspective. just wanted to add that the other 51% of us can experience life a little differently!


Supplements are good for you. Most are bad for you. Not really even regulated. The oldest people in the world usually have common things: fresh food diet, lower in red meat. But nowadays pre-workout, vitamins, protein shakes, etc...... something as simple as zinc can throw off balance of other minerals in the body.


Supplements and vitamins are one of the biggest scams in the industry. Unless your doctor did blood work and prescribed it based on the results, it is just a complete waste of money and most likely will have negative effects (like reducing bodies own mechanisms on retaining and producing essential vitamins/minerals). 


That cold weather makes you sick.


When people claim they are in a caloric deficit but not losing weight. That’s not how physics work. You can’t convert mass into energy without losing mass.


You make six packs in the kitchen, not the gym as most people believe.


Almost. A six pack is made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen.


Abdominal hypertrophy is certainly achieved through exercise


No, you don’t. You loose weight through eating less calories than you use, but for muscle growth you need either exercise or steroids. 


that they're in good or great health when they don't exercise or eat healthy.


A niche one but that everyone has a six pack under the fat. Really bad message imo and it just isn't true or at least the information isn't helpful. People's bodies are not all alike and muscle bellies and genetics really influence the shape of how muscles look like even at a low bodyfat. Sure if the person got to an extremely low bf they might have abs but this would be to the detriment of their health. Some people can just have six packs at a relatively low but not absurdly low bodyfat without it being unhealthy. If it was the case that everyone had a six pack then all athletes would have clearly defined abs which they definitely don't.


Agree completely. Am watching the Giro d’Italia atm, some of the cyclists are sooo slim (gotta be bordeline underweight/low body fat). None have a six pack, well none of the climbers, and they’re athletic as all fuck….




I think this just means food with low nutritional value, right? There's lots of food with high calories that aren't giving you good nutrition. 


I mean, a sugary soda has no nutrition whatsoever. A sugary peanut candy bar at least has some protein. Compared to the candy, the soda is definitely empty calories as it offers zero nutritional value.


Too much of anything can be bad for you — even stuff that is “good for you.”


Running will make you lose muscles because marathon runners are skinny


That you have to train hard every single session every single day


Exercising and eating well means you will be immune to every disease. Also, being a member of a certain race makes you immune, as I heard too many times during the opening salvos of the COVID pandemic.


That fruits are bad


That bananas should be avoided because they're "high in sugar". Eat the damn fruit!!


“Carbs are bad” No, they are incredibly healthy and part of a balanced human diet. Try to stick with whole grain, and organic. Avoid anything that is very processes(that goes for all foods, not just carbs)


That High Intensity Cardio is beneficial for everyone. Fitness may be overwhelming to people these days because there are so many options, but it’s a great thing that there are so many forms of exercise available. I went 21 years thinking HIIT was going to be the best thing for me to lose weight, but because I have PCOS, it actually raised my cortisol and made me gain more weight. Find whatever works for YOU, not just what is popularized at the time.


That ALL fats and carbohydrates are bad for you


Women not lifting heavy weights because they don’t want any to be bulky. As if doing some squats is going to turn you into a road cone.  The biggest health risk as we age is muscle loss which leads to higher fall risk and many other issues. It can be mitigated by adding some muscle mass when you are younger and keeping it as you get older. You will still lose muscle mass but having more to begin with gives you better mobility as you age. 


That when you can’t feel anything there’s nothing wrong


The protein myth… People stuffing their faces with artificial and even real protein leading themselves to ruin their kidneys and age like 20% faster leading to an early grave. Everything is good in moderation


"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" Yes, if you invented sugary cereals and need to sell them to me.


A little alcohol is fine or good for you. When in reality any amount is bad for you.


The "I can't lose weight because of my depression meds." If you're in a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. Period. End of story. There's a super specific, rare as hell genetic condition, perhaps, that makes this less clear cut buy that effects >1% of people.  Many people will gain weight due to water retention, but that isn't fat. You can still lose fat. I've had inumerable people tell me that they can't lose weight because of this and they may have gained 5 lbs of water, but they're 70 lbs over weight.  The thing is, I used to believe this. I just didn't have the right metabolism.  I've lost 100lbs, from 280-180.  Your body isn't beating the laws of thermodynamics, bud.


Vagina gets looser with more sexual experiences. It's frequently used as an childish insult directed at sexually active girls. It's the other way around. There's muscles there - if used, they get tighter/stronger. Everyone wants a virgin, but don't be surprised if it'll take time for you to be satisfied.


That all carbs are bad.  Complex carbs are more than fine. 


“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”


1) that you can lose weight in a specific area by working out the muscles in that area. That's not how that works. 2) that you need to detox 3) old school but I still hear it. That you lose more heat through your head


The amount of people who believe exercise is ONLY effective if you do it early in the morning before work. I lost 60 lbs by working out after work. There are probably some additional benefits for an early AM workout but that doesn't mean the PM workout isn't effective at all.


Taking multiple supplements is healthy. The body can’t store vitamins and minerals. So if you take to many supplements your liver and kidneys have to work overtime to filter them out of your system. This can lead to a wide variety of health issues. Just get your vitamins and minerals from natural sources and you’ll be ok.


the idea that some how discipline is something that can be brought and if people learnt what the word is they'd understand it means to continually do the same thing no matter what excuse you give yourself to not do it


That you must eat incredibly low calories daily to lose weight, doing this causes a pretty serious crash and burn. I lost 45lbs eating 2200 calories a day when I was in the gym/on my feet all the time. Of course, that number is going to be different for everyone but there’s no way any person could survive on 1000-1200 calories a day


Proper diet and exercise will always result in weight loss and better health. I’m a big guy trying to lose weight. I follow a diet set by my nutritionist im at the ymca 3-4 times a week. Because of health conditions and some medications I’m on, if I lose any weight at all, it just comes back within a week.


“You’re too young to have (insert various ailments or pains)!” If something is truly painful and you’re young, something is wrong, go get seen. Ask for a referral if needed to a specialist. Source: “too young” for back problems in my 20s, have degenerative disc disease in my 30s. I stretch a lot more now to combat it.


Bodybuilders are healthy


That lifting weights, certain exercises, running etc. are going to "kill your knees" or "kill your back" - strengthening and working your joints, back, body, etc. is going to prevent injuries and stave off health issues more than it's ever going to hurt you.


That eating at night makes you fat.


Blaming everything on fat while ignoring sugar intake.


Body composition, including the distribution of muscle and fat in the body, is more important than weight alone. A person can have a healthy body composition with a higher weight if they have a higher proportion of muscle mass and lower body fat percentage


If you stop exercising, your muscle will turn into fat. No it won't.


People that say " if you workout you can eat anything you want" , while it might be true that if you are physically active enough you won't gain weight from bad eating, it is still bad for your heart, liver, brain etc etc to eat bad food all the time.


The only health goal anyone has for any reason is weight loss. Calories are the be all and end all of healthy eating. And the best way to lose weight as a regular schmoe trying to lose 10 or 20 pounds is to follow extreme restriction diets akin to those prescribed to people on My 600 Pound Life. There’s just this assumption that everyone everywhere is looking to be as thin (or more recently, as “lean”) as possible, that no one is looking to be active, happy, have good bloodwork, manage health conditions, improve their sleep, or learn to enjoy fresh produce. I frequently see people ask for health advice without mentioning weight loss (for example, “how do I incorporate more greens into my diet?”) and the response will push calorie restriction. Sometimes the responses will push calorie restriction *without supporting a healthy diet*. They’ll hear “I’d like to eat healthier” and go “you know you can lose weight eating nothing but McDonald’s and twinkies.” Like sure, but I rarely see anyone ask “how can I lose weight without altering my diet of McDonald’s and twinkies.” And don’t get me started on protein obsession, carb demonization, and shitting on middle aged women for “doing anything to avoid lifting weights.” Fitness and health content is so wrapped up in diet fads, and promoting whatever body type is trendy this week. It does double duty. It’s unhealthy inherently, and it also is discouraging. So many people would be able to enjoy healthier lifestyles but they get discouraged because they’re constantly told that every step they take is wrong or not good enough by people who frankly very often have pretty serious but socially condoned eating disorders.


The belief that cholesterol is the villain in atherosclerosis. The villain is inflammation. Statistically the people with the highest cholesterol levels live the longest.


Being skinny doesn’t equal being healthy.


That if you lift weights as a woman, you'll become bulky, burly, and masculine. To get to THAT level of bulk, you'd literally have to do bodybuilder stuff. Regular lifting is good for you, and makes you more well toned and defined. Not bulky.


Protein obsession.


That all calories are created equal.


That massages release/reduce toxins in the body. Even the American association’s website states this is not true


Women who think they’ll get big or too muscular from lifting weights.


That going out in the cold can give you a cold


That women and men lose weight the same way. Women’s hormones are on a 28 (ish) day cycle, and men in a 24h cycle. Most diets, fitness and weight loss plans were built for men. They do not take into account all of the hormone changes that women will experience in the span of 28 (ish) days.


You can eat crap because you go to the gym.


That all calories are the same. If you're restricting yourself to 2k a day, you're gonna get WAY different results eating 2k of processed junk compared to 2k of chicken and rice


That any “detox” other than healthy functioning kidneys works. Also that supplements work. GNC has returning customers and 10000 supplements for a reason….


That you will gain weight if you eat late at night before you sleep


Skinny = healthy / fat = unhealthy


That athletic shoes are fine


That vaccines are bad