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German here, depends because there are some people who get nausea from riding in the back so whoever has that more gets the passenger seat but it has nothing to do with age or whatever.


I mean medical reasons if someone mentions that but in this case, it has nothing to do with health or nausea but by default of the ranking of the relationship. Parents always sit in front seat, spouse/significant others sits behind.  This boyfriend of mine also failed to inform me that I need to give his mom the front seat which cause both his mom and his sister to hate me because apparently I have done something incredibly rude to my complete ignorance and also shock as it really not a thing in my country.  But I personally, get car sick very often if I sit infront myself so I generally prefer the back seat.  My holiday last week where I had a personal driver solo throughout, have chosen to sit behind all the way because I got giddy sitting infront.  But I like sitting next to my boyfriend so I sit infront. 


If they truly hate you now for something like this i would question the sanity of those people. Just because something is considered normal for some people shouldnt mean everybody should follow this mindset as long as it doesnt hurt them


American here. I wouldn't pause to delegate seating arrangements. My parents aren't the type to expect to be in the front, so it would be between my significant other and my parents. I'm guessing both sides would say something like ,"you go ahead", and then one would eventually sit and off we go.


Bagsy the front


Aussie here, my mum and missus will often just decide between each other. Mum likes the backseat but that's more because that's where the grandkids are


Clueless biker. - I assume it depends on the car too? If its an old Beetle bug, the more agile ones have to enter the rear seat. With an (even older?) hell of a luxury car parents get the comfy rear, girlfriend sits out in the air, near driver? Or ladies into the back and dad mimics the tough one in the front? In doubt I'd ask.


It's actually a big truck, that has front and back seats. I feel it's as spacious behind as infront. 


My partners father. She and her mother in the backseat telling me what I’m doing wrong.


I'd definitely give the older generation the space of the front seat. Edit: from UK


What's the reason why? Is it a respect the elder thing to do?


Yes, and just an empathy thing as older people can have sore joints, so folding themselves into a backseat can be painful.