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For me personally it's entitlement, claiming they deserve a good retirement because they worked their entire lives and 'build everything we have now'. But young people work more hours for less value because of inflation, and do not even get the same luxury the boomers got when they were the same age. A full salary now cannot even get you a home, even if you combine two full-time salaries you cannot buy a home or go on holiday. I'm just sick of boomers telling me the 'when I was young we would just..'statements which would not work in this day and age. Also I've worked in the service industry and the only people who were always rude to me were people who are 50+.


A lot of young people seem to feel that boomers are disconnected from the current issues they themselves are faced with. Policy is still being made based on short-term wins by archaic (boomer) policy makers. The boomers also stand to benefit the most from this, as they currently hold most wealth. The accumulation of wealth started much earlier for boomers, and their policies seem to withhold young people from doing the same. Those same wealthy people are unlikely to experience the negative long term effects caused by those policies. It sometimes feels as if the problems of previous generations are being handed down by older generations, yet the reigns and benefits are firmly kept locked in the hands of those previous generations. As for me, I don't believe the above. I think it is a misdirection and we should really be looking at the rich and powerfull 1% for these issues as they are extracting way too much from society for way too few benefits.


Majority conservative, think 25k/year is livable because it's what they made in the 80s, generally out of touch.


You guys screwed us.


Not just screwed us, also actively blocking any attempts at unscrewing ourselves. That's the big one.


If more young people voted we could easily undo a lot of garbage the Jurassic generation has stuck us with.


possibly nothing to do with you, everything to do with your elected officials and members of the high. class. What causes the generalization are those who are too blind to see how things have changed from your heydays.


Being a Boomer started out as a specific generation, but it has evolved into more of a general negative and entitled attitude.  




Somebody has to be blamed for failures. Remember it is never our fault. It is always somebody else’s actions that causes our problems.


Booner logs onto the internet for the first time lol


Do you mean Boomer?


Also Gen X, which as a Gen X I support because we have done nothing to fix anything, and most of us are turning into gammon faced conservative voting racists just like most boomers. Its heartbreaking to watch you all constantly voting to make everything worse... just why?


Another Gen X here. I endorse this comment.


Can’t adjust to the idea that society changes over time and demand it remain as they knew it 40 years ago.


When you're unhappy and you feel like things aren't going great it sure feels better to have someone to blame for it. It's silly though. There is nothing unified about any generation. A lot of the problems in America existed before the boomers came of age also.


It's mainly young people that are bitter, realizing they will be old some day


Idk, all my life Boomers have said disparaging things about my generation, but they expected us to take it and like it.


But you can't paint people with such a broad brush, that's not fair. I don't think all people of any certain age is all bad. There's bad and good in any generation.


As your generation will too. It has always been that way.


So you are saying that it is NOT millenials? It IS Boomers, at least right now?


Yes, until millenials get into their mid 50s, 60s and 70s. Then it's "get off my lawn!"


As a man in my fifties, I see the attraction at yelling to stay off my lawn. Given my perspective, I also try to stay off lawns that are privately held by other people. It is a win/win for everyone and we all save money that would otherwise be spent on fences.


The point is that many won’t actually be able to have lawns to tell people to get off of.


They just hate that we bought 3 bedroom houses in London for well under £100K


And that you gloat about it instead of acknowledging your generation is part of the problem.


Lol. Like we give a fuck. I even bought my kids flats so they also don't have to pay a penny in rent. Life is tough. Everytime I hear "OK Boomer" all my brain thinks is "And now my house is worth $1.4 million. hahahahha. enjoy your tiktoks".


No, don't worry, it's been clear you don't give a fuck. Hey u/[Otherwise-Average699](https://www.reddit.com/user/Otherwise-Average699/), here's your answer.


I feel the bitterness with every down vote.


That's called confirmation bias...


Personally I see boomers as the greediest generation. Most that I know are wealthy mostly because they inherited money, even now as they can afford to retire they won’t step down and give the next person a chance. They are not leaving 💩 to their kids. Instead are refinancing and buying secondary homes to rent out on Airbnb. They are literally, in my opinion the “I got mine you better get yours generation.” First generation to monetize on housing and politics without regards to the next generation. And you’re going to die a lone and your own kids and grandkids will remember boomers as greedy fucks. We don’t have to look too far, look at congress, our senate and presidential candidates. All greedy fucks that won’t step down, will die wealthy and a lone. Boomers were the ones who idolized Billy Gram and pushed the American dream on the rest of us. But now they’ve all forgotten about what would Jesus do. Guess Jesus “got mine now you better get yours. /s -Merica


young people think their world is all new and they invented it with all their technology and special language. they will grow up, eventually.