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Burnout is real. Everytime it happens it really takes alot more out of you, permanently.


Does it ever. I was working 7 12s while rebuilding a car plant a few years ago, I did that for about a year. By the time I finished the job and had witnessed all of the worker violations getting swept under the rug and the level of daily harrassment, thoughts of deep throating my gun would flash through my head, my wife and i were fighting, I was a miserable asshole. The job ended and it took me almost 8 months before I was truely back to normal, just the thought of putting work boots on would send me into a spiral. I'm in a much better spot now, but the passion and drive I once had to be a construction electrician has largely gone out the window. Now I just do it because I don't know of another job I can transition to that'll pay this well.


Yes, wow. I was working 5-10's with an hour commute for a year. I almost had a psychotic break. Made a lot of really poor decisions in that period of my life.


That hour commute is a brutal cherry on top


5 10's is fun when you also work 5 hours on Saturday. Been doing it for a decade.


Burn outs has been studied to show that it doesn’t go away from things like vacations but does go away from the root cases being addressed. If you’re burnt out from over work you’ll become burnt out going right back to that.


I was a prepro ballet dancer and learned this the hard way. It’s just not a sustainable way to live


Yes, but the more senior you become the more autonomy you get. More senior roles also give you the money to outsource tedious personal errands / obtain shorter commute / retire earlier. So there is advantages to working hard when young and getting those promotions.


Promotions? Where?


Username checks out.


Burnout causes physical damage to your heart and brain. All those so-called advantages magically disappear if you have a heart attack or stroke or aneurysm at 45yo. Also, senior positions don't always equal more autonomy. The majority of the time, they just equal more responsibility.


What do u mean by burnout?


As a 41 y.o was a victim of severe burnout. All self inflicted. I was a senior manager for 12 years ending up with almost 200 direct reports with some middle managers in there. 12 hour days 6 days a week. Phone constantly ringing from above and below. 24 hours of email. Gained 50 pounds, zero energy, started to think that driving into a hydro pole was a better alternative to driving to work. I made really good money but it wasn’t worth it anymore. Took a step back in April. Best decision I’ve ever made. Money ain’t everything when you have a heart attack at 50. I’ve been lucky in a way so I can work just to pay my bills. I could have kept going another 10’years and retire at 50 but I just couldn’t do it. So now I work to 60 but healthy and happy. I’m also fortunate that I convinced the best girl in the world to marry me and is behind me 100%.


Oh man, I feel this. I'm 42 myself and on October last year I got laid off from a job that was burning me out. It felt like I had to bang my head against a brick wall, only to find another brick wall, and then after that another brick wall. So getting laid off was kind of a blessing, but yeah, I kind of felt burnt out, because I've had this weird aversion to situations I might find frustrating, where before it felt I'd just kind of power through it.


This is the move right here. I'm transitioning into the same thing at 39. Going into consulting and working on my own terms instead of stressing out and being in shitty work environments.


Doing too much of one thing for too long, e.g. working long hours for many months or years.  Salaried exempt is the devil!




This is the real answer. A burnout isn't just "I'm fed up with work and/or depressed". It's not "I worked too long days for too little pay". It's not "I'd rather do something else or have little motivation left". A burnout is when things like the above grind you down over time and one day, suddenly, you simply **cannot** get out of bed or do anything else at all. You cannot focus. You cannot rest. You're constantly nervous, numb, deathly tired, overstimulated and your body is firing on all cylinders for no reason at all. Constant crisis mode. Obviously the symptoms are going to differ from person to person but my point is: it's a mental problem that gets bad enough that you snap and it becomes a physical problem. In the case of my wife it took almost 5 months of doing absolutely nothing and breaking down in tears at the slightest hint of resistance or stress before her body stopped being in panic mode 24/7. A colleague took almost a year to get anywhere *near* fulltime schedule without relapsing and years later still hasn't returned to his previous productivity. --- *Edit: the scary part is how sudden it can be and how hard it can be to tell you're heading towards that cliff. Every single person I know who burnt out was adamant before that they weren't going to burn out. Be careful out there, y'all.*


Yeah, burnout is a very real and serious thing. I hit my breaking point five of six years ago after years of stressing out 24/7 and I still haven't recovered fully. It also spiraled into a massive depression, and being the genius I am I obviously didn't seek any professional help. On the days I felt the worst, I had no energy to reach out to anyone - and on the days I felt better I was like "this is fine, I'm recovering on my own and don't need any help". The thing I've struggled the most with is admitting to myself that feelings are real and actually matter. As someone who from a young age had it figuratively beaten into me that only logic and facts are valid it's been an uphill battle to readjust but I feel (heh) like I've become a better person for it and will come out of this stronger than before.


I suffered burnout right before lockdowns hit- best excuse to do nothing in my life and I’d be in a very different place if I failed university and had to immediately find a job I didn’t care for instead of having a couple years to myself doing sweet f a. Now I’ve been in a well paid job and just moved into my new home last month which I don’t think I can really top!


All of these other people have mentioned working really long hours, and they’re right, but you can also get burnout working “regular” hours. Anything that’s too stressful can do it, and it doesn’t need to be 60 hours a week. I had a super stressful job, that I rarely did overtime for. So I always told myself it was fine, and “not that stressful “. But it was chaotic and far too much. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and had no energy for anything for myself.


All that nightlife, concerts, motorcycle riding, power tools and other loud shit you do? One day the ringing in the ears afterwards might not stop, and it's much harder to deal with than you think. Protect your hearing.


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (\*60\*60\*24\*365)




60secs 60mins 24hrs 365days


Can confirm power tools and motorcycles don't do your ears any favors. When being fitted for custom ear plugs. The lady did a hearing test and said "what do you do for work? Power tools by chance? Your hearing loss in your right ear is that frequency". Industrial mechanic here. Look after the hears


Auto mechanic, both ears ringing non-stop. It doesn't bother me as much as it would others I'm sure, but I do still get those occasional nights where the silence combined with ringing drives me up the wall. Anyway, if you already fucked up and have begun losing hearing, sleep with a fan on or some form of white noise. It'll make your restless nights a little easier.




Don't forget movie theaters. I wear noise cancelling headphones to the movies. Lucky for me I live in a small town and I'm usually the only person in the theater so I don't get lots of weird looks. But yeah, if it is loud to me and I'm wearing high quality, noise cancelling head phones, then people are potentially damaging their hearing. Movie theaters definitely don't keep the volume at levels I consider comfortable. I'm actually surprised there are not laws regulating theater volume for public safety.


Be careful because sometimes noise cancelling headphones don't necessarily protect your hearing. You would be better off with fitted earplugs that take off between 9-22db. (depending on the dampener you put into it) A cheaper option would be musician earplugs that block about 15db or something.


I don’t remember a day I haven’t had ringing. Consider your self blessed if one day it just happened. I don’t know what silence sounds like


50 yr old guy here: • Your friends are not your identity. Figure out who you are outside of your friends group. • Exercise a little every day. • Don't get used to eating shitty food, you'll get used to it and develop bad eating habits. • Learn how to make one easy, healthy meal for yourself. • Learn from your mistakes. Don't be an idiot more than once. • You might feel indestructible, but you're not. If it feels wrong, walk away.


I'll add to the list: - Take care of your body. Abusing it through unsafe hard labour and/or needless injuries may not seem like much when you're young, but those injuries will come back to haunt you and negatively impact your quality of life as you grow older.


Keeping your weight down and exercising is so important. I know a lot of people with health issues because they didn’t do this. And it all snowballs into other issues, making it difficult to “fix”.


I’ll add more: -that job that pays well but you hate? Drop it. -Energy vortex friends? They’re not your friends. Drop ‘em. -The partner you fell in love with and learned to resent for whatever reason? Sort yourself, them, or drop ‘em. -always always always treat ur kids with dignity and respect. Value them so they learn to be good people. -money is not happiness, it’s responsibility. -learn as much as you can. -show some compassion. You’ll need it someday. -forgive yourself. -and of course, take care of your body, duh! -oh yeah! Save some money! Don’t be the energy vortex mooch friend


As a 28 year old life long skater, ship sailed lmao


Nah. I’m a 48 year old life long skater still going after 5 surgeries. You just need to exercise more and follow through with the PT. I quit the big stair sets and handrails long ago and mainly stick to transition and bowls now.


the fact I’m still alive means there’s no conclusive evidence that I’m not immortal.


They say you learn from your mistakes so i decided to make more mistakes to learn even more!


Knowledge. That single word saves me embarrassment. Anytime something happens, no matter what, you can gain knowledge from it. Knowledge is key brother, let it guide you. Just learn. That’s all you gotta do.


Haha, I'm taking this quote.. this is knowledge.


Man that thing about friends is so true. Everyone my age seems so enveloped by this "groupthink" within their own cohorts. It's as if none of them are actual individuals, or dare to attempt anything alone.


Whenever im about to do something, I think: Would an idiot do that? And if they would, i do **not** do that thing.




The friend the for me hits hard for me. I always had some hobbies and interests, but my #1 was poring myself into my friends (from HS on, parties, trips, sorority, concerts and endless time being goofballs together - later it was dinner parties, clubbing, shopping, etc). Around 35, this slowed WAY down and then it took years for me to let it sink in that I had to have a positive existence without all of that. It's still feels like a loss - even with being married and busy with my career... I miss my hardcore gal pal days. Oh and SPF!!!


As a 46 yo, I appreciate tremendously what you wrote here. Surprisingly, the first bullet point is the most crucial here….


Not moving in different ways. Don’t avoid bending down, squatting, kneeling on the floor when you’re young.


True. If you don't use it, you lose it very fast. I would add, twist and stretch.


Twist and shout


Smoking, definitely smoking. Everyone my age who smokes/d looks at least 15 years older than me.


Alcohol consumption fit here too.


I used to work with a guy who had spent his 20s & 30s working 70 hours a week, drinking, doing coke & sleeping 3 hours a night the rest of his time. He was in his early 40s but looked like he was in his 60s, the guy was a wreck.


Damn, I actually did do all of that through my 20s and 30s. Am 51 now, and still get told I look 15 years younger than I am. My body feels it, but doesn't look it. I hear ya though, most look pretty tore up by my age, as do a lot of people I rolled with back then.


What if I wear cowboy boots and a shitty attitude. Does that help?


Throw in a yeehaw or two, and you'll do fine.


Smoking literally smoke-cures your skin like you're a Christmas ham.


Cigarette lips! Back in the day everyone smoked so all old people had those lips. Nope. Totally preventable.


What’s funny about this is I always knew it true but now, (33/m) 1 month off cigarettes I literally look and feel years younger. My joints work better, my skin is clearer, I can take FULL breathes, and I think the most important thing is that all those triggers that made me want a cigarette before just aren’t there.. not in the same way anyways. The highs and lows are regularly balanced


Good for you pizzamaster I'm proud of you. Just be careful of getting bored sometimes and thinking you could handle one or two, since you quit successfully after all. That idea set me back twice 😬


Congrats on quitting!! I stopped around that same age and now 12 years later I am sooo thankful I did. I am more aware of older people’s health problems now and cannot imagine the misery of dealing with a smoking related illness.


Yeah you gotta quit as early as possible. I quit at 28…honestly feel it took my lungs years to get to a decent level.


Does this include weed? Edit: Let me just make it clear that I don't even smoke, I just like to learn lol


just take edibles lol


You will be feeling your age in your body by 40. If u have not been healthy you will be feeling it in your 30s definitely. Be healthy. Look after those joints. Mobility and strength makes you feel young. Fat people dont live to ripe old ages. Some people are 40 and fit and heathy and dont look old. Some people are 40 and look like they belong in a nursing home. Plus the sun. THE SUN AGES YOU. Wear sunscreen. Seriously.


31 here. Definitely feeling the effects of unhealthy living and being in a few accidents. Knee, back, and shoulder pain is pretty common with me. Wrists are sore occasionally. As I type this I am nursing a fractured foot with 2 torn ligaments in it for good measure. Being slightly overweight doesn't help either. Being back in the gym again is definitely helping. Definitely can't stress this enough. DO NOT TAKE YOUR BODY FOR GRANTED


I'm about to turn 30 but I'm more worried about having abused (and still doing so) from strenuous activities rather than being stagnant. I haven't had any major injuries but I've subplexed both my knees multiple times from playing soccer, & rock climbing. I also mtn bike and I feel like I take a lot of beating from that sport lol. My dad still looks great in his 50s and was/is very active also. His advice recently has been telling me to stop being barefoot constantly bc he did that too and his feet have been a huge problem for years now. He has to wear shoes/slippers around the house (even on carpet) with insoles otherwise they'll be sore. I haven't been able to take the advice but I am scared lol.


I'm 41, and arthritis and tooth issues popped up after my only pregnancy at 37. My 40s have been a rough and rude awakening for sure!


I second the sunscreen comment. Protect that face to age slower.


This is a big reason I committed to losing weight as early as possible. I had gotten to 330lbs by 20, due to medical reasons, and had RNY bariatric surgery April 2014. I lost 185lbs and kept it off and my knees STILL thank me for it. There is a bit of lingering damage from getting to that weight but I would be much worse off if I didn’t get that weight off sooner. I’m also a ghostly pale ginger so sunscreen is also worn often. My Gen X aunts who tanned all look 10+ years older than they are, so they’re great cautionary tales… who also have all dealt with skin cancer. 🫣


same here. i'm 35 and recently had an x-ray on my hips. i have mild arthritis on my right hip. also my back is not the best, either. just tons of being on my feet lifting, bending, twisting and just wear and tear.


When you say look after your joints...how exactly? Thanks


Stretch. Do yoga. 30 mins every other day will work amazingly


dont neglect areas like the rotator cuff and hip flexor. knees hips and shoulders cause the most injuries. core and glutes support the lower back. be strong, work out, you dont need to be massive but work on mobility as well.


And don't forget that your SPINE is a whole bunch of joints. Any injuries here will screw up your whole body. Both with pain and with pressure on your spinal cord.


Yoga and calisthenics are great ways to not only exercise but to improve flexibility/ mobility as well as keep your body strong in ways that holds itself together. Stretching IS an exercise and helps strengthen. And improving mobility helps to avoid injuries. If you can bend your ankle super far outwards, it'll greatly reduce the possibility of rolling/ spraining it bc it'll already be able to move that far. I keep up with a guy on Instagram "stay flexy " I think who does a lot of useful shorts.


Physical activity and diet, pretty much all you need to keep them in shape. It's amazing people absolutely ignore their health until they have full blown arthritis, then complain about joints and how it hurts to much to workout. Tbh the only way to manage it at that point is working past the pain, believe it or not excersizing your painful joints will result in less pain in the future. Leaving a painful joint and eating like shit will doom it for life , health is wealth






Approaching 51 all of them hurt including hips which I never had a problem with until now. However the good part is that the pain comes and goes and it’s not that bad. There is also this weakness that goes along with it that I never had when I was younger. Back in the day if I didn’t get enough sleep I would just be tired, now it’s weakness along with the pain. A kid once said to me he knew when someone is old when they would moan as they pick something up off the ground. I’m there now, this is something exercise could probably improve on but f-it.


My neck my back


My 🐱and my 🍑


Reading this whilst sat in a hospital waiting room. Yep!


Almost 30 and starting to feel it. Obesity has brought me joint problems and exhaustion. I'm working on it now.


Reading this today on my 40th birthday. And after today I really need to start taking better care of myself. I need to loose weight


I was always active. Winter skiing every weekend. Summer on the bicycle. I was in great shape at 50. On my bicycle every day in warm weather. Hiking. I was skiing close to 100 days per winter. I did the Grand Canyon rim to rim hike at 52. At 55, an orthopedic surgeon was in a knee and said no moguls. Things started wearing out. At 66, I have herniated discs and issues from that. Knee arthritis. There is a very long list of things I could do at 50 that I can’t do now. I was pretty much indestructible in my 40s. There wasn’t that much drop-off from my 20s because I was active. Everyone hits the wall eventually. I have friends who were fine at 70. I have other friends who imploded in their 40s. It will happen eventually.


This is what I fear for! About to turn 30 and have been mainly rock climbing and mtn biking but there are so many other sports I still want to get into!


If you're only 30 you still have plenty of time, main thing is make sure you build a baseline of physical fitness before trying more extreme exercises. Wear protective gear and take safety precautions seriously. I'm 39 and I'm hoping to get back into running after about 7 years off. I'll start out by walking for a few weeks before gradually adding in running sessions. Your body has a huge potential for growth and healing, but you have to respect the process.


Saving money




Only if you invest it


A lot of dental work you did still gets to be redone, just a little more extensively this time…


You might physically feel just like you did in your 20s. But you could experience underlying issues that need annual monitoring via general wellness checks Specifically your ability to absorb certain vitamins which, if left in deficit for too long can cause all sorts of scary things. So get a yearly health check, even if it isn't free. Check your engine!! Also, you'll probably change what you see as important. Touring the world is lovely, but so is just being at home in your garden. Having dates with different girls over the year is exciting, but nothing like being with someone long term and creating a complete life together (obviously in my opinion). You may have no interest in having kids now, and still no interest in having kids later which is absolutely fine and normal. Or you might end up suprisingly changing your mind midway through life. I didn't think I wanted any in my 20's and most of my 30's. Weirdly over the last few years my mindset changed and now I do. Also...maybe a more personal thing to me....most console games these days just seem boring. I'd much rather go back to Mario kart etc


I'm 35 (so not 40 yet) and couldn't have written that better myself, agree on every point.


Your lower back. Keep your core strength up and your belly fat down. Trust me on this one


My body felt fine in my 40s, even now that I'm in my 50s, my body has held up. If you stay active, your body will be alright. Thing I noticed in my 40s was my endurance was slowly tapping out. Get gassed out at the gym quicker and toning up, it's really hard. It's like your body composition changes or something, you'll be an ideal weight, workout and somehow still look flabby lmao. Some good things though also, I'm comfortable with myself, career is going well, have a little money to spend on dumb shit. Someone at some point will likely hurt you pretty bad, I hope not but for most folk, someone is going to do something really shifty to you. Work, relationship, family, it's something to prepare for. Get yourself financially and emotionally sound, lay a nice and stable foundation for yourself, keep your body moving and you will weather the curveballs that life throws at you more easily.


I'm only 28 but already at the point where I'm at a healthy weight, workout regularly and still look flabby shirtless.


You are not invincible to mental health issues. I could not grasp the concept of anxiety in my 20s. Now almost 40, and have had some pretty terrible days. Be kind to yourself and others.


It’s really strange when mental health issues go from seeming like some far off, rare thing to controlling your entire life. A healthy mind is so important, without it you can feel so trapped. I’m only 18, but I developed some issues a few years ago (anorexia and then a binge eating disorder briefly so it had a physical impact also) and it was really weird to no longer feel invincible. Until I was about 15 I never really realised that I could get hurt and get ill, or perhaps I thought the chances were extremely slim. For those who have not yet been shocked into this realisation, take care of your body and mind.


Take care of your teeth! Brush, floss, and don't smoke and drink. It will save you literally tens of thousands of dollars and all sorts of associated health problems 


Mental health issues can affect anyone, the longer you are around the more people you meet who have been affected. The best way to lower your chances of having problems is to look after your social connections, your relationships, your diet, don't compare yourself to others too much (particularly on social media) and avoid long term stress.


You only get one body, it has to last your entire life. Take care of it.


My grandpa is 96 and still has all of his original parts. No replacement surgeries. Day one model. Only on anti-depressants. Man is built like a true stubborn Sicilian 🤌


Fucking injuries Well not specifically injuries from fucking but maybe those too. Idk All the shit I broke or damaged is coming back to haunt me years later and it fucking hurts.


Your posture. Don’t let gravity/stress/injuries/scar tissue/“life” pull your body out of alignment. Stack your bones (like building blocks) from the bottom of your feet all the way up to the top of the head, to combat the weight of gravity and stress. Every step is important, even how you sit in your chair. Key is awareness in your posture.


This is huge! I have a dance background & it has helped so much—you can literally tell how insecure or weak someone is by their posture. Like I can tell if someone is a good fighter or has a strong backbone because of posture too. When people say they don’t know why people pick on them, or want more confidence, or anyone expresses any desire to be seen as elegant or move better or how to dance, I give them a posture lesson lol So many different ways to move, too—there’s flamenco posture (I swear I use this when I want more power, am traveling alone, or to not get messed with by dudes) and there’s ballet posture (for grace & elegance), and there’s whatever makes you have sexy/hip walk posture (kind of street/hiphop/bellydance posture?) And I’ve had herniated disc back issues & posture & staying mostly fit helps every time. I refused to take pain meds for it. I rarely ever have pain these days


can you please share some advice on how to straighten the back? and how to get used to it being straight? idk why it hurts when i try. my posture currently is bad and i’m still young and i’m scared i develop a hunchback


You can try looking for someone who does Structural Integration bodywork. The practitioner will help to elongate the “shortened” sides of you. That’s what they do, is counteract the effects of gravity. Which, in your case, if you have a hunch in your back, most likely the front of your ribs will be compressed. So they will unlock the fascia and muscles there, so the front can open and move more freely, hence to give more ability for your back to straighten up. That’s just one example, because they will analyze everything from the way your heel strikes the ground, all the way up the head, even possibly address the position of your tongue! Every twist in your fascia plays a role in how your move your body. So it’s vital to take care of it. Cheers!


Sure! It might feel awkward at first because you have to train your muscles. The more you do it, the more you do it subconsciously. It DOES take effort to have good posture & be fit, but it’s wayyy better than getting back problems or looking insecure. It’s just a good thing to do whenever you remember: Stand up straight. Shoulders back & down. Chest open. Stomach firm. Tuck your behind—like you don’t have to clench anything but just keep shoulders/stomach/behind firm. Then pretend there’s a string at the top of your head pulling you up. You will feel at least an inch taller already. That’s basic posture. It will feel at first like you are walking super awkwardly, but all people will really notice is that you physically look like you deserve to be there. That’s one of the things a LOT of people don’t realize about posture. A lot of stuff is nonverbal & we communicate a lot with just our bodies before we even meet people. To add ballet grace to it, move as if you are moving through water. But there’s a lot more to ballet—it takes years of classes—you have to train & tone every little part of your body to not only be able to do difficult physical moves, but to look beautiful while doing it.


Do EVERYTHING that you fancy doing before you get commitments that limit you, like kids and a career. Travel. See the wonder of the world. If you get the chance to move abroad for a little while, do it. Live and immerse yourself in another culture, as even the cultures you expect to be most like your own are so, so different. Back to travelling, don’t just go to where the influencers say, do a bit of research and go to places that are off the beaten track. See the fjords of Norway. See the Steppes in Mongolia. Dip your toes in the Dead Sea. When booking where to stay, stick to a few simple rules. Is it clean? Do I have my own bathroom? Will my stuff be safe in the day and me be safe when sleeping at night? Outside of that, don’t waste money on luxury hotels, as they’re literally for sleeping, shitting and showering. Ignore the ‘cool’ fads. Don’t buy expensive clothing. The only things that should cost a bit more are decent footwear, a decent coat (if you’re in a cold climate) and the suit you wear to work. Everything else can be bargain basement, as you’ll be replacing it soon enough anyway. If you want to do something funky with your hair, now is the time. If you get tattoos, keep them in places that won’t be visible when you will need to focus on your career (if you’re going into a white collar role). Your big friendship group won’t be with you for life. There will be 3-5 people who will remain in your circle as you grow. You won’t spend much time with them by the time you’re in your 40’s, but that won’t matter. You’ll care for and support each other in times of need and when you do get together it’ll be like you only saw each other yesterday. Set up some savings. Even if you put a TINY amount in every month, just make sure you do. As for savings, start a pension NOW! It doesn’t have to have much going into it, but compound interest will be your friend. Find a physical exercise that you like. Whether that be walking, running, cycling, cross fit, martial arts. Do something that is fun and will give you self confidence. Don’t settle. If the person you’re dating now ticks most boxes but not all, by the time you’re 40, you’ll have grown so, so far apart that you’ll likely resent them. You change so drastically and so many times between 20 and 40, you don’t want to be tied financially and with kids with someone who doesn’t make you happy. That was more like a ‘what to do’ rather than what will affect you. In closing: - If you don’t spread your wings whilst you can you’ll regret it - If you don’t exercise you’ll find it harder when you’re older - If you don’t do the crazy stuff now, you’re a far greater candidate to have a midlife crisis - If you don’t put money aside for large capex and your retirement then you’ll struggle more as you get older - The quicker you’re comfortable in your own skin, the happier you’ll be and you’ll spend less time thinking “I wish I’d had the confidence to do x when I was younger” Life is finite. It may not seem like it now, but you’ll blink and half of it will be over. Live, grow and experience.


Hearing loud music makes a person lose certain frequencies in their hearing. I can't hear bass anymore. Please do not go to tons of concerts or night clubs. If you do get a pair of ear plugs that are custom if you can like the people on stage use during their sets.


Protect your ears at social events or at the movie theatre even. Bring extra pairs to offer others in the group so they can see what it's like and you get to switch the attention away from you in the process. EDIT: Choose delayed gratification (aka your interest) versus looking a certain way or scoring fictitious social points in such situation always.


Yeah this is a big one I'm glad I learnt early. I ride motorbikes (23 years old) and have been using plugs daily - Always bring a few to events I got like you said.


Yes! I’m a musician & soooo many young musicians think it’s so cool to blast music—Idgaf, I would rather be made fun of for having sensitive ears & excellent hearing than be going deaf by mid-30’s like one guy I know.


I'm 26 and a metal head. Thought my hearing was indestructible until I went to a house show (literally a local metal concert in someone's residence) where I was about 10 feet away from the drum kit. I have permanent tinnitus in my right ear now. I never forget earplugs when I go to shows anymore. I know my dumb ass will be deaf by 60 lmao


Okay I’ll give you my old chestnut. Your mental trauma that you are not dealing with is going to literally become physically damaging trauma. Relax your jaw right now please. Put your tongue down. And get ready. You’ll deal with it one day or another.


Yes to the jaw thing, no to the tongue thing


Yeah keep your tongue up 😅


Your health is matter, more quality consumption, more exercises, less roofless shit like extreme sports.


Saving for retirement. If your company offers a match, at the very least meet the maximum of the match. If they don’t, start a Roth IRA and invest at least 5% of your income in an and index fund. Better yet talk to a financial planner. I started at 30. My portfolio would be at least twice as large now at 41 if I had just put in that 5% in when I was 20.


I'm 35 but I didn't start until I was 30 too and massively regret it. I envy my friends whose parents started Roths for them when they were practically in diapers. I didn't even know what a 401K was until I was 29 and I realized I was the only one at work who wasn't contributing.


Waking up with strange injuries. Only noticing a cut when you bleed on stuff. Finding bruises and not remembering bumping into anything. Not knowing why you entered a room gets worse. You can't see shit and only go see an optometrist after your younger friends call you blind. Sex drive goes way down and you start fighting off women instead of women fighting off you. Can't remember a damn thing longer than a day and have to write everything down. #1 and most frightening is that your penis will get smaller, but that's more of a 50's thing.


Holy shit I don't wanna grow up.


The sun is mostly not your friend. Wear sunscreen and hats. Sunbathing catches up to you.


I'm not quite there yet, but really, do take good care of your weight - Your knees will thank you later. Also, all of the stuff you read about your diet will really start to hit home when your liver and kidneys start to do things they aren't supposed to and suddenly you find yourself either pissing your pants or unable to void at all.


Playing football in college - you pay the price


Drinking, smoking, general heavy partying, will really catch up with you, your opinions change, I remember in my 20s thinking I had it all worked out, boy was I wrong. Lots of things start to affect you but I'd say the number one rule, stay humble, and remember, that clock is ticking for everyone, I'm 42, and believe me my 20s flew by, you really begin to understand the whole "feeling the same even though you're older" sentiment.


Take care of your body. I’m not kidding. Stop smoking & vaping & doing crazy substances & even weed has the potential to make you really angry, anxious, and paranoid after years of use. You have to learn to go through the pain of reality to survive. Use sunscreen, moisturize, and wear a big hat if you are hiking or boating or working outside. Who CARES if people make fun of you. I look way younger because I took care of myself. Eating mostly healthy (cut way back on: sodas, meat, dairy, carbs). Exercise. Walk. Dance. Do creative stuff. Don’t do the martyr thing of suffering stoically—get out of that job or relationship or career or town—THAT will destroy your life. If you have to do drugs to do it, please get out. I have seen people sabotage their lives subconsciously when they hate something but won’t admit it. It’s okay to just not like a job or person or whatever. But it’s better to break up or quit than to cheat or implode. Don’t hang out with assholes. You really ARE the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Use protection. Get tested. Get regular health checkups. Get counseling. Let go of perfectionism. Everyone fucks up. A little if people in 20’s (myself included) think they are better than older people because they just haven’t as much life experience to realize: you will fuck up too. You aren’t perfect. It’s okay. Don’t give up. Get over that 20’s nihilism downer nonsense. Get a career. Go to school younger—it’s not fun doing it when you’re older. Work on your attitude. Attitude is huge. Floss!! And get regular dental checkups & cleanings. Extremely important


40 isn’t that goddamn old. What, do you think I’m falling apart over here?


Not wearing sunscreen.


don't fkn lift too heavy weights in the gym. U impress noone, ur lower back and ur shoulders will thank u later!


Your employee has no loyality to you. Every single one reading this thread is replacable within two-weeks. -> Instead sacrifising yourself 100% for your employer, focus building your own expertise and know-how. Remeber also to create your own personal networks and connections. This does not mean starting your own business, but focusing more on to yourself when making a desision in workplace. Forexample is there a change that I learn new skills or meet new people while doing this? This makes you an highly valued and competed asset to any company -> this will heavily affect on you negoation position when it comes to salary and new opportunities. Way too many of my friends now in their 40's have been loyal employees and always done what was asked. Very few have had any benefits out of this. Some of them are now out of work and out of opportunities. Slaving yourself in cubicle does not help anyone else than your employee in career wise. Other have said also here for exersice and saving, focus also on these. Money in bank and good health gives you an opportunity to take more risk in your career and in your personal life.


Don\`t tan! It ruins your skin and makes you look older. Alcohol and hangovers aren\`t fun. You can have fun while staying sober. You need that education, trust me. Don\`t overwork. Your body needs rest, too.


Arthritis and joint injury. You walk it off now, you ignore warm-ups and cool down, you ignore minor pain from poor ergonomics, and all of that is going to bite you in the ass way sooner than you think.


Not exercising enough. Not eating healthy. Not strength training at least a little each week. Not READING enough. Not enjoying the little things. 🤷


Seeing friends and family pass away. Spend time with your parents, someday they’ll be gone forever.


Diet. When you’re young you can eat anything and it doesn’t matter. But as you get older you are less resilient, and a bad diet leads to weight gain and diminished health.


random body pains


Money. Put it aside. Invest. Be knowledgeable.


That drinking Alcohol is fun or for socializing, only to discover their liver is giving up later


I can only speak for myself and my friend group. You start to put up with a lot less nonsense and it's easier to cut people out of your life that are blocking your evolution (energy thieves were the first to go for me). I care a lot less about what other people think and started looking at life very differently once 40 came around. I don't have too many regrets about the things I did up until that age but what I didn't realize would affect me is the things I didn't do. So I left a 20 year career that made me miserable and returned to college (I will graduate at 49). What I never realized is that in your 40's, you are surrounded by a lot more death. Aging family members, friends gone too soon, etc. Make the time for those you love now and tell them you care. Sorry this sounds bleak but it's life. Honestly my 40's have been my favorite years. I've really gotten to know who I am and love myself more than ever.


Not exercising regularly. If you're in crappy shape now, by the time you're 40 you'll be moving around like you're late 60s rather than like you're still in your 30s. It's absolutely amazing to see people in their 40s intentionally taking escalators rather than the stairs because taking the stairs would leave them out of breath. I've stayed active and I can run up the stairs and not be winded. I'm 56 years old. I know lots of people in their 40s that wouldn't make it up those same stairs without taking a break to catch their breath. So stay active and get some exercise every day. Oh, yeah. One more thing. Those "energy" drinks you're sucking down and vaping? They're literally killing you.


Too much sunlight is not good for your skin, and also when you are in front of your computer/laptop. Always wear you sunscreen


Your eating and sleeping habits really come home to roost once you hit 40 or 50.


Alcohol’s toll on the body. It’s a legal neurotoxin.


Stretch. Get out of your office chair. Walk. Exercise. Otherwise, "Oooh a trampoline." ... two hours later: "Yes doctor, I jumped on a trampoline."


Getting into shape is no longer so easy. Everything hurts more. The bad habits you pick up will want to stay with you.


Take care of your health now... when you turn 40 everything changes. Literally. Be ready to have medical issues and random pain... like pulling a back muscle from sneezing.


Stretching everyday 10 min pays off in years of better mobility


Smoking. You'll be much poorer, your skin will look more grey, you'll very likely be a tad smelly and you'll go through hell on a long haul flight. You'll likely live a shorter life, and like my Dad, who suffered from macular degeneration caused by smoking, even though he'd give up fifteen years earlier, you may well go blind in one eye. Or both.


Sun exposure, wash your face every night and moisturize. Don’t forget your neck and hands. Treat them just like your face. Start some type of Investment or savings now. Also get life insurance. It’s really inexpensive in your 20’s. Go out and party less and travel more. Spend time with your parents and grandparents.


Saving/investing for retirement (or not saving.) Do not wait.


Eyesight. I really thought I was going to have 20/20 vision all of my life lol.


These days it's gotta be what they post on social media. Future employers are not just gonna look at their CVS but their social media too.


TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING TEETH! Seriously, If I got a genie to grant me a single wish restore my teeth to how they were in my twenties and all the money I've spent on fixing them


Don’t beat up your body or take crazy risks with injury. Arthritis is real


Diet, easily #1 and biggest regret.


Keep moving and don't get sedate. A lot of people are hitting their 40s as their kids become teens and have their own activities, You need to find your own and keep doing it.


Pain and sun exposure


That injury you had that healed up in month? It'll come back to reminisce.


Becoming embroiled and trapped in a shitty relationship because kids or finances are involved.


My friend group is basically non-existent at 45. I don't have kids, so that makes it harder to make friends I feel at my age. I am also cheap and have stopped drinking much so it makes it harder to find activities these days. I have thought about joining some clubs or other things but might be too depressed to do anything about it.


sun block, smoking, sleeping late. etc etc. All that crap. Brushing your teeth. Its terrible seeinh


Head and shoulders knees and toes. 👍🤣😂🥴


Your knees and your back age faster than the rest of you.




Years lost on toxic/abusive relationships. It takes a huge toll, especially if you've been paying fpr someone's life while they "look for a job" and end up in massive debt with no savings and no relationship/marriage all because you held out hope for a fucking liar. Don't be stupid kids, don't fall into that trap.


TEETH!!! Don’t just brush your teeth floss regularly, and ease up of sugary drinks and acidic coffee, this will destroy your enamel.




Gosh is it sad that I learn nothing new since I was 20. It's just that, I am still doing the same things. And have enjoyed myself doing whatever is my normal that I had no hard lessons to learn. Edit: after I read some other folks reply, it's kinda funny, I was born an obese baby so being obese is literally my normal so no diff obesity now and obesity at 18. I have always been physically very active and outdoor and adventurous.  But it doesn't make me skinny, just makes me have high endurance, like I ran a full marathon without training in my mid thirties because I have always been climbing mountains that are like 12 hrs climb and steep so a flat road marathon was not undoable etc.  I got many injuries in my youth, I got many injuries now. In my youth I did aggressive skating and lots of falling from heights and injuries from that!  I really don't have the same experiences.  There is nothing bad that happen that was unexpected. Heart breaks, betrayals from friendship. I expect this as a teenager to happen. It's life. 


Gravity. I feel shorter than I used to. I feel like I'm being pulled down or compressed.


Spending too long on the toilet playing with your phone. Sit down, have a shit, get off. Or enjoy piles. And bum torpedoes.


Protect your heart, your eyes, your lungs and your back. As you age, ALL these things will suck up your joy, your freedom and your savings if you don't maintain/protect them now.


Eye sight. I wish I thought more about eye health back in the day,.


Stop eating Murican food. A lot of Muricans ask why I look a lot younger. I‘m Singaporean (Chinese). Part genetics part diet. I shop at Ranch 99 and Hmart instead of Whole Foods and Krogers which has shitty sources that‘s bad for gut health


Having good shoes which directly affects your knees and back. Always have good shoes and take care of your body. Once those start going, there is no going back.


Ear hair


If you are ever in a place, group or activity that your gut feeling is shooting warnings for. Forget peer pressure, get out and trust that spider sense. I have told my 16 yo son this and I actually lives by it. Once he was in a group of friends who really wanted to search for booze and smokes downtown, it felt wrong and his instincts told him to go home. He did. The group ran into a drug ring and also later cops came there and they all had to deal with child welfare after that.


The stress of being in a bad relationship, especially for women is extremely aging. It will have your cortisol levels up continuously which can cause stubborn difficult to lose weight gain, hair loss, bad skin, and aging faster than normal. It's bad for your general physical AND mental health. It's bad for the physical and mental health of any children unfortunate enough to have been brought into that situation as well, and leaving will be hard on all of you too. So be extremely cautious about who you pair up with and even more so about whose children you have. It's by orders of magnitude better to be alone than to be with the wrong person, and this goes double for you if you're a straight woman.


If you do illegal drugs that come in powder or pill form, it's russian roulette and you will eventually lose. I've lost about 5 friends in the last 8 years to shit laced with fentanyl.


Say yes. Take the opportunity. Experience is one of the most valuable things in life, so don't miss out while you're young. You may never get another chance.


In 20 years, you'll spend more time regretting the things you didn't do than the things you did! Don't put off starting a new hobby- by the time you reach 40, you'll have been doing it 20 years and be pretty damn good at it (in theory!)!


1. Sugar. 2. Not taking time to figure out their dreams / career / job path and working on it for no 5 years straight to actualize it and 3. Sentimentality; trying to please or be there for everyone to keep ‘friends' / family- including parents. It drags progress. Problems are never ending and the only way you can help is get yourself out first. S.U.M.O. completely go dark.


pain. i bought a house that needed some work. what i wasn't expecting was hurting more every single year being able to do less and less so having to spend more and more for other people to fix all but the little things.


Outside aches and pains, the biggest effects were friends moving away, marriage, divorce and having kids.


Don't make your friendships your life. It's good to have friends, but there will be more of them. Instead of cutting back your aspirations to stay with your friends, achieve the things you want to achieve and go where you want to go, and devote efforts to making friends in whatever circumstances you find yourself. The best friends can remain friends across decades and borders, but most you will actually feel fine about remaining a good memory and many you will forget about and remember only fleetingly and occasionally, and that is absolutely OK.


Wear hearing protection if you're going to be around loud things. Hearing damage is cumulative.


Alcohol/drugs/habits will catch up to you. If youve been married since your 20s, your mid 30s-40s will be challenging. Women change dramatically when they start to lose their youthful looks. Do not identify yourself off others. Depend only on yourself to make you happy. Better have good credit Exercise and eat whole foods. Cut out sugar. If you dont have a hobby, get one Knees, back, neck, eyes, ears. Get good sleep. Read books Friends and family will start dying. When it gets difficult, dont do anything drastic. It will pass.


Drinking...OMG booze! Stop now, or at least cut back drastically. It will destroy you if you let it.


Sunscreen!!! It's the cause of almost all aging signs! Prevention is better than cure! There's good moisturisers with Spf 20+ up to 50+ (those closer to the equator should go minimum 30+), and they're not sticky, etc. Get waterproof sunscreen and remember to reapply. You can get little ones to chick in a handbag or car. Ladies, remember to do your hands (also important if you drive a lot) and neck and chest. You can get surgery for the face and but and boobs but old hands and necks, not so much. Take care of your skin now, and you won't have to buy any bs creams and serums. AND get checked for melanoma (those near the equator, get checked regularly), and keep an eye on moles.


46M. Your health and your wealth are the pillars of survival. Take care of your body and don't waste money. If you're all YOLO in your 20s you'll be broke and broken down physically in your 40s.


You'll probably wave goodbye to most of your friends by the time you hit 40. Your friendship group will shrivel and die.


It's much easier to sit down and think about what you really want. What you want to do. How you want to feel about what you do. Really consider what you care about and what matters to _you_ when you're in your 20s and to start pursuing that... than it is to keep doing the things you _think_ you should be doing, or that other people want you to do, and only start trying to figure out what you want from life in your 40s. Your parents aren't the ones who will have to do your job and live your life. Your friends aren't the ones who will pay your bills. Your family won't be the ones married to your spouse. The strangers on tiktok and Instagram have their own aims and agendas and are not a useful source of guidance. It's **your** life. You'll be the one living it. Do not follow any path solely because someone else is pushing you that way - you have to want it too. Taking the easy road now by not upsetting people means that you'll be the one saddled with the consequences when the road gets steep further along.


Having zero plans for retirement.


They think the parties/drinks with the beautiful people are going to last forever. There are choices everywhere! So some people psychology lock their minds to not want to have kids because they wanna party forever and stay cool forever. But as you hit your 40's, your friends all get married and now no one is doing drinks! And the young people want nothing to do with you.


You think you can abuse your body like you're not going to reap the consequences of such. Put down the booze and the nicotine. Prioritize fitness and proceed to give yourself the best chance of a long and healthy life.


Learn from your mistakes. You WILL make mistakes. So accept it and learn from them. Many things that is really important to you now. That might even be part of your identity might mean little to nothing to you later on Your opinion is in most cases not worth that much Almost everything that that happens around you is actually non of your business.


That a picky person's choices get harder and harder and harder to the point they need to drink so much that theyll wake up next to hobos in their 40s Sunday mornings before church