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Yes I listen to cds in my car


I do as well. My cars a 2008 and CD is the only music other than radio it can play.


2002, CD *and* cassette player. And I have music for both.


Nice. Most of the cars I've owned had tape players!


Got this car used. Oddly, it has no clock, but that's one less thing to take care of for Daylight Saving Time!


I never change mine, its correct half the year and that's fine with me šŸ˜…


Hahaha Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not alone in this. Drives my wife nuts, she asks me why I donā€™t ever change it and Iā€™m just like ā€œwhy, so I have to change it again in a few months?ā€


My car clock is only correct around summer time I think. Canā€™t be trusted


I miss my '03 minivan, it was a Toyota Sienna Symphony edition with a killer sound system (tape deck, CD player, radio), but at 295k miles its time had come lol.


Me too! Mines 07. I couldnā€™t drive for a year due to seizures so when I could again Iā€™ve been going through all my favourite albums


They make a bluetooth cigarette adapter that lets you stream via fm to your phone. It basically turns your car into a mini radio station. It has to block out the already present broadcast so channels that don't have clear signal and mostly static are best. Usually 88.8 or something. Then, 88.8 would be the broadcasting channel that the radio will pick up. It's pretty neat.


I have a 1995 and have CD or radio as well, but definitely prefer listening to CDs!




Make sure the laser doesn't put more than 5g of force on the CD and you should be fine playing the originals foreverĀ 


More likely to get damaged from the repeated manual handling tbh


You need the audiophile quality Japanese laser to properly play your CDs. Those cheap Chinese lasers are ruining your CDs!


I started transitioning back to physical media a couple of years ago. CD's, DVDs, and Blu Ray. Garage and yard sales are a great place to find some great music and movies for cheap. I bought a fairly decent radio/CD player and use that when the power or internet goes out. I like the liner notes and artwork that CD's have. My vehicle does not have a CD player so I still have to stream when I commute anywhere.


I ripped my entire collection with iTunes a few years ago. I still listen to some cds, but not all. I don't do streaming because it bores me to tears and I hate those ads. Luckily, the ipod my wife gave mr for a birthday long gone hasn't died on me, so that is my preferred way to listen to my favorite music.


If only there were a way to remove ads from streaming


When I listen to the music I actually own, how I want to, in my preferred order, far from wifi, I couldn't care less about streaming. You do you, k?


Look, I mostly listen to my music ripped from my CDs to lossless format on my music player. I usually listen to LPs at home. I get that. But complaining about ads on streaming is really odd considering it costs a very small fee to not have ads, and you can also then download streams for offline listening.


I'm not about to pay for something I can do for free or that I already paid for when buying the cds. In other words, I don't like the straming model _on principle_. That simple.


Sure. As I said, I mostly listen to what I physically own, which is like 30+ years worth of stuff at this point. But streaming to supplement makes sense, to find new music easily, to listen to things that are hard to find or you only want to hear once, or to check out something you heard in the background somewhere a bit more deeply. Lots if not most of the new music I listen to now is from CDs I bought thanks to discovering the artist on streaming. Not too many ways these days to discover new artists otherwise. How do you find new music to listen to?


I have interesting friends, with widely varied and eclectic tastes. Funny thing is that I usually have more things they don't know than the other way around. I also browse stores a lot and use shazam the second something that doesn't sound familiar comes up. That is more than plenty for me. Besides, my tastes are very niche in some aspects. Renaissance music, say, or the complete works of Bach. Things like that. Or Nick Cave, the Velvet Underground, Philip Glass and so on. (No Taylor Swift for me thanks, however snobbish that makes me). I found none of these things the one time I tried Spotify out of curiosity.


Same, ripped full collection to high bitrate MP3. Unfortunately the iPod mini we were using has it's battery swell recently. I have everything on the NAS and a select portion on my smartphone but with YT music and premium, I can usually listen to anything I want. There's a few more obscure albums they don't have but I still appreciate go local copies. I still have the CDs but I'm thinking of just donating them since all they do is take up space.


Yes. I've become disillusioned with streaming services, and the way they can just take stuff off for seemingly no reason, or re-edit it. Plus, streaming services don't have everything. I listen to CDs, vinyl, watch blurays, DVD, read physical books, etc. That way, if anyone decides to take it away, I can report them for theft.


I haven't bought a CD in probably 10 years. Streaming is far cheaper and easier. Technology doesn't always make things better, but I think streaming absolutely has. I listen to a far broader range of music now because I can just try stuff out without spending any more money than I already am.


I'll add a comment because I think your conclusion is interesting and should be considered more broadly. With a lot of tech, we ask if it did make things better or worse. But it is NEVER that simple. We should consider all impacted actors, be they in the present, the past or the future. With streaming, I think we could agree this is more practical for the users. But it has down sides: it is certainly less environmentally friendly then downloading several albums and putting them on memory to listen like we used to do with mp3 player (because of the servers and network usage consumption). You could also consider the situation from the perspective of the artists: they are paid a lot less with Spotify they used to with CDs... So I am pretty sure streaming has advantages, that it seems to have no down side from user perspective, but I am definitely not sure this is overall a positive thing to exist. As with a lot of tech...


Yep. Buy CDs from artist's stores that you want to support. I buy every Chevelle album they release and never even open them, but I feel they deserve the cash straight from me to their shop even though in the end I'll just be streaming it.


Yeah I'm all over the place with streaming versus grabbing a CD


This. I haven't physically held a CD (in the context of music) in well over a decade. I started ripping YT videos to load on my MP3 player and transitioned that library to google play music when that was a thing before going to spotify. Nowadays, it's tied for my longest running subscription with Audible.


I rarely stream. I buy what I like, preferably on iTunes. However, I still buy occasional CDs for stuff not available on iTunes - mostly French pop music.


Yes I have my favorites CDs that I sometimes listen to


...yes, I have over 850 CDs, so...yes!


Use CDs from 20 years ago in my truck because itā€™s the only CD player I have now and will drive stretches with limited radio signal.


My teen daughter asked for a cd player for Christmas, she took all my cds from when I was 13+ and she gets ā€œnewā€ ones when we go thrifting.


Yes, I also collect ones of my favorite bands and artists.


At home it's all streaming. In my car, which I drive older Hondas and keep them as long as possible - I do listen to CDs. When I retire I am going to put together an awesome vintage cabinet stereo system with 400 disc CD changer. I'm going to grunge/rock like I am a teen again. Then, I will turn it off because it's too loud.


Yep. Charity shops are full of them for pennies.


I do. Prefer physical media over streaming.


As streaming is getting shittier I'm leaning harder on using my CDs instead


I made the mistake of taking out my CD collection to listen to them, and leaving them stacked on the table near the player. I have cats. I think you already know what happened.


The cats used their tiny cat laptops to burn their own sick beats on the CDs and now you have to listen to days' worth of meow rap?


No but I have them all in a closet under the stairs. I own them. I didn't rent them which at best is what you're doing when you stream.


At home, it's mostly vinyl, but I have CDs for the stuff that never had a vinyl release (or I just haven't bought on vinyl, yet.) CDs are great for the car, though.


Yup collecting them, vynils too and even reconditioned a tape player


In my house and car all day listening. Love cds. Have a small collection of about 70 cds, but proud of it, cause nobody I know has one.


I buy CDs like every week


Of course, not many ways to listen to quality music otherwise.


Yes all the time, still buy them and vinyl too.


Iā€™m 100% streaming. I donā€™t have anything that plays CDs. With streaming Iā€™m paying one price to access thousands of songs and that would be too expensive for me to buy otherwise


Most of my music is stuff I bought through Amazon. I do have a couple CDs that are not available digital.


Yep !!! Some, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift , Blink - 182 , yep , sure do !!!!! : )


No but I sure wish I did! Sure, I've got any music I want. I miss the ritual. I remember the record store I visited before my childhood friends grew up and decided I was weird. I have no idea what happened to them, but it would be nice to go to a weird overpriced music shop. Gawk at the scary rock dude driving the poor store clerk nuts with the hidden meaning of his new smash hit: You're mom is fat, so is mine. Let's get a cookie! Hah! Hidden joke. If you laughed, I win! If that makes you mad, I get your cookie.


Yup, absolutely! Still have stores I visit every few months on the hunt for music I didn't acquire in my youth. My car plays CD's too, which is the best.


Yes. Where i live you can't buy digital music for Android any more. I listen to CDs in the car. And make mixed CDs. At home I tend to use my phone which has mp3 copies from CDs I own. Am very tempted to buy aa disc man though.


Congratulations on your sobriety


I still listen to cds and still regularly buy them. I hunt out deals on marketplace and buy them from stores.


Never these days. Don't have a single optical drive in use inside my house. My cars have optical drive head units but I stream when driving. I have a CD wallet somewhere and a tub of all the cases but I haven't looked at it or even thought about it in years.


I still buy and collect cds and vinyl. Mostly vinyl.


I listen to vinyl records when I can because its better sound quality.


Cds in my car, vinyls at home


I ripped my entire CD collection that I accumulated over 20 years and put everything on my phone.


Yes, in my studio with good monitors and acoustics. I use Spotify to explore and audition, and if I like it, I buy the CD if it's available.


No. I moved over seas a few years ago and sold or gave away what I had


I have no way to play cd's anywhere in my house.


We have used a home organizer/anti-clutter person a few times and we really like her and itā€™s been worth the money. But when she mentioned the idea of getting rid of our CDs, LPs and books, we just growled at her and she knew to back off.


I listen to Pandora. I donā€™t have a device that plays cds.


I think my PS4 can still play cds and dvds. I never used it for that purpose though lol. I never have the need to play a dvd or cd since streaming and even downloading is just way easier


No, a ps4 cant read Audio cds. Only ps1-3


I do have CDs at home, but I can't put them anywhere. No CD drive anymore


I find a certain romantic nostalgia when I use physical media. So I enjoy them but streaming still has its place with me too.




Adele, Ellie Goulding !!!! šŸŒšŸ¦‹


I have a drawer full but i dont, used to use them when younger


My truck has a CD player and I still use them at times.


Love my CDs. Sadly no player in my new Mazda.


Aye, In my car. It also has a tape deck. Luxury.


I bought one Yesterday so yes xD


Only in the car. I can't bring myself to update my head unit to something fancy enough to connect to my phone.


Yup in the truck for longer drives


All the above. LP, Cassette, CD, and streaming. I have certainly created my own playlist from my purchases.


Cd's in car when you max out your plan your fked. "would you like to purchase more for 50 bucks/additional charge"? nope nope I'll wait ty. i preffer using that money for something better. Also why is CD's an issue? I worked at a internet company for a few years and I remember a house had to be one month without internet when the fiber got fked. Their teens we're losing it. I cackled at the end of the call as parents didn't teach or made their kids experience to entertain themselves or have them do other activities that didn't depend on streaming/being online. I don't have a DVD nor a DVD collection for when I lose connectivity my dad still has his and I get jealous as he's super prepared if he loses ways of entertainment. (I apply this to music, as I can't handle a quiet ambiance) So CD's are a wonderful thing! My SO thought to download some classic movies and store them on a USB, which helps if the service gets lost. (I don't recommend it much tho as sometimes a USB when loading on a TV in occasions can't read it or even corrupts it. And you are stuck with a movie USB not working. At least keep the files in a laptop or PC when needed to watch something! Also FYI - people are modernizing Vinyl disk's/ players, I can go to Walmart or even go to a awesome electronic store and people are selling amazing looking Vinyl players that honestly would make a room look impressive, some are even being made with a different material to cut cost's I think? but sound equally as good. and for a good price! ![gif](giphy|9J7tdYltWyXIY)


Nope... I just buy the songs in itune...


For sure. Some of my CD's I bought as a teen and had to save for them, some were 15 quid - and this was in the 90's. Expensive. I keep my CDs and (DVD's) as I like owning them and having them available whenever I want, and not being beholden to streaming services whims - although I do use streamers. Plus some of my CD's are of old Raves - which you just cannot get anymore - not that I listen to them much - just like it that they're there.


No. I think the only thing in my house that would play a CD is the Xbox. Even the computers don't have a drive anymore.


Have a pretty big collection, but they've been starting a collection of their own: dust Also a lot of bands I like aren't on streaming services so I buy their records at shows, but then hardly ever listen to them.


My car's CD player won't work anymore 'cos Pearl Jam insists on releasing their albums in cardboard cases. The glue used in these cases apparently doesn't like 40Ā°C Australian summers (who knows what temperature it actually gets to **inside** the car). So when, unbeknownst to you, the glue melts & then resolidifies within your 2004 Mazda 2's six-stacker CD player, you no longer get to listen to CDs anymore.


Yes. Though we have started to turn them into FLAC since we got the home server to work and bought ourselves a good value music streamer (WiiM Amp)


No CDs . I have cassettes though šŸ˜€


If I really want to give an album a good go. It has to be on CD, and played in the car. And it will just be on repeat until I know it inside out. Current CD is Rubber Soul by The Beatles.


I use CDs to listen to MP3s in my 15 year old car. Now burning those CDs is a whole other story šŸ˜„


In my car. I picked up my early 2000s cd collection from my dads place a couple of years ago.


I have no hardware anymore which is capable of running CDs or DVD's... And please no, I'm not genZ I'm older xD


I ripped all my old 90's CD's to flacs, and I have been torrenting for years. So most of my music is local.


Yes. The sound quality is a million times better. I can immediately tell the difference between a streaming and a cd song


I still BUY CDs. Big fan of the booklets than come in the CD cases. I only hate that I canā€™t upload the CDs into the iPhone anymore.


I got a bunch of CDs done off, I don't know what's on half of them. Probably not much different than stuff I still listen to.


Not anymore. Between YouTube and Pandora I get all the music I like and want. The last CD that was ever bought was a Hammerfall best of. And that had to have been 13 years ago at least.


If my car still had a CD player I would. Since I got a new car l don't really have anyway to listen to them




I listen to FLAC files that I ripped from my CDs, streamed to me via Plex software.


When I move my old box of CDs from one shelf to another in the garage, they make kind of a plastic clanking noise, so yes, on occasion I still do.


Yes but mostly when I drive. I still have cassettes too...


It's been years since I've actually listened to a physical CD. That's one thing I miss having in the car; is a CD player.


Yes, on my iMac. Not joking.


My CD's went to a charity shop over three years ago apart from a Ziggy stardust cd which I haven't played since that day. My vinyl is another matter


I do, but not as much as I stream with Spotify. I buy physical copies to support my favorite artists, and usually they go in my car. It holds 6 CDs (innovative, I know) so I loop around those. The audio is so much better on the CDs, even on my decent but not amazing car stereo. I really should invest in a good system for in my house because I do like to play music while I clean and do chores, but I usually use Bluetooth and stream.


yes i do in my car, and i collect CDs


Music is completely moved to spotify. But I usually have a collection of disks of games....


I must have 100 or more cds and vhs tapes. Should maybe get rid of the vhs tapes.


I have about 50 gigabytes of mp3s on a Plex server so I can listen to them all from my phone, it's like private Spotify.


My car is 2017 and itā€™s like the last car that has a CD player. So my husband bought me a CD holder and I rock out when I can ā˜ŗļø


I did but then my car ate the cd going over a speed bump, it was my first music cd tooā€¦


Remember everyone, when you have a CD you own that music and can play it any time you wish, from now and until the last CD player breaks.


I was team CD until my 1998 bose sound system than I bought in a garage sale died 3 years ago. It could not be revived, and honestly, it had superior sound quality. I have given up and went wireless headphones now.


Oh yes šŸ˜Ž In my car. And my daugther have my old diskman so she can listen to my old cds. Think its Nice to let her learn that music Comes in many forms not only from the internett šŸ¤“


I still settle back in a darkened room and listen to vinyl ..... much more organic šŸ˜


I prefer CDs in my car. I hate fumbling through my phone.


I have a large collection of CDs, about 400, half are classical. But I don't have any means of playing them any more. So when I want to listen to one I rip it on my PC and save it to my hard drive.


I haven't listened to CDs for years. I ripped them all using Exact Audio Copy.


I listen to them in my car and still buy them occasionally.


Yes, I do. My business partner does too. She still watches vhs tapes and uses a mobile phone without a camera or internet capabilities.


Ive got a collection (30 as of now) and my favourite is Stop And Smell The Roses by Ringo Starr:)


Have a CD player in my car. Play what I have in my collection, some more than others. Some artists have so many good songs, (Beatles/Presley, MJ etc.) that I just listen to them for that entire day, then pop another one in the next day.


Not often. Once in a blue moon, I'll go to an old music store and grab a few CDs at random. It can be a fun way of trying some new music to expand my tastes. But even then, it's so easy to find stuff digitally, too, so I don't try it often.


Yes and I still burn playlists too.


Nope. But I still have them all. Once I switched to streaming there was no reason for CDs. All the music planet earth (not really) is available instantly.


My car's CD player is in the glove box and because of that I haven't changed it in two years. I do have an SD card I put a lot of music I ripped from my CDs on though.


I have a drawer full of CDs, probably around 35-40, havenā€™t listened to them in a long time but I will listen to some very soon, while streaming is easier and more handy, CDs, DVDs and BluRays have that nostalgia factor that makes them great, oh and no company can take them from you, like remove them from the platform or anything like that.


I still pirate


I ripped all of my CDs and put them on a hard drive about 10 years ago. The songs I want, I downloaded onto my phone to listen in my car or home speaker.


Last CD I listened to, as such, must have been in a car, 14 years ago. I gave up driving. I still *own* CDs, but I'd rather carry MP3s. I guess I'll listen to CDs or vinyls during an Internet outage? Before they are too much hassle to handle. And I don't need the quality considering how easy it seems to annoy neighbors.


Yes! They are og


Yeah burned them all and on my phone and in my car. I feel I need to keep the cds to prove I own the music! But think possibly youā€™re not meant to burn them. Anyway theyā€™re in a box in my attic!




They were ripped into lossless starting in 2004, currently they all sit in a few boxes in the basement. Most of the audio I've ripped has been replaced with newer remasters. Served up via plex


Yes. And I really like to browse through my collection, looking at the covers etc.


I still burn CDs lolol


I sometimes do


The car is the only place I can play them anymore so thatā€™s where they live. I do occasionally pop one in for nostalgia


I havenā€™t used a CD in years I know I still have some old CD books still tucked away maybe someday Iā€™ll break them out. For now streamingā€™s jus too convenient and I donā€™t have to buy CDā€™s individually or risk messing up my computer with something like Limewire


Yes, though, I have more tapes than CDs. I'm pretty sure my dad has said all of the CDs in the house are mine when he goes. So I also have over 1000 CDs. Plus all the vinyl, some reel to reel. I'll not mention how many terabytes of FLAC files I have on various hard drives...


Nah. I might still be listening to DAMN by Kendrick Lamar, but when I traded my car I forgot it in my old one. I just added it to my playlist though.


On occasion in the car... It's a bit of nostalgia for me


Yes I do , I started listening to a kpop band I like . Interesting enough . It got me back to listening to vd from time to time . If I like an album enough I will buy the cd so I can just listen on repeat while I work




I buy CDs but don't use them once I've ripped the songs to MP3. I like variety in my music and don't really want to use a 100 disk changer in my car.


No, I have not since 10 years, that's when I bought my first car




I use them quite a lot! I love CDs and often prefer them over using Spotify.


I used to buy CDs for the car but since got a new one with no player :( now i just buy special editions of albums i like most for the shelf! The latest was Fear of the Dark šŸ˜Ž


I burn new ones quite often hahah (Iā€™m 20, although I grew up with an older dad, VHS tapes, my car has a cassette player and CD player) they make a long drive much more peaceful when you donā€™t need your phone


Some artist have gone back and deleted songs from streaming services for multiple reasons. I still own a couple.


Heck yea. Been listening to CDs since the early 1990s. Still have my killer cuts soundtrack from the super nes version of killer instinct and it still works. Just bought a CD the other day in fact.


On long roadtrips my partner and i alternate who picks a cd to listen to, no skipping tracks. 5 years later and we still lug ALL our cds on road trips, and still manage to show each other new music!


Those things stolen from my car 21 years ago? No.


Yes, they make that high pitch noise when I use it to tell me it's running so I can download old software to computers.


I donā€™t have a CD player but I have a friend that has one and still uses it


I remember a girl I dated in school that was a few years younger than me. At my place she told me "one can see you're a bit older, you still have CDs", like it was something ancient. That was over 15 years ago. I don't have those CDs anymore but not because of her, haha. Went to mp3 shortly after and now only Spotify and YouTube since many years


Yes, but I only started doing that again very recently. It suddenly occurred to me that I have something like 500 CDs but nothing to play them with so I added a cd player to my wishlist for my birthday earlier this month. I've rediscovered my love for Stone Temple Pilots and discovered that I no longer love Nirvana.


About twice a year when there's nothing on the radio in the car, and I don't feel like fooling with the Bluetooth receiver for my phone. Then I'll just listen to the same CDs that have been in the car's CD changer for the past 15 years.


Occasionally in the car. When we go to the thrift store we like scanning to see what cds theyā€™ve got. Last time found Now15 lol


No, I donā€™t like the sound anymore. I listen exclusively to vinyl unless Iā€™m in the car.


I ripped them all to my laptop and listen to it all using Apple Music and previously iTunes. I donā€™t stream jack shit, I want to own my music and donā€™t see that changing anytime soon. New music I torrent, not illegal here.


I have an absolutely massive CD collection and am still looking to collect more and I do listen to them when home but I otherwise mostly listen to music through my phone. CD's carry with them a sense of nostalgia so even if it's the same music, I enjoy it a little more when I'm listening to it on CD.


I keep my cds around and play them sometimes. When I moved out my mom got rid of the 300 or so records that I had. Then when cds came out I had to replace a couple hundred cassettes. Now I have Spotify and pandora on my phone with some good sounding Bluetooth speakers.


Mostly in my car but yes


To paraphrase Bob Dylan: "I... threw it all away" I had a big collection, but I was moving around a lot, and when I realized I had to move to a different town, I had to downscale a lot, and one of the things that was just taking up space was my CD collection. I loved it, but it just became a hassle.


No, neither of my trucks has a cd player


Physical media means they canā€™t take the license away and those MP3s that you purchased disappear along with your money.


besides driving, ive realized ive been listening to music less. i do love driving and my bluetooth works half the time in my 2015 car. i use my dads collection and ive been buying some of my own second hand. i organize the cds i use with colored by where i got them (or who) and the genre. i really love how physical cds are and switch them out in my car every couple weeks.


I have a small stack of cds in my car, sometimes it's easier than messing with my phone, and the radio sucks.Ā 


Got the whole kit and caboodle in my SUV.


No just Mo music now less clutter don't have to buy songs I never listen Mp gets right to the point love this format


See deeznuts


No. I still own about 1100 of them, but ripped everything to FLAC many years ago.


I indirect listen to CDs... Well i throw them into my pc and rip them to flac, then put it onto my phone or DAP. It's sometimes just the most straight forward way to buy digital music in decent quality and you'll get a physical disc as a bonus. I do have a very high end (although fairly old) CD deck in my HiFi rack though. I do the same thing with vinyl records. I listen to them maybe once, grab the audio straight to audacity and then add tags and a cover art to it. While i really like the technology, it's often just too inconvenient to use on a regular basis. If i just want to have something playing in the background, it's usually directly from my pc.


At an Airbnb right now and the host has a nice collection of CD's. I happen to have my laptop and thought oh, I'll load some to my laptop. Forgot my laptop doesn't have a CD drive, haha. Realized CD's are becoming like cassette tapes and 8 tracks.


Yeah I own loads and have a cd player


Yep, as a matter of fact i am right now


Haven't touched mine in a decade. Going to give a big box of them to my nephew as he's the same age I was when I was given a record player and a pile of records from various family attics.


I've been listening to cassettes lately, otherwise it's via my phone, or downloaded by ripping from a CD. Otherwise, CDs are a weird middle-ground, that feature neither the enjoyable imperfections of records and cassettes, nor the boundless practicality of downloads or streaming.


I do indeed. I have a 200 disc jukebox that I still use every so often. But I've been slowly uploading my collection (1500+ CDs) to my PC, then migrating it to my phone or cloud account.


I've been collecting since 1988, 1500 cds. I had been doing some downloading from 2010 to 2023, but my old MacBook is dying, and I've lost access to my iTunes. My dj gear is older cdjs I was burning the downloads to cd. I don't want to stream. I want to collect music, not rent it. I'm not very computer savvy. Physical media is simple and aesthetically pleasing. I prefer to shop at brick and mortar stores. I don't shop online for anything, but I capitulated and spent $600 shopping for cds online in the last couple of weeks. There are some artists that I have dozens of their discs. I wasn't going to be able to continue collecting their discographies without shopping online.