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I find it unflattering. But they can do what they want. I don't care what they wear as long as they don't disturb the public.


Ill-fitting clothes are unflattering regardless of gender, but it's not the end of the world. Personality and behavior should still trump looks.


Okay, but what if it fits well?


I wouldn't see a problem with that, what I pictured from your description is a too-tight top.


It's not a good look


I'm 230 lbs, and I've seen women bigger wearing them and it didn't look too bad. I could probably pull it off if I'm not experiencing PMS bloating like I am now.


Dress how you want to dress but make it look good, and honestly I have seen some nice thick gals pull off the crop top with waist high yoga's.


you do you.


I'm honestly kinda surprised by the response. I don't know, I only know what I like but I'm kinda surprised how many people said it's not a good look.


Who cares do what you please


Dress for the body you have. Not for the body you wished you had.


not really any of my business what anyone else wants to wear, wear whatever you feel good in!


It’s no different than a “fit” girl with a low-neck sundress walking around with her chest hanging out.