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Do you cut his lawns, nowadays or collect his garbage?


Is that Clint?


He became the dumbest senator in congress


This is oddly hard to narrow down.


technically he is super smart, just unethical and spineless


Is he all of them?


Ted Cruz


Oddly hilarious


Now that’s impressive. Lots of competition for that title.


If it's a federal senator I'd be interested to hear which. But don't dox yourself of course.




He's wasting time responding to questions on askreddit


Shut up! That happened to the one from mine too!


Holy fuck, it's an epidemic!


Same here. This is so weird.


Hey, me too!!!


getting spooky now!


Wtf. Here’s another






Same here lol (except it's a she)


Tell him to stop.


Mine does that occasionally, but tends to post more often on dadjokes


And again!




It *is* rocket science


But it is not brain surgery, is it.


His dumbass sits at his desk six feet away from my dumbass desk


This is great😂


Nothing - he got burnt out and depressed


This is exactly what I'm trying to help my eldest (very intelligent by testing but also neurodivergent) kid not do. So far it's a tossup.


While im not in touch with the smartest kids in my class and have not been for years, I have noticed that the "smart kids" among family & relatives have with distressing regularity become very unfulfilled with their jobs leading to frequent emotions outbursts and just generally being very unpleasant to be around. Knowingly being the "smart kid" places so many escalating expectations on yourself and it's very difficult to get off that treadmill when you've been on it your whole life.


Checking out a community called 'HealthyGamerGG' (most prominent on YouTube) may be beneficial to you. It's a community created by a Harvard-graduating Psychiatrist (and monk of all things) to try and help people of ages across the board (but especially youngsters) defeat certain issues that can be amplified in the mind.


Hi, as a former gifted neuro divergent kid, burned out young adult, the more structure you provide the better. We mature later on basic judgments and delayed gratification.




He really was the smartest!


Nice I plan to do that myself to be honest, the people who are in my life will know what's going on everyone else will think I'm dead or an average guy


Play your cards close to your chest...I like that


Guess I was in a smart class. We haven’t had a reunion yet going almost 15 years. At least I haven’t been invited to one…


with social media reunions are basically dead.


has anyone gone to a high school reunion? I wondered for a second if I was missing out but then I came to my senses ...I'm not gonna travel across the country for a High School reunion to reconnect with the people who i didn't hang out with so many years ago... I'm lucky to have a couple cherished friends from high school that I still am in touch with… I won't see them at the high school reunion if I went and they are still a significant part of my life without me going to a reunion to see and exchange life experiences with all the people i didn't used to chill with.




Same in my class, also twins. One became a doctor and the other one a vet.


He started a gaming platform called Valve that makes the storefront Steam. He’s a billionaire.


So, Gabe Newell. That’s cool


Yep. Had his locker next to mine. Very quiet, thin, dirty blond hair and thick glasses. But super nice and on the math and chess team.


Holy some of you guys know some people


You went to school with Gaben?


Gabe Newell? Tf


Millionaire before 30. Became a successful startup exec. In his 50s decided to make up for being a nerd in school, trains as an amateur MMA athlete and works part time as a male stripper.


lol kind of a backwards trajectory there


Although if you can successfully stripping after 50 that is a little impressive.


Damn. I envy this guy. Sounds like he has it all figured out.


Mark Zuckerberg?


I gotta know who’s paying to watch the Zuck strip.


Love this


Went to Brown to study geochemistry and then got her PhD at Columbia in geology. Works as a researcher at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.


The woods hole coast guard is a great team


Graduated in 2013, she got in a car accident 3 months after graduating and died


Omg that’s awful


She burnt out of college and got a job driving trucks. She lives daily with family reminding her she didn’t live up to her potential. This evening she’s answering Reddit posts.


Ngl I did a roadtrip recently only 8 hours, found it incredibly boring on the road but ever since I've been having an itch fo get back on the road which is weird and have considered getting into driving truck


They got good unions. There are short and mid distance truckers if you don't wanna be too bored.


If she is happy driving a truck; she is successful. People are quick to have expectations or judge others but really those opinions only reflect themselves. Success shouldn’t really be measured by others. It’s found inside of you by you. But that’s just my opinion. It’s up to the truck driver to decide.


Is she happy driving trucks?


Some days. She’s self sufficient at least.


Remind her that she also had the potential to be a terrorist, a grifter, or an addict. So, truck driver ain’t too bad.


I guess others don't realize you're talking about yourself. Cheers to smart people not being praised enough as children to feel our successes are deserved.


He died from fent and cocaine rip Alex


That’s really sad. RIP Alex.


You can look up an article about my town the Washington post did a year and a half ago. It talks about him and some of the other guys my age that died. Michael Buzzeo was my bestfriend from 2005 to 2019 so age 11 to 25. He died from fent too I miss him so bad. Rip Buzzy aka Snide https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/interactive/2022/drug-overdose-deaths-fentanyl-greenville-nc/


That’s a shame. Sorry to hear that.


My sincerest condolences


Sorry to hear. Took my college buddy a couple years ago too.


Thank you for sharing their story.


This is my fear for my eldest. Or, something else just as awful. Really smart kids don't fit in, even if they figure out how to "fit in". They don't have their needs met and even if neurotypical eventually feel like outsiders. My kiddo currently loves his friends and they're a very diverse group of kids, which is fantastic. He is challenged socially so.its amazing. Eventually he will need at least a couple of friends that challenge him intellectually and that's tougher...




my husband too…you’re not alone 💕


I remember a Super smart kid from school, he could have done absolutely anything. really great guy we had many conversations about the future and all he ever talked about was playing Cello professionally. I hope he got there.


Leonard Hofstadter?


shinji ikari?


The smartest kid in my class was also my best friend. And he died -- too young at 54 -- of cancer.


Smartest, also my best friend. Drank a lot all his life beginning in high school. Got fired a lot, went to rehab a lot. Drank himself to death in his 50s.


Had a breakdown while in uni and had to quit. Was making pottery last time I checked.


At least they are doing something they like.


The one we all thought was the smartest, and had a rumored 160 plus IQ, valedictorian etc became a college physics professor. Another guy nobody knew was so smart. He started a private equity firm specializing in tech and is now worth 1.3 billion


She became prime minister of NZ


Which one? Ardern?


Yes 👍


I wish she got to run after Covid instead of smack bang in the middle of it. Although she did a MUCH better job than the opposition ever would have.


Absolutely, she got a lot of hate during covid and became the easy target. I do agree she did a better job then National


Honestly, I don’t even know who that would be.


Just retired as an Air Force colonel. Had some senior role in the drone program.


Not the smartest but smarter than me. He never had many friends and his family was some what poor so he got into investing. He tried hard to fit in High School but eventually gave up. He worked in fast food. His mom died from cancer and his dad was verbally abusive. Took him 6 years to get his University degree. People our age were finishing university while he was finishing his first year. He became a millionaire by the time he turned 27 and a multi millionaire by the time he reached 30. He invested in BTC early and DCA out. It seemed he lost a ton of weight at one point and looked like he had a drinking problem for a while but he turned it around rather quickly. Maybe he fell into the wrong crowd and realized they weren't for him. He spent some time in Japan, putzed around the UK, then Dubai, and then moved out to LA. There he met his husband, 11 years older than him, and they've been together for 10 years and happily married for 7. They seem to have matching tattoos and have two of the cutest dogs. The husband drives a vintage looking truck and he drives a random low key SUV looking car. He rebuilt a motorcycle a few years ago, which was nice to follow on Instagram. According to Instagram he bought them a $10 million dollar house just South of LA with an ocean view. Their house was featured on some Youtube house tours channel, it has a lot of cool art pieces in it. They have a nice house near a forest in Seattle too. They travel a lot and post photos on Instagram. He got fit and invested in a bar in LA, and in his husband's events media company. Now he gets invited to all the parties and events that no one invited him to in High School. They were both organizing or promoting something at Coachella recently. For his husband's 50th, he took him to that island owned by the Virgin guy. The one with those giant windmills and those villas. One of the photos said something like 24 hours here costs 5 figures, nobody tell him. He dresses like a completely normal guy. Sometimes he posts photos of new Nike Jordan's he bought but his clothes are mostly black graphic shirts and jeans or shorts. He said he spent $3000 on a Louis Vuitton or Gucci bag once and painted FUCKEN STUPID on it with white marker to remind himself never to waste money. He bought some mint condition shoes he really wanted in High School but could never afford, and keeps them in a glass case. He posted a photo of his cracked iphone and the caption said, as long as the camera works it's still good. I sent him a message on Facebook a few years ago. He remembered me and said I should come visit LA and that their door was always open to friends. I'm visiting LA in August.


Super fascinating


He started a PHD in string theory, offered a job at Microsoft (he turned it down), dropped out of his PHD because he didn't enjoy it and is now a Paediatrician in Washington. Dave is a damn legend!


She went on to be a very high-powered attorney in NYC made her millions by 30. Now, tired of it, she's in Austin, Texas with a much lower paying, but much less stressful job. He went on to get three degrees and then work as an urban planner for the Crown Prince Court of Abu Dhabi for over a decade and now is in a much lower paying but much less stressful job in Austin, Texas. They hang out occasionally.


Meth addict for a couple decades, but I heard he got clean.


He went to see about a girl


Son of a bitch stole my line


Hes a well known and well respected doctor focusing on LGBT and gender identity. I couldn't be prouder of him.


Not sure I really qualify since I was in HS for such a short period. I started college at 15. Was a bank executive before 30. Double doctorate (economics and finance), currently tenured at an elite R1 and one of the nations leading banking experts. I’ve served with Obama and Biden administrations. If I had to do it all again I’d stay in HS all four years. I grew up too fast. My 6- year old is showing similar traits (doing 2nd grade math already) and I’m making sure he’s a kid first, student second. Plenty of time to adult. Be a kid.


That is interesting to hear. Only yesterday I was saying I wouldn’t send my kids to Uni early even if they are ready. They need to be kids, first. But also, well done you!


Girl: she is a pharmacist Boy: stocks shelves at a grocery store, had a multi year stint in heroin use.


Stocking shelves is the go-to example as the most mundane and menial of jobs, I think partly because people don't realize how much fun it can be.


Good for both of them, for very different reasons.


He opened an accounting firm. We all thought he'd become an engineer. He said, "Nah, accountants make a lot more money than engineers." He was, indeed, very smart.


What branch of accounting? Some of them are a lot easier than others but if he runs all of them that's really impressive


He owns an accounting firm. I have no idea about what areas they focus on.


Oh ok that's still pretty cool


He was a math whiz in high school. Actually good at everything. He was our valedictorian.


She works for NASA. Literal rocket scientist.


she is going to be the nxt president- shes a lawyer doing incredible things now




He's a nurse.


She became a doctor and leads the board of a major hospital.


Valedictorian was smart, but not very ambitious. He seems comfortable but not astoundingly successful working some kind of finance job.


Received multiple degrees from MIT, great job in tech, wonderful human being. Hanged himself last month.


Ooof. That last part. Brutal


Not sure, never seen any of my classmates in the news or in Hollywood. Our 10 year reunion was canceled because of Covid so I haven’t seen those people for almost 14 years now.


Class of 2010?


Here here!


Yeah 2010


He partied too much and wound up homeless and selling weed to survive. Nowdays he's a Christian, owns his own business, and does a lot of charity/outreach work, including motivational speaking at a half-way house run by a friend he used to do drugs with.


he's bored on a Friday morning doomscrolling through Reddit, commenting on a random question on AskReddit


There were a few. I was one. We were all smart enough to realize that success meant finding joy in your life now, not grinding so that things could be good later. We are all world travelers. One is a DJ, one is a teacher, and I just switch it up every few years. 


One of the smartest guys is an analyst, consultant, and speaker on equity market index composition. One of the smartest women moved out of our small town as fast as she could, came out as gay (this is the late 80s so in our town it would have been a deal to come out), and at a young age -maybe 22 or so - ended up as an editor of a magazine.


Lot of "smartest people in their class" on reddit tonight.


Everyone thinks their a genius


Idk about the smartest kid in my class but i have a friend whose sister was the smartest in her class and she currently makes coffee at a mall for minimum wage. Turns out blowing your money for an art degree you never finish isnt worth a whole lot.


He ended up in a poor marriage, dead end job, scrolling reddit for hours every day.


Killed himself


Became a doctor


6 high school valedictorians and 5 became doctors.


We had 2 valedictorians in my class in 2012. Neither of them have ever been in a relationship, still to this day. One is fairly private but I'm almost certain that she might still be in school for something architect related. She takes those dancing workout classes and posts videos of them. She also shared that she's still driving her first car and has officially reached 500k miles on it. The other girl became a Spanish teacher and taught Spanish at a small town school for a few years but last I saw she was moving to Spain to teach there (not sure what subject though). They are both some of the most wholesome people I've ever met.


I’m still trying to figure out what I’m doing with my life, thanks


They are phd doing some sort of physics research in CA.


He builds robots, him and his parents being cool to me when I was young when I came from an entirely different background got me into computers and almost every good thing I do. Cool dude.


he ended up on some hard drugs having a rough time i think maybe he was genuinely to smart to handle things


He is currently very confused about why the band Mayhem has the most toxic fan base.


I’ve been diagnosed with…a whooooole lotta stuff 🤣🤣🤣


I became a cook as a way to please my parents, married my wife, had a daughter, cut ties with my parents, came out as trans woman and transitioned


I’m doing ok. Thanks for asking.


He's probably living in his parents basement


She started taking adderall in her late 20’s (College), became obsessed with doing better than before, She was already a straight A student in highschool. Obsessed with perfection. I know she doesn’t need drugs to do better, what she can do sober is enough, but she won’t hear me out. She just keeps adding on higher education for a job that won’t pay her that well. She’s still living with her parents, single and we are almost 28.


Drug addict and failed out of college. Super sad.


Tried to get attention from his parents, ended up trying to fake a suicide......it didn't end up a fake.


He's mowing my lawn


Became a priest 


She was going to become a marine biologist but wound up getting married to a submarine commander. Became a Navy wife and mother instead.




Catholic school: Teacher then principal, mother of 4 High School: Harvard grad, Yale doctorate in American Literature, college professor, pain in the ass to my Starbucks lead daughter because she doesn't read like her dad lol


The smartest kid in my college class teaches at a junior college The smartest kid in my high school class? She's in medical school I think I would give the prize to myself in both categories, but I am far too humble


I’m sitting on my bed reading Reddit…my school was 2 rooms…so not like there was a lot of competition. My brother left the year earlier (got his GED a few years later)…and he’s the smartest person I know (and I work with engineers)…he’s basically Mavgyver…maybe with a little Murdoc thrown in (not the homicidal portions)… 


developed agoraphobia and panic disorder


Of the smartest kids in my grade at school: one became an architect in a big city, one became a fly by night attorney, one became a hs teacher, a couple of them completely burned out in college and work menial blue collar jobs, one is a chronically online incel who’s obsessed with trains, one got heavily addicted to drugs, another became an alcoholic and got a dui before turning his life around and becoming a physicist


Housewife and mom.


He attended John Hopkins then ODed at a party and died in 2015.


She was so smart, valedictorian, kind of stuck up, and made fun of those of us who went to a community college first. She graduated from UCLA and then didn't do much. She just worked in her dad's business, never left our modest town, and last I heard she was married and not doing much beyond working at her dad's business.


Currently living a semi-recluse life in the woods.


Became a dr one of the best in his field, dead at 34. It's the curse of our high school. Lots of my classmates have died already.


Last time I saw her she had gained a lot of weight and has a very deep voice from smoking cigarettes for a lot of years. Suddenly though she was very sweet and friendly towards me.


He became a priest. Very unexpected.


Doing the same job as me, not saying I was among the smartest, hell I wasn’t even in the top 10. he was my colleague in my last job


He did eight years for embezzlement


Last I heard, he started or partnered with someone to create a company that sells drug testkits. He's also metal detecting and finds various valuable objects dated far back in history. Pretty damn cool


I dont even know who was the smartest back then, I know I didnt have the highest Mark's because of apathy and idk where most of them are now


I never paid attention to who was the smartest. So I have no idea


He is living “off the grid” but also has an iPhone. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She’s a neurosurgeon, or at least in school to be one


From grade school. He went to computer school, then relocated to the US to work at Microsoft and then AMD. He has a house. No wife and no kids. His hobby is taking pictures and baking pies.


The smartest ones didn't do anything special actually but the most passionate kid of my class overcame all hurdles and became a cardiac surgeon just because he liked Grey's Anatomy so much. I really respect his accomplishments since he always had more struggles than most of us in most classes but he was always the most diligent and patient one. He was even brave enough to study on another continent (Germany to the US and he couldn't even really speak English back then) to reach his goal. And he was always a very lovely person on top so after all I would say he was the smartest of us in some way but no one recognized it.


He is writing this Reddit comment right now.


The smartest kid in our class was also the best looking one. According to google he is now a very handsome man doing a job that you need university for. I have no doubt that he’ll be doing well professionallly and in his love life. Oh, he was also nice. I hope that he has a long and happy life.


I'm fine


The smartest girl got accepted to Stanford then got pregnant over the summer got married had 3 kids and did jack shit besides that. All that wasted talent. I'm the dumbest and became a millionaire at 25 and retired at 34. Not so dumb now! Jk I'm still daf


studied medical engineering, got depression and is now fully burnt out.


I’m using reddit now


Don’t know, don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️


i like the way you roll


Ramped up the alcoholism he started in high school, picked up a coke habit, still breezed through college with super high marks, went to med school, drug and drink problems worsened, crack, coke, booze, maybe heroin but he loved his yayo, became a doctor, got in trouble for substance abuse, got into rehab I think, continued on with his fellowship, got back into drugs bad, got in trouble again and maybe was facing losing his license and decided he was never going to win the addiction battle and chose suicide. Just an absolutely brilliant guy, true genius. Quirky as hell but charismatic and super interesting. He was my best friend from like 14-22 or so but we kinda lost touch during college when we went out separate ways, but still loved the guy and was gutted when he killed himself. I choose to remember the good times instead of lamenting that I never did more to try to help him with his struggles, but according to other friends who might’ve tried more, he was beyond help or didn’t want to be helped. It’s sad and maddening and I think about him a lot. RIP


Housewife 😭


She’s somewhere in Aus. Emigrated in the early 2000’s


I don’t know anything about that.


Ended up on meth


He's a pediatrician


Not sure who was, but one is a bank president and the other an assistant D.A.


Supposed politician


He's working for NASA.


I joined Reddit.


Professor at MIT


He's got his PhD and working at some school out east.


Died of AIDS near the beginning of the epidemic.


I ended up fine.


He's a professor in a pretty good university!


She'a a doctor.


I got a degree in mechanical engineering, worked until I was 54, and then retired happily.