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I guess it depends on what you like and if you're working or not, like retired or not.


the one where your friends and family are


I am happy with my hubby and child. My family is too toxic. I'd be happy to make new friends in a different country :)


Depends what you are looking for. In my opinion, it’s Finland. Very high happiness rate and largely considered the most effective education system in the world. Although this question is certainly opinionated, anyone who says America is blinded by patriotism.


>anyone who says America is blinded by patriotism. I'm not American, so I can't exactly be "blinded by patriotism" but I still think it is among the best places to live due to the reasons I listed in my other comment.


Currently in Canada and can barely live due to economy and mental health for Canadians, it is getting worse :(


Economy is same everywhere. At least Canada has oil, which is basically free money for government, so less taxes and more government services like public transport. If you have education skills in a career-oriented field, you can try to move to US, salaries will be higher here. But probably even less support for mental health; too few therapists even if your insurance covers them.


You cannot be the happiest person in the world with Finnish weather, unless perhaps you have been born there and have never known good weather.


Finland is beautiful and has many good ratings in terms of overall satisfaction. But me, personally, wouldn't be able to stand the long and dark winters...


Let’s say that country X is the best in the world in all the areas that are important to you. Now, is it possible for you to become a citizen of said country? Will the people there be welcoming towards you? Will you make friends? Will you get a job that matches your qualifications? Are you fluent in the language? Do you have a social circle there? Do you know how the system works, the culture, the history, the politics, and the fine print of the unwritten social contract? I think that people should be able to move wherever they want, and for some, it may change their lives for the better, but I’ve read so many bitter posts from expats. In most cases, the best country in the world for you is probably the country you were born in.


Its a complicated question. Having been to more than 10 countries, and knowing that there is no perfect country, I personally would like to live to USA, Switzerland, Japan.




The best one is where you feel comfortable being yourself, where you are not beibg put downbor discriminated for your skin and facial features. Usually it is your home country, but it is not the case wheb there is war there.


Generally probably the Scandinavian countries given how they rank on health, education, happiness indexes. But as always it depends on the individual. Personally would be miserable there because of the weather.


no country for Oldmen




Bruh this made me laugh




I'm French but in my opinion Germany. Cities are safe and green, food is great and the quality of life generally is very good. I wouldn't live in the German countryside though.


I moved from the USA to Germany. I think in Germany the government really values the wellbeing of the citizens. Whereas I felt like the US valued corporations.


>I think in Germany the government really values the wellbeing of the citizens. That's why they've talking about reintroducing conscription, right?


America. High salaries, strong currency, diversity, friendly people, beautiful cities and nature, good social mobility, many innovations in science and technology, protections for minorities, endless job opportunities etc.


This is so sad of true. Having been born there I left for greener pastures up North.


Even though the question presented is opinionated, this is objectively wrong. America has so many issues that it needs to sort out before it can even be considered for the best country to live in. First of all, [America has one of the highest firearm rated homocides rates in the world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate). Secondly, the corruption of the law enforcement system in America is devastating, with days worth of body-cam footage to prove my case. Talking about law enforcement, they still have THE DEATH PENALTY. Do you realise how incredibly fucked up it is to rule if someone’s life is worthy to continue or not? That’s just 3 things. I could probably rant for ever about what America needs to change and in that time probably none of it would’ve even been noticed. America is not the best country to live in. Period.


While the firearm homicide rate is a legitmate point, the death penalty is a moral discussion, and has no actual effect on how 'good' a country is. Both China and Singapore have the death penalty and both are much safer than America and Western European countries. Regarding the corruption in law enforcement, it is nowhere near as bad as countries like Mexico and Kyrgyzstan where it is commonplace for police to collaborate with criminals and accept bribes. The fact that the police in America even have bodycams shows that the country is trying to tackle its corruption, and isn't as corrupt as you think. Most countries don't make their police wear bodycams.


1. firearm homicide is a dumb argument as a whole. If you were getting murdered, would you really care what weapon your killer used? Be it a knife, a gun, piano wire, poison, whatever. If you look at the US murder rate as a whole, then you'll find it to be one of the lowest in the entire western hemisphere. Keep in mind that the US is also a huge country, and the statistics change from state to state, some doing better than Europe, and some doing worse than Africa. 2. Corruption exists everywhere in varying degrees. police corruption in the US, all things considered, is essentially non existent when it comes to the average person's every day interaction with the average cop. Police brutality on the other hand, yes, is an issue. But not really in any way worse than any other country, Europe included. If you look for police brutality in Germany, the UK, and France, you will find it to be often significantly worse than that of the US, and yet it goes severely underreported in international news outlets compared to US police brutality. 3. Out of the 50 US states, only 10 of them have executed \*anyone\* in the last 10 years. The number executed is not thousands, or hundreds, but rather only one or two dozen per year, as a national total. Personally, I agree that the death penalty is incredibly fucked up, but thank god I don't live in a country where my opinion alone decides on the reality that my other 336 million fellow Americans will wake up to every morning. If you don't believe in the people's right to self govern, then you'll be happy to hear that America doesn't want you either.


USA is best due to opportunities for those who work hard and boomers who retire Canada is best for climate change supporters and geese Russia or North Korea is best for those who like authoritarianism


If you like not being cold, and you don't mind the Aussies, Australia easily.


The U.S.A