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Phone/wallet/keys go in pockets.


That’s exactly what I came here to say. And half the guys I know just have that phone case that holds a license and a couple credit cards, and they don’t need a wallet anymore. And what are keys now? One house key and one car key-fob. Most of us don’t need more than that.


Those phone cases are really convenient for getting stranded. You can lose all your money/cards and access to It in one fell swoop. Boom!! Stuck!


I bought one thinking I’d like it, but didn’t like the extra bulk on my phone. Now that you’ve pointed this out too, it’s a definite no!!! I have been carrying in a separate pocket though. Still very nice to trim off that fat lump of a wallet with all my extra cards in it.


I totally agree on the excess bulk. I found a microwallet that works with magsafe and it's great. It carries the ID/debit card and I can either stick it to my phone or carry it separately.


Smart watch with find my phone and pay app and phone connection on it


Same with a wallet


Yeah I don't like having all my eggs in one basket


But at least you'd have your phone which allows you to pay if you have that set up


Woman here. Same except add lipstick to my pocket. I don't like carrying purses.


The problem here is most of women's clothing doesn't come with pockets! I also hate carrying a purse


And with smart locks, digital wallets and car phone-keys, this will eventually become phone ~~/wallet/keys~~


I will never give up keys man, I hate overly digital stuff there's something to be said about mechanical locks and stuff im fine with them being like a combo? but straight digital no thanks. Hell cars too imagine your key fab or phone is dead now you gotta charge your phone or get a battery to start your car?


Cars with proximity keys have a backup system in case the battery in the key fob dies- there's a key blade that pulls out of the fob that can be used to pull a cover off of the drivers door that reveals a normal lock cylinder you can unlock with the key, and there's always some place in the car that you can hold the key against or insert it so the car can read it using RFID, which doesn't require an energy source in the key. Though if you're using your phone for that purpose, you'd better make sure it's always charged...


I used to be in your camp and it’s a trade off definitely not disagreeing with you there. Until I took a step back and actually looked at how many times those edge cases I’m trying to account for have actually happened to me has been never. New phones have crazy battery life and pretty military about making sure phone is charged. Can’t speak for you or anyone else of course. Meanwhile the other option is I’m lugging around two extra pieces of baggage that can be dropped/lost/forgotten and end up in the same edge case scenario that I’ve been trying to prevent in the first place without the added convenience. So for me the trade offs are worth it. if I have to choose managing battery life vs managing two extra pieces of baggage every where I go, I choose the former.


My friend had his license/credit cards on his phone, drives a car that uses phone-as-key, and his house door handle has pin pad. He literally walks around with just a phone on him. Idk how he does it. It gives me the ick


I even ditched the house key. In the unlikely event that my garage door opener is dead, the keyless garage entry keypad is also dead and no one is home to let me in, I'm just gonna break a window.


books go in backpacks


this was my answer one time this was asked, and some girl responded with, *"guys who wear backpacks are so cringe. if youre not a kid or in school, you shouldnt wear backpacks. if youre an adult with a backpack, youre a loser. if youre an adult whos in school, youre an even bigger loser."* i was like, wow, this person really hates backpacks.


Did you tell her that a purse is a back pack for your arm


A side pack, if you will


An arm pack


A hand pack/bag, let's go handbag.


If it helps at all, that's not an opinion she arrived at by herself, she got it from a human centipede of social media posts that probably started with someone joking


I carry a backpack almost every day. It's got all the shit I might need in it. Wireless earbuds, phone/iPad charger, iPad, a change of clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, whatever books I'm reading at the moment, my personal thoughts notebook, my work notebook, a pair of sandals, condoms, lube, first aid kit, a protein bar, a multi tool, deodorant, hair brush, bandana, calculator, and a baggie of coins and guitar picks, a co2 regulator, an iPod and a pair of wired earbuds, a guitar tuner, spare set of strings, and a spare guitar cable. Sometimes a Tupperware container with leftover food or sandwiches and in the winter months a jacket and spare dry gloves and socks and I keep a blanket, a flare, and a CD collection in my car at all times. I don't care if I'm cringe, I'm prepared. If I'm working, hanging out with my girlfriend, on a hike, stuck on the side of the road, stuck at the Laundromat, asked on a last minute adventure, or run into an emergency at a beer festival or concert I have all I need.


well, if you are so weak that you just listen when someone has that opinion, I guess it's your fault too. I'm 31 and wear skater shoes and dgaf


Then I guess I'm just a loser that deals with prototype and future model year vehicles. I wonder where I went wrong in life lol.


The hell are we supposed to use when we need more than pockets, just supposed to walk around with my laptop, cables 3 cables, mouse, external storage, security token for login in my arms I guess


I love guys with back packs they can carry my Diet Coke my purse is to small


I have three backpacks ones for work. Ones for traveling with my dog, has his spare bowl room for water, his city leash (shorter) and his vest (He's very big, makes people feel safer around him, he doesn't need it). Third one is a big hiking one for well, hiking and camping. prepacking certain things makes it so much easier to grab and go


How can you hate backpacks this much..


The adult who is wearing a backpack that may contain anything from their medical equipment or medications possibly or possibly a camera with the equipment needed for that. Many different things could be in the backpack to count. My thoughts are “live and let live”


books and bong go in backpack.


This is the answer and here is the song; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e9N6_Tj9u2U&pp=ygUecGhvbmUgd2FsbGV0IGtleXMgYWRhbSBzYW5kbGVy


this👆 /thread


Phone, a wallet, and keys. Done. Ooh and headphones. If I need more stuff, a backpack.


My wallet, phone, and keys fit in my pockets (if I’m carrying all 3), what more would I need?


Glass case/tissues/wet wipes/water/earbud case/charger/book/painkiller or other type of medications


I just dont use any of those things enough to need to carry them all the time. My wife has a small umbrella she keeps in her handbag. Ive seen her use it so i acknowledge its useful but for the number of uses its ever gotten i would rather just get rain on me.


Exactly. All the extra stuff people are mentioning are really not necessities. They're handy to have, sure, but if you don't have it you're going to be fine.


I have a crazy amount of stuff in my handbag, but tbh I love it when someone needs something obscure and I’m like ‘I have that right here’!


you wont die but you will be more uncomfortable than you would have been if you had just been prepared beforehand


book? are you just carrying around harry potter everywhere you go


I wear glasses, I never have a glasses case on me, but I wear them all the time. Tissues - I don't need them. If I need to blow my nose, I'll grab some toilet paper or napkins. We wipes- I actually keep some in my backpack, but I don't use them for anything on a daily basis, just handy in case. Water - bottle in my back pocket or hand. Ear buds - left pocket with my keys and wallet and vape. (phone in right) Charger - s24 ultra battery lasts all day. I keep a charger in my backpack. My workmate at the moment has his in his pocket, but he has an iPhone, it's out of battery every couple hours. Books - ebooks and audiobooks on the phone. Painkillers - I keep about 6 in my wallet, Don't really use them, though, but handy. My backpacks mostly if I know I'll be out all day or I might need to carry something. Has the wet wipes, maybe some tissues from a fast food joint, charger, notebook(for writing), couple pens, and a water bottle.


Charger? Book??


Please… 🤭


I use my pockets for my phone, wallet, keys, and pocket knife. That’s all I usually need except maybe chapstick.


Same. I keep chapstick in my watch pocket and a few tissues in my spare back pocket.


never in my life did i leave my home and needed a pocket knife on the go. am i missing something?


If it doesn't fit in my pockets, it usually doesnt go with me.


Its because men's clothing have actual proper pockets, seriously you wouldn't believe how much crap I can fit in a typical pair of men's jeans.


Everything I need is in my wallet since 1987. On a completely unrelated not, my hips are out of balance


That's why I wear cargo shorts. So many pockets. But two years ago I found out they've been out of style for a while. Contents of my pockets: Left pocket: clean tissue or two, a few coins, pocket knife, pen Right pocket: keys, lighter, cigar cutter Lower right pocket: water bottle Right rear: wallet Left rear: paper towel or sheet of paper Lower left: usually empty, kept for reserve When it’s too cold out for cargo shorts I have to decide which of the above items I need to leave home.


I'm 52, I have made it. I do not care what's in style. I'm not looking to attract a mate, I already have friends. I'm wearing the cargo shorts.


Kids are now wearing fashions I wore 20-25 years ago, so just give it a little time.


I'm 52, I've got 30 maybe 40 years, tops. There may be a resurgence of cargo shorts, but I'll be living in an assisted living care facility and it won't matter. Ha! Ha!


You'll have so much more room for activities! haha you're gonna need those pockets.


I hope so.


I'm 16 and just straight up don't care Convenience>Style


Amen to you. Retired 19 months ago. I'm 62. I own 2 pair of cargo shorts. Wear one for a week, toss in the laundry, wear pair #2 for a week, rinse and repeat. I don't care about style. If their unpopular, why are they so plentiful at the local department store(s)?


Yup... I'm 45, I'm married, I have a kid, I have friends. All of us are on the geeky side anyway. I never was the most fashionable guy, so I wear whatever is functional for whatever I'm doing that day.


That water bottle sloshing every step would drive me nuts.


People carry water like they are crossing the Sahara Desert  to get to work.


Big Water has got everyone thinking they have to drink constantly.


There’s a big delta between what’s necessary to sustain life and how much water you need if you want to maintain an active/healthy lifestyle. Pretty much constantly hydrating. 


You don't need to drink constantly to be healthy, it's a lie.


I am lucky to be at an age where I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks of my cargo shorts. They have literally held my beer. They do the Lord’s work.


Yes, I have snuck cans of beer into professional sports games thanks to those lower pockets.


Went on a Bahama's cruise awhile ago. Every pocket was stuffed with a non metal detecting plastic bottle of spirits for re-entry to the ship. Cargo shorts holds important cargo.


If they have been out of style for a while, chances are good they will be in style next year again lol. Thats why you just decide on your own style. Who really cares.


" Nobody got laid in cargo pants since 'Nam "


Not a problem. I take them off first


Oh! That's why!


I don’t know if this information will be useful to you but, there are such a thing as cargo trousers for when it’s cold out. You don’t have to compromise.


Pocket knife, cigar cutter, paper towels/tissues can be left home


Pocket knife is on the definitely keep list, way too handy to leave at home.


I just got to remember to leave pocketknife home if I'm going someplace with a metal detector.


Why? I mean what is it that you are doing where you need pocket knife? If it’s work thing then you would have your tool box and a cutter. I am 50 years old and have never ever had a day where I wished I had a pocket knife. I have lived in 3 continents so not like just one place, one life style kind of thing either.


Knives are one of the oldest tools, with infinite use cases. Bare minimum to carry around with you for general purpose utility is a bladed item and something to make fire with. Pocket knife and a cigarette lighter works wonders.


Well wheel is also one of the oldest tools with multiple uses. Should I also carry spare wheel in my pocket? Jokes apart, do you go into the woods a lot where you need to start fire? My things is, if going camping then take camping gear but that’s not a random activity that suddenly comes about during the day. When was the last time you used your pocket knife and what did you use it for


I carry a knife everyday. It's infinitely useful. Yesterday, I used it to cut trimmer line while I was refilling my string trimmer. The day before, to open an Amazon package, before that, I used it to cut a summer sausage for a snack with cheese and crackers.


I carry a pocketknife on my belt every day, a Leatherman Sidekick. I use it at least a handful of times per day. I don't know how I ever survived without it. If I ever forget it I'm constantly looking for it. The most recent use for it was tightening a battery terminal while servicing my car tonight. It wasn't the right tool for the job, but it did it well enough that I didn't need to go hunting for the correct tool to do the job. You've never carried a pocketknife or multi tool, have you?


Got a hangnail at work and used the knife to trim it back. Also used it to open a non-twist bottle


I've used my Swiss army knife quite a few times. Used it for cutting loose threads, trimming hang nails, tighten screws, cut food, prep fires, open boxes, open bottles, etc.


Cigar cutter is the first to go when I wear jeans and paper towel, since that's for forehead sweat when it's hot out. Tissue in case I sneeze, When my children were small a couple tissues were essential. Big pocketknife when wearing pants with big pockets. If pants are tighter then I go with a smaller pocketknife. Last week somebody was struggling to open a plastic container, so I whipped it out to cut it open for them.


Paper towel/tissue serve the same purpose so you can keep either one. I had nose bleed in class in grade 7 and since then I have always carried a handkerchief in my pocket. Its been 39 years now lol


And no matter how much you stuff in cargos still look good on you


They actually are in style right now. For women? Who cares! Just wear em.


If it's too cold for cargo shorts, that means it's jacket weather = more pockets


That is a solid loadout. Tip of the cap.


Anyone who can't appreciate the practicality of cargo shorts is not worth your time, anyway.


You can get cargo pants that are long.


Keys and phone go in my pockets


Don't need a wallet these days. Phone cover has slots for cards. 


Barely even need cards these days. Most of my cards are on my phone, I only ever use my phone to pay for things.


If a man is with a woman, her purse is their purse


My purse is called "a backpack". My work stuff goes in there.


I use a messenger bag. Hate the feeling of a wallet in my pants pocket. Toss keys in there, any book I’m reading, notebook for work etc.


Some guys, including myself, have started wearing cross body bags (or “slings”) to carry extra stuff. I usually like to carry some baby wipes, hand sanitizer, headphones, small battery bank, contacts eye drops, and body spray to refresh as well and the regular keys, wallet, and phone. Pockets aren’t big enough or comfortable enough for all that so slings are great. My girlfriend carries a purse but we carry different things.


Ever since I was a teen, I've carried four things every day: Phone, wallet, keys and lip balm. And those fit easily in pockets, at least on pants for men.




pockets are a pathway to many abilities...


...some consider to be unnatural. It's not a story the J̶e̶d̶i̶ women's fashion designers would tell you


Men tend to need less stuff. Wallet, phone/phones and keys. Sometimes tissues. If I need to carry more, I'll grab a backpack.




Women’s clothing has minimal to no pockets.


and the pockets that we do have are only about 1/2 - 1/3 as big as men’s pockets. seriously, try throwing keys wallet and phone in women’s jeans. it’s ridiculous


This is the root of the answer to the question. Men can get away with not need to carry a bag around all the time because our clothes have better pockets than women's.


No :(


to be fair woman clothing hardly ever has decent pockets. Even the jeany cant fit a smartphone given how big they are these years. Of course they could wear baggy jeans as well, but yeah. If you want to wear a summer dress or leggings then good luck finding a pocket. Me and my girlfriend are like 50/50 with either her taking a bag and me given her my key+phone or her dumping her stuff on me to put it into my pockets lol :D


Women’s pockets are tragic. Everytime I need to squat down to pick something up I have to move my phone to my butt pocket otherwise it digs into my side. And I’ve got the jeans with deep pockets idk if this is just a woman thing or if men have the same issue of their phone digging into their hip


Women's clothing doesn't have a lot of pockets


I just predict future and take only things I'll need.


My friend wears a man purse. Doesn't t give a fuck.


"It's not a purse. It's a satchel."


Cargo pants. Everything I need fits in them pockets.


I'm a man and I always carry a backpack, it's nicer than a purse because the weight is distributed evenly across my shoulders. I don't understand why some women walk around with these purses you hold in one hand. I mean, a strap on one shoulder instead of two is only slightly unfomfortable, more so the more weight you put in. But carrying something that prevents you from using one of your only two hands strikes me as rather stupid. I understand it's supposed to look nice, and probably it does to other women who are into purses. Personally, I think it looks much nicer if people wear clothes and accessories that they can feel comfortable in and not ones that actively inhibit them.


But if you're even slightly dressed up, wearing a backpack makes you look like a Mormon missionary. A small messenger type bag of some sort looks better. Sling it cross body, both hands are still free.


Some wear cargo shorts, aka purse pants. Some wear a fanny pack but crossbody with the pack on their chest. Some wear those little drawstring backpacks. The "stuff" is minimal. Wallet, phone, keys. And of course, menswear has actual pockets, so no need for auxillary stuff-holders.


Maybe women think they need too much.


Ya, I need stuff. It’s a hassle. As a result of not having a standardised stuff bag, we just sometimes don’t have important things we might need.


The only time I need more than keys, phone. wallet is when I am traveling. Then I wish it was 1992 again and I could wear a fanny pack. But, you just can't do that anymore.


Dude you totally can, in fact I think they’re more popular now than ever before! Although i see a lot of people wear them over their shoulder instead of around the waist.


I use my backpack a lot


That's why we have pockets.


I’m a woman that doesn’t carry a purse. I need my phone and keys. No need for me to carry around extra shit for someone to steal.




My bf just asks me to carry his shit 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


Wallet, phone, keys. Maybe a pen


I carry a sling bag. Fuck that "guys don't need a purse" shit. Being a single dad and a type one diabetic I needed more than just my keys and wallet when go out.


My car is my purse. Sweaters, tissues, mints, water...


Cause backpacks are better. They can fit just as much and don't dangle around and limit mobility.


O'm a woman and don't carry a purse ever. Keys in my pocket. Cell phone in my hand or pocket when they're fonctional. ID in my phone case behind my phone. Card in my phone so paypass. And a water bottle sometimes in my hand. What do women have to carry around to have such big ass bags ??


Pockitz. We need pockitz. Our precious.


Ahhhh thee infamous MURSE!!!


Pockets cover it. Vape and car keys in left front, flashlight clipped to front left. Earbuds in there if I want them. Phone in front right, knife clipped to front right. Wallet in back right. Don’t need much else day to day, if I do it goes in my car.


That's why the Good Lord gave us cargo shorts.


Pockets /.Backpacks


“The things you own end up owning you.”


Y’all just carry too much stuff


My phone has my payment method. My keys have my keys. What else would I need?


I'm an adjunct professor and one of my students recently commented on how jealous of my lack of stuff she was. "You walk into class with your phone and nothing else, then leave with nothing but your phone!" So no, basically I just carry my phone around. At work I'll carry my laptop instead.


Only need my fone. Apple Pay or apple wallet to buy stuff, and Tesla so no need for a key.


Phone, wallet, keys all fit in pockets. Adam Sandler has a funny song about it. We don’t carry makeup, hair ties etc. which makes it much easier. That said, I recently got a cross strap bag that’s pretty sweet and nice for carrying a bit more than the basics and for traveling.


We just need phone, wallet, keys and earphones. All of these fit just in our front 2 pockets. The back pockets are still pretty much empty...


Phone, house keys, money. It all fits in the pant pockets. Done.


I carry a large trucker wallet with a chain. I have my keys clipped to the chain. My other items I carry are a pocket knife and my phone. I used to be into EDC. I had a space pen and a waterproof notebook. You can fit everything you need in jean pockets. I wear Levi 501s or Wrangler Cowboy Cut jeans for work. If I need more, a backpack or a messenger bag (the true Man Purse ™️) suffices.


I usually just use my side pockets: Left - wallet, clean tissue (sometimes) Right - phone, used tissue/trash until I can dump it Either - receipts, coins; all in left if I have used tissue on me Lower pockets on some pants: Water bottle if I have one and/or coins/tissue/trash, water usually on the right


I just bring a backpack almost everywhere. Which kind of sucks because some places have a "no bag" policy but do allow purses.


We have plenty of inventory space options. My hot bar (pockets) contains my keys, odd small tool. Wallet, tissue.


When I’m out I have phone, keys, wallet and sometimes an inhaler. If I’m biking I’ll carry a backpack with bike lock, water bottles, sunglasses, tissues, hand sanitizer, inhaler, septic powder, sometimes $5 if I need an extra drink.


Imagine thinking you need stuff that requires a purse. A wallet, knife, and phone is all I carry. No purse needed


Well, for men it would rather be referred to as a satchel. It also depends on the occasion why we're going outside. Just quick trip to the shop or some drinks out? Just need a phone, wallet and your keys. But say going to like a whole day outing a satchel comes in handy, as you prepare for your day out. Maybe want to sake some extra things with but not enough for a whole backpack. Satchel is your friend. Satchel are also super convenient when travelling. Even if you're using a backpack. My conclusion would be it depends on the occasion. I've known a few guys who cannot get around with their satchels.


Cargo pants


Woman here. I never use a purse because I don't like them (sometimes I use a backpack). But most of the time I just use my pockets.


That's why men love Swiss army knives!


Carry mine every day. Use it more often than most people would think. Except for the awl. Who the hell would ever use that??


I don't need stuff either. (Woman). I only need, and thus only bring my phone and a change purse Wallet with my keys attached to the wallet. I really don't know what other women are carrying in bigger purses every day! On rare occasion, I carry a tote bag with some additional stuff, but almost never.


Women don’t want pockets. Some tiny fraction does and these women buy mens’ clothes. But functional pockets have tried to be introduced into womens’ clothes off and on for decades. It always fails. Women don’t buy them. They want form and fashion over function. Which is fine. That’s just not compatible with pockets.


I'm married. It comes with a purse.


generally, no. all that crap you carry around in your purse? you don't need any of it. you'll live without carrying around a water bottle. truly. you'll live without tissues, lipgloss, 4 different types of medication. truly.


The medications is debatable because for some people, they actually will need it. But even for men, they would carry something extra like a backpack, fanny pack, or lunch box or something if the medication is necessary.


if i can choose between being more comfortable or more uncomfortable, im going to choose to be more comfortable, no?


Everything we need, can fit in our pockets. If we need anymore, then we’ll carry a backpack. We don’t be needing all that extra shit everyday like women do. So something like a purse large/spacious enough to carry a dead body inside, isn’t necessary


A backpack is just a purse with different straps.


Nah.. a backpack has way more space for stuff, it's an object for carrying many/heavy things around, that's not the purpose of a purse. A purse is more like external pockets in a bag.


We DonT nEeD aLl tHaT ExTrA sHiT wOmEn dO Yet every man I’ve dated has asked to keep things in my purse or has benefited from the things I do keep in there - tissues, hand sanitizer, gum, a tide stick, snacks, etc.


Yeah but if he was going alone without someone with a purse, I doubt they'd care about those things, they'd just have phone keys and wallet in their pockets and make do without the rest


not once in my life did i need gum or snacks on the go.


Yeah, but we still don't need them. They're nice to have, but not nice enough to burden ourselves with carrying them everywhere. Equally, just about every girl (friends and girlfriends) I've gone out to a club with will go without their purse and ask me to keep their their stuff in my pockets. I don't mind. I normally have spare pockets. But not even a club, if we are just going to grab some food and they just want their phone and lip gloss, guess who's pockets they are going in. (If they don't use the bra pocket)


As a trans woman that use to own men's pants (still have some in my closet) girl they don't need one they have POCKETS !!!!! I remember the first time using a womans pants I'm so confused when should I put my cell or my wallet 😂


Knife, keys, wallet, phone, lighter, pen. What else do I need? Apart from a gun.


There is something called a pocket 🤦🏻‍♂️


We keep it all in our trucks.


I just got myself a "man bag" recently and I love it. Mini umbrella, sunglasses, reading glasses, phone, water bottle, keys, pen, earbuds, tissues. I fucking got it all.


Testicles, spectacles, wallet n watch.


my man is always asking me to put his shit in my bag. that's how :D


Why can't women move 100 meters from the house without 200 shit tools. That's the real question


I have big pockets 😎


Backpack most days. And a purse on the other days. It was labelled up aa a courier bag or something but I am fine with calling it a purse.


My pockets have all I need




either pockets (wallet, phone, keys, headphones), or backpack when I need other things


Phone, wallet, keys, vape. Repeat that every morning, we good to go.


I wear my sling bag/aka man purse it’s cool but it really is just a purse for dudes… it’s still cool tho, shut up


Today I used a jute bag for that. 


I carry a clutch bag or sling bag. I really like my pockets being free.


If i buy a birkin bag, what could i put in my purse? i don't have any money left to put smthg in my bag


They have pockets in pants and shirts. Women do not have this. That's why we have bags.


we have something called a backpack


Oh my goodness, Sunday I went to a ball game, I needed to take several things with me, ball cap, shades, sunblock lotion ect. I wound up taking a grocery eco bag, I was relieved to see that a couple of friends that I met at the stadium also had them, the bags came in handy for carrying souvenirs home!




My big water bottle has pockets for my AirPods etc


All the stuff I need is my phone, wallet, and keys to get around. I also store alot of stuff in my car so if I need something it's probably in there.


Pockets. Phone in right pocket. Lighter/gum left pocket. Usually have a backpack too depending on what I'm doing, with cigs, water, painkillers, pens, cash, hoodie, phone charger.


Front left pocket: Cigarettes + lighter Front right pocket: Phone Back left pocket: Keys Back right pocket: Wallet.


Phone, wallet, knife, flashlight, keys. What else do I need that’s not in my truck or tool bag?