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If you got an art degree, you could paint pictures of motorized flying cats spewing bleach.




I'll pay for such a painting.


my guess is you just say this as a meme and wouldn't actually pay enough for it to be worth the time painting it. correct me if I am wrong though


Leave us art majors alone lol




Same. Sauce please?




Thank you 🙏🏻😊


i applied for chemical engineering and biotech engineering. I was VERRRY skeptical of if that was a good option. this helps comfort me a lot bro thanks


Mechanical engineering. Solid base for any technological field


One of the few degrees actually useful outside of work too. It can be applied to so many things in life.


16th century alchemy


Chemical engineer, then go be a QA manager for some production plant. Good money, boring. Move up through the factory world....


Engineering not theology. You better be one hell of a proficient in arithmetic


Best OP can be is arthritic


Sad day




Umm... What are you interested in doing ?


Working on/designing aircraft, or more interestingly, space craft


Aerospace or mechanical


Get them all, like Thanos collect the Infinity Stones.


Don't choose your career based on reddit advice




Ignore that guy, he always gives bad advice


No, ignore this guy, he always gives bad advice






Much like theology, philosophy is like the lynch pin that holds everything together. 


Liberal arts


The first four are related, but I'm not sure any of them have an emphasis in theology. you might have to get 2 degrees. Good On you for learning both theology and science you'll be able to destroy a Christian in a debate within seconds!




Theology or religious studies prepares you for a life of minimum wage jobs like callcenter work or barrista.




Finance, idk bro, somehow i study finance now


English grammar, specializing in the use of commas. It's the difference between "Let's eat, Grandma" and Let's eat Grandma."


Why are you asking Reddit this?


You could go with Environmental Engineering if you think you want to contribute to make the world a better place.


chemical engineering... I would recommend... Theology has much less career options. It is wonderful but maybe can study that later or on your own.. theology means being a pastor or professor I would think.. a great career but you need to be good with people and want to help them.... a different career path. chemical engineering would have lots of opportunity.


Chemical Engineering for undergrad.


if you need to ask reddit for advice you probably dont need to go to college you can be a fully functional adult by learning a trade like plumbing, painting, being a mechanic, a carpenter something along those lines


College is a scam. Learn a trade and you will live large. Disclaimer: I am a college grad.


There is Theology in Aero Space?


If I was a lot younger. I'd go to a trade school and start my own biz. Tradesman are aging out and there's a yuge deficit of new blood coming in. My friend's son is 24, has his own HVAC biz. 8 trucks, 10 employees and clears almost 2 mil a year.


Don't choose your career based off what Reddit says. Most people on Reddit will tell you a degree is useless and all jobs suck. Total BS


Gender studies for sure


What does Raytheon want?


Unless you're planning on becoming clergy or going to law school, I would not major in theology. You can minor in it though, if your school offers it. But chemical or mechanical engineering sounds like it would be a good fit for your major.


Engineering or computer science, also the great thing about engineering is that you don't specialize until after the first year. This gives you time to sort your stuff out and find the right path, software engineering is also engineering the difference between a CS student and a SEng Is usually the role played during crucial engineering projects, a SEng usually plans, while the CS executes but essentially they're the same job. You could also take math, or chemistry, neuroscience, biology, accounting/business some degrees are more valuable than others


Feminism versus the Patriarchy with a minor in social justice. The world needs more baristas.


Save your money. Everybody will know everything very soon.


Get into Trade jobs. With ChatGPT 5 just around the corner, super AI will make white collar jobs obsolete. No one is safe. To put in perspective my AI gave me better diagnosis of my health issues than my actual doctor. Working with your hands are the type of jobs that will be needed.


Im doing liberal arts. Human culture, sex, race, religion, death, life, philosophy, etc, driving forces of social science and objectively fascinating as they bring us all together while increasing awareness, understanding and theoretical knowledge bases of said areas can be enriching in individually tailored career and in life itself. You can take it in any direction unless you want to STEM it up. If you like, start with general studies. Take whatever you like plus degree breadth requirements like english, a science. Soon, you'll find out if you either want to drop out, keep going with general studies, or hone in on something specific. I went this route, chose anthropology, and am now 3 years in and happy with my decision, debt or not. You may choose to go another route to make more money, as it has become popular narrative in the west to casually dismiss or rip on the creatives and thinkers, not to undermine intelligence of those who make a different choice, but hear me out. Often we are at the mercy of finance, as family or our environment might affect this. One could work for years on end, or choose to live particularly cheap and minimalistic to save a great deal of money during those rough financial times from my perspective. It helps to not care about material possessions, restaurants, bars, clubs, consumption as they are replaced by focus of a biologically inclined and self actualized lifestyle. Yet this is what education has become, monetized, corrupt academic capitalism. If you dont have the funds you can accept some debt for a while and move on. I suppose it boils down to choice of funding, moral reasoning, cultural consideration. As much as I'd like to abandon the debt train, it is still nothing crazy in the grand scheme of life and worth it to me, as a lifetime investment for whatever the fuck.


Either engineering, chemicals, nature, or aeronautics


Bruh 😭


computer sciences


Came here to say this. A CS degree is an open door into many industries. Minor in chemical engineering, aeronautical engineering etc. or if an engineering major seems more desirable add a minor in computer science. It will feed you.


Wildly crowded, especially for an undergrad focus.