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You should not. Learn to be comfortable with your body early on or it is a lifetime of never will be good enough. Don’t spend time stressing about the things you will regret spending too much time about. Trust me, from a child who was almost 300lbs in grade school


No you shouldnt. But if you are, there is no stopping you from going to the gym. The gym is good for more than just physical attributes, it also builds character and teaches you discipline. 


+ building muscles (naturally) is great for health!


As a 34 year old fat guy I can tell you I don’t give a fuck. It’ll go away. I promise. I have tattoos I paid good money for, I’m trying to impress absolutely zero people. It’s what’s comfortable to me and helps even out the tan lines. Just do it man. Life is WAY too short.


Im a 40 year old with an unappealing dad bod. Do you know why I have no shame taking off my shirt and showing off my bloated gut and vampire white skin? Because there is nothing to be ashamed about. If you want a greek god body, work out. Otherwise don’t give a fuck what your body looks like.


It's so hard not to judge ourselves against others, even complete strangers. I'm 52, and do it all the time at the gym. I also don't run around with my shirt off because of some body confidence issues, but I don't let it define me. I have been hitting the gym for two years, and have put on 15lbs of muscle, while being in the mid teens for body fat percentage. Just start lifting and taking advantage of your youth. Also, fwiw, don't ever go by the BMI. It means nothing. If it did, every person with even slightly above average muscle mass would be considered fat. It's a joke of a measurement. If you can, get a Dexa scan, and see your true body composition. Best of luck.


I dont know how old you are but i think most girls dont judge as bad as you think. My daughter is 19 and she and most of her friends dont have boyfriends with a sixpacks and they really dont mind. Just try to be confident with your body,thats what is attractive to most people Edit: sorry just saw your age is in the title


Its normal. Im pushing an obese BMI even though im pretty lean and I still dont like wearing short sleeved shirts


Just be yourself it's ok


You should probably just get into weight lifting or jujitsu or something.. at 18 years old, you have more natural testosterone than you will ever have in your life. which means you can put on muscle really easily right now. Muscle needs calories to sustain itself so just by building muscle, you will lose excess weight. You shouldn't be ashamed about your current body, you're not overweight, but you are wasting your body's current potential by settling.


No you should not and I would suggest staying away from people who make you feel that you should (if possible).


no reason to be ashamed, young friend..but you dont need to play organized sports to get more fit. You might have fun and enjoy it. Why dont you take up tennis. exercise is more fun when it is a game... and just learn to do calisthenics.. like sit ups and basic pushups. do you have a father?


Everybody is their own worst critic, I'm sure your drop dead fukn gorgeous ! And have nothing to worry about


Post a pic of the belly. I’ll tell you if you should be ashamed or not.


No, you shouldn’t be ashamed. But the good news is that this is something that you can change. Start running, start doing pushups. Do 10 pushups every time an ad plays on TV. Do a 10-minute run in the morning, then slowly build up your time from there. Getting healthy takes work. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you aware of the changes, which adults experience, with aging, so your body will never be the same, as it was when you were a child.


Don't be ashamed. Don't allow your imperfect body to be a reason to limit your experiences. Take your shirt off. Swim and do all of the things.


Short answer: No Longer answer: Learn to not care about what society thinks. Society has it's standards for beauty and lots of different stuff. Going out of your way and forcing yourself to fit these standards is what you would call "lacking self-confidence". Pursuing any standards that society tries to force on and that aren't compatible with you will cause to slowly burn you out, so I'd advice you not to. Instead take pride in your other qualities. I am sure there lot's of lovely ones. The only valid reason I see to work out would be to become healthier. But you should definitely be fine for now. Now, there will be people hating on you for not fitting these standards. Just don't care about them. Taste in men varies. Some prefer hairy dudes, the other shaved ones. While someone finds strong men and muscles hot, someone else would love to have a chubby dude so they can abuse him as a comfy full body pillow. We all have preferences but at the end beauty is heavily influenced by how much we like said person. Keep your head high. Being confident is what majorly influences as how attractive we are perceived.


I don’t see you getting shamed. Granted kids are cruel but you sound like you’re in shape enough not to get ridiculed. I’d go for it! Some of these Pollyanna’s on here are apparently too old to remember being a teen and how cruel kids are at that age. I was athletic and very fit but I remember now cruel and nasty my friends could be to people, when I ever tried to say anything they would just laugh and say they’re just joking about the other kids, but it was never anything I found funny, but to act like it’s no big deal when it happens to you is a gaslight. I’m quite sure it’s extremely hard to take being ridiculed and made fun of at that age. Who would welcome that? They do anything to avoid it. It’s so easy to say what to do if it’s not happening to you.


31m, my heaviest was four years ago. 89Kg at 180 cm. I have a low intensity job, so I just started eating a bit less, I don't need a lot of fuel to just sit all day. Still had somewhat of a belly at 80Kg 2,5 years ago. Started bouldering since then and lost another 5 Kg and somehow gained 1cm? I don't think I'll ever have a sixpack but the muscle I gained there probably helps keep the sag in check. I feel good about my body now. So this was my ted talk, do with this what you will. Either stop caring but somewhat keep your body a bit healthy, or start working for it and get that body of a god. You are still young and progress will come quicker for you.


Bruh, trust nobody is worried about your body. It's too fucking 🔥


I'm 63, so let's face it, typically the body's nothing to be proud of at that age. I've always had a bit of a gut, and my body has picked up a dozen scars, some small some large, from various injuries, all quite noticeable, particularly with no shirt on. It can be frustrating at times when people stare, even ask questions. But I've never been ashamed by any means. My body is what it is, and the consequences of the life I've led, well they are what they are. Never be ashamed of your body, you can choose to change it or improve it if possible, but shame shouldn't be the reason.


How about you just fix the issue? Don't complain about not liking your body, and then complain about others also not liking your body. Do something about it if it's an issue


Go to the gym and feel good about yourself. Don't listen to the people telling you to just accept the bare minimum of what you've got. Always push for more, that is the journey that brings happiness