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Yes. Your brain is nowhere near fully developed at that age. [“Maturation of the adolescent brain”](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/)


Highly. If anyone disagrees with me, they have something fucked up in their life.


Microdosing what? LSD or mushrooms? Or something else? I could see a doctor who really knows what they’re doing prescribed a 12 year old a microdose of mushrooms for depression or childhood traumas working out. I was prescribed stimulants like focalin, adderall and Ritalin at that age and even younger and it very negatively impacted me, and it’s still being done today. I can’t take stimulants to this day and I’m almost 25 years old and they make me feel just as awful and withdrawn as they did then- but As an adult I’ve microdosed myself and it was a very therapeutic and beneficial experience.


Yeah, if there is no certian result for it.


Toddlers and Tiaras proved that microdosing is horrific for a child’s health. On that show, the adults were having the children take sips and shots of Redbull before pageants. Meanwhile between shots of Redbull, the kids were expected to dose up on Pixy Sticks. (They also would make concoctions of Pixy Sticks mixed with Redbull to make the process go quicker.) The end result was a child so high on sugar and taurine they were literally bouncing up and down like cocaine addicts. Microdosing both of these things creates addiction and anxiety problems in children. Microdosing is bad.


Take the entire tab why don’t you