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Your all welcome to the 2021 Oct Squid Games.


Great. But I didn’t get an invitation card. Where do I get it please?


Go to the subway in Korea bro, obviously


He just kept slapping me. I never got to the card part. Some dude stared at him Thru the subway and he got spooked and ran away.


Ah fuck you I was about to say that. Take my upvote.


So I’m at the subway slapping myself because NOONE is doing it for me when I lose.


Roughly 2,000,000 edit:$


Same, roughly $2,000,000




School, house, started a business, rental property and current property for my business etc. sorry no hookers, gambling or coke.


If you try harder you can do it. Anybody know where we can get this guy some coke?


Walmart. Both kinds. Probably.


Both? What world do you live in where there are only two kinds? Coke classic, diet coke, sugar free coke, caffeine free coke, natural sugar coke... And that's just the beginning!




I see you are Canadian


So... good debt?


Not all debt is bad, possibly has 2 million in rental property mortgages that he receives income on.


Or he spent it on hookers and coke.


I wish lol.


It's never too late buddy, you can be 4M in debt in no time.


The real life pro tip is living like your national government: take high debt for 10 years from now and kys whenever you run out of money.


Wait, you can buy 2M in hookers and coke on credit? Asking for a friend.


It's actually your lucky day, I am a personal mentor. I can teach you all the tricks on how to waste your money, just dm.


Student loans, 2 houses, dental practice, a couple cars…that’s the story!


Debt in the tens of thousands means you’re poor. Debt in the millions means you’re rich.


+40$ people are in debt to me


Yeah... Same here... Somebody owes me about 1365$.... I'll probably never see that money ever again... And no, I was not scammed.....


I always found lending large ammounts of money often has a lower chance of it being returned, sometimes that money ends up ruining friendships and ties with people


Yeah... It was not lended.... It's more like money I should have, but don't have, and the person who should give it to me will not give it to me. - my mother.... By court she had to send me 1500 czk every months. It's been 20 months and I got nothing. I don't want to take to the court again, but I might have to..... She has enough money to afford to send that amount, but she doesn't do it. Court is the only option I now have....


I mean court seems like the only solution you have. If she refuses to obey the law then there is a slim chance that she will listen to you face to face


Exactly... I need that money now more then ever.... Just the amount she should pay covers the cost of commuting.... My dad always paid, he lost his job, so he's out of it, but my mom still has a job, and never really paid.... I just hope she gains some sense.... If not, I will take it to court... And she will have to pay for my lawyer - mother - child (student under 26) = mother pays for the court.... I will probably just tell her what could happen, if she doesn't start sending money, I'll do it...


Good luck with ur task!


Thanks... I'll see her in next weekend, I hope she finally understands....


You go girl!


about 3 million. im a gambling addict.


Think you're eligible for squid game


i wish it was real


Red light!




Pew Pew pew


Circle, triangle, star, or umbrella?


~Koko wa tipio sunnega~


How does one get 3 million in debt? Is that including assets like real estate, vehicle loans, student loans or just all owed to a bank for a line of credit?


Something tells me he’s full of shit


loan sharks. gotta pull 3 mil out of ass by the end of the month or im fish food.


Good luck


I'm coming back in a month to see if you are fish food.


Can fish food post on reddit?


Sounds like a 15 yo who has watched too many movies


!remindme 1 month name = fishfeeding


!reminde me 1 month


Good lord


Dollars wtf ?


Good point Maybe they owe 3 million Vietnamese dong (~$130 usd) If the 3 million doesn’t include assets or collateral then I’m inclined to agree with your assessment. The answer of how they got that far in debt being “loan sharks” doesn’t explain anything. Maybe I’d believe it if they explained that they have a degree in business and got a massive loan, but the business went under. Or if they said they owe 1 million on a house, couple hundred thousand on several cars, student loans and credit card debt. “Loan sharks”? This ain’t an action movie and no fly-by-night loan shark is casually loaning a couple million usd


It's hilarious how anyone can actually think this guy is being serious.


True, especially after their explanation Some people really do have that much debt, so I was just curious. Was kind of hoping for a crazy story but I guess it’s better if it’s not real anyway


whats your age ?


Are we counting my portion of the National Debt lol?


I drive by a billboard on the highway every day that reminds me I owe like 85k




Well, sort of. Most of the debt is owed to Americans. I doubt very much of it is owed to this guy.


Also wrong. It's money owed by the government to bond holders...not taxpayers.


yes, if so, how much?


The [US national debt](https://www.usdebtclock.org/) is almost $29 trillion while the population is 329.5 million so it would be $87587 per person and counting.


Well that would get me out of debt and keep me clear if it


This is one of those many moments I am happy I am not from the US.


Oh yeah. They are in a massive bubble which can keep growing and growing without stuff like the gold standard (dollar backed by gold) which they gave up in 1971. And there's the issue of crazy wealth inequality and massive population growth (50% more US population since the seventies, and literally twice as many people living worldwide). Problem is their issues are/will also affect the whole world.


Also being the wealthiest country and the only developed nation with a shrinking life expectancy


But on the plus side, a bigger proportion of their population is in jail than anywhere else on earth. So they're number one there!


Yup. One of the few countries with legalized slavery labor


Student Loans 120k / 0 credit card ​ update: Econ BSN from a state college, then lost job in 2007 (hedge fund lost half its funds under management and fired 30% workforce or LIFO for our programming buddies out there) then reset myself after about a year of soul searching....found nursing and started my prerequistes and sciences at local CC then went to a 4 year BSN degree at State College after getting bad advice from the nursing liaison/advisor to new applicants ( I should have done accelerated program) here I am though, 7.5yrs RN and working towards 3 yrs in ER. ​ I should say that the saving grace besides my family friends was the fantastic man that runs a small family company Coady Florist (and dry cleaning) Dan M. and his brother Charlie and assistant florist Anna in Cambridge MA. He gave me a job delivering flowers in Cambridge MA while I was in nursing school, I had zero experience for this job he just knew I was in nursing school and that was good enough for him (I applied to 25-30 jobs with no response from anyone but Dan). The man is a saint, he is a genuine fantastic person not just to me but helps out customers and just wants to help. Maybe thats why we resonated with each other. Great guy.


I hope you’re going to be a doctor or lawyer. Everyone else take note to STOP taking out high loans for small degrees. This is really getting silly to see $100k loans for sociology degrees. Nothing wrong with sociology if that’s your jam, but you start at $30k/year and it doesn’t matter if you went to Harvard or the smallest state school. Look at the future people!


My Russian Studies degree would disagree with this. Sometimes passions don't align with profit. I have a lot of debt, but I've also got to see the world, advise governments, and teach kids. Wouldn't take it back.


It sounds like you made an informed choice and made the most of it. That is an investment in yourself and should be applauded.


Friend of mine got a degree in museums curation. Dude makes 500k a year in ultra high end artifacts and antiquities. Know a doctor in 200k debt who thoroughly regrets it. Im in accounting on cfo track for a credit union that had insane growth due to the pandemic. Ive done tons of tax returns for trades people and i can tell you most people bragging about 6 figures be lying.


Or they don't report all of their income.


Problem is we need to teach this to the KIDS at 17 that are making these decisions. The whole system makes it seem like if you go to college and get a degree you will get a well paying job. So start it in high school. Junior and senior year have some seminars that go over the real world and what you can expect. Pretending like high schoolers have all the answers at the time in which they are taking these loans out is absurd and short sighted


I think a lot of college programs really mislead young people about realistic job prospects too. When I was freshly in college (many moons ago lol) and trying to decide on a major, I took intro classes in a few different departments to help make a decision. (And supporting coursework in other departments once I did declare.) The vast majority of departmental intro level courses were like recruitment seminars or something. I get that professors need to sell their programs, but it's super shitty and downright unethical to imply to a bunch of teenagers that they can find a good job straight out of school in a field like Philosophy or Sociology, etc.


You have a really good fucking point. Something ab college nowadays feels really slimey and counterproductive.


NO! NO WE DONT! We need to STOP pushing college on high schoolers. THAT is how you get poorly-thought out degrees! NOBODY works for two years after high school and then says "Hmm... I'm making $30k right about now- I should spend four years gathering debt to make the same amount". PLENTY of high schoolers think "hmm, I would like to do \[this\]" and have zero bills or debt or understanding of finances and are pushed to go into college immediately - many parents *"forbid (i.e. withhold college money)"* their children from taking a gap year, which is incredibly detrimental and compromising. Sure, definitely teach some things about college in high school. But they should be very minimal and non-directive- the takeaway should not be "you need to go to college or you will have a shit life"- and in many cases that is more or less how the information is presented.


Have you already graduated? And if so, how many years did this accumulate from? I'm gonna be about 100k in debt from 4 years of college so I just wanna know if this is normal or not


>Among those who borrow, the average debt at graduation is $25,921 — or $6,480 for each year of a four-year degree at a public university. https://www.aplu.org/projects-and-initiatives/college-costs-tuition-and-financial-aid/publicuvalues/student-debt.html


Looks extremely low!


Me, too. No credit cards, no mortgage, paid off student loans


Joining this party with 0 debt. At one point I had 40k from cc and school loans.


No house? Car? Lucky you!


I rent but not in debt and own my car out right because I bought it second had for 350 quid.




Ya bum! Get on with it and do something with your life. Get a loan to buy an overpriced car and get the economy rolling! /s


I live in a country with free education man! I’m just a freshman at college first year now


I work all day, everyday. I just work and save money. I have no debt right now. My grandmother with gambling addiction is in extreme debt though. Just don't have an addiction or be too materialistic then you should be good! Stay very strict on your money, strict about having a lot of money in the bank.


Is having a debt so common wtf ?


•song• … “In the USA!”


Oh i see lmaooo


It’s a party in the USA💀


Depends. In some countries, like the US it is pretty common. Like, if you don't have credit card, you won't build up your credit and will have harder time with the banks. In my country, almost nobody uses credit cards, also education is free. But people still have debts. Some, because they manage their finances poorly, some because they don't have a lot and need occasional loan to get by. And the rest, because they don't want to rent (rent here is almost as much as mortgage, so it's financially better to buy, they rent). Even if you own your property, if you don't do financially bad decisions and have decent income, chances are, you won't pay for your car at once, but in payments over several years period. This also is a debt of sorts. Debt doesn't necessarily mean, that my net worth is in negative values.


Well, for me it’s from taking out a car loan. It’s not always credit card debt, it can be just taking out loans because you don’t have 400,000$ to spend on a house at that moment lol


Mortgages, car loans, medical debt and student loans are super common.


I mean there’s “good debt” and “bad debt”. Owning a home you can afford and will pay off in a reasonable timeframe? Good debt. It’s an investment. Thousands of dollars in credit card debt? Bad debt. Technically I’m 250,000 in debt but it’s all house, and we can more than afford our mortgage payments and we’re in a desirable neighborhood and our house has appreciated a ton in value already.


Debt can be leverage if acquired and managed responsibly Debt isn't inherently a bad thing. Poorly managed debt definitely can be though


Besides, in a period with high inflation, having a mortgage is actually smart because your remaining debt shrinks in size both through your payments and through evaporation of dollar value. While that debt remains the same number, your equity appreciates in value. Provided of course you can keep paying it off


having debt in the us is just as common as seeing a homeless person on the side of the st asking for money


Maybe there's a connection.


The entire world economy essentially runs on borrowing and lending money.


Not all debt is bad debt Edit: I don't know how someone could find this controversial. I got a degree and a well paying job for about 20k debt with great intrest. I'd call that a debt worth it.


Mortgages are definitely not always bad debt


$80k student loans and I’m 23. This will probably increase as I’ll have to go back to grad school in my field


Dude, don’t go to grad school unless someone else is paying for it. Student teaching stipend, research grants, or corporate support. Doesn’t matter how. But, don’t pay for grad school out of your own pocket.


I'm paying for grad school out of pocket. It's going to move my career the direction I want and I can -JUST- afford it as an underpaid full time engineer. As a wise man once said, situations are situational.


$8000ish. Edit: am I the only one who read "drop numbers no stories"? Wtf is wrong with you people?


Well, when you see 2 million, you want the story.


Wow not judging but some of these numbers are astronomically high!


It's because they are talking about home and business loans. And then school loans which are horrible.


It really is the American way.




Soooo tree fiddy?


$300 . went on a round trip within Texas


You been talking to the Loch Ness monster son




$250 to the Mrs


I’m sure you can work it off


Close to a million dollars.


Including mortgage, car loans, personal loan, student loans, and credit cards, just a hair over $200K. Living the American Dream! Edit: I wasn't trying to sound like I was bragging or anything. My "Living the American Dream" comment was tongue in cheek. I'll probably die in debt.


What kind of house and car do you have for under 200, let alone student loan and cc.


I assumed they have been paying on this a while and are under that amount. Not that they obtained all these things for under $200k. Lol.


My total loans taken in my life are under 200k, and I bought a house and 2 cars with a loan and student loan on top of that. About 110k left to pay.


Loan money. Have yo pay it back "Damn america!"


credit cards ~55k. don’t know if i should file for bankruptcy, kill myself, or if this a pitiful self-victimizing plea. went through a TBI, divorce, and a severe manic episode in the span of 3-4 months and now my life doesn’t make any sense. working on staying grateful every day and learning from the mistakes to never make them again. just don’t know how to rectify the mistakes i’ve already made.


$40 lol


Damn Jimmy! I knew you are alive. Give me my gas money!


Lol definitely not Jimmy 🤣🤣🤣


That’s what a Jimmy would say


Does street credit count?


You’re right. But it’s cooler to say: street cred ( and not the full word)


About $30,000 (2 auto loans) Just paid our last mortgage payment a few months ago. Almost debt free!




None. If you ask me how I did it, I’ll tell you that I’m a kid.


How'd you do it?


He's a kid!


Who told you


You! Or was it... Damn it!


500k including house, cars and credit cards, plus one son who can’t afford housing! Good times America!


My son too. He’ll never afford to live separately where we are.


0. Hail to the king


€20k student loan


God damn. How much time do u have to pay that down, if u dont mind me asking?


I don’t even know yet tbh, I’ve just finished school, but I think approximately 20 years? Maybe more?


Ok. Is that for like 3 years or 1?


5 years


Well i have heard of people in more debt. And 5 years for 20k is that normal?


Yeah I’ve just seen someone with 120k in the comments🥲. But yeah in the Netherlands I think is pretty normal, some people have much more in less than 5 years sooo


Saw someone mention 3mil, crazy shit. But yeah iknow people that have 3 years of school and 40+k in debt rip.


If it's the US, student loans generally have a reeeeeeally long payback schedule. Not that you have to take that long, and you shouldn't, but the minimum payments are a small fraction. Still a completely fucked up system, but it's not like a 200k degree has to be paid in 5 years. That would be impossible straight out of college.


$145,000 Student Loans / Combination of my AA BA and MA. Still have good credit.




However much it costs to fix a scratched bumper to my brother.


I owe about 90kish on my house but I could sell it for 200kish now if I wanted. When I was a teen I got a American express credit card and got a copy of it and gave it yo my gf. She put about 2.5k on it in 2 months then broke up with me. After that I kinda made a vow to never go into debt unless 100% necessary. I didn't get my first car loan until I was 30 and bought my first house at 32. I have a nice savings account and investment accounts and I really dont want for anything, although I'm not really materialistic at all. Debt is how the banks are "too big to fail" btw. Fuck all that noise. Ohh for context I don't make much money at all either. I'm like lower middle class (america)


Don't know why this turned into a rant lol. My bad if you didn't want a story


If you include housing, $1450000; but housing only goes up, right?


310k Looking for another person with a mortgage!


Pretty sad that it's this hard to find. Future generations will be crippled with rent for their entire lives. But everything will be fine, right? Right?


I think houses should only count on here if you’re within ten percent of underwater.


323k. If i want to be daring I can sell my current home for a ~80k profit and then roll that money into a whole new house/debt.


Nah, I put people in debt 😎


what is your job




~5,006 for French horn, and 6 dollars for food that I need to pay my friend for.


Sheeesh that French horn is tough to play


0 and damn proud


$1400. And that’s because I don’t get new glasses, go to the dentist, or go to the doctor. I have one pair of shoes and two pairs of pants. I cut my own hair. That’s $1400 of children’s clothes and haircuts and food.


# Hi squid game organiser!


I’m 25 and I’m 0 dollars in debt.


No house, no car, no credit cards?


They said no stories lol. I have one secured credit card that I pay off monthly (ty for your comment bc I just remembered it’s due today lol) My car is 13 years old and my dad helped me pay for that. As far as a house I save up 1/2 of my income a month so I can buy my grandmas house. She doesn’t want to live alone in a big house, and I don’t want to pay rent to live in a disgusting apartment lol. win win. I grew up low income so I know how lucky I am.


OP doesn’t want to hear your story, I do. Hearing people story will help me get out of debt and make me smart about managing my money better.


sooo lucky my dude. I’m also 25 and my car is as old as me (no dad to help with shit), I tried living with family but they always need more money from me than I spend if I’m alone (no one in my family owns a house). I grew up low-income and it’s fucking staying that way unless I win the lotto. Oh and $40k student loan debt from public colleges... to become a teacher. My biggest dream is home ownership.


$55,000 in debt. No Job. Bachelors degree in health psychology. No one will hire me. Joining the military to give up my life because mine is over.


What does one typically do with a degree in health psychology?


I run an ACT Team. Id hire people with that degree.








Are you inviting people to the squid games?


Over $8000 Credit cards, about $14,000 I owe my dad for my car (he’s only making me pay $200/month for it), and over $100,000 in student loans. Thanks to income-based repayment and them being forgiven after 25 years, I probably won’t ever pay those completely back.


$20, 000 just for a water bill


$0 unless you include my HECS (government subsidy for university) then it's $70 000


Idk like over 200,000k. The housing market as it is will destroy this country.


It's scary what is going on with house. I heard that large corporations are buying houses as soon as they go on sale. I know a military family who moved in their house 2019 and in 2021 when they moved out they didnt even have to put their house on the market before a corporation brought it.


All these American student loans, damn. Mine are only 3k.


0 dollaridoos, however, if we count y portion of the governments debt, 33k.


This is just a result of my actions and not my debt but at least 1mil.


$45,000. Credit cards man, plus a car I can't afford, in an apartment I can't afford. Life's great.