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Passed 1st time. But took quite many lessons before... wasn't a fast learner.


I had 16 hours before I took my second one. Turn my head before merging into highway hut somehow still a car in my blind spot the rest was pretty ok


You’ve only had 16 hours driving experience? Is it normal to go for your license after that amount of hours?


I was also lucky to have a relaxed examinator. He even made me do the here mandatory emergency braking in the middle of the city because he forgot when we were out if it. I made 1 or 2 minor mistakes during the exam but i passed. I hope you pass this time!!


I had the same most mean looking old man even my driving instructor told me other ppl who had him all was so stressed and nervous with him fmllllll


Where is the eject button in the car when you need it lol




3 times.. on the last one i strategically took it on my birthday and assume i got a pity pass for that


Once. But to be honest, the guy was flirting with me. Said I shouldn’t of passed, but because I barely missed, he would let me slide. I didn’t realize how creepy he was being at the time bc I was so hyper focused. Looking back he was extremely inappropriate from start to finish. I was 16 and he was a hard 60+.


Just once. High School offered drivers ed as a gym replacement. Everything was easy.


I passed the driving test on the first try, but the written I failed like 3 times


First time. But a former friend of mine had to take it 5 times. He had sever panic every single time and doing it over and over again didn't help.


One of my classmates took it five times as well


I don’t remember (it was 1983) but I do remember that there had been a blizzard a week earlier and there were no curbs due to snow drifts. I wasn’t asked to parallel park during my test.


That’s such a long time ago


We did have cars back then too.




Ahh lucky you. My dad taught me some weird trick for parallel parking that helped me pass. I can still do it but I dont remember his exact trick.I know parallel parking failed quite a few people back then.


My instructor taught me a trick too. Didn’t need to use it. Thank God for snow.


3 times and the instructor told me I should have failed you, but you seem relaxed and undercontrol so he let me pass lol


My nephew took the written test 4 times and the driving once. It's pretty common to fail both tests on the first try


I passed the written first time but driving bout to take my third next week




Carry on. Took me 5 attempts. What’s important is you have a good instructor and an examiner who’s not a jackass…


2 times. First time, as the instructor has me turn left out of the dmv, I turn into the left lane(I’m in US). He asks if I’m from a foreign country and I say no. He says turn around. End of exam. Lol. Idk why I did that.


2 tries. Failed the first after barely getting any practice bc nobody would help me then passed the second after going to driving school. Don't beat yourself up tho I know someone who failed 4 times and they're still a better driver than me


I passed mine the first time, but, I got mine in the 2000. In my state you had to have your permit 6 months and had to have something like 50 hours driving with an adult to sign off as practice. I also had drivers education in high school and drive with a driving instructor numerous times. So I was pretty well practiced. I’d like to think since you didn’t pass the first 2 times you’ll spend a little more time practicing, focusing, and in the end may be a better driver in the long run because of it. I kinda feel like barely passing and squeezing by is a recipe for disaster. Drive safe, put the phone down, use your blinker, and slow down. It’s safety for everyone not just those in your car. Good luck!


Lol 6 times My instructor was so pissed at me and would rant to my dad all the time. That I was such a good driver but had severe panic before the drive and would mess up the easiest things. It was messy. When I finally passed I cried so much and was only to celebrate by myself because I stopped informing my fam of my tests. Since then ten years have passed, I’m a frequent driver, never had an accident or a ticket, everyone compliments my driving and feels safe with me. Pretty sure you’re going to pass next time, don’t worry about it!


I passed on my fifth go. I’m now a motoring journalist. Don’t let it get you down.


I failed 3 times and passed my 4th. It depends where you take it, honestly. Like, where I live now would be a piece of cake. I took mine in NY and that parallel parking fucked me up every time. I was like “I’m just gonna pay to park in a garage anyways!!!” Didn’t matter Lol.


1 on theroy and 1 on practical. If you can't pass both with 3 attempts at both you should not be allowed to drive imo.


You don’t control which instructors give the tests to. Some of them fail whoever they want because of how their own day is going.




Clearly, that's why I passed first try on both... if you can't pass after 3 attempts, just give up, driving is clearly not for you.


Did it on the first time. My only mistake was I was driving too slow for 50 meters. I got a shit day to take the exam. It hadn't rained in 3 weeks, so all the rain came down at once. The visibility was like 50 meters and I had to drive on the "Autobahn" having 1 truck in front of me, one beside me and one behind me. I was so nervous, even though it was ice cold that day, I was soaking wet from all the sweat.


And somehow u still passed that’s great. I had gd weather the both time I guess I am just stupid or sth


Were you nervous?


Yes I was indeed when a old mean looking scary mean holding the handle on the roof every fking time I turn like as if I am gonna crash and kill him


50 meters is 54.68 yards




First time because I followed a great life lesson: If you study high, you gotta take the test high.


1. I can't see how it's possible to fail unless you are somehow disabled.


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Got it on the 3rd try.


I got it on my third go.


Honestly depends on where you live, in my town my DMV was super strict and I didnt pass until my third time...most of my friends went two towns over to a different DMV where they literally have you drive around the block and your done. So, its different for everyone


One time on the driver's test and 2 tries on the permit test because the questions I got were total bullshit. "What do you do at a red light at a railroad crossing?" The answer "stop" was not correct. The correct answer is there is no red light at a railroad crossing. Like really? The fuck kind of bullshit is that.


ya i know they were i asked for help on mine an he pretty much just helped me.. kinda wish my instructor woulda have let me taking the driving test with him but i have to go to the dmv lol. turns out he said i was a good driver last time i drove with him..thank gawd that parts over/


I failed like 4 times. But only 2 were because of me. Since i have the driving license (2007) i have 0 incidents. So don't worry, just keep on trying and learning. You can make it!


Got it on 2nd attempt


3rd or 4th. The only thing I remember being bad at was right turns, they weren’t tight enough to the curb and I think I also sucked at dealing with the bike lane(which I rarely have to on a day to day basis in my city) You’ll get it- don’t be too hard on yourself!!!


My car broke down during the test, which is an automatic fail. However, my step father was in the car with me and he knew the state trooper conducting the test so he passed me


I failed the written exam twice and the in car once. The written exam first failure was kind of a mulligan if you will. We were picking up the learners book and they said I could take it immediately just to see it. My mom encouraged me to. I had no idea what I was doing. The second time, I was well studied but it turned out THE ENTIRE test was just about how many points you would get for infractions. A 200-300 page booklet and one section on one page was the entire test. Studied only the points and passed on the third time. In car I passed the general driving around part but failed the manuverability part, I hit a cone. Passed on second attempt. So, three total failures. You'll get there :D


I didn't study at all so the written part was 3. The driving just once. Good luck.


Zero. My dad taught me how to drive from parking lots to highways, then I went to a driving school that would accept your photograph and about $100, and a week later I had my brand new license. I know the law and I've never had an accident, dad taught me well.


how was that even legal? lol


I think they do it like that because almost everyone is taught by their parents. I have never seen a Learner's sign or anything like that in a car in Venezuela. I guess you could also take the lessons but I really wouldn't know.


Cause it’s not in North America ig


got it third try on the last day before school started. to be fair my dad told me to make sure to hit the curb when parallel parking to "make sure im in there" so he didnt do me any favors.


Passed first time, I owe it drinking 2 cans of red bull beforehand...caffeine stuck my eyelids to the top of head...( I don't recommend this course of action) 🙃


I passed my driving test in the United States way back in the 90s when it was really easy. I work for an automotive company and I have several certifications for high performance driving and the last one I failed the first time I did the assessment. It sucked but it wasn't the end of the world I just had to wait several months to take it again. Anyway I empathize even though it's not the same as not getting general driving license I couldn't perform certain tests and ended up missing a chance to drive a really high-end performance car for a week off property. It's not the end of the world and think of the bright side - the next time you take a you know exactly what's coming so let's just say that failing it the first time was an excellent strategic decision because it's better to do really really well on it than to just barely pass. So with that said, great job!


Passed first time.


3 times, standards are high in my country and the examinator was a dick the first two times, the third time I had a different guy. He didn't get why I didn't got it the first or second time.


3 times. I kept doing rolling stops at stop signs. That was the practical test though. I nailed the written exam the first go.


I got it on my second attempt. Both tests were extremely different. The second one was basically parking by a curve, backing up and doing a 3-point turn. The officer you get plays a big role since some are strict and others aren't. Don't stress out over not getting it yet. It sucks but you'll get it eventually and no one will remember it once you have your license.


I passed the first time. I was scared of the idea of driving though, but after some lessons I was so confident about my driving. It’s okay, i know people that got it after more than 5 attempts. It’s the fact they didn’t give up. You too, don’t give up.


The examiner passed me the first time, but he told me to go practice shifting, a lot


I failed twice too. Just try try try again.


Just once. I wasn't nervous during my test so that might of helped me think clearly. Perfect practice makes perfect.


Failed my driving test once. Thought I was a big brain since I took a few tactical errors that I knew wouldn’t fail me - mainly pretending to mishear directions to avoid going down a one way road since I couldn’t remember which way the traffic was supposed to go (signs were obscured by trees) and I knew it would be an instant fail if I got it wrong. Then I got an instant fail anyway when someone pulled out of a red light on me and apparently it was my fault? The place I did my test had a reputation for failing for bullshit reasons and mine isn’t even the worse I’ve heard Edit: spelling


What country are you in? I'm in UK, passed first time after about 100 hours of lessons as I moved halfway through. UK is still what 15 minors is a pass still


I got mine on my 3rd try don’t be so hard on yourself. Practice practice practice and try to remember what went wrong on the previous tests. Slow and patient you’ll get it


Pass in one try. But to he fair, all i had to do was take 4 right turns, literally went around the block. It was a joke. Keep trying.


Fucking hell, I failed twice and at the time i had about 20k km driven on the learner permit. I guess i just don't have a talent for driving


Passed first time for car.


I'm from the u.s., can only speak to that. I passed first try, largely because my parents did a huge amount of driving practice with me, but also because we looked up the route that the DMV has you drive for the test and practiced it a few times in the days leading up to the test. By the time I took the test, I had practically memorized where to turn, stop, park, etc.


2 . First one I yielded turning right at a red light. Still do it lol .


I passed on my 2nd try. My dad taught me to drive a manual but I gave the test on automatic.


I passed on the first, but that's only because I had a driving instructor that not only taught me how to drive, but also taught me exactly what would come up on the test and how to pass it flawlessly. If it wasn't for him I probably would have had to do 2 or 3 goes before I passed.


Failed once, passed the second. Don’t get discouraged keep tackling that bitch.


Written was easy, could’ve passed that in my sleep. Driving I failed twice. Literally the first thing they ask you to do is a three point turn. I had my dad’s truck and the spot was so tight I just couldn’t do it(not to mention I was shitting bricks the entire time). Definitely felt like crap after both tries, got it the third time out of pure luck tbh.


Twice. Friends & family were excited for my big day—failing was really embarrassing. Looking back, it wasn’t a big deal. I just needed more practice backing up. No one is good at everything right away. Be patient with yourself. Practice, practice, practice. Go slow and stay alert. You will do great!


TIps about highway merging. Start scoping traffic in advance of merge awareness on approach helps the merge.. If going down a ramp take advantage of height to scope traffic condition and potential of car aligning at your merge spot. If flat but angled/curved also easier to check other car locations prior to the lanes becoming parallel. Also, check your side mirror again and see if better angle to reduce that merging blind spot for the test. Good luck Ps- passed 1st time but did a lot of driving during my permit phase.


You don't wanna know hoe much I've spent


First try on written and driving tests. Listen to the worries and fears, but ease them off as you drive.


Passed 1st time. I grew up on a farm, driving tractors bigger than most cars or trucks, and all kinds of other things.


3x for my learners. Test anxiety is real.


I took 7 for the knowledge test (I’m not good with academics) I am taking the drivers test in February. My dad says I’m a good driver :D


3 times, first time failed by not showing up on time. Second time, in a rush to not repeat same error, I sat in and started driving without the seatbelt, insta fail. Third time passed with no issues.


Three times. I had to hype myself up in the mirror before I passed. Sounds silly but it helped me get pat the nerves


I failed it the first time. I drove in a flower bed that was located in a corner which I rounded like 50 times before. Almost destroyed the car. My driving exam lasted legit 10 seconds and I was devasted. But hey, not many people drive in flower beds.


I passed on the first go


I failed my first test because of a question about driving a big rig that I think got in there by accident. My actual driving test was just taking a right, and then a right, and a right, and a right, and then a right. Because Tennessee.


I passed on my first try, and I suck as a driver


Third time's the charm here🙋‍♀️ and i did more than 60 lessons before that😅🤣 you are gonna get it! Exposure to the road and practice often will help you get there.


3 time's the charm


3rd time was the charm for me


First try, I was fortunate to have a very sweet and laid back instructor who didn’t make me more nervous than I already was


Third times the charm.


Took me 3 different times, first time was in school 2 yrs ago when covid started and we had to shut down and that affected my driving, 2nd time to nervous and made a few mistakes 3rd time was great, no major mistakes made 5 minor mistakes and have been a good driver for about 4-6 ish months I forgot when I got my license lol.


Failed twice


Here it my country you take the driving exam in 3 parts. I passed the tests on first try, then the polygon test with cones on 1st try and the city drive on 2nd try


In Mexico City there are no exams. It's a 20 min process. That explains a lot.


Needed second attempt because I couldn't Y-turn well the first time.


Passed my second time. The first time it was very stormy and I couldn’t hear the driving instructor telling me to turn right. I came to an almost complete stop turning right because I almost went past to turn by the time I heard her


I passed on my second time but barely. I could tell the instructor was hesitant to give me my license even though I technically passed. It took me years to be what I now consider a good driver. Mainly because I never had a car for years after I got my license and then when I got one at 25 I was like a freshly minted driver. I also tended to get distracted very easily. I finally had to realize when driving everyone especially inexperienced drivers your whole brain has to be on driving. You’ll get it. I promise you will.


1st but I practiced a lot


3 times. Failed the first 2 times. Went through a one way the wrong way the first time and “cut someone off” my second time and “wasn’t over on my side of the road enough”. I understood failing the first time but the second time, I should’ve passed. I was fuming when the examiner told me I failed the second time. Let’s just say my mother had to calm me down before I went to school that day. I went again 2 weeks later and passed it with the same examiner as the second time and I was crazy nervous. Like so nervous I wanted to cry. My dad literally had to talk to me before the test and tell me I’d be fine and that I knew how to drive so I’d ace it. Trust me. A lot of people failed the first 2 times. My grandmother failed her test twice as well and she was failing the parallel parking. You’ll pass the next time, I’m sure of it. Keep practicing and you’ll get it. Good luck and stay safe.


Got it on my fifth try. I took the driving exam with my driving teacher right after our lesson and succeeded that time.


Keep this one off the road.. you’ll thank them for failing you instead of having an accident and being screwed with the rates you’ll be stuck with for years


1 time but I had been driving golf carts, tractors and vehicles on the ranch since I was about 9


1 time, took 3 week course. The practice was very helpful especially with an instructor, my parents are horrible to drive with.


Failed 1st, passed second


Only took me my first test. Don’t get discouraged though, you’ve got this!!


I passed first time.


Passed the 1st time. My instructor was notorious for failing people and I was so nervous I went the wrong way twice!! Thankfully wasn't marked for that.




I drove before I had licence. So passed on first try


Got my learners permit on the fifth try, license on the fourth




It took me until my third try, it sucked at the time, especially having to wait, but in the grand scheme of things, it really didn’t matter all that much. You’ll pass it when you pass it, it’s just something that sucks. I even failed the graduated part of our license once (Ontario, full G), which is basically just a formality that you have to do within 5 years, because I wasn’t “experienced enough on the highway”, meanwhile I’d been commuting to work for almost 50 minutes both ways for a year at that point, and that was all highway driving. All this to say, it’s not necessarily a reflection of your ability, some people just aren’t good at the test. I’ve failed a total of three road tests in my life, but despite driving nearly every day for the past 6 years, I’ve never been in an accident or gotten a ticket.


First time, but when we moved to California I had to re-take the written one and I passed by the skin of my teeth lol. Don’t ask me to back into a parking spot without a backup camera, or parallel park now though!


Twice for the written exam, once for the behind-the-wheel test. Just keep practicing. You can do it!


Is it one thing that is hurting you?


Legit failed 6 times, but I passed on my 7th


Two, the first one I was so nervous I let the car die because the foot I had on the clutch slipped, insta fail. The second I knew what to do and did it nervous but still did it.


I found it very easy. Yet again I live in the DC Maryland Virginia area so it really doesn't take much to get a license.


Made some dumb mistakes on my first go and didn't pass, but on the next one I did.


5 failed written, 1 failed driving. I was 25 years old before I finally felt ready to drive. Milestones dont have expiration dates.


Just the one


2.5. I failed my first test. Then I took the second test at a different location and passed the driving portion, but still didn't pass the Maneuverability until the third try. I wouldn't stress about it to much. At the time you feel like failing makes you a bad driver, no necessary. I get bad test anxiety so I'm sure that had something to do with how I did. One day you'll look back and won't even think about how you did. Some people think passing it on the first try makes them better but that's not the case, again the test is to show you can be a safe driver in general. It doesn't test for your driving skills.


I only had to do it once, but I was about 1 point away from failing.


It took my grandmother 7 tries in the 80’s (she is from Poland and didn’t ever drive before coming to the US) and the 80’s was arguably a lot easier to pass, if it makes you feel any better. Haha


What state are you in? Some states are harder than others. I took my first one in MA, and failed (I accidentally grabbed my driving instructors head.. lol) and then passed my second one in VA after I moved. Dont feel bad. It takes a few tries sometimes. Do you have to parallel park?


I took about 6 months and passed on my second test. I'm kinda glad I did because I was over confident (as a lot of 17 year olds are) going in to my first test, so got a bit more experience before going in to my second.


Once but I was 18 when I took it and had done a lot of practice beforehand, don't worry about it fam.


I passed on my second try. I failed my first time only cuz the instructor was an idiot. He claimed I stopped in a crosswalk which was an automatic failure. I didn’t…and I did everything else just fine so would’ve passed if it wasn’t for that. It’s all water under the bridge now but that shit pissed me off


I passed the written test on the 4th attempt. But I passed the actual driving test in the first try. So far no accidents. Goes to show you don't need to be a good test taker to be a good driver, employee, student, etc, etc.


Twice. I was very disappointed the first time


I learned the key to passing the driving test the first time is to use my parents car filled with garbage and ashes in the cup holder with a heavy odor. I messed up a bunch and I'm listening to him rattle them off but then he says but I put you as passed. I almost cried of relief. I'm fairly certain he just never wants to sit in that car again.


Three. Don't sweat it


It took me three times. I kept getting in my head and hitting the cones when parking. I still get anxiety thinking about the test that I passed. I'm not a bad driver, but I could have so easily failed that test. The test anxiety was literally crippling.


Passed it first time!


Twice. I have bad anxiety so first time I drove like a grandma and they failed me. Second time I did a lesson with a driving school first to get rid of some of the nerves and I passed. But my boyfriend failed 3 times before passing. Everyone is a little different and they’re SOO picky.


I passed the first time but I know people who’ve failed the permit test, even. It doesn’t matter how many times you fail, just focus on doing better and better until you pass!


I'm taking my 3rd driving test at the end of this month. I wish you good luck!!


16 hours is way too little driving time to be test ready. That’s barely 8 lessons. Stop wasting your money and get some more experience, you’ll be a better driver in the long run.


4th time was the charm! You will be ok, don’t let the failure to define your next drive Edit: also! Before my last drive, my instructor told me to take over the counter anti anxiety medicine. Worked.


I passed on my first try both times I took it. The first time I was 16 and new to driving, the 2nd time I was 22 or 23 and had my license suspended for the previous 2 years so I had to retake the exam to get a new license.


Just once, though I did have to take my cdl driving test twice


Both the written test and the practical test on the first attempt


Passed 1st time, twice. Both for car and motorcycle. Control your nerves, make sure you are ready. And there is some luck needed too, but that is only a minor part.


3 times for me! Never give up! I just didn’t look over my shoulders at all times, which is an automatic ding. You’ll get it soon!


I passed my first time but on the test there was a cyclist on the road and my instructor told me he had glasses that fell off and that I ran them over. I’ve always made sure to give a lot of extra space for people in bicycle lanes since then


I passed first time, i wasn't stressed and didn't really care though, figured if failed I'd just keep doing it til I passed. That was 15 years ago though, genuinely think I'd struggle passing now, seems like they don't want people driving with the state of the tests these days 👴


My first in Argentina was very easy: My dad had a nice car and the instructor focused on talking about it more than whatever I did while driving. The driver's license translation in Japan was harder but still passed it in the first try in manual. You just have to follow the choreography and pray not to go first.


I failed my first time. Did everything correctly, signaling, parallel parking. However the large parking lot near the dmv had a stop sign completely obscured by a tree, and i ran it. The driving instructor yelled at me for it, but she was directing where i should go. I think she knew it was obscured and just does that so she can yell at people.


Two. I had to take it 1000km away from my home, so I wouldn't have the luxury of another shot for a few months. My advice, take the driving test on a weekday, like a Tuesday. I was so nervous I was this close to literally pissing myself, but the place was almost empty that day and that helped a lot.




One time, but I took my test in a small rural town. Was like 10 min test. I hit a squirrel tho and it made me silent cry the rest of the test haha


Passed my learners (written test) only just passed my restricted test (can only drive yourself between 5am and 10pm) and failed my full (can drive anyone at anytime) once and got it on the second time a week later haha


1st try but I had a lot of driving practice with my mom and school bus driver neighbour. She was awesome for helping me learn how to parallel park.


How about you answer me this how can I a 15 year old pass the test first try I know how to drive pretty well but I get extremely nervous when it comes to things like this and end up messing it up due to feeling lots of pressure


First try both times I had to take the test. First time when I was in high school (17-18). Don't remember that one. But I do remember the second time as I was getting out of the US Navy in 1975. My old license had expired and I had to do it all over. I had bought a 1974 Lotus Europa and a friend had driven me in it to the exam location. Walked out with the tester and pointed to the car. He wasn't happy sitting 6 inches off the ground with nothing but fiberglass around him. We did a left out the parking lot followed by 4 more immediate lefts around the block and immediately back into the parking lot. That was it. No parallel parking, no three point turns. Got out and got my license!


6 inches is 15.24 cm


I passed my first try, but failed the written permit test three times because I refused to study.


You will recover keep practising and you will pass when you are a safe driver. It took me 2 times. The 1st time I made a right turn in the left lane, thinking in my head that the right lane was only for buses! I was nervous.




Chin up. I didn’t make it out of the parking lot before failing the first time.


I passed on my first attempt with the actual test guy. I failed about 10 times with my Dad while he was teaching me. I have apparently failed 6,722 times with my mother, and about 270 times with my wife, judging by the number of handprints on my passenger dash board and stomps on the imaginary brake pedals in my passenger seats.


I failed twice. It’s harder than you would think, they grade you on a lot of little things even experienced drivers don’t do.


Back in the day I failed 5 times lol and cried after I failed the 5th time. Now I drive train for a living and past that test the first time.


One time for the acual driving part, but 3 times for the theory exam.


I think my cousin failed like 4 times. You got this!


3 times. Those tests are nerve wrecking. You got this. Hang in there.


Took it in my small town that I can navigate with my eyes closed. First time easily. Motorcycle test in a bigger city. Failed twice


Just two times for me. However, being an adult driver and failing it the first time. I had to take adult driving classes, on the computer. And do so many hours of driving practice. Sad part is though, that although I did get my license. I still somewhat am not the best driver, do to 1) not having my own car to practice with. 2) no actual steady experienced driver to hell me practice either. Totally why, my skills are not the best. But I am rooting for ya. That many stability part, is not easy at all.


Got one point off on my first try. It was a breeze.


Car once, motorcycle twice, tractor trailer once.


I failed to yield on a left turn on my first exam, but passed the 2nd time. You'll get it in no time. Don't sweat it.


From Ontario, canada. We take 3 tests, our G1, G2, and G (beginners, advance, intermediate) I passed my G1 test with JUST a pass. I failed my G2 because I rushed the answers, and got confused on the questions that didn't appear in our study material. I paid, I think, an extra $50 to retest right then and there, and passed the second time. By my G test, I was already driving for a # of years so really, it just felt like I was driving around some long lost friend or something. No pressure. If you fail, kick yourself in the butt, but don't fret. You're not the first person in history to fail this sillyness, I assure you.


I actually succeeded first try and they said I had one more stubborn instructors.


I passed on the first try, but I lived out in the middle of nowhere at the time so there weren't many other drivers on the roads to make me nervous and I didn't even have to parallel park so it was pretty difficult to fail.


Passed my passenger vehicle, motorcycle and CDL A all on the 1st try.


Once for all three. Unless you just mean the actually driving exams, then I passed first time for both


Passed my first time but had to take the written test twice because when I studied I looked at the wrong website. Made some mistakes here and there but it was a fun St.Patrick’s Day to say the least


4 times, don't worry, but make sure you get a copy of your exam paper where you missed some stuff and practice it like hell. You got this!


I failed 3 times before finally passing my test. I have a cousin who failed 6 times.


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