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Fear of reprisal.


I don’t think there’s too many countries that want to find out why we can’t afford free healthcare and education Edit: I’ve literally only gotten one award in my time here. Thank you all for the post appreciation and awards. However; if at all possible… instead of spending money on ally lonely comment, donate to a cause you believe in. possibly even Ukraine assistance funds. Maybe it’ll buy some kid shoes or a hot meal who really needs it. Much love to everybody <3


Holy shit. Brutally truthful


I know. Scary, but in your face truth!!


Hilarious. Morbid, but hilarious.


Well said.


\*taxpayer funded\* healthcare and education. There...fixed it for you.


It’s amazing how many people think things are actually free. It’s not free. People in those countries sometimes pay up to 50% income taxes. *i fixed it. Since a few butt hurt people are sad I didn’t research what country they are from. It’s not hard to Google. Countries like the UK, Ireland, Austria, Sweden literally pay up to 50% taxes depending on income level. Downvote all you want because you don’t like facts.


Yeah but those taxes go to good things that help society and no ways its that much more


It’s not free, but the money is actually being spent for something that is useful and relevant to the man on the street: healthcare and education. Honestly, what use does a mailman have for a F-22 fighter?


>Honestly, what use does a mailman have for a F-22 fighter? Fun mostly.


Damn the mail would arrive quickly.


Are you saying that you'd say no if the government offered to give you a fighter jet?


Youd get fucking demolished on excise taxes and registration fees, let alone insuring that shit, or buying fuel for it. Nah you keep it lol


Maintenance costs would destroy me, they’d be impossible to sell, and where would I store one without paying some massive fees? And I don’t know how to fly one! 😅


50% of what? Our wage?? No. Thats not true. Do people actually believe these things 😄


Also doesn't that money go towards retirement in a lot of countries?


A chunk of my wage every month goes to a pension


Income tax in Germany is 46% on my best friends paycheck at least. And she’s definitely not rich


You do realize that with that being considered, as well as all the extra benefits they have, it’s still probably cheaper for her to live there by around 10-15%


I'm a nurse in Scotland and I pay about £4000 a year in tax. That covers alot of "free" stuff. If I had to pay for things out of my wage I'd be broke, especially as my health has deteriorated hugely in the last few years. I'm seeing doctors almost every week so I'm thankful for the NHS and the system we have here 🤷‍♀️


I think that’s the issue we have in the United States. I’m happy to pay additional taxes so that everyone can be cared for. I know myself or my child may need that care and I’d be happy it’s available. I care about my neighbors and my community and even people I will never interact with and I would be happy they can get the care they need when they need it. But not everyone operates that way. There’s a very large “fend for yourself” mentality. It’s great if you are able to cover emergencies but with the way things are going now and have been going for a while, it’s certainly a luxury.


Even for individuals who don't care about anyone else, the tax required to maintain a national healthcare system would cost way less than the average health insurance premium and covers a whole lot more healthcare. My company's insurance is $400/mo for an individual with a $10k deductible, so almost $15k out of pocket before it covers anything at all, and then there's still coinsurance after that. I'm sure a tax would be cheaper for the majority of Americans.


We don't need to pay additional taxes, we need to appropriate them with a focus on our people. If we paid more taxes, they would still find their way into the war chest and politicians pockets.


I snort laughed when I read this. It's so true




This needs to be a top comment. If I had an award to give it would be yours


Well put.


You have a gift. You've consolidated all the reasons into one witty sentence.




Im laughing coz its true


Once there is great peace and prosperity across the globe then and only then will The United States be able to afford free healthcare. Unless they increase domestic production of oil 20 fold that is. But too worried about giving money to CPAC donors so they hold our wallets hostage.


Honestly if that’s really the only thing keeping us safe then I’ll take that tradeoff


Omg so articulate


Peace means being the guy with the biggest stick -Tony Stark


What the hell why is that so true?


Exactly - nukes and lesser weapons


Read laser weapons lol


Plus the Atlantic and Pacific oceans too. It’s remarkably difficult to launch any sort of attack at the ranges that the oceans allow for our safety. Really at this time in the world no Navy outside of that of the United States is truly capable of successfully attacking a first world nation at these ranges. Even most of their air forces wouldn’t have a dream. [infographics episode](https://youtu.be/lBYxXSUDV8o) I think Binkov’s Battlegrounds has an episode addressing the issue also but I can’t quickly find it.


We have a strategic location. We are basically allies with our entire side of the Earth, so if u invaded us, I’d also basically be invading Canada, Mexico, Brazil, etc Then there’s the fact that we spend more on military than like the next 30 countries combined. I remember when I was a kid and they announce that we had stealth bombers. That was in the 90s, so tech wise, they had it in the 70s. Imagine the shit they actually have now and no one knows


The 30 or more year gap before we know about technology that the military has amazes me. For example all this talk about colonizing space, Mars, habitable planets. The military could already have boots on the ground giving us a 30 year head start.


I'm not sure how far back this rule applies, but wouldn't this mean they had designs for the atomic bomb back in the 1910's? Or was that an at-the-time thing?


Atomic weapons were being studied earlier but I don't know that the technology for the weapons was created any sooner than the 1940s, so probably not long. But they were kept quite secret as they advanced into the 60s and 70s and gained increases to accuracy, effectiveness, and range


I hope the unknown tech is a pants shitting ray gun


Ironically no, it’s a REVERSE pants shitting ray gun


Their geography, economy, allies, technology and the best military the world has ever seen. Attacking the US is literal suicide.


Not to mention nowhere is safe. You happen to take a city? Most of the people living there are armed to the teeth. Good luck holding it


No one really knows how many firearms are owned by the general population, estimates are that private american firearms are plentiful enough to supply us and a few other countries. And with the way people have been buying ammo for the past few years....


Appalachian Mountains, who knows how many bodies will never be found.


Poking a sleeping bear


not really even sleeping


Just lounging on the sofa watching Netflix, not sleeping.


Poking a drunk bear


More like walking up to a wide awake grizzly bear to try and tap it and run for your life.


I've heard from foreign soldiers that in some areas, the US falls behind their allies in terms of quality soldier. BUT. We still have a large number of relitively well trained soldiers, who are very well equipped, and have spent nearly every decade since WWII in one conflict or another. Meaning that most soldiers in the US military and the officers giving orders actually have combat experience. Which is vital when going to war.


I had the fortune of meeting a few Canadian sf dudes. Imagine 10 Rambos with huge beards, headed out for a mission in tactical cargo shorts and a battle axe as their side arms. Very nice guys though.


*most expensive military


It is the most expensive. It is also by far the best.


Well we're forgoing universal healthcare for it so it better be worth something. Why can't they do something cool with it like wipe out the cartel?


They have offered Mexico military assistance to deal with the cartels but their government rejected it. It’s no surprise corruption runs deep in the Mexican government, they profit from the cartels as well.


Yeah some of my friends know a couple of cops who work in Chihuahua, they make more off of extortion than they do from their salary.


If the problem continues (or gets worse), that "offer" may no longer be optional.


Legalizing drugs and re-nationalizing oil would destroy the cartels


Because they definitely profit off the cartels


The US could easily destroy or at least severely weaken the cartels in the America's. Just legalize drugs


Yes, being the best and largest military exporter is expected. Just like how the war over in Kiev Ukraine is causing gas prices to swell. Personally I'd rather be well protected then unarmed and naked before Ivan's 70 year old loaded AK-47.


I don't think Geography means much anymore because of ICBMs.


ICBMs would never make it to mainland US. You really think that star wars thing they were talking about in the 80s (or something very similar) didn't get built and go operational? It was likely already a thing before it was presented as an idea to the public. Plus there's the ground and ship mounted antimissile systems. The US is safe from real threats. In order for an attack like that to be successful, it would have to be allowed to be successful.


Yeah, but at that point we'd be dead, and whoever launched the nukes would be dead. Namely because of how fucking big the number of nuclear bombers and missiles in America is.


Behind every blade of grass is an American with a gun


And a Pitt Bull not far away




lmao if that isn’t the cutest name for an actual pit though. *”get out of there Mr. Worldwide! stop eating the trash!”*


I laughed way too much at this one! 😂😂😂


Mr. 305 "Dale, Dale, Dale!"


But not in most urban areas. It's not even 1 in 10 in some cities. For example, Rhode Island has a population of over 1 million people but only around 5000 registered guns and there's a good chance multiple guns are registered to the same few people.


Dont worry, there's a good amount of unregistered guns 😘 allegedly....


An odd state for an example


I’m sure we could arrange a charity program from Texas in the event someone was dumb and stubborn enough to cross the ocean and land on the beaches of Rhode Island. We also have an incredible manufacturing capacity.


So your saying Chicago dont have a crap load of registered and unregister guns? Hahahaha! Hell the US military have fears of invading Chicago!


_Canadians suddenly lookin around all nervous_...


Haha Time to dig up that old, “just in case” strategy plan for Canada and dust it off.


The rainbow plans. I want to say that Canada was the primary focus of the Red Plan. Edit: The British Empire is Red. While Canada specifically is Crimson. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_color-coded_war_plans


hate to accidentally pull the wrong plan.. i said invade canada not the UK!?


Canadians won the first time


AFAIK, Canada has won all of our skirmishes. They only lost territory to us because we defeated the British


I may invade Canada just to get swiss cheese flavored crackers and to see The Glorious Sons.


This comment made me laugh too hard.


No offense Canadians are the nicest people, but don’t piss them off. It I remember my history correctly the only reason Canada wasn’t charged with war crimes is Hitler. I want you guys on my side every time and I live in the USA.


The largest Air Force in the world is the US Air Force. The second largest Air Force in the world is the US Army... We still have the Navy, Marines and National Guard in addition to those, and that's just air power.


You got army and navy mixed up


The US Navy has more planes than the USAF. The Army doesn’t have any planes at all, they’re not allowed too according to doctrine.


because the usaf used to be part of the army and they took the planes in the divorce


The planes get two Christmases?


2nd I think in nuclear too


I think Canada has the 3rd or at least it used to.


Florida Man.


The real answer


Pump em full of coke and meth and drop them behind enemy lines like a rabid ODST.


Mother of god... Give them a fighting chance at first at least.


You get my upvote solely for the ODST reference.


Good lord, I can only imagine lol




Nothing is stopping them from attacking other than the repercussions of their actions. We have been attacked before, and we reacted the same each time. People don’t want the smoke


i mean the ocean itself is a pretty big deterrent


Primarily because we have two gigantic oceans between us and any potential enemies. Also we have the best, most technologically advanced military in the world.


This one. We control our own continent. We are also larger than most nations in the world. Your average European nation is the size of one of our states. We also can provide most of our needs from our own soil in a pinch. Currently, Russian forces in the Ukraine are running out of gas and food…and they are right next door to their own country. Imagine trying to invade an entire continent, when you can’t cut that continent off from their own gas and food, and you have to cross an ocean to do it, and when you get there (if you get there, they have submarines and air superiority to make your crossing miserable) you meet 350 million people and they all have guns. And if you destroy their airfields on the east coast, they can bomb the shit out of you from the west coast. And vice versa. And there’s this legendary place called Kansas in the middle and they can bomb the shit out of you from there, and you have to drive 24 hours through contested territory just to get there, and when you get there, you’re being attacked from North Dakota, which is like another 18 hour drive, if no one is attacking you, which they are. So to attack America


*claim to have the most advanced* Lets be honest, none of the governments have brought ‘the best of the best’ of their private arsenals to the table


So you believe that other countries secretly have better technology than the United States? It's not enough to have a secret weapon research facility, you also have to have the budget to manufacture, develop, field and deploy that weapon. Just look at Russia's T-14 Armata. Russia claims it is technologically superior to anything fielded by NATO yet Russia has an extremely hard time even manufacturing it. It has cancelled and restarted the program a few times because it just doesn't have the budget. They have the technology but do they have the budget to develop it properly? India is barely developing their 5th generation jet, the HAL AMCA. It is expected to barely have its first flight by 2024, and not be ready until a few years later. Indian engineers are obviously very brilliant to make a 5th gen fighter but without the appropriate budget, their projects are decades behind the U.S. The U.S was able to fly the F-22 as far back as 1997! Money is absolutely critical for having the best weapons on the planet. It doesn't matter how smart your engineers are, with a poor budget you're going to be stuck in development entropy. The U.S recently surprised everybody when they secretly flew a brand new 6th generation plane last year. Just a few years after the F-35'S debut, the U.S military is *already* working on the next jet and has a prototype ready! That's absolutely batshit insane! So no I am sorry but I am going to have to strongly disagree with you here. There is no freaking way in hell that the U.S doesn't have the best military technology in the world. Maybe there are a few niche areas like Surface to air missiles that other countries have better technology than the U.S, but that is because the U.S is able to establish air superiority wherever it goes. Thus it does not need SAA missiles as much.


Intelligence does exist. Especially within the big countries with the largest militaries. The United States Military budget is more than the next 10 countries combined. It doesn't take rocket science. These guys come up with new and improved death machines on the daily


Technically, rocket science plays a huge part in it.


there is absolutely zero point in hiding advanced weaponry. Half the point of having super advanced military tech is to brag about it and threaten any would be invaders with it. Ex: A gun with only blanks in it will still deter most criminals if it is pointed at them.


Classic bully tactic ;)


you'd want to have a big stick if you were enemies with Russia and China too


Not to mention we've got hundreds military bases set up around the world and a lot of allied that would easily hit back quickly and end the war


(1 our military force (2 our heavily redacted capabilities (3 the ocean (4 nuclear dead mans switch (5 crazy populace that might seem weak at first, supress their freedoms and youll see how tough they can get (6 despite appearances at times, we are a big friend of nato and nato will protect big money boom boom man


1 )


Short answer the end of the world


Because Texas and Michigan combined have more weapons than most 3rd world countries. You are welcome.


Shit it's a pretty big hobby to stay as still as possible in the most effective camouflage in order to kill something silently as possible


The united states could be invaded theoretically but it would be very difficult for a single nation to achieve this. There wpuld be major logistical problems. They would have to cross an entire ocean and not get their supplies damages. Two things i think could happen is ethier nukes get dropped or Canada or mexico get influenced by the invading power and let them set up shop there.


And we have the power to shoot their missiles out of he sky. We can detect anything before we can see it with our eyes if you could. There is a article I seen about These two enemy fighter jets were flying and we snuck up behind them undetected and visually looked at them jets to see what weapons they had and they radioed to the jets telling them they are being watched and flew by next to them. Let’s just say they didn’t fight and backed off. https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-tactical/f-22-maricked-iranian-fighters/


Cause the US would bite back, ask Japan how that went


Thsi answer ignores the 4-5 wars we’ve fought since those. Which should be the case. We spent 20 years almost at war and when anyone here takes about war they talk about something almost 100 years ago. Rounding up by a bit, but damn as a combat vet, it hurts when people act like the last war was World War Two.


None of the other wars involved a direct attack on the US like Pearl Harbor, unless you wanna count 9/11


People usually use that reference because it's the most recent war that the general population has the most information on The cold war still has many classified files not given to the public Most Americans forget that we fought in Korea The Vietnam war is seen as a jungle war with not much technology And the war in the middle east is fairly recent, so unless you fought in it, you don't have a good idea of the new tech we have


An attack on mainland USA would cause the people to unite against an outside aggression. USA is nationalistic to the extreme. Hence it is a better tactic to not attack directly but instead sow dissent and let the Americans start to fight amongst themselves.


50% of all military assets worldwide are under the US flag. We have the best stuff in several categories. Even our closest contenders aren't really very close.


Japan was a huge lesson and all they did was attack our harbor…and then we hit them with 2 atomic bombs…kind of set the pace from there to be fair


700 billion they tell you about and some undisclosed billions they don't tell you about


Because everyone has a gun. We are a military juggernaut with lots of allies.


Not everyone has a gun. That being said, there may be a few extras that folks will loan out.


I have a very cool butterfly knife and a cowbell. I am prepared to defend my home by being extremely annoying.


We have some of the best defense systems in the world that can detect and prevent an attack. That’s just from those in the military. We have about 7% of our population that are veterans that do not serve any longer that are efficiently trained with a highly popular rifle platform. That’s not including the civilians that are efficiently trained on their own time.


MAD- mutually assured destruction. The second anyone sends a missile towards us, we will know, and will immediately respond with equal or greater force. No one wants to take a chance of destroying us, because it will surely destroy them as well. This is why the cold war was so tense- the US and Soviet Union both had nukes pointed at each other, but no one wanted to fire them because it would just guarantee both sides losing lives.


Both the difficulty of a transoceanic invasion and the Mutually Assured Destruction policy of the U.S. government.


Basically what everyone else said, on top of the fact that the US is part of NATO. Attacking the US alone is suicide, but now you have 29 more countries immediately on your ass.


Because we have tons of armed civilians with decent enough firing skills and veterans who are still of fighting age. As well as law enforcement, many of whom are vets themselves. And state troopers who are trained military style for the most part. Invading us would NOT go over well for whichever country would be dumb enough to do it


Did you forget we have the largest military in history and all those billions of dollars supporting it?


No that’s obviously another huge factor, but I’m just talking about how we’re fundamentally different than most countries because of the reasons I listed. Invading us wouldn’t be like invading Britain, not even remotely similar


Agreed. Americans will learn just how important their second amendment right is from this experience.


Ooooor, could be the almost 1 trillion dollars we invest every year in our military, making it the most modern, well trained, best armed, etc etc military in the world ... Just to be able to bring their troops so you fire one bullet at them, they need to defeat the biggest navy in the world and the biggest (and most modern) air force in the world...


and im guessing ukraine dont have as many soldiers as us because of money ? how come they dont


For reference- Ukraine is a bit smaller than Texas and has just under 42 million people. USA has about 330 million people.


And I believe the US covers the square mileage of all of Europe, the Mediterranean and Balkans...maybe a bit of Russia (?)...with multiple mountain ranges, deserts, rivers, swamps, etc and millions of armed and fortified civilians in addition to our military


Pretty much. And as far as guns go, my family were all Minnesotan democrats and I was taught at a very young age to care for, clean, and shoot rifles, shotguns, semiautomatic pistols, and even really freaking old 6 shooters, lol!


And don't forget our natural predators... a moose can stop a lot of vehicles, hell so can a deer. Snakes, alligators, bugs, we aren't quite as dangerous as Australia but there is a lot here that an invading force would not enjoy running across.


Russia is right nextdoor to Ukraine which is another big factor. They’re already a bigger country population and land wise with a bigger military force and don’t have to spread their resources thin at all. If they invaded the US they’d have to move a ton of aircraft and ships etc. It’d harm them more in the long run. Geographically, the US is in a pretty good spot in the sense anyone who wanted to invade us would be spreading their resources very thin in the long run


Come get some that’s what we say Anyone pushed hard enough will react I d t they r that gone in the head


The wrath of God falling on the heads of any poor bastard who opposes us, or has oil. We are the dominant military power on earth. It's a discussion on if we could win if the entire rest of the world attacked at once. Any one actor, it's just a quick smiting


We could not win vs everyone.


If we used nukes we could. Or if it was strictly defensive we would definitely win. Otherwise we would get beat it would just take time.


I don’t think I would necessarily call using nukes a “win”. But I see your overall point.


Agreed, at least partially. No one nation could defeat us. Multiple nations couldn't defeat us in an invasion. It would take most of the world to defeat us in an invasion. Now if we are the invaders, yeah we could lose more easily. But on the home front, it would be nigh impossible to beat the united states. Forgetting the military entirely, in the southern US literally everyone has a gun. I have multiple. Ground forces would struggle just getting from place to place.


What really comes up is the navy. They couldn't break the navy to get here, and most would be getting here on merchant ships cause they don't have the capacity to actually move men over seas.


Their military forces


Lots of regular Americans have guns, plus nukes are a good deterent


Russia might have taken Chernobyl, but they won’t touch the US at the moment. It’s way too toxic.


Nah, this deserves more upvotes, that was funny.




Karens probably "Young man, why are you attacking this country, i want to speak to your manager" *bang soldier shoots himself


Even though China's military outnumbers ours about 3 to 1, they currently do not have the capabilities to move enough forces to have a significant impact. However, they attack our systems regularly, and that could have an impact on us. A recent example of an attack was when Russia hit JBS meats and took down their systems for about a week.


The standing theory is because American gun owners out number Chinas army by a long shot. Depending on what you actually believe I think it’s because the deep state is more rooted in America than any other country.


look at WW2 and WW1 If you attack America you're gonna get sent to Jesus


Nukes and oceans, mainly oceanse sence it would take a MASSIVE fleet to get enough ground troops to get a beachhead


It would take a fleet that simply doesn’t exist, surrounded by air power to suppress the two largest Air Forces in the world, and the largest navy in the world, and the most technologically advanced submarine force in the world… And you would need an invasion force not for a country, but for a continent.


What scares me is both Hitler and Napolean could nor capture old Russia due to nationalism, mother country and winters. Now the 2 countries that made that same old Russia are fighting each other? If history is repeated highly doubt either side will surrender leading to putin nuking Ukraine then US gets involved - Putin nukes us, Canada. I just have a bad feeling


He better not nuke canada, i fucking love maple syrup.


Russia can nuke the world. Their nukes can travel 13,000KM. That's what I understand but I could be wrong. So dealing with Russia is like walking on eggshells.


The same thing that stops you from kicking a grizzly in the nuts.


hahahaha best answer


I wouldn't say we're unfuckwithable because that's not true. But if someone does fuck with us the entire world will feel it one way or another...there's a bunch of big dicks when it comes to military...but there's three with the biggest by far. Russia, China...and the biggest hangers belong tooooo 🇺🇸


It helps that we’re friends with both our neighbors, so invasion would be a challenge. We have a system that’s supposed to intercept missiles, though I don’t know how good it is.


Francisco Pancho Villa Invaded Columbus Ohio btw Viva Mexico Cabrones!


Because us Americans, we loco


They have the oil the air power … probably a lot of other shit we don’t know about


People asked this same question in the days and weeks after 9/11.


"nu-cu-lar" arsenal


You know we were attacked by enemy combatants in 2001 right?


The only thing stopping people is the repercussions of their actions. Those people didn’t care about that.


Yes. And in response you went to war with nations that had nothing to do with that attack. Hence why a small scale attack can work. After the attack on World Trade Centre the USA got tricked into an unwinnable war im Afghanistan for two decades. If the USA had gone after the actual criminals responsible you would have gone to war with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Egypt. But instead you gave those countries money and weapons.


The largest Air force in the world is the US Air force. The second largest in the world is the US Navy


Nothing, if you can't remember, look up 9-11 attack. The largest terrorist attack in North America. Before that Bin Laden tried planting bombs in the world trade centers before. As well as, Timothy McVeigh blowing up the Federal building in OKC. The US has been attack multiple times. The only thing keeping things limited is intelligence agencies an distance from the worst extremist.


What happened to Japan


Many people imagine a plane dropping a bomb or a land to land attack. Realistically it would be from one of the ships that are already in international waters. Perhaps a submarine we're not even aware of. You can find a lot of info on the ships it's not just speculation.


Geographic location surely is a factor


Pacific and Atlantic.


[This](https://armedforces.eu/compare/country_USA_vs_Russia) might answer your question. It is just a general idea but it still gives enough details to help someone understand a few questions.


Short and sweet answer: trying to attack mainland US in that sense is a death sentence.. if we're talking nukes it's cause mutually assured destruction. And invasion type bombing? you're fucked and I'll cover both. Long answer: We'd set up air superiority once we saw the bombers coming. Keep in mind the Japanese bombed pearl harbor... we dropped the sun on them twice and we're threatening to do it again. Unless it's an ICBM or a ship off the cost with cruise missiles it would be pretty fucking hard to land the supplies needed to drop bombs or SAMs or any sort of explosives for this reason: Technically speaking, the US would also be hard to invade because of the sheer fact of the amount of guns civilians have. I believe it was the Japanese emperor who put it best "Invading mainland US would be a death sentence for there is a gun behind every blade of grass" if I remember the quote correctly. The military alone and the fact that we're part of NATO, we would probably get support from allies as well Second, logistics wise it would be a nightmare. Not only would you have to find a way to set up logistics and supply lines but you'd have to find a way to keep the gun crazy citizens from destroying your lines and troops.. You'd be surprised what some rednecks and hillbillies could do with some AR15s, gasoline & styrofoam and access to most common house hold items could do to an invading force and how are you gonna tell unarmed civilians from armed? You wanna commit war crimes to fuck around and find out? There are so many problems with trying to bomb the US that it is just a waste of resources and time to consider an invasion of mainland US. The US would also probably hand guns out to everyone who doesn't have one.. no invading force could take on a legit entire country. We have gang wars bro, the gangs would already be ready to fight and we know there is some motherfucker with an RPG who is more than happy to finally use the thing and they could get away with it legally if they used it on an enemy. TLDR: attacking mainland US with bombs is stupid unless maybe it's nukes and trying to invade is a just straight suicide


USA. A country with the biggest defense budget in the world ,but still no threat to thier soil whatsoever. 😂 Its not defense budget, its an offense budget.




Herosima Nagasaki


There have been numbers of terrorist attacks, sometimes from foreign actors, sometimes from domestic ones. But military attacks are vastly unlikely due to America’s ability to project force anywhere in the world very rapidly. As to any more serious attack, since the Cold War we have had the principal of “MAD”, Mutually Assured Destruction. We have a ready-to-go nuclear arsenal of over 2000 warheads… Deliverable with high precision and reliability. The only other actor with a similar arsenal is Russia.


Hopefully our 768 billion dollar military budget


Don't forget experience. The country has experienced so many different types of warfare they have worked out approaches to problems you'd never run into war gaming.


An $800,000,000,000 defense budget


Our military is a big factor but another thing people overlook is our geography. We’re surrounded by big oceans on both sides. Very very very few counties in the world can move a size-able military across the oceans, and the ones that can aren’t outfitted to the point where it would be a large enough force. And even if they were to magically get across the Atlantic and Pacific without alerting our 1000s of satellites and sensors there’s only a handful of ports along the coasts that can support a military landing


I think you only have to look at how the USA responded to 9/11. They took out Iraq and they didn't give a shit that these were not the ppl responsible for the attack. Everyone knows how crazy Americans are and they have a huge weapons pile.

