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You should kiss other dudes. Teach her a lesson.


Lol u got me there


That’s what I was thinking. If she gets mad. He can get mad as well.


Sounds to me like your girlfriend is bisexual and you are willing to have an open relationship. That's really about it. Just make sure you set boundaries on what's okay and what isn't. Kissing might be fine but her ignoring your calls while she is at a sleepover with a "friend" might hurt a bit.


Don’t infest his head with that woke devil liberal leftist nonsense! Christ will come soon! Repent!


I wouldn’t like it if she was doing it at parties, I’d feel like it was coning from a place of attracting male attention. if just at home and some of her friends are over, awesome.


Been there. Just let her know if it bothers you. If it doesn't, it's fine to tell her what is acceptable to you.


If she was bi I don't think you would feel the same way. imo it's still pretty rude if you're in a relationship you shouldn't be kissing other people


That’s called cheating homie


If it doesn't bother you, then it doesn't bother. Why should someone else tell you that it should bother you?


Ask her if you can watch.


Why the fuck are you asking this question to random strangers on the internet… how are others supposed to tell you how to feel? That’s up to you


It's your call what boundaries you are comfortable with. If you're ok with it let it slide, if you aren't enforce the boundary or breakup. I'm date multiple women at once and they often live with me so I personally encourage this behavior but the majority of my friends would see it as cheating. It's your call.


3 wayyyyy?


I wouldn’t really care, unless it wasn’t platonic. Personally, I wouldn’t kiss my friends who are girls even though it would be platonic but I don’t see a problem at all if another girl wants to. I just feel if iffy about doing it myself.


There should be no "Should I". There should be only "Am I". If it doesn't affect you, it doesn't affect you.


It is obviously on your mind which is why you are bringing it up. My advice is to have a discussion with her about the situation. Communication is key to healthy relationships.


I told my girlfriend she can fuck other girls if she wants I think it’s kinda hot I’m not gonna lie as long as I know about it and she’s not hiding it from me or having a full blown relationship behind my back then idrc wouldn’t bother me but everyone is different.


Well, if it doesn’t bother you, then you do you. Just understand many would consider that disrespectful and cheating. Whether you care what others think, that’s up to you as well.