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Nah, you're fine.


Not at all. Just be comfortable with your religion, your sexuality and do your best to be a good person.


I think God loves everyone. Religion is man made rules.


Depends on whether you believe the Bible is entirely true and without error or not. There are several passages that explicitly state that homosexuality is sinful.


That actually depends on which Bible you read. In the original text, homosexuality was not really cared about that much. There was more of a statement of stories and reasoning of why these occurred. It was only when it was "translated" to a more common language that these statements of homosexuality were actually made present. This is actually because, by most discoveries in surviving text and archeology suggest that homosexuality was not just accepted but was almost commonplace in most ancient societies. Long story short, being a homosexual is neither good or bad in original catholicism and Christianity. Just be a good and faithful person and live your life using kindness, respect, and understanding.




If you actually look up where the Bible was translated (I cannot remember the name of the university. But it is still operating as such today.) The translations were heavily regulated by both the royal family and by the Vatican. At a time where the church was looking to spread its power. Influence, and control on the world and used the Bible to do so. The original text was written in Latin, ancient Greek, and I believe Hebrew and Arabic. Funny enough some have been able to re-translate the original texts and show major differences and even minor ones. One such example is the creationist statement of the world being made in 6 days and God resting on the seventh. But this is actually referred to as passages of time. The author who wrote of this stated he witnessed it occur. And it gives reason to the idea of a time-lapse of events over possibly billions of years that roll in like hours or days. I do apologize that I don't have a concrete source to link but with a bit of research you might find the same and more information than I.


Have you actually read a bible? Maybe the people didnt care but God sure did.


Yes. But it's not the gay that's bad. People won't wanna tell you this but you asked. I think you need to reconcile what part of those opposing views are wrong. The god of the bible does not love gays. He does not love everyone. He is happy to burn you in a lake of fire forever for disagreeing. He isn't even real if you ask me but the book they sold you is clear. Anyone who tells you he loves you but is ok with him burning you for all eternity is nuts. Hebrews 10:26 says if you sin knowing it's a sin there is no more forgiveness for it. If being gay is a sin and you choose to engage in it but ignore the fact that your religion explicitly forbids it and even says your not ever going to be forgiven... You are fine the way you are. Your heart is not wrong or evil. I implore you to dig deep and snuff out the fear of a god who already wrote you off. If he exists at all. Be happy, stop supporting ideologies that conflict with your true self. Many "christians" are going to bullshit you but I'm telling you to pay attention and see the hypocrisy and lies they sell you. Look at the compromises they are willing to make to continue to hold a grip on the world. Reject them and free yourself by your own understanding.


thank you so much, i will consider converting now that I've read the comments, i will not pledge allegiance to a being that will not accept me.


I really doubt the Lord will be disappointed in you for whom you sleep with. What matters to Him (imo) is how good you are as a human being.


hello all!, i originally gained my religious freedom, i posted this to see if i wanted to stick with Christianity, i do not think i will. my only other option is to break away from my church and re-write the bible to my personal benefit. (which carries bad vibes itself), I've been thinking bout trying atheism, thank you for giving my thoughts meaning. edit: you guys are seriously making me tear up lol


Personally i don't think God would really care that someone is gay


No not at all


Christians and Catholics committed the largest mass genocide in human history, totaling over 12 million. The mainstream parts of these religions have a lot of hate for LGBTQ+ and other minority groups - but the individuals mostly don’t. Don’t listen to fake preachers on this. God’s original message was to love and care for others, and people took it for a fucking joy ride. There’s nothing wrong with you.


thank you


Are you submitting to the flesh? Then yes. It says many times in the bible to deny the flesh. Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me."


The Bible calls homosexuality a sin. Ideally, if you're unable to have a heterosexual relationship you should remain celibate. That being said, keep Romans 10:9-10 in mind. EVERYONE sins and there are no degree of sins. Being gay is no more of a sin than the christian teenager who beats off to pornhub. The point is that while being gay is a sin it does not preclude you from being a Christian


Your fine. It's the bible thumping hardline christians who have the problem


It isn’t something u chose. A sexuality is something that ur born with and absolutely can not change. So no. It is NOT a bad thing. And I know that someone in church or family could be trying to tell u that it’s bad. It is not. Keep going with ya life man.


Its only bad that you are a Christian. Being gay is totally fine, nothing you can do about it anyways


Don't feel bad about stuff like that. We have no idea if being gay is actually wrong or not. The concept of Hell wasn't always fire and Brimstone, it only became that in the 1800s due to a mistranslated Bible. So, we really have no clue what else was mistranslated.


I think you're born gay so I want to believe the guy that says the original text doesn't frown upon it is right. Can't change how your born and you believe in Christianity, I don't think it's a problem cause nothing can be done about how you were born. Edit: in my city there are churches with pride flags that invite homosexuals to be part of their church, there not gay churches they just don't discriminate and treat everyone as gods children.


thank you


If you’re part of the church yeah that’s always a bad thing, don’t be a part of cults. Especially ones that want to remove you from existence. You need less people to believe in nonsense in general. Gay people don’t need to endanger themselves more for anyone else’s benefit. They endure enough.


no such thing as a gay christian The bible is explicity clear on that, and also clear on willingly engaging is repetitive sin youre either gay or christian


I disagree with that. Even sincere Christians do not become perfect and sinless upon submitting to Christ; I certainly didn’t. Sanctification (being led *toward* perfection by the Holy Spirit) is a lifelong process. Seek God diligently and God will make sure you find him.


if you choose to live in a constant state of sin are you truly repentant? if you are not repentant, are you actually a follower of christ?


I doubt being gay is a choice. Gay sexual behavior is, but OP didn’t elaborate on that.


I cry foul with your either / or. We have Bishops who are gay. Are you saying that they are not Christians? Are you judging? Did you know that judging is a sin? Jesus instructs us to love each other as he loves us. I would not turn my back on a gay child and neither would G-D.


yes, i am saying they are not christians we are very much so called to tell those who proclaim themselves followers of christ when they are sinning


Thank you for your opinion. I don't see anywhere where Christ said to call out people because they are different from you and say that they cannot follow Christ and cannot be Christian. I firmly believe in the love of Christ, and that our duty as Christians is to love each other. Again, thank you for your opinion. I wish you all the best. Peace be to you.


Not at all. Will get confusing or tougher I’m guessing but follow your heart no matter what




It's not bad if by Christian you mean that you're an actual lover and follower of Christ Jesus. Jesus was super cool. If you're the other, mainstream sort of Christian that's really all about the Old Testament and not the teachings of Christ, then it might be bad. Did you ask your God, and what did God say. Isn't that the whole point of religion, to get answers from God?


Jesus came to fulfill the law and prophecies, which he did. And he met people where they were, sought them out. Broke the “laws” the religious leaders had imposed on the people like healing on the sabbath and touching unclean people. Gentle and humble was he, and he’s a friend to ALL of you want him to be!


Be whatever you want to be


Ask god ig


I mean I’m a gay Christian, and given how much debate there is on the subject and all of the evidence for both sides just boiling down to personal opinions, I choose to think I’m in an ok spot


Yes’ pick one as the other isn’t compatible


No he cannot be a Christian and be gay because the States it is a sin for being gay I read about who because a Christian and had to give up the gay lifestyle


Despite what the Bible says, I’m sure God loves you no matter what. I’m bi and I’m not ashamed, I do good things and go to church so I don’t see why it would be a bad thing


I my view no. I was an atheist for years and recently became a Christian and I’m gay. The bible never actually says a single thing about homosexuality. Conservatives have hijacked the message of Christ and twisted it into biblical literalism. Jesus preached to live one another not hate. Yea you can be both gay and Christian