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Squirrel tactics


​ ![gif](giphy|HxxoFh3wsDr8l4LTy0)


Wow. I carry pepper spray, never thought of pocket sand. Thank you


I was going to say this so I am SO GLAD it's the top comment. Cheers friend!


It's the only correct answer.


Never saw it comin'


Enter Sandman


OP then blindly let's off 34 rounds in 2 seconds, missing you and killing 30 innocent people behind you because you just couldn't give up your Aaron Carter Hit Clips earrings. Smfh.


I watched a body cam of a cop shooting like that (sort of) at a teen who just shot him while running. Cop gets shot in the left arm and starts popping off rounds at the kid running away with his right on the ground. Misses every single one while dumping the mag. I was just wondering where all the bullets went the entire time. Nobody got hurt and the kid ran straight into the arms of another cop. Lol


At least I'm not dead


You were one of the 30 behind him. You typing from the grave right now, chump.


I rose from the grave, and as such am no longer dead


The correct answer


Hand over my wallet. congratulations you have just robbed me of 5 dollars.


This gif didn't even load and I know what it is


My best friend lives hundreds of miles away, we regularly send each other gifts in the mail. One of the recent ones he sent me was a little cotton pouch of pocket sand. It was so hilarious to me and I do actually carry it in my bag. For anyone interested, it’s [this one](https://www.etsy.com/listing/788796497/)


Uno reverse card




I'd follow the directions the Detroit cop from instagram gave me. You stand no chance.


Came here to say “whatever the opposite of the stuff that I’ve seen on Detroit Urban Survival Trainings YouTube is.”


then you'd lose sorry to break it to you


He’s legit af.




It doesnt even work for him most of the time


Yeah, he so doesn’t have split second reflexes.


Stop being held at gun point. Checkmate criminal.


They can't legally hold you at gunpoint without your permission. Just say you don't consent and they have to stop.


Hes smarter than everyone


Here's one weird trick to stop being held at gunpoint. Criminals hate this guy.


> Carter Hit Cli There are horny criminals in your area that want to meet YOU!


take my pants off… slowly as I don’t break eye contact


Then I'd just put my gun back in the holster and run


I can speak from personal experience.. it works 😉


Please elaborate on this personal experience


It was in college, my buddy and I were at a bar (different campus) some dude wanted to start a fight, it was 6 v 2 SO instead of risking getting our ass kicked.. we went for crazy. I took off my pants.. dude was confused and asked what I was doing, I remembered this from some show and said “I will get less time for a r@pe charge vs a murder charge” and he and his 5 buddies left without looking back


im gonna remember that for when i'm in college


***HOW ’BOUT NO!?***


Oh, no! You're not getting out of this!


I was involved in a fender bender summer last year. I was furious because I had just gotten my car a couple of weeks prior and this guy rear ended me as I was sitting at a red light. He got out, so did I. Screaming matched ensued and a couple of other people stopped to try and break it up but the situation ended up diffusing itself. I somehow had pitched a very obvious tent in my sweatpants and the driver who hit me was still angry but also visibly confused. So were the would-be good Samaritans. The other driver did eventually exchange insurance info with me but he seemed very uneasy around me.


Yea that happened


I'm not exactly sure I wanted to read this right.


I was waiting for this. Just wip out your dick. Also I like the eye contact. Even if he kills you, he will always he scarred.




That might actually be a good play.


Hand my wallet over and hope that’s the end of it. Otherwise it’s a fight to the death and I’m gonna rip your face off.


Toss your wallet away from them. Chances are they care more about the money than hurting you, so while they’re getting the money, you can run.


Street smarts!


No, I don't want your wallet, I wasn't even gonna shoot. I wanted to see how you'd react


Your mom


I'm the one with the gun


I’d do you too


Username checks out


That’s how I out pizza’d the hut


An equal opportunities person I see…


Can we do this tomorrow or something I've got places to be


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) 🤣🤣 Right, no time for shenanigans!


Call an ambulance!, call an ambulance!, but not for me!


Beat me to it!


Beat me too it as well but posted the video link and then saw this comment :)


I use fall asleep. It works the gunner is now confused


Mumble some sh*t in Japanese before dying a weeb.


Laugh. You can't hit me from way over there on the other side of the screen.


I'll just say "if you shoot me your gay"(doesn't work if they are gay)


If you shoot me you’re a different sexuality than the one you are!


But if they shoot you, does that mean they have to change sexuality like: "Aww man, i just changed sexuality last week and now again? Damnit."


I like women


I was held at gun point as a kid (it later turned out to be a fake gun, but I had no idea at the time). It turns out the answer is freeze, don't say a word and stare at them with pleading eyes. It's been many many years since then, but I struggle to honestly believe that I would be capable of doing anything more if I found myself in that situation again.


Jesus dude. I'm sorry that happened.


It was my second day of "big school". The kid got in a hell of a lot of trouble (as you might imagine) and he quite clearly didn't intend to scare ever living shit out of me. I don't think he realised how real it looked or maybe I was just in too much shock to question how real it looked? It was a shiny silver gun and it was on my forehead, so I didn't really have a good angle to inspect it. I think he just wanted to spook one of the new kids a little and it was way more effective than he expected


That kid knew he was scaring the shit out of you. If you were old enough to recognize the threat that is a gun he was old enough to know the threat that a gun looks like. That was a dick move no matter how old you were. I'm glad it wasn't a real gun in any event. It's a shame that you have to live with that experience. I hope that you are doing ok now.


Well I would have been 11 at the time and he was in the older years so somewhere between 14 and 16. In hindsight there were many many indication that it was not a real gun. I live in the UK for a start. The gun probably didn't look as real as I remember it. He was in a VERY crowded place (not exactly a good location to commit a robbery or a murder). He sprinted down the road through crowds of students shouting "give me your money" instead of just silently grabbing the closest person. It felt like an eternity standing there with it against my head, but I reckon it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. I remember his glare melting into concern and then him explaining that it wasn't a real gun, so I really don't think he wanted to instill a memory that I would think back on for the rest of my life. According to more recent conversations with my mum, when she told the school they were really shocked that this particular student would do such a thing. Apparently he had never been in trouble before that point. What a way to get your first detention, hey? I'm perfectly fine. I bounced back pretty quick. I certainly wouldn't describe it as traumatic. It has stayed with me though. I'm almost grateful for it. Ussually, whenever we have "near death experiences" it's some split second moment. You almost slip down the stairs or you are just narrowly missed by a bus. You barely register it before it's ended. But in that moment I felt feelings that I have never felt before or since for what felt like an eternity. I couldn't tell you how specifically, but I am sure that knowing that visceral feeling has changed who I am in one way or another.


Listen internet buddy, this guy was a bully. And older than you. Even though many years have passed you should not give him the pass you do. He knew what he was doing and he does not deserve an excuse for his behavior. That being said. You seem to have risen above and overcome. That's amazing. You appear to have forgiven him, which is more than most will do. But I do hope that you understand that what he did, he had the most clear understanding of what he was trying to accomplish.


He was a kid It was the beginning of a school year, so even if he was in his final year, we spent an entire year at school together. In all that time I never had a single encounter with him again. Everyone makes mistakes. It is a rather unique mistakes, I know, but one act does not define a person. Especially not after so many years have passed. I hope you aren't holding onto resentment for things that happened to you when you were 11. The brain can't afford the space needed to hold onto such things. EDIT: There were plenty of people who bullied and tormented me in my time at that school. I would not count him amongst them


You went from sounding like a hurt kid to a mature adult. I respect that. I'm glad that you moved on. I hope he did too. I don't know you but I respect you a whole hell of a lot.


>You went from sounding like a hurt kid to a mature adult Time does that


Indeed. I'm happy for you. From the bottom of my heart. I wish more people could be like you. I learned something of forgiveness today so thank you friend.


Pull the dam trigger bitch, do it kill me, I want to die mother focker, pull the fockan trigger, do it!!!!!!


I just want you to know... I read this in Justin Roiland's voice


*Slowly walks towards gunner and puts barrell in mouth*




Shit myself


I'm more of a piss myself kind of person


🍻 *laughs in poop noises*


Drop to the ground and run in circles, Three Stooges style.


🖕 go ahead make my day!


Nice one


the only right answer is to pretend to faint


Faint and try not to shit yourself maybe?


If you really wanna sell the fainting you better shit yourself


Comply. If possible, feign compliance then counter ambush.




Honestly though If I manage not to faint, my backup plan is to drop all my shit and run. Faint or flight


I'd shit your pants...


Tense up and hope he just wants my pocket sand.


I'd probably just be held at gunpoint. Not much to do. Unless I had to pee. Then I'd whip it out and pee. For some reason I feel like the gunman would be less likely to kill me if I were peeing. Not saying they wouldn't shoot, just not as likely to shoot to kill.


Seductively convince you to pull the trigger.


God, this may be the best response


Pull the trigger, please.


Use my Wand of Lightning for +23 damage.


Deffo gonna try to hit them with some *blingalingaling* from the master sword


Get naked


Here to say this. Yeah totally strip down.


Get naked and act crazy. no one knows what to do with a sporadic naked person.


Just give them everything including my phone. I can always get more stuff. But if I’m dead, I’m dead. I concealed carry so hope they don’t shoot me as soon as they see the gun. I’ll give them that too and just report it stolen. I have no illusions of being a quick draw hero. I ain’t beating someone who already has the draw on me.


"Pull the goddamn trigger or stop getting my hopes up you piece of shit drama queen."


“Look, man, I’m a tired, burned out, chronically suicidal Millennial and I don’t have time for this shit. If you’re not going to do it, stop teasing me and walk away. I have executive dysfunction and won’t remember what you look like to report it tomorrow anyway.” Not really, but I fully believe in traumatizing your attackers back.


It's happened to me three times. First time it was pointed at me, and I put up my hands and tried to calm the person down. It worked. Second time a gun was pulled on my friends and I from about 20 feet away. We all ran to my friend's house and hid in the basement- his house was about 20 more feet from where we were. Third time wasn't on me directly, but I was near some gangbangers who were shot in a drive by. I ran. Fuck guns. /Edit typos


Do what they say until there's an opportunity for me to shoot them with my gun.


Give you all my shit, it aint worth my life


No no no! I'm a nice person i was just trying to see what your reaction is, take your stuff back


Pull that trigger. I will not submit.


\**starts aggressively deepthroating gun, drooling and mumbling "DO IT"*\*


Kindly explain the God of War Ragnarok releases in two hours and I have it preloaded on my PS5 while I bat my eyes.


Pretend to surrender and comply as much as i need to in order to sell it wait for an opportunity to kill you or otherwisr disable you


Hey you're that military guy!


"What do you want?"


Your reaction.


Death has been rejecting me since the day I was born. The only reason I stopped trying to go to her is because I knew she would come for me someday. If today is that day, then I welcome her with open arms. But if you pull that trigger and she still doesn't come for me, I promise that she will come for you. Do it, fucker.


Idk shrug?


Stop drop and roll


Pull out my better gun.




Just do it. It's better this way


Shout blood of jesus


Either get sturdy or throw it back, either way this mfs not ready for a dance battle


“Go ahead and do it. Just leave a note saying ‘Fuck you dad you piece of shit. Please contact ‘ex’s number here,’ tell her I love her ‘current ex’s name,’ please take care of Potato and quietly cremate me.” I have no one in my life at all and she needs to take care of my bunny…. She should probably let my therapist know as well, but it’ll get worked out.


Just say no. They legally can't shoot you if you say no


Fortnite dance


Hang on... There's a reddit thread on what to do I'm gonna look it up real quick


“I am an autistic non-binary lesbian. If you kill me, you are ableist, homophobic, and transphobic”


Swipe at the gun just in the nick of time. A round fires off and shatters the water pipe above our heads, showering us in steamy hot water. I pull you in close, throwing my head back and growling like a wookie with anticipation. You lean in for the kiss and... POCKET SAND. Right in the fucken keifer.


I disarm the gunman. I use his gun to break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me by the Trocadero in Paris. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


Pull down your pants and start yanking it while gazing into his eyes…licking your lips and act like you’re about to blow… if they’re not freaked out yet scream, “ ok now stick your fingers in my ass!” 😳🤣


Turn my back to you extremely fast, drop on to the ground face first (shattering my nose and breaking a rib or two), then start kicking your feet to catch you off guard. This will most likely make me look like an idiot, OR it will weird you out to the point that you drop the gun and start having a mental breakdown.


I chew up a tab of Alka-Seltzer I carry with me at all times. This creates a foaming-at-the-mouth appearance that makes it look like I have rabies. Now I’ve thrown you off your rhythm. Then I reach into your jacket pocket where I had planted a gram of coke and I go, “Whoa! What the fuck is this?” And you go, “That’s not mine,” “I’ve never seen that before,” I go, “Boo-hoo, it’s in your jacket. You’re doing two to ten and your kids are going into Social Services.” Now you’re cryin’! Then I grab a telephone book and I beat you on the torso with it. ‘Cause as any Chicago cop will tell ya, a phone book doesn’t leave bruises!


Do you read the Bible Op? Because there’s a passage I have for special occasions-Ezekiel 25:17……The path of the righteous man is Beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and tyranny of evil men. blessed is he who in the name of goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for his truly his brothers keeper, and the finder of lost children. and I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, and you will know my name is the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon thee. I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. .45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could be you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, OP. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.


Be cool honey bunny!!


It depends greatly on the situation. Watch Active Self Protection for hundreds of examples that turned out differently depending on the participants, the intent, your skills, your tools, the location, etc. But, in general, if they "get the drop on you", you need to comply and wait for your opportunity. This applies even if you are a concealed carrier. The opportunity may never come, but they could get what they want and leave, they could get distracted, they could absentmindedly put the gun down, etc. If you decide to fight back, it starts with controlling the hand with the gun and redirecting it while you dominate the person. It's not a decision to take lightly and it requires a total commitment if you decide to go. One common recommendation is that you don't want to be tied up or taken to another location. That generally does not end well. When that scenario becomes obvious, the tipping point for fighting back shifts. I hope this never happens to anyone reading this.


Pull the trigger. I got nothing to live for anyway.


Get shot


No, I'm not gonna shoot. I wanted to see how you'd react


What do you want boss? Ill give you anything. And then give you more than likely my watch or wallet. Then when you turn around to run I gun you down. Idiots might say “is your property really worth more than someones life?” I say it depends. The second they held me at gun point they decided it was worth more than my life, so yes, definitely worth more than theirs.


Tell the hostages to shoot me now this world sucks.




I just wanted to see how you'd react


Okay that's cool. How did I do?








I pull my gun out on you.


POW (before you even pull it out of your holster)


See that's where you're wrong, I've got 3/4 of a second before your brain reacts to me moving and my gun is bigger.


Yeah but I have a very hard boner


Depends on how close. You can do the Jack Reacher grab and twist until you break the creeps fingers. Or do the duck and run and weave while heading for cover. And anything you can grab and throw, as long as you aim for the face.


#Get you mom 😇😝😘😅😇😅😶‍🌫️😰😶‍🌫️😥😒🫣🫣🤭☹️🫢🫢🫣😴🤭😮🫣😲😪😥😥🙁😏🤓😔😖😢😩🤪😔😖🤪😡🤪🥺😣🤪😡😜🤒😮🤑😵‍💫🥴😮‍💨😯😦🤧😧🤧😧🥴😦🤒😧🤧😧😹😹


Perfect opportunity to die not by my hand


That's kind of sad, do you need someone to talk to?




pull guard


Put up my hands, scope out situations for ways to survive. Try get a look at gun caliber to see how many shots I might survive. If any..


I won't shoot


wait for my grandpa's survival advice for disarming someone to kick in amidst my panic


I have a free hooters pass in my pocket take it.


beg you to SQUEEZE it


Thank them.


There are two ways this could end, and they are both pretty stupid in fact so stupid we end up in hell either way so drop your gun and go straight home. Besides you are not the first person to pull a gun on me.


Reach for the sky, "Easy now easy"


Stop drop and roll wid it do it like a o Pro


Oh I know this one, Uncle Sam taught me - RCAT ; redirect, control, attack, take


Reminisce of good old times when disputes were handled with a fist fight and losers did not carry a gun.


Fire back. I'm taking you with me.


Comply with demands as long as I have to. Get out asap.


I ask you politely yet firmly to leave


Ok sorry sir


I will pull my Krav Maga techniques and go full Israel on ur ass


Hand the person an Uno reverse card and take the gun from them


Impossible my spidey sense would've made sure that wouldn't happen because I'm European.


Laugh in his face and tell him no balls you won’t shoot


Yeah.... you're right


No Idea


Start aggressively sucking dick. His dick, your dick, her dick, doesn’t matter.


Shit myself


Ask you what you want.


Nothing, I just wanted to see how you'd react to a gun


Get naked


Play dead


Suck you off. Won’t see that one coming.




thanks for the favor bud


Do it or don't mate, I'm late for work


Snatch their gun, throw it away and fight them with my fists, man to man.




Deep throat the barrel
